7/15/2020 - LIVE Watch List, Day Trading and Recap Wildcard WEDNESDAY! $GENE $JRJC

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all right good morning everyone you turn on my video here so we've got no more than half an hour it is about 40 minutes to bow but we already have a leading gapper so that's good to see overall market is also cruising up here so things are looking interesting today for wild car Wednesday Wednesday is statistically right now are my biggest green day of the week I'm just looking at a couple of charts over here so our leading gap right now is junior JC it's up two hundred thirty three percent with the pre-market high of 25 48 it's extended here but let's see what the daily levels are I have to measure risk on these types of stocks for sure oops was that level highest volume gapper today is canf which we'll look at in a second mmm interesting so anyways we'll watch that one little closer to the bell we have what do we have from yesterday PRC P P r CP was kind of interesting yesterday because it after hours actually squeezed up to 750 almost looked like it was gonna gonna do a sort of after-hours squeeze but then it sold sold offered fail so this is the headline from yesterday it definitely has support very pretty clearly right here at this level could it be a dip trade long off of 5:30 yeah maybe is it worth it I don't know there might be better things to look at so that's a possibility for continuation oh definitely keep that one on watch junior JC well I think it pull back a little bit it's pretty extended here IM MP and i want to do a quick check for s3 I am MP high-volume but I'm not really feeling that one either Jean yeah I see that it's pulling back bounced off the V web pre-market hi is 325 kind of a small range you're working with there sound off a little bit more that's gonna look at Amazon for a second Amazon I have been watching these ones for options trades 115 down to $1.99 first daily candle yeah so I have a Amazon credit spread and Tesla credit spread those are weeklies but I think those will be fine those are my long-term account so let's see S&P coming back up here the high is 23 so we're reclaiming the high from this candle here yeah which is which is good to see oh for sure I mean that's that's nice the market is you know ripping back up so we're gonna have a looks like a nice gap here will it hold that level 23 28 that's the daily level that needs to break and then from there we're starting to get back up to that all-time highs which is absolutely crazy but you know it's it's the market that we're in right now so I'm you know my feeling on it is I don't wanna stand in the way of that momentum we're seeing great action I want to continue to be aggressive we've still got about 30 minutes to the bell it's like junior JC is going higher but again it's extended right now it needs it needs a pullback although it pulled back here at that point we had a doji on the five so daily levels on this one 20 to 30 which is broken 26:58 30 50 30 360 and then 41 so my opinion on it is waiting for a pullback so what's the high here 2750 we'll see where our base is out hi is now 2773 in order at 28 I'm gonna watch this dip in this area again I want to see it dip down a little bit the trades up here you know this is like a micro pullback but right underneath the highs so there's a lot of risk with this type of trade the high is 28 so I'm just waiting for that pullback so there you go so there's a red red doji at the top so you have two four five six green candles in a row finally a red candle so now pull back a little bit see what it does and then look for the next leg up so down towards 27 has a little support there the brakes 27 we might see a good opportunity for a dip entry prom is the five minute is extended so it makes a little tricky for those that don't already know today's the last day of our fourth of July summer sales so I'll put the link there on Facebook and YouTube what was the high this candle here eighty all right so I'm gonna watch is it gonna break 27 10,000 shares seller up there and that goes through it 50 so is that a micro pullback yeah it is but taking a micro pull back the stock that's already extended on the five if you don't have a cushion on it is pretty risky this was sort of a micro pullback right here too and it failed flush down then it came back up in the breakthrough 26 gave a little bit of a move but it's just waiting for that low you know low risk entry where you can feel confident taking a step 51:56 it's got to be a good setup otherwise the risk is too high so you know there's one stay strong we'll have more opportunities on it you're not missing an opportunity if you didn't couldn't afford the risk to take the trade so what else do we have here you know especially in this price range one of the things is with this price range you're gonna have bigger spreads you're gonna more volatility when you're in and it goes the right way you can do really well but if you're in it goes the wrong way it can hurt pretty badly and so because of that higher level of risk my opinion is increasing the standard for quality of entry something like Jean for instance so the high lasts one minute candles nine twenty nine twenty five so something like Jean you know this pullback here you're talking about five ten cents of risk right so you can really manage your risk something like grjc you're talking about fifty cents to a dollar a share of risk so if you're gonna with two thousand shares even with me 5,000 or 10,000 shares risk five to ten thousand dollars or whatever it is you know you only have so many times you can take that risk so make sure you just wait for that set up to come to you that's a really good quality so this is now a topping tail doji it's pulling back so let it pull back let it pull back if it's really strong at all it'll give us another opportunity so we've got Jean yeah Wow this I mean it's obviously bleeding capper so let the five-minute pullback I don't have anything else I'm super dialed in on yeah pH UN we had that one son watch a couple weeks ago but it was it was not easy why so this pullback here down to the low of 26 31 high of this little pop here was 27 21 hi this candles 27 21 so I you know I would actually say this is a dip trade here let's see what the first one minute candle does 27 21 I put my order at 27 25 on this to add I'll take a I'll take a starter there I'll just see if I can get 50 cents a share maybe up back up to 28 first one-minute candle to make a new high back to 28 so over 20 775 watching 75 there's 60 57 so again first one-minute candle making new highs a good setup looks like we'll have a nice trade here we'll get back all the way to 28 holding 50 that's good there's 28 eighty-seven by twenty eight twenty eight forty so this is gonna at best form an ABCD setup so I'm gonna sell it here at twenty-eight I'm happy with that I'll come back in for the next tray I don't wanna overstay my welcome on this and be in too early so it's a five minutes set it's not gonna be a five minutes subtly of the first five minute key I'm gonna make a new high but that first one minute candle so here's the thing when you have this big of a drop first one mean a candle you're not gonna get a move back to the highs usually I mean sometimes you do but usually usually you won't so you know on something like that I think that was a good target you know from 27 27 25 up to 28 