Bad Man Of Deadwood - Full Movie | Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Carol Adams, Henry Brandon

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[Music] step right up folks - a little closer please and marvel at the greatest show on earth you don't have to buy a thing folks I know meet pretty laughing eyes who was prettier with her Golden Boy hey no diesel whiteness of her skin and he were born a full-blooded Kickapoo engine if you two want a complexion of Patricia empower just take princes laughing I heard compound why did it make Sitting Bull look let it go and here's mr. William J Brady he's performed before the crowned heads of Europe a here in the South Sea step up a little closer folks prepare to be amazed at his depth it by an exhibition of revolver marksmanship [Music] finds every bar in the town here there and most everywhere there second [Music] [Music] down at the county [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wasn't in at the barn or a dozen tickets sold for the show all days and Medicine Show Jake it's drawn my flights for molasses bear what Medicine Show you know I don't get up at 5:00 in the afternoon Oh professor somebody's got a very good act well what are you waiting for get the sheriff and then run out of town Oh Marty did you get hold of Ripper I want that store taken care of tonight the Ripper is you in town now something gonna pop any minute I look better well what are you doing here whiskers you've been breaking the law by putting a show on here without a license laters you mean a two-bit town like this there for later now paw how much is the license we'll buy one right now the mayor is a man for that and he's out of town besides he's mighty careful about selling licenses too disruptive of characters acceptable listen my uncle Marmaduke Blackstone's brand of this crew was known from one end of the state to the other see first of all why we're gonna leave this town peaceable like you don't mind if we eat our supper first you've got to get out of here right now get packed up and make it quick [Music] come on building to hand over your cash boss there's nothing in it I keep my money in the bank [Music] learn begat mr. Beldon you and your money will be fake better there we go never get there I'll even show the D I got a horse where's the girl I don't know come on we'll get going in the hurry Gaby I'll tell you about it later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] droid [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoever's doing that shooting is helping I'm heading up there you go on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well he's done for that's one more to talk up again stripper well I don't know who you are or who Ripper is but thanks for they don't thank our stranger Ripper was after you that's good enough for us every man here was run out of Deadwood for him that'll sumati fancy shootin you doing there hey yeah hey you bet star that's all over it's Bill Brady now well you look good enough to me no matter who you are Oh Gabby this is Clem Littlejohn that's Andy Baker and Bert Snell and Colorado Jack Breen the fella that rode that horse was Matt Bennett he was sort of the boss so to speak sure a tough losing him Matt Bennett the water hole here award notices a rap for and you are the game to kill my person busted up my store tonight I know that can't be you were here then who intend to work those knee encasing us that is Ripper knees gang we've been getting blamed for everything they do not Bennett was the father man who's ever lived I mean here maimed on starting up a liver staple down in Deadwood the rep for come along well let's be getting back to camp fired feel mighty good about now yeah you've got food up here haven't you well the best in the world Colorado Jack Breen they're brought in some venison [Music] I never saw such leather carbon someone here do work like that yeah MD there used to run the saddle store in town the Ripper's gang robbed him of his last cent left him for dead and all of you were in business and Deadwood or trying to get in Burt's nellie honor no sooner hit town to start up arresting to represent him how come they can get away with any good folks in Deadwood with all these mines booming no one's got time to look after the other fella besides most of the decent citizens are tender feed like me and not much good against a man like Ripper say yeah you know that girl it send us up here she sort of saved our bacon yeah Linda Barrett she works for Ted Carter heroes the newspapers was trying to clean up this town yeah how did he come to know about you people her dad is my best friend he got held up and killed last year he found a secret way in here then there's another entrance yeah and it sure comes in handy when the sheriff after you well we all hurt some thank I think I'll head down that way tomorrow deliver impersonal you better not young feller like me you won't come back how does this sound Linda the city of Deadwood must realized that it is indeed a city with all the civic responsibilities at this entails what if we are 200 miles from a railroad our minds have brought us well theaters even a telephone exchange one of the first of these newfangled contraptions west of the Mississippi River if high time we settle down all right as far as it goes well don't think I won't lambaste him about that cold-blooded murder set Beldon store I'm going to ask for sheriff Jordan was well that was going on makes my blood boil to think you're being endangered by a pack of ruffians like that didn't you point out those people at Laramie gaff are being blamed for zippers work I know it was with her I saw it with my own eyes I know it Linda but I can't say it I'm in a tripper find out oh I know too much about him I'm a dead man what about Pacific League if they do anything not until we got a new sheriff