r/EntitledParents | PUT DOWN YOUR DOGGO!!

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another R slash entitle parents dogs are man's best friend but they have far from an entitled parents best friend especially this entitled parent that once it's earned to put that dog down even though it's just a nine week old puppy but it's what she does next that is unforgivable don't forget voiced veterans to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story was called killed your dog before it gets bigger or I'll do it hi everyone so just yesterday my grandma and brother were out and stopped by a pet store where they saw a boxer labrador puppy that had the exact same markings of a boxer my grandma had when she was younger with the snout or snoot or as I like to call it of a lab that we had when I was around eight to twelve after a bit of begging to my mum I received a call from my brother saying we're getting a new dog which was incredibly random so they brought him home and I immediately fell in love even after he crapped all over the floor five minutes after being in the house he's about nine weeks old and is about the same size as our Boston Terrier cookie who has fully grown to put it simply he's gonna be a big boy pretty soon after a few hours of trying to decide names I wanted to name him Tyson because of Mike Tyson and dubby because of his ears then I thought about the correlation of Mike Tyson and ears and decided to stay clear of either of them despite his newfound obsession with carrying socks in his mouth my mom came home and we decided on the name Kerby we took him to the vet today because we thought he had some problems with his hearing and he unfortunately had fleas so we had to get him treatment for that now Coby is kind of overly playful when he wants to be not rough or anything but he started chewing things not just toys but shoelaces and cords and stuff we're discouraging this kind of behavior but we've only had him for a day now and these things take time my mum and I was sitting in the vet's office I'm holding Kirby while he licks my face and I get that wonderful whiff of puppy breath that smells like freshly licked butt and burnt popcorn we've had our other dog cookie for about six years and a game we play with her is since she had a rather smushy face putting her nose gently between our index and middle finger and saying we're gonna pinch it off she loves it and is always in the mood to play so I tried it with Kirby who had a much longer Sunita so do the same thing as I do with cookie giving the classic banter of I got your nose it's my nose now and while Kirby's loving it just as much as cookie does he's still a puppy so he doesn't really hold back he puts my knuckles in his mouth and starts chewing on them not hard just playful nibbles but as I said I want to train him to stop this before he's fully grown and playful nibbles start hurting a lot more so I do what I usually do telling him no chewing be gentle etc and he stops and goes back to licking my face while this went on AM and DK were sitting with their miniature dog that looked like Rufus the naked mole-rat at a furry convention little freaking gremlin wouldn't stop yipping whenever someone passed by it eventually my mom takes Kirby into the vet's office and I'm stuck there in the waiting room alone with two entitled people and the only dog I ever have or ever will dislike excuse me I turn to face her yeah what's up you're putting it down right no he's 9 weeks old he's just here for a little checkup but I feel how vicious he was he was biting you know he was just getting a little overly playful though I understand your concern I'm working on teaching him not to nibble when he gets bigger you mean it's going to get bigger what if it he takes my baby or another person huh yeah he's gonna get a lot bigger but don't worry he's not an aggressive dog he's just a puppy no I want that thing put down right now after repetitive senseless arguing my mom comes out with Kirby and after the most obvious ear whispering I've ever seen ek lets out a shriek that gave me flashbacks to that lemon guy from adventure time meg give me don't go yam marches up to the vet I demand that you put that vicious mutt down right now ma'am I'm not gonna put down a dog that's shown no signs of harming anyone aside from a little bad breath you got your face look too huh sure did don't you ignore me if you weren't put him down I will a.m. then went over to Kirby a small 9 week old puppy - kicked him I'm not a violent person but I snapped on her as soon as she kicked her B I tackled her to the ground and held her there with her screaming like a banshee help oh it wasn't long before mall security was called and they took her from there the vet gave Kirby another look over and said he would be fine nothing bad happened aside from the initial pain of the kick but he did get loads of treats afterwards for taking the force of Jabba the Hutt's fattest sister like a champ there are some people in this world that are literally Psychopaths they do not care about your welfare and they definitely don't care about the welfare of your pets if someone started screaming it you would have vet that you need to put your dog down you wouldn't really take the threat very seriously you just feel like okay who are you so anyway I'm glad that they had good reaction time because you wouldn't be expecting them to come over and kick your dog this story