Abandoned Hidden Himuro Mansion Japans Most HAUNTED House(FATEL FRAME) No one will live here

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his name believe it or not it's called The Sleeping mansion on the Hills that's the nickname the Japanese give this place I'm standing here I'm Vlogging you know we can literally felt like something grabbed my leg he was a jungle ass or the mansion in the woods into this house the house on the Haunted Hill even Japanese people don't go here oh it's flowing so bad oh break a leg [Music] I think this place is really haunted set in The Woodlands of Japan up on the Sleepy Hills lies a mansion Mori no high can is the ruins of a villa in wacky Hammer C the owner is Mr asanjiro Yura born in 1878 third son of the Euro family owning a dire shop in 1914 when World War one broke out Imports had dire stuff to Germany Empire seized Germany owning 90 percent of the share of the world's manufacturing Market because of this caused crisis in the family of survival Mr anjiro stood up and created benzone a technology Germany only had at the time he also created phenol which was higher demand he made his riches in 1964 he passed away leaving his only son behind when his father passed away the son moved in with his wife and two children who spoke highly of his father and said when his mum died his father never got over it after a few years of his father's death the son broke Silence of what his father really knew and how high he was in the government of Japan he found documentation in his father's house that his dad was so in with the government he even knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor before it even happened because it was discussed about in his father's house he found photos and letters to hire people in the government sadly in 2002 the son lost a daughter and he couldn't bear to live there anymore he felt the house was cursed so he took his wife and his son and left and from that day he never returned back to the house that the Japanese call sleeping mansion on the hill guys as you can see this definitely wasn't a trip video we've literally got a hike through the woods to what I'm going to call the Japanese garage house that's even said that locals won't go to this place because it holds dark secrets and like as you can see it's so overgrown this place has been abandoned since 2005. it was actually built in 1910 married and having one daughter sadly when his daughter passed away he couldn't bear to leave trying to work out our way in in 2005 to fall into despair so in the woods leaving this mansion as the Japanese call it the sleeping mansion I don't even know this was like an old bamboo path to this mansion so as I said I was saying a little more of the history when we get to the place even if we can get to this house I mean look at it it's just so bad why is this bad oh literally trying to get through here there's a joke I can't even see the house this is not Predator bro so we literally have to use freeze to pull herself up not even joking that's what literally we've just got for it you can just see it's at the back maybe the front of I don't even know there's a roof of a house just up there so man to go to spiders so we meet with his Urban explores terrified of spiders as far as you don't mind a spider as long as it's not in my face oh he Almighty explorers cared of everything all right let's try and get up here I think you're slipping everywhere oh it's definitely wanna quite a hard one again I guarantee this place it's got huntsman spiders in it as well yeah say literally hunt you as well let your eyes follow you and then they pounce we're finally getting there I can't believe this place it's so overgrown it's literally right in the forest the back end of this house I thought that could have been an easier look at this place guys guys I'm not gonna lie that was so difficult trying to get up a very steep incline fully overgrown it's just yeah really hard guys we're finally up here it's this old mansion here I would have probably had like a bit struck on the side of it there it's when you're looking around this place it doesn't make you wonder why they wanted to live up here but it was talks of in this place that maybe they wanted to keep secret for everyone they always are oh dude it's called a house on the haunted hill bro the whole house is making noises some creepy ass out on the wires yeah look at the little spikes dude this place has got Eerie Vibes we're not even inside it finally making our way to the house one huge house and it's right up on the hill the house on the Haunted Hill even Japanese people don't go here because they say it's horrible bad bad vibes they disgust about the Pearl Harbor attack in this place before it even happened this guy had strong connections so a little bit about a family back in the early 1900s they used to trade a lot of linen and stuff to Germany and then obviously Germany became the biggest enemy during the World War one and two which basically trade dropped here so much it's a little negative film outside I can't even see what's on it anymore maybe a murder tape Steve I think when you're exploring these houses you never know where you're going to come into what you're going to come across so there's the main staircase main Doorway to this place and this would have probably been the old driveway walkway I feel like we took a horrible way this place definitely has creepy Vibes too everyone I've read about what we've read about in this place the history on it has got a bit of a dark history as well which we'll talk about as we go on as you can see already in there it looks crazy just feel like that by when someone's going to run out in front of me so looking back out the driveway as