Roy Rogers - Roll On Texas Moon - Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] vamoose dad-blasted Woolies get back on your own range your four-legged Devils what's the matter with you huh [Music] at Delaney [Music] keep your hands away from that gun Kate did his gun Steve listen kid I I I don't have to listen I can see so you finally got your chance after 40 years and shot him more than lighty in the back shot him I found him laying right here and on my land sure he was on your land must have come through the fence to drive them sheep back in our own range and give you the excuse to murder him I didn't have anything to do with it of course not you're like all cattlemen you just love us cheap razors look as far as I'm concerned a rattlesnake on his stomach is higher than a giraffe on a Paris Stills compared to a sheep herder what I wouldn't kill a man taken to the sheriff Steve get in your saddle Gaby you're making a mistake on [Music] Moreno Springs Texas bullet killing Matthew Delaney wealthy sheep rancher fired from rifle Gabby Whitaker cattleman not hell situation never less explosive threatening possible outbreak of old-time cattle versus sheep you'd well I'm sure glad Gabby was cleared but even Sol it's a pretty bad break for him that's right and I'm afraid this is only the beginning Roy looks like it a lot of those old-timers are pretty hot-headed it wouldn't take much to stir up an old-fashioned cattle and sheep war and we can't afford to have anything like that nowadays suppose you go down there and you've Gabby a hand gee that'll be great there's nothing I like better than working with Gabby again when can you leave right away good you've got full authority and I'm counting on you to stop this from flaring up into a real range war well I'll certainly do my best goodbye mr. whistle goodbye good luck thank you whoa how am i doing find you why not thank most of your summers on the ranch still I didn't get any chance to drive horses in San Francisco I didn't have any cute pets like that it can't be either I'm just wait until your cute pet weighs 200 pounds of course leave your lap Kate think I'll ever learn to do that why not all it takes is a little practice 30 or 40 years Kate I don't know what I'd do without you to run this ranch for me what else would I do after working for your uncle most of our life don't worry Jill you'll soon get the hang of it I don't know suddenly inheriting a ranch with thousands of sheep and a lot of trouble [Applause] [Applause] anything wrong mr. Laney the third time in Judaism who they were mr. Prescott but somebody's been stampeding my sheep again well it's about time our sheep men took a little action that's the way we feel about it miss and there's the old billy goat that started it I ain't starting nothing well I'll finish plenty if you don't stay away from me sure we lose sheep left and right stampede and run over cliffs drowned and it's all a big mystery to you somebody's been doing it mr. Whittaker somebody who hates sheep Jen children I hate him one but your bleating up the wrong tree young woman I ain't done it I don't know nobody that has what beat that dirty thing away from me that lambs too young to know bad company when he sees it sheep herder thank you very much mr. Prescott but I don't think I'll need your help business hello Jill hello cold okay howdy Cole I want to talk to you oh come on in here with me a walking lamb chop [Music] I don't care what anyone says I'm going back to San Francisco no Julie I'm not serious I am serious Cole I love the wrench but this mystery and troubling spoil everything for me I never thought I'd live to see the day when a Dulaney had turned coward you can't leave you're a Dulaney the ranch is in trouble I know it Kate but what can I do Cole you can handle the estate as you've always done it Kate you can run the ranch without me you'll be willing to leave me here to face this alone would you you wouldn't care what becomes of me Oh Kate you know better than that don't you not from the way you're talking all right Keith I'll stay another month but if things aren't cleared up by then I'm going [Music] what do you fire me around fur your hide [Music] I hate sheep by Teddy he's got sense enough to be scared [Music] I kind of do it I can't afford to be seen around with anybody like you [Music] what was Gabi carry him all I could see with something point Jim posthole Doug I sure we did where'd you get the wool on your shirt who me wool wait talking about whoa oh I remember now I I sort away an old Union suit other day we thought maybe you took up sheep herding sheep Arden get that bad he's even talking like one [Music] hmm not me [Music] I wonder where to go don't know but the poor guys liable to catch cold without it boy that ought to keep you warm where's Gabi he's in there pound he's here well don't you think we better wake him up oh-ho that would be kind of tough to do once he gets wrapped up in those dreams of his oh yeah well maybe we better do it the easy way The Sandman must have passed this way and closed you're drowsy eyes and now you're in the Land of Nod so won't you put me one what's doin tonight and who's walking in your sleep are you driving some cattle or are you [Music] watch running through your head or the rustlers a fine little or is it love on your line instead are you dreamin of are you or maybe you're chasing the big bad bandit more