Rainbow Over Texas Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Gabby Hayes Western Movies Full Length Complete

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[Music] [Applause] you [Applause] there's a rainbow Over Texas there's a sun from behind PR to say good morning you there a Rain Over Texas with the sa brush sinking up the way it sure you can't help feeling just now right good good morning to you there's a [Music] blue just because there's in the air there's rain Texas see the skies are clearing and I'm here to say it's going to be just a real nice day good morning to you there's a blue bird high in the branches s his lady fair and you know for certain all the donies are FLIR just because there're spring in the air there's a rainbow Over Texas with the country side awake and feeling great everything's first R in the long Star State good morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] evening Breeze Blows the leaves while a brook lends a gentle sound and This Cowboy's heart is pining for the lights of old s for maybe when the round Up's [Music] over and I find them Fancy free there's a chance I'll be in Clover if a certain Miss is waiting there for me how about it's the trail time for us to start to a place where I left my heart Sil Ro [Music] of dad cowboy music be sir here lockin get rid of this hillbilly is on Horseback Jackie I'm surprised at you how can you stand it I like it you mean you're in love with them you've been meeting this Roy Roger secretly behind my back oh Father don't be ridiculous I've never met the man in my life and I don't want to especially oh I'm ridiculous now am I it seems to me young lady that you're the one that's making yourself ridiculous Roy Rogers gave five shows in Chicago and you sat through every last confounded one of them it so happens I like songs about the west and I like the way he sings them huh prairies in the Moonlight when it's Cactus Blossom time in the old Corral lot of romantic falderal Baler Dash what was that lockin just an expression sir the old cacti and the old prayer eye and all that sort of nonsense you stay out of this Lin yes you stay out of this you're quite right sir I should never have entered into it Jackie you listen to me father I'm listening you're not going to throw yourself away for a 10-gon hat I won't stand for it what's wrong with a 10 gon hat you used to wear one that was 30 years ago at least I had brains enough to scrape the mud off my boots and get into a decent business the Dow rimple packing company and what's the matter with the D rimple Packing Company nothing father absolutely nothing but it is the cattle business isn't it indirectly yes but it isn't living on a cattle ranch if you don't like cattle ranches you shouldn't own one father I don't like hot water bags but I own one I own a whole western town yes so quite nostalgic little town full of character and the color of the old west you like it huh I did like it until you Dow rled it all up with advertising I'm on to your nonsense and we're leaving for a two we Cruise right away you hear that Captain hi sir Dad please I planned so on this trip you're going with me and that's fine fin that's all you ever think about isn't it planning my whole life for me well if I am it won't be with any do ranch cowboy I'll pick my own son-in-law and I hope you'll be very happy oh well it could be worse that comes to having a father who's used to Bost everybody around another Cruise anything he can think up to keep me from going out to the ranch he's afraid at runs in the family what do you mean the West you have to know your father to know what he's thinking I remember him as a young man when he first came up the cattle trails to Chicago it dazzled him the millionaires the go coaster Society yes I know cap I know all about that well come on out into the fresh air daring to do you good Society nothing would do but he had to be a part of it that meant forsaken his background and his friends he spent 30 years trying to break into society well he couldn't do it so now he thinks maybe you can Society I hate it cruises nightclubs long parties a and those Back Bay battle axes butting around I know exactly how you feel you ought to be on your own for a change that reminds me of a quotation I forget the author but it goes like this the bird of time has but a little way to flutter and the bird is on the wing oh yes that's from Omar [Music] k [Music] hey fellas Tim and I just wrote a little song we might be able to use in our show at B rmle well let's give huh if you like wide openes let me tell you where the place head out for Texas USA if you like BL bling and state where there's some room in head out head out for Texas USA if you come from California cook or Hack and Sack let me warn you all you all may never go back if you like real southern cooking and your women all good look head out head out for Texas USA play one [Music] you everybody sing this one if you like wide openes let me tell you where the place head out head out for Texas you if you like blue Bon Bloom and a state where there's some room head out head out for Texas USA if you come from California COC