Sisters Killed In An Abandoned Mansion - So Haunted The Family Won't Enter

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foreign [Music] we explore and investigate this 16th century abandoned mansion with a dark and Sinister history the Mansion was built over 400 years ago and was originally lived in by a wealthy family that consisted of two young girls a mother and father we found that in the early 1600s the girls were accused of being witches and practice in witchcraft which was quite prominent and common in the country at the time the girls were killed here with the whole village in attendance as the two children were hung by the neck until Dad on the front lawn over the years families have come and gone from the old mansion each with stories of the house being haunted some even claiming the property is cursed by the girls who were often seen and heard to this day shadowy figures disembodied voices and children playing have all been seen and heard by paranormal teams that have dared to enter the property at night tonight it's our turn so join us as we venture inside and see what and who remain [Music] foreign [Music] straight off it's gonna have a little walk around with those proper Amityville vibes there's any Spirits in this room of us do you want to come towards us my name's Adam don't mean any harm this is Matt if you've got a message to pass on or want to let us know that you're here you can take hold of this black device in my hand it'll change colors the lights will change from green to Orange look how much stuff left in here completely full anything on the K2 no it is serious Vibes in this place I'm feeling it too if there is any spirits that want to contact us take hold of this device in my hand don't mean any harm whatsoever we are just here to make contact with you all right try this room looks like an old living room maybe just see if we get anything if there's any Spirits in this room do you want to make a knock or a bang repeat after me don't mean any harm whatsoever is proper Vibes in this place guys check out this old fan left pretty cool if there's anyone here would you like to make contact with this device you can take hold of it you can touch my hand it'll change colors it'll just let us know that you're with us this place is so big it's like a bedroom yeah you're getting anything Matt oh what's off oh yeah right being left on your own too long right up the main like part of it's so creepy man I know oh look at this clock it's all three A.M well if the owner of this Mansion is still with us come and take hold of this device in my hand like I said the colors will change they'll go from green to Orange oh the basement yeah this is the oldest part of the Mansion here isn't it if the owner of this Mansion is still with us can you make a knock a bang like I said my name's Adam don't mean any harm whatsoever this is Matthew we just want to make contact with you I just wanna say hello yeah can you do that again for us can you tap again yeah if you can hear us can you make any loud knocks or buns anyone marching make it loud enough so we can hear it head upstairs now we got some horrible feelings now yeah see the amount of hooks on the roof yeah meat hooks it's pretty freaky of all these stars are as well the spindles on these oh a bat this place is so big as well like I said is a bit dodgy though attic check this out okay two on the bed there slow with that torch make it a bit darker so if there's any Spirits in this room with us if you want to make contact with us you can touch the devices on the bed you can touch Matthew is there anything that you'd like to pass on to us any messages so wait about this bedroom I guess if this is your bedroom or where's your bedroom can you make the device on the bed light after us I'm sure I just did like a whistle a whistle it's not like it came from all the numbers like behind me is that you that's just whistled can you do it again for us I sweating man I'm cold hot flushes shook this place out see if there's anything this way oh another old bedroom the curtain's quite haunting just lying there if there's anyone in this room with us take hold of this device in my hand don't be shy you don't have to be scared of us or nervous we do this quite a bit if you don't want us here you can take hold of the device you can ask us to leave oh that back I mean my butt's freaking out place is so big mate oh this floor feels dodgy that's all right yeah if there is a spirit if there is somebody in this room of us now take hold of this device the lights will change the Batman the Batman does anyone that would like to make contact with us at all do another whistle for us you're welcome to use our energy the energy from the devices if it helps cases are pretty quiet I can't be scared it's only a bat no but it's the faster oh it's gonna do now this is pretty creepy oldest part of the house oh okay yeah safe asbestos up here yeah okay guys so we're beginning in the master bedroom and we're just gonna do some shout outs hopefully we'll pick something up like I said we are in the master bedroom it is dead center of the original part of the house maybe we'll get Alison or my mind's gone blank what see everyone's called Isabel Isabel Alison or Isabel maybe they'll come through so if there's any Spirits in this house and you'd like to communicate with us my name's Adam this is Matt we're just here to speak to somebody maybe make some contact see if there's any messages you want passing on you can speak through the device on the bed you can touch the device on the dresser or on the side or even the red device on the bed you can make any knocks or bangs help me straight away help me so straight away we've just got to help me there can you tell us what you need help with can you tell us your name I just want to say that we don't mean any harm at all we do come in peace we just want to communicate with that if you want to repeat after us make any knocks or Bangles can you tell us your name who are we speaking with a proper creepy horrible feeling it it is it is absolutely Vibes in this place I I think something you just said can you make this knock yeah so Matt just said I threw something can you do it again nice and clear can you throw something in this room I mean to get that straight away help me out am I through something after you ask can you repeat after me yeah if there is any Spirits in this room I'd like you to touch one of these devices the colors will change you can also sit on the bed next to that red device Stacy 1800 Stacy 1800 wait we've never had like some of the cuts through never a day but this