Day Trading Morning Show with Ross Cameron -$12k SBEV, IMTE, VVOS

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[Music] [Music] let's make a note we're going to draw a picture of that i'm back all right uh back in the saddle here welcome uh to those tuning into the morning show here for the first time so first two weeks of the month we are focusing on students in trader rehab uh trader rehab continues those of you who may have gone a little off the rails in the last couple weeks without the morning show let's get it back on track okay so if you're in trader rehab the goal is one trade a day get green shut it down do not over trade so this morning i am looking for one good quality trade i do have my small account uh my small account is uh right here so this is a a cm eg account uh that i set up which i had uh mentioned that i was gonna do and although i'm not doing an official small account challenge i am uh practicing trading in that account for the sake of one good quality trade sometimes i'm taking that one good quality trade in my main account as well it sort of depends on the the day and the price of the stock but uh the focus for probably ninety percent of you out there is to try to find one good quality trade just get green and shut it down and so as students know 10 cents a day 10 cents a day that's 10 cents per share yes if you buy only 100 shares you're only up ten bucks if you buy a thousand you're up a hundred if you buy ten thousand you're up a thousand don't take big share size until you've proven you can be profitable in fact don't trade with real money until you've proven that you can be profitable because in case you didn't already know trading is in fact very risky so this morning um i don't see anything that i'm in love with i know that some of you are commenting on dwac which is higher priced not going to be suitable for um most small account traders let's see let me change my broadcast settings you know why my broadcast settings for the chat room are too high let me turn them down a little bit and that's going to reduce the um the skipping that some of you guys are having let's see if that reduces i might have to turn off the broadcast and turn it back on i flipped my settings um typically i inverted the two by accident so youtube settings are low right now and chat room settings are high let's see i'm gonna stop the broadcast and restart it all right that's uh for the chat room so yeah the problem of course with dwac is that this is a a higher priced stock higher price uh in this uh situation means more risk because the spreads are bigger it may be worth watching uh keeping an eye on but you know it's just you have to be cautious with it so i think if if you were gonna focus on taking your one trade on dwac your problem is that it's just it's at a price where the share size is going to make it difficult to trade so even for me for my small account let's see um i would be able to take um 50 trades of dwac right now and i believe that would be using leverage um let's see um no actually that's just cash i have about five thousand dollars in my small account so in any case um dwac approached that one with caution uh those on youtube by the way uh you have to be subscribed the channel in order to comment so make sure you subscribe uh we'd love to have you subscribe i am still working on uh getting the youtube channel to 1 million subscribers and please hit the thumbs up if you like the morning show if you're happy the morning shows back hit the thumbs up and let your friends know that this is a good place to learn a little bit about day trading but as always remember my results are not typical so trade very cautiously cfvi yeah so we'll see i don't know if we're gonna get like a fireworks day today on dwac it looks like you got some decent action on it yesterday this breakout right here was um was pretty good so from there to there and then it broke out from 84 up to 90. so you know you did get a nice break out there but see if we can find something that's a little bit cheaper for most small account traders you're going to want to focus on stocks under twenty dollars no gabriel we don't just this room here thanks chris i really appreciate that so click the button for a role model and a great teacher p-h-u-n right not always one-to-one um it's i think phe went only if dwac actually went parabolic and to go parabolic it would need to break through a hundred go up to 105 110 115 120. bbig i'm not particularly interested in this one nice after hours but it's pulled back so top of the scan so each morning starts the same zgnx looking at the leading gappers looks like this is an acquisition [Music] up 67 percent next one down sbev it's a 26 million share float 6 million shares of volume looks like it popped up hmm i don't know i'm really sure about that sort of just popped up and then it's been sideways vine so we traded vine uh last week there was a day these two days back to back where you got a nice move uh on the second day there was news so that was a good one for the one trade a day hit a high of 9.75 but currently i don't see this as being something i'd be interested in i don't see news supporting the move right now and it's not high enough that i think you're just gonna get technical breakout needs to