or hack sa let me warn you all you all may never go back if you like real southern cooking and wom all good look head out which way Texas USA [Music] well how'd you like it we'll work on it some more tomorrow all right yeah it's about time we turned in you coming along Roy I'll be in as soon as I get trigger bed down okay [Music] hey come out of there where did you come from I well you stopped at the last station and I just got on I'm sorry kid but I'm going to have to call the conductor oh wait a minute will you let me talk to you all right what is it I ain't got any money and I got to get to texes we got some texes d it used to be my home it did yeah I used to live there myself I'm going to stop off and put on a couple of shows for an old friend of mine do you happen to know the sheriff out there Gabby Whitaker yeah sort [Music] of hey what's a big idea just checking to see if you had a gun on you oh You Got Me Wrong Mr honest I wouldn't do nothing like that never can tell you know I haven't seen the town for a long time not since I was a kid about your age used to call her Town rainbow remember yeah that was before that big meat Packer bought up the place big blubber called woster D ramp yeah I heard of him big big blubber how' you happen to leave Dal rmle well I just got so I couldn't stand and he was so tough who was M Uncle my uncle Lin let's start all over again shall we well it was my uncle Lin and he used me for a come on and broke me into the racket I tried to get away and well it just wasn't no use uh what's your name Jack Jack Lin just like my uncle I think you and I'd better have a little talk with Gabby tomorrow when we get in town ain't he the sheriff mhm I don't want no part of him but you can trust Gabby huh I don't know what you've done kid and I'm not going to ask you we'll talk about it tomorrow but it's getting late and I think we better turn in I have an extra bunk in my compartment oh no no geez this is well I wouldn't think of taking your place at used to things like this all right just as well be comfortable though I often sleep here myself you do huh mhm time up got of a tough upper ain't it oh you can make it here all right get your clothes off and I'll hand you a blanket did you say you were going to sleep here too well uh I I guess not it might be a little too crowded please trigger don't stare at the lady good night good night [Music] how are you hi am right glad to see you welcome home hi Jim there's the great Wester J rmle Oh you mean that crummy statue there yeah the town's benefactor it's a wonder the statue ain't taking a bow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] all right Roy like this way Mr H come on I'll make room here let us H here how are you Gabby oh you hog rattling young whipper snapper you finally come home HH you're did how have you been all right I say how have you been shut it off I shut it off Dad Blame A I'll shut you up in the ho gal oh Roy this is Mr Kirby Haynes he's one of the committee putting on the celebration pleasure to have you with us Mr Rogers glad to know you oh Pete come here Pete maoy he's one of the boys to be writing again you in the pony expre how are you I think we've met before haven't we I don't think so this arres the committee this Mr Jones how do you doing welcome to dll info Mr Johnson how are you Mr Rogers how you do Mr M hello Roy glad to see you thank you Rogers wants to see you all right what' you want to see me about Roy what do you mean the kid told me that hey H Seed string him up string him up nothing that's $100 fine get after that kid I'm deer TI than every man with a [Music] hor come on you [Music] py come on [Music] trigger there [Music] come on [Music] trigger help help help die I can't hold him the sandle slipping [Music] thanks that was a brilliant idea wasn't my fault no I suppose you didn't Bulldog me off that saddle the next time you go riding you better tighten your sense a little bit you still haven't told me why the masquerade it all started one Halloween oh you'll be all right in a minute well I'm sorry about stealing trigger I didn't want the sheriff to see me why have you got a police record about a mile long but it isn't my fault uh it was my uncle Lin here we go again good old Uncle L you better get outside for a while right over here oh Gabby where's that horse he well I almost had him but he got away you take the Ravine and I'll look down the road here we go boy you didn't have to bring that s I'm rugged by now I was going to get it you think you're rugged enough to hold this lid up oh [Music] sure thanks I don't know why you did that I don't either well thanks anyway that's all right jack climb in all right it's a pretty tough upper but I think it can make it all right say what about trigger I couldn't get rid of him if I tried [Music] heer what happens here I got to get you out of that Halloween suit and put you into a dress oh time to be outfitted by the Dow rle antique shop I'll be a smart cookie won't I I happen to know the owner you like her she'll fix you up Lita Hello Kitty Lolita Lolita H nobody home this must be the dress Department well it's uh it's definitely an improvement