we come into the main front door area as in as if it was like a porch there's a child's bike still here the pick crew loving a little basket on the front and here's as Steve was mentioning you'd normally put your slippers on in any traditional Japanese house but I don't think we're going to take our shoes off in this one it's a little bit too far and look here just near the front door look at these I've never ever seen sandals like this what'd you say there's something in there is it there's literally an animal in there hello guys we're not even trying to make this like a scary video it just genuinely is that means Steve have been quite a few places all over the world and not once have we ever felt well I've never felt it's a giant living room whatever made that noise is not making it anymore dude hello I haven't filmed with that screwdriver right there I don't think that was there before we will get started on this video I mean it is pretty open Steve the whole flooring has gone in this room yeah yeah dude that's what I tripped because it made me jump hello konichiwa dude I literally had a bang that's why I tripped over I'm gonna leave my bag here and try it to go in konichiwa movie so I can't even translate that guys I've got no data at all so in Japan it's so expensive for mobile data look all the shoes studio and everything whoa the hell is that damn [Music] is that door slam in there so just think in this house let's rewind the time now when Pearl Harbor was attacked there's actually a true story on this place which will all be in description In This Very house was talks of that attack this family was so wealthy and had so many Connections in a Japanese government it was as as it was as if they were like part of the Japanese government what was going on in this place and to think the locals don't even come here because it's cursed or something they say it's some Japanese cursed house I don't know you know I'm not from this country so I can only go with what we get told but the history on this place everything I said about Pearl Harbor the fabric company they're under Dyer companies lives to make Fabrics then their biggest trade as I said was Germany but because the war took place they lost one of the biggest people they traded with country they traded with but why have become abandoned in 2005 is part of the story that I can't tell you what is this room about it's like a dead end maybe the family were cursed here as I said you can see it all the tradition traditional Japanese ceiling a lot of these paper it was like a paper like a paper lining on the walls and they can see the lights lampshades would have been also paper and this looks like there's a coat you know as well on top of the ceiling so look at here guys the original balcony now I'm not even going to step foot on it see the ends so corroded there but this house as I said right up in the Woodlands let's see the Japanese style table here as I said is very very traditional this house and I forgot what they call the flooring I actually knew the name but it's actually gone so yeah put in the comments below let me know this beautiful horse it's actually thick bronze gee it's absolutely beautiful the weight of it foreign places because they say it's all haunted yeah and I also read I don't know if you know about this that when Japanese businesses fail the owners believe everything fouls with it it all goes with it that's what I read an article on I don't know but guys honestly it's going to be hard to explain and I know I'm going to get a lot of people saying I probably did it or whatever but trying to show you the distance of where the horse was near this Rusty patch on the floor I put it here the size of this coffee table as you can see on the footage I've come round and even if I wanted to reach a bulb I literally can't I have to stretch right up but it wasn't even the two that was nearer to me it was the one far far further away it literally just fell out the ceiling like a lot of you know why there's not a lot of explorers in Japan because I was afraid of like go inside the van places because they say it's all haunted yeah and I also read I don't know if you know about this so when Japanese businesses foul the owners believe everything fouls with it it all goes with it that's what I read an article on I don't know but guys honestly it's going to be hard to explain and I don't know I'm going to get a lot of people saying I probably did it or whatever but trying to show you the distance of where the horse was near this Rusty patch on the floor I put it here the size of this coffee table as you can see on the footage I've come round and even if I want it to reach a bulb I literally can't I have to stretch right up but it wasn't even the two that was nearer to me it was the one far far further away it literally just fell out the ceiling I mean this place has been abandoned since I mean this place has been abandoned since 2005. so chances are the bulb could have just happened to fall this moment but damn I can't believe I should call you on camera I just literally freaked the hell out of me though so walking down a I can't even relax now it's walking down another area of this place what is this okay top of a pot or something another flooring in here oh and you don't want to fall down there guys that is a long long drop but if you can see that that's a good probably 12 feet drop maybe more I don't even know if we're going to get this door open so you can either Florence literally just going as I'm walking down here what sorry hey that's tripping I'm standing here I'm Vlogging and I it literally felt like something grabbed my leg s I'm not even kidding at least it felt like that's what I said what the hell it just feels