About my Sling TSi - Flying to Oshkosh 2022

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well It's a beautiful morning I'm flying to Oshkosh been flying for 35 years never flown to Oshkosh being from Central Florida I've flown into Sun and Fun a number of times but never Oshkosh first time got a general aviation background but I went went to the Airlines and uh went probably 20 years without flying general aviation and about five years ago got the bug to get back into it I started running airplanes and uh eventually built this beautiful sling TSI with the help of the incomparable Evan brunier and it's a beautiful machine freaking love it and uh what better thing to do with it experimental airplane then bring it to Oshkosh and show it off so that's what I'm gonna do I'm along for the ride one thing I love about this airplane is how efficient it is everywhere we used to drive now we fly and it basically gets the same mileage or better than our car while traveling three times as fast so bringing up the fuel couch place right now we're at 7 500 burning 7.9 gallons an hour 143 knots true basically no wind and 21 miles per gallon and of course if you go up higher even more efficient you get more speed and more miles per gallon so absolutely love that especially with today's fuel prices it just feels like filling up a car it doesn't feel like a burden like some of these airplanes you get to the fuel pump and you're just like Ugh when you get the bill but this thing's no big deal that and it's super comfortable speed super reliable and freaking gorgeous it's not to love and because uh the road tax is a turbo like I mentioned before does even better up high so up in the High Teens I can get 155 knots Plus uh still burning eight gallons an hour or less and got these oxygen concentrators these are the best things in sliced bread unlimited oxygen never have to worry about running out of oxygen never have to refill a bottle they're just beautiful I got two of them two people can use one so we got four seats two concentrators typically when I've traveled it's typically just uh me and my wife and my daughter so I use one and my my wife and daughter split split the other two or split the other concentrator and uh yeah it keeps our oxygen levels up yeah worry free I typically I'll go up to eighteen thousand or quite a 180. you know basically you go wherever the winds are and good rides are but it's it's super nice to be able to go up that high take advantage of Tailwinds sometimes get above weather or just fine you know above the clouds get a nice smooth ride it's great a few things that are unique about this link TSI basically it's got a Evan brungier's customizations uh one of the things I love is is the the ventilation the heating system he's uh separated the the vents from the from the Heat and so these vents here are strictly fresh air from the outside and they're Servo controlled with with this knob these knobs just control a Servo valve which opens and closes it right now it's a little chilly so I have them closed so pretty much no air leaks in into the cabin which is nice especially when you have to run heat up high nicely sealed we did a good job of sealing up the cabin um and you can completely control how much air you it's it's like a car I could control exactly how much air I want you know basically so this is like controlling the fan on your air conditioner and your car and it works very well in the back seat as well and of course we have a Aveo knob so you could you could turn it off there if you know if I want vent and my daughter doesn't she can close her vents off in the back or vice versa left right whatever we want to do then if you want to run heat uh you know this the sling the great thing about this sling is it's got the uh the heat runs through the cooling system so it's it's uh basically like a radiator taking heat from the uh from the engine instead of uh taking it from around the uh exhaust so you don't have to worry about carbon monoxide although I do have a carbon monoxide detector just to be on the safe side but it works very well and uh we've got the heat plumped too it comes out by uh our knees here and and there's two more vents in the back for the back seat passengers works very well as you know it gets cold up high when I go up into the teens especially in the winter uh but man you know the winter that's when you get the nice Tailwinds if you're heading the right way up up high so we go up high run the Heat and stay nice and roasty toasty the other thing is uh the custom panel here uh Evan did this overhead panel here all my light switches are up here you know that's Airline guys we typically our lights are on our overhead so we did the same thing here we're used to that uh all push buttons which I love it's no toggles uh same here on the bottom and over here over on the left this is our uh basically our engine stuff we have our lanes our EMS backup and our start button so this is we use that as a startup and then you never touch that again for the rest of the flight unless you have a problem uh and there's these switches down here are your normal operating switches faster avionics battery backup pedo heat pumps one and two and then their lights are up here uh we also have a glove compartment here beautifully laser-riched sling TSI logo keep