on what you're wearing why don't you climb into it are you the salesman here too oh Lolita won't mind besides you don't want to meet her at too much of a disadvantage do you oh yes I guess you're right well here it goes well there's an old music box out here I'll try it out [Music] [Applause] fine how adorable and sweet so dainty and petite Just Like a Lady of old Spain we a handsome cavali strolls beneath her B softly strumming his guitar as he begs [Music] her you dance for me little s your W you dance for me F my heart away with your eyes of fire and your lovely show you're a picture of enchant sure to make each cavali fall won't you smile for me little Sorita you were to be always bright and gay you're a set to music your promise of Romance weave your spell for me sendor [Music] down can me in the [Music] [Music] Sor weave your spell for [Music] say where did you learn that Ro Lolita G how have you been oh R Who come back to see me you don't think I'd forget my old friends do you old I do not like this word it is R who gets older he spout out from this high but I stay the same Mita this is Miss Lin Miss Lin mhm senorita L see oh oh what a pretty dress where you get him oh little thing we picked up the D rimple antique shop oh oh gra is me oh you buying me how much do owe you oh we will talk about that later I'm going to give you how you call a good deal fine uh miss lens's a stranger in town could you put her up at your guest room for a few days oh see see look right she is p of the place already you come with me huh oh well I'll be back later and tell you the story of her life never mind I'll tell her myself don't you believe a word she tells you don't you forget to come back for dinner oh he's a lovely boy you come with me I'm going to show you the place oh I like that Ro so much fig you better get off the sidewalk you're all to get arrested oh Roy I left your Buckboard up in front of Lolas you find that kid hey Gabby you better take a look in next door pol's in there beef and to H again oh what happened Jim they're welon they won't pay off all slight misunderstanding Sheriff P here is a little confused about his betting I've been playing 17 ever since I came in you can ask anybody at the table you were betting on the number sure but you forgot you weren't covering it the last time that was my money on 17 I paid off you're running a house game you don't believe in giving a sucker a break oh you do all right at this game every time you gamble Pol you get in trouble why don't you quit qu it all right stick up for him you're probably getting a payoff too I've done it now you get out of here I catch you in town again I'll plaster you with the G ding this fine I ever levied all right I'm going but I'm coming back Hy come on get out of here all right ladies and gentlemen bet them high and sleep on velvet the house feels like losing today they a bit he a bit see aren't we taking care of him sure but we can't let him in that kind of money you know if he goes around talking like that we're Lely get into trouble we W get in any trouble he will I hate she po gambling like that we got a nice little ranch out here last 2 or three years you quit working entirely and let the place go to dogs any chance Pard was right you mean about the game to be in crooked yeah oh I don't know losers always complain if he's got any proof let him bring it in you feel sorry about that kid couldn't find HID in her hair of him I don't think you have to worry about him he probably H tail it for the Border I'll keep my eye open for him you can bet your bottom dollar on that hey sheriff sheriff telegram for you it's from old man Dal rle how do you know what do you mean by reading my telegram how else can I receive it and write it down oh I never could read good after dark what did he say Sheriff's Office D rimple Texas please be on the watch out for my daughter Jackie have reason to believe she may be heading your way she is blonde 5'3 age 23 if you have have any information please contact me at once wer J D rimple D rimple Building Chicago does he say anything about a reward nope hey I remember that girl she was here about 5 years ago with her father scrawny little kid with a squeaky voice and yellow hair oh excuse me senorita I have no harm done seor hey wait a minute lady see you later wman hands up everyone don't try anything funny this is a hold up and we want your money I'll keep the place covered for a course or so while I calling my gang to pick up your door you give the girl your wallet cash and everything and the lady who's with you that diamond ring I'll take that lighter and that String of Pearls they'll look mighty pretty on one of my girls grab that quart of champagne Let It Go I say you've had too much to drink anyway give me wait a minute hold everything ladies and gentlemen look who's here Roy Rogers you can have my my wallet your wallet not on your life there's only one thing we want from you Mr Rogers and that's a song all right have your girls round up the sons of the pioneers and we'll sing one for [Music] you there's a rainbow Over Texas there's a Sunbeam peing from behind each CL a PR Bree seems to say out