and some law in this town what what are you doing here I just come back thank you ma'am we got away all right don't you know that whole gangs out gunning for you I don't reckon they got too good look at me besides I bought myself a new shirt and the new hat maybe that'll fool them do you really think so I'm afraid you might be out looking for trouble not me man anyway I'd hate to think anybody could keep me from coming to see you I admire your courage fellow but I doubt your wisdom this is the bill Brady mr. Carver howdy still maybe that's what we need miss town a little more courage and a little less wisdom mister you sure have a pleasant way calling a man crazy you going out man yes I'm going to interview mrs. green the pub's masters wife she's just had twins would you mind if I walk aways with you I'd like to find out more about this time see you again now that's what I call a right fast-moving young taller yes isn't it this coach is covered with iron plates first one ever salt like that nobody's ever held up that stagecoach it and they and the dogs are counter to the railroad in it sure right away goodbye hey money come in here what are you doing awake too early that medicine show fellas back in town the one Ripper ran into the last night where is it walk along with a Barrett girl calm as it please this town's gonna learn nobody can shoot back at us and get away with it take care of them oh another way to let Ripper handle him I said take care of them this is green cat see me for a few minutes I'll have to wait that's alright I'll be with you they did there's a better town to grow up here you seem to intend to stay here why for one thing I like the people it's basically one of them besides business was too good yesterday that I like to picture so we could put a show on here anyway I've been batting around the country so long that I'd like to settle down someplace like Deadwood if there's other reasons don't matter the gap you'd like to help them wouldn't you I know Brett Starwood what do you know about the red star well I work for a newspaper and all I knew doesn't come from Deadwood what's that got to do with me the press service ended the photograph of Brett star of course we weren't equipped to print it don't reckon I can outtalk a photograph but I like Bill Brady better I'd be proud to be Brett star I was born in the West and I know there can be good reasons for shooting maybe what do you intend to do with him you're sure they don't me to put him in jail there that's exactly what I aim to do well I admire the gesture but I warn you that little evil won't stay there long do you know him well I ought to I'm the judge here but I never get a chance to try the men I'd like to Monty burns here is one of them what's your name here in color Bill Brady Judge Gary glad to know you Jed I want to see the look on the sheriff's pace would you hand Marty over to him this fella just threw a knife at me and that's attempted murder in any man's town even in deadly slap some iodine on him and lock him up dude you know what it'll get you are you gonna lock him up or do I have to [Music] why can't you convict any of these men aren't you a federal dead Sheriff make sure that I never get the evidence they're afraid to harm a federal judge for fear to bring in the troops but my court is just a mockery there's somebody in town who can do something about that well there's the Civic League I've talked to them but nothing happens well maybe we can do something about it judge well I wish you luck Brady Thanks hi time the way was undercut my prizes to be Emporium so under our agreement will your Ripper $2,500 or relieving at the Belleville competition $2,500 my set buildin wasn't doing that much business grippers cost us a lot more than we expected in the beginning mr. stark will you please collect the money from the gentlemen you got no kick of paying Ripper I'm sitting in has been knocked over 32 miners last month for a total of 26 thousand dollars which we took the 50/50 split for spotting the prospector in our business establishment I'd like to take a look at those figures look all right when I swore I spotted more than 32 prospects in my store alone you can't expect Ripper to get them all and when you figure that you doubled your profit by selling those fool miners their office and then collected their take rippers doing plenty maybe show that medicine Shogun man Brady brought in money here Judge Gary was with him and I had to lock him up for a few minutes what do you want me to do with him do nothing of course but the bail don't you think I would have a little bail yeah mighty little here's a dollar buy yourself a drink what happened I missed him and he got me in the arm he's greased lightning with a gun nothing to worry about gentlemen that's Bill Brady seem to be pretty perfect we'll take care of him well I think the main business of the meeting for the plaintiff - shall we adjourn to my bar give this 12:52 ripper and tell him to see me [Music] howdy folks hello so you're back and alive here's something for you Gabby [Applause] sure to be a bill we've got anything else in my whole life then getting along all right seven months neither bothers now I met judge Geary today Clem he claims he can do something if we give him the right kind of evidence but that's hard to get might not be if we can find out why rivers been keeping the folks from starting up in business well I've always said he was doing it for that Civic League but Ted Carver always writes in his paper that the Civic League is for law and order but maybe Ted Carver's been fooled that league is made up of all the big businessmen and Deadwood maybe they're trying to kill off competition you know that they never invited Seth Belding to join them there none of the rest them newcomers in Deadwood if they were honest I felt like Jake Marvel couldn't belong to him