than likely he [Music] your slumber time and make your dreams [Music] well that should have done it Pat put this away from me with you yeah say Roy there's big doings in town tomorrow night might as well make it a welcome home for ya well thanks a lot fellas I'll sure be there it's Roy well how you Gabby honey Roy what in the world you doing there huh oh I thought I heard this mice Nakata yeah ma shirttail cool why don't you open the door yeah yeah chapter mice might get out what was that don't pay no change to it it's just too much sure Godsey shun that's the funniest sound of mouse I ever heard Maurice are back yeah we're gonna let them around here he'll drop in not that ain't legs easy I believe you're right Gabby I believe that is a bet a bet with wool on it you know we used to call them sheep sheep yeah yeah maybe you're right but how in tarnation would a sheep get in there the same way you got your shirttail caught in there hmm hmm friend of yours all right I admit it I put him in there what do you ain't no friend of mine he followed me witless word gets around Gabby Whittaker with a pet lamb Roy Roy you can't tell the other cattlemen they left me clean our detectors well you certainly added the feminine touch you mean to tell me you tied that ribbon on there all by yourself it ain't mine that can you belong sure that burned gal what Danielle Elena's nice she inherited the ranch what's your life what's all this doing is like troublemaker always stirring up roses will I throw that blame Wally out of the house holy Gabby I want to talk to that girl that lamb might be a good excuse for a nice friendly visit friendly visit with a cheaper well I've got to talk to everybody Gabby Wilson wants me to get to the bottom of all the trouble yeah you sure got me Roy I didn't have nothing with it and I don't know no cattleman and did well we'll start looking around tomorrow but in the meantime if you've got an extra book sure plenty of room I don't know about that looks kind of crowded to me [Music] boy will Gabi be glad to see you [Music] who the heck is that whoever he is he's got no business here looks like you got your first job cleaning up on this ranch boys let's go now but don't shoot you hit him [Music] now that's the idea mister didn't you see them lock gates no trespassing signs well sure but I wanted to talk to mr. Laney ah now you wouldn't be looking to Stampede some sheep would you get his young you got me all wrong mister I'm from the world again oh you're from the whirligig we sure him to make you welcome even if I am trespassing I can prove it I'm on peaceful business yes yes I know we got a nice little dry Gulch over here where you can be real peaceful for a long time get him [Music] [Music] caught this Umbreon I arranged mr. Laney how do you do okay what was he doing Anders whatever he's doing we don't want any Rodgers on this property not alive you mind if I dismount I came over originally mr. Lane to bring back your pet lamb Kathy mm-hm where is he he's probably back at our ranch by now he's taken quite a liking to Gabby Whitaker Gabby Whitaker why do you waste time talking to him for that's Roy Rogers his pal was one of the leaders of the old sheep and cattle Wars well maybe my father was Kate but that's got nothing to do with me I come all the way here from our office and she called it a talk to you Chicago mm-hmm your boys didn't seem to want to believe me either these are not my boys except Anders Anders who are these men I hired I'm like Kate told me to I think if we'd need a few more riders to keep an eye out for the troublemakers I think it's all right Anders you can leave us now well how about my gun give him to him he ain't crazy enough to start anything here there's one thing I'd like to try I'd like to help you I don't see why you should offer to help us don't listen to him Jill them Cattlemen's got tricks up their sleeves mr. Rodgers if I should accept your help what would you I mean what would it be well not much by the way if we forgot the old feud and work together we might be able to keep this thing from spreading into a serious fight I certainly don't want that I knew you wouldn't it looks to me as if the first move is to get better acquainted I'd rather get acquainted with the coyote there's a party going on in town at the cantina tonight that might be a good place to start Thank You mr. Rogers but I don't think I can make it well I hope we've taken a step toward some kind of understanding goodbye mr. Laney goodbye goodbye Kate see you again I hope not what you looking at it's a beautiful animal Hampshire isn't it yes that times your prints my uncle imported him he's our prize man just soft so cool what's he care about sheep if you decide to change your mind about tonight I might be able to pry Gabby loose from your friend taffy I think maybe I'll change my mind about tonight go to a party with them no good sheep killer I don't have to go with no good sheep killers besides I might get taffy back jumpin bean whoo bye my little beauty jumping bean two for a nickel and they'll tickle you to see them jump jump and be have you seen a dead line between us and the cattlemen the jumping bean you take the boogie B and stop it with your feet then just a beat the bang you feed it with you do the jump in B you love it when you do the jump candy no sin your reader could be sweeter when you see her jump jump and be the jumping