Rotax Engine Failure - Flying Impressive Sling2 LSA in SoCal

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feeling really surreal just flying over poppers neighborhood that guy's my hero caught my flying career we had a great time in this blue sling - but not after scrubbing a flight in the red one you got it my controls not liking it dirty Mac baby just doing something different you're not firing at all shut down here now this is what we do preflight checks [Music] it's a great day in Southern California I'm at Zamperini field to do my first check out in a light-sport aircraft the sling - is one of those planes that destroys the general impression that lsas are not real airplanes I'll be flying with Omar he's a CFI that was a student pilot when I started the flight chops YouTube channel when I first are flying you're probably one of the first YouTube channels I watched and then like all throughout my training flight chops it's kind of like that video that channel you go to to figure out you know how to do certain things or learn from you plus a lot of you know mistakes doing good doing bad whatever an ad so it's kind of cool now do full circle and come fly with you as with every flight training lesson we started with a thorough ground briefing so we're gonna do the check out today just quick background on a sling it's a South African aircraft designed in South Africa this is the US kind of base for it it runs a Rotax engine up in the front and it also doesn't any cables it's all push rods like this is what your panel will look like if you see 2500 rpm on your on your tack you're basically at idle power that's so weird yes it's a lot easier to get used to than you might think because it's just it's just instead of going from 500 to 25 you're going from 25 to 5 yeah would you be your head room yeah exactly so you're gonna see like really high rpm settings you're gonna see like on takeoff 5400 rpm the prop is not spinning at 5400 rpm if there's a reduction gear in it so it goes from the engine to the gearbox essentially and then to the froth let's talk real quick about what we're gonna do today so here's us Zamperini field Torrance we're gonna take off we're gonna head out here housewares practice area where we'll be flying over a present in the night States Golf Course or we'll go out here to the Long Beach back circuit both these practice areas are incredibly busy there's like five different airports that use them you got Torrance you got Hawthorne I know some guys from Santa Monica come down here forward to John Wayne all these guys use as well practice area [Music] the walk around was pretty standard but there were a few interesting things about this airplane flip on the master switch and then just give it a second to warm up and now you can drop those blasts the backup is on the IVA sauna and the master is on it's charging that battery and what's the rule I think on fuel tanks think they're only have to be accurate when it's empty or something yeah okay underneath the wing your pitot tube just check this not clogging then right below that you see that little hole right there that's your angle of attack indicator and then we're gonna go ahead and suck the fuel his no gas yeah we don't we can use ab gas but we don't we don't need to and yeah a lot of people skip that part of what color is it that matters it does matter yeah so so if you're in this airplane we can run avgas and we can run mo fuel but that's like three something a gallon and a gas is like five something a gallon the Rotax powerplant was probably the most unique thing on this airplane as far as I was concerned from my experience we got pretty deep into it in the briefings and I'll share the procedures as well in real time on patreon but for now let's go fly cool all right we're gonna get our ATIS notice there men go away Tanner left woman right closed antenna site is closed that's the way alpha between golf and hotel is closed taxiway golfers clothes actually Delta echo Foxtrot and golf Northup actually alpha is closed this is us right over here right there okay right on echo well they're gonna give us is just extra off and Juliet any question about the airplane no good so far the rotor is a little stiffer than I expected yeah it's a little bit now is that because the tail wheel is on the ground knows where that's off it'll be more correct okay yeah that's straight where did you check this for yeah so we're facing into the wind our brakes are set we do a private pilot briefing again if we lose our engine above 600 we're gonna get turn around and we lose it below we're gonna go straight ahead I'll handle the controls if you want to handle the radios do any questions about that no everything okay let's go do our box check for controls free it correct to our bag checklist let's go to 4000 rpm it's slowly see how your tax right there right tiny drop the few HSN it might be as much as 300 yep it's a Mac as 300 is it did you do 50 yeah we're back to both our instruments are in the green let's go ahead and get our band span the power up a little bit I had a feeling it wasn't running right and Omar's facial expression confirmed it you got it Mike Joe's not liking it dirty Mac maybe it's doing something different that's all right they're all running like it only fun one cylinder wasn't running for their high five and Fox who was pretty low was it like see the temperature was low but it was still running I think the altitude just watch the tempter on to Oh Yankee you down lower than the rest of them not all right Bobby I did before that's interesting so now it's fine somebody wasn't firing at number two what about the system would possibly allow for two cylinders like that to be isolated I don't think it's a bags cuz you wouldn't lose both cylinders that's what I'm saying if it was on the left you'd lose all four right before it's happening now yeah you wanna try a single digit Reginald single guys yeah let's do it one more time Bessie they're two and four look like they're not firing now would you agree with that yeah let's try that again yeah that's not firing that's not firing say you've lost two cylinders yeah they're not firing at all good stuff we probably ought to shut down here yeah we should probably could not good for the engineer no this is what we do preflight checks yeah we decided to head back and switch airplanes amazingly Jean back at the shop quickly diagnosed are very unique and unusual problem yeah so the carburetor is on the one side for two and for this that's what it should look like flooding and that trying to sank to the bottom as you demand that the engines using fuel system valve goes down a little repo the thing that does floods push up is that right that's the little sister in valve yeah and so the flood she's like floating they would do that when it's idling normal fuel go through but if that was their fuel would be coming through there was flooding and it's flooding here right so does happening now is refilling and at idle when you didn't have a big demand for fuel the fuel would go up through and run rich middle things that gave it away were color of this solder uh-huh but I could see the Sun lighted there's actually slightly dark have it at fuel on it yeah that's