loud good morning to you there's a rainbow T withing the way it you can't just good good morning to you there's a bluebird high in the branches seren his lady fair and you know for certain all the dogies are flirting just because there're spring in the air there's a rainbow Over Texas see the skies are clearing and I'm here to say it's going to be just a real nice day good morning to you there's a blue bird high in the branches SAR his lady fair and you know for certain all the are flirting just because there's spring in the air there's a rainbow Over Texas with the countryside awake and feeling great everything's first great in the Lone Star State good morning to you good morning to [Applause] you yes a minute yes you fit the description all right blonde 5 foot three your name Jackie there must be some mistake Sheriff mistake what do you mean you've got the wrong name this is an old friend of mine Angela Butterfield are you sure that Roy I ought to be she used to sing on the radio with me how about that Angela yes we did we teamed up together and we slau them didn't we that's right well there's Ways and Means of finding out I got a photographic eye in the memory like a bull elephant so Roy pardon me Roy a couple of friends of mine here they'd like to have your autograph fine what's your name Joanne thanks a lot Mr Rogers you're welcome Sheriff it's about that telegram yeah said right you were right I am the girl you're looking for what why Incarnation did he say so will you do me a favor what is it I don't want Roy to find out who I am well I can't see why not well he thinks I'm just a girl he met on the train oh I see sort of a romance huh not exactly you see Ry doesn't think much of the Dal rample family and I want to prove he's wrong well I don't see no reason why I shouldn't keep you secret oh I knew you would hey wait a minute you want to start a brush fire be careful with then it's all right it's loaded with blanks oh yes that's hey you are the tray pick up the money off that table you're a little late Bud we just had that number now get your hands up go get the money up [Music] [Applause] [Music] here hold it hold it [Music] [Applause] don't rush out there he probably get the place surrounded surrounded nothing come on [Music] boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] get up where did you come from I'll ask the questions how long have you been here I don't know last I remember I was sitting down to supper somebody came behind me and slugged me let me see your arm your right one roll your sleeve up why what for haynes's gambling place was held up tonight by a man wearing your clothes and riding a Pento Pony I didn't do it I can see you didn't the man I was chasing took a bolt in her right arm well that puts me in the clear I'll go with you can tell the sheriff wait a minute if they've gone that far to frame you they're all to go the rest of the way what do you mean there's a posy riding out from town somebody in that crowd might take a shot at you yeah one of Kirby Haynes men when they get that double deing crook you wouldn't stand a chance now get this you've got to drop out of sight for a while is that your Pento outside yeah why he was using the hold up tonight my horse yeah we've got to get out of here quick this will be the first place they'll come to now remember Pard no matter what happens don't come back here [Music] yeah here they [Music] come you better get off your horse and get behind those [Music] rocks give me your gun your hat hurry [Music] up hold it boys D Ro where is that Bandit I think I got him he went pitching off his horse down over that Cliff anyway getting down there ah it wouldn't do no good it' be long time before it body to show up then it' probably be miles down the stream I suppose Pard fired at you first he turned in his saddle and shot at me you you sure he turned this gun hasn't been fired it's too bad we can't find the body he's probably got a bullet hole in his back now wait a minute hold on Jim Po's dead he was an outlaw it don't make much difference how he died I get on your h both of [Music] you [Music] eight numbers GA around me brother what have you got to say for yourself brother Carson I Saw the Light and I get the word I know that it's right and H you [Music] I'm r on the golden range up in the sky up in the SK up in the sky [Music] yes Bill and sister L be that brother like me and you and old kid Carson he will do way up [Music] the me you you on the golden R up in the in the up in the yes righty can me the way up in the slew that CH tall Pro right was might for big and small he play his harp as I recall way up in the sky up in the up in the in the way up in Skyy up in the sky up in the sky eaten way up in the sky all way a way up in the up [Music] [Applause] the get your tickets here for the race tomorrow tickets get your tickets here here Gabby have you got any money why sure got some fine money here about $50 that's fine I'll take it say you're not taking Gabby's money are you well of course why not you better hold on to this when I left town you wouldn't even lend me 10 bucks now you're handing out 50 to a girl you never saw before