things in the glove compartment and I put the pivot Mount which we have at the Airlines and this is my Airline issued iPad slides right there oops in the place everything Bluetooth over to the iPad so a lot of people's High School why a little traffic 900 below us no Factor uh why not do do two g3x's why do the iPad uh well we did ever and I flew his airplane to Sun and Fun a couple years ago from Idaho so uh and he's got two G3 axes and there is some advantages to that but I brought my iPad along and I just found that there's a few things that I like that foreflight does a little bit better than than what the g3x does uh and it has some information a little bit more information than the g3x says in some cases uh you know a couple times we had to divert into an airport and the you know the hours of the fbos are are on here and sometimes they're not on the g3x even on the aopa information it'll have it uh hours for the airport but not always for the FBO plus you have all the fuel prices you're looking for a place to make a stop you know you got all the fuel prices uh at the various airports not always accurate but gives you an eyeball or you know a ballpark uh the weather I like the way the weather displays let me show you now this is a adsb weather this is how it looks on the g3x and this is how it looks on the foreflight same information Source this is just Bluetooth from the same information source I find that g3x tends to kind of uh over paint the radar uh places where it's yellow on the g3x is still green on the foreflight and I've found that the floor plate seems to be more accurate look at this traffic here all right it's a thousand below us so I I like having kind of The Best of Both Worlds there are some things that g3x does better than than um oriflating or something before flight does better than g3x so why not have the best of both worlds uh it's just as nice of a screen I can bring up uh the uh attitude the ahars comes off of off the uh via Bluetooth as well got attitude and uh it's actually it's not AirSpeed and uh and and uh actual pressure out too but it's GPS L2 GPS speed and your course but it is a separate backup attitude indicator should that be necessary shouldn't because you got this and this have their own sources so but yeah Festival worlds you know in in a number of ways it's it's better than what I have at the airlines you know obviously it's nicer to have a real onboard weather radar but man this adsb uh radar is is the next best thing and it's it sure is better than what we used to have when I learned back in the 80s which was nothing calling up flight service station or whatever getting a radar depiction printed out on a piece of paper maybe before you go and then have no no real live information after that other than calling flight service so yeah it's it's a different world now plus having traffic and weather through adsb all the time love it don't have XM a lot of people oh why don't you have a Sirius XM radio or weather uh basically the the radar is just as high resolution on adsb uh within 250 miles as it is on Sirius XM now SiriusXM you get high-res Beyond 250 and on this uh you know beyond 250 adsb is uh is the national the conus I think they call it weather here say I got combined so you can see this is this is higher res and then out in the distance that's the lower res which is which is your conus but I I typically keep this on combined so you get you get the high resolution when it's within 250 miles and you still get something Beyond 250 and for an airplane that's you know 150 160 knots like we do that's plenty far out and it's plenty plenty good uh you know of course I don't get when I went to Canada uh they don't get it used to be weather up there so Sirius is always nice if you're going outside the country going to the Bahamas that kind of thing but every everywhere in the US I feel like the adsb is pretty much as good as uh XM in my opinion the other things I like about foreflight is the profile view uh you get your weather in the profile your terrain airspace uh icing clouds turbulence really comes in handy uh figuring out where the cloud layers are I hit pack uh anytime you know before the trip and uh download all the weather so it's got of course it's updating the adsb as well but uh it's the icing layer is super nice to be able to avoid icing in the winter course we don't have picky playing in the notification on this airplane so gotta avoid icing uh in the the icing forecast of the profile view on foreplay makes that really uh pretty easy to do it's it's pretty accurate and uh you can stay out of those layers keep yourself safe all right we're here Fisk 1890 knots we asked me I'll take three six right or left but it sounds like right only in two seven super comfortable nice cool day our Landing two seven and three six right only at the moment one mile on trail spacing 90 knots 1800 feet not bumpy at all hopefully not Gusty yet let's look at three six real quick do you want uh three six Rider two seven three six right okay you can start that right turn now join the East West Road that's Fisk Avenue get the microwave Tower off your right wing left base for Runway three six monitor Tower one two six point six where you in from 266 who are in from Atlanta Georgia all right well thanks for coming beautiful airplane thank