r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Pretends to be MANAGER'S WIFE to Fire Me! Gets EMBARASSED.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ I don't work here lady we're Karen's mistake regular customers as employees and attack them when told otherwise guys the stories in this one are absolutely wild so get ready to shake your heads I hope you enjoy them subscribe if you're not subscribed and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here so this story took place during the height of the pandemic when a 20-year-old male was shopping at my grocery store I'm just minding my own business when I hear someone over my shoulder ranting about how soft the apples on the display were so I turn around and I see a lady right in front of me fuming for storytelling purposes she'll be known as Karen Karen says to me excuse me do you know if there's better apples in the back I felt all of these apples and they're all soft at first I thought to myself great this woman has had her grubby hands on all the apples little did I know the worst was yet to come I say to Karen uh I'm sorry I don't work here at that Karen says well you are wearing a mask all workers here are wearing a mask that's when I say to Karen um there's a lot of people here wearing masks and I'm telling you that I don't work here now please leave me alone Karen then says where's your manager you can't refuse to help a customer at this point I'd had enough and I began to walk away this was until I felt something hard hit me in the shoulder this lady just threw one of the apples at me so I turn and say did you throw that at me Karen says well you weren't listening to me so I had to take matters into my own hands that apple is garbage anyways nobody will eat that at this point a floor manager walks over sees the commotion and ask what's going on Karen says your employee here is being very unhelpful and I'd like to speak to a manager about it immediately now what Karen didn't know is that this floor manager saw the whole thing and he isn't buying a word of what she's saying he says to her ma'am I'm the manager and I saw the whole thing and I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store now Karen says what do you mean I haven't done anything it takes the manager threatening to call police before Karen finally gets the message and leaves the store he then apologizes profusely and he says this isn't the first time he's dealt with that same woman and if she does it again he's going to call the cops for real after that I just continued with my shopping like nothing happened and I was trying to forget about it looking back I wish I would have said something sassy to the lady as she was leaving but honestly I was just too much in shock of what happened to do anything yeah I'm not going to lie guys I would be in shock too like it's not every day that a random stranger throws an Apple at you and in my opinion guys police should have been called regardless whether she left or not especially since she's been a problem customer in the past like maybe it's the fact that store managers don't do anything about her that's what makes her crazy entitled guys to the point that she'll attack people with apples in the store so this is about the time aaren invaded my home thinking it was an office now before I start let me give you some backstory I live in a medium-sized town that only has one notary public for your information notaries just stamp legal documents and this is relevant because I happen to live right next to it we share a common wall and the two buildings look almost the same but mine's on the corner the only difference between the two is a sign on the notary so I get a lot of knocks on my door I keep my front door closed all the time for obvious reasons most of the time people will realize their mistake by the time I answer the door well not this time on one fateful day I hear a knock on the door as I was leaving to meet the girlfriend for a fancy dinner I was just getting my phone and wallet when I hear a louder Knock by the time I get to the door the knocking became a loud bang hanging as soon as I cracked open the door to peek out the door just swings open and lo and behold a wild Karen was at the doorstep the woman says to me I've been trying to get in for the past couple of minutes are you even open I'm in a hurry and I'm late from my appointment the woman then pushes me aside and she rushes into my hallway I say to her uh excuse me but you must be looking for the notary next door this is a private property it's my home please leave at that Karen checks my attire I was wearing a nice shirt and jeans and she says how stupid do you think I am you're answering the door dress like that and this isn't an office I've been here twice you lazy prick don't make me call your manager again I say to her listen ma'am I've already told you this is private property and the office you're looking for is next door so please leave Karen now Furious storms even further into my home and she says where's your boss at this point we're in the dining room now and I say to her look around Miss do you still think this is an office I need you to leave immediately and that's when she realized and oh boy you should have seen her face turn Lobster rat I then got the finest ass-kissing apology that I've ever gotten when she realized her mistake Karen then did the Walk of Shame out of my house I still have a good laugh when I tell the story to others hey at least she had the decency to apologize to op for that mistake right but man how can you not see the difference between an office and somebody's home like sure op was dressed for a fancy dinner which could have made him