Roy Orders 14 Free Samples of Ice Cream! | Extreme Cheapskates

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[Music] my name is roy haynes and i am an extreme cheapskate i live in vermont with my wife lisa the frugal ways that roy has have allowed us to focus our time and effort on saving animals as opposed to having to go to a regular job every day nine to five guys i perceive myself as being very resourceful it's worked out well for us i love my husband roy but boy is he a cheapskate here we are in my kitchen basic refrigerator show you one of the many ways that i save money you'll notice the cherries have no stems on them as i pull them all off before i weigh them so i don't have to pay for the stems because you can't eat the stems and these are grapes which i do the same thing for i pull the little vines off save four or five cents each time tastes delicious what i'm doing here is taking a piece of banana most people don't know that it makes an excellent device for shining your shoes with my husband tries to stop me from spending it's very annoying this is my frozen assets we have a credit card but try not to abuse it i freeze the credit card so that it's not easily accessible and what i'm doing is throwing out the ice it's a lot of effort so in order for my wife to use it she has to put some labor into it [Music] these are my paper towels that have been used and reused and reused and reused and are still quite functional as you see they save about a hundred dollars a year in paper towels alone coffee is very expensive so instead of using it freely i kind of reuse it this one's gotten three or four cups out of it already but i'm still not done with it yet i have one more final use for it window cleaner costs probably around three dollars a spray bottle well i don't purchase it i make my own out of the coffee grounds i shake it up although it appears to be dirty you will see how clean it can get a window i'm saving an additional three dollars every month or so which adds up to maybe 40 50 a year clear is daylight [Music] one of the ways that i save money in my bathroom for about five to six cents i take one of those bubbling antacid tablets and i just drop it in the bowl and voila sparkling clean in the tank of the toilet just insert a large stone or a brick and it replaces a great deal of the water saves about eight dollars a month a hundred dollars a year i have probably a lifetime supply of dental floss considering i reuse it when i go to the dentist i just ask for free samples and they're happy to give it to you so i'll use it once or twice make sure there's nothing clinging on hanging on my clothes line ultimately roy's roy and he's not going to spend a lot of money even if i'm there at the ice cream shop i was expecting maybe a sunday or something like that yes can i help you fall hey how are you how about i try and see which ones i like you have a little cup by any chance oh beautiful we got chocolate black raspberry all right i'll try some try what the samples one of each maybe one of each played on the birthday kit the big decision you know did you want to taste this is a birthday cake oh birthday cake okay what can i get you well what else you got another sample yeah how do i know what i like unless i try them ma'am are you with him i didn't feel too good that my husband was up there sampling sampling sampling he looked really comfortable and i was really uncomfortable beautiful thank you very much what are you getting i got these i'm full now so what is it going to be what are you going to do i'm a little full thanks a lot well didn't even pay for nothing you just ate 14 samples i thought you were getting real ice cream it is you realize samples of ice cream that you just caught now you can't come to a place like this and get samples it was mortifying she was less than happy with the free samples we got for ice cream i saved money but she wasn't pleased at all [Music] roy never wants to spend money so we hardly go out i came up with a great idea of a monthly date night so roy and i could go out every month and get out of the house and enjoy ourselves together it's date night roy again we just had one that was about 30 days ago i have it down on the calendar it took you somewhere expensive remember i drove you to the gas station i don't think that really counts as a date you got to take me somewhere how about out to dinner how about a um a boat ride boat ride that's like 25 a person you trying to kill me you could spend some money spend 40 bucks or something 40 dollars 20 between two people you could go somewhere really nice i'll think of something don't worry well if you don't think of something i'll think of something cool either for tonight or next time i'll think of it i'll think of it [Music] come on let's go on our date it's date night roy we're getting really stuck come on whenever i leave the house i unplug all my electric appliances whether it's the tv or the microwave or any lights that are not being used come on roy because even if they're not in the on position they still draw electricity [Music] by unplugging the appliances each time i leave the house i figure i save about 15 to 20 a month on my electric bill so over the course of a year that's about 200 dollars two for the matinee i can't believe roy brought me to the movies i haven't been to the movie and i don't know how long oh soon are you hungry yeah i've told you i wanted something to eat so mike could i have a banana it's a big waste of money to buy food at the snack bar at concessions in any movie theater yeah keep it low yeah people smuggle food into the movie theaters all the time i don't like it but they do it by bringing my own snacks i save at least another ten dollars now it's time for my stuff you said you didn't want the apple i don't want an apple i told you what i wanted when i came in but i wanted popcorn candy or a drink pretty insistent on that all right yeah well i made a movie all right let me go throw this away my lucky day popcorn clean out this cup it'll be good as new i know this movie theater gives free refills with their popcorn and soft drinks so i found a few containers in the trash and surprised my loving wife can't beat free surprise oh look at you and the straw two oh i was just going to ask you for the strike but you probably wouldn't have gotten oh come on well nice thank you wow thank you thank you lovely yes i am i was shocked when he handed me popcorn in the soda that was so unlike him [Music] all in all roy's roy i love my husband and he tries i'm back could i just get a little refill on the popcorn [Music] with some ice taking full advantage of your generosity got to give him credit he does save a lot of money and he's all mine well that turned out pretty good i knew you would like it it was a good day yes it was i love my wife lisa and i try to please her and i do the best i can without spending any money you
Channel: TLC
Views: 1,136,157
Rating: 4.8501859 out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, extreme cheapskates, extreme cheapskates full episodes, cheap, cheap people, expenses, money, saving money, savings, budgeting, haggling, haggler, cheap price, cheapskate family, free samples, free food, cheapskate roy
Id: rKpyNM-yleo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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