now let's see whether or not it can reclaim this level if it if it breaks down below 26 31 even though it's still well above a view app that wouldn't look super good and I actually still have 50 shares I'm holding just so I kind of keep some skin in the game but the high there is 28 28 so I started with 2,000 shares and then I sized up to 4,000 and then 5,000 and I think I might have had six thousand shares total you have to go back up and just double check but starter of two thousand shares and then add it as it was moving higher so 26 31 would be a double bottom so let's watch this to see if the double bottoms so technically broke the double bottom there I'm taking a starter adding back at 26 40 I'm only starting with 2,000 shares because it did technically break that double bottom sorry 2650 first five-minute camel making new highs 28 28 when this candle closes but it still has 90 seconds left on it so we'll see if this curls back up towards break at 27 and 27 50 so it's not a perfect double bottom but it's close so now there's 27 10 still holding full-size haven't sold any yet and let's see if this does first one minute candle making you high here which would be over 27 30 so then 27 35 would be an add possibly will it hold 27 mmm so I sold at 27 but still holding eight hundred shares looking for that first one minute candle making you high I might do a dip trade down here I'll just see what it does you know I I sold the rest at forty breakeven so that was not a that wasn't a very big winner so you could do the five minute although it did a double bottom and it did curl up there it is selling off a little bit more and the volume weight average price is way down twenty two seventy one so I have to always be a little careful buying dips in this sort of context although this is probably a good spot to be a buyer down at twenty six you know it just dropped a dollar a share so probably has you know a good amount of room back to the upside the downside is that the nearby support is still a little ways off and the first five minute candle making you high now would be way back up at twenty eight twenty eight that's a little ways away so we're getting a little bit of pullback here which is fine you can let it keep going back and potentially keep making money during the pullback buying obvious dips but I don't see the obvious dip just yet and again for those just tuning in today's the last day of our fourth of July summer sale so if you haven't already checked it out for existing students you can upgrade from the starter to the pro or you can upgrade from chat room into the classes or you can add a year your membership for those watching on Facebook in YouTube it's certainly an opportunity to jump into the community the chat room the classes and start learning a little bit more about how to be a day trader so I encourage you guys to do your pre trading checklists you haven't already did you eat well did you sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch this morning that you like if you do what's the condition of the overall market it's pretty hot leading gap is up 250% it's pulling back now but it's still pretty hot and remember you shouldn't be blindly following me or anyone else blindly following it's not a recipe for success you're always going to behind I think that there's value and watching what people are doing who've been doing this for a long time because obviously you know the stocks I'm trading there's a reason I'm trading them and there's a reason that this is gonna have well the volume yesterday was 130,000 shares and this morning it already has 3 million shares so it's 30 times relative volume day over day what's the cause breaking news so this is the stock that probably you know 95% of all the day traders who focus on small caps will be trading today so there's a reason to trade it but the exact entries and exits they really have to come from your ability to see level 2 which is this right here to be able to read that level 2 and be able to read the chart powers and that is what we teach of course in the classes so this is pulling back a little bit more here the current 5-minute candle has a low of 25 30 let's start to curl up a TV but but right now I would say the tide is going out you know so we each dip you buy it's not going to come further up than the last one so the moment where it starts to reverse and the tide starts to come back in that's a spot that we want to be watching closely so I would say on this one that might be above like 26 dollars but you know it still has two minutes left on the current 5-minute 5-minute candle so I'd rather kind of let this five-minute candle form and maybe get dip off of like 25 25 bucks so I'm gonna put an order down around 25 try to do a dip let it sell off a little bit more so the low of this last pullback here was 25 30 25 30 is the spot that I'm kind of thinking about those you guys have been listening to some of the music today we've got Greg Brown streaming so you know a little bit of a pop there feels a little premature buying breakouts on this one is inherently gonna be a little risky buying dips is gonna be safer because then you're getting in at the low of pullbacks it's straddling 26 right now so it broke above it then back below it but I would say that that break there is kind of the tides starting to change so let's see I hesitated on it but you know let's see how much it comes up and then when it dips back down our dips have been you know coming it's kind of right into resistance here so let's let it dip down the low back here was 25 28 so the hi this candle was 25 26 89 all right so this candle has so first five-minute camel making new hi it's gonna be over 26 89 I'm long I'm buying this dip here first five-minute candle to make a new high and I'm not gonna sell this I'm gonna add over 28 dollars first 5-minute cable to make a new high is pretty strong so on this one I'm adding right here 28 I'm looking for this to squeeze from 28 28 back up to 30 bucks $29 so orders a 28 50 right now watch jrj see adding right there new orders at 29 I haven't sold any of it I'm holding the whole thing I'm looking for this to break $29 still holding still holding over 29 50 is an ad for the move up to 30 holding the full position I'm not selling I want to see this break 29 50 and then $30 watching here to add 29 adding there 29 riding this momentum next target $30 we break through 2950 will get 30 and then we're back up through the highs $30.50 30 32 so right now this first pullback is an ad watching here to add I'm holding full-size I haven't sold anything I'm holding full-size right now looking for $32 the high of this current candles $30.50 watching over 30 50 for an ad for the move adding a 30 50 right there looking for the move up to $32 this is just ride that momentum 32 then maybe 33 34 35 holding full-size right now I haven't sold any I'm looking for this to move up to $32.50 I mean with this kind of strength we might see a move you know I don't want to underestimate what we might see so this first pullback right here the high is 31 41 as long as it holds 30 this is a dip so I'm gonna watch this for an ad watching so I have 20,000 shares on this and right now on this one minute pullback I want to see this consolidate here so I can then add the high of 31 41 31 I'm gonna put my order at 31:54 that adding right there now looking for 3152 break and then a squeeze up to 32 this