was called sorry I'm not allowed to take orders from disgruntled soccer moms so I work for a sanitation company and clean out houses for a living 99% of what I do is service units in the nearby mines and so I rarely interact with people and since honey wagons are often loaded to the rim with crap people don't exactly approach my truck it always throws me off when someone walks up to me while I'm cleaning an outhouse now occasionally I do some in town stuff but usually just liveries seldom do I go on routes to town one day though I'm asked to deliver some units to a sports field and I go around setting them up getting them ready and making them all pretty and crap for whatever is going on baseball game apparently I get a call from my boss asking if I can hang out a bit because they need an extra truck for another project and he wants me to hang out for someone to show up and lead me to the location while I'm waiting this happens in the cast is me entitled mum supervisor and customer yeah supervisor I'll hang out for a couple of hours excuse me sir can you move that outhouse hang on supervisor someone's asking me something what's wrong ma'am yeah how eating your way nothing at you both to be an eye sight for the kids um I just set them up where I was told to I can't just oh you won't tell anyone how high can you be to move a couple of units I don't think you understand those each weigh 500 pounds and though I can be cute them help we just need to move before we start the game let me call my supervisor and see what he says tell her no that's not our problem the customer told us to put him where we did it just had to be a huge mistake let me call the customer somewhat heated argument over the phone I don't know what they were saying he said you moved him after spending 30 minutes of moving the units hey why are you moving the units may very confused I thought you approved it uh no who told you that the lady over there of course she did go ahead and put those units back so they don't get run over I'll have a word with her another chemical argument from afar I didn't get to here about an hour later hey I just got a call from customer the units you set up got hit by a truck where did you put them against the fence how did they they were on the road the customer said he told you to move them back against the fence I did some soccer mom tricked me and then I had to put them back in blonde with leather jacket this has happened before hasn't it I'll call the customer and see if we can find out what happened you promised you put the units against the fence after that I got word from supervisor that the soccer mom apparently got some guys to help drag the movement's into the road where they promptly got run over and then tried to throw us under the bus until the customer I just got lazy and didn't want to move them but fortunately those units all have probes in them so we can track him and so we know the units got magically moved after I drove away so yeah there's the bull crap I had to deal with soccer moms like that think they rule the world and they'll do anything it takes to shape the world into their image no regard for the fact that the customer had to pay to have them moved in the place that they wanted or the risk of the damage done to them if moving them onto the road perhaps just maybe there's a reason they're not listening to your oh so wise advice this story was called e/m ten dollars for nine hours of babysitting is more than generous some context I'm a 20 year old female and my babysitting job started at 18 in high cool actually it started as a tutoring job my mom asked me if I could shoot her a colleague in English since I had just passed my Cambridge advanced and she needed to get better to reapply for jobs after she had been made redundant from her old one sure no problem I took about $20 a session 24 private tutoring for two hours isn't much but we only had two sessions before she asked if I could babysit her daughter just once because she needed to take an extra shift I mean okay sure she gave me $25 for five hours of babysitting and the kid was asleep three hours of them so easy money she even gave me permission to rob her fridge and she gave me the Wi-Fi password her kid was a bit entitled sure but I guess every early child with such a mom is so it was $25 the evening and she asked me three more times within two months not bad mostly weekdays from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. I only lived five minutes away from her so I didn't mind even though it was on weekdays she then came to me and told me a sub story about how money was tight and her work at the restaurant wasn't bringing too much money and I was really understanding so I got 15 and evening still okayish considering her seven-year-old kid was going to bed early before I could really grasp it I was babysitting five days a week every time but on weekends or when I had an important thing like a wedding on then I babysat the weekends too then $15 turned into ten it was horrible I was in the middle of studying for my finals and my girlfriend was complaining we didn't spend much time anymore which was true everything in my life suddenly revolved around that kid I literally dreamed of that kid when I told the mom I really couldn't take care of her daughter that day cuz I was exhausted she came with the same sob story of how money was tight and honestly she always said thank you after sitting