well plain as day repre works for Marvel marvel works for the Civic League Sheriff works for all what you fellers have been needed somebody to figure these things out for you that's right and do something about it turn to we've been thinking we need someone to show us how to clean up Deadwood so we can go back there again well of course I didn't mean to him so we're asking you Bill if you'll take the job thanks I'll do what I can but I can't do it here hey Gabby I just found out today that the sheriff can't keep it from putting on a show as if we stay on the outside of the city and end point let's go down tomorrow shake up in business right on the edge of the town yeah what about Ripper won't he be shooting this up Ripper yeah you get leave Ripper to me that is Bill at me [Applause] [Music] sundown on the range land and we're hidden down the trail well you shall have our picks up another bench that is if I need all out of here that's not recall anybody thinks we'll go to pay him anything we might well find out all here [Music] you read it we weren't saying I don't think said what I think from the state of your uncle Marmaduke W Blackstone they see you have been will the sum of thirty six thousand dollars three 600 upon your order what are you going to do telegraph office in town a thief a wire first thing in the morning [Music] all right breakfast it's your turn this thing something I can do for you sir this is no minor train wreck you I should like see your president I'm the president well I'm black roll professor Mortimer back home I'm expecting some money but wire New York did he get here I'm Gregg that know your professor yes it came a half-hour ago I have the confirmation here rather a large amount a mere trifle I'll take it thousand dollar bill calls four thousand dollar bill but I think I can find enough to cover this amount just a moment please any why I had it up hmm he should be the third ad in your bank in New York yeah thanks little few New York got a fine zoo there you don't mind my saying so that's a lot of money to carry around this town I'd be glad to keep it all deposit here for you know think nothing of it why I've been taking care of large sums all my life besides I've gotten lazy here [Music] how you spending your money why my dear child a few paltry dollars mean nothing to the Blackstone family we never had no fancy clothes like name yourself think nothing of it to pause a few policy dollars mean nothing to the Blackstone family [Music] now I was going to be an opera singer we've sworn before the crowned heads of Europe I get abortion elephants for gyration really I can't tell you how sorry I was this is what we've been up against for years why don't I write another editorial I might as well write them in water for all the good they do if jake marvels a man ripper works for he must bank a lot more money than any theater owner has a right to are you hitting me tapping if we found out $35,000 in it at the bank and jake marvel's name wouldn't that be enough evidence for judge Geary to act we thought that but well we tried to get a court order to take a lot of those accounts but the judge can't issue one without more evidence then why don't we break into the bank and take a look for ourselves I suppose that would be technically a criminal act but we can't think about that now just what the judge has been waiting for what are we waiting for [Music] this way Gabi it's their only chance [Music] coming out the front [Music] [Music] well what happened did you get them not one of them Brady and that old mesquite bush got away I know what's gonna happen before it even begins you two food can't carry out a simple order wait here well we couldn't use the logins Bill Brady before but we can now get a warrant off that medicine throat bun and deputize the Ripper here and all this meant we're gonna give that sniveling judge them into hang but he ain't anything where's Andy sure Jordan shot I reckon we're all outlaws no ma'am what'd you find out we got the book book we haven't had a chance to read it yet let's see now I am for marble oh yeah yeah marbles hey if I did this week takes hundred $13.22 withdrawals $521 rent balance sixteen hundred and thirty five dollars twenty four cents I don't sound like much for marble hello anybody running a big theater and bar charging the kind of prices he does mean to party my 35,000 well maybe Marv laid back of a patrol well I'm bettin years a man like that might figured have to get out of debt wouldn't hurt you many senators money I mean my money outside you could send it on that treasure coast to Cheyenne Denver anyplace plumb hideous thought my money is already in Cheyenne or even Chicago it can't be Gaby that treasure coach on the goes out once a week and it doesn't leave again till tomorrow and cake marble must have my money around somewhere yeah but he ain't gonna keep it around where we can get out and let coach leave I can identify it to em the only thousand-dollar bills around and the baguette has the numbers that it should be evidence just Gary I guess no one could stick up that coat none little em'ly guards inside where you can't get at them hey Gabby remember all that experiment you tell me about I'll never forget it you're right bill that coaches plumb one rubber ball now that you remind me I sure come across some mighty strange things when I was in business my liquor what are you two driving at things are bad enough now without you getting yourself shot for putting gail.white daughter we've just been saying it can't be done well I guess I returned to my laboratory I guess feel like doing a little experiment if they've been another prep in town I could have refused the business I can't understand it sheriff Jordans never around when he's needed how he managed to be on hand when the boys were leaving the bank bad look killing a poor Andy Baker gives