is a micro pullback as you can see right here so we're looking for the break of 31 41 and then up to 32 right now I'm feeling confident on this this is the first pull back after the fresh breakout I'll let it consolidate looking for the break over 31 then 31 41 watch over 31 first one-minute candle to make a new high is the setup nice I want to see $32 3150 is the spot that I'm really watching still holding looking for the break of 3150 and then up to 32 so this dip right here the low 2907 I don't like that I was hoping it would break over 30 30 150 right there so the low here is 2905 I'm gonna hold for a second and see what it does first one minute Kim will make a new high after this dip low is 2875 first one-minute candle to make a new high is 2975 so I'm gonna put my order at 2985 for a first 1-minute candle setup see if that gives us a move back up towards the highs great volume on that 5-minute candle the only thing that disappointing is that it didn't hold that level better so first one minute watching over 2970 adding they're looking for the pot back up to 30 there's 3040 so I took some profit at 30 17 and 30 12 I'm gonna see whether or not it holds this level I sold the rest for now 37 thousand dollars of profit so that's a good pre market trade wasn't more because of course I kept added I didn't start with 20,000 shares you know at 27 or whatever it was I started with 2,000 added another to another to another to another to my cost basis moved up this break right here if I had broken that level and squeezed up to 30 to 50 it would have been a $50,000 winner but that's still a good start alright so I'm gonna put that back hi of day is 31 45 I'm you know I'm disappointed it didn't break that level this was a false breakout on the one minute and that drop right there cost me you know well I don't know certainly cost me some money that drop right there so at this point wait for the next five minutes set up so yeah ten thousand shares of the stock is $280,000 twenty thousand shares is about almost six hundred thousand dollars so it's a pretty big position you know that there's risk there for sure but again I measure that risk against the reward potential and take short trades I is 3145 all right so what else do we have I don't know this one's up 278 percent four million shares of volume high relative volume I'm not sure that there's gonna be something that's better than this China this is another Chinese stock the same as CLE you yesterday CLE you didn't hold up very well but Chinese stocks have been pretty strong recently recent IPO breakout on lg HL this was one that we had on watch from a couple weeks ago and again yeah keep in mind $600,000 position the risk isn't at $600,000 because my stop isn't zero I wouldn't I wouldn't hold it until it goes to zero so initially my stop was a thousand bucks 2,000 shares fifty cents then I added move my stop up to break-even by the time I had eighteen nineteen thousand shares 20,000 shares whatever was I wasn't I was already green I was already well in the green so the stop was that instead of selling right now in locking up fifty thousand dollars of profit I'm gonna have to sell it on a dips if it dips and make only twenty five thousand so I'm giving up unrealized profit not realize profit and so that's my kind of opinion of using a cushion as leverage to allow you to have a bigger green day but that is something that takes a fair amount of experience and confidence to be able to do effectively so LG HL yeah again I don't see news on it so for right now I'm gonna leave it alone junior JC I'm gonna let it do another five minutes set up trend line from here to here it broke it there and the high was thirty dollars and 31 cents the high this five minute candle is 30 dollars and forty nine cents so the high was actually from that candle right there we have about four and a half minutes to the bell those you guys live streaming on YouTube and Facebook I appreciate you guys hitting that thumbs up button if you're not already subscribe make sure you subscribe this is sales fourth of July summer sale so if you haven't checked those out make sure you do it and again final review the pre trade checklist did you eat well sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch that you liked this morning and if you do what's the condition of the overall market and do you have you know a stock that's up two hundred eighty eight percent today we do so I'm gonna try to continue to be aggressive but we do know that some of these stocks have had really nice pre market moves and then the bell rings and they sell off so you know if that ends up happening on this that we don't see really good continuation through the morning then I'll switch gears and focus on something else but right now this still looks good to me it's got let's see a little bit of a buyer at 30 to 35 I'm gonna take a starter on this right here off of 29 2907 because I'm looking for this to break over 30 dollars and 50 cents for the first 5-minute Campbell to make a new high so right now I'm just holding the ad spot for me is gonna be over $30 so break of 30 and a break a $30.50 and then first 5-minute candle and to move back up towards the high so I'm adding right there so I've got 8,000 shares I'm gonna put my order at 31 because I want to see the break of 30 150 and then that moved to 32 which is my initial target so watch up here for the break 31 high of this candles 31 80 so I'm still willing to go up to 15 or 20,000 shares on this trade so I only have half size right now this is gonna be the first pullback my ad spot is gonna be at 30 30 dollars and 80 cents so watch 30 80 watching here looking for the green on the tape looking to add you can see on this 10-second chart we have this little period of consolidation here so what we're looking for is the break over 30 50 or sorry 30 80 we're still holding because I can hold with a stop at break-even at this point and it's still in the green high is 30 75 of that candle so still holding looking for the first camel to make a new high and then that retest of $30 in the 80 cents this is still a good 5 minutes set up hi of this current candle is 2984 we only have 90 seconds to the Bell so we're kind of trading this right into the open and to me it looks it looks prime for a break of 31 45 which is what I'm going for that's what I'm looking for and then I squeeze up to the next daily level of 30 360 and then we've got 40 148 it's the next level above that hi this candle is 2984 watch over 2984 first one-minute candle to make a new high after this pullback so we've got less than a minute to the Bell and I'm getting excited because now I'm thinking about the potential that this squeezes at the open and rips right through that pre-market hike anytime you have something that is opening right underneath the pre-market high what we sometimes have at the Bell is that surge and that's I mean it's not always we have could have dropped drops too but what I'm looking for what I'm hoping will happen on this is the bell rings and it searches the current high is 31 45 I have an order at 3155 this levels 30 80 fifteen seconds to the Bell I'll put up my disclaimer for those you guys haven't seen it already and I'm holding this and looking to add as soon as the bell rings and I see it surging up watching orders at 31 52 ad watching the ad still holding full-size will hold through a dip watch here as soon as it breaks over 