house was built in the 1600 Main so imagine the history not just the original family that lived here but this 400 years kid that came quite they're quite a thick and fast then yeah so if the kid would you like to make a knock or a bang do you want to play a game with us Melissa Melissa coming through quite fast sir hello if you want to play a game with us you can make a knock we can try and find you the scare us by setting one of these devices off like I said we don't mean any harm made cursed cursed who's cursed is the house cursed were the people that lived here cursed can you let us know you can speak through the devices I looked up because I thought it was above me it's got two Taps there can you do that tapping sound again for us nice and clear yeah now I messed up I mean it's an old house but I mean it's a bit weird that if you just Frank hello hey hello and I've just heard some tapping in the hallway straight after it said hello straight after it said it is there somebody in the hallway literally as soon as it said hello it like tap like a maybe a footprint if you're in the hallway can you come into this bedroom join us for now come and speak with us just leave the door open and we've opened the door you are welcome to come into this room you can touch one of the devices the device on the side they'll change from green to orange or red killing killing that's a bit of a mouth well the girls originally were killed yeah literally just out that window yeah I have to show you in a minute just outside three lights three lights one two three mate yeah there's three lights if you go towards any of them they'll change color and they'll let us know where you are in the room it's crazy Free Lights yeah there's three devices with lights 1970s why are we getting dates we've never update I'm not sure but how old's this house mean 1600 isn't it so you're 420 years of History yeah are you trying to tell us something by the dates what happened here is it when you passed away tell us what happened on the dates it's weird I was giving us dates yes it's very strange do the dates mean anything yeah you heard that yeah yeah sounded like next door through this one yeah like some sort of rumble or knocking or something yeah can you do that again for us you make those noises control they're trying to say they're in control two lights two lights two lights assuming about these lights what do you mean with the lights can you be more specific do you not like the lights you can go up to them try and turn them off put your hand on them yes they will know so just looking at what we've got Spirits here spirit's here so the bad spirits do you want to make yourself known [Music] can you tell us how many bad spirits are in this room in this building am I really dead I'm sorry to say but yes you are really dead yeah you are definitely dead definitely I'm sorry to let you know but you can speak to us you can come and touch these devices the two Taps just come from out here whoever's tapping is it if it's one of the bad spirits coming to this room and tap come into this room make a knock can I speak to us through the device you've been doing really well you look the same beards twins begins I'm nervous I'm towards the device on the bed demonstrate you want me to demonstrate right we want you to come in and just put your hand on this antenna if you can do that for us be absolutely amazing would appreciate it so much just kind of copy me [Applause] what's sacred would you mean sacred I know it's difficult to talk but if you can tell us what you found sacred I keep hearing like a little noises and I'm not sure what from in the Next Room yeah from like in the hallway money you haven't got any money on us that's good mate sorry Let's see we head into the hallway and see if we got anything like that yeah foreign can you do that again for us well I thought we went what was then didn't she I put mine off as well that's what I mean she thought we were watching literally we both turned our cameras off and that went off can you do that again for us mock marketers that's crazy to get that after that okay guys so we're down in the main entrance we've got the Run pod in the main doorway the music box on the stairs which has already begun to be set off and we're continuing to use Spirit talkers as we're getting good results [Music] and I'm also going to hold my K2 just in case so Isabelle or Alice we've moved into the main hallway now hopefully you can follow us here can you speak to us through one of the devices or touch this device in my hand [Music] that's not stopping scratch scratch so we've got the music box [Applause] on the stairs yeah honor both both did they what did mine say RS I got scratch scratch yeah there's literally nothing that should be setting this device off [Music] nothing here at all [Music] oh sure seems like an alarm's just gone off so if there's anyone with us [Music] my mom's just gone off again setting off an alarm [Music] so it's in that and again [Music] the Groundhog's getting the temperature change is it [Music] so there's an alarm goes off [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna set the alarm off so I wasn't going off earlier no it wasn't I'll be yourself investigate the music box [Music] so we've come downstairs and something has set the motion sentences off but we're not anywhere near where the motion sensors should be so something in this house has set an alarm off freaking out where the music box flat on not slowing down I thought music box hasn't stopped in this hallway in that stranger I said to you um you've got tail on yours that the music box hasn't gone off for a while yeah no it's literally not stopping right so whoever's near the staircase can you come into this hallway can you move away Marjorie Marjorie can you move away from the music box so it stops playing [Music] past [Music] let me just reset it yeah see what happens [Music] someone set an emotional from both [Music] so if it is Isabella Alice can you set that music box up for us to confirm did you turn that on it's just stopped on its own I don't know just stop shot shot and now they're saying shot yes I did you turn it off yes I did mate what is going on I don't know so I've just asked did you turn the music box off and then the spirit boxes is that you that's setting off that alarm mate setting the rum pad off when I'm asking questions how weird is that if you're here with us can you make a loud bun maybe slam a door make anything that's really loud and proves that it's you doing it [Music] what did you turn it off yes I did don't turn this off left me can you do