be higher for a technical breakout yes imt let's see um seems like kind of lighter volume grinder that grinding price action can be a little bit harder needs to open up and go a bit more parabolic i'm not sure thank you ebet announces 10 month revenue guidance of 70 million posted there just ahead of 8 30 a.m charts been pretty beaten up yep so watching uh the high day momo scanner to see if anything pops up audio alerts are turned on yeah i agree luke uh the warrants on dwac yes they're cheaper but [Music] they should trade pretty closely to the underlying stock taop popping up with some news yeah i'm gonna leave it alone for now yeah that's fresh black sbev breaking the v-wap floats a little higher on that one at 26 million shares qubt popped up dip back down nothing um imcc cannabis i am cannabis announces focus medical's import of 400 kilograms of premium indoor grown dried cannabis from canada to israel news not giving really any price action so you've got a headline but no one cares so this is a part of trading that is sitting and waiting kind of like kind of like fishing i suppose if you could a lot of analogies but like fishing just sitting and waiting you know casting out the line and using bait and everything when there's nothing out there is a waste of time and resources taking trades when nothing is moving is going to cost you money not a good decision so i have to just sit on the sidelines and wait so for those just getting tuned in welcome back good morning so uh the goal today is uh well especially for those that are on a trader rehab program which we had our trader rehab class that we taught december 31st so that's part of the classes now and many of you are participating in a trader rehab trading plan for the month of january which means depending on how restrictive you're being you may be just taking one trade a day so if you're taking one trade a day that means being patient waiting for the good one and then striking when you see the opportunity i see sbev popping up this could present one good opportunity the high there was five 497 but let's let's just make sure it holds this level it did a false break to the downside and then popped back up the high is 497. it kind of ripped up fast the float the even the way it's trading it looks a little thicker i'm a little concerned this could be a bull trap up here it seems just looking at the level two so right now just watching the level two i don't think i like this it popped on one candle you know from 45 all the way up to 97 but is now pulling back a little bit so our daily levels let's see daily chart so high this candle with what's the high there 93 so i think it's worth having an order ready at five dollars and just kind of starting to watch this level but it's a little funny so the low of this pullback down here was 70. is it gonna break that level and it does yeah i just have a funny feeling on this one i don't know i it looks a little choppy so you got a false break broke the v-wap down and then ripped back up through the highs so it that became a bit of a bear trap but now the question is whether or not it holds this level so it broke 70 hit 65. dwac is pulling back meanwhile good job kevin nice entry in the 40s okay so this is uh as this five-minute candle closes we've got about a minute left on it but it's showing us a topping tail so it squeezed up quickly rapidly but then pulled back not quite strong enough so good job for those that caught that break but i missed it that one went without me look for the next one nice rob nice good job very good sbev is on short sale restriction for what it's worth um it should be calculated the same way tony the update times are slightly different but it should be calculated the same way uh yes jams uh i can make jams i can make time for that not today but possibly tomorrow i'll look at my calendar so no trades yet waiting for one good quality setup to break the ice right that's going to be my first trade and then once i get that first trade then i can start trading more actively uh for those in trader rehab you don't get to trade more actively until you've proven discipline so you just take that one trade and if it's a red trade you know come back again tomorrow if you do that 10 days in a row and you only have three green days your accuracy is not very good you need to go back to trading in the simulator to get better at your accuracy you need more practice yep dwac uh still in play worth worth keeping an eye on not an ideal one for anyone doing a small account because the price is too high it's not going parabolic right now it's up seven percent but it's hanging in there so we'll see isig remounting the nine ema let me look yeah yeah on the daily so it's in a longer sort of wedge it needs breaking news and i was hoping that we would have gotten it last week which would have given us the squeeze through 32 and then up to 35 but you know we didn't and so nothing on that right now interesting price action on my nz yesterday sort of big red to green from 23 up to 26 27 pull back then up to 28 29 and 30. nice first pullback right here on this one really nice that was beautiful and this breakout wasn't bad either good job for anyone that got those trades nice clean patterns extended on the daily so yesterday's high was 30. 