them proof that the Laramie gap gang or outlaws and they don't wanted to settle in get food Linda are you sorry for his sake alone I thought perhaps you were one the reasons bill wanted to stay of course not ask heart they knew him I'm glad to hear that you must know how I feel about you Linda although I suppose this isn't quite the place for what I was about to say then maybe you'd better wait it [Music] [Music] I like to keep that thing off though we got a schedule to make just hold your horses we're trying to pull over now [Music] the idea back again do me that way don't you know how to drive how you got us all jammed up [Music] $35,000 I have a Shawn come on get down [Music] [Music] Third Avenue Bank New York it is the old door Carver First National Bank Chicago Illinois incredible it's downright unbelievable Theodore Carver that's bound to be Ted Carver no two ways about it how much is there 12,000 Emer then we are getting it all back after all do dig marvels your five more of your thousand dollar bills Gabby in time to the Grover's Bank and shine maybe Marvel is just using Ted Carver's name well with Marvel 10 some of them these old name - doesn't make sense unless Carver's really the man behind all this what about Linda he works for Carver I'll never believe she's mixed up in it anymore hey Sam 3 you know all 6 of these envelopes that makes the other 18,000 Debbie Michael Barton say doesn't either on the livery stable yeah Richards need only the general store beyond stark and hairdos why he's expert ages and Peter Wilson hey that's a Civic League all these fellas belong to it we've got some tall things been doing we can't do it here let's head for the gap hey I just got it by Justin Rock point station that game from Laramie gap just held up the gold coach Bill Brady was with him where's the cherub let's get up a posse let's wait well what Joe Brady wouldn't do a thing like that coach guards couldn't have been mistaken about who held him up thanks - I'll get next rod right away I know it's bad for you Linda you thought a lot of Bill Brady he didn't mean a lot to me but I realize now I really never knew very much about it gotta get out an extra I know but the minute it did type I'm going to the gasps what Brady's probably left the country maybe he has but if he's still there I'm going to see him we just got another message is the Express office none of the bullion was taken get the currency whose currency every packet that contained one of those thousand dollar bill clear now - Claire I gotta work work fast [Music] where are the others they're guarding the path we're expecting the party to attack I was afraid you might have left I mean didn't I tell you what today yes you didn't say anything about robbing stagecoaches was that your idea it sure was it worked like a charm but why we're getting evidence for judge Gary do you mean you didn't take anything nothing but the professor's money and it certainly no crime to take back what you were then you got the evidence for the judge we got the money alright we're going to take marvel's names it's hard to say Linda no one how you feel about him but an even dozen of dad's bills were found confined under Ted Carver's name Ted Carter you don't mean we don't think you've got anything to do with it we know you only work for him you don't believe it you don't think Ted's a thief well he had the money somebody must be using his name Ted's been fighting this sort of thing ever since he came here it looked that way except inators gunked in the chicken coop you remember whom who decided to break into the bank sure if Ripper come along yes did you please the only man who could have tipped him off with Ted Carver he was there when we planned the whole thing yeah what are you working around when we figured out that stage holdup and it come off there no window but you might as well excuse me I was with you when you decided to break into the bank I thought you had become a real bandit and I was wrong maybe you're making the same mistake about Ted Carver maybe will you do us a favor of course Gaby I don't think we oughta risk keeping your money around here huh young fella are you even high and with some pretty ships idea that I should let that 35,000 dollars out of my hands it's not only money it's evident if a partner should break in here and take it away from us everything would be wasted I think Bill's right professor and if he is right which I need admittance whatsoever why is he gonna put my money that's safer than here wait long I figured have Linda take it to Judge Gary that is if you're willing to risk it no matter what happens the judge got the goods on him that's right he's the only one who can use that evidence no quicker we get it to him the better well daughter if we're nice where we're headed here it is in the same Express Company on broke time skunk ship it is endorsed by him to their banks all over the country and don't forget young lady you're carrying a hog dad-blame circus there you better hurry on in and the food to get dark enough for me to slip into town I'll get in touch with Judge Gary if that Posse don't get here first and sort of occupy your time what'd you find out well in the first place I found a new entrance of a gas straight across from Indian Rock I hid an opening in the cliff hmm well never mind that now what about the girl well I've always heard of a cab she went into the cabin a few minutes later when she rode away I follow her until she got to the judges house I came here you never got close enough to hear anything look Garth pose right I was afraid you'd be afraid to get close to our rabbit [Music] how do you do again how do you do Linda I heard you were here I've been worried about you what'd you find out the gas they denied having anything to do with the stage holdup and Bill Brady was he there he must have found some sort of evidence