Ross makes +$127k πŸ€“ LIVE Day Trading 100% Gappers & Crazy Momo on $SONN $APDN $ACHV

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[Music] [Music] all right good morning everyone so we've got about 30 minutes to the bell here and we're going to start breaking down the watch list i am going to talk a little bit about some of my swing trades that are open i was just talking about my etsy trade which is like i'm so frustrated and bummed out because i stopped out on it i got stopped out for a 500 loss on this day right here where it was red uh and i had gotten long on the previous green day with a stop uh basically the low of that green day and then the next day it came all the way back down and now pre-market it's at 116 all-time highs so i feel super bummed out on that swing trade um i did close out my netflix swing trade yesterday for profit i closed out my spx swing trade for profit and i still have the s p 500 swing trade which i'm going to carry into next week i'm up 300 on that one and then tesla swing trade i'm going to be watching today because it is gapping up a little bit and my trade was a um a short basically off the 1800 calls so they are august 7th expiration and they're still going to probably be high enough delta that they're gonna move around a good amount today so i might stop at break even on those if um it kind of goes against me but um i do have a stop order in on it for i guess a 300 loss which i don't know i mean it might i don't know we'll see what happens but anyway so uh yesterday was a wild day for me i finished up 132 thousand dollars which was uh not bad at all and today i'm hoping to see a another good day of momentum i'll pull up my calendar from yesterday because what was kind of interesting um was the fact that i did struggle a little bit um so let me just um pull this up here hang on one second so this is my calendar from yesterday so this shows my p l during the day so yesterday i was up about 37 000 and then dropped to being up only like 17 000. then i got all the way up to 160 000 and then drop down right here and so i actually had a 26 000 loss yesterday on my last trade which you know you never like to have happen so this morning um i see achvi uh a gapper this one uh is let's see let me sort this by leading gapper by the way um if we get 3 000 thumbs up um you can uh i expect that i will keep streaming at 9 30. all right so um i'm looking for you guys to hit that thumbs up button those of you who are on facebook and youtube uh if we get 3 000 thumbs up going into the open you'll get a friday little bonus treat here so achv yeah i see that um it's just it's coming back down a little bit here so um we'll see what it does uh the high is 23 24. that drop there down to 18. that's a big range so uh we'll see if this does a break of vwap yesterday we had um prpo so prpo was an afternoon uh momentum stock if i look at this here you can see uh it was halted remember a dollar fifty nine and then it resumed and ripped up into a second halt at uh 708 news about a coveted antibody test then it resumes from the next halt squeezes up to eight rolls over halts going down drops way back down to 370 and then bounces from 370 back up to 655. so just kind of a a crazy move there and then after hours double topping at about eight dollars so that was a nice one yesterday it come down a little bit here pre-market i'm not sure that i would trade that this morning we had taop yesterday which made a uh amazing move from three dollars to 15. that's where i made over a hundred thousand on this move right here you know you get a ten point move and that's usually where i'm going to do the best on kodak i even though we got even more than a 10-point move the problem for me on it was that um it it didn't really pull back so i never got a chance to really size appropriately and i just kind of ended up not doing really well on it i made like 20 000 25 000 or something so last few days we've seen some definite momentum we're at friday's the last day of the month and i'm hoping uh you know to potentially finish today with at least my 10 000 daily goal if not maybe another 25 30 000 green day or if we see some momentum you know who knows i mean when when i'm doing well my big days are usually clustered together because the market gets really hot so you know this week kodak kndi uh taop what's going to be the one today you know that's kind of the question we've got achv as a possible contender this is a reverse recent reverse split they just did a reverse split so that's kind of like taop just looking at the headline here announces patent granted in the u.s okay um so this is kind of funny yeah yesterday i had to make a call um to pay a bill over the phone and she's like you know what's the name on the credit card i was ross cameron she said uh ross camel i said no that's not correct uh it's camera but um thinking more about it i never really thought about myself as a camel as a mr camel but i'm starting to kind of embrace it you know it's a strong animal they can go a long time without drinking they're very resilient uh so the smoking cessation uh kind of made me think about that camel cigarettes mr camel so i'm mr camel today and i may uh pursue a legal name change i mean if it makes her life easier not to have to spell camera and camels very sim simple and straightforward so mr camel today um yeah achv is a maybe uh drop down pop up so it's below the view app right now but you know we'll see what it does i'm not counting it out yet if it gets back um above the view app you know that's certainly a spot to watch so break a v app setup uh that on kodak uh two days ago or whatever was um that was the setup the break of v web so let's just go back and glance at that for a second actually this one tapped v-app it was a bounce off the v-web but that v-wap is a really important spot important line in the sand so uh mr camel likes achv but uh we'll see how it trades closer uh to the bell those you guys just getting tuned in on youtube and uh facebook uh if we get three thousand thumbs up by the bell i will uh give you guys a free live stream for friday 5 000 thumbs up is what i had been doing the last few uh weeks and it was sort of a struggle each day to get there so i'm going to set the bar for you guys uh a little bit more realistic but if we don't get three thousand thumbs up then i'm not going to keep streaming at the open so um we've got 6 800 people streaming right now so if all of you guys hit that thumbs up you'll get a free friday broadcast and it gives you a little taste of what it's like to be a student in uh the classes so were your starter warrior pro students have access to my stream uh yes you should know that youtube inherently has a little bit of latency there's a timestamp right down here in the corner of e-signal so you can compare that to what your current time is on your computer in our um in our chat room we don't have really any latency and it depends on where you log in from but we use ultra ultra low latency servers so it's almost real time and so students that are in the chat room every day when i'm streaming class is in session it's an opportunity for you guys to learn my strategy the purpose of these streams is educational it is not for you to blindly follow me or anyone else i understand some of you may think oh he's making money i should just follow him the fact is some of my trades are so fast that even with a 10 second lag on on youtube or even a one second lag or even if you're sitting right next to me if you miss that opportunity it's gone you can't chase it and the way i trade i trade very much based on level two and time and sales now my swing trades those those are different the swing trades you know those you've got lots of time to think about you can look at them you can ponder over it you can get in probably the same price as me it's that's different but the day trades are fast and so i want you to remind you guys to do your pre-trading checklist did you eat well sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch that you like this morning if you do what's the condition of the overall market and remember don't blindly follow me or anyone else use common sense here all right so that's coming straight from mr camel today um we've got about 20 minutes to the bell i am going to look down the next uh kind of well let's let's look at the top of the scanner achv is now dipped down so