like something I want to say man I'm not even joking this place might really be haunted I'll put it this way I'm very skeptical about hauntings and a lot of people reported that things in my videos in the past where I've not even noticed when I've editing everything but being in this place for what 20 minutes already a bowl freaking fell out the ceiling there was a bang over when we first come in there's so much activity I mean but it is very open as well to win but the chances are I don't know the bowl falling out the ceiling I just don't understand that look at this it's an actual Samurai and a glass cabinet there how beautiful is that and see the back of a clock there as well remember as I said this was a very wealthy Japanese family trying to go on the floors guys as I said one drop in this place you're going a long way down I'm not trying to pretend the place is haunted guys it is just genuinely very very odd the feeling's odd you get a sort of uneasy uneasy presence so all I can say about this place I've got to be careful the floor because there's a massive Trot below me but in this house you get a very uneased feeling like you're not welcome here it's like something doesn't want you here and the weirdest thing about it is is exploring Japan every time I've explored Japan or anywhere I've explored Japan I always such a doll's leg a doll's leg just literally I'm sure it was that somebody just hit the floor for what this is what I'm getting at it's just a weird it doesn't want you here somebody doesn't want us here but there's nothing else I can say apart from that so this property was built in 1910 and run through Japan the period as rushes into the World War II just think guys that one of yours The Descendants said here in this secret in the secret of the attack of Pearl Harbor he heard a discussion that was held once in this house around 2005 this became abandoned you think a talk such as that attack on Pearl Harbor in one of these rooms I could be standing in right now Dole in the box there beautiful horse look at the old phone sat on the side as well see like books and stuff just left behind and obviously we can't notice I know it's the dart board sitting up there I mean it might have been a beautiful house back in the day she said you'd have had all the view well not views but you are right in the woods as we said I don't want this place to be like overnight doing a haunted video here look at this little drawer set still stuff still left in here you think it's probably the star for those pictures in I don't know what that is foreign probably chilling out here on this chair you've got your window here as well looking straight out to the Woodlands here in the sound of nature you think just to show you roughly where we are that was the drive bit whereas we walked in the main front door [Music] thank you [Music] and work our way around this place I wish I had some ghost gear on me definitely feel like this place is love to try and communicate with something oh it's flowing so bad oh daughter break a leg wow look at this room loving the old traditional TV there as well I was just some like random camera flash here here makes you wonder if the last explorers that come here never left oh wow look at old Sony television where the speakers all built in the bottom it's definitely got like a a real Grudge house feel I'm not seeing a Japanese house like this before with the metal Shutters on the window some loving this old like 70s today it's got like a sort of 70s 80s feel the old sofa so keep looking up for huntsman spiders what is in here oops it's like another corridor Steve winding me up who was that I feel like this house is falling down as we're walking around in it I don't even know what that was do you want us to leave I still have to get the necrophonic app out and just see if anything comes through so when I look from here there's like a bang behind me since I have another whole area let's get it open even because the doorway this place is huge definitely need to get a new light guys I know a few people have asked me if I do an Amazon wishlist so there will be one so if you do wanna you know put anything to the channel dude look at this place the staircase is incredible look at this staircase I was not expecting that in this house pursued and above me though that you're about to come come down any second and that's a shame as well because I don't even know if we're going to get to the rest of the house I'm gonna charge the staircase look at this beautiful Oak staircase wow it's going to be a shame if I can't get round up here oh you can hear it all creaking and cracking so you see the bed there it's literally sinking from the floor it has I'm so scared narrow that staircases and they dropped back down is not very nice either wow oh guys this is incredible now if there was a room if there's true about the talks of Pearl Harbor it would have definitely been done in this house it would have been definitely done in this room should I say wow I was not expecting that look at this furniture wow it's really hard to see the floor because it's carpeted I'm just going to point the camera back up a center scene is absolutely amazing look at all the detail around the edges the Rope bits there the flowers and then beautiful lights up there and you think each whoa Florence literally cracking below me this here is an old radio as well look at it so just banging back around the room those solid beautiful Outdoors there I think that's like a servant hatch through there so this is probably like the meeting area meeting rooms and stuff that light there is incredible as well I wouldn't want that coming down on my head huge book on the table as well loads of sort of Japanese designs