38 e adding right there $30 looking for 30 50 giving it room looking for that red to green that ripped through 30 then 31 32 dip trades are valid thirty dollars is the breakout spot we've got 29 then 30 so dipping down I'm gonna cut that loss I'll have to add maybe I'll add back but unfortunately cut the loss so that's a little disappointing that we had that flush I was really hoping that would squeeze out of the gates I was a little aggressive there I think it was the right one to be aggressive on but the high is 30 dollars and 12 cents the bell rang and needed to rip through that level in it it didn't so red to green move is still valid but the level that I'm really gonna be watching is 31 45 all right so that's the game plan will be keep continuing to watch this 31 45 put my order for 3000 shares hyah days 30 bucks the low of that pullback was 26 28 so where's the obvious spot on this nice on emoji Oh I missed that one all levels at 30 $31 long adding here looking for this to squeeze into a halt selling half 3140 hi is 31:40 I'm gonna let junior JC dip down buying the dip right there I just bought the dip at 30 now looking for this to squeeze back up to 30 145 first one-minute candle to make a new high so we're looking for this to break over thirty one dollars and forty-five cents watch here I'm gonna add and then back in mine target squeeze up to 32 33 still looking good here this is just a pullback where I don't eat the highs we're gonna add on dips 31 45 is the spot I'm watching this one's really choppy all right I stopped out cut the loss on it now a halt going down my gosh that's crazy that's crazy volatile high was 31 45 unbelievable dnj are on the scans an emoji oh I'll keep on watch so junior JC I'll be watching on dips but that one's gonna be tough for me it's hard to manage risk I always have all-time highs on emoji Oh up at 680 for the halt on this was 314 jrjz basically what it did was a double top right there at 31:45 junior JCC resumption is going to be at 9:38 and mo geo resumption is going to be at 9:37 so I'm going to watch mo Geo first we've got a headline on this one so over $4 this has some nice room we'll see where it opens on resumption all right so mo geo the high was 314 so I'll just put my order at 314 and we'll see where it where it opens watching 20,000 shares seller there at 90 so it's dipping down we'd have to break over 90 usually we don't like to see low opens from halts going up that's bearish the load day is 20 20 or 220 Ellijay you another one hired slow not sure about that one just yet ICD maybe and jrj see I'm gonna watch this one on resumption here resumption is gonna be about 40 seconds away so I have traded this one really well and then really badly which is kind of discouraging we'll go over the trades during the recap but at this point the view app is at twenty five dollars and forty four cents so I'm gonna look for this the halt was a twenty six so I'm gonna look for a dip off of the view app 25 64 so I'll put my order it I'll put it at 26 so I can try to do a dip but it may have I mean it may dip more you know sorry if it breaks if it breaks the view app that's not a good thing but I'm gonna watch it down here for a long so I'm long 25 50 and I sold the whole thing at 26 actually I got a partial fill so the new low down here 24 watching to see whether or not I get another dip trade on it this is an irrational drop it's a five six dollars a share drop so you know with this type of drop I like to try to catch dips you've got good upside potential so over 26 right now would be a good dip the low is 23 80 so I sold the rest there at 26 for now we'll see what it does lo of this pullback way down 23 70 I mean this is volatility that I mean ultimately this is what we like is day traders just frustrating when sometimes you you miss manage it and it's got such big spreads of course that makes it even harder Wow halt level 2763 going back up 27900 going up gene I'm a little iffy on that one it's not always been the easiest to trade so I'm gonna leave it alone for right now micro pullback their break over twenty seven twenty or twenty eight I mean would be good so alright it's reclaiming the view app will it hold above it the view apps of 2561 now there's that flush back down I'm going to take a long down there at 26 70 so just trying to take a starter dip trade on this I think through dip trades I can probably make a little bit you know catching some of these flushes and then looking for the pops through the highs watch over twenty seven fifty still holding 900 shares what to do a dip on it Jeanne high was 340 jrj C needs to break over $28 sold the rest to grjc for now so again bouncing off the view app 2550 starter at 2530 buying this bounce off of you app for the move back up to 26 50:27 first one minute candle to make a new high would be over 26 woods the high this one 27 28 so watching up here to add again as it bases out above the v whap that's what I consider to be bullish looking for that first one minute candle making new high which will be over let's see this candles got 30 seconds left hi is 2667 so watching 2667 and a break of 27 Jean yeah big sell-off there so I sold junior JC for now the high this last one minute candles 2696 this current five minute candle is is green but needs to break really over twenty dollars to be bullish and it's coming back down here again to the vu app watching long for the break bounced off view app at 72 just taking these dips i'm only doing two thousand shares right now smaller size first one-minute kennel to make a new high is gonna be twenty six fifty adding right there at 19 for the first one minute Campbell to make a new high over 26 50 looking for the squeeze up to 27 got 68 on the ask still holding 1700 shares looking for a dip trade still holding I'm gonna try to do a bounce off the low here halt bevel going down is a double bottom I'm gonna give it a second the low is 23 76 watching adding there on the false halt for the pop now back up to 25 so false halt gives me a chance to add and then a pop back up over $25.00 is what I'm looking for so watch 24 50 looking for 50 60 70 I want to see it break over $25 I think we should get that break over 25 got 73 on the ask stopped out yeah bummer so came back down to the Lowe's yeah this is disappointing that was a quick drop right there three dollars a share so you know this is tough if it held this level held view app then it's bullish looking for a move back to the high but then that quick flush there and a break below view app now I can't really trade it until it gets back above you AB lowdown here is 23 ish so you know at this point I'd like to find something else to trade this one is just it's too weak right now EQ it's nice move there a dollar a share it's a little bit of a tough tough daily chart with that big red candle yesterday so EQ at this point too many looks like a reversal trade from 1350 to 1550 that's $2 a share so I don't have chairs available to borrow but I would look for a pullback halt level 16 33 so let's see if it squeezes into a halt you can see how sixteen was resistance from yesterday there's a topping tail candle no Jer JC is not easy to borrow but it doesn't mean that people don't at least in my broker doesn't mean that people don't have shares available at other brokers it's only 9:51 still early in the day so EQ came back down to 15 will it hold $15 or break that level the five-minute