27.50 pre-market after hours high pivot at 29 levels to watch if it starts to open up volume is light strm north 3rd north carolina hospital system signs new contract bkkt news at uh what time was this 7 a.m it's below the 200 on the daily it's been pulling back for a while floats higher not much not much so far today that other than that one on sbev or maybe some higher risk ones on dwac okay yeah so i see bbig some comments on that one but uh yeah i don't know i'll keep it on watch remember this is the ebb and the flow and it wouldn't be different from uh you know if you're out there trying to catch catch fish you're going to have times of the year well the thing the thing there that's different is that there's seasonality i i see this is more of a cyclical market we have cycles where it's hot and cold and sometimes you'll have a hot cycle during the middle of the summer and sometimes you'll have a hot cycle in the middle of the winter it's not as much seasonal people do say selling may go away uh people then you know come back in after memorial or after labor day september october things pick back up typically it's true that my best months of the year are uh october november december january february march and then it does slow down for me but you know at the same time that's i mean that's that's still relative um i can put up my metrics from last year uh so i did record a 2021 year in review for those that missed it you can see it's on the youtube channel so just last year for instance and i'll just remind folks that my results are not typical but you know this was last year so was it slower april may june july august september yeah it was but i mean i still made money still did well um april was the worst but generally it's not like it would have been worth not trading by any means that's 376 that's five 576 676 776 eight seventy six nine seventy six that's over a million dollars in those six months i just had a bad month in april i had some big losses so you know but in any case um you know it's that's just that's just the way it goes but uh yeah so right now kind of waiting for some momentum to open up i'm pretty sure i'm up over 100 of the month already i'd have to double check but it should be close to 100 if not over 100 i haven't been looking at my metrics for where i sit on the month something we talked about during trader rehab uh is that you can get hyper focused on your metrics and like too narrowed in and that's not always a good thing so it's important to look at them but you don't want to get too obsessive about it so if i start looking at them every day i just start fixating on the profit and you want to sort of focus on taking good quality trades so sometimes that even means covering your p l so you can just focus on good quality trades and not um you know get caught in the chop and start chasing stuff because you're trying to hit some metric some dollar goal that just may not be realistic uh profit target hotkey um i mean i use it i i do use it quite a bit i don't know how often but i i use it quite a bit control p profit target but i don't use that if the control p is not for the full position for me it's for i can't remember now if it's half or quarter but um you know you could use different positions different you could use full position if you're in trade or rehab you just want to have one entry one exit or using half or quarter you know sometimes i'll get you some profit through a quick breakout like this right here if you get in and as soon as you get in you press that control p then you've got a profit target and it'll pop you out during that type of spike which is certainly nice you just decide how many shares you want to take off the table zgnx is a buy out so probably wouldn't trade that one yeah we'll keep selling quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter until you're down to one share i don't know if it'll go all the way to zero but could test it in the simulator i guess um so i'm just going to switch to my margin account here so this is nasdaq test stock let's see so selling quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter yeah so it won't go flat all the way to zero for me pressing quarter but it did when i pressed sell bail on the rest so you could do whatever it doesn't matter you could do whatever you want so folks tuned in on youtube if you are happy the morning show's back please hit the thumbs up right now we're sitting tight waiting for some good opportunities it's 8 54. i haven't taken any trades yet 9 a.m is coming up soon so we'll see if we get some news at 9 a.m hmm looks like sbev right now is kind of a waste of time it's just choppy yeah it just pops up drops down you could tell it's stacked with sellers so i don't see anything there that i'd be interested in trading yep so to answer that question on youtube we do have a large number of students that use tv ameritrade you don't have to use one of the brokers that i use by any means to trade you could use whatever you want uh i know for a fact that at least three one two three at least three of our students who have a million dollar badge use td ameritrade but um the other ones i'm not sure what broker they use so it might even be more than that and we have eight students who have million dollar