you can hear the floor and above listen to this it's literally all moving under my feet nah I'll go walk around here look at this how about a hundred and 80 pounds I think 190 pounds and this side feels a bit more secure let's take a look at the windows look she's so overgrown can't believe it this is beautiful as well it's made in England wow look at that Pottery handmade England the stick is still in those well Rye Pottery Canterbury how weird is that literally I'm 20 minutes from where that was made back in England they're so crazy all the way in Japan and found that one of the first Mansions or big houses I've done in Japan and with the history in this place it's incredible talks believe it or not in this room I'm standing in here now whose talks at the Pearl Harbor attack was so close to the Japanese government as if it was if they were the government this found me as I said was the bread and butter of Japan believe it or not one of the descendants said the secrets of Pearl Harbor attack was spoke about in the room I'm standing in right now this is no joke guys this name believe it or not it's called The Sleeping mansion on the Hills that's the nickname the Japanese give this place the sleeping Mansion one of the third sons of the Euro family after graduating at Osaka University started up a dire company and one of his biggest trade events was Germany and see some Japanese books here it's like it's like a set Sausalito don't even know what they are yeah old cassettes any luck just loads of documents and stuff front rope is covered up in case somebody just jumps out at me like a huge spider I'm not gonna lie that doesn't feel as creepy up this bit but downstairs it's got a very weird vibe I should wonder what the book is here sitting on the table when's the last time that was moved it feels like it was stuck to the table it's a little cupboard over here as well tiny little drawers how beautiful is Furniture are the little drawers and in the doors but it probably won't be long guys before a lot of this just Falls literally through the floor just wondering what this is our news article here a family or something yeah so this guy here will show a picture of him as well at the one of the original sons that started up this business there's no date or conceal this paper either I shouldn't be you guys if I'm gonna chances really thin steps but it's your creaking by my feet that's a tiny little room up here so we would have stayed up here then it's just one small little bedroom this makes me wonder what's on the floor like a lot of this paperwork see a lot of this stuff on the floor postcards there's an English words pocket guide how old is this one pocket translator so glad today we've got Google Translator imagine trying to translate your words using a book well a lot of you wouldn't know there's postcards here as well foreign just book some stuff on the floor so over here it's a little drawer units there's a girls like a woman's skirt there it's just weird uh it's a one person probably would have been stayed up here maybe this girl here in the picture woman here on the picture it couldn't be the dress she's wearing it looks like it just maybe different color but there's another picture here so many memories just give you an idea now how narrow these staircases which is probably better actually I'll put it on me now show you my shoulders would literally touch each side at this place oh stick this is creaking help me where is that some music coming from [Music] [Music] maybe it's a train station nearby or something but it's not putting the video here guys that music's literally just come on [Music] kind of brings a bit of a mood to the house as well we always do care for the flooring bro yeah it's definitely bad from underneath like I can see the ceiling without the bed there's sinking in the floor didn't even walk inside the rooms what'd you think of the house though it's really cool it's cool yeah I like it a lot so I believe that this room here was where they had the meetings oh for real I Love a Little Harbor attack right come on have a look so we're gonna head back down these sketchy staircase foreign just creaks everywhere all under your feet it's so unstable but because I felt like I did Rush sort of upstairs I'm not gonna lie just give you a little look back now so it's Heyday this beautiful this would have been amazing you think this place is 123 years old sorry 113 years old and it's been abandoned since 2005 so I'll let you just do the maths on that one I really want to go over there but I'm really really worried about the floor guys as you can see it is so bad it's even got a basement so about 20 kilos lighter now but I still don't think I've never liked storage cupboard or something still don't think I should take the other ceiling it's literally what I was walking above guys trying to get around this side craving the basement stairs are all gone wow damn so I managed to make it round this side of the building even if I can't get any further at least that's another room you can see all that real silver Cutlery is still in the the drawers I'm shocked it's still here to be honest or is it just stainless steel okay it is stainless steel but it looked pretty much like silver all the cutlery and stuff it's a shame isn't all these books just left up here rotting away so many times I've seen that all over the world not if it's any more like English China here Japanese Market on that Japanese again it could be bone Chinese as well but kitchen absolutely stinks as well I mean 18 years well look at the last calendar there 2004. it's 18 years this place is what I know this has been recorded that's been left really liking this kitchen ceiling as well let me know your thoughts