Ross makes +$100k 😨😲 LIVE Day Trading $PPSI as it rips from $3.00 to $9.50 +450%

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foreign you um [Music] do you um [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right everyone well we've got um about 30 minutes to the bell a little over 30 minutes so start breaking down the watch list here and going over um what i'm going to try to trade today so um for those of you guys who are uh just getting logged in um in the chat room you can access the scanners right down here scanners and then when you open them if it says um what does it say it says you need to sign your user data agreements so it takes probably 30 minutes for your signature to get updated in the database for you then to have access to real-time data let's see um and let me just check something i don't know what that's about but anyways um so just as a heads up if you haven't already signed your user data data agreements you can sign them right now but uh you're probably still going to have to wait till later this morning in order to get access to the real-time market data okay so scanners are up here gap scanner leading gapper is ppsi ppsi is up 96 this one has a pre-market high of um 23. it's got 10 million shares of volume it's a 4 million share float stock it's definitely a little bit more thickly traded which um you know wwr yesterday morning was kind of thickly traded so uh that could be a little bit of an issue the daily chart it's going to be above the 200 moving average no really specific lines that i'm looking at for resistance um let's see the high there was 314 314 so i mean the the clear breakout spot is 323 but this is right here it's a micro pullback we can see if it holds three dollars the first one minute pullback is is important because you know what we might end up seeing is a drop back down to three and if it breaks three then you're gonna have a false breakout the way we had yesterday um right here i'm not i'm not a buyer just yet i'm going to keep it on watch higher volume coming in which is good but it does seem at the moment to be a little a little more thickly traded a little choppy perhaps switch to the screen here so you can see how this was the first one minute micro pullback but it only broke by four cents the first one-minute pullback after a fresh five-minute breakout is usually pretty strong this one wasn't super strong wwr let's look at this one for a second um so this ended up hitting a high pre-market of 18 bucks which is crazy so this has um continued which is very impressive you know the fact is even though it's hit a high of 18 and it's pulled back to 11 right now it's below the volume weight average price you know that there's people who swing trade these to the short side you know you see you see a few stocks that pop up like this and then fade and you know people think all right i'm just gonna short this on the pop and let it fade and as it fades back down you know cover it down here and then this is where all of a sudden it's like uh oh i'm swing trading this to the short side and now day two it gapped and now day three it's gapping again so on the daily chart the fact is this um let's look at a couple resistance levels so we've got a high on this candle there that one there right around 10. you know and then it starts to open up a little bit more so i don't know it might be interesting to see how much this squeezes up it's it's a continuation setup which continuation setups inherently are um you know a little different than initial first day breakout but i do think it's worth keeping on watch so that's uh wwr which i'm going to keep over um i'm going to keep that one on the side over here let's see i'm going to do i'm going to do this wwr left ppsi right ppsi had a high there of 318. i put my order at 323. we'll see how ppsi holds up you know again the first five minute candle to make a new high there so let's watch this as it comes up towards 320. so i'll take a starter there for the break of 320 and over 325 would be an ad so i'm going to put my order at 325 and then my target would be 335 340. just added at 25 right there and now i want to see the break over 30. now the fact is this one got 20 000 share bid at 25. i'm holding 3 500 shares and i'm going to let it micro pull back here under 30 and then over 31 31 my next order long at 28 adding right there trying to catch that quick break through 30. i took a little profit at 32 and i'm holding 8 000 shares now looking for the break of 33 34.35 as a reminder to those just getting tuned in as part of your pre-trading checklist taking profit there at 33 and you know you have to remember that this is an opportunity for you to learn my strategy is not uh i'm not doing this so you can blindly follow me you should not blindly follow me or anyone else you've got to learn the strategy you've got to see what i'm seeing in real time on the level two on the time in sales you need to be able to execute those trades on your own because you understand the setups if you're always you know following someone you're well you're always going to be behind and that's just not really in my opinion a path to long-term success in this career i sold the rest at 27 for now so i'm going to let this pull back for a moment we'll see if we get another set up there that was a five minute setup and a break through this level um so nice trade you know a couple well one traded 18 another one at 25 another one at 28 and then out at 31 and 27. so nice trade there not bad um i'll look for the next opportunity now i need to let it set up again we need to let the chart set up again so this one has to rest for a moment all right so while that one is resting um and this is often the case with trading that we'll have a couple stocks on watch and one will be um you know one will be resting and kind of consolidating another one will break out and then when that one breaks out or can starts consolidating the other one breaks out so it's a little bit of back and forth stuff the high here was 35 so my next order will be at 36 just a penny above the breakout spot but i'm gonna let it consolidate for a little bit longer not quite ready to buy this yet i'm going to wait on this for a second i want to see it pull back again so that one kind of popped up a little bit without me so high is 35. all right i'll take along there at 37 and i'll add over 45 and we'll see if we get an acceleration up to the half dollar so if we start to see volume around 40 44 45 46 47 watch up here i'm going to leave an order at 350 to add because we get that acceleration through the half dollar then we might see a move up towards 375 or 4. so i have an order of 51 so i can add at 47 40 46 47 48 as we're seeing that volume increase as we approach the half dollar watching here this is a micro pullback on a 10 second chart adding their 43 now looking for a quick trade through the half dollar you can see how that popped up there to a high of 48. so let's watch over 48 then 49 50 break of the half dollar looking for 46 and 47 there's 46 46 10 000 share buyers it's not bad but realistically my cost basis is 38 and i'm out at 40 so back out only two cents average there a winner nonetheless but not not a big winner so while this is pulling back wwr has come up to the volume weight average price here and this is an important spot because we want to see whether or not it can hold this level target might be up to let's see 13.45 it's got 10 million shares of volume so one of the things that's really important as they approach the volume weight average price and then initially break through it is that it has to hold above it because this could still be a tap and a fade off the volume weight average price we have to see how it trades right in this area the high is 49. so there's 50 on the ask so i'm going to put an order at 51. long at 50 buying wwr here at 1250 and what i want to see on this is a squeeze up to 12.75 and then maybe a test of 13. looking to add let's see let's watch this for a second i'm gonna take well it looks like a profit back out break even i'm gonna add over 1260 but on this candle right here right there that should have gone more than five cents so you know you don't want to right away run into that kind of resistance so a better entry would have been probably down in this area but that would have been below the volume weight average price wwr i'll keep on watch but it's going to probably need to get above 1275 and 13 for me to be a little bit more interested clsk is electric vehicle and so we know that this has been a really hot sector in recent uh recent days and weeks so i think this is probably worth keeping an eye on uh it hit a high of 14 27 then pulled back a little bit so the volume right now is a little bit lighter but it's probably one to keep an eye on when the bell rings let's see let's put that that one's over there clsk other gappers xtnt this one would need to get back over to 40ish opt we've traded this one before it can be kind of choppy i'm not a big fan