be [Music] you take the bully beat and stop it with your feet then just a beat you'll do the jump in thing you love it when you do the jump to me no sing you're me to put this leader when you see her jump jump and be the jumping bean the jumpin be a human being a jump and be jumping the jump it be a young man main company who drop it through the jump and be young and Lena jump at me the cutest little jump it be jumpin be [Applause] [Music] here's the fugitive thank you taffy you've been a bad lamb bad lamb dumb lamb running after that Gabby Rogers how are you cold mr. Rogers now that you crossed the deadline won't you sit down the deadline I think would be a good idea for everybody crossed a deadline that's the first Delaney I ever saw mix with cattlemen and I don't like it next thing at Rogers will be turned into a sheep herder himself I've got an idea taffy has a planning coming over to our ranch maybe he's trying to make friends between the two sides she never was remarkable for brains I'd like to see the old feud buried while the old-timers keep it alive Delaney somebody shot and killed Hampshire Prince Prince that's a terrible thing to do I'm sure Prince why would anyone want to kill him ask your cattlemen friend why don't you why that Ram was the best sire in this district killing him was worse than killing a thousand ordinary sheep now wait a minute you have any idea who did it no but maybe you might yeah you're a big shot in the cattle business take it easy Barnes you don't have to go suspecting Rogers even if some cattle man is responsible don't you go accuse no decent cattle man you cheap lawyer you get out of here women [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] every one of you gonna be anymore fighting as long as I'm here to enforce the law I swore to enforce the law and I'm gonna do it we're gonna be pretty lonesome Sheriff not too lonesome I'm standing by you here if any shooting starts I'm on the sheriff's side against sheep men or cattlemen I'm with you sure most of your responsible men with families we can't afford to fight each other you know what happened years ago we can't let it happen again count me in too miss Delaine is representative I'm asking all you treat men to bring it up go back to your answers sooner or later the law take care of whoever is creating these outrages all right now break it up put your guns away and settle down glad you can help your buddies up thanks Rory I'm stepping in dad you're on the right side cold you sure save me a headache you all right girl yes I'm all right back in a shot back Rodgers Kate he proved he was sincere and hidden more any trouble Harrison factly took his life in his own hands to do it excuse me I'll get the car wait a minute Williams I hate through with Rogers yet Cummings I don't like him any better than you do but this ain't the time maybe not but I ain't gonna wait too long come on you know you spoiled what promise to be the best fight I've seen since 1902 while you bloodthirsty old coyote if you don't keep quiet I'm gonna stick that pet lamb on you what puzzles me is how they shot Hampshire Prince when Anders had all those guards oh yeah them cattlemen crawls in everywhere like Rattlers Kate I've made up my mind I'm staying what for you can't bring Hampshire Prince back to life getting worse instead of better I don't care I'm staying with Delaney yes mr. Gregory Boone from town he wants you to come in and see him as soon as possible say what he wanted no ma'am Oh and it's what were those special guards you hired doing last night what they on duty it's a big ranch miss Delaney and after dark wouldn't be hard for a man to sneak in some we're all the same tell him to keep their eyes open or they're fired that goes for you too Steve if you can't manage the job we gotta form in the Cong Delaney was laying with his back this away do you know of anybody that would have a grudge against Delaney think of a dozen dozen on account of the old days you know Delaney was a pretty tough old lumbering kill a lot of men well even if somebody did it for revenge how would a stranger happened to be on whirligigs property any cattle man could ride through here that no trespassing signs meant for sheep men only [Music] that cars out of control [Music] mr. Delaney I'm alright thank you you gotta take it easy I don't know I I just lost control of the car that's all well you won't be able to use that car for a while except as a submarine we better go up to the whirligig and get dried out well I guess this time I'm the one who's trespassing looks like it but when you trust fast you really do a good job of it we'll use your horse Gaby I hope Gaby I mean mr. Whittaker doesn't mind for sure that is no I do the same thing for anybody well I get it you mean even for a sheep herder well I don't know what to say but thank you I do want you to know though I mean it I ought to thank you I've been looking for an excuse to go swimming anyhow let's go can we gonna leave me stranded are you I'll send the boys down Gaby show him where the car isn't haven't pull it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] we all need a friendly hand now and then won't you be a friend [Music] just like the flowers need the rain draw just like great [Music] now and then won't you be a couple needs the moon has a rule to help them get some spooning done which only proves the fellow was no fool [Music] and