badges so it's over 30 percent with td ameritrade so that you know that's that tells you that some people although they may be uh their results are not typical and they are the minority uh have found a way to trade momentum using td you have the benefit of no commissions which is nice uh it's not the broker that i use i don't know that i i'm i'm so accustomed to my workflow uh the way i the buttons i press the hotkeys everything else um i'm not super inclined to change that but it's also true that last year i spent almost half a million dollars on fees and commissions so my net profit before fees and commissions was over 4 million 4.2 million but my gross profit but my net profit was around 3.8 so uh yeah you guys can chat about it in the in the lounge the warrior lounge those who have questions uh or have feedback and i i think that's valid you know um joel says it's not the pull pull pool q it's the player i think that there's there's a lot to that uh at the same time if you put five really good players you know line them up next to each other then does the pool cue make start to make a difference at what point does it make a difference i don't know i'm not sure it's not the race car it's the driver but you know there's truth in that uh but there's also truth that the the tool is does make a difference it's just it's hard to know where the line um is drawn between how big of a difference it makes at the end of the day sure and at prop firms those traders would pay commissions but then they're also getting the the luxury of being able to trade on high amounts of leverage with money that's not there so that's um that's part of the deal if you want to trade a multi-million dollar account but you don't have that money then that's where someone would look at a prop firm potentially but but probably only until they had enough money to trade their own account i don't know unless they just got so used to it that they were happy to stay so it's coming up to 9 00 a.m let's see if we get any news at 9am [Applause] oh yes matthias i'll just type to you in chat so hopefully that's helpful all right so watching the scanners here 9am now remember when when we have breaking news so you know you have stock let's say news gets posted right here at 9am initially the moment the news breaks it may have had zero volume prior to that news breaks and if the news is good it's gonna start hitting the scanners because it's going to be moving up and that's partly algo and that's partly institutional and retail traders jumping on the breaking news so you do have to be cautious because sometimes what you'll see on these is news breaks and you get a spike as traders jump on it and then it reverses so you know kind of like this you know a spike up and then it reverses you know and and that's you see that even in the s p 500 during fed meeting minutes um uh you know the entire market spikes up and then reverses so you know traders kind of start to chase oh my god the the the you know interest rates are spike you know going can go up or whatever it is and the market drops and then and then it rebounds as they realize they misinterpreted it so okay i like that dvd blue [Music] that is working so anyways um so just be mindful you know as uh you know we're watching you know potential news at 9 00 a.m that you can have that quick spike and then reversal uh you know you can also have a quick spike and then it keeps going higher or a quick drop and then it keeps going lower it just depends on the news but you just have to be a little bit careful right when the news breaks i like trading breaking news because so you know sometimes if you get in right as the news breaks and the news is good you've got a great entry good for you give yourself a pat on the back you caught it quick but at the same time you have to be mindful that there is risk in trying to trade very quickly especially when the volume is light and the spreads are bigger because if you're wrong then you know it could whip around the other direction and then that can hurt so just be careful yep yep so you know and i've i've had i've had breaking news trades where i've had big losses but uh i've had more that were big winners so i keep trading breaking news doesn't seem like we have any here at nine nine a.m that's giving me an opportunity oh okay yes is yep so immx is one that looks like you had a little bit of a a news pop there at 8 a.m uh so you know and that popped from 590 up to 665 that's a dollar a share so if you were quick and you saw that maybe you could have gotten a trade somewhere in there i don't know it was pretty quick it didn't hold for very long but yep a smaller size certainly does reduce the risk uh if you're in the one trade uh one entry one exit trader rehab you know you don't you choose your size and then you know that's it vvos so curling back up a little bit and i don't see news here in my news windows and sometimes when i first see something pop on the scanner the news will not have populated yet but if it's really moving quickly i'll say all right let's give it a chance uh in in this particular case you could already see it had this move earlier to 215 then pulled back floats 18 million shares it's got uh 820 838 000 shares of volume uh so and it's a little cheaper you know i i