has this topping tail candle so this is something that usually people people be pretty confident being short against the highs jrj see breaking the view app here man this one's gonna kill me 26:50 hmm unbelievable just cuz it's been so choppy it was clean out of the gates and then gave a good slap in the face look at that alright well will it hold the view app that's the question the view app is 25:49 the I there's 26 50 so if I was short I would be looking right now at this might be saying all right if it holds me you app I got to be really careful because you know it it's going back into the hands of the pot of the bulls the buyers you can see these big green candle big green candle big red candle so right now it's like all right is that big red candle coming what's the low here 25 36 lo9 on the scanner mo sy a dollar ninety two little on the cheap side not sure if there's news on that it's anyone sees on that one halt levels $1 209 I have this current candle here is 26:41 as jr. JC is looking like it's holding the V whap is it gonna break over 27 watching over 2650 I'm back in junior JC here looking for the break of 27 selling half 28 I'm happy with that high is 28 I'll let it pull back for a second now I was aggressive on buying dips on this previously highs just about 28 thing is JR JC is volatile it has high relative volume and that's what we look for as day traders this candle here with 4 seconds left looks like a little bit of a false breakout it's not our favorite candle formation so I'm out of the rest of it I'll see maybe if we get another dip low back here and halt levels 23 50 it's choppy with the big green candles and the big red candles if you got it going the right way you can do well if you're in the wrong way it can hurt pretty bad I've had both today halt level going down looks like it's gonna haul going down 23:50 nope false halt lo a day is 2262 EQ needs a 5min the setup gene the highest 354 I'm not sure on that one at the moment nice Oscar good job mosey halt was resumption to me about 20 seconds there is a news headline on it the 200 is at 21 so this was news that came out Wednesday 954 resulted in the squeeze so we've got breaking news on it daily has room up to 72 so on this one I'll put an order at 250 and we'll see how it does out of there halt watching no resumption yet that means it's gonna be a 10-minute long halt 10-minute long haul it's usually open higher on junior JC if we just focus on the five minute chart the five minute break out spot is 27:91 $28 then the support is down here around twenty to sixty five it's a five dollar range that's a huge range so you know you can trade in range buying dips selling up the pop etc or you can wait to trade it when it breaks out of range I'm gonna wait till it breaks out of range whimmy nice move their daily chart first daily Campbell to make a new high is over 20 bucks so this one may be worth watching I don't love the topping tail doji but the volume on the one-minute has mostly been pretty strong Daesan EQ curling back up there the high a day is 1590 EQ over 1590 could be along just for the breakthrough 16 it's a little a little more thickly traded there's 85 I want to see what it does on the break through the highs if it rips right up to 16 or over 16 they're 16 nice just watching it right now so you can tell there's a hidden cellar at 16 hang on one second EQ micro pullback under 16 how's it possible long here I'm long EQ for the break is 16 next target 1650 so watching this year over 1650 there 1620 over 1645 on EQ is an ad next target 1650 then 17 that was a nice break through 16 on EQ still holding full-size looking for de breakthrough 1650 stop is break even sold yeah it holds 16 though it could be a dip off the whole dollar yeah so that's fine that's the right move I booked some profit on it Winnie looking for the daily breakout over nineteen fifty got along on women here at sixty nine and over nineteen is an ad watching with me over ninety five adding their ninety nine back of mine target on whimmy is move over nineteen fifty one and then the high here is thirty one watching over this level adding they're looking for $20 on whimmy I'd like to see this at least at twenty halt levels twenty dollars and forty nine cents seeing some nice action on this one here taking some profit off the table twenty dollars I'll let it pull back so now on this dip we've got our break on the daily mos why I wasn't looking at on resumption the high was like 45 and it looks like it's dipping down so it's fine let's focus on women 20 40 is the high this one was the one that looks a little stronger right now added on whimmy looking now for $21 so this one's holding the $20 level so looking for the break over 20 21 holding only small size on it right now I'll let it dip back down so I'll out except for smashing eyes mo sy curling up a little bit it's a cheaper one it has to break over 250 next halt level is would be 280 280 one when we pulled back down to 1980 the daily though has a lot of room so this I want to keep a close eye on hi a day is sixty-five 2065 there's the high so hit a hi there 2080 watching in this area for opportunities up towards 21 22 adding there for the break of 21 we've got 94 on the ask over 21 is an ad there's 97 adding therefore the break of 21 so we've got a little bit of resistance it's got to break through that level so looking for that snap through 21 and then 2150 watch here looking for that snap through 21 you know I'm selling at 90 it didn't break that level I'll wait for a pullback and then I can get a better entry on it yeah there's a cellar there 2021 jay-ar JC curling up again trying to break the V whap again the level on the daily is the level intraday is $28 this is a pull back here on grjc watching the high of 2650 again if it holds be whap then the first one minute candle-making new high is the set up I'm long grjc here only three thousand shares starter I want to see it break 2650 it's definitely a little choppy but I'm okay with that with smaller size it's with big sizes it becomes hard to manage much harder to manage the chop I'll just hold small size on this until we get that first camel to make a new high or maybe a dip trade the lowdown here's 25 possible dip off 25 emoji oh um you look yeah emoji Oh maybe if it comes back up it's got a little ways before it looks really good first camel to make a new high on junior JC is gonna be 26 21 so it is holding above the volume weight average price but as I said it's it is in range right now it's not going to be breaking out of range until it breaks over 28 I had this candles 2650 there you go alright taking a little profit off the table and we'll see if we get a move up towards 27 starting to rebound slowly the range being that it's between the low of 22 and the high of 28 and actually I'll move that up a little bit so this is kind of the range that it's in EQ is moving a little bit higher another big flush EQ is done from 1350 all the way up to seventh I'm crazy the low there was 2360 you owe any on the scanners let's look at this one Chinese this is a Chinese no no no this one's not this one's not but from 14 almost 17 no news so this has just been below the V web about it below it above below above it for a second below it above it below it so it's like very difficult I've given back too much profit on it still green on the name but a little discouraged I was I was really thinking this was gonna