an office employee but I'm pretty sure like 99% of people out there can tell the difference between someone's home and an office when they walk in the door and you know what I was about to say that Opie should just write a sign and put it on the door saying that this is not the notary office but we all know that Karens don't really have a good track record of reading and understanding signs so that would be useless okay so there was a point in time years ago where I worked in a supermarket on one of the most flamboyant streets in our city I won't go into details about what it was like working for the supermarket but when three separate staff members were under so much stress that they thought of doing something not so nice you can imagine how toxic it was the fact that I managed to last 2 and 1/2 years was extraordinary anyways I was the assistant store manager but I could argue that I was pretty much the manager I had a store manager who was so lazy that I did most of his work for him the guy also liked to clock out earlier than he should just so he could beat the traffic to get home remember this fact for later so on this day it was my day off but I had to come in to do an emergency order one of our freezer units had broken down and I needed to reorder all the spoiled stock so I had done the order and then decided to head up the road to a fast food establishment where the burgers are better I was dressed in just a plain black polo shirt and black denim jeans nothing special the uniform for the fast food establishment was a red shirt black pants and a hat so I had placed my order and I sat down at a nearby table while waiting there were three other people waiting for orders and about three people waiting in line to order and then walks in Karen she sees the line and she waits very impatiently after about a minute she spots me and she comes over to me saying why are you not up there taking orders I say to her uh excuse me Karen says why are you not taking orders you shouldn't be sitting around here like this when it's this busy I reply uh I don't work here and Karen says I see you here all the time now get up there and take my order again I try to tell her like I said I do not work here and Karen's not listening she says to me you are being lazy you don't want to work and with that attitude you will never be anymore more than a fast food employee I say to her look this is my day off and I said I do not work here at that very moment my order's ready so I get up and grab my order and Karen follows right behind me saying so you're not going to help take my order this is ridiculous I tell her look if you want to place an order there's no line right now she then says I don't care if there's a line or knot I want you to take my order or I will get you fired I respond look I told you I don't work here I told you there's no line now I'm leaving with my food to get away from a rude and obnoxious person like you Karen then says how dare you call me obnoxious Karen then proceeds to smack my drink onto me and the floor that's when the manager comes out and asks what's happening and I tell my side of the story with Karen telling him her side of the story the manager then replaces my drink gives me a large fries for free and allows me to leave while he still talks to to Karen on the way home I get a phone call from the store manager the store manager says Hey op are you still in the city I tell him yes why he tells me well I left early and I'm nearly home now I just remembered that I had a job interview lined up for this afternoon and you have experience with job interviews so can you do it for me I tell him okay when's the interview he tells me she should be there within the hour it's for a cashier role so you know what to ask so with that I go to the store and I tell the girls to send the person for the interview down to the manager's office when she gets here I finish up my lunch and wait fast forward and there's a knock on the door and I open it and there stands Karen here for a job interview the first words out of her mouth were I'm not going to get this job am I I just shook my head well Karen got served a fine dose of karma that day didn't she and oh man I could see some people getting really Petty against this Karen and I only say that because I've read some of of the comments people leave and I can totally see someone out there being like you know what let's just forget about what happened and do this job interview just to give her some hope that she might get the job and then decline her in the end so this story takes place at the motel in our small town that my parents own it's a pretty old motel and a lot of things have to be manually done or switched on or off I'm also not an official employee sometimes I'll go there and hang out to kill some time while my parents are working or to just help out on this day it was a Friday evening and I was heading down to the opposite side of the hotel to turn on the exterior lights so there I am walking past all the rooms when a door behind me opens I keep walking barely throwing a glance over my shoulder I eventually make it towards the end and I'm about to pull out the key when I hear rapid footsteps that's when I turn around stopping another wild Karen in her tracks now this woman didn't really look like a Karen but I'd been in the the lobby when she checked in and yeah she was for a second she actually hesitates to talk almost fooling me into thinking oh maybe she's not a Karen but no the woman begins to loudly berate me for not being behind the desk to pick up the phone to get her food and I'm thinking what the heck it's a motel where does this woman think she is an expensive hotel so I tell