top of the scanner zn that's a 60 cent stock that's too cheap i don't trade the cheap stuff so i'm going to leave that alone um next one down e core eco-r i can see based on its pre-market chart that it's already stair stepping down so i'm not liking that i'm going to leave that alone next one down s-o-n-n s-o-n-n 7.3 million share float it's below the v-app as well i'll put it on as a maybe over on the side i'm not sure about that i wish it was a little stronger it looks a little choppy pre-market achv which we had already looked at uh a nice move from 12 to 23 back down to 16 below the v web so you can see you know kind of clear price action going up coming back down we would want to see that price action at least for my strategy moving back up uh pins or pins uh three uh 389 million share float i'm gonna leave that one alone next one down apdm all right so apdn is right below uh the volume weight average price here um this one [Music] uh let's see the high this last candle was 12 30. so yeah i mean i would say that one uh if it breaks through 12 and 12 30 is a possibility i'll put an order at 1204. so i have a starter there on apdn and i would add over 1250 because the break of vwap is a powerful setup so i'm adding there at 1250 and i'm going to put my order on this now at 13 and i'm going to increase my max share size on it so i can be a little more aggressive watching over 12 75. adding a 1275 there for the breakthrough 13. so this type of setup for me i i usually like um let's see what this does right in this area i'm taking a little profit out to be safe and now what i'm going to do while it consolidates here under 13 is i'll look to add back on a one minute micro pullback so this is what we call the break of vwap setup it's a very powerful setup a lot of people are watching the volume weight average price the high is 88 i'm still holding a partial size with an order at 13. the pre-market high is up at 15. so it's got a little ways to go hmm all right so order i'm adding there at 96 for the breakthrough 13. so we've got a high of 98. my cost basis has moved up a little bit is it going to rip through 13. so we know that whole dollars are psychological levels of resistance so one of the things i'm going to do is unwind a little bit of the profit and scale down in case it cannot hold over 13. and then again i can wait for the next setup so the high here is 1306. i'll put my new order at 13 10. now a break of v is good a re-test to the v-app may be necessary the high here is 1306 and i'm still holding an 1800 share position 1830 share thirty five shares and my stop on it is gonna be uh well v wap is 40 so i'll put my stop maybe around 25 15 cents below the volume weighted average price so here's the thing this is an obvious setup a break of 12 30. this is where any day trader would be watching this because if it breaks over that level it changes from stair stepping down to stair stepping back up if you're buying at the obvious place you should expect to see volume and if you buy and you don't see volume it means you have the wrong entry the volume is confirmation that other people see the same setup so it doesn't matter whether i mean you guys see these go with or without me there are so many times where i totally miss the trade they're breaking out because over that price that's what we call an apex point it's the volume weight average price it's the high of that recent pop a break of that level is significant it's a significant line in the sand so you know it doesn't really matter at this point uh you know it's broken the v-wap now as long as it consolidates above it it's just shifted from bearish to bullish it's bearish below the view app it's bullish above it this is a one minute micro pullback right here so is that a trade you tell me so what's the high of this level the high is 35. so where's the next order go 35. over 35 where's the next spot 1350 1340 1340 1350 1360. so i keep moving my orders up i look for that follow-through these are going to go with or without you so let's see what it wants to do ride that momentum that's what i say so we've got 23 24 a little bit of resistance up here but it's holding up pretty well so i'd be looking for this to break over 35 40 for a squeeze up to the half dollar if we get the squeeze up to the half dollar that's another 50 cents off the 13 breakout watch here is this a good spot to take profit yeah i would say so so i'm taking a little profit off the table on the next pullback i can look to re-establish a new entry point so i'm holding 900 let's see 822 shares this is the fourth leading gapper in the entire market high there was 13.50 so a little bit of psychological resistance there at the half dollar that's not surprising we see that a lot usually if i add for breakout i expect pretty immediate resolution so if you took that one minute setup right there because that by itself was a good setup now if you're already in from down here that's fine but if you took this trade right here because you said hey that's a one minute micro pullback i've learned that in the classes how many of you guys took that trade right there the long over 13. now it didn't matter whether or not i took it because you understood the setup right this is a one minute micro pullback and the high is 13.50 so now it's coming back it's re-testing that level it's bouncing off the low of 13. the five-minute candle may need a little bit more time to consolidate which is fine we'll see what it does so uh again those of you guys streaming on facebook youtube we've got 14 minutes to the bell and uh for friday i said that if um we got three thousand thumbs up that i would keep streaming uh through my uh trading session this morning yesterday as many of you guys know i donated thirty thousand dollars uh of uh my you know to sort of represent that thirty thousand dollars that i lost off the top as a reminder to be be thankful for what you have so i donated thirty thousand dollars um uh some of that in memory of john lewis the aclu i met him um when he was um gosh when it was in um like 2000 and 1999 a long time ago and it very inspirational man so uh donated um to aclu in his honor donated uh to an organization that helps children who are um potentially being sent back to they're you know illegal children that are being sent back uh all by themselves and to some local organizations here in the berkshires one of the goals that i have is to take some money off wall street and to send some money back to the local community and to local organizations that do things that i care about i know some of you guys might say i wouldn't donate to that well i'll tell you what when you get to the point of making 130 000 a day you can donate to whoever you want i think more than anything it's about paying it forward and giving back so i just sold the rest of my position there i'm gonna step back off of it for a few minutes i'm gonna let it pull back i think at this point it's doing a five minute pullback the high is thirteen fifty so a five minute bull flag above the volume weighted average price is good for me i'm okay with that the v app is down here around 12 58. i could do a dip off the v web we still have a minute left on this current five minute candle so maybe i'll put an order at 1270 and we'll be looking for that dip so i watched the 10 second chart as a very short time frame i'm already kind of somewhat you know committed on this stock in terms of focus on the 10 second chart it's showing me a possible entry at 88. so i'll take a starter there at 86. that's that pivot right there it's a technical level first one minute candle to make a new high is 13. now this five minute setup is not ready so on this type of trade different from the break of view app this is one where i really want to take my profit from 86 right here at 1310 and if i can hold a little bit for a bigger move that's fine but this is a little bit of a different trade because it's not a really strong five minute setup yet so i take the profit off the table i'm holding 915 shares still at 86. again my swing trades we closed out the netflix and spx trades yesterday i'm still holding tesla and the s p 500 i'll be watching those at the open i would like to take some more swing trades but i'm just kind of waiting for the right spot there's a 30 000 share buyer on apdn in the 1280s that i just saw so the 10 second chart now is telling me that there's a possible long