don't do as well on the lower price range i do a little bit better just a little bit higher so this one's not my not my favorite and you know the thing on vvos is that um you know capturing a full 10 cents on it uh you know that's that's a five percent move on on this price stock you know that's a it's going to be a pretty big move we'll keep an eye on it uh let me check my clock because i um i don't know if i've refreshed or or checked it since i let's see if it automatically checked it or fixed it uh yeah it does say it did yeah it looks like it's good so you can see vvos technically right there you're coming into a double top you had a micro pullback just for a moment at um 210 just for a moment your high now is 222. so i'll start to watch this one uh this is a little tricky because you have two four five green candles in a row but volume is increasing uh preparing an order of 225 but then what's the target 235 i don't even know if you're going to get 235. see look at that so now you've got a high there of 238 so just start to get dialed in on this so watching 240 i'm gonna take a starter there 245. so added a little high and now i'm going to watch to add this for the move up to three remember to take your profit when you get it so watching 65 and 75 to add the high there was 85 which is pretty impressive so this is going to move up to our second leading gapper coming into the open my fill was at 54 average i wanted 45 but i'm in at 54. i'm going to watch this pullback bought the dip at 36 and let's see if this pops back up over 55 first one minute candle to make a new high so this is one where you really had to be quick with that profit target hotkey but let's see what this does the high this candle is 69. the fact that it moved up that quickly it's a little bit like sbev except that the move was quite a bit bigger from 220 all the way to 285 but boy you had to be quick so watching here let's see first one minute kill to make a new high i don't like that the highest volume is on a red candle but let's see if it curls back up to 250 my average is 51. so we'll be watching the first one minute candle to make a new high the fact that it made that big of a move uh certainly is telling me this can move so my new order will be at 2 55. so let's watch first one minute candle to make a new high for a possible dip entry we're up 47 right now which does make this our second leading gap or behind the buyout and that's nice volume right there i'm adding at 43 and let's see if we get that pop back through 55 and then over 55 for a move back up to sixty it's up fifty percent now added at forty four looking for the break back over 50 and then a quick move back up to 60. there's 48 on the ask i'm watching for ads 49 and 50. this is forming a bit of an abcd pattern high volume on this green candle is very good new orders at 55. so i put the offset just a little higher that gives me room so i'm going to be a buyer on this over 250 for the half dollar breakout and then look for a move up to 260. watching for dip entries off v-app double bottom is going to be down here off of 33 added at 33 for a double bottom so now looking for this back over 45 and 47. we've got about 15 minutes to the bell it's up 45 percent which is pretty good let's see if we can get the break over the half dollar right now we've got our double bottom so watching 248 249 for the break through the flat top there of 250. it would be nice to see this quickly break 250 and go right to 260 275 we'll see whether or not that happens cutting the loss there at 30. so my stop on these is the bottom of support which was this low right here 28 so stopped out at 30. so we'll take the loss on it for an abcd pattern it would have needed to break on this candle back over 250 right here so red on my first trade good job for those that got in and sold at the top of that green candle disappointing that it didn't hold that level oops what's going on with my camera the camera's overheating here we go so move on to the next one look for something else we've got only about 15 minutes to the bell yeah unfortunately kind of like vine just that pop up and just not holding its level good job for those that got in early uh this was my main account i didn't take that trade in the small account so no trades in the small account imt continuation yeah 10.78 i don't know if that's going to open up but you never know i think the game plan today will be to watch to see what kind of action we get at the open okay pixie is a bit lower priced but keeping losses small is the name of the game my daily max loss is 20 000. bkkt has a 56 million share float so that's a bit high yup i started with 25 000 shares added up to uh 40 000. uh for me it was 45 000. lower price stock like vvos it's only two dollar stock so that one in my opinion for me i have to take larger size but keeping the losses relatively tight so being able to take 40 000 shares and losing only 7 000 it's not even 20 cents a share i'm okay with that if that squeezed through 3 and 325 350 and then it's game time that's a 20 30 000 winner so you have to be willing to take risk as a trader and if you're not then trading certainly can be very difficult sb i see you sbev still no interest in this one oh uh yeah sbev it's uh well your high there is 97 497 