this woman in a mocking way since I honestly gave zero FS about what she thought because she was so freaking rude oh sure let me just snap my fingers and conjure food from the non-existent kitchen your highness and of course Karen did not like that I was sure she would start yelling at me from mocking her but no she says to me so you're a witch hearing her say that I start laughing in her face mostly from my own thoughts the woman's face starts to turn the shade of red that makes me laugh even harder and she says why are you laughing I'm the manager's wife you know and I can fire you now I know that's total BS because for one my parents own the place and two it's because the manager who my parents are very good friends with is a woman and she has a husband but Karen has no idea I eventually take a deep breath look this Karen straight in the eyes and say I don't work here I'm not getting you food and Karen looks so dumbfounded by what I said she Huffs angrily and walks away and I turn the lights on thinking that's the end of it but no the morning shift typically has to clean the little cafeteria we have it's just a room that has tables and chairs for people to eat the breakfast foods we provide like dry cereal muffins waffles fruits Etc a continental breakfast type of thing and since I was helping my dad that day I was the one that was cleaning up breakfast the breakfast we provide is from 6:00 to 9: and it was about 15 minutes to 10: I I was just wiping down the counter now nothing was left from breakfast except for coffee for guests I'm in the middle of cleaning up when all of a sudden I hear a loud yelling coming from the front I'm greatly concerned for my dad and I rushed towards the office grabbing my phone from the desk just in case I had to call 911 and lo and behold Karen had arrived she was yelling at my dad saying she went to the cafeteria and how there was no breakfast set out how he was a crappy employee and how she knew the man my dad kept trying to explain that breakfast hours were over and they were under no obligation to keep it open for her even pointing to the sign right behind his head that stay at the hours too Karen was not having it she then sees me as soon as I walked in and she says and your employee cursed me last night when I was simply asking for directions and no she did not say cursed at me my dad then turns to me and gives me this questioning look I shake my head and shrug and he says ma'am she's not an and before my dad could finish his sentence Karen says I want her fired right now she's rude well as we say in the industry the customer unfortunately is always right so my dad turns to me his face away from Karen and gives me a grin before saying you heard the lady you're fired get your things and go I give him a returning grin and say okay Karen then starts sputtering nonsense but my dad turns to her and says is there anything else I can help you with Karen then demands to see the manager and that's when my dad says to her oh actually I'll do you one better the owner of the motel is in right now I then watch my dad stroll into the office close the door and wait a minute before he walks back out and says I'm the owner here and I'm asking you to leave the property and Karen screams and says well then I'm not paying my dad just shrugs and I walk out from behind the desk a moment later to refill the coffee pot where Karen has moved to get some that's right she did not leave Karen starts yelling at me now and it's endless screaming and yelling I swear the woman says to me what the hell are you doing are you deaf you heard him you're fired at that I smirk and I tell her two things I say to her one I'm the owner's daughter and not actually an employee and two the coffee here is for paying guests and you can't have any she then Huffs and Stomps off to her room and I don't see her for the rest of the weekend guys I love a good story where Karen pretends to know the manager or owner and she gets called out on it like how embarrassing and I love the fact that she complained that op cursed her not cursed at her that gave me a good chuckle guys oh gosh some people I tell you so recently I found me a new job that I really enjoy I worked both my old job at the restaurant and my new one for a while until I was able to fully start the new job it's been a couple of weeks since I quit the rest restaurant and I went to pick up my last check I went up to the cashier station and my friend was the only person working so I just start talking to her about what's been going on and my new job and stuff while she got my check from under the counter the kitchen yelled order up that echoed through the whole empty restaurant so she went to grab the order and I stayed at the front waiting for her to come back I was standing next to the cashier stand not behind it that's when a car pulls up and parked in the front of the restaurant in a handicapped spot I noticed they didn't have any stickers to park there and the thing is I recognize the lady from when I used to work there she's a total Karen that every single person working there hated her she always had many complaints and she almost never tipped the woman would often come in with a group of two to three more Karens and run the waitresses around for 2 hours and then not tip she even made a new girl cry one day so starts to walk to the back to get my friend so Karen wouldn't say anything to me but she obviously recognized me from when I worked there and I do want to note that some of this is paraphrased because I was so angry that I don't remember exactly what I said word for word basically Karen comes in screaming and red in the face I want a refund I'm so fed up with all of you