Ross Cameron makes +$92k 🙀 LIVE Day Trading momentum on $MCRB $HOTH $OMER $IBIO

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[Music] [Music] all right so order is at 18 on mcrb one minute pullback after this fresh breakout back of mind target would be a retest of 19.50 so we've already got some action here pre-market and right here on the 10 second chart as it curls up over the high of 8 17 81 1781 is going to be my ad spot so watch here on mcrb i'm adding right there i'm looking for the break over 18. so we've got 81 on the ask 82 there's 90. a little bit of a false break not the cleanest i've ever seen taking profit and putting my new order at 18.25 so those just getting tuned in this was a trade here there was two setups on mcrb the first was um this dip right down here at 17. the pop up to 18 you could have taken profit there and then the ad during this pullback for the break over 18. my best exit was 1796 and i had added it 17.88 so unfortunately i wasn't able to get a really big win on that but i'm gonna put my um next order at 1810 and i'm gonna be watching these pullbacks because this one you know it still seems it's churning a little bit here but it still seems to me like it's holding up relatively well it's up 279 percent it's the leading gapper in the entire market today the floats a little higher but the the gapper and the relative volume is what i'm focusing on so those are key to me even more so than float so again my order now is going to be i'm going to do 2500 shares order at 1810 so it's ready to go watching here the five minute has a i'm adding there i just got long and i want to see if we get a squeeze up to 18 25 if it holds eight i'm going to add there to 1803 it's holding 18 that's psychological support next target 1850. so i'm going to move my next order to 18 50 so i can add as it squeezes up towards 25 30. watching watching over 1840 for an ad adding there at 30 to anticipate a break over 45 over the half dollar i'm holding 5000 shares new order is it 52. so you can see on the 10 second chart how we've got this a little pullback happening we topped out at 45 so i'm going to let it pull back adding there at 38 for the break over the half dollar so i try to let it pull back for a second and then buy those dips looking for the break of 1850 and then a squeeze up to 18 60 18 70. orders at 1852 holding 2000 shares still into this pullback the high is 50. low that dip was 17.92 pre-market high on this is 19.50 pretty high volume 10 million shares total volume still holding 2100 shares so first one minute candle to make a new high we had right here right here and this one worked this one didn't work then it broke over 1810 that worked now it's pulled back here hi the last candle is 1829. so over 1829 will be the first one minute candle to make a new high so although i'm still holding 2000 shares i'm going to put an order here i'll leave it at 52. to see if i can catch a trade over the half dollar so for students in the room you guys saw how um we had the the first dip trade on this was um along down here at 17 and then that led into the trades that we're having right now watching dip trades down here added at 17 50. trying to buy a dip off the half dollar 1758 for a retest of 18 we're starting to get a little pull back on the one minute good morning everyone just getting tuned in i want to remind you guys not to blindly follow me or anyone else you've got to learn the strategy so looking for the first one-minute candle to make a new high there are 761s 71 i'm looking for the retest of 18. add it at 45 right there i'm looking for it to start curling up first one minute candle will make a new high is back over 90. new order goes at 18. so trying to catch that curl and that pop back over the whole dollar we've got 73 on the ask so the breakout spot right now would be over 1780. there's 80. there i want to see the break back over 18. 78 so a little churn there it popped up to 90. i stopped out and took the loss on that trade at 36. so it popped up to 90 but the stop at the low of the pullback or close to it so 35 36. so i'm going to keep this one on watch the volume weight average price is at 16. so i'll be watching uh next dip around sixteen dollars trvn second leading gapper it's already pulling back a little bit pre-market it would have to get back above the volume weight average price tops is a reverse split i don't think i'm going to be interested in that one that's weird this computer just turned off let me turn it back on um hoth is gapping up 22 percent but as you can see has started to stair step down a little bit more so that's not looking as good right now i see nkla i don't know if it's going to be obvious enough that would be my concern it's gapping up 13 so it's on the gap scanner down here but i don't know if enough people are watching it mcrb volume weight average price is 16.09 still have 90 seconds left on this current five minute candle which is red but we'll see whether or not it ends up being green or topping tail bottoming tail etc uh some of my swing trades here let's see i'm still holding uh well these netflix this netflix trade expired uh worthless which is great so i kept the profit in my pocket on that let's see um the etsy trade right here i sold the 114 sorry the 115 dollar puts at a dollar fourteen they're at 17 cents right now disney sold at 33 cents at 10 cents amazon sold at 513 it's at 382 so i'll watch those out of the gates hi this five minute candle 1738 on mcrb the problem is this is a uh needs a pullback on the one minute because the one minute's now extended so let's see whether or not it can hold 17 the high of that candle was 17 60. so sellers you can see some sellers here in the in the 50s i want to see if it bounces off of 17. i'll take along there for the first five minute candle to make a new high and i'll put my order at 17 75 to add actually i'm going to move my order up to 18. so it's the first five minute candle to make a new high added there at 78 and now looking for the break over 18 over 17.95 i would add again and then the back of my target would be a retest to this high right here of 18.50 watching taking some profit new order 18 to add adding at 73 trying to buy the dip watching to add again for the break over 18 on mcrb adding there to 85. so i try to scale into these and take some profit into the breakouts i'm holding 1700 shares right now my orders at 18.05 for the next trade so first five minute candle to make a new high right there and now the first one minute pullback so i'm taking a little more profit there at let's see 1808 but i only filled 174 shares a partial fill i'll let it dip down for the next trade 1810 be my next order watching in this area just waiting a second because there was a little bit of red on the tape there i was wondering if it was going to fail high is 18 18. i'll just move my new order 18 22. adding at 18 18 looking for a retest of 1850 a half dollar as long as it holds 18 new