otherwise you wouldn't be here Linda couldn't find out anything that's what you came here to tell me I don't think this is a great disappointment to me I had hoped to accomplish something at last well there's still a paper to get out you know [Music] I'm going to the telegraph office and wire fort smiley for a troop of cavalry this money is sufficient evidence for me to declare dividend of martial law and clean it up for good and all either bill brave he lied to Linda she and the judge aligned to me the judges got that money we've got to get it that's your job mine I don't like messing with the government I said get it [Music] [Music] get it yeah I think he saw me how hard to hit him I don't know pretty huh I don't like being mixed up in this federal stuff it's a lot of money same thing boss with that much already in Cheyenne you and me could live mighty well someplace else yeah if the judge dies or if you live to identify you either way they'll be soldiers coming in here yeah and that bill Brady still on the loose we could get pack them out again time to catch the night stage let's get song [Music] I don't have to ask if you got the money don't suitcase would make it quite clear of the ninth boots on Tajik better than you ever dreamed of wearing before I had you organize it cynically it was fine while the going was easy but you couldn't stand a little excitement could you Jake that while you could run out with my money handed off these killers all up the coach now they have to go into murder Jake marvel come on let's pull that got the boys killer they're 40 meter champing at the bit that editor fella wants to see you before we leave for the gap wonder what he wants even chef Ari I felt it my civic duty to inform you that I discovered the back entrance in the Laramie get back entrance I've been one just that while part of your part to keep those outlaws busy at the gap itself you and a few of your men attacked them from the rear well Carver the way your papers been running me down I didn't expect any help from you well I admit that my editorial policies been against you but that was before I discovered the bill Brady and his gang were the real troublemakers now I'm as anxious as anyone to see them caught that's fine with your paper support we can do a lot around here well just so long as it's on it now if you're ready I'll lead you into the back entrance for the gas what I hello Linda now that you've been at the scene of the murders I want you to check that story I wrote old Harry's got it set up and tight so you know about the back way of course I would have kept it to myself that those friends of yours hadn't betrayed my confidence by robbing the treasure coach betrayed your confidence you know why they did it you know they aren't seen Harry in a beauty what no honey do a thing like that [Music] what is that Bill Brady what happened coming back from the telegraph office Marty burned did he get the money yes they got the money I'm afraid we're lik would you be all right yeah yes I'll be are well I'm going after money every man in town will be acting I'll have to risk that if money gives that evidence to Carver he's completely in the clear I haven't seen you but okay be money burn money burned honey breath he's dead uh no macro dead who killed him I Laramie jump on suggest hey thank you Hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jerry's hurt under you'll have to look at [Music] [Music] I hear somebody down there Shores you're a foot high yeah sounds like a lot [Music] they're just waiting for Sun up before the Russian I'd better go back we crash like we're going to have our hands full [Music] we ought to be around back about sunrise will start in when we hear you shoot cutter keeps got it out [Music] [Music] [Music] get anybody but the sheriff gang we don't want to win us some blood on her hand I can't see nothing but innocent blood shoot at Tilly blood seems to be keeping little rare [Music] that's engine rock so that must be the place over there Monty said it was right across [Music] thought I heard a horse whinny [Music] [Music] Papi's keeping invisible and like rats drop your gun [Music] [Music] we're getting no you can't stop all of us [Music] Gonzaga [Music] the statistics under martial law you're under arrest we're still Brady right here judge bill hey you all right bill a lot better off than Carver oh you got him eh hello Linda Harvard line right over there and I'm bit knees got the money how'd you fellas get here they came from ports mining answer to my wire and I brought them out as fast as I could what about gabbing the others Gaby and his daughter are on their way over here Clemence his Bunch along with a posse that was trying to capture them are under arrest that's the only way we can stop the battle let's go and see what we can find on Carver lieutenant yeah what you need is some of my elixir why did make porridge plumb beneficial are you sure it'll work cool certainly I'm sure why it is only tournament yes between you and me in this particular case I figure maybe the elixir did you a little help I reckon I believe that you were I think you can release the Laramie get people now lieutenant I just took this off make sure if Jordan and I don't think we're having a trouble getting their voters of Deadwood to make it legal thank dead looks like I'm gonna be settle down for fair do you think you're going to like [Music]
Channel: The Film Detective
Views: 32,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joseph Kane, Roy Rogers, Film, Bad Man Of Deadwood, shows', Classic TV Show, Musical, tv, Henry Brandon, Carol Adams, Movies, TV, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Western, Bad Man Of Deadwood - Full Movie, Herbert Rawlinson, James R. Webb
Id: FVpBiSw1n_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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