she's good for it Ain she didn't you tell me she used to sing with you on the radio well uh if you wanted to borrow some money you should have asked me well I'll pay it back as soon as the race is over get your tickets here for the pony race tomorrow miss you have a customer here's $50 and I want it all on Roy Rogers that's number six thank you thank you I got some horses picked out for out the Ferguson Ranch they better be good ones I have a hunt something's going to happen with Kirby haes in charge of this oh there you go again ain't nothing wrong with Kirby Haynes if that race was fixed don't you suppose I'd be the first one to know it no I be the first one to North I have to ride in it lock it thinking your partner sir I thought there might be some news of your daughter it's the Del rimple broadcast D rimple I always likeed it better the other way sir there's more of a swing to it Del rimple haven't you done enough to me without trying to change my name I'm sorry sir what are you going definitely decided rle rather contagious too it's getting to be an [Music] epidemic oh Gabby Gabby the horses are gone they broke away what's trouble them horse Roy was going to ride broke out last night at the Ferguson Ranch well it'll probably turn up in plenty of time the race isn't until tomorrow yes but do the horses know that I had a hunt something like this was going to happen what do you mean by that Rogers I just have my own idea that's all are you suggesting that somebody's trying to keep you out of that race that could be no never mind that where's for oh what his place let's right out there Roy and take a little look around that might be a break for me yeah I was just thinking then when did you first notice the horse was being gone Mr Ferguson we just discovered it this morning no telling how far those horses are straight but now say looks like something hit this fan I'll find them horses don't you worry none you find them after the race say look at these tracks They have a truck in here yeah yeah fresh marks too that's what they done Roy drove a truck in here loaded the hes and drove off again have you changed your mind about Kirby Haynes I don't know but I'm sure going to find out that won't do us any good what we've got to do is find some other horses we can use what about the Dow rimple Ranch I don't think so he paid too much money for them horses he won't let anybody touch them Gabby can fix that Gabby aren't the D rles pretty good friends of yours well I I guess one of them is well that settles it how about Roy we right over and take a look at them hores of course he does hey this fine looking place yeah I don't know why he ever went to Chicago the Palamino are right over here how would you know well uh they always have them face in the sun yes that's what bleaches them I guess you two work nice together there's one thing you can say about old D Ripple he don't know nothing but the best they look like pretty good show horses but that does me Nick and run we could ask room how they've been training he must be around here someplace he's probably over in the tack room Y and uh where might that be oh well uh uh oh here it is see that's so right on the door yeah right on the door there anybody at home mister Mr groom beautiful place isn't it yeah you sure got a lot of blue ribbons in this family yes blue ribbons yellow horses all kinds of colors well I think I'll call up the main house and see Hello Roy if we hurry we can take our pick and scram now ain't that a nice way to talk in front of the sheriff you know the kind of horse that I think you should have I think it should be a a sort of sway back why don't you let the man pick his own horses sway back I just noticed uh you notice what well i' have sworn I saw a picture there a minute ago picture picture what do you want of a picture you don't want a picture what you want a real thing man likes to feel a horse under it there must be a groom around here somewhere there must be something around here I haven't quite gotten the hang of yet well we'll never find a groom in here now will we shall we go I think the groom has the key to the main house sir well let's get him out here what am I paying him for do you see what I see sir young lady come here hello Mr Dal rmle Mr Dal rmle uh yes that is your name isn't it I don't know I I thought it was we dropped in to see if we could borrow some of your horses for the race I'm Roy Rogers Rogers so that's it you stole my daughter lured her away from me you thought should' marry you to the Dow rimble Millions Dad please aren't you ashamed of yourself ashamed what was the Lord doing while all this was going on what do I pay taxes for didn't you get my telegram oh that telegram yeah seems to me I I do recollect something about telegram now I know what you meant when you said one of the D rles was a friend of yours lock and make a note of this I charge this minion of the law with gross neglect of Duty conspiracy and withholding evidence of a crime I'll have him impeached I'll run him out of office isn't that a little drastic sir drastic he lucky if I don't have him lynched Roy I'm sorry this was all just a foolish little