over 13 13. i'm waiting for a second it's a little premature on the one minute sometimes 10 second entries uh i mean it's it's always best when you have multi-time frame alignment so you have one minute 10 seconds one minute and five minute all lining up at the same time so the high there ended up being 15 now let's see if it's going to hold 13 dollars so i have a starter there at 1303 buying the dip off of the whole dollar of 13. i want to see a break through 13 20. so i'll watch this to see if we get that break there's 13 15 there's 17 18 and i would say that's not the convincing break that i was looking for so this is one i'm going to back out of so i'm all out and sold the balance at 13. so on that type of trade right here again zoom into the 10 second chart we got a micro breakout there that should have gone up to 13 20 13 40. and it didn't it came back down it rejected so i'd rather get back out close to break even or for a small loss whatever the case is rather than risk that going the wrong way so all right so watching this here coming back down to the volume weight average price the low there was 67. again those of you guys streaming on uh youtube facebook uh as i had said before if we get 3 000 thumbs up by 9 30 i will keep streaming uh until i'm done trading today so today will probably be um a shorter day for me because it's friday but until 10 or 10 30 or whatever cases i haven't seen where i'm at on thumbs up if anyone wants to comment and let me know but uh hit that thumbs up button i really appreciate it as you may uh already know i don't monetize my youtube channel so i don't get paid by youtube for the number of views i have i know a lot of people out there they you know like to make sensational type of click bait headlines and all that stuff because they're getting paid by youtube i don't get paid by youtube i only get paid if any of you guys end up deciding to become a student and then telling your friends that hey this is a great experience you guys should come over here and join warrior two so that's that's the only thing that i get uh from youtube so i really appreciate appreciate you guys hitting that thumbs up button all right um thanks jason yeah the 993 exhaust is sound and pretty fierce those you guys who haven't already checked out the tire kickers youtube channel i'm it's my it's my side project um i'll put this up here for you guys so this is more of a hobby but i'm uh i have a couple other uh you can see that volkswagen bus in the back and i have a few other cars that uh i'll do some videos on soon all right so make sure you guys subscribe to this channel if you haven't already we're at 1 1 420 subscribers you guys can do better than that all right so high the last five minute candle 13 says 13 41 but really 13 18 is the line in the sand that i'm gonna draw we have four minutes about four and a half minutes to the bell you can see that dip off the v-wap would have been a nice one is it going to hold 13 i'm long here i'm buying this breakout and i'm moving in order 1350 looking for a break over 13.50 adding there looking for 13.75 new order goes at 14. so on something like this i'm going to keep adding for a move to 14 i really don't want to take profit until we see 14. so orders at 13.75 to add again watching adding right there 13.78 target is 14. if we get a break through 14 then we could get a squeeze up to 1450 and maybe a retest of 15. so again this is the type that i just want to ride this momentum on as much as possible i don't really want to let it off the hook i want to try to really capture some nice profit on it my cost basis is 13 34. we're churning a little bit here anytime we churn makes me a little nervous taking some profit out a new order is going to go at the high of this candle which is 13.82 so we have that drop there the high back here was 1382. i'll put my order at 1390. all right so i'm still holding uh 3 900 shares just under 4 000. there's 55. so usually rather than sell into a flush i like to let it pop up a little bit so as it popped back up there i was able to unwind see that hit a high of 54. so rather than sell down here at 26 i wait for it to pop back up popped back up there i'm still holding uh 669 shares the low is 26 and i'm gonna look for my next trade on it on a one-minute pullback i don't like that that didn't break 14 this was a five minute setup a five minute setup should have nice follow-through nice breakout and this looks right now like a little bit of a false breakout on the five minute so i'm going to look for a dip trade off of v app i'm going to put my order down at 82. the volume weight average price is at 80. for those streaming on youtube i'm going to put up my disclaimer here in case you didn't already know day trading is risky most people who day trade will lose money so if you want to start day trading number one you need to practice in a simulator before you ever put real money on the line don't risk hard earned money before you've proven you can be profitable if you can't make money in a simulator you have no business trading with real money so you'll see um the uh warrior pro students have access to a simulator so we let them practice in a simulated real-time market data so you can practice the market side by side with me if you're trading ap dn this one's got 4.9 million shares of volume i mean you know you're welcome to trade these they've got high relative volume top five 10 leading gappers in the market i think they're the right stocks to watch but i don't want you putting real money into the market until you've proven profitability all right so we've got less than a minute to the bell so sounds like we've got about four thousand or so maybe thumbs up so thank you guys for hitting that thumbs up and again um let me know so far pre-market how you've done on apdn uh hopefully some of you guys whether it's in the simulator or real money are starting to build a little bit of a cushion if you're not keep studying keep learning learn to try to be faster and not overstay your welcome so this is a false breakout on the five minute chart i'm going to move this over here the low is 1267. the low is 12.84 there so i'm going to put my order the high at 1382 and i'm just going to watch this on re on the bell i want to see if it it might sell off it might flush let's let it flush let's see if it bounces off of 12. watching down here i'm just watching it right now i'm not ready to pull the trigger my charts are frozen on it i'm long right there only 1300 shares i'm probably going to sell right over 13. watching i sold for a loss at 50. i'm gonna let it pull back i want to be calm cool and collected on my trades on this one where's the next support level well let's see what it does around 12. this isn't the open that i was hoping for this is obviously dropping starter at 94 just 5 000 shares to start trying to buy dips can it reclaim 12 sold it breakeven at 1201 that's okay so sometimes timing those rever those uh dips is not super easy yesterday as you might recall i gave back some profit trying to trade dips on a couple of the stocks so you know i'm fine with trading dips i just want to make sure that i feel really good about the setup so we're below the v app right now i see achv halted going down achv i don't know the 200 moving averages at 14. there might be a dip trade on it it's kind of a big sell-off but i'm gonna focus on apdn for right now this is the one that you know i'm doing pretty well on so had a couple losses but they've been manageable i'm back in apdn there 7 500 shares i'm looking for this to break over 1250 and i'm taking some profit at 57. so that's like 30 cents it's the first candle to make a new high but we know we've got the upside resistance of the volume weighted average price taking more off the table at 47 only holding a tiny position which i can hold for a dip trade so again uh kind of a lot of lines going on here but the volume weighted average price right now is it like 1270. so that's the breakout spot 1266. still holding my small position the low is 82. so if 82 holds yeah i do have the audio alert but i think it's just not um i don't know it could just be the um not sure what it is so if you see on a 10 second chart we're in this ascending support line that's got a hole new orders at 12.50 i'll watch for dip trades or breakout trades fine sun i'll keep an eye on but i don't think i like it as much back in there 44 on