Michael Brews His Coffee Through a Sock! | Extreme Cheapskates

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/isabelle_likespizza 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi I'm Michael McCurley and I'm the thrifty is a cheapskate fantasy 40 year old IT worker Michael mix early spends his time inventing new ways to cut costs so far his creations have reduced his monthly spending down to under a thousand dollars wanted a little thing little discovery that I've made way to save on coffee I enjoyed my coffee in the morning I have made my own little coffee device out of an old sock a cup and a twisty tie so I go over to my water which I've boiled in a pan that's multi-purpose and I pour it into the coffee grounds through the sock and the saw becomes the filter and then I can serve I save you know dollars a week mm-hmm he's probably the cheapest person I have to agree with it you can pay anywhere from 20 to 50 dollars for shelving so I'm gonna save that using milk crates which are a few dollars a piece and cable ties which are practically nothing this looks cheesy however version 1.0 version 2.0 is gonna look like a Jim Michael refuses to throw away anything that he might be able to construct into a money-saving contraption this is my box of stuff that I think I can reuse his a typical I for penny-pinching means he generates less than one bag of trash per week this is basically a prototype this is definitely is not a finished product by any means but this is a utility belt that I thought I could use you know working in the garage or under the house and if you can just put on is so and then put your tools and it is made entirely of duct tape I developed a method with rubber bands to keep my soap levitated off of that water it lets it dry it prevents mildew and my soap last don't hold amount of time it would normally last I'm probably saving between 80 and hundred dollars a year so I'm so pallone I've worked on you know saving money doing things in the kitchen collecting things that I can reuse the most thrifty ax stayin that I do in my kitchen is I've collected straws and I reuse straws I like to clean them out you know because the outside doesn't cut it I have actually developed this fishing line and old strips of t-shirts to clean my straws so I load up four at a time and it takes a minute to actually get it in here so that's one and they're clean for Michael it's about more than saving pennies on straws he's trying not to spend any money at all away I saved my water bill is I actually saved my water after my showers so I collect the water in the tub get a bucket and actually scoop it out take it to where I need to use it other places in the house including you know Washington this was once a week including doing the laundry once a month and I can even use that water and put it in the toilet to flush it I think it's kind of gross it's like taking the bath and washing your dishes in the bathtub with you you know that that's not what we consider to be hygienic by any stretch of the imagination by using water essentially as possible Michael slashed his water bill to just 15 bucks a month but he won't be satisfied until you reach his zero this is my rainwater collection here I'm collecting all this water and it's free water which is free money this is gonna be a rainwater collector that I'm gonna use as a shower as a dishwasher water my plants and the whole goal of this is to reduce my water bill as close to zero as possible I am 99.97% sure that this project will be effective like it's planned if his system works Michael will never pay for water again saving more than two hundred dollars annually but he's not about to spend those savings on building materials there's been some times where I've gone over to my parents house who live relatively close to look for parts for my you know for an invention why are you going through our trash well this is the trash this is what I've intercepted before you throw things away well you know I had it all in the box would it be easier to carry out to the curb right well all this I'm probably gonna take with me anyway couple of things I might be able to use well you know you're welcome to anything that we don't need I'm probably using my project definitely they all were to say this invention of yours I've never seen anything like the hip routing through his parents house Michael scores 50 feet of free tubing but to find the other components you'll need he's going scavenging our yard cell is a dream because you can buy a twosie and people are usually motivated to sell quickly and at a ridiculous price every weekend Michael wakes up at 5:00 a.m. to hit all the local yard sales always on the hunt for the best bargains he can find this is your pub why you selling it something wrong with it no we just don't use it but it doesn't work yeah it's okay tell you what we'll let you have the pump for $4 again question okay thank you so much at a garage so when I get a pretty good bargain I do get a rush with a $4 pump and 50 feet of free hosing salvaged from his parents house plus some thrifty ingenuity Michael is ready to construct the ultimate cheapskate irrigation system I think it will look a bit unusual you know not many people have external plumbing in their house [Music] well hello hey Mike what I wanted to come see what you'd been doing over here huh yeah it's been a quite a little project she what's your done with my hose outside I have the bucket that actually collects the rainwater I've got it split off right here one is going to the sink and one is going to the washing machine in there I'm gonna be pumping it onto this this part of the house and purpose of the SAS Oh it'll be to just be very penny-pinching conscious mom like not bro like you brought me up to be what if it doesn't right what are you gonna do its water down [Applause] I'm pumping nothing in here yet it's not working you're not pumping hard enough nothing yet nothing water oh wait a minute here it comes lot of water you're getting a look now you're getting more water it's amazing how much water is coming out oh you're getting some water now he's very thrifty and he has a bit of a cheapskate but I love him and he comes up the cry that is I'm feeling really good that my systems up and running now the rain irrigation system is now fully operational and successful and now I'm approaching absolute zero on my tap water usage and I am going to enjoy even a smaller water bill you know I believe my Ferg ality methods have really matured over the years and I think it will continue going through a process and I will continue to focus more and more on what saves me the most time and most money with the least amount of effort [Music]
Channel: TLC
Views: 3,273,035
Rating: 4.8400521 out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, extreme cheapskates, extreme cheapskates full episodes, cheap, cheap people, expenses, money, saving money, savings, budgeting, haggling, haggler, cheap price, cheapskate family, free samples, free food, cheapskate michael, cheapskate inventor
Id: ObYA4tVYh4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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