of it unless it starts to really open up wwr coming back up again making another attempt at breaking through the volume weight average price it's got a double top now at 55. let's let it pull back again clsk is gapping up but only seven percent so it's going to be further down the gap scanner it's right down here clsk what i like about wwr is of course the high volume on this candle consolidation at the volume weight average price but we need to see it break through this level and that dropped down to 12 10. so stop at 12 10 is a ways away yes um when we do have a big gap down sometimes i will try to do a bounce off the low so cb crbp is down 40 percent it's a little cheap though mgen is 57 cents so i just don't happen to see any right now that i'm interested in but that is a strategy trading leading gappers to the downside to try to catch a bounce it's just it's not exactly the same as trying to do momentum to the upside because momentum to the upside you can start to get three four hundred percent moves when you're doing a bounce off the low your upside is much more limited all right we've got about 15 minutes to the bell let's see um wwr is consolidating here let's see this five minute candle still has two minutes left on it you know with something like wwr since i already took one trade on it and it wasn't it wasn't a winner it wasn't a huge loss but it wasn't a great trade it makes me a little cautious you know jump back in so it kind of now needs to prove itself a little bit more for me to feel like it's worth pulling the trigger on it's not a five minute setup yet it's just a one minute setup here ppsi is pulled back a little bit off the highs so this one may give us first five minute candle to make a new high in just a few minutes oh so you can see how this is kind of popping off the low so the high of this current five minute candle is 3 30. so technically 3 30 3 31 is the first five minute candle to make a new high on ppsi i'll take a starter there at 27. uh a bigger bid just popped up so my new order would be 340. 27 you know it's high there is 35 so 35 would be my next ad with the order at 40. adding there at 33 for the breakthrough 35. now i'm looking for a move and there's a big bid which is good to see now i'm looking for a move back up to 40 first five minute candle make a new high and then a retest of the pre-market high which would be 350. so as this curls up here the high is 36. so these are ones that once they start to open up over 40 is the next ad i start to get a little aggressive as they curl higher looking to try to catch that momentum through the next level so the high here is 37. and first one minute candle to make a new high after a fresh five minute breakout is the next trade so i'm still holding and my new order is going to be over the high here of 37. this candle has a high of 35 so first one minute candle to make a new high will be 35. and this candle's got 30 seconds left on it so watching over 34 35 36 put my order at 36. uh wwr is pulling back i don't see a setup on that just yet ppsi one minute left on this camera on this candle so watching over 35. looking for the breakthrough 31 32 no i got to cut the loss on it so lost on that trade stopped out right down here at 27 and 25. so unfortunately that first five-minute candle will make a new high now volume weight average price is 303 i could wait for a bounce off 303 but and of course you know that's an example of a trade where from an entry at 27 you could have taken profit at 35 37 but i took a 5 cent loss on it instead of the 5 profit i was looking for a retest of 350. so ppsi now has a false breakout on the five minute chart so the high there was 37 my next order i guess would be it i'll just leave it at 50. but that's not a great it's not great that it's doing that type of false breakout this early yeah enlv from yesterday popped up pulled back a bit yesterday's high of regular trading hours is 15. wwr so high of that cam high of those candles was 55 that was the level that was not able to break so as we're coming here kind of into the open 10 minutes to the bell it seems like we're getting a little bit of churn so i'm not sure which one is going to be the one wwr i would need to see it break over 1255 and make a move up to 13 for me to be interested i think it's a possibility because i think there's no doubt about the fact that it's gapping up and some short sellers may get squeezed at the open although you do have this chart that hit high and is pulled back so if you were short you may not you may say well i'll just if it pops up at the open i'll just hold it for a second and if it breaks over 13 13 13 25 1350 that's when i'll you know throw in the towel so probably up around 13 would be the spots where we might see some more action and more follow-through ppsi still our leading gapper a little choppy but is also certainly worth watching at the open leading gapper in the entire market um you know i think that this is a good one to watch and we'll see what the circuit breaker halt looks levels look like when the bell rings if we see a halt level at 350 and all of a sudden it starts ripping up to 35 45 50 and it gets pinned there you know the next thing you know we might see a resumption up in the 70s and a test of four so i could see that scenario i could also certainly see scenarios where it's just choppy or where it fades so i'm i'm interested i think it'll still be volatile it's just a question of whether or not it's volatile in the direction that um you know going up and whether or not i can find a low-risk entry on it so ppsi is power we've got wwr we've got clsk so we're seeing continuing to see catalyst and momentum in the kind of energy space with both electric vehicles and things like that so the clsk has a enter the electric vehicle charging market this one is curling back up to the volume weight average price that's a nice pop there from 1270 to 12.99 we've got about six minutes to the bell high is 13 right there uh c bat 28 million share flow gapping up 13 i'm just not i mean you're right it's energy but it's not as big of a gapper xtnt at two you know again it's possible that one of them does pop up at the bell and squeezes into a halt if one does probably others will kind of have that sympathy momentum but i i don't know you know it's the ones that i would say would be most likely would be the leading gappers so that would be ppsi hang on all right okay so about four minutes to the belt those you guys tuning in on youtube and facebook make sure you hit the thumbs up for the stream uh when we hit 3 000 thumbs up i live stream for the first like half hour first hour in the morning so i don't think we have enough thumbs up but we'll see we still have three minutes to four minutes the bell so that's number one number two reminder of our oktoberfest sales going on right now if you want to join the warrior starter the warrior pro classes this is a great time to get started october statistically is when the market starts to heat up it only gets better for me in november december then peaking in january january statistically is my best month of the year so to get you guys um in a place where you know three months from now january you're actually able to sit down and trade every day and really capitalize on that momentum you've got to start studying well yesterday but start today start as soon as you can number three the scanners will be running at the bell for warrior pro students and more your starter students so you guys will have access of course the scanners from your own platform you don't need me to screen share so when i'm done trading i'll turn off my screen share and then you guys run your scanners on your own machines so you run the hi-demo scanner the halt scanner and the gap scanner my hyde momo scanner my filters are a little tighter they're i'm trying to pull fewer alerts but higher quality alerts so you may notice like yesterday there's not a lot of alerts and honestly yesterday the market was a little slower there weren't a lot of good setups now there are always going to be a couple of times where you'll see oh man that's a stock that it would have been nice if it hit the scanner and so scanners can there can be a process of refining them and so one of the things i'm going to work on is adjusting the filter set for one of them to pick up more continuation setups because continuation setups often have um they have less uh relative volume but they're still worth trading so i've got a couple scanners that i need to adjust a little bit but uh but that's fine i'll i'll be working on those adjustments for you guys behind the scenes and getting them so they're running well so this is the high day moment scanner right down here and halt scanner that that's doesn't need anything and these are the the primary ones so as soon as the bell rings i'm going to switch my focus from the gap scanner down to the hyade momo scanner if you haven't already signed your agreements you'll have a little thing here that says you've got