it just unfortunately this is this is the second time you've had that break of v whap and then a pop back up this was a false breakout candle right here so it's shown it really likes to do these false breakouts sure if it breaks over five then that's where i would think you would start to see short covering and maybe you would see a bigger move but i'm not sure we'll we'll keep an eye on it it's kind of similar to vvos um you know how both of them opened up but this one opened up quite a lot from two dollars all the way up to 85 i mean that was that was a really nice percentage move yeah marquee i see isig but it needs to uh open up a bit more for me to like it uh 2880 perhaps so we've got about nine minutes to the bell the opening bell we'll see if we get some nice opportunities at the open or in the first 15-20 minutes sbev the order will be at five vvos taking that one off the radar it's pulled back too much good morning what do you have your eye on this morning sbev yeah so your high is five 497 476 is the level in this area we still have about six seven minutes to the bell pivot is about 76 double top so i suppose there's an opportunity there from 76 up to 86.96 10 cents if you're able to get in on a pullback off of 455 that would be better you'd be positioned better so just watching so quick trade there you can see that's how it broke remember take your ten cents off the table when you have it let's see if it breaks 85 holding right now it's 75. so there was a quick trade there if you were quick from 75 up to 85 i just did a quick base hit on it with 10 000 shares for 500 so in contrast to the last trade on this one i was inclined just to take it and get a little green and then come back forward if it continues to hold the new high new order would be it 490. now a break of a critical level like that 76 you know could have produced a bigger move right now it's held it retesting it right so it it broke it it retested 75 and now it's holding so added back at 85. now i think it's time to start to look for the breakthrough five dollars there we go so new order so adding there 510. so now let's look for that squeeze up to 525. i'm going to add over 515. adding at 513 for the break of 515 now looking for 520 holding 30 000 shares watch for the break of 520. watch the dip and then break through 520. there's a 7070 000 added 513 right there let's look for the squeeze through 520 going into the open profit target hotkeys put them out there so we got the critical break through five it's holding five i then reposition for a dip and then a break the high of 520. add it at 512. so this is our first pullback now we want to see 517 518 521 nice good look thank you manoli for calling this one to my attention again so now you have the short cover through five watching support off of five for dips and then looking for first one minute candle to make a new high through 5 15 5 17 up to 5 25. we've got four minutes to the bell and this gives us an opportunity for a possible squeeze up towards 550 at the open 16 million shares of volume short sale restriction watching off of five added to 502 trying to buy the dip psychological support and then add spot 515 for the curl through 520. so this is now in control by the bulls as it's at the highs above the breakout spot so we would look for a short squeeze through 5 15 5 25 waiting for first one minute candle to make a new high what's the gap fill mark watching off of five psychological support adding at 502 trying to buy off of support so this is the same as what we saw before pre a break retesting support and then looking for the squeeze back through the high so i'm going to look at the open add it at five again looking for the break through 5 15 and then 5 20. dip right below support watch for the squeeze through 5 15. ad spot now will be 508 509 bottoming tail candle look at that do you see how the level two is thinned out so watching for the trade at the open through 5 20. nice manoli we've got one minute to the bell so watching at the open for the squeeze through 520. halt level would probably be around 550. let's see if we get a little short squeeze on this we're right at the nine moving average so watching for the first one minute candle to make a new high high volume highest volume is on a green candle so good volume profile leading gapper at 53 watch 505 506. for the squeeze back up to 510 so here we come into the open watching for an ad through 510 at 550 is the halt level perfect so watching for 550 red to green watch add there 506. now looking for 515 520 there's five seven back to flat on it lost thirteen hundred dip trade at 77. we'll try to reposition for red to green average at 78. that will be 95. still looking for the red to green but stopped flat or for a small loss and then repositioned for the next trade new order is 5 15. high volume candle red at the open 2 million shares of volume added 88 trying to anticipate the break through five fine on the scans not very interested in that one back to flat so down 9600 three trades today well no let's see four i had one winner on sbev so i had a loss on vvos and two losses on sbev and one winner so accuracy pretty low today not seeing uh much in the way of big breakouts we'll still watch this level 512. dwac um [Music] yeah it needs