order moving up to 1850 so i can do little breakout trades around these levels holding just 512 shares at 1801 hmm so i still have my 512 shares high the last one minute candle was 1806 so that's first one minute candle to make a new high right there high is 18 30. so i put an order it's a limit order so the limit order right now is at 18.55 so if i press the buy button right now i'll fill it 18.08 if i uh if i wait to press it when it's 1840 i'll get filled it's still 1840. it's a limit order i won't get filled any higher than 18.52 so i usually just put my limit i put my order up there and then when i see that burst of green on the tape that's usually where i punch the order we still have about 15 minutes to the bell so you can see how that's a false breakout i'm taking the rest off the table for a loss at 17.80 and i'm gonna let it pull back and if i can get a dip off the volume weight average price that's fine or if it rips back up this is the high right here 1850 and the high this candle was 18 30. so 1830 is the spot uh that needs to break but i can put my order at 1850 so it's ready to go yeah i'm selling with the hot key when i'm selling on the ask well i would say uh i mean basically a hundred percent of all my sell orders are with either to sell the bid or to sell the ask i don't really manually enter any sell orders i only manually enter the buy orders and about half the time i manually enter like right now i've got my order at 18.50 so all i have to do right here is click the buy button just like that from 1850 or if it comes back down here to 16 i might move my order you know move it down a little bit like this and then buy off of that pullback or something like that i can also buy with the shift one hotkey the only problem is that it's basically a market order so it it doesn't i could get a really bad fill on it that's the problem with that that hotkey so usually i would use that hotkey to add on a quick dip or something like that or to add um on a breakout but i would say probably 70 of the time i'm entering by clicking the buy button in my order entry window and the remaining 25 or whatever the time i'm pressing shift one to add you know if i'm adding as it's squeezing up i'll just i'll press shift one i mean that's fine and shift two is um i will use as well but those are for different share sizes one and two but it does carry a little bit more risk of slippage our leading gapper today is mcrb we've got 12 million shares of volume it's up 283 it's easy to borrow i'm sure there will be people that have a strong short bias on it i am a long biased trader so i'm going to trade this to the long side and my my strategy is really designed around trading these to the long side so uh you know school is uh in session right now we uh of course had our summer school program and are kind of back to school things going on right now but this every single day when i'm streaming it's an opportunity it's a classroom it's an opportunity for you to learn my strategy it is a long biased strategy and it is a strategy designed to try to capitalize on volatility and momentum so this stock mcrb is up 287 it's the leading gap in the entire u.s market this is the obvious stock to be watching it doesn't mean or guarantee that it's going to go to 20 or 30 dollars it may or may not i'm waiting on this here um i'm going to let this pull back so here's the thing this to me is a little if i got in here it's a little premature what i need is the high of this candle is 30 and 30. so we've got a double top there at 30. what i need to see is another pullback and then a curl back up so down here in the 17 70s i'm going to watch this for a second so i'll take a starter there at 17 88 and 18. buying the dip there is a much better entry than adding at 18 30. now first five minute candle to make a new high if we break 1825 then i can add to my 1788 position right here so i'm adding for the break of this abcd pattern new order is now at 18.50 i'm going to move the order up to 19. so watching a micro pullback for an ad adding right there for the breakthrough 19 back of mind target on this is a squeeze up to 1925 1950. watching here is our pre-market high so now we're starting to really open up which is exactly what i wanted to see so i bought a pretty big position on this and i'm down to 2 400 shares right now i bought 17 000 shares in total so the high is 1920 i'm going to let it pull back so i can add for my next trade the setup here was an abcd pattern but if i had gotten in right here that would have been premature sorry right here that would have been premature i needed to wait for it to dip down so i could get a dip entry the dip entry is uh is really for me the best way to manage risk so our pre-market high is 19.50 we have eight and a half minutes to the bell i'm going to add there because it looks like it it's breaking that level and my new order is going to be at twenty dollars adding there because now i think this is gonna start to squeeze out early short sellers so i'm back to fifteen thousand shares and looking to add over twenty dollars first squeeze up to twenty one adding there for the break of 20 18 000 shares looking for the squeeze up to 21 over 21.25 for me would be another ad there are some really big buyers coming out and that tells me that people are getting squeezed to the short side see that 28 000 share buyer that to me looks like someone who's getting squeezed out new order goes at 18. sorry five watching twenty two thousand share buyer still there taking some profit off the table watching the ad on a dip watching down here for a dip added at 68 just bought that dip looking for the retest of 20. there's 87 there's 20. first one minute candle to make a new high and then a break over 21 at 20 dollars and was 10 cents holding two thousand shares i've now scaled back down so this is a five minute abcd pattern and that's uh thirty five thousand dollars in profit but i think on this one i am still kind of just getting started because i see this one now that it's at the pre-market high with seven minutes to the bell as having more potential i'm going to open up my 10 second chart a little bit more here so the high is 20 25 new order goes to 20 50. adding right there and now looking for the squeeze up to twenty dollars and fifty cents there's forty new order at 55. i'm holding 1400 shares watching dip trades five minutes to the bell adding there at 21 looking for the break over twenty dollars and fifty cents off of twenty dollars should be support the spot i'm watching right now is twenty dollars and forty cents fourteen million shares of volume up three hundred and thirty six percent watching in this area to add adding at 12 i want to catch the break over the half dollar of 2050. so looking for the first one-minute candle to make a new high there's 44 there's 50. is it going to break the half dollar i'm taking profit off the table it's churning a little bit here under the half dollar and i'm