apdn looking for the break over the half dollar of 55.60 i want to see the break of the volume weight average price so i'm going to put my order at 66 to add adding there 65 or 64. yeah i added a 64. i'm looking for the break of 65 the break of the volume weight average price and then a squeeze back up to 13. so right now i'm giving it a second to pull back and then pop back over 1250 1260 and i've gotta manage this kind of tight so i'm selling the position for a loss uh that was a maybe two thousand dollar loss is coming back down to support and 1182 is a possible dip off the bottom of that support line but now it's starting to move the wrong way so i needed to break the v-wap there and it couldn't do it so i'm gonna put that one on hold for a few minutes i'll let it consolidate and maybe come back to it i guess i'm okay on my tesla swing trade the market opened and then just started pulling back so i've got on the s p let's see so that's the um those are my prices my trade price is 60 cents the mark is 24 cents my trade price on tesla's 427 the mark is uh 335 so i'll hold those for now son i'm gonna have to take a little more seriously now that it's popping back up wait for a pullback 17 million shares of volume the high is 614. is it going to hold six watching i'm long 614 on sun looking for the squeeze up to 625 adding there 629 halt level 639 so i'm going to hold this and put an order at 650 to add on resumption it's up 119 uh that type of trade so i'm going to put an order for 5 000 shares to add at 6.50 this type of trade target is uh a retest of the pre-market high 740. so it's a break a view app again um was it extended at six yes but this is what it did watch this 10 second chart it popped up to 6 14 it pulled back i bought on that pullback we would call that a micro pullback it's a micro pullback it pulled back just for a second and that was the opportunity to get long so i'm long with an order at uh 650 to add on resumption and looking for a squeeze up to 675 maybe parabolic up to 7 or even higher oh sorry i didn't realize my camera was there sorry about that okay so um all right so achv let's watch this for a second so achv is going to be a 10 minute long haul my goodness brutal open nice job guys on uh sun sonn for those who have traded it overall market s p is coming down a little bit again though my swing trade is uh it's in good shape but i do want to keep a little bit of an eye on this because this is a pretty good sell-off but we'll see if it bounces off of yesterday's high carve hitting the scanner so this scanner is searching the market for stocks right now that are moving higher so this is a announcement morgan stanley 14 million dollars to support uh carve but you look at the volume on it uh volume is only 300 000 shares so it's on the lighter side i'd wait for the volume to get over a million shares i'd like to see a little more volume on that s-o-n-n resumption is going to be at 42 9 42 and 15 seconds it should be a five minute long circuit breaker haul i'm showing 655 as the resumption right now so looking for a resumption and then an ad up to seven uh achv resumption is gonna be first at 9 41 and 24 seconds if it's a 10 minute long haul which it probably will be so we've got about 20 seconds of resumption on achv i'll say that the dip trade on achv is is pretty risky this is obviously just dropped three dollars two dollars a share on the other hand uh it feels like maybe it has more potential going back up than going down so i'm gonna put an order here watching watching long there for a breakout so i bought and took my profit and now i'm going to look for the next dip watching back in 83 so i'm in right now actually at 90. there's 15 28 15 44 that's 60 cents not bad sold at 1502 and we'll look for the next step now i've got to focus on sun i got to switch gears so a couple small trades on achv buying the dip all right son i'm showing 659 moving my order up on this to 675. watching resumption here in flower three two one watching adding adding long taking profit taking profit taking profit that was um a nice trade okay so the new high here the new high is 30. i'm still holding a thousand shares i'm gonna wait for the next pullback this is the market we're in guys this is insane this type of stuff is crazy i should have held the whole thing right you never know you just never know how high they'll go so i'm gonna wait for the pullback is it going to hold seven no i'm backing at 87. just added right there for a dip trade 7 500 shares i'm selling at 91 feels like it's uh not ready that's fine i'll let it dip a little bit more so here's the problem with some of these they make such a big move that um the fact is the first pullback doesn't always get bought up well so i'm watching down here for the next possible trade i'm in at 41 for a starter i'm trying to take a bounce on sun and looking for the first one-minute candle to make a new high and a squeeze back up to seven so watch over 50 there's 50 50 52 i'm gonna take a little profit out because when i got in at 41 i wasn't expecting it would drop down to like whatever the low was down there it was 12 i was down 40 cents new order goes at seven so i was a little early on that dip taking more profit at 80. i just sold the rest at 80. first one minute candle to make a new high is 99. i'm gonna let it pull back here new order goes at seven adding there i'm long back in looking for the break over seven watch here looking for the first one minute candle to make a new high taking profit 7 15 7 12 it's probably the right thing to do maybe it'll go back to the highs but better be safe than sorry selling a little more 99 this is 26 million shares of volume still holding 1700 shares down to just 180 shares partial fill all right so the high a day is 58 the high of this last pop was 7 15. new order goes at 7 15. watch here adding there looking for the break at 7 15. adding again 7 20. now looking for this back up over 750 so now we're getting follow-through orders at 750 to add watch here for the ad over 745 watching watching holding looking for it to break over 745 and then a squeeze through the half dollar i'm still holding i'm gonna let it dip down for a second try to catch the pop coming back up over seven there's 710 707 scaling down a little bit on the position it needed to break over 750 kind of like right there so i sold and took on that a 5 000 loss so that was a loser a good size loss i was adding for the break to 750 and then a squeeze through the high and it flushed down here to 665. back up stopped out but still for a loss next order is 750 achv i see that so achv halted going back up i don't know i'm probably going to leave it alone though apdn not looking good at the moment i mean i feel like this is the one to focus on right now this is this just made an incredible move from five to seven fifty maybe this first pullback wasn't the one but it's still above the v app i think it's still bullish i'm going to leave my order at 7.50 because if it breaks that level if i was short that's where i would have my stop so i try to think about that if i'm going long where would a short seller put their stop the high of this little pop here is 20. so over 20 could be a starter is it going to hold seven i'm long at 706. feels like it's holding seven looking for the break over 720 it's churning here a little bit i stopped out at seven another small loss you need to break over 720 i was buying anticipating that it was about to curl i was wrong small losses are fine hive day on this is 758 i think perhaps rather than buying breakouts buying dip trades might be a little safer achv has resumed and is squeezing back up from a low of 14 something up to 17 with big spreads i'll sell the ass but i also am pretty happy to hit the bid i'll do both it really um it just depends on how the trade is looking long at 65 and 55 on sun trying to buy the dip there stop is at fifty the half dollar sold at 63 for now only 10 cents a profit so sun now needs to rest a little bit it's coming back down to the volume weight average price which is around let's see 30. i mean i could do a dip trade off the v-wap but achv hit the app hit its head on that level so that could have been a nice dip trade there in the 40s 30 cents back up apdn curling back up first five minute candle to make a new high was over 79 right there hit a high of 93. you'll see more volume come in likely as it gets closer