so I kind of fell for that cheap trick one day she asked me if I could only put some laundry into her washing machine she'd do the rest she just wanted it to be ready when she came home I mean hey just 20 seconds right this went on for a year I graduated and started an internship I started at 7 a.m. and could leave at 4 p.m. and she still asked me to babysit being the naive and I am I said yes the jaws doubled and doubled until I had to cook for the kid entertain her and put her to bed in time then do her housework make sure everything was clean etc sometimes she told me she'd be home at 8 p.m. and she showed up at 2 a.m. basically it was screwing with everything in my life in the end my girlfriend even had to come to that kid so we could spend a bit of time together I was basically parenting his seven-year-old who wasn't mine every time I told her it was too much she kept begging and like yeah okay I got it money was tight so I just kept going until she found a new job finally then the biological father of the kid turned up once they are divorced and he lives an hour away but picks her up on the weekends he asked me if I felt nice with the raise I was like what raise turns out that the mum asked him every week for $300 so she could afford me yesterday she asked for 350 he paid I didn't get anything that insert not so nice word spent everything for herself and just assumed no one would notice when I confronted her she said $10 more than generous for an evening I remind you some times it was up to nine hours um lady normal babysitter's demands $6 an hour at least I told her then if this was so generous she could surely find someone else and left never talk to her again still feel bad for the kid though do you know what I would have done I would have called her out on it you've been getting all this extra cash from the dad that you said was going to me you've been lying to him and basically committing fraud he's been giving you money under false pretenses you owe me that money the only reason I agreed not to do it is because you said you didn't have the money and title parents love taking advantage of pushovers so if you're dealing with an EP don't let yourself become the victim this story was called entitled dad wants me to repent from Tourette's syndrome hi everyone this is a bit of a milder case but I still feel like it belongs here so to set the scene my dad and I are at a sandwich shop that starts with a D and sort of sounds like Michelangelo it's kind of loud in the shop while we're waiting for our order and I get stressed out by noise I feel a tick coming on and I don't really have to fully stop it I jerk my neck to the side a few times and say ah but quickly and quietly because I've gotten better at controlling them especially the more embarrassing ones enter entitled father he was close to us and had already paid for their sandwiches they were filling up the sodas and getting ready to leave he was very religious I know because he had a Bible verse on his shirt and turned around he has a maybe eight-year-old kid next to him the kid looks fine we'll call him a k4 annoying kid stooped at your steering my son a K did not look scared or even bothered stop what your movement and sounds Oh her tics her bugs surprisingly I get that a lot no I don't have any bugs EF pulls his son closer as if my bugs are going to spread no no my daughter has a condition called my dad is interrupted when I tick again from the stress of the situation I hate it when people judge me look at her she's possessed let me explain I recommend you talk to a priest about this sir she has a medical condition called Tourette's syndrome I don't know what to feel this is partially funny embarrassing and kind of scary people judging me is one of my worst anxieties oh it's a disease is it contagious not at all it's a brain condition and it's not even that bad huh that makes more sense can I pray for her a kay grabs the sandwich bag and tugs on his dad's sleeve they've had their sandwiches and sodas paid and on the counter for three or so minutes now poor kid Holly wanted was a sandwich if you want to go ahead thank you I certainly will have a lovely day and may the Lord be with you he picks up his stuff and walks out my dad is holding back chuckles again I don't know what to feel that was partially one of the funniest experiences of my life a bit humiliating and anxiety inducing it was also extremely awkward while I was just in the corner by the soda machine watching this happen I honestly wish I recorded it I totally understand when I have to explain my condition to people and usually they get it but that's the weirdest response I've ever gotten if you want to pray for someone because they have a condition there's nothing wrong with that in fact the sentiment is a nice it's saying that you care about them at least in most cases unless it's like a passive-aggressive I'll pray for you but I think perhaps next time more sensitivity is needed in these cases calling someone demon-possessed in a sandwich shop is not the way that usually people want to start their day post your story's memes and fair not at our / Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 126,189
Rating: 4.9325109 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 122, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: U_Y5cOMr7GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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