rip right out of the gates and that that one got me good so 1744 EQ continues to go higher EQ seems like it's squeezing out short sellers but I would also be really careful about you know flush its extended could get a quick break of 18 look for 1810 1815 not ready so it's about 1018 TLC ah this one was not hitting my scanners it's the volume on it huh boy volume is very light very very risky at this point with it being up so much you know could always keep an eye on it but the risk is certainly higher nice on EQ yesterday's high was 1918 very big move here really needs a pullback would make more sense being short on it than long I think at this point with a stop maybe at 19 mo sy dropped too much jrj see still within range lemmie is maybe starting to set up a five-minute pattern doesn't seem to have quite as much momentum as EQ but EQ is now pulling back a dollar a share off the highs the low down there on EQ is 75 wouldn't surprise me if it broke that level just because this is sort of the a Bear Flag the first drop may be 1750 could be a bounce spot so Bear Flag is when it drops and then consolidates right above the lows like it's doing right now so now it's 50 you can see I was selling off but the spread is 13 cents spread right now so this is maybe gonna form a 5 minute setup but that would be 5 minutes I would best-case scenario hello on eq's 12th junior JC starting to open up but this is where probably people would be shorting it because every time it pops up it drops back down you know it's in a wedge here it's curling a little bit the high is twenty seven fifty so we know $28 is the breakout spot so orders got to go at 28 so watch up here putting an order on this the high is 28 I'm gonna put an order at 28 50 because now it's breaking out of the range to the upside watching watching looking for the break of 28 50 looking for the opportunity on this one so the highest 2944 watching for dip trades we have this flush down here this might dip for a second long at 45 2845 buying this dip now for the rip back up through 2950 looking for this to squeeze up here over 29 looking at an ad over 29 50 sold right now break even for for a second I'm just gonna let it pull back this is definitely moving in the right direction I just I got in there I thought it was gonna break but highs 29 it was a false halt dip down so I bought that looking for it to come right back up to the next halt level and it didn't so again short sellers this is where they're probably gonna either say okay I'm gonna be stopping over 2950 because I don't want to hold this thing if it rips through the high a day or I'm adding here and you know I'm gonna look for it to break down right here so the low is 2750 of this pullback so let's wat let's watch 2750 so i got along right there twenty seven sixty I just bought that dip now the first one minute candled making you high over 20 850 is gonna be an ad watching here over 20 850 first one minute candle making you high and then try to ride this momentum back up to 29 so watch cuz this is the first pullback so we're watching 28 50 adding right there 28 now looking for 28 50 and a squeeze first one minute candle making you high this is looking good looking back for 29 30 dollars so there's 47 I want to see a break the half dollar little chop there is it gonna break this level I sold for right now I'm gonna put my new order at 29 and I'll look to do another dip I'm just gonna kind of keep trading in this range the low is 27 so 27 we might stop yeah 1030 so where we see that 10:30 to 11:30 we'll search momentum EQ man yeah that one is strong let it pull back again added right there only a thousand shares is starting to open up here over twenty nine twenty nine fifty we'll chop selling for now will that pull back again 27 would be a dip spot so again big flush they're down to 25 30 I almost punched it to do a dip trade but it's gonna be so careful about buying into a hall so I got along they're buying 25 50 looking for this to rip back up to 26 fifty twenty seven this is a bounce off the view app over 26 is an ad we've got 26 12 26 18 so now I've got a good cost basis 25:56 sold for right now new order is gonna be to buy the dip out of 25 again bounce off the web kind of bear flagging here this is a hard one really is these drops are not fun long 2506 buying that dip they're looking for the pop back up to twenty five fifty sold twenty-five fifty fifty cents forty cents EQ up at nineteen so this is now back to the V Webb will see whether or not it can hold the V Webb EQ on the other hand strong long EQ therefore the break of twenty of nineteen now over $19.50 1925 would be a possible add as this is squeezing higher holding it 99 hi is 22 new order goes at 25 holding small-sized still on EQ so 1918 it's kind of this is the spot on the daily that really needs to break orders at 9:25 on this one not sure if I where I want to do a dip trade on it though I'm wondering whether it's going to hold the half-dollar so EQ looks like there's a buyer there at fifty could have added but I didn't so yeah that would have been a good ad there 1850 on Eq hi of this candle was 92 first woman to candle to make a new high might work on EQ yeah that $19 spot is important on EQ TLC resumed I wasn't really watching it but it looks like it opened Oh halted going down 220,000 shares of volume now watching EQ long EQ at 48 trying to buy this dip looks to me like EQ is gonna bounce off this level and then first one minute Calum to make a new high is gonna be over 61 so EQ I'm gonna look to add for the move back up to nineteen watching on EQ here for first one-minute candle to add and then a retest of nineteen watching adding there for the break over nineteen so first one-minute camel to make a new high now an EQ I'm looking for this to squeeze up to $19.25 holding looking for the break over nineteen hands on the buy button I've got 76 I want to see 86 96 watch EQ here for the break over 19 and then the back of mine target would be a squeeze up to 1925 1950 there's 85 87 looking ad in the 90s there's 90 watching 93 95 adding they're looking for the breakthrough 19 this one's a little choppy but I still think that when it breaks it's gonna be a good one sold for now at 70 small profit it's annoying it was a good ad at 48 but the ad at 19 it didn't break jrj see selling off again back down to this 2350 support level so it starts to roll over EQ is still something I keep on watch EQ at least is at the highs of 32% yeah I'll trade low-priced stocks when there's low price stocks that are looking good and they're strong EQ wow that was a that was a flush mm-hmm well I was 1766 yikes so that kind of screws up that pattern a bit I am MP 32,000,000 share flow not moving that quickly gene moving but kind of grinding ah I don't see a equ halt from 27 to 15 I don't see when that happened I see it squeezed up here to 27 after-hours and then just sold off and the next morning it opened lower but wasn't a halt that I see Jr JC and you know now is looking weaker and of course at this time of the day people may be less likely to be bullish on it so you know we may see you may see a bigger breakdown it could still probably at the least give us some dip trades TLC halted going back up high up day was 1265 very volatile and light volume resumption is going to be in about a minute jrj see 16 million shares of volume yeah I looked at Jack nothing interesting there I don't see anything