to the volume weight average price so those of you guys still streaming on uh youtube let us know how you're doing and hit that thumbs up button i really appreciate it tmbr i don't see news on it achvi what's the obvious sort of level what are the obvious levels well that's the high that's the low so those are pretty obvious red candle on the five where might sun give a little short squeeze well it bounced off the v-wap popped back up to 94 so maybe over seven taking a dip trade on sun there looking for the break over seven i see a little bit of resistance there at seven i'm going to take some profit and put a new order at 7 10. it's a big seller at seven we'll see if seven can break 35 million shares of volume it's good to see watching adding there at seven taking profit on the break 704 small trades back in sun looking for the squeeze now up to 7 15 7 20. now it's starting to open up watch over 720 holding there's 18 there's 20. new orders going at 7 40 holding 2121 shares sometimes i have odd share size just because of partial fills and stuff like that so the high of that candle was 27 if i was short 27 is probably where i would have my new stop i sold the rest for now is it going to hold seven back in at 92 buying the dip new order at 7 20. so this is right now a one minute pullback i'm going to hold this for a second i'm looking for the first one-minute candle to make a new high the high this five-minute candle is 27 and then the first five-minute candle to make a new high added there at seven i'm going to add again 27 i'm moving my order up to 750. i'm going to start to size up on this for a move over the highs adding there at 45. that was a 34 000 share position new order goes at 71. buying the dip right there now looking for a squeeze up to eight over 75 is an ad adding there 67 holding 5000 shares new order at 91 hi this candle is 80. first five minute candle to make a new high nice setup but is it going to hold this level 20 000 share buyer there for a second at 50. size down now i have that candle 780. what i'm sad about is that this is a red candle on the one minute high of the current candle is 59. back in there 48 just 10 000 shares to start adding right there looking for the break now back through 80. so this is starting to look good hands on the buy button adding there 75 76 breakthrough 80 and then a squeeze up to eight dollars is what i'm looking for watch over 75 76 there's the volume coming in there's 80. is it going to break that level 80 is our breakout spot i'm sizing back down i'm going to wait for the next pullback new orders at 801 added there at 55 60 actually was my phil buying that little dip looking for the retest of 75 to add through 80. watching here there's a clear line in the sand at 80. my order's at 81. adding there 75 total profit 88. new order goes at eight watching the level two i'm reading the tape green buying adding at 75 there 15 000 shares looking for the breakthrough 88 then 98. i want to get a trade on this through eight dollars watching over 88 sold at 75 for a small loss looking for the next dip it's holding up but not um breaking out as kind of much as i thought it would i'm not sure why it's churning so much up here it might be that there's people going short and taking short positions that are thinking hey it's up 160 and they're just not getting squeezed out yet the high is 89. so i kind of have to wait for that next good sized dip for my next trade on it i mean either that or i could do a breakout but let's see i want to see if it's going to hold 750. watching here long at 30 2 or 42 actually so i bought that dip that was a 10 000 share dip trade so when i see it flush i'll usually like to step in with a buy order and try to pick up shares off the bottom of that flush so that was a small winner the high is now up here at 89 and it was a green doji glad the candle's green but now we're getting a little bit of a pullback watching down here around seven long no fill no fill hit that buy button no fill tried to buy the dip off of seven uh i don't i sometimes do dips on hot keys but i actually prefer if i can to enter the order because of slippage with hotkeys so we're 30 minutes into the day apdn is coming back down tlsa let me look so tlsa is on my halt scanner it's halted right now let me look at the volume on it 1.4 million shares also a reverse split with a pre-market high of 8. [Music] the resumption should be about a minute away so tlsa i'll watch that on resumption hang on one second [Music] all right all right so yeah tlsa we've got some news on it um i'm going to put an order and just kind of watch to see where it opens looks like a 10 minute long haul so was the reverse split this morning yeah i guess that's what it is it's because i get i guess that's what it is is that yeah all right so i'll keep an eye on that one sun s-o-n-n first candle to make a new high would be over 721 that's a i'll take a trade here first kale will make a new high it's like a 10 cent type of trade again like it's very similar to what i said earlier um a trade like that 10 000 shares 10 cents that's a thousand bucks so you know i'm totally okay with doing that but i'm not going to take 25 30 000 shares on it i'm not going to set the expectation that given that it's extended the first five minute candle is going to give us a really uh or the first one minute cam's gonna give us a really big move i think it's going to have to pop up pull back reset and then maybe we got a five minute setup hi the last five minute candles 52 so you know i'll throw an order at 52 but i think it's i think it's probably going to tap its head on that level and then pull back so i'm going to sell more here at 47 to unwind the position from whatever it was down there and i'm gonna let this pull back for a second so now i'm gonna watch the dip let's see where it catches support long looking for the break over 50. so i'm jumping into this here i'm looking for that first five minute candle to make a new high since it's basing out over 55.65 let's see what this does so i'll say that i never really love a false break of a half dollar so i'm going to get back out of it when we have a false break you know it really needs to break that level firmly so now i'm going to watch back off of seven for a dip trade orders at 7 10 to buy the dip i'm going to cancel that order for right now i'm going to let it pull back and wait and at 708 15 000 shares buying that dip so as long as it holds seven i can hold that position and put the new order at 750 and then scale up to a 30 000 share position on the breakout so holding the full 15 000 orders at 750 to add taking some profit there it's showing a little bit of weakness looking for the next dip off of seven to add back current five minute candle has two minutes left on it i sold the rest of the position for now i'm gonna let it pull back some more and then try to do another dip trade so see there at seven there was a forty thousand share buyer so i'm gonna watch to see is it gonna break seven or is it gonna hold that level tlsa resumption is going to be in about just a couple seconds here watching tlsa on resumption i've got a long 38 on tlsa i'm going to buy this for the break of 850 and a squeeze up to 860. so there's 850 right there taking some profit 860 870 and holding 1200 shares into the next halt not a not a huge win it's probably sold a little too soon but you never know because the thing is yeah the you know these can get extended so 1.4 1.9 million shares of volume now halted again i'm holding a small size sun s-o-n-n watching is it going to break seven buying at 703 10 000 shares i tried to do 20 but no fill so i'm in now buying that dip off of seven new order goes at 7 30. so again when i saw that big buyer there that gave me the conviction to press the buy button so still holding 10 seconds left on this current 5 minute candle i want to see it break over i'm going to add there at 18 for the break over 20. there's 21 22. taking profit at 18 and selling the rest for now i'll let it pull back again new orders at 7 10. the problem now is that the 5 minute candle has a topping tail see how that five-minute candle has that topping tail right there and it actually made a new high by two cents so that kind of screws up the pattern again reminder for those that don't already know day trading is very risky you have to be really really smart about the way you approach this most people