to sign your agreement so you click on that you sign your user data agreements uh we pay your your fees there on that but then you've got to wait like 25 30 minutes log out and log back in so we can refresh to sync that you actually have your data agreement nice on wwr look at that 355. not sure i want to trade it this close to the bell but i like seeing that so we're seeing a couple things here number one ppsi curling back up not bad now ppsi again it's not like i really want to trade it with a minute to the bell i'd rather wait for the bell to ring but we now have two that are looking interesting for the open we've got ppsi and wwr so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna set up my order window so i've got um ppsi on the right here with an order at 350 and i've got wwr on the left here with an order at 13 for right now so coming into the bell i'm up 2 400 on ppsi i'm up 22 on wwr so i've got 2 450 of profit it's not a home run morning but you know starting to build a little cushion and at this point uh with 15 seconds to the bell and i'll put up my disclaimer here i would say the one to watch initially is going to be ppsi all right so i'm going to leave an order at 51. i want to see if it dips down at the open ppsi and if we get a quick dip waiting so i'm long ppsi here the halt level so watch this i took profit at 58 i'm still holding it 43 and my new order the high is 60. new order goes at 60. added back at 48 on ppsi for the break back now through 60. watch over 55. ppsi needs to break through 55 nope stopping out at 43. so i'm up now 3 800 i'm gonna let it pull back you can see a little chop there in the first couple candles not uncommon orders at 60. so we've got ppsi hitting our scanners here these are ones you have to remember to be quick on so 3 800 bucks is not bad that's a gap and go right break of the pre-market high and we got in uh i think a little early there in the low 40s well i guess the right the best entry would have been 36 which i didn't get that that good of an entry but all right so i'm going to let this pull back here for a second let's see if it bounces off three wwr is pulling back a little bit i'm long at 305. about 15 000 shares of 305 why that's the volume weighted average price i'm doing a dip off the v web i'll look to add right around three and then add over 310 as we start to see that curl back up the 10 second chart see this curling action adding there at six adding at 306 i've got 20 000 shares and i want to catch a pop on this back up to 315. watching right here looking for that curl then the pop up to 315. there's 10 there's eleven it's not going as high as i wanted there's eight looking for ten watching there we go now we're starting to see a little bit of that curling the green on the time and sales there's eight nine taking profit at nine puts me up four thousand six hundred eighty dollars right there sold the rest of 306. so it was a bounce off the volume weight average price which it kind of honestly didn't bounce very well but with 20 000 shares i got a little profit on it all right so ppsi leading gapper it's up 91 wwr is fading wwr hall going down is it 10.74 it's actually uh getting kind of close to the halt going down hyln um not really interested in this one at the moment i'm gonna wait on it so i have the squeeze alert here for um i'll get that pop 10 moves but the but the float i don't know and the 200 moving average on the five i i don't know i don't think i'm going to trade that the whole level going up is 27.93 it's still down 13 percent to bounce off the low looks like it's halting here see if it does a false halt but it looks like a real halt oh so hot level jumped up a little bit more to be honest this looks like a short to me but i'm going to leave it alone wwr possibly going to do a red to green our high a day is around 12 what's the high 12 90. so high of that candle is 1221. orders at 12.50 let's see what this does here and put an order at 13.25 first let's see whether or not it actually halts so that's a halt so i'm going to put my order to be long let's see high is 1285. so we'll see what this does all right i'm gonna put on some music um here's 1990. um ppsi so ppsi is starting to curl up a little bit as well halt level on ppsi is 367. this one's a little tough though because of the dramatic sell-off but it is back above the volume weight average price so what i would say on this one is i want to see a a brief pullback to help re-establish a lower risk entry resumption on wwr it's halted on a circuit breaker the resumption will be around 9 41. high on this candle is 333 334 335 on ppsi i need to kind of wait for at least a one minute micro pullback right here if i got in i would just be buying it a little too high this one isn't quite as strong of a setup um as wwr because it it dropped from 360 all the way to three so you've got this kind of big red candle and we're still on the low side whereas wwr although it had a big red candle it's already retraced it completely it looks like it's gonna gap higher and then we're looking at a move up towards 13 14. remember what i said earlier that over 13 is where i'd start to think about um seeing short covering and a short squeeze over 13 13 25 13 50 and then 14. nice if you took that short on iova yeah yeah right off the 200 i mean again it's just a little outside my price range so mpl yeah i'll keep an eye on this one as well it's a little higher price but it's moving pretty quickly all right so first is wwr let me focus on this one [Music] so wwr orders at 13.25 let's see if it gaps up pulls back and then that dip offers a little add spot a little long for the move higher ppsi over 35 but i'm going to focus on wwr here all right so wwr watching waiting looking for that dip see now what you're getting here is that short squeeze so where's the spot to be long orders at 14. watching in this area long at 45 buying that dip right there for the pop on wwr over 14 watching for an ad at 14. so i'm trying to buy this dip and then catch the break over 14. adding there at 14. so i want to catch that break through 14 and then up to 14.50 watch here i think we're going to break 14 and then 1498 is the next level on the halt see how see how fast that pop new order is at 14.50 over 1450 is an ad and then i'm looking for a move up towards 15. adding there at 45. so i'm trying to scale into this i'm looking for a move to 15 on wwr this is impressive i'm going to buy dips on it add it at 13.90 right there buying that dip and now looking for a pop back up over 14. these are ones that i try to be aggressive on because when they start to open up we can get some great action so we've got a high here of 1450 so 1450 is the spot that we're going to be watching for the next move i'm going to keep this on watch orders at what 14.50 the high of this candle 14.50 stopped out at 13 for right now order will be at 14 to get back in that's a topping tail red candle so i went from green to red on wwr but let's see how much it pulls back the volume weight average price is around 12.50 and watch the 10 second chart here 12 44 is the volume weight average price so if this is able to i mean this is choppy here but if it's able to get back above this 1370 level then we're going to start looking at a move back up towards the pre-market highs long at 63 i'm buying the dip off the volume weight average price looking for a retest over 13. nope it's going lower halt level going down is 12 18. orders at 12 20. let's see if this halt's going down then i can look for a resumption but it looks like i'm going to put an order at 22 in case it does a false haul watching here see it's kind of starting to false halt orders at 22. no real haul bummer well can't win them all i was 14.50 boy yeah my dip trade i tried to buy that dip there at 14 thinking it would pop right back up to 14.50 that was not the right not the right move so ppsi i'll look at this one for a second um we're above the volume weight average price which is good it's got 46 million shares of volume i probably would wait for it to break over 350. xtnt halton going up at 28. we'll watch this one on resumption halt level moved up i'm going to let it pull back for a second long xtnt at 210 and over 230 is an ad for a break of the high right here so high is 28 so watching xtnt over 25 for an ad and then a trade through 28 and 30. this setup is buying a dip on the false halt so watching xtnt over to 18 to 20. i'm gonna just stop out at 10. lost 379 on it it should have broken it should have popped a lot faster than that so keeping that loss small on x tnt usually that kind of dip works better i'm a little surprised so wwr i'm gonna watch on resumption and see if there's a dip trade in here and ppsi i'm watching as well but i'm not sure the spot ppsi 350 wwr watching long wwr for a dip and sold for profit ppsi long ppsi looking for a squeeze over 60 adding on ppsi and now looking for a move up to the halt level watch over 380. watch ppsi here adding 375 there's 380 halt levels 390 i