interesting on this one there's no news there's not a lot of volume it's moved from six to six eighty ten percent wasn't on my scanners you know so I don't really see anything there that looks particularly interesting the volume weighted average sorry the 200 moving average is 791 it's below the 200 so it just doesn't look like a very good chart I am MP similarly not that interested RI GL very weak v IV v ib V or V bi V is a little bit of a stronger chart I don't see news and this one has a lot of volume it's really crowded so the floats a little higher it's a little harder to trade cpt a maybe you know it is curling up a little bit floats 15 million shares jrj see down here could be a dip trade bong I'll take a starter the 23 but only small size 24 23 as long as it holds 24 I'm just gonna set my stop at breakeven TLC has a bigger spread right now and is lighter on volume but again the high on it is 20 is 1265 so if it breaks 1150 that's a long for the move up to 12 still holding junior JC so the breakout spot there nope stopped out of jrj see breakeven or what did I get for slippage two cents of slippage below breakeven yeah that 200,000 shares seller would need to move on TLC that's for sure could be a short seller could be someone selling from a long hard to say so the high on gene is 96 wasn't able to break through the half dollar they or the whole dollar this is very thickly traded 98 99 30,000 cher seller at 4 can't break form so I would watch and put an order 401 if you can break four but I just have sort of low expectations for it I'm gene so I'm long there for the break of four I'm gene there's a seller at four it's coming down 39 38 36 adding there and looking for this to squeeze up to 410 so there's 402 this is pathetic soul dip breakeven this is what I'm talking about with gene it's just I mean the amount of volume this 900,000 shares a volume in a one minute candle and lonely went up 5 so 4 cents hit a high of 403 it should have gone right to 410 Oh Junior JC halting going down I'm going to take a long down here I'm gonna try to buy this dip that's a big flush let's see if I can catch a pop back up here so I'm in and looking for this to pop up to 23 sold half 2250 2270 her ad sold the rest for now so nice dip trade not a home run but you know a nice little dip from the entry at 2189 up to 20 to 50 ish so there's gene popping up a little bit more first attempt couldn't do it now it's got a high of 14 the problem of course with junior JC now though is that it really is weak it's breaking down very clearly breaking down so it's one thing to do a dip when it drops five dollars a share that makes sense but to just try keep doing dip trades Jean man so you know this is one where I guess you really have to buy tips on it cuz when I you buy a breakout and then does a false breakout you have to stop out right away I is 28 so I can't buy 28 for the squeeze up because I'm only gonna get a move to like 32 that's not enough so hi is 4:30 let's see how much it pulls back down here now you're getting a little bit of sell-off watching for bounces off for so watching down here so that you can see how on the 10-second chart it's curling up here I'm more looking for the first one minute candle make a new high but I put my order at four thirty one with such a cheap stock compared to what I've been trading that I'd feel comfortable taking bigger size on it but it needs to show it can hold these levels so I'm gonna watch down here I'm long and Oh 8 buying the the bounce down here off the four area and looking for this to curl back up to 4:15 4:20 as long as it holds for I'm okay I might add more close to four what I'm looking for is the first one-minute candle to make a new high so high right here is 12 so look for the break of 12 and then squeeze back up to 20 over 12 is an ADD adding their twelfth looking for now the squeeze back up to 14 15 hi this current candle is 15 I'm gonna put my new order at 25 the high okay so the highlight camp is 15 so I'm looking for the first one minute Campbell make a new high which is over 15 there we go now looking for 18 19 and 20 so watch over 20 adding at 18 I want to try to ride this momentum back up to 25 24 for 25 so watch over 1819 there we go so we want to see that break of 20 and then up to 25 give it a second it's got a break over 20 so there's 19 on the ass there's 20 there's 21 so now we're seeing a little bit of momentum here on this stopped out at 17 three cents of profit should have gone up to 25 so hi there 4:30 this is now a 1-minute ABCD pattern but it is in the context of a topping tail on the 5-minute chart which is not great EQ a little bounce off the volume weighted average price but you know now as we get further into the day close to 11:00 and up to noon starts to kind of slow down there's a big flush on gene so that's a fail as it drops TLC back at fifty two hundred thousand shares seller I can't imagine that's gonna get bought up but you can see that right there on TLC but if it did then I would you know try to ride that momentum so needs two hundred thousand shares right there so there's 190 thousand shares left 190,000 under 88,000 eighty-eight thousand shares of volume on that candle so I will keep TLC over on another chart over there keep half an eye on it EQ jrj see neither those are really in play at the moment jrj see I don't really want to I mean again it's down so much that over 22 could be a quick little long up to twenty three twenty to fifty it's kind of bottom about you know fishing off the bottom but I could get something there maybe see what it does in this area TLC the sellers still there 180,000 shares jrj see just kind of watching this for a little I'm long J or JC here for just a quick rip up to $22.50 it's just a pop up over the whole dollar so we'll see what this does I don't like seeing that seller that just popped there at 90 I was very interestingly timed I'll hold this for a second you see someone's putting out some really big orders stopped out that's really annoying that was gross so you know that was a totally unnecessary loss ended up being over $1 a share with sighs looking for a quick trade from 22 and just I'm not revenge trading it I'm just trading the opportunities that I see right in front of me and look at the 1-minute chart right there I was looking for the break back over 22 and squeeze up 2250 23 yes I knew it was bottom fishing because you know kind of trying to catch a little scrape off the bottom because of this bear flag but I thought it was gonna break so it is what it is all right well now I'm annoyed so I'm just gonna say that's a good day it's good enough 19 thousand bucks gave back a bunch of profit on jr. JC but twenty thousand is good so leading gapper this morning junior JC up 300% it was a good gap er but where I gave back profit on it was on a couple of different setups the first one was over here alright so the first one on jrj see we had some nice action on this pre market and this right here it was where I bought 20,000 shares for the move up to $31 so anyways first five-minute candle to make a new high again on this one I was up about fifty thousand unrealized and I was looking for the break of 31 45 and what ended up happening on it was it on a one-minute micro pullback right here this right here this one-minute micro pullback I was still holding full-size looking for the break over 31 45 and then the squeeze up to 32 I was in with 20,000 