trading the markets will lose money so if you want to be one of the few that is profitable you need to prove profitability and simulator before you ever put real money on the line you should not expect that my results are typical i've been doing this for a long time watching sun long sun at 48 buying a dip there 10 000 share dip adding at 55 and selling at 61. i'm going to let it go a little lower so now the thing is it's breaking the v-wap i'm probably although i could do a bounce off of six i should probably just be happy for what i have on it and not overstay my welcome tlsa i'll probably look for a pullback i'll be watching the 10 second chart we'll see if there's a dip trade opportunity sun has 61 million shares of volume i don't think um that's an issue robert the low there was 6 11. we'll watch dips resumption on tlsa is about one minute away so my trades now are looking much better on tesla tsla my swing trade so now we'll go to tlsa resumption is five minutes usually exactly five minutes so watching resumption no resumption yet i'm going to give it a second and see whether or not it does open sometimes they open a few seconds after and other times it's a might be a 10 minute long call so this has 1.4 or 1.9 million shares of volume it's up well it's down because of the uh the way they did the reverse split sun selling off a little bit more so now we're in a stair step down as you can see on the 10 second chart stairs stepping down the low there was 93. i'm in at 92 i'm buying the dip on sun for a pop back up to 6 10. i think that this is overdone as a sell-off so looking for 615 620 taking some profit 606 only 10 cents but hey it's better than nothing adjust the stop to break even on the rest the low is 90 is 90. this is interesting adding there at 08 it's kind of basing out here and selling at 15. so let's see um low here 590. l e j you halted oh wow look at that two halts in a row going up breaking news at 9 41. huh okay well um i see that let me look at the volume on it um leju volume uh it's very light volume it's only 96 000 shares so i'm i'd rather focus on tlsa and sun and apdn these ones that have more volume no uh srne i see the setup on that i don't think it's ready just yet the high here was uh 10 38 if that level breaks this is a covid type of stock 37 million shares of volume i'll just have an order ready at 10.50 but i'm not sure if i'm gonna trade that tlsa resumption is going to be in about 40 seconds and um so this one it was halted it resumed and i bought on resumption it's a little bit of a risky trade so now it's gone into a second halt so after the second hall you know i can either look to add again but it's risky or i can uh kind of position myself for the next really good setup that i could take 10 15 20 000 shares on and that's what i'd really like to do i'd like to see if this holds up where can i size up for the next big trade but in the meantime i'll do smaller trades and keep building a little bit of a cushion on it so orders at 10 right now just small trades so watching resumption watching still holding waiting for a dip adding there for the breakthrough 10 and taking a little profit i mean this is this is stupid i don't even understand some of these but i'm going to let it dip adding at 08. so i just bought at 1008 buying the dip into this next halt going up so watch over 10.50 break of 10.50 halt levels moving up watching adding there 10 22 now looking to ride this momentum up over 10.50 for a squeeze through 11. nope stopped out gave back a little profit on that i'm going to let it dip down so now we've got a pullback here i'm going to add right there 38. there's a 300 000 share buyer which is crazy so i just added and now i'm going to put my new order at 10.50 so watch this here over 10.25 adding there 10 25 i'm holding this now looking for a squeeze up to 11 into possibly a halt does it make sense not really but there was a 300 000 share buyer down there in the 930s so i took some profit off the table the high here is 70. new orders at 10.70 watching adding at 36. looking for the breakthrough 10.75 a squeeze up to 11 over 10 80. adding here 1088 looking for the break through 11 so now i mean this is just incredibly strong looking for that squeeze through 11 there's 11 taking some profit it's not going to be my biggest winner of the day but it's impressive nonetheless so i've scaled out taken some profit i'm going to let it pull back and wait for the next opportunity so right down here on this pullback how many of you guys saw that 300 000 share buyer on the bid so that was tape reading that's reading level two seeing that is what gave me the conviction to add eight thousand shares right there off the low of that pullback that turned into a 15 000 share position so i'm gonna watch the level two to see if i see that come back because if i see that come back that's gonna tell me either someone's getting squeezed out short or someone wants to buy a huge position and so that creates a mental backstop for me so there's a quick trade but you know let's just see what this does it really needs to pull back so i'm watching i'm going to put my order at 11 20. adding right there for the breakthrough 11 target is a squeeze up to 11 30. so i'm taking a starter right here on this pullback looking for the break over 11. there's eleven fifteen a bit of a spread here straddling that level watching this pullback here taking a a thousand dollar loss and putting the new order at the highs to add back watching dip trades and then first one minute candle to make a new high 10 000 share buyer there at 50. 6.4 million shares of volume is it gonna hold the half dollar that's the big question in my mind right now i'm adding at 78 it's holding the half dollar adding again there for the breakthrough 11. so now i'm looking for the first 1 minute candle to make a new high since it's holding 10.50 watch over 88 stopped out at 50 gave back probably 2500 on that trade maybe a little more five maybe four thousand it needed to break over 11 after it based out right here but i'm still green so can't win them all that's the way it is so now kind of like sun let's see where this base is out does it hold these levels what's the high a day what are the levels that are in play eleven twenty one sun if it comes back up to the view app i'd like tlsa where is it going to base out first candle to make a new high right there moving my order up a little bit high that candle was 75 watching back in 75 for the breakthrough 11. orders at 11 20. right there added now looking for 11 45 eleven fifty new orders at eleven fifty if it can hold eleven still holding down here watching holding 500 shares high a day was 11.65 will it hold 11. i'm adding at 11 15 there it feels like it's curling starting to base out here above 11. i'm looking for a squeeze through 11 45 11 50. watching the break over the half dollar adding there at 45 for the breakthrough 50 and 60. taking some profit down to smaller size again sold the rest for now i'm going to look for a dip trade for my next set up double topped at 65 and then reject it off that level not uncommon to see that in at 84 and 90. buying that dip down there see if it pops back up over 11. 