not knowing how to do your job I tell her let me get someone to help you and Karen says no you will give me my money back right this second and I'm never coming here again that stupid girl said she checked the order but it's wrong I was here a few minutes ago and I ordered the grilled catfish and there's no tartar sauce how am I supposed to eat fish with no sauce and I never got the Dr Pepper I paid for the woman looks like she's about to explode with anger and I was starting to feel angry too Karen says and I drove here twice already I want money for the gas I wasted I say to Karen okay well let me go get someone to help you and I will admit I said it in a Snappy way I I don't appreciate anyone talking to me like that Karen noticed and she immediately starts cussing me out and my friend comes out from the back asking what happened Karen starts yelling at her and I went to the back I quickly asked the cook for a tartar sauce while I made the dror pepper I then walked back up to Karen and she was still demanding a refund and $50 for gas and I'm thinking there's no way you used $50 of gas Karen's now insulting my friend and saying that I was rude to her and I just want to say that what I'm about to to do some of you might think is wrong but after working years in customer service and having to put up with little craps like her I saw this as a once in a-lifetime opportunity to finally give her a taste of her own medicine I mean what is she going to do fire me I don't work here anymore so I say to Karen hey nobody here effing likes you you are the biggest piece of crap that I've ever met hearing me say that she looks at me widey Frozen in shock and then continue on and say you really think it's okay to just come here and not tip and treat everyone like they're worthless why are you like this why are you such a nasty person I'm sorry your life is so effing miserable that you're constantly having to put others down you are an effing and here's your stuff that you can shove right up your behind I then set the tartar sauce and the drink on the counter and I'm not going to lie I really thought about throwing it at her I just walked out with my check before before she could say a word to me although I think she was stunned silence no one's probably ever talked to her narcissistic ass like that before I went home and started telling my boyfriend about that and before I even got a few sentences out the owner of the store is calling me he wanted me to come back and apologize and I said no effing way so now I'm forever banned from going back there my friend said that Karen threw the biggest fit after I left screaming for the manager and the owner and she called police I'm really really happy I didn't throw that drink at her now I did feel bad for leaving her with that MK but she said she was thoroughly entertained by the situation my friend also wishes that she could have cussed out Karen too I really wish I said more to Karen because on my way home I thought of all the stuff I could have said I think this has been building in me for a while and I finally snapped and honestly I do not regret a single word I said to her yep like Opie said guys Karen needed a taste of her own medicine that day and clearly she can dish it but not take it and honestly op is the hero in this one because I remember back in the days where I used to work at fast food places guys and I wish I could have given Karen's a piece of my mind with that said I feel Opie getting banned for defending employees against Karen just sucks like the fact that the owner doesn't see that means they care more about a single mean rude customer than the rest of their employees so I work stupid shifts there's one 24-hour hardware store in my area my work uniform is all black the hardware store has employees in blue aprons for Uniforms on this day a male Karen approaches me in the aisle with screws and fasteners and he asks for some sort of power tool while I'm reading a label on something I look up and tell him that I don't work here the Karen then goes off on a racist TI raade that began with you people are all the same why don't you do your job and help me find this tool now I'd already begun to walk away from this fool and just kind of hustled out of there into another area several minutes later I hear the male Karen ask someone who's also in all black clothing if that person was a manager and I look up that customer did not even get a word out when male Karen then pointed a very pointy finger at me and says loudly that one right there did not help me that's when I hear the customer kind of shout and speak loudly why are you telling me this I just kind of walk off toward Wards the self checkout where I was getting ready to do my scans mail Karen sees me begging my stuff and very matter of factly walks to the self checkout cashier to report me and to also report the person he thought was my manager and that's when the cashier says very clearly that I don't work there mail Karen then asks for a manager so the store manager comes over and as I'm walking out with my purchases the mail Karen points me out I didn't get everything that was s but I did hear him trying to convince the manager that I work there I do not work at the hardware store the male Karen might still be arguing that I do though and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where a Karen won't stop trying to get op evicted and it backfires on her so hard go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 111,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout, owner stories, karen store
Id: LC2yCqzgADc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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