think ppsi is going to squeeze into a halt here watch this quick dip and then over 78 is an ad adding at 78 on ppsi nice taking a little profit at 85. i bought 40 000 shares on that i'm up 15 000 on ppsi i'm going to let it dip for a second 390 is my next entry long at 81 buying ppsi 20 000 shares at 81 now looking for an ad adding at 95 30 000 shares looking for ppsi to break through four watching right here micro pullback and then an ad over 95 for the breakthrough for adding there at 95. there's 96. i want to see that quick pop through four dollars and then up to 410 420 right here is consolidation and i want to add watching for the break over 95 adding there at 95 i'm looking for 97 98 99 a quick trade through four up to 420 halt levels 420. watch the accumulation there little churn let's see if it breaks let it come back up for a second attempt watch 95 six ninety seven holding forty eight hundred shares watching the dip here sold up 17 000 for now new order goes at 401. long 98 just 6 000 shares to start 439 is the halt level this is a one minute pullback right underneath this high see if i can get a little dip entry long at 85 buying that dip now i want to let it curl back up over here 96 97 is the add and then the breakthrough four orders at 402 so this is a one minute micro pullback on ppsi right underneath four i'm going to look to add at 96 97.98 holding 16 000 shares watching the ad i want to see 95 96 97. here we go adding right there see how we got that quick pop halt level's 54. that type of price action starts to become predictable the high is 29. new order goes at 30. micro pullback under 29 adding a 20 now looking for 30 and 40 over 29 is an ad for the break through this micro pullback over 29 and then i'm going to look for a move up to 450. watch here 2425 for the ad adding at 25. so we've got 66 million shares of volume it's up 170 we're on the front side of the move this is momentum pull backs dips are getting bought watch through 4 30 for then a test up to 450 the half dollar adding long 25 there's 26 27 there's 30 taking profit 32 for right now puts me up 15 000 on the day let it dip down so that's where i'm sitting right now so i was up um four thousand on ppsi then lost seven thousand on wwr so went red on the day by thirty eight hundred and then made 16 000 or whatever 17 000 on ppsi so now i'm up 15 000 on the day it's 10 a.m so this ppsi this is this was good this is this is a good trade um wwr well and just to look at this for one second so um the high is 435. so i would just say if it breaks over 435 that's going to squeeze out possibly early short sellers so that's just a technical squeeze area so i'll keep an order at 436. wwr i chased it part of momentum is buying high and selling higher but i lost 7 500 on wwr i was wrong on that one so at the end of the day it's your net profit you're gonna have winners you're gonna have losers where do you sit net green or red long at 20 on ppsi buying at 420 there the high is 425 over 425 and then 430 i'm going to start to scale up for the break of 4 30. watching over 25 orders at 36 we're seeing this accumulation here and what i'm looking for is a breakthrough uh hi a deck so orders at 36 hands on the buy button and i'm watching this consolidation here watching for big bids on the level two i want to see if there's a bigger bid around four so i could buy this dip off this level watching down here no i'll add at 90. my order didn't fill i'm trying to catch this bounce coming back up back over 415 got 96 97 98 i'm just gonna cut the loss lost 4 000 on that so up 11 000 on the day i might be a little early it's a abcd pattern and technically as long as it doesn't break this low down here of 80 i could keep holding it but then that starts to become a bigger loss so i'll just step aside and come back to it so that's where i sit right now 18 on ppsi red on these two but it is only 10 am and yeah ppsi we'll see um 380. what's it going to do down here this is the kind of important level on this abcd setup expo maybe seems a little more thickly traded i see ppl um and i'm not gonna disagree that it's uh sorry pll i'm not gonna disagree that it's moving it is spreads are big five million shares of volume i just don't know where where to get in it hi 5450 from a couple days ago nice on ppsi so you know i probably could have just held through that i stopped out and now it's back up uh that's the way it sometimes goes first five minute candle to make a new high is right there moving order to 52 let's watch this dip long at 40 buying that dip for the break over the half dollar this is the beginning of the next five minute setup so now watch over 45 for the ad and then the quick snap through 450. watching for the ad 445 this type of consolidation i really like because now we're consolidating we're getting the first breakout this is the first one minute pullback after that fresh five minute break out nice high is 55 on high volume so 10 second chart shows the 55 high the low this last step is 33. let's see what it does here because it broke it broke that um half dollar and now it's back below it i'm gonna watch it back over 450 for a long this one minute candle the high is just over 50. 87 million shares of volume a lot of volume so you can see this 10 second chart curling back up [Music] up to 56 57 new order goes at 61. if it can hold above the half dollar nope so back below the half dollar so it's kind of flirting above and below we want to see it stay above sold the rest of my position for now i'm going to let it dip down the high is 69. so can it hold above the half dollar here yes i'm buying right there at 21. i'm buying that dip at 21 because it's holding above the half dollar and now over 70 is an ad adding there 69. nice i want to see 75 taking a little profit at 71. new orders at 70 maybe 85 move it up a little bit so we tested the half dollar and held support that's critical sold the rest for right now new order goes at 490. [Music] highs 480 490 now waiting i'm gonna let it pull back off this level remember last time how it was trading kind of funny around the uh five a whole dollar spot let it pull back for a second this is a short squeeze we're up 200 percent now long at 92 i'm taking a starter there and over five is an ad watching adding there five new order goes at 5 15. hi this candle is 5 24. long at 5 15 adding there now looking for a squeeze once these start to open up this is where we start to see some fast moves orders at 550 halt level is 559 this is starting to go parabolic where it's really curling almost straight up adding at 38. i'm going to add over 45 for the breakthrough and a squeeze into a hall adding right there holding 28 000 shares looking for 59 and the halt taking a little profit there it's churning watching dips watching a bounce off of five orders at 5 10. long at 501 bought that dip right there bounce off five now looking for a pop back up to 5 15. watch over five ten there's five fifteen sold the rest of 502. so puts me up 38 000 on ppsi so just doubled my uh profit on the day in that breakout we didn't get the halt though that's the only thing that's a bummer i was thinking we would get a halt now yesterday i was up 34 000 on the day but gave back most of that profit over trading so i do have to be a little careful about that but the high is 5.59 so i would say 5 15 i'm long 5 15 first one minute candle to make a new high now new orders at 5 35. watch this here this is going to squeeze out early short sellers over 550. adding at 550 over 560 is my next ad for a squeeze up to six adding at 674 right there going for a big trade on this on the squeeze up to six adding at 75. i'll add again over 80 looking for a test of six adding at 81 right there trying to ride this momentum here all the way up to six watch 88 89 and that quick squeeze through six halt level is 619. i'm not letting this one off the hook i'm adding right there at 85 looking for that test in the 90s let's see what this does here pulling back a little bit hi that candle 90. wow my i didn't get any any shares filled selling at 90 though i didn't sell up there i'm watching for a dip i was looking for a break over six watching trying to decide where i can take another trade from three dollars to six bucks incredible 110 million shares of volume wow long i'm buying this for the rip up now to 620 648 is the hot level adding 615 i want to ride this momentum here up to 625. there's 17 i want to see 1819 and then for the ad over 20 it's holding six so now 650 is the next target churning a little bit taking profit at 16 for now i'll let it pull back for a second i'm gonna let it pull back i'm gonna wait hi this candle's 36. the level two on this is ripping so fast it's almost hard to read so we got a high there of 636. i'm buying at 25. i'm gonna try to catch this pop back through 36. watching over 30 to add stopped out at six took a quick loss i can get back in i just don't want to be holding if it does a a strong flush so there's a buyer there at six so let's watch this bid at six dollars right down here buying at 605 buying that dip so see there was a big bid there and now i'm gonna put my new order at 650 to add adding right there looking for a squeeze up to 7. this is where we start to get this type of move and i just try to get a position and hold adding right there 48 look for the breakthrough 650 then 675 and then a test of seven dollars see the volume coming in there watch the dips the dips keep getting bought up or is it fifty-one watching dips i'm looking for a dip off of six watching here long at 68. bought that dip there at 68. so i'm trying to catch the dip on this now looking for a pop back up through 610 615 that was a nice little flush so let's watch this back over 690 590. i'm looking for the 10 second chart to start to curl for that pop back up over 6. adding at 88. you can see how the 10 second chart is starting to curl so looking for that pop back up over six now i'm going to stop out gave back 5 000 on that trade the low is 64. 