9.7 million shares of volume leju open again wow look at that nice job again they go with or without you i'm missing that one but tlsa has a little bit more volume right now so focusing on this hi this current one minute candle is 11 15. it's no doubt super extended on a five minute chart but these can remain extended just like kodak i mean these can be extended for long periods of time so last so we're coming up here i'm going to put an order at 11 50 for my next trade we'll see if it holds 11. starter there new orders at 11 35 adding their 35 for the breakthrough 45 and then looking for the new order to go at 65 so watch here over 11.50 hands on the buy button for the break of 1150 then looking for that squeeze up to 65. watching there's 40 44 looking to add for the break of 50. adding there 43 looking for the break through the half dollar now 65 new order goes at 75. so if it breaks 60 i fumbled that all right so new orders at 12 adding there at 88 now looking for this to squeeze up over 12 dollars we've got 82 on the ask micro pullback there's 90 there's 93 taking a little profit up here as it gets closer to 12 new orders at 1201 waiting for a dip off of 11.50 for my next trade not not buying this looking for that dip off of 11.50 11.50 would be a pullback orders of 1201 watching here adding a 64. so buying that dip right there 64. adding at 12 right there now looking for the squeeze up to 12.25 there's 12 17 12 15. a little aggressive on that breakout is it gonna get back over 12 new order at 12 15. sold the rest for a loss high is 12 17. all right maybe it's time for a five minute pullback i'm going to be watching tlsa for a bounce off of 10. i'm going to put an order at 10.50 so let's see lej you halted once twice three times four times in a row from four to six eighty five crazy this is the market we're in right now it's it's unbelievable and there's oftentimes so much moving it feels hard to really you know to capitalize on everything it's just there's too much moving i'm long 1016 on tlsa i'm buying down here this is a dip off the v web so i'm taking a starter on it that's a wrap what i would call an irrational sell-off and i'm going to look to add if it halts on resumption orders it okay so i'm going to put an order at ten dollars to add on resumption so i'm buying into that weakness buying a dip and looking for a pop coming back up so my next order will be to add down on the resumption leju coming back down and i'm going to look on that one i'm not going to add on this one yet i'm going to wait for resumption because this one is up i think too much so this one i'm going to wait on resumption and then i'm going to look to do a trade after it resumes all right so we're going to get a resumption on tlsa first and on this one the v app is 10 26 so i'm what i'm looking at is a resumption and then a reclaim of the v web i could be wrong but that's what i'm looking for nice on sun nice bounce coming back up towards the volume weight average price so so it's 10 35. yesterday i traded till um 11 30 or so we ended up having some really um continued momentum some really good momentum so today i don't know it's 10 30 i mean maybe we'll keep seeing momentum maybe things will slow down a little bit i'm not really sure so let's see tlsa resumption is looking like 9.86 i'm gonna put my order at 10 to add i'm in at 10 16 and resumption is going to be in about a minute if it's a five minute long haul i'm showing resumption now moving up to ten so i'm going to move my order up to 10 10 and i'm going to keep my moving my order up i'm looking for a bounce off the v and a squeeze back up towards 10 50 maybe maybe probably just 10 50 would be first target but maybe 11. leju i'll be watching as well so this is my uh open p l here on um spy and tesla 218 on spy 121 on tesla swing trades so those are kind of sitting tight i'm looking at my etsy fomo sad sad mess so we'll let this one pull back actually the high is the thing is i would be half tempted to sell a call spread on it but it has earnings next week so i'm not going to do that all right so back to tlsa with about 10 seconds to resumption orders at 10 10 watching the ad and catch a pop back up so i'm going to use shift i'm going to use the buttons actually watching it happened too fast i didn't get a chance to add um is it going to pop to 10.50 there you go so i'm all out taking my profit on it happy with that another dip 950 could be a trade but it's breaking the view app it needed to hold the v web so i don't usually intend to buy into halts going down i buy as something is about to get halted thinking that it might do a false halt which means i'm buying at the bottom of the band for a pop coming back up leju had a 50 000 share buyer down there i just missed this because i was looking away for a second i'm going to let it pull back for a moment and then watching over six letting it pull back adding there at 50 at 88 on leju for the breakthrough six dollars watch here over 88 it's got to break through this level there's 90 there's six 613 i'm taking some profit there's a 20 000 share seller it also felt like maybe there was a hidden seller at 88 for a second so now i'm going to put my new order at 620 if that seller gets bought up first one minute candle making new highs over 620. it's currently showing an 80 000 share seller that's a big seller could that be someone trying to go short for sure could definitely be that watching now in a colder market just that trade from and i sold the rest there just that tr and i'll look for a dip trade just to trade from 88 to 620 would be in a cold market a good trade i'm going to watch a bounce off of 550 the half dollar 550 or 620 those are the two spots i'm watching on this first five minute candle to make a new high it's pausing here for a moment i'm buying adding back right there looking for the break back over six i'm expecting that seller will get bought up there's 610 i want to put a new order at 6 20. watch 620 because now i'm not seeing that big seller anymore so i'm looking for the first candle to make a new high that's over 6 18. orders at 6 21 on leju watching watching looking for 620 to break break a 620 10 10 000 share buyer down there huh scaling back down new order is going to be to buy a dip off of the half dollar at this point i'm going to wait uh for the first five minute kill to make a new high i'm still holding a small position i'll either do a dip off the half dollar or a break over 620. halt level going down is it 34. i'm still holding i'm going to let it go into a halt and then try to do a dip trade on resumption around five i'm gonna put my order at five i'm only holding 1200 shares so if it doesn't uh play out really well it'll be okay but uh tlsa i can look for dips on as well we're seeing stocks halting going up and going down that's the market that we're in right now it's just crazy volatile s-o-n-n this is a micro pullback right here under uh nine i'm gonna put an order at 10. quick trade there 10 000 share 15 000 on sun looking for a squeeze up to 20. if i get 10 cents on it that's 1500 bucks that's a one minute micro pullback looking for the break of 20 there's 15 nine i sold for probably just a little bit above break even the v web is obviously the real spot but new order 621 on sun leju i still have about um 47 two three minutes to resumption nice on sun so remember the volume weight average price is up here at 53 so we're kind of coming into that resistance spot so i would expect some resistance around 650 let's see whether or not sun can break the volume weighted average price if it can break it then that's a whole new trade i'm going to set a stop on my s p trade just to put a kind of safety net on it i'm going to put my stop at break even i mean i don't want to get stopped out but i'd rather get stopped out break even than have it turn into a loss so uh that would be a buy of the 300s at 60. i don't think i think i've got room on it but i'll set that as a good till cancel yep all right so there we go my p l on the day is not accurate uh tesla i don't know it's it was never up 500 it was some funny quote at the close all right so back to leju uh in this halt going down with 1200 shares looking for a dip to add for a pop back up sun fading off the v web so i'm going to put my order at five watching long there on leju for the pop back up to 550. so there's 530 on the ask there's 50. can it break over the half dollar see if it can break over 50. so we've got 30 by 37 still holding looking to see if we get that break through the half dollar there's 50 there's 50 and i'm out with some profit on that trade not a lot but a little so is there anything else moving right now leju we need to get back over the volume weight average price tlsa i missed the resumption on that but that was a nice pop off the low halter going down at 848 back up to nine so that's a 50 cent pop all right well it's 10 50. um i am not sure that i'm gonna take any more trades today i think i'm gonna leave it at that my swing trades i'm gonna leave as they are um i was kind of looking maybe a netflix uh swing trade it's sort of basing out here uh the 467 puts let's look at the price on those for next week um netflix so august 7th uh 465 that's not bad um i could even go down to 450. um see the further out of the money i go the better my uh the basically the lower the probability is that i'll be assigned uh the stock if i take the trade but the lower the premium is as well i'm going to take the 50s here and i'm going to sell that this has already had earnings so i know we don't have an earnings issue so that means basically i'm saying that i'll buy tesla