idea of mine how could you do it a g rimple making a fool of herself D rimple sir why you remember we we decided come on Gabby I think we better let them have their little family reunion you haven't heard the last of this young man we have laws in this country and the local sheriff had better find out what they are dad please did you find him no I reck Roy turned in but now got that race on tomorrow you know well thanks anyway Gabby maybe I better get one of my deputies see you home no that's all right don't bother well good night good [Music] night all right go ahead and ball me out and tell me what a fool I am it's just like me isn't it to come all the way in town and try to find that cowboy and apologize do you think he'd listen to me you're probably right I guess he wouldn't I wouldn't be too sure about that you wouldn't oh were you there all the time sure quite a conversation you had we'll just call it even I won't have to apologize for what I said on the train now you know why I didn't tell you my name things you said about the Dal rle family I was kind of hoping you wouldn't remember that it's 12:00 I suppose I'd better be starting back uh I have trigger over there do you mind if I ride home with you well not all the way home my father um remember yeah he practically eats Cowboys for breakfast that accounts for his bad disposition G Lolita this is swell some more coffee in your room no thanks I have plenty Before the Race who is this afternoon I want you to do something for me all right you come with me I'm going to show you something I have some money you know where I have him here I'm going to B on the rest of day I'm going to B on you say that's a fine way to treat an Old Clock like that oh this grandfather he is no good I sold out from him the works that never did work you sold the works that never did work see who'd you sell him to that father he is crazy PO he take the inside he tell me I can keep the clock what did he want with him he said I find Spring some kind of winders Springs and wiers huh you take there money in bet for me on the horse R I'm sorry Lolita but I won't have time but he R is not till this afternoon I know but I have to make a call on a friend of mine well you can see your friend but you can be on the horse I'll do it when I get back well don't forget to come back before the rest Year too late I need some money to open up a new departments oh Pard Pard hello Pard how you getting along not too bad did you find out anything about Kirby Haynes yeah a little it had been easier if it' had told me the rest of it the rest of what about the Springs you bought in the antique shop oh well what does that got to do with it you know those Springs could be used to control a rette wheel yeah they could be now look Pard I can't do this alone I've got to have some proof against hannes all right so I rigged up the wheel for them and they let you win a few times and got tired paying you off is that it that's about it all right if you want Haynes in jail you've got to testify against him if you don't there's nothing I can do about it I'll testify that's better be in town just before the race about 2:00 I'll be there got to find him out Roy yeah it looks all right where did you say you were going to get my string of horse Circle Box XR W it couldn't be Circle Box X Dal rmle could it well not to give you a short answer it's long story one my ID couldn't by any chance be Jackie's idea could it son you're a mind reader we had to slip them horses out when old man Del one looking that gives him another Count On You Gabby horse stealer I was going to ask you uh where is jaie never mind about her just keep your mind on the [Music] race well here comes PA's body natur right on [Music] [Applause] [Music] schedule let us through here Jim po yeah shot in the back he held up the gambling hole you said it'd be a reward for his Budd take you over to my office not me what I need is a drink well is going to be the best year we ever had looks like we'll clear about $45,000 no wonder the way they're betting on Rogers race isn't over yet you didn't figure on him getting those D rimple horses oh it's all taken care of is it PE it will be Rogers will be in the race but he won't feel much like riding now then guess where was it you found the body oh 8 or 10 miles from here down stream and you just happened to be riding by no I was looking for him I figured I could use that reward reward well we'll talk about that later now just one more question when did you first discover the Bullet Hole when he turned him over and looked at his back that's where you got him isn't it Rogers you ought to know Pard never fired a shot he was probably trying to give himself up fighting words Roy take it easy Gabby remember we've got a race to ride you mean to say you're going to stand there and take talk like that you don't see him doing anything about it do you he does better when he has a gun in somebody's [Music] back [Music] Roy friend I'm downright ashamed of you you ain't the young fell I used to know or any part of him I never thought I'd live to see the day that you'd Backwater and run away from any man least of all a