125 million shares of volume this is a micro kind of bear flag the low was 64. so topping tail candle is green which is good but it is a topping tail candle at this point probably the only thing that i would maybe hope for would be that it just kind of suddenly pops up it's not going to make a lot of sense and then all of a sudden it's squeezing over 6 25 6 30 640 and it's a continuation of the short squeeze but it's it's extended and there's a hundred thousand share seller at 45. halt level or volume weight average price is at 416. so well that's where i'm sitting right now up 36 000. i was up a little over 40. but i lost 5 000 on that last dip trade with 20 000 shares i was in at six um let's see 580 i tried to get in the 60s it looks like i got in at 84 80 91 93 88 and i had a starter at 650 so i sold it 579. 577. it doesn't mean that this is done for the rest of the day it just means in my opinion that it needs to consolidate for a few minutes and we'll see whether or not we get a five minute setup on it right just like here this is a big pop at this moment this seemed like a big pop and then it consolidated for a second first five minute candle made a new high right here and i was back in 425 or whatever that was 450 so now let's look for the next five minute setup maybe we get it maybe we don't but that's the next thing to look for and you can see that the scanners are mark is that sim or real money so um yeah we'll let this pull back so i'm going to mark the high this candle as 6 12. these markets are really incredible i mean to have stocks like this go up 240 percent in one day imagine like if um you know the people that were trading during the dot-com bubble uh 36 000 went a lot further in 1998 than it does today i mean and the this was happening during that period of time it was people were making day traders were making a lot of money and then things slowed down the bubble burst and it slowed down and a lot of people got you know kind of had to stop they weren't continuing to make money we weren't they there just wasn't still the level of volatility so make sure as you make profits that you put some into savings set some aside in case we do go into a slow period at some point but this is this is october uh statistically this is when the market starts to heat up october november december january is my best month of the year historically so where everything's moving in the right direction there i see opt moving up i don't know you know sometimes momentum shifts to other stocks and that may be the case in this on this one i'm gonna wait to see if we get a halt on it i'm more interested it does have 23 million shares of volume so the volume is good and this was a nice micro pullback from two up to 224 so maybe let's see what it does around 224. i'll put an order at 225. nice on the dips off of 5 on ppsi i'm not super interested in doing the dips on it right now because um it it's i just i'm i don't know just not not sure it's still it's still well above v web you know it could drop quite a bit more um back to ppsi so buying dips is when you're buying into the red candles this is now starting to curl back up over 36 that's a nice that's a nice pop there from 36 to 59 that's really nice so you know i don't love that false break there that popped to 612 that's the high last five minute candle but uh it's it's moving back up so at 36 000 right now on the day the next target would be to see if i can get myself a couple more green trades and if i can keep rolling this momentum into trade four five six from here maybe i could end up having a pretty nice day but i don't want to give back too much profit either so to be a little careful so see that that drop back down to 513 watching this buying at 510 buying that dip that's a double bottom so now looking for it to pop back back back up over 525 taking profit at 20. let's see um 20 for now new orders so that was that was a dip trade kind of a classic dip and a bounce off five as it's kind of starting to base out here but we're still seeing those are some big drops that was a 60 cent drop chci hitting the scanners so what have we got going on with this one lighter volume stock moving up quickly from three to 350 daily resistance it's got room over four halt levels up around four i'm not sure about it just yet i'm gonna keep watching it float is two million shares high is 59. i'll start i'll take a starter there long there was a big bid that just popped up and i'm gonna add over 85 for the break of 4 on chci this is a little lighter volume so i can't be as aggressive on share size yet so watching over 75.80 for the next ad on chci we've got 67 on the ask i want to see 68 69 70 there's 70. now on this one there was a big bid down in the 50s so let's see if that bid comes back no i'm not seeing it i'm cutting jumping out of it i can come back in i i'm not sure 383 is the high once they start to open up you know sometimes i'll start to jump on things but it can get a little risky because they can get into a bit of a chasing game and be careful of that ppsi low is 92 there chci ppsi is right around the nine moving average on the five so but the thing is right now we're stepping down so what we need to see it do is kind of base out move up pull back hold that level and then that's going to be probably the new entry point so you can see this is kind of starting to curl off the same as it did right through here i'm going to give it a chance to base out pull back hi there was 40. was it yeah 540. red candle on the one minute this is too extended right here gotta wait another minute or so see how in this area we're starting to consolidate that's good it's not quite there yet so let's see down here how much it dips down i'm gonna watch to see if we see any big bids on the level two so now first one minute candle to make a new high back over 535 ish there's 35 orders at 41. there's 47 so high there's 55 so see how see the price action around that level started to base out then you got the break through that level up to 55. the highest current 5 minute candle is 55 and you know how much time it has left on it 10 seconds high is 58 waiting for a pullback long at 58 taking a starter up here that's the first five minute candle to make a new high taking 10 cents off the table 68 it's not a big win but the one minute was a little extended going into that first five minute candle to make a new high the high of this candle is 70. now over 70 is the next ad orders at 71 so usually when we get the first five minute candle to make a new high we like to see a little bit of a bigger move than what we're seeing here uh that only broke the first five minute candle from 58 to 70 so 12 cents but this may just end up forming a little bit of an abcd pattern it's 10 30 it's still early it's still up 240 percent i think there'll be more opportunities in it 520 is a possible dip spot i have a starter at 5 21. that's the previous support so you see how previous support right here is you you're seeing a little bit of bid support at that level sold at 26 for a small profit that 520 was the spot so there's no question that this one has been very volatile the range right now well 612 certainly above that level i would even say at this point above 570 and then definitely above six starts to look pretty bullish below 490 would not be great so we'll see how it trades in this range i might put an order around five so if we do get a quick flush i could try to do a dip trade on it i want to see whether or not i can get a bounce off of like 495 dollars so i'm gonna watch it down in this area the thing is you might get a little more panic selling as people you know who are holding this hoping for a bigger move end up as it comes down to five saying all right forget it i'm throwing in the towel so that's why right around five sometimes you'll see a whole dollar sometimes you'll see that flush sometimes it breaks through and drops to 490 480 and then pops right back up so i you know i don't like to stop at those levels but because sometimes that