just like the song needs us you [Music] and we [Music] turn that off will you you haven't got a job or a singing job girl have you no but you might have a job for I was just thinking mr. Lanie's you know Jill and hey Roy where's the car Gabby a couple of fellers from Miss Delaney's place come by they said they'd pull it out stretch it back oh that's fine let's go huh well I'm glad you were saved from trouble anyway Gabby Oh Bob bring trigger and a horse for miss Delaney I'm seeing her home okay why don't you drive over I'll need pretty with me I'm asking mr. Delaney for a job on a ranch John what are you talking about you've been hiring extra guards couldn't you use another one I'll work free yes but I don't know if you can do it why not the trouble makings on the Delaney ranch and I'm trying to find out who's responsible how could I pick a better place yeah but working for a sheep herder if you really mean it Roy I I certainly do Roy I ain't gonna let you do it now wait a minute Abby I'm a big boy now how about a Jill well as far as I'm concerned I'd be very grateful for your help yeah none of the cattlemen will ever speak to you again they'll get over boy it'll be alright Gabi I'll send for you if I need help thanks for what you did for me Gabi that's all I needed go on get out of here vamoose what's the matter with you don't you understand English one boy [Music] all in a minute boys Colt Gregory sent me says to leave the car wash this and get back to the ranch or what I don't know that maybe it's cuz Rodgers is there with the girl Rodgers yeah and it looks like he's gonna stay a spell all right you boys let the job go to Navarro give me that horse you go back in the truck with the boys whatever you say no good will come of having Arantes on this place he isn't going to bother you Kate you can stay on the bunkhouse for the other men huh no use Jill Kate will never like a cattle man if he saves your life twice a day saving her life ain't any reason for having him snooping around here what was that you wanted to see me about when you asked me to come in town so it certainly wasn't to get you half drowned I needed your signature on this packinghouse contact thank you what about the car we couldn't get it out before dark so I had the boys knock off until tomorrow certainly I knew some speeding without it let's hope it's not too badly damaged when you get it Anders can you over the pier over now sure I got the books right inside come along with it see you later sure I'm disappointed in cold agreeing with you about Rogers you know Anders don't you Roy yeah Rogers has offered to give us a hand for trolling the ranch yeah we can use hands all right but I never figured on cattlemen fighting cattlemen I don't know hoodies we're fighting all I'm interested in is stopping it as we all are why'd you pull me off that job we gotta get rid of that car wait a minute when you got me in this you said it'd be easy don't you get any ideas about quitting you're in now and you were in from the beginning yes but I didn't start it it was you that stole money from old man Delaney and then killed him to cover up not me I don't seem to remember having any difficulty forcing any of that money on you Anders stick it out a bit longer you could only wonder when I get control of the ranch when you get control of this ranch that girl won't ever leave here not while Rogers is around here to help her maybe not mr. Rogers won't be with us after tonight just how do we explain it he happened to get shot on Delaney's ranch very simple he's been asking for a hero's death and we won't disappoint him by yourself yeah look what you guys don't Roy sheep herders female sheep herders [Music] when shadows come must Elin and you get to feel crazy when doll is gently breaking and the [Music] that's the only time then a star on pilot wings his eye and the bold little heifer wings back it's like a slice of heaven [Music] that's the only time the wolf ventures out and he's about just trying his luck koala bird above softly sings of love and a sweet little dose then it's like [Music] right right well you're right Ron boy I gotta talk to you Roy where are you oh I can't talk to him I wanted to talk to him boy hi you shouldn't get so familiar with your help mr. laning boy I've been taking this over I don't want you to do it why not it's my idea besides I've been known to take pretty good care of myself well I'm sure that but this is my problem and I don't want you to fight my battles this is my battle as well as yours Jill anyway I only do it because I like moonlight ride and see you in the morning I'm sending him up the North Fork and he gets there now you know what to do sure all you gotta say is somebody tried to raid the ranch and Rogers got blood we got you all right you men cover the same territory you did last night Rodgers you know where the North Fork of the Creek comes up by the road yeah that's your stretch got about a mile to cover there all right dawn yeah I heard it and I say Roy's doing the right thing the right thing turning against his own side believing the lies if she praises her spreadin it's no lie that somebody killed Matt Delaney and they've been raiding his ranch Rogers got no call being where he is you're right cummings rogers has no coal being where he is maybe somebody ought to tell him what are you getting at well I hate to see a nice guy get into trouble