loudmouth bragging coyote like Pete maoy what you do it for son Gabby there's only one thing wrong with you what's that you're too [Music] hotheaded he Johny nice horse you got there now all you writers that Ain the race clear the street especially you female [Music] women make sure you stay out of my way shh listen to the man I Hon know the rules course marked out you finish right here get that fourth horse back there you're going out together he ain't going at all come on straighten them up [Music] there sign of them yet sir oh here they are oh no it didn't give me those [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lin well here we are folks this is Ken Carson speaking to you from the first relay station here we're waiting for the Riders to come in for their first change of [Music] Mount and here they come Johnson in the lead and oh yeah that's it coming in all right that's number four when the BR up ladies and gentlemen and here comes Tom Allen in second and they're changing the mounts now uhoh there's a rider and a horse in a little trouble there uh he's he's uhoh he's trying to mount and the saddle is slipping and the rider hits with a loud thff on the ground but hard and there go the rest of the riders in fast pursuit of the leader Now ladies and gentlemen Here Comes Roy Rogers he Dismounts and runs for his fresh horse fast Pony Express Mount and he's off in back of the pack [Music] I didn't know you liked horse racing Mr D rle I don't I'm here to see Rogers take a beating I imagine he's just doing it for the publicity good sport and all that sort of thing I like to make a little better in him I don't mind waving a few quid say uh $20 $50 my dear young man don't get hysterical this is money [Music] now folks this is Tim Spencer taking over from the second relay station they're coming in looks like we've lost a few Riders from here it looks like maab boys in the lead Ingram's next and Rogers the favorite is traing now they're off and there they go oh we've had a spill the rider overshot his Mound Here Comes Rogers and he's still trailing but he makes a fast Cooper Mount and away he goes what riding what horsemanship Rogers is practically out of the race I'm glad you're so happy those are your horses Mr Rogers is riding Rogers riding my horses yes come on [Music] Rogers take care of Rogers get over and stop the [Music] crowd well folks this is the third relay station Bob Nolan speaking to you and bringing you the entries as they come racing in they just informed me that they're on their way to this post now so they should be arriving here here they come and let me tell you folks that that field has slimmed down considerable Pete mavo is in the lead and he's coming like the oh oh oh oh he's cting in front of number five number five is going over backwards and down there's a bad spill out there ladies and gentlemen a very bad spill but he's getting up and walking away Pete maoy has made his change and there's Roy Rogers making his change he's riding trigger on this last lap and there they go keep Mega boy in the lead but Roy is right after him see if we can beat him back into town yes sir that's impossible yeah we can try [Music] anyway [Applause] here they come ma boys in the lead no Rogers come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on give me a straight bourbon Jimmy hope Pete now I'll take up that argument right where we left off you won the race now get out of here I want you to repeat what you said about Pard being shot in the back what about it you got the story all mixed up Pard was n in that hold up the man I was chasing took a bullet in the right arm in the back you mean what's the matter Pete I noticed you didn't use your right arm so good anything wrong with it I broke it a couple of years ago kind of slow healing up isn't it all right what happened to Pard I didn't kill him he wasn't killed and I of the hold up he was hiding out and it won't take long to prove how long he's been dead I'm holding you Pete till I make my investigation you can't pin this on me I was there when he was killed but I didn't do it you better start talking and talk fast well we we finally caught up with Pard then we sent for Haynes he's the one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who [Applause] you're a music [Music] promise with your SP [Music] there's a rainbow Over Texas there's a Sunbeam peing from behind each Cloud a PR to say good morning to you there's a rainbow Over Texas with the S singing up the way it should you can't help feeling just down right good good morning to you there's a blue the branches his [Music] lady in the rainow see the are clear and I'm here to say it's going to be just a real nice day good morning to you good morning to you oh
Channel: Wild West Toys
Views: 6,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, full length, complete, westerns, online, tv, shows, series, episodes, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Gabby Hayes, Rainbow Over Texas, Western Movies, Full Length, Complete, The Sons of the Pioneers
Id: eSb6CzkFmDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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