The College Couponer | Extreme Couponing

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[Music] we have 12 years of body wash just sitting in the kitchen and my mom's coming to visit I think we need to do something in the United States adults between 55 and 64 use more coupons than any other age group but college student Tyler is an extreme couponer and he's only 20 years old my name is Tyler comes between school Worth and partying I still have time to keep on my favorite part of the whole thing is the checkout it gets your heart beating you're kind of fist pumping in your head you should see the price start to go down I will not just go in and get two of something I'll get 6070 of that item because I know I'm gonna use it I love cheap champale let's take twenty of them with an allowance of $100 a month from his parents the Indiana University jr. struggles to cover both his grocery and social expenses it's pretty hard to live off $100 a month when you're in college and I don't have a job I have always been a Shopaholic it's kind of been a bad part of my life a lot of money my parents give me goes to shopping what drives me and couponing is just the saving of the money but saving money is just one reason coupons Tyler also wants to show his mom that despite his Shopaholic tendencies he can't be responsible with money my mom she's always been supportive of whatever I do so and I shall definitely be supportive of me saving money I hope Tyler is proved that he can save money by building a stockpile valued at about fifteen hundred dollars which includes twenty-two boxes of cereal 35 bottles of laundry detergent seventy four body washes and ninety two packages of pasta that has completely taken over the kitchen he shares with his roommate Darren Tyler sacrifice space in the house for sure like kitchen like we couldn't get into our fridge for a while all of these sports drinks I got for free the pasta free all of these mouth rinses were free air sprays were only 25 cents apiece today Tyler's mom is coming to visit the apartment for the first time since he began couponing and he wants to make sure to impress her with how far he is stretching his allowance he has taken some of his savings and invested in industrial shelves to organize his stockpile okay we have got to get all this under control before my mom gets here well I don't like this it's me it looks like it's getting worse [Music] we have a kitchen talent it looks a lot better toddler has excess storage space now that everything is arranged neatly since he wants his mom to be amazed when she sees the stockpile Tyler needs to fill the rest of the shelves to do this he will have to pull off his biggest haul ever okay Jer you're ready to prepare for the shopping trip yeah each week we try to get about fifteen to thirty inserts we get inserts sent to us from my aunt's my mom our friends on today's shopping trip Tyler is bringing Darryl long as he attempts to purchase over three hundred dollars worth of groceries food for less than half of his monthly $100 budget unlike most extreme couponers who have to break up their purchases into many transactions Tyler intends to buy 280 items using 160 coupons in a single check out my store doesn't have a limit on coupon usage or doubling so I always just do one large transaction we just got some stores I'm super excited we're building up my stockpile as big as we can get it so my mom will walk in and have her socks blown away first up on Tyler's list is a popular item in his and Dara's house drink mix therefore 19 usually and today they're on sale for a dollar 69 and then I have a dollar off coupon making him 69 cents next up is laundry detergent even though Tyler has an 11 years supply in a stockpile he can't resist getting more of his favorite grocery items these laundry detergents retail for 399 a bottle today they're on sale for 239 and I have a $1 off one bottle coupon making each laundry detergent only $1 39 this one makes year number 12 boop-boop the final item on Tyler's list or a staple of any college students diet frozen dinners after a store carted coupons each one will only be 18 cents so Tyler is getting as many as he can to fill his empty freezer we need 64 of them keep on stacking this one more [Music] yeah after three hours of shopping Tyler and Dara have filled their courts and are finally ready to check out feeling pretty good about checkout we are here all the time we never have any problems with restrictions hello are you today I'm great are you I'm very good have you ever had someone come in with this mini keep on running other coupons yeah are you familiar with our coupon policy there's a limit at 10 like items redeemed in one shopping trip okay you can't have more than 10 like items in a shopping trip we're gonna have to go change out first these pastas make sure all this body wash shampoos are different we will be back there okay I'll be right here this is awful it is the worst feeling ever having to put stuff back on the shelves when you're getting it for free after rearranging and restocking his cart so that he doesn't have more than ten of the same type of item Tyler is once again ready to check out he will now have to do multiple transactions in order to get the deals he had originally planned we will be doing six total transactions with the last one being the largest transactions coupons okay are you ready for round two candy ready okay sorry it off your total is twenty eight seventy eight and you have your plus card yes I do thank you and your coupons this is your last coupon your new total is eight thirty eight what's going on right now I'm ready to get through the next four transactions and then get to my big one which it should be a pretty large total and then I hope I'll get it done real small total on this order is $10 I need your card and your coupons $2.80 that photo was $10 $10 is your total there's my coupon thank you dollar 80 with only one transaction to go Tyler has purchased almost $70 worth of groceries but is paid less than 16 despite his need to impress his mom with this haul Tyler still wants to spend as little of his $100 monthly allowance as possible if anything goes wrong with this final transaction it could bust his budget usually I know down to the exact dollar what I'm spending but right now it's all at the mere nerve-racking sitting here watching the toilet go out your totals getting high do you have the money to pay for this I definitely don't have that much money right now your total today is two hundred and twenty four dollars and forty-five cents I don't have that much money in my wallet so hopefully my store card and my coupons work could I have your scorecard yes you can okay this is terrifying me it's terrific it's dropping its dropping dropping dropping keep your total after coupons is 37:53 yeah - right - right your total today was two hundred and ninety three dollars and twenty three cents you paid only fifty three dollars and two and she'd see that despite having to make emergency recalculations Tyler's shopping trip was still a success he managed a hall that includes 20 bottles of shampoo 30 packages of pasta and 60 frozen dinners a total retail value of two hundred ninety three dollars twenty three cents but Tyler only paid fifty three dollars and eleven cents an 82 percent savings let's get out of here we got to stock the shelves for my mom gets in town hey you've heard so much about the stock pile so what do you think about it oh wow you said you were keep lying I didn't expect anything like this a lot of frozen dinners Tyler is not the most organized or diligent person and for him to be into extreme couponing is unbelievable I'm very proud of him when she walked through there she was definitely wowed it makes me feel very good to hear my mom say those things
Channel: TLC
Views: 2,758,303
Rating: 4.8311119 out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, extreme couponing, extreme couponing full episodes, coupons, deals, discounts, grocery shopping, grocery stores, sales, extreme cheapskates, cheap, saving money, extreme shopper, shopping, coupon tyler
Id: -jYb0erNzy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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