when they break they flush and don't pop back up you know you could sometimes feel like you have to nice david good work so this did end up bouncing off this level here it didn't quite go as low as i wanted it to so no entry for me here so high remember back there was 570 so it doesn't seem like it's quite ready to quit a little double top at 5 55 there letting this five minute candle continue to consolidate look wwr no i i stopped stopped out on that one a while ago i'm read on it by 7 500 bucks i see opt i'm leaving it alone for right now so i'm starting to kind of get dialed in on ppsi you can see this first candle to make a new high back over [Music] 550 it's starting to perk up a little bit more the five minute candle isn't quite ready hi there was 51. so the five minute would tell us that the break over 70 is really the critical spot let's see if it dips back down to i'm going to put an order at 71. it doesn't seem like it wants to wait look at that new orders at six now a break of six watching here for an ad adding at 79 buying that dip now looking for the breakthrough six and then an ad over six dollars and 12 cents this breakout this looks good this looks really good i'm looking to add and i'm looking for a move up to 650 adding 615 right there i bought 35 000 shares taking some profit in the 30s high in this candle 36. adding at 28 looking for a retest of 650 i want to catch a retest of high a day through 650 over 645 is an ad hands on the buy button to add and then looking for a move up to six seven seven dollars so watch here adding their 46 again 30 000 share position i'm up 65 000 on the stock 73 000 on the stock up 65 000 on the day new orders at seven buying for the break of seven halt level is 703 looking for this to squeeze into a halt watching the dips halt levels moved up i'm adding at seven now looking to ride this momentum up to 7 15. there's 720 723 taking a little profit off the table hi 7 30. new order goes at 7 50. let's let it pull back for a second let the halt level move up watching long at 81. bought the dip down there i want to catch the pop now back up through 725 750. i'm going to be aggressive on this watch over 7 15 for the ad adding at 7 10. i'll add again at 7 20. adding there now looking for 750 orders at 750. this is the type that i don't want to let it off the hook i'm going to be as aggressive as i can hi there 742 742 is my ad spot watch the curl back over 7 25 7 30 7 40 break through 750 then we're going to start looking at a move up towards 8. i'm going to continue to buy dips on this buying at 12 buying the dip right there taking profit at 20 for right now up 81 000 on ppsi and i'm going to look for the next step so that's where i sit right now 81 000 on the day on ppsi it's up 338 percent high 742 will it hold 675 down here let's watch this level 675 below 675 would probably be a place where short sellers would go short back above 7 25 probably be a long long at 83 taking a starter first one-minute candle to make a new high i'm going to look to add high the last candle is 27. hi the current one is 18 orders at 725 to add i missed my ad i'm going to move my order up to 7.50 hi a day is 42 moving my order up to 750 for my ad watch this little pullback long at 38 looking for the break through 50. and then a possible squeeze over 50 is an ad watching i want to add 51 and then try to catch momentum on this up through up towards eight buying the dip at 703. looking for 7.25 is it gonna hold seven stopped out at seven watching 675. 675 was the previous support it's double bottom this is going to be a triple bottom if it hits again so high is 753 are we now going to get another five minute setup you know it's almost 11 a.m so another five minute setup like this one here start at 10 15 and didn't break out till 10 40. so it you know took half an hour of consolidation high is 53. watching this over the high orders at 7 50. long at 45 taking a starter this is a micro pullback here on the 10 second chart and 750 is the apex point so i'm going to put an order at 753. i'll hold through the pullback and then come up for the retest of this flat top at 53 buying the dip at 24. i'm going to let it consolidate looking for a trade obviously over 750 adding at 706. so i'm buying these dips accumulating through the pullback taking profit at 30 and 28 because i added on the dip so now that's a profit i'm a little worried about it maybe being top heavy because the five minute is extended the one minute is this tight consolidation right up here i think i'm going to get in the mindset of doing a dip i'm going to look for a dip off of 75. 6.75 so we've got a little red doji at the top high is 53 low is 85 on that candle oh my gosh look at that so you know what that is that's a short squeeze that's a market order all of a sudden the market order rips right up so the high is 88. i'm long at 88. and i'm going to add over 98 for the breakthrough eight and then the next target's 850. adding there at eight now looking for a squeeze on this up to 850. watch over eight this thing is so strong next order is eight dollars and ten cents actually i'm going to put it i'm gonna put it 850. 869 is the halt level watch this micro pullback i'm long at 25. buying at 25 looking now for a squeeze up to 850 the half dollar these are the types that you don't want to let off the hook in my opinion i just want to keep being as aggressive as possible 840 quick long from 840 to 850 watching and i'm long at 8 35 for the breakthrough 840. 845 then 850 is the next target then looking for a move up to nine looking for the ad over 45 46 adding at 47 looking for a quick move right up towards nine there's 658 new orders at 75. if we break over the high here of 63 it's going to be pretty impressive watching 177 million shares of volume buying at 50 buying that dip right there now looking for 75.80 new orders at 83. high that candles 77 it looks like maybe a little higher looking for my ad and that quick squeeze up to nine hi this candle is 77 watching a dip i'm adding at 51. buying that right there 51 looking for that curl back up to 61.71 i'm not going to let this one off the hook i'm going to be as aggressive as i can 65.75 hmm it's pulling back a little bit here hi there is 65 watching dips orders at 70. it's crazy hi that candle is 91 orders at nine dollars for the next trade if it breaks through nine nine fifty ten adding there at nine over nine fifteen is the next ad adding a nine ten now looking for a squeeze up to nine twenty nine twenty five i think we might get a move up to 9 50. watch 9 25 there's 9 33 watching the ad buying the dip there long 9 35. looking for the squeeze on this up to 950 945 950 is going to be my next ad spot and then back of mine target is now ten dollars watch over 35.45 these dips are just getting bought up this is a micro pullback right here 3940s the new ad watch here over 35. adding there 35 breakthrough 40. dip long at 95 buying that dip so catching a dip trade on this now looking for a pop back up to 9.25 still holding looking to add add at 75. add it down there at 8.75 i want to catch the pop back up over nine that first 10 second candle to make a new high looking for 90 88 89 90. no stopped out lost on that trade maybe 8 000. let it pull back for a second so i'm sitting up 84 000 on the day 91 000 on ppsi i was up 99 000. so i gave back about seven eight thousand on that last um trade long 811 only 1800 share partial fill taking the profit at 19. 750 would be the next dip spot up 400 187 million shares of volume this is what day traders love so i'm wondering hi there of 8 30. where's the next trade hi the last candle is 850 first one minute candle to make a new high but i think what would be better would be to try to catch um try to catch dips i think getting it up here is that's a little too risky the low the last pullback was 805 watching thousand shares long at eight i wanna see if it double bottoms here back up to eight fifteen sold break even i'll let it pull back a little bit more i still think dip trades like this are a better approach so 750 was the previous breakout spot so the return back down to 750 is kind of what i'm watching 190 million shares of volume of 400 percent right now i'm very close to having a hundred thousand dollar day low on that pullback there was 68 watching so you're gonna have sellers stacked it at eight on this one most likely because it's psychological resistance watching down here long at 71. buying that dip down there 75 and then as it curls up for the first one minute candle to make a new high i'll look for the add and the breakthrough eight watching over 98 to add adding there at 94. i want to try to catch this squeeze through 8 97 98 sold at 803. it was a nice trade so from 78 to 803 that's 25 cents it's not bad and we've had a couple of bigger red candles on this one um in this area we had a good pullback from a high of 636 all the way down to five four ninety five so this one here a high of nine forty three and now pull back just above seven fifty so