going to look for a dip trade for my next entry i'm going to watch off of 20 i'm looking for those big bids those big buyers on the level two adding there at 13 buying the dip at 13. new orders at 20 50. this is a one minute micro pullback under 20.50 so orders at 2051. so on this one i'm going to add with the hotkey adding there shift 1 hotkey to add is it going to squeeze up to 21. a little bit of a false break taking some profit back off the table holding 478 shares right now so we're sitting with about two and a half minutes to the bell i hope you guys have done okay trading mcrb i'm hoping of course students that you're trading in a simulator um one of the things that's really important for all of you guys is every morning do your pre-trading checklist did you eat well just sleep well you have a couple stocks on watch that you like if you do what's the condition of the overall market market's hot we've got a gapper up 337 with 14 million shares of volume a 43 million share float it's a higher float but it's got a news catalyst so this is the type of stock that i'm watching pretty closely and i've already of course taken a number of trades on i'm watching it down in this area here i've got orders i'm trying to add they're not filling i'm filling slowly at 2013 on the bid 3 000 shares trying to buy that flush to 20 and now look for a pop back up to 20 and 25 cents but i want to remind you guys as always not to blindly follow me or anyone else i'm going to stop out at 20 for right now so 300 loss the majority of people who are trying to day trade will lose money and so if you want to be one of the few that are consistently making money you need to do something different and that starts by trading in a simulator before you ever put real money on the line my trades are fast all right and it's because i'm reading the tape the level two and i'm using at times a one minute and even a ten second chart so these are going to be very fast trades you need to learn the strategy and once you learn it and you've proven profitability then you can start looking at trading with real money all right so i'm still watching this um my thought on it right now is with about 40 seconds to the bell and those of you streaming on youtube facebook the watch list please hit the thumbs up for these nice trades on mcrb if you haven't already uh at this point i can see two things happening i can see this flushing at the open which could be a little scary uh or i could see it ripping at the open and so the spot where i would look for the rip would be over 20.75 it could just really squeeze and continue this momentum because it's opening near the pre-market high so i'm not holding any position right now but i'm going to put an order at 2091 and i'm watching watching i've got a starter right there at 20. i'm looking for it to break i'm holding looking for the break of 21 taking some profit off the table so i'm in at 1998. and there's that flush i'm going to watch to do a dip trade on it watching off of 19. watching waiting i want to time it right holding only 250 shares still so i guess we got a little bit of both we got the rip out of the gates and then we got a flush the um the scan there yeah i'll pull that one up m-o-x-c so gosh what a what a wild move um nice dip trade or nice trade there at 20 all the way up to 20 to almost 22 and then down here to 1834 we're at 1947 right now i'm still holding 250 shares at 19.98 i'm up 47 000 on the day so this is where i sit here uh two minutes into the day red on this small position and i'll see i don't really care about this too much i'm just happen to still be holding it i'll be watching to see whether or not i can do a dip trade or something else on it but i don't like to see that flush out of the gates from 22 down to 18 that's a four dollar drop so the low down there was 18. i'm gonna put up my disclaimer for those that haven't already seen it a reminder that day trading is risky and most people day trading will lose money checking in on my swing trades for a second looks like a little bit of profit on uh across the board actually so i'll keep an eye on these thousand bucks on the swing trades omer hitting the scanners i is 22. omer is later on volume but over 22 could be a trade i'm long at 22 on omer 4 000 share starter looking for that to squeeze up to 22.50 the half dollar this is a pre-market pivot right there and then it's got room up to 20 to 23 and 24. i'm going to see whether or not it comes back up to break over 22 dollars mcrb is still on watch omer orders at 22. stopped on omer next order that was a four thousand dollar loss full dollar share mcrb i have this candle 1924 so you can see right there four thousand dollar loss on omer jumping in at 22 stopped at 21. so where's the next spot on mcrb hi back here was 1908 so a trade i think there would have been over uh like maybe right over 19 which i missed so let's see if it comes back down can it hold 19 i'm gonna put an order the high there was 1950 the lowest pullback is 1909. is mcrb going to hold 19. watching this is a micro pullback right here but is it going to hold 19. kind of looks a little weak there yeah so dipping back down where was previous support half dollar 1850 watching mcrb off of 1850 the half dollar but i don't know if that's even really a trade worth taking omer coming back up to 22. yeah stopped on that one cls k let me look wow look at that move so it's on lighter volume i would say order would be at 11. i'm gonna watch it starter there on clsk with a target of 1150 watching over 11.25 adding there at 11 25 11 43 is the halt level this thing is just going straight up i'm adding into the hall at 11 43. wow it's lighter on volume 11 1.1 million shares but i'm gonna put my next order at twelve dollars on clsk holding twelve thousand shares into the hall new order is at 12. this will at least make up for the mcrb loss or sorry omer loss omer back over 22 watching omer for breakthrough 22. i'm gonna watch this one minute micro pullback orders at 22.05 i'm buying at 78 on omer buying that dip for the break over 22. and there's a 10 000 share seller on omer and it broke through it took my profit on it only 300 bucks still down 3 700. i was 22.40 wow all right mcrb so uh cls k i'm in this and i have my new order at 12. hit kind of a big squeeze there catching some momentum 7.45 million share float mcrb mcrb watching over 19. long mcrb there at 19 as it's starting to curl up so i'm trying to take a stab on this looking for a squeeze over 19 up to 1950 watching on a dip to add break of 19 then a squeeze up to 1925 1930 1975 there you go hi is 1979. new order goes at 19 at uh 20 on mcrb watching this pullback adding at 52 buying the dip there on mcrb at 52. now looking for the squeeze back up to 20. watch this one's got some momentum to it watching over 1975 there's 1958 1960. holding just a small size now on it clsk resumption is going to be in about two minutes watching pullbacks on mcrb hi was 