it's just coming back out of the kitchen the old humidifier that I'm covered in as well probably some huge huntsman spiders in there kind of get down there let me see the whole flooring is going everywhere it's the closest I can get to the basement so obviously you can see it's probably would have been another bedroom or something look at the flooring in this room I'm loving that old Japanese style wardrobe over there look at the back of this house it's literally collapsing and the ceiling the hole the way the whole building's just folding up stuff everywhere because there's even some old negatives down here as well concealer just about to see them all through there all the family memories just left here rotten away it's a little very old book here just decay in there this is the other side of that room look at the size of this safe guys looks like someone's tried getting into it see our books there and everything I don't even know what that stuff is over there you think was walking Above This ceiling crazy damn look how rotten this place is whole radiators and the walls falling out the back trying to keep on the joists here I don't think how big this place was huge so when you walk around that bit it looks like you can't even get to this bit what is this secret compartment in the floor what is that for guys let me know what that's for what would be in there guys and girls I've never been so happy to gather a place honestly it's such a weird feeling in there I'm not even exaggerating honestly this place is so creepy honestly I just want to get out a whole time so many different trowels that go off to different places all the way down here as well it is literally as I said no word of a lie this place is buried in the woods there's no other way of putting it it's literally buried and now you can see the old mansion appearing place is huge bro yeah that's what you can see on the Drone that side corner and then you've got here an old deck it area but Steve then the other trowel is another like roof hole a whole roof and stuff yeah just care for trees dude and in here it's a whole big balcony bit but look at the size of this place it just proves it is a huge Japanese mansion the place is incredible and it's there as you can see it's built right on the rocks look at this a little outdoor stove with a little flume going all the way up actually looks incredible guys look at it here look at this massive it just shows you how high we are as well I'm not even going to look down there climb down there but see it just goes all the way down like a massive drop here's like the hilltop mansion wow so coming out that other one to this one again I feel creeped out again already so as we spoke about in a video obviously during the war Germany was the biggest trade for fabric dye and this guy created his own synthetic fabric that uh dye do you think how much this family made and the government also give him a task the government also wanted them to create gunpowder this family so you think this was a very very wealthy guy I don't know what this place is crazy amount of stuff in here the school pictures on the floor nice check this old stereo that is so cool look at that the victor it's the amount of stuff left in this place is incredible just boxes and boxes upon stuff little kids toys again in there I see climb over everything just to show you guys why is it with Japanese houses I feel really creeped out in here guys we're even joking look at that how old is that old bathtub stand this bedroom here I can see like old Fendi bags sort of had a lot of money this family just wonder why they left this look at the kitchen in here oh it's terrible stuff everywhere I just want to know this family managed to move in it it just looks like it's so rammed all the way through just boxes upon boxes everywhere you're gonna go under the collapse and up the staircase it's quite a big set of stairs actually good oh this looks like a creepy over him a couple of letters and stuff whole bookcase they're all the clothes still in here this is a bedroom and books and stuff too it's so trashy here awarded there's not an old writer's desk there the guys are trying to do our best up here it's so hard to film there's literally just stuff everywhere look at the selection itself it's the other side of this bedroom a little Winnie the Pooh pillars it's not a type of possibly probably makeup and stuff makes you wonder why they didn't come back for nothing it was just all left because it is literally left it's even Like New clothing store in bags the hoodies are never worn so I've Got a Feeling now this may have been an old little preschool so maybe when I sent like a few kids to play because there's a lot of Tours in this place that where the kids were bought to play one appearance went at work just as it was going out the door look at the King's Guard second Duster that's really cool so guys I'm gonna end the video right here it's dark and yeah we've done everything we could in the path so obviously um hopefully you enjoyed that video guys please smash that like And subscribe it means the absolute world to me put in the comments below as well what you think about that house because to me and Steve is definitely something paranormal activity going on in there the place is Eerie as hell anyway so from me guys love you loads and remember all histories in description I'll speak to uh see you soon on the next adventure it's out for me love you loads stay safe [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 45,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned House, Abandoned Places, abandoned world
Id: Bi2GsMtoXoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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