through this area you know it's a little bit of kind of like it's still momentum it's still bullish it's still relatively strong it's way above the volume weight average price but it is perhaps on the riskier side here with the five minute not being quite set up watching buying the dip there at 56. so just trying to buy the dips on it i would add again on another test of the half dollar took profit at 70. so from 56 to 70 is 14 cents that's not bad i'll let it dip down again new orders at 61. and try to catch another bounce off the half dollar long at 57 bought that dip at 57 again it's double bottoming so that's actually better than the last one over 70 would be an ad watch over 68 70. adding a 68 right there now looking for the curl on this back up towards seventy five took my profit at seventy five else hitting the scanners e-a-e-l-s-e so well ppsi is pulling back i'm just going to look at else for a second elsc okay so you can see it's starting to open up a little bit it's a little lighter on volume halt level is 94. i'll let it go into a hall halt levels five i'll let it go into a halt and then look on maybe a resumption so that's where i'm sitting right now 99 000 on ppsi up 92 on the day so ppsi i'm going to keep watching see it's kind of curling up here a little bit along at 93. so trying to start accumulating first five minute candle make a new high is 22. there's 22. look at that sold at 28 for right now new orders at 50. there's a seller up there i'm gonna look to see if they move or get bought up first pull back after a fresh breakout long at 29 buying the dip right here and then the add is over 40. watch it 40. there we go adding 41. now looking for a move on this up through 8.50 watch over 45 46 47 adding at 47. there's 60 being aggressive on this new order at 880. hi this candle is 61. watching over 60. adding at 48. buying that dip right there now looking for the squeeze up through 65.75 again this is one that i'm going to be aggressive on i'm going to try to see if we get a move back up over nine and if we do i want to be holding through that watching on this dip adding at 810 buying the dip looking for the pop back now through 850 so dips are what i look for any of these dips for me are longs watching back through 8 20. it's starting to perk up here which i like stopped out it um stopped out at what was that eight so that was break even made money gave it right back so that those two trades there break even 750 would be a dip spot long at 56 buying the dip this is an irrational sell-off in my opinion long if we're adding at 47. now looking for the pop back up through 65. watch over 55.60 first 10 second candle pop back up taking profit 55 watching around seven so now this is the this is kind of a critical moment because this is the first time it's really starting to pull back in a meaningful way so we're now seeing the beginning of i think a bigger pullback i do think dips are probably worth watching for bounces but it's on the way back down now so let's see what it does around seven so i filled 80 shares at 708 80 shares selling them at 32. it's a partial fill hi the last one minute candle is 49 but it kind of struggled around the half dollar there so i'm not sure that i want to trade that so i'm sitting at 89 000 on the day i was on this trade here from eight to eight fifty i was up right around nineteen ninety nine thousand ninety eight thousand and then uh i gave back about almost ten thousand on that drop right there so up ten back down ten so now i'm starting to through those two trades spin my wheels a little bit um you know churning commissions not making money and you can see clearly on that big drop sort of shifted from being on the front side to sort of the the back side um you know and again back through this area we did have a couple false breakout candles like right here you know that's we you know we call something like that a little a little bull trap i'll take a screenshot of that for the classes bull trap okay so i'm sitting up right there 89 000 on the day primarily trading ppsi which is up 380 right now on 207 million shares of volume this had a low today of 290 and a high of 9.43 so because you have this false breakout on the five minute chart the low here seven seven oh seven the high up here is let's see what is this 861 delete this so these are our three levels 943 is our high a day 861 was the high of that last kind of false breakout and 707 was the low of the last pullback so at the moment this is consolidation around the nine moving average on the five minute chart we definitely got a parabolic move here from 750 up to 950 and we got a nice one here from 550 up to 750 so we've had some really nice action on this one for sure will we get another leg up you know from 8 50 to 10 50 or 11 i don't know i'm not sure it's 11 20 we're getting a little later into the morning than i usually would you know kind of keep really actively trading we definitely had first pullback second pull back long period of consolidation into a breakout micro pull back breakout false breakout so i would say i'm not i don't know that i'm i i might i mean i might put an order at 7 7 15 or something like that and maybe do a bounce off of support down in this off the 707 level maybe but that's even that's not the absolute strongest so that one's a that one's a maybe what would probably be best is you know letting it consolidate for 10 more minutes or whatever and then starting to look at first candles to make a new high the curling action right here and see if it just sort of curls slowly back up towards not towards eight and the next thing you know we're kind of consolidating between eight and eight sixty and now your risk is back down to eight and you're looking at a move back through 860 up through 940. i just you know at this time of day we're seeing a little bit of a decline in volume as the price gets higher volume will decline anyways just to account for the fact that ten thousand shares at two dollars is uh is not the same as ten thousand shares at eight dollars so people start trading with smaller share size so total volume can go down even and we can still see good momentum but yeah the high that last candle was 779 of this little one minute consolidation so i'll just kind of pop that there let's zoom this in a little bit more start to get dialed in this period of consolidation so certainly 707 715 would be right now interesting places to try to take a dip with a stop around seven the low of that last dip was 720. so my biggest share size today was around 45 000 shares stepped up to the plate every 10 cents is 4 500 bucks a 50 cent winner is 20 000 22 000 so that was my biggest position today i don't remember when that was though um i want to say that was it was earlier in the morning i'd have to go back and look but um so in terms of total amount of money in the trade i don't i'm not sure um it looks like that was around wait no is it there i can't remember i'm not sure where that was but in any case definitely to a certain extent it does take money to make money so we're starting to see a little consolidation here i'll take a quick long at 49 just for that curl up to 75. you can see how it's kind of curling up here the high of this candle is 79 if it breaks over 79 then i'm gonna look for a move up towards eight so just kind of trying to trade within this price actions it starts to base out a little bit more sold at 47 and 57. so a little false breakout candle but maybe then that results in a drop back down and a dip trade off of 20 or maybe 7 7 15. high of this last five minute candle is 7.69 so we're kind of if you look at this trend line here we keep kind of coming down towards it okay so getting a little perky there starting to pop up a little bit more again this is that curling action along at 72 right there buying that dip for the breakthrough 80. over 80 will be an ad for a move up to eight dollars watching 78. so adding there at 78. once i start to see volume coming in at these critical levels i start to add as this curls up here over 85 and 95 are also critical levels we've got a 50 000 share buyer at 50. so now we're seeing some bid support coming out so i'll be pretty aggressive buying dips now as we start to see the tide shifting and it curling back up orange is eight dollars this is a micro pullback under 780. watch the breakthrough 80. i've got my hand on the buy button to add and then try to get a squeeze up to 95 maybe 8. you see that consolidation right under 780. watching adding there at 76. it's accumulating right here i'm expecting to see a breakthrough 80 and then from 80 up to 90. there you go so how high is it going now no so i'm going to get back out of that but that's okay i can take another stab i'll let it pull back and i'm long at 47 on the dip so buying dips so now with a cost basis of 47 i've got a better average adding a 38 cost basis is 45 so i'm trying to buy now off this ascending support line this is ascending support you can see the support line right there the yellow line so now looking for the pop back up over 750 748 749 750. see what it does here adding a 25 brings my cost basis down a little bit more down to 34. and selling breakeven at 35. 