1983. fine what about one minute to resumption on clsk mcrb you know really needed to break over 20. you can see on the 10 second chart how it's pulled back here based out over 19 so down around 19 could be a dip the only problem is that the high volume is on a red candle so that always creates a little bit more risk clsk orders at 11.50 so watching cls k on resumption here for an ad and a squeeze up towards 12 it's a little extended but i want to try to ride this momentum watching adding at 11 45 taking profit 57 sold the rest for now with a new order at 11.50 so buying anything coming out of a halt has risk i'm going to look for a bounce off of maybe let's see what it does i'm going to put the 1150 order still there mcrb you can see pulling back a bit watching cls k long clsk at 17. i'm going to try to buy this dip for the first one minute candle to make a new high and a squeeze back up to 11.50 stopped out at 11 for now for a thousand dollar loss new order is going to be to watch around 10.50 see if i can get another dip trade i'm looking for the first one to kill and make a new high the low is 73. back in there at 85. is it going to get back over 11. no stopped out again 80 81. so the problem with clsk is that the high volumes on a red candle i mean that was a nice move from 10 i got in high but you know buy high sell higher is a momentum strategy mcrb i'm long adding an mcrb here looking for a squeeze up to 2050 now it's starting to looks like maybe squeeze out some of those early short sellers so watch here over 2025 this is where when we start to see something popping back up i try to get aggressive to capitalize on that short squeeze watching over 20 25 adding here 2008 holding looking for that squeeze back up over 20 25. i don't want to let those early short sellers off the hook i want to try to really ride this momentum the fact that it came back up to 20 is really good so looking for the break over 25 to add 20 25 watching over 1819 watching looking for that ad spot so in this type of setup we've got consolidation right underneath the highs you can see on the 10 second chart adding there at 95. looking for the break over 15 16 17. and then the squeeze up over 20 dollars and 25 cents first one minute candle to make a new high right there i want to see a little bit more volume 2015 no stopped out uh at 80. so starting to get a little tricky gave back uh probably four thousand dollars on that trade i was 29 look at that drop all the way back down to under 19. so i watched dip trades down here i'm long at 19 for a pop back up to 1925. even if it pops up only a quarter of how much it sold that should get us a nice pop to 19.25 there's a full dollar a share drop watching 1925 taking profit 24 25 28. it's a couple thousand dollars maybe two so cls k is the only one i'm read on sorry omer is the only one i'm read on cls k is coming back up it seems like mcrb is uh chopping out both short sellers and long traders clsk coming back up first five minute candle to make a new high there was 1998 1098 kodak in a halt right now yeah but a gap down i don't know a little nervous on that one i think hmm yeah i don't think i'm gonna go for that one a premature breakout is usually i consider a breakout before the five minute chart is really a well-defined pattern or before the one-minute chart is really a well-defined pattern amazon okay so my amazon trade here a swing trade is looking pretty good i might try to cover this here because i can cover this create the closing order um i can cover it basically for five cents and i'll lock up 95 of my profit potential on it or 90 of it so i'll put that out there for a moment let that see if that fills omer back on the scan i don't know i don't think i'm going to trade that one again remember i don't trade penny stocks i only trade stocks at a minimum of a dollar rarely i will i trade something even that low so my profit orders out on amazon swing trades s p 500 is continuing to go higher but it's pulling back a little bit right now netflix i wonder if i can take another trade on netflix this week uh i might watch netflix to try to do the 460 put a 460 put spread on it kind of broke below that support level 480 so i mean the 450 puts way down there those are selling for 50 cents i could sell 10 of those and make 500 bucks but it's going to tie up 450 000 in buying power because it's a cash secured put i could add a um even if i added a really cheap spread then it uses only fifty thousand dollars in buying power profit loss ratio is not great but it's using a lot less buying power the only thing is that the overall market's so extended that i'm kind of waiting i mean the market has had two four five six seven eight green days i'm waiting for a red day so i think it makes more sense to be on the call spread side of things right now for more of these mcrb coming back up man this one is all over the place whoa ripping back up so where's the level that needs to break 20 dollars and 30 i'm going to buy down here i'm taking a dip and i'm going to look to add over 20 50. adding there there's a squeeze up to 21 holding 5000 shares holding right now you know potential halt i'm going to hold 2200 2500 shares into the halt here um so that's my position on mcrb i took uh half off the table into the hall just because this one likes to chop around so in the event that it opens lower or something like that at least i took some off the table if it opens higher and rips 22 awesome i can still look to add so 51 000 on the day uh 47 on mcrb 7 on clsk down 3700 omer and i chased that that was an entry i definitely chased but you know i buy high sell higher okay so i'm going to let that sit for a second so netflix um the only problem with selling netflix a call spread is that it's already it's red it's already pulling back the last two days same with amazon i'm covering my amazon call spread or trying to it's already pulled back so it's too late i think to add a new call spread as these ones are pulling back it's a better time to be adding a put spread um now facebook i don't know um apple apple's been so strong i've tried to do a couple trades on it to the short side with call spreads and i keep losing so i'm kind of like feeling like i can't really i don't want to trade against apple because just each time i you know get stopped out but it really depends on the overall market omer it's choppy though i don't think i don't know if i want to go back to omer the breakout spot's 23 and i think if i try to take that breakout i'm gonna lose on it so all right um i'm looking for swing trades so the idea with a swing trade is that you know if i can make an extra thousand bucks a week just in very with a little effort that's awesome i'm not expecting to hit huge winners on swing trades i'm also not trying to take a lot of risk i'm trying to take trades i can take set it and forget it so like right now s p you know i mean technically i you know i feel like it's we're due for a pullback