a great story about troubleshooting because we racked our brains not having a I didn't own experience to like to figure out what is unique about cylinder two and four and that's why it's important when there's a problem haven't looked quickly after things because then you assist in by coming in and saying exactly it was no coincidence that John no slings so well I'm John I'm from South Africa I was lucky enough to get involved with the slings right at the beginning I helped my King James build the first one that they threw around the world the first two seater a few years later we built the poor cedar and I was lucky enough to fly the I'm holding some beautiful things in so we jumped into a pretty similar airplane but there were definitely some differences so again I'm not gonna get into this stuff in real-time but I will share it with patreon supporters controls [Music] yeah at times it requires like four hands to fly it because one difference is it doesn't have to brings so this theoretically like a chipmunk but it's all the wrong hand like there's a multi-part series of my chipmunk training publicly available and several episodes on patreon related to that stuff and again I'm not going to cover the run-up in real time so watch for that one on patreon soon for takeoff the procedure you're gonna do is obviously just like any other airplane stick into the wind wherever it's coming from this airplane will take off in about 700 feet you can do kind of like a soft field procedure we bring the stick up that's how I usually do my takeoffs on this airplane right around 50 to 55 just start pulling that stick back and right away you're gonna notice how sensitive it is all right to eight eighths here I'll leave my holy 14 I ready Juliet playing 280 early when tourists our wrinkles shop approver my two-niner right click there so Eclipse take off my clothes through dates are you clear on the right clear I'm gonna get your landing light on so we'll take this on the roll you know that behind the other plant there they go there you go [Applause] [Music] let's just get lined up at the runway here that's pretty good pitch oh yeah right answer now and you wanna clear on the ride my friend really [Applause] we go savvy not to do what you got to do it that's looking good don't bring that power back and once I bring that knows that don't over crack this just keep flying the airplane there you go that's good right there beautiful your honor god I'll take that straight that time [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah there's certain site pictures you know just don't look right think that it was a bad picture it was just different go ahead to the opposite so you can start that's right whatever you want arrow Philo fire than five so bring that nose up bring that nose up or in there you go it wasn't lost on me that I was rolling on a runway that Bob Hoover had probably used many times and we headed over to the practice area to do some air work and his stomping ground all these Amer where today they must walk to 0 to 5 7 and make yourself out turn at or above 1600 apart frequency would be 1 to 7 point 2 [Music] there but it's isolated yeah I think but it clearly not below the pattern house do so what did the interesting looking day number flying right over Bob over his neighborhood right now we actually app house where it is where his house was that airplane had the shoes of it it does not think there was a child it would be right here off course they have it over there point bourbon and then flame Vicente is over there on the right side right there Ali downs right down there it was owned by the Wrigley family who owned the Chicago Cubs here on the edge of mainland America so when you look on the map you see the beginning of the ocean for the United States that's where you are now cool that way we got that layer of $5 all right okay so I clear up my left I left my first yeah let's do a left okay let's do a full three signature [Music] for the power you're gonna notice that if you're in a Cherokee or 172 when you pull the power back a little bit does a lot when you change in the power settings in this airplane you pull the power back a lot and it doesn't really do too much because that reduction gearing so the engines powering down but the ratio which is firing down the difference it's got 30 degrees of flops they are electric flops so you got that little it's a switch three clicks so whatever you say 55 knots I want you to deal with the airplane take care of that alone you can stab 50 - it'll probably be nice to say 50 I think that my kernel already know that there's your angle exactly - careful you're still in the green right answer so let's go to heading up south houses at both we run our time and our on that drama located at 0 cha-cha really awkward with ability as the lawyers can I go attack superport but you want to keep up 50 knots do they right hand so Gosling 288 Celia we're gonna head back in a standard approach just like you would normally do bring it in 72 knots hold a power anytime you want really like the second you realize you're gonna make the runway just pull the power because it requires such little power to actually fly that approach that's why this airplane it only burns about four and a half gallons per hour this episode was shot about a year after Bob Hoover had died really had a real business that guy's my hero come on flying courier that was a year ago like a couple weeks ago right him my dog was born the day he died really up we got so we named him Hoover I never got the chance to meet him but for my hears like stories of him you would never like talk about himself you always want to hear about your flying which i think is super super awesome good start descending let's go to flops too because we're pretty high right now we're gonna land with Rose Villa no flat landings no pancakes no sloppy sighs no no no that word dissipate that energy before landing with 30 degrees of flaps you're not gonna have to worry about hitting the tail you're gonna lose authority on the horizontal stabilizer before that actually happens we can go to pop three let's get the sound going don't over by the airplane okay [Applause] [Music] beautiful thanks again to Omar for inviting me to fly the sling if you want to learn more about them visit airplane factory comm and thanks to all the rest of the sponsors and patrons supporters for helping us make this content I definitely couldn't do it without them and please do visit fly shops comm for a back catalog and to join our mailing list we've got a lot more this type of content coming it's all thanks to the community in meantime keep your flight chopped sharp it's summer between awesome and depressing yeah you were saying that if you say that yeah because like I'm taking three years to get management rating and this guy was a student pilot I started my channel and he's my instructor yeah but you're inspiring the next generation or something I'll take it those four words out for an awesome man
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 615,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3xbfwwuVBXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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