especially after what he did to me last night so I think I'll go I could pay him a visit he might get a lonesome out there riding around I'll get a kid hello who hello there it's Kelly Quaker no he isn't Gabby would you like to leave a message well it's about that car yours there's something funny about it you had a dream that's why I said young woman and don't get too big for your books another why many dreams then sent out as a warning well of course Gabby yes I'll tell him when he comes back all right goodbye that's a funny one Gabi wants me to tell Roy about a dream he had about my car your car yes you said it was an ill omen or something you know goats probably drunk don't be so disrespectful about dreams Kate they very often have significance significance my foot I win 15 - and six is eight that is the worst card you could have possibly played goal Oh stupid of me I'll do better next time do you know my flight I see if any of the men who've checked in yet how quickly can you get that car out of the river anytime you want it I want you to send someone down at daylight to Rick it completely so no one can tell what happened to it okay closer [Music] [Music] all right get your hands up and keep them up on a both have it [Music] this oughta make Anders happy lucky break for us now it looks like they shot it out between him yeah let's get back to the ranch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's pretty clear who did the shooting Williams did part of it Rogers killed him sure he did you're wrong yeah we'll see about that when we get you to jail give me them guns I'll report to the sheriff later but now I've got a little businesswoman you're coming with us [Music] [Music] hun it he won't get far scatter round up every channel murder you could find [Music] any word from Roy no not a thing no one can figure out where he went after he killed Williams Oh Cole if I'd only stopped him from going no matter what happens I know I was right about the ranch in the first place I'm gonna give it up can't say I blame you hardly the peaceful girl you and Kate can run the place any way you like even sell it I haven't very much money Jill but I might be interested I don't care about money as long as I can get away from here well there's a bit of scene in my briefcase if you really mean it I do mean it my stuff's in Anders room I'll be right back hello really don't say anything Jill just listen yes yes I understand no I won't tell a soul not even Kate I'll be there in a minute goodbye all I know is when they thought it was dead brenigan said this ought to make Anders very happy Anders five what Anders what have you killed why would anybody want to kill your uncle why would they want to stamp eat and kill your sheep and come to think of it what about that accident to your car car Gabby had a dream about that car he said it was a sort of warning good old Gabby working with me even though he's against me just what happened to your car how did the bank all of a sudden I I lost control of it and I didn't have any brakes wouldn't Gabby and I saw you you were traveling pretty fast and ER said Cola wanted to see me in town right away Kol would he have a reason for wanting to kill you Roy Cole's tried to do everything he could for me he even offered to buy the ranch in spite of all the trouble we've had there Cole wanted to buy the ranch yeah what's wrong with that nothing it's swell come on every yard you won't get hurt those rods didn't come loose by themselves and they also jimmied the brakes so they wouldn't work him somebody really did want to kill me yeah somebody from your old and wrench like our friend here you can't pin it on me I was only carrying out orders orders from : Anders I ain't talking it's pretty clear chill there never was any cattle and sheep war Cole wanted your rent so bad it is willing to kill you for it alright get going I can't shoot my witness stay here chill you'll be all right [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm blessed the first galoot that price to come through this gate you gone crazy Rochester's wife for murder we got no orders to execute him [Music] where you've got to help him I know he's right hora why come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] very effective inference Rogers now you're here do you mind if I hold you for the sheriff that's a funny coincidence I was just gonna say that I'm holding UN Anders but the murder of Matt the link how do you find out about Delaney they may be bluffing but I'm taking no chances leave Rogers here zip it out of here all right get him out of there boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know whether you'll shake hands with a misguided old woman but that's what I'm asking you to do a woman nothing right now you're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen Thank You Kate well I ain't the most beautiful sight you've ever seen but I've sure been misguided [Music] jumpin be you take a poopy baby stop it with your feet and then to beat the band you clap it with your [Music] start [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: Audio Video
Views: 298,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers, Roll On Texas Moon, Texas, Moon, William Witney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 41sec (4061 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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