i mean look at this green stretch that we've had so maybe let me look at the third three 30 40 um puts um and i could do spx because they'll they'll tie up a little bit more buying power but the premiums will be more all right so let's look at 3400 call spread so 3400 call spread right here generate a thousand bucks that's 3 400 and that's weekly expires at the end of this week i could go a little further out i could say oh let's go further out of the money but you know i start getting too far out of the money the premiums really drop pretty quickly so that one's 80. so maybe i'll maybe i'll give that a stab i mean it's you know again trading a little against a hot market but on the other hand i have to the end of the week and we're talking about this would need to go all the way through all-time highs and close above that level by friday got about a minute to resumption on mcr b so i'm gonna i'm gonna watch this for a possible trade up here but let me watch mcrb first um the delta is only 13. it's 15 on the it's 21 on the 3400 it's 13 on the um 34 15. i could go even down to 10 but and maybe i will i'll i'm gonna i think i'm gonna do the um 3425 by 34 30 and it's a 400 credit all right so let's watch mcrb resumption here so i've got my order i'm going to look to add on a dip i'm still holding orders moving up to half dollar watching watching it's ripping around so fast i don't i'm i'm waiting for the opportunity to add watching over 22 adding there 62. taking profit at 22 15 if it holds 22 watching adding there 22 now looking for a squeeze up to 22.50 watch 2250 still holding looking for a retest of 22 and then up to 22.50 stopped out the rest of that position up only 48 000 on the day i guess that was a loss i added a little too high man what a drop from a high of 22.40 down to 20. see where did i add i added at 22 and then stopped at 20.65 cents that's all right i'll wait for the next pullback so you know that was an example where i was green and then i added back and that's kind of screwed me up this is a tough stock to trade no question about it so the high here is 38. i'm going to watch down here just took a long buying that dip for the pop back up to 22. watch this over 21.50 so i'm trying to buy the dip for a squeeze back up to twenty two dollars watching over twenty one fifty so the high that candle right there is uh 50 so 50 is my ad spot adding there 45 for the break over 50. new orders at 22. break a 22 adding there at 79 looking for the break over 22 high on this was like 22 30 or so watching the ad this to me looks like it wants to rip back to the highs adding at 28 there there we go so chop me out a little bit on the first try i'm back to now i'm up 58 000 on the day hi this candle is 23 30 something moving my next order up watching a dip oh gosh watching the 10 second chart for a dip highest 20 341 putting my order at 23.50 so this is giving us a short squeeze moving my next order 24 adding right here holding 1900 900 shares looking for a dip orders at 24.25 i'm going to let the halt level move up taking profit off and holding 972 shares so holding 972 i'm trying to add the 3425 by 3430 call spread on the spy but i'm not sure if i'm going to get filled on it all right so there i just got filled on that position on the spy so i'm going to set a 400 stop on it mental stop max profits 400 bucks so max loss all set at 400. so this is a weekly expiration uh it's spx 3420 3425 sorry um this one here 34 25 by 34 30. the idea is that we might have a red day clsk um yeah i see it i'm using e-signal for my charting and i'm using light speed for my trading mcrb resumption should be 1009 and 54 seconds okay so let's see um that i'm going to leave there i'm going to keep looking for other swing trades tesla kind of feels like it might roll over just check that out the problem is the premium on tesla it's already had a couple red days so the call spreads are not going to be that great high on cls k was 11.78 so if it can break through the highs so i'll take along there for the break of 1178 with a target of 12 because here's what this has going for us it's now going to be hitting high momo scanners again so watching on this micro pullback for an ad over 11.90 watching adding there at 88 for the break of 90 on clsk want to try to catch that squeeze through twelve dollars i'll be watching mcrb on resumption stopped on clsk i'm just going to take the loss on it mcrb watching on resumption watching selling now looking for a dip looking for the next dip watching adding right there just bought at 77 and i'm going to add again here looking for a squeeze up to 26 i'm looking for multiple halts in a row on this watch over 25.50 adding there 25.50 for the break of twenty six looking for a pullback adding right there halt levels twenty seven 27 22 taking profit looking for a dip i'm going to move this 10 second chart down so you i can watch for the dip adding right there next halt level is 28 holding just 300 shares looking for the next dip it's up 500 percent halted so i'll watch on resumption for the next trade puts me up 68 000. oh tesla um technically on the daily is a double bottom here i just i have a hard time feeling good about being a buyer or like even a put spread just because it's up so much in general that if it really starts to roll over it could it could really pull back a lot so mcrb the biggest challenge with trading it in this area is you know how do i manage um how do i manage risk right we've got 35 million shares of volume up 500 percent there's 28 17. 35 dollars is the next resistance point then 35.98 it's right around these levels here so back to the five-minute chart so this is where we have resistance there's no resistance right now till 35. so although it would seem you know very aggressive to be adding you know on resumption up here and i think that you have to be mindful that it could halt going down it could drop on the other hand right now it's showing really a lot of strength so i would still generally have a long bias on it clsk i'm up only 4 400 on i gave back 3 000 on my last trade on that one so majority of profit today is on mcr b resumption on mcrb gonna be watching here in about a minute so i'm going to put my order at i mean i honestly i really want to wait for a dip but i'm going to do 1500 share orders uh halt level is 28 so watching here i added adding again for the break of 30 over 31 i would add again adding again right there for the break of 31. halt levels 31. i sold took all the profit off the table up seventy eight thousand i'm going to let it pull back waiting for a pullback so i added there are 28 88 29 90 and 30 22 and sold at 31 going into the hall now i'm gonna feel like you know shoot it goes to 35 without me probably took profit too soon but we'll watch it on resumption here [Music] oh is so we've got to move on this from twenty to thirty dollars basically ten dollars a share on this breakout now as you recall we had the halt and then it