this noise that alarm's freaking me out without laughing I think the lights just started flickering oh uh it's on full battery though right so if it is one of the girls Hold Us they're almost like an old man yeah if it's one of the girls can you set one of the devices off on the stairs or in the doorway you can come you can hold my hand you can touch this device did you hear that sounds like something falling on yeah and that alarm's still going off now because it hasn't literally hasn't gone off until we've come downstairs hey can you make a knock or a bang just something to confirm that it's you playing with us there's a shape shifter there's a shape-shifter never heard that before what do we do with a shape shifter it's not like a really bad Spirit apparently yeah and it sounds bad spirits there yeah the girls are also accused of being witches as well yeah and now they're playing with the bloody electrics they've stopped playing with these can you set the device in the doorway off again for me toys playing toys mate you can play with the toys that's absolutely fine if you like that song you can set that device off on the stairs by walking in front of it hate hate hate you know do you not like the noise can you tell us who Frank is is he a family member is he the bad spirit is he a bad man make something loud and obvious and just prove to us like it's you that's doing it is that the loud obvious noise set a device off and we'll leave set a device off and we'll leave a mom we know you hate the sound but can you just set that device off on the stairs for us just walk in front of it it won't do any harm you can make an offer a bang like this mates Cheers Cheers I don't think we should leave it's getting quite and I leave it thank you for doing that can you set up people hear my voice people hear my voice I hear your voice can we hear your voice can you speak to us without the devices there's just stuff happening ever someone just a close song get closer today Josephine Josephine it's happening okay thank you for going near this device can you go to the one on the stairs first please what was that noise mate is that a whistle I feel like I've got shimmers on my face I mean what was that no that's wrong it sounded like a whistle there it sounds like a like a screen but like a crying screen either can you move away from the red device yes we are aware of you we know what you're doing hey come and touch this device in my hand come on I won't hurt you you can come towards as you see Lily it's literally happening we're getting voices from over this way two men here two men here two men here mate two men here set that alarm off triggered it two men here they were playing with the music box then they said they hated it it's not going off since and the ram card and the voices and we've just heard that scream or whistle yeah that was the proper horrible can you make this nice three lights two lights some lights do you like the lights was it something you don't like can you set a device off if you like the lights or can you set the device off if you don't like them forward is that gonna send someone to eat it Doris right it's freaking me out big time just freak him out that's just selling noise in there and we're literally just stood in a 400 year old man shouldn't it serious the energy I wonder if it's using the energy out of the alarm to speak to us maybe maybe that's got sad now yeah because every time that goes off something here goes off yeah using it as like a conductor yeah see if it goes off I know you want to use that energy by to speak to us mate I've got shims again it was Upstream again alarm and off mate that goes off screaming happening through screams with it right freaking meal [Applause] Mason a proper argument I am I am actually on edge okay guys so we're just chilling on the stairs we're just gonna do a necrophonic see if we can pick anything up this place is freaking me out big time you ready so if one of the girls is with us can you speak to us through this device in my hand let us know that you're here yeah yeah leave is that you that's setting the alarms off downstairs treating you should see you can you tell us your name can you tell us the name of the spirit can tell us how old you were when you passed away a few voices then maybe a few people have passed away here we've lost all the dates maybe yeah okay can you tell us your name can you tell us the name of any spirits that reside here are the two girls that were killed here are you still here with us Isabel or Alice yeah it was a full sentence there can you tell us do you know you've passed away I know earlier you asked are you dead [Music] cold we got snow before was there a lot of snow when you passed away was it winter time it was very cold did you hear that door it sounded like a door is there somebody here playing with the door downstairs can you tell us your name can you tell us the name of the bad man you mentioned earlier [Music] can you make a knock or a bang around us on the staircase let us know that you're here stop it smells just a door you can slam the door if that's what you like to do can you tell us how long ago you passed away here we go we're happy to leave if you can make a large not just an ALICE it went Alice did it yeah is that you Alice help [Music] if you can slam a door or if you can make a loud knock Bang s is it the bad man that killed you uh Alice I should have proper knock on from downstairs proper loud milk we don't mean any harm being here that's strange killed are you the owner of this house it's the owner of the house the bad man I'm gonna leave it there because that's going to take forever to yeah there's so many voices and so much going on yeah for us to try and like see what's inside okay guys we're going to leave it there with this one this place has been so active we have literally got so much to the voices the devices going off someone set the emotion alarm off whilst we were up here well in the main foyer yeah which is strange um just so much going on I've absolutely loved this place if you've liked it guys remember to hit the like button leave a comment subscribe hit the notification for future explorers we are directly on to the next one right now it's going to be absolutely amazing hope to see you all there next week let's do it let's go
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 239,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, haunted house, haunted and abandoned houses, haunted, haunted mansion
Id: 0IAAg2NhUfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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