707 is the next spot i'm watching orders at 7 15. i'm churning shares a little bit here on the backside i'm sitting up 91 800 on the day so i've made an extra three grand through this kind of choppiness although i would say a break of seven would be not great um so i'm going to wait on this i'm not going to try to jump to a bounce because this could sell off back down towards 538 i'm going to let it really sell off give it a hard sell off and then maybe there'll be a dip trade that was a big flush right there let it bounce off of 650 let it really kind of panic out and then those panic dips can be a buying opportunity not buying it yet the low of that dip was 61. i think it might go a little lower let's see if it breaks 660. i'm not a buyer down here yet 217 million shares of volume of 330 percent hi the last one minute candle is 85 so you know technically 85 be the first one minute candle to make a new high i'm long at 69 only 5 000 shares see if i can add over 85 added 75 looking for the squeeze up to 85 then maybe 90. taking profit into this squeeze here puts me up ninety two thousand first one minute candle to make a new high is 85. my biggest losses have been from averaging down uh but i've also been able like in that trade a few minutes ago to at times come out break even or even for a profit so it's not a beginner technique it's generally not recommended i mean it's it's high risk to do something like that people generally say don't average down watching here along at 57 buying that dip at 57. so looking for 75 if i can get 20 cents on these dips that pays pretty well adding a 65 right there now looking for the pop back up to 75. so you can see how we it defended that critical level which is the the half dollar so bouncing off of half dollars that's good jumped out break even at 60. these should bounce a little faster than that even though it's defending the level it might go a little lower before it bounces ah bummer so well that's the way it sometimes goes again though you have on this two false breakouts on the five minute chart right here and right here so we're clearly at this point i'm trading the back side of the move so i think i'll say that this is a good spot to call it a day two thousand four hundred twenty six dollars and eighty six four hundred twenty six dollars and eight six cents i cracked a hundred thousand on ppsi by two bucks so over a hundred thousand dollars in profit on ppsi but unfortunately the wwr loss got me for 7 500 so you know i'm glad i stopped out where i did and everything else but that was a good size a good size loss unfortunately so it's 11 30 here traded for about two two and a half hours today from about nine until 11 30. ppsi i would again you know i could i could keep trading it down here bounces off of six would probably be the next level psychological support but you just get into a place where the the momentum has shifted it's gone from strong momentum to the upside to now curling back and it just starts to get a little harder to trade that area but it it did kind of surprise me that it broke out of this that well i wasn't expecting that so you never know maybe i you know come back later and see it bounced off the v-wap volume weight average price curled back up and you know that one pop um that we had i don't remember where it was um probably have to look at the 10 second chart so where was it um i think it was i think it was right here it was this candle right here this candle right here popped from 724 to 788 in that one candle that one right there and that's where i was like wow that looks like a market order it looks like someone pressed the cover button or the buy button for like 75 000 shares and it ripped up 50 cents and then when i saw that i was like all right i'm not letting this off the hook i'm getting in here for the break of eight and i started getting aggressive and that's where i think it because it happened so fast i don't know if it was you know one huge trader with a 100 or 200 000 share position or it was i don't know what it was but in that moment it popped up and just like that all of a sudden short sellers were like caught off guard and fomo kicked in long traders jumping in and that set way for this move up to eight and then this churn here and then the nice break of 850. so yeah that was a little bit of a surprise but um but that was certainly nice so anyways um green is good today and yesterday i was up 34 000 and then unfortunately gave back almost all of that profit uh between wwr and a couple other stocks so today makes up for a little bit of a sloppier day yesterday so i'm glad for that grateful to be green and not really interested in overstaying my welcome we all have a sort of mental capacity each day to maintain you know focus to be calm cool and collected and at a certain point you you start to get decision fatigue this is a lot of staring at very nitty gritty lines on the chart and that takes it you know it expends a certain amount of energy and at a certain point like what happened yesterday was i for whatever reason yesterday had a shorter kind of capacity and when i started to give back profit rather than just say okay i should walk away i started getting frustrated i started over trading a little bit and giving in to fomo and very quickly i started giving back profit and that can happen fast you can think that you're totally you know you're good and then all of a sudden i'm in a trade like this average down with 40 000 shares and it's down you know 50 cents on me so anyways um good job today for those that were green um a couple reminders obviously for you guys not to blindly follow me or anyone else day trading is risky uh it took a lot of losses for me to get to the point where i can have days like today this was not something that happened overnight it was the culmination of years and years of studying and hard work and a year ago i wasn't making this type of money so doing this for almost 10 years before having kind of like a pretty big breakthrough in my trading which is something that is really interesting to me because i didn't expect it i i thought that i kind of hit my ceiling and i felt that in order to make more money i needed to start either swing trading or buying large cap stocks i didn't think that i would end up having days where i'd make a hundred thousand dollars day trading stocks like this but what i had said previously because people had said ross you ever think you'll make a hundred thousand in one day and i said you know to make a hundred thousand in one day think about that you know i would need to be holding twenty thousand shares of a stock and you need to go up like five dollars a share so it's not every day that we see stocks go up five dollars a share but in this current market we're seeing it i mean here you go from three dollars up to 940. we're seeing it and so the combination of more volatility plus the confidence to trade with bigger share size thirty thousand forty thousand now i'm able to start having hundred thousand dollar days and i even don't need a full five dollars a share i can do it uh with somewhat smaller moves but but i really i carved as much profit out of this as i could i don't think i could have done a lot better i think i did the best i could so you know if this had gone to 12 and 15 yeah i'd probably be up 120 530 but it tapped out here and so my p l is tapping out as well can only trade what the market's willing to give us but today ppsi currently up 313 with 220 million shares of volume and it's not even noon time so it's probably gonna have three for 300 million shares maybe maybe 350 maybe 400 by the end of the day we'll see i'm sure at least 300. all right that's it for me i hope you guys have an awesome rest of the day we'll be back at it tomorrow wednesday and um keep this hot october roll going i mean we're early in the month and now getting some really nice green days this starts to build a cushion it's going to allow me to take some risks later this week and next week and those risks if we continue to see these types of markets are really going to pay off so i'm uh i'm excited for uh what's to come and those uh watching the um the recap and everything in the live trading on youtube and facebook uh if you haven't already checked out our oktoberfest sales make sure you do it if you haven't already hit the thumbs up button or subscribe to the channel make sure you do it i really appreciate it and i'll see you guys live streaming tomorrow around eight uh probably around 8 45 for pre-market watch list
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 223,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: 0dNlGrmEbYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 24sec (10584 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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