resumed and flushed down then it ripped back up so as it ripped back up um you know that was the spot where obviously i got back in we got in one halt two halts now we've got third halt so three halts in a row going up daily resistance is at 35. uh on resumption i'll look for an opportunity but i'm going to reduce my my size because the fact is on this one i mean in a matter of seconds i could all of a sudden look and be down a dollar a share right i could be like wow i just bought it and now i'm looking and i'm like wait am i am i looking right that's i'm down a full dollar a share i might be looking at it like 31.50 and then all of a sudden i'm still looking at 50 but it's like 29.50 i'm down two dollars a share so that's the that's the downside risk on a stock like this that um when it turns around it's going to be nasty so um i just have to keep that in the back of my mind not to pile in too high only to get you know caught in a nasty reversal cls k i'm putting an order here on this the high was um let's see what was the high 1194 and i'm putting my order at 12. clsk is kind of consolidating right here under 12 big seller at 12. mcrmb it's got to break that seller i'll leave an order at 12 if that seller breaks but it's 100 000 shares seller at 12. all right so mcrb halt was 3108 on resumption i'm going to look for a dip and then i'm going to look to punch the order so i'm going to look for a dip i'm going to put my order at 32 in case it just continues to squeeze out short sellers but only 1500 shares i'm going to look for a dip and then punch the buy button so hands on the buy button orders at 32 watching waiting for a pullback waiting for a dip it's moving too fast right now halt going down 28 22. so i steered clear on that one no trades i'd put an order at 28.70 in case this did a false halt but it's a real haul coming back down so gary with my limit orders um so like on this you know i'll watch i'll watch it dip on a pullback or whatever so if i put an order right now at 28.75 and i press the buy button it'll send an order to buy at any price no higher than 28.75 28.75 is the highest price that i'll get filled at so it's a type of excuse me order that can help you manage your risk usa u lighter volume fine so mcrb was halted at 2233 resumption will be 2733 unless it's a 10 minute long haul cls k i'm going to watch the seller here 90 80. orders at 12. if the seller comes down then i'm a buyer for the break of that level orders at 1201. so still eighty thousand share seller at twelve bucks watching seventy thousand seventy sixty nine thousand orders of 1201 70 68 58 long right there buying that break only filled one of three orders i put out three orders to buy on cls k and only one of them filled high was 20 35 adding at 28 there 25 12 28 looking for the squeeze up to 12.50 now that we've broken that critical level i want to look for continuation on this up towards the half dollar so watching over 12 40. there's 30 on the ask there's 40 41 42 scaling down a little bit not a huge winner but high is 44. just gonna set a stop on that um so i can watch mcrb on resumption stopped out break even so we were halted at 28 22. it's possible that this could do two halts in a row going down after such a you know dramatic move up there was three halts going up could be two halts going down might only be one so i'm going to look to start with 1500 shares halt going down was 28 22. so i'm seeing 25 i'm gonna put my order of 26 right now the thing is the nine moving average i mean we don't have a super super obvious spot that i'm seeing other than maybe about 26 27 the nine moving average so orders of 26 to watch because it if it um pops up we'll get short covering watching no resumption yet still watching moving order up a little bit just in case so looks like it's going to be a 10 minute long haul it's probably going to be a bigger gap down this oops okay so actually nine is at 25 yeah sorry 24 96 25 yeah that's fine i'll definitely have to keep a pretty close eye on my s p 500 trade um it's currently down 50 bucks but you know at the same time that could start going against me if the market does squeeze back up so you know i i don't know i might i don't want to over trade it get stopped out and then get back in so you know leave my 400 stop but just something that i'm a little mindful of so etsy is pulled back down to the 200 moving average here it's kind of been pulling back down to this area a couple times um so you know on the one hand i could try to do a a put spread on it because it's red on the other hand it is still up a lot over the last couple last week a call spread at the high could work as well let's see um fifteen so i think i'm going to do two trades on etsy i'm going to do a call spread at 150 by 155 and a put spread at 121 by 117. both expiring next friday i think that'll give me i mean i should have an opportunity to be profitable at least on one side of the other so i'll put that order out there and see if that fills so that's the that's the order right there selling the 150 and 155 and then selling the 117 and buying the 121. sorry um 121 and then selling buying the 117. okay so resumption on this watching no trades yet watching for it to go a little lower let's see if it bounces off 26. i'm long right there buying it 2612. still holding looking to add over 27 adding there 27 now looking for a squeeze up to 28 dollars so what i'm looking at on this is as it consolidates right here the break over 27 for a squeeze up to 28. watch here over 27 for the ad watching watching it seems like there we go there we go that's what i wanted to see it's 27.50 so that puts me up 89 000 on the day watching on this dip watching for an ad adding right there 99 and taking profit at 87. almost a dollar a share off the low 25.99 to 26.87 of ninety thousand on the day so partial fill on my last trade on mcrb so still holding 110 shares at 26.19 88 000 in profit 90 000 on the day plus obviously a little bit of profit on my swing trades so the next spot is right here 27.74 so watching with an order at 28. adding here looking for the break over 27.74 for the squeeze over 28. a little bit of chop there so 28 is the breakout spot new orders at 28 watching dips i'm up nine to two thousand on the day adding right there second attempt to break over 28 so i'm going to keep trying to take this trade sometimes it takes a couple of stabs but i think when this breaks 28 we're going to get a quick move you can see the one minute setup in the 10 second setup adding a 66. and taking profit into that breakout almost a dollar a share of 95 000 on the day can i break a hundred grand high of this candle is 28.81 watching adding right there looking for the break at 29. now i'm starting to think about potential halts going back up over 29. adding there there's 29.55 i'm up 97 000 on the day 97 990 all right so if again you go back and you look at this chart and you can clearly see this resistance that was occurring right