to get over 92 oh [Music] about 21 million shares of volume on sbev right now down 1800 on it not too bad wow bvos um i see well we know the levels that we'd want to see break so we'll keep it on watch nice bounce off of two psychological support nice curl so this uh right now if i finish today this would be my first red day of the month but uh keeping the red days small and keeping it at half of my daily max loss would certainly be an acceptable red day alright all right so let's see vvos hit a high of 931 sbev not holding up very well vax va x x not super familiar with this one the volume is quite light but it is hitting scans does anyone aware of this one i you know when you have something that's just hitting and you don't see news on it um i see news from earlier in the earlier in the year but nothing from today it's up 18 nasdaq stock so could you have jumped in that at 8 55 as soon as i hit the scanner and now it's at 889 going into a halt you could have i didn't so now you've got a halt up showing a resumption at 960. we'll see where it resumes oh yeah my camera is i must be overheating i don't know why it's having a problem today yeah we'll see what vax does on resumption the volume is light i i don't see breaking news uh on it which you know if i had breaking news or had news this morning i'd be a bit more interested continuation here from 960 up tonight uh 10.95 we will have to see what this does its daily continuation broke through that level but cannot hold above it not sure so the high going into the halt was 10.95 it's showing a 1070 resumption which is bearish that it's opening lower but can watch 1105. this one's been a bit of a grinder a bit more grinding price action the last few trading sessions so see how it's hitting that level and it looks like there's a wall of sellers there at 80. and now it's back down to 30. so what forms here is this red high volume candle and rejecting at this um ascending resistance level it is extended on the daily now sometimes stocks are extended on the daily can end up going parabolic and you get a blow off top where you get a big big you know fireworks kind of candle but um i'm not sure if that's going to happen so i would say you know you see there popped up to 78 it would need to break over 11 and 11 20. and then up to 11 50 11 60 into a second halt so right now 11 78 perhaps but it's still a bit let's see look at that all of a sudden it's popping up there quick long there for me starter and my ad will be 11 20. this seems like the fact that it's popping up back to 11 to me is bullish so i'm putting my new order at 11 20 11 25 for the first one minute candle to make a new high so starter position on imte watching 11 25 to add 1160 is the next hall level let's see if it wants to go into another halt so leaving the order ready to add 11 15 looking for first one minute candle make a new high highest volume green candle maybe we do get that daily short squeeze so let's see if we get that break and a quick squeeze through the high of day which is 11 21. so i'd put my new order at 11 25 that way it's ready to go just about a million shares of volume what i like on this is that you had that candle that was a very quick pop there so what i'd like to see is another really quick pop through 1120 11 25. i added at 73. looking for the breakthrough [Music] 11 average is 85 11.72 is the next halt level so if we broke through 11 then 11 25 that's where i would look to add for the squeeze up to 1150 flat on it and with that that's three red trades three three red stocks that i'm three red ones like you know three stocks i've traded i'm reading all three so i'm going to stop there rather than go closer to my daily max loss if i have that low of accuracy and we're not seeing good follow-through the right thing to do is just to call it quits come back tomorrow so red day give me two minutes so red day uh today the recap three stocks i traded red on all three biggest loss was on vvos sbev was green by 500 then went red and imte never went green on it lost 3 000. so it was worth a try stepped up to the plate but just not seeing good follow-through at least not yet maybe you will later in the day but kind of discouraging to take three trades or to have three stocks and be read on all three that type of accuracy is certainly not fun but that's the way trading is some days are going to be a little trickier so this will go into the you know the the archives this is a a choppy red day where we didn't have a lot of follow-through it's pretty much as simple as that so we'll try again oops hang on one second putting up my disclaimer there for those on youtube just as a reminder that trading is risky and you can see right there how quickly you can lose money so trade cautiously and don't trade money you can't afford to lose i'll make it back but we need some good follow-through in the market so we'll have to try again tomorrow all right i'll see you guys in the morning you
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 34,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trader, stocks to day trade, day trade, SBEV, IMTE, VVOS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 38sec (6098 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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