oh sorry netflix at 450 a share 450. so it's you know way way down there and if it comes down there by the end of next week i either have to cover the position for a loss or risk actually having to buy a thousand shares of that and then selling covered calls against it to either offset losses or manage the trade until i can sell it for a profit so i'm going to go ahead and do that and i'll set a stop on that as well so i'm going to say that's a market order uh so that's next week's now if i wanted to use less buying power i could do a spread where i would sell the 450s and then buy the um like you know 440s so if i did that that's only going to use like ten thousand thousand dollars in buying power with a possibility of making 480 dollars so a spread would use a lot less buying power but uh you know you make in this case half as much so it's a you know as as you wish so let's see um oh actually did it deny that um rejected hang on let's see sort of okay i gotta go back to my i'm gonna reduce the size a little bit on it so and in fact in that case if i'm gonna run out of buying power then maybe i will go ahead and take this spread i'll just do i'll do it as a spread all right so i'm going to sell the 450s and buy the 440s so that's going to be a spread max profit's 450 bucks by the end of next week max loss is 10 000 if the stock actually goes down to 450. all right so the profit loss ratio is not great but the probability of it going down to that price the market is actually pricing the probability of this at let's see probability is um uh basically there's a 94 chance 92 percent chance that this will not execute so that's pretty good the odds are good again you're not making a lot of money on it but you don't make a lot of money when you have really good odds so i'm going to stick with i'm going to take that new swing trade going into next week and i will set a stop on it so click create closing order the stop i was in at 48 so i'll set my stop at a dollar that means i'm basically risking 500 to make 500. so one to one and with a 92 chance that it doesn't execute all right so good till cancel stop order and i'm gonna set it and forget it i don't have to worry about it my etsy trade um again this is kind of a bummer because they have earnings next week i really wanted it down here i had a trade down there but i screwed it up if i did a position on this where i sold the calls i'm selling going right into earnings and the premiums might go up going into earnings as volatility implied volatility goes up so i got to leave that one alone for now facebook um just had earnings i mean honestly this could be a good one to sell uh covered calls against um or to to sell a call spread against because it's up so high but let's see what the prices look like so facebook so yeah next week i'd probably do next week the weeklies are probably worth basically nothing for the um yeah they're they're worth nothing so let's look at next week's august 7th so i mean if i if i went way up it basically right now is pricing 90 chance that the 270s close out of the money which means they expire worthless and i get to keep that money in my pocket so if i took this trade right now i'm making 230 bucks max max risk is there i think that might be worth it for a stab the high is 55 today and again i can put a pretty tight stop on that so the strike is 270. now i could go closer to in the money on this uh if i really think that it's not going to retest today's high but you know the risk there is a lot higher this is a weekly for next week so max profit and max loss the ratios are better but i i don't know that's that's cutting it a little close and generally i've done better on these trades when i take something that i feel like has almost no chance of being assigning me and putting me in that position so i'll take a i'll take a little bit of a risk on this one at um let's see which one gives me the better odds that one's 280. this here is 340 but the risk is certainly higher that one's 220. so the 270s at 220. it's not it's not a huge profit but again it's 220 the end of next week so i'll take that and i'll set a stop on it as well so i'm gonna go and set a stop on this trade create closing order mark it uh start stop and i'm going to set it up at 55 so risking 250 or whatever to make 250 good till kill good till cancel and send that all right so there's a facebook swing trade and a netflix swing trade the um netflix one is bullish i hope netflix stays above 450. the facebook one is bearish i hope nip facebook stays below 270. and spy is bullish and tesla is bearish so i kind of have a little bit of a you know if the overall market goes down that might weigh on the overall market uh if the overall market is um that'll that'll hurt some of the trades but it'll help others so i'm kind of split there and not super super on the long side if facebook does end up curling up into the end of the day it's possible i'll even get stopped out today if it ends up making a big move but uh the overall market is a little on the weak side so maybe we gotta pull back for a couple days and i can cover that for a little bit of profit all right so those are uh swing trades tying up a little bit of buying power but we'll let those sit for now and uh for my day trades i'm going to finish the day here in really good shape so let's go over um where i'm sitting on the day for my day trades i'm sitting at uh let me move this here 127 260 dollars and 17 cents and that's the breakdown leading profit sun tlsa apdn leju and achv not a bad day at all i was kind of thinking maybe i'd have a shot at crossing a million dollars on the month i was at 8 23 before today so now i'll be at 9.60 um super super close but there's not you know i mean i in order to make another thirty thousand dollars i would need something uh to really open up again tlsa we need to rip back over the v web and through 12 or apdn would need to break the v web sun would need to break the v app so i've traded the momentum as best as i could today i think i capitalized on it well and 127 is a fantastic day so 61 000 on sun 31 000 on tlsa 26 000 on apdn 5000 on leju and 1600 on achv green across the board finishing the month with under a million dollars in profit but still a incredible month so what's in store for august new month new you set your game plan review your metrics check what you did right what you did wrong this month my biggest loss yesterday right here uh 26 000 biggest loss of the month that was on taop so that may be one of my biggest losses of all time probably very close to it actually um let's just go here so i'll go from january from 1 1 2017. so since 2017 i have 3.9 million and that is the biggest loss in this entire uh three three plus year um challenge so january 1st 2017 is when i started my 583 small account challenge and so i've been uh i now have 3.9 million in profit from 583 from less than 600 bucks almost to 4 million so by uh the end of this year i will most likely be able to say that i turned 583 into over 4 million dollars in four years of day trading not bad so that's it for me thank you guys for tuning in uh i'm not gonna do more of a recap than that um those are you guys tuning on tuning in on facebook and youtube make sure you hit the thumbs up i hope you got you guys are subscribed to the channel i'll be um live streaming uh on monday morning my watch list but i won't uh live stream my trading until maybe sometime later next week so maybe friday or something all right so good job everyone hope you guys had a good july and august new month new you right around the corner so take some notes on what you wish you had done better in uh july and let's try to make august an even better month all right i hope you guys all have a great weekend i'll see you on monday morning and here again on youtube is my disclaimer and a reminder that day trading is risky and my results are not typical i've been doing this for a long time expect if you're coming into the market today trade that you will lose money so trade in a simulator prove profitability before you put real money on the line i'll see you guys on monday
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 394,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: razI_kQFD30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 24sec (8004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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