in this area now had it failed to break this and flush to the downside you know okay that would have been obviously not great would have been weak now could still have recovered but that would have been weak the apex point was that it needed to break right here and go up and it did so we're in good shape there my etsy trade is not filling so sometimes uh when i put out orders you know i kind of have to wait a second or whatever so this is right at support on the the date the five minute chart so it's um it's maybe a little bit of a tricky spot to be selling the puts because if it breaks this level it is almost definitely going to come down that's an iron condor as you can see so i'm actually going to cancel this trade what i'm going to do here on this i'm just going to try to do the call side of the trade first [Music] which is going to be this one right here it's not a huge credit but i'm just going to try to take that trade and see whether or not that gives me a nice move so let's see it filled so i've got etsy 155 no it didn't fill um 155 by 160 is what i was looking for hang on i'm going to go back up one second to this week's 14th the problem of course of going out to next week is that you know starting to get a little risky going that far out um i'll give it a second mcrb resumption is going to be around 41 1041 in six seconds it's just hard because you don't want to chase um both with swing trades and day trades because if you chase it then you know your entry is not as good and sometimes like this might flush here and then pop right back up getting closer to the view app the volume weight average price is generally going to be a little bit better so that those orders aren't filling i could be you know willing to take a little bit less but it's not a great it's not the perfect position here it's already down a bit you know i just don't want to chase it so i'll i'll just hold on that for now it's fine about a minute to resumption on mcrb so uh highest volume of the day was on this green candle here at the opening range we had some big high volume red candles uh it's pulled back it's now popped back up you know if it dips off this level uh the high was 29.55 if it dips back down i'd want to see it at least hold 28. so it dipped down to 28 because then i'd be buying the the support of this previous resistance spot so i'd look for a dip trade anywhere from 28 50 you know 28 to 28.50 and then for a squeeze back up through 29. so orders at 29.50 resumption in about 15 seconds so halt was 29.55 if it opens lower it's probably going to dip and it looks like it might open a little lower here at 29. watching just added right there 28 buying the dip off that support level look at how fast that level two moves around all of a sudden it's 27. you know that's where it just happens so fast i'm still holding 900 shares at 28.53 i'm gonna give it a second first candle to pop up back over 29 taking some profit back out here puts me up 98 500 but you know those are those types of trades are a wild ride so what are we working with on our 10 second chart back over 29.50 would be the next trade it's definitely pulling back a little bit so this is looking more like the beginning of an abcd pattern low of that candle was 26.50 off the high of 30. the low of this previous pullback was 25.55 so i'd like to see that level hold at least low there was 26.50 i'm going to watch down in this area i have a dip trade long 2667 i'm trying to buy that dip and looking for the first one minute candle to make a new high this current one minute candle has a high of 27.27 2650 is where i'm kind of trying to accumulate so order is still ready to add around 26.50 first one minute candle to make a new high right here 20 there you go there's the first one minute candle to make a new high puts me up over 100 000 on the day 43 million shares of volume the five minute candle is currently red with 20 seconds left so it's gonna close red thirty dollars is our breakout spot but we're starting to form a one minute abcd pattern so watching back down at 26.50 watching watching see i'm watching for dips but at the same time a flush that severe from 28 down to 25 always makes me a little nervous because i worry is there news that just came out on this no i i don't see any so we'll give it a a second this one just sometimes has as you can see some really big red candles you know i hate to say it but this is still pretty bullish on the five-minute chart despite a couple of red candles there this is a bull flag at the nine moving average so you know i don't want to look away from it quite yet back over 28 i'll take along there look for the break back over 28 new order 2850. taking profit 28.90 waiting for it to pull back for my next trade all right so i'm going to wait for my next opportunity i there was 29. let's see as it comes back down where it finds support looks like some sellers there so a little flush of selling again back to 27 60 27.50 so an abcd pattern on the five minute would be this pullback here and then the entry would be a break over 30 for the abcd pattern low that pullback there was 27 dollars orders at 29 adding right there looking for the break over 29 dollars adding again a 95 there order is ready to go watching on this dip back off 28 still 90 seconds before the first five minute candle makes a new high watching for dip trades this five minute candle has about a minute left and the high is 29 so 29 is the new spot to be watching pretty closely orders at 29 this in this area here feels like maybe off of 27.50 i'm gonna take a starter at 27.65 to do a dip trade i feel like this is starting to set up the dip opportunity for a squeeze back up over 29. orders at 28.50 for my next trade first one minute candle to make a new high back over 28 is what i'm watching watching here so we're looking for the break first one minute candle to make a new high back over 28. still holding still looking for that first one minute candle to make a new high again a little pullback here the abcd pattern apex is still 29 so that's still the important line in the sand high of the current one minute candle is 27.79 i'm thinking 2750 is the spot to watch no i gotta i gotta stop out on that trade so stopped out there uh up now only ninety two thousand gave back about fifteen 000 it was a good size loss the low back there is 25 so 2515 would be the support level watching so you can see it's starting to flush here so now we're getting another halt going down so an abcd pattern would have needed to break first five minute candle to make a new high kind of like right in this area and go higher and you know what ended up happening there was it broke the support level and is now halted coming back down so you know with that i'm up 92 000 on the day i was up 106 so i lost 14 000 on this last trade which is my biggest loss of the day but you know at the same time my strategy generally is to keep trading until i start having you know until i start