you yes it is 26-6 is the tower for three six this is Fisk Avenue all right I drive on it and uh keep the microwave Tower off my right left off the highway expect Runway three six right at her after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to then Red Square that's a good job there thank you and high speed taxi Donna then welcome to Oshkosh foreign double clicked it so it's probably the guy ahead of me that the one that was at 2300 and 130 knots Arby you look good all right airport site V6 right is actually a little taxiway a little skinny 50 foot wide plenty everyone coming in over the uh over Fisk Avenue it'll be Runway three six right skinny Rome at her after the green or outer after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to the end Roger flowing good looking on the skinny Runway out or after the red squirt on high speed taxi all the way down to the end all right look for the Red Square at her after everyone coming in from this second Runway three sixth right at her after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to then Arby thank you good job there high speed taxi all the way down to then welcome Oshkosh everyone coming from Fisk Avenue we'll pick you out uh shortly and have you decent Runway 3-6 right at her after the Red Square high-speed taxi all the way down to then [Music] [Music] Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to then for me the Green Dot I see the Red Square everyone coming from Fisk Avenue we'll pick you out expect Red Square high speed taxi all the way down there it's good timing looks good keep it all the way in the air to the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to them from a low wing on the short final good job living on the show final guys taking off on the left [Music] flowing West base Runway three sticks right out after the Red Square high speed test the all the way down the end for me another one coming over Fisk Avenue expect a left base for only three six right after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to then shoot for that Red Square there's a Greenie a little bit of a crosswind good job loading over the uh Red Square now high speed taxi down to the informative thank you rolling show final good job keep it in there to the Red Dot a red red square out of the Red Square Heights we taxi all the way down to the end everyone's doing a great job welcome to Oshkosh I need my home built parking sign HBP high speed to the end see the Boeing seven down there keep it rolling down to then high-speed taxi for me welcome Oshkosh everyone coming over Fisk Avenue expect Runway 3-6 right skinny Romy skinny Runway at her after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to the end traffic after the Red Square Red Square high speed taxi all the way down the end everyone coming in for three six except for my three six rights skinny Runway out after the Red Square high-speed taxi all the way down to the end ah I guess you can't read my sign it's the official uh Oshkosh sign printed up from their website all right and turn left everyone coming over 5th Avenue sector on my three six right skinny running out after the getting ready then beautiful day not busy at all I'm assuming he's just gonna say turn right yeah sure hello and good job there high speed taxi all the way down to them welcome Oshkosh everyone coming over Fisk Avenue expect Runway three six right skinny Rome Red Square outer after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to the end yeah throw my three six right clear land at her after the Red Square high-speed taxi all the way down to the end triple seven tiger you want me Boeing triple seven tug are you up yeah that's the left face start your decent well that's how built parking I don't know if someone's gonna Marshal me from here or do I just pick my own spot or is that oh yeah it looks better yes [Music] everyone coming from Fisk Avenue expect Runway 368 skinny Runway Adder after the Red Square Red Square high C taxi all the way down to that foreign do I go that way or what it's all home built I go there or everyone coming over East West Road 36 right skinny Romy at her after these oh here we go all the way down to the end now I gotta follow me vehicle well maybe not I thought they were going to lead the way for me but they're thank you hiring good job there has to be taxi all the way down to the end everyone inbound for Runway three six suspect Runway three six right skinny Runway at her after the Red Square high-speed taxi all the way down to the end okay um don't pull it by the burn line by that roll okay everybody inbound for Runway three six expect Runway three six straight skinny Runway at her after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to bends everybody inbound for Runway three six expect Runway three six straight skinny Runway at her after the Red Square high-speed taxi all the way down to the end everyone coming in for Runway three six expect three six right on or after the Red Square high speed taxi all the way down to then and why are you standing over there snow right you're going to land on her after the Red Square
Channel: OneAlphaMike
Views: 30,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SHw-69o8TbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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