having some big losses or i feel like i'm giving back profit so yeah i'm back below 100 000 but 92 000 is still a great day and um you know i'll be back at it first thing tomorrow so at that point i'm not going to keep trading because that's too a little bit too big of a dip off the highs and you know if i kept trading and then i was up only 88 and then 82 and then 78 then i'd start to feel really frustrated so it's better to to stop here and i think that the problem that a lot of people have is never knowing when to walk away so i keep trading until i start losing money and then i walk away so for the most part almost every day i'm walking away having lost a little bit because i just don't you know otherwise if i walked away you know back here when i was at 48 000 i would have been like wow 48 000 it's a great day come back later and realize it went to 32 and i'd feel like wow i really left a lot of money on the table so i'd rather keep trading until i actually start seeing myself giving back some profit and i did have a couple losses along the way but that was the biggest one and the problem is that it also coincides with the pattern now kind of failing as it's pulling back so although i could certainly keep trading it i could do a dip off the volume weight average price or i could do you know wait for it to come back up later you know at this point it feels like we're kind of on the other side of the momentum so i don't really want to do that all right so my s p 500 trade is now up 75 so that's a swing trade so the p l there is a lot smaller but um the overall market pulling back here maybe we're going to have our first red day who knows i mean we've had a bunch of days where the market's red and then or looks red and then it comes right back up my etsy trade um did not fill and i didn't want to chase it and now i would be chasing it you know if i sold the calls they're going to be worth a lot less than they were here and a lot less than if this was at the v app so i've got to wait for a better opportunity i am still holding a position on etsy it's coming down a little bit but it's so um it's so far down that i'm not really super worried about it so i'm not gonna stress over that disney is fine netflix i'm out of you know netflix i was looking maybe for a new swing trade but it's coming back down actually quite a bit as well and you know i as the market is just starting to roll over the market could pull back for a couple of days so i need to kind of time my swing trades a little bit with the market this feels like a time on netflix where i could start saying maybe i could sell the 467 or the 450 puts because there the puts are going to be higher priced today because the market is dropping right but you know if the market keeps dropping and netflix goes with it then this actually might it might come back down towards you know 450. so i don't want to be early on that trade what would be better would be sell selling the calls so i sold calls on the spy i have um i had i have calls still on amazon which are fine but i'm trying to take profit on and i'm not sure that i really can i mean i could the problem is amazon's already pulled back quite a bit because it was read on friday so i don't think i can really add on that one and you know i kind of have a couple stocks that i look at and there's many many out there but i just have a couple that i kind of keep an eye on tesla i could look at 1600 it's not there's just not a lot of money in them and because it's red if this pops you know it's had a couple red days if it pops up i'm gonna immediately be at a loss so it's not a good time to take a trade on that walmart's kind of doing its own thing it's mcrb yeah so you got the resumption the high there was 24.50 it's going a little lower volume weight average price is at 21. so 21 would be the bounce spot this might be a good time to do a covered call or a um a call spread on disney 132 let's see what the prices are on these and they're pretty cheap it's kind of the problem there hmm amazon's kind of funny because it's just the spread is what's kind of the issue there having a hard time getting out the spread on these contracts kind of will flash between 10 cents 13 cents 40 cents i don't know why my charts aren't loading very well all right so smp that's good yeah it's just kind of tricky when you feel like you've missed missed the move ups have earnings and has been moving up even though the overall market's been coming down high is 160. i don't know i mean it might just keep going that was kind of the problem i had with facebook when i tried to short it um with a call spread the other last week in this area i was like oh it's top heavy it's gotta pull back and then it just kept going ended up ripping um all the way here up to 280 i'm glad i stopped out for 200 loss hmm so the 170 by 175 for this week and then if i did a put spread on like the 140 no that's too cheap and i wouldn't get any premium down there for the put spread i'd have to be up around 150. so the puts really right now are pricing very very low relative to the calls see the problem with this trade is that the max loss is going to be too high only 17 only 170 bucks i mean it could it could go there so i don't think i can do that one hmm problem with some of these like nike and mcdonald's is that the premium is really pretty low so mcdonald's you can see you you go just a little out of the money and the premiums like nothing less implied volatility on those ones the thing is nike kind of is double topping here it's a high on this day 105. you know if you go close to in the money then your profit will be better but the risk is a lot higher so like the 106 here 320 bucks versus 680 max loss but the 106 is right here you know it's very very close to being 107 they're really close to being in the money mcr uh b needs to get a little closer to the volume weight average price for me to take that trade so the 107 by 108 just not a lot of premium 108 by 109 it's a 20 delta it's only 130 bucks i mean just but you still have commissions on options with uh td ameritrade so it's not worth it mcrb it's not halted as far as i can tell looks like it's trading all right well i'm gonna leave it at that today couple swing trades that i still have open here on amazon disney etsy netflix and the smp and some nice day trades as well so not a bad day at all hopefully we continue to see nice momentum this week i was up over 100 but dropped back down to 92 so a little pullback there but still a fantastic day great start to the week and i will see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning all right i'll see you guys in the morning bye everyone you
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 160,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: e-g5twnvPHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 34sec (8374 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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