shares my cost basis was around just around 29 or so so right up here I was up just about fifty thousand dollars and then in this candle it dropped right back down to 29 so I was still maybe at that point I was up I don't know whatever it was twenty fifteen thousand so gave back on 20,000 shares almost forty thousand dollars in that drop it pops back up I took some profit out it pops back up up here I take some more profit out and that was holding 8,000 shares into the open looking for the rip right up through 31 45 at the open it dropped from third 26:28 and I lost about $15,000 maybe almost 18,000 on that on that move where it did that a false breakout so right away this one I mean it was really difficult and it ended up I got back in right here as it ripped back up and then hit a high of 31 45 I added on this dip and then it flushed right down here and halted going down so you know I'm I'm a little frustrated I'm only up 9,000 I was up 37,000 realized and I was up 50,000 unrealized and on this one I was I was swinging pretty hard I was trying to get a big win and I as a result gave back some profit now all things considered 10,000 is still good nineteen twenty thousand on the day is also still good I was up 25,000 before that last trade on jrj see so you know I'm not super pleased with the action today and I don't really know what to attribute it to particularly I mean on the one hand this was really good pre market and I was just going for a little bit more on it we had the the break over V Webb back below view app choppy choppy choppy so where did the choppiness kind of begin definitely on this candle here that false breakout and double top was pretty nasty so that was the first kind of warning sign this was maybe the second it did come back up here and then at the open this flush of four dollars a share not good it reclaims that level I got back in it rips up to the high I take some profit at double tops alright not uncommon it pulls back for a second I add on the dip and then right down to the lowest halted going down and that was back gave back all the profit I had made right there dip trade down here rips back up to 28 consolidation here first want me to Campbell to make a new high right down ripping back up first one-minute candle to make a new high right here ripping up then right back down continuing forward it reclaims the V whap right in this area here reclaims the V whap first want me to kill to make a new hi pops up flushes down rips back up here from 25 to 29 first one minute kill and make a new high false break dead break out back down below the view app and then here start stair stepping down right here was my last trade along over 22 I knew that this was a Bear Flag but I thought that it looked on the 5 minute like it was due for a green candle so I was looking for that curl back up just 50 cents a share and as you guys saw not a second after I got in it flushed right here down to 20 dollars and 97 cents boom just like that popped up for a second drops down again and I sold it and cut the loss so junior JC had the potential to be a pretty awesome stop but it ended up today being very difficult and you know $9,000 is good it's not as good as 37 it's not as good as 50 and today could have been $100,000 a day but I just wasn't able to stay on the right side of this one so probably had my biggest loss of the month today on junior JC but also had my biggest winner right in here that was a $37,000 winner and then I had you know I've got two two good-sized losses right here and right there so I'm a little frustrated as you can probably tell and again the frustration for me is that what I'm trying to do so let me just you know kind of give you an analogy so this Mustang that I have it doesn't have doesn't have a head gasket so you have to when you put the engine back together you have to put it together just almost exactly perfectly as you lay it back down otherwise it leaks oil so you know you take all the time of putting it together you take it apart you fix it whatever it is you put it back together and then all of a sudden you're like turn it on and you realize it's leaking oil you got started and and it's incredibly frustrating what else can you do there's nothing else you can do you guys start over you got start over so it's kind of like a puzzle and it's incredibly gratifying to solve it and to be to be right you know it's it's gratifying both in the PNL but also just the sense of you know fulfillment of I solved this puzzle today and I did it the right way and I was successful and so today's a day where I as I sat down to print try solve this puzzle of being a profitable day trader I although I'm walking away Green which is important and I'm above my daily goal which is also important it was a very sloppy day and I didn't solve the puzzle as best as I could have you know you're trying to time yourself on a crossword puzzle every day is it good to be different every crossword are a little different you know the more experience you have the better your vocabulary etc etc you know obviously the faster you could solve it but if you're trying to time yourself you know this is a day where I sat here for two hours and I you know had one step forward one step back one step forward one step back and I just kept not really getting things exactly the way I was you know thinking they would work I had much higher expectations for jrjz and I'm disappointed because it's red on the day it's the leading gapper and it's failing although there was opportunity pre-market and there was opportunities during during the day it is not it's just it hasn't held its levels and it's Rhett it's currently up only one hundred eighty seven percent versus three hundred percent so that's discouraging to see what we like to see is that the leading gapper rips up and continues higher that it halts going up and that we're looking at second day continuation that's when we're in a really hot market s hll multi-day continuation back here one two three days in a row right that's what we want to see women very similar whimmy big gapper second day continuation awesome now it's pulling back fine okay we got a couple trades on it five thousand dollars and this one was a one-minute pullback right in this area right so that was a nice one for sure EQ this one unfortunately had a really big gap and a huge move into after-hours or into the afternoon and then sold off pulled back and the next day yesterday was selling off today bouncing up off the lows impressive I locked up 3300 on it a couple different trades my best one was that dip trade that I took down here at 1850 with twelve thousand shares adding as it squeezed up to eighteen thousand shares but it couldn't break nineteen and I stopped out as it came back down unfortunately with profit but disappointing because that could have been a six seven eight $10,000 winner didn't get it so it's another one where my expectation was higher the result was a little disappointment with me expectation potentially over nineteen fifty and moved back up towards twenty five result less than I expected gene frustrating seven hundred dollars of profit on it high right here now it's back up to you know four forty seven so I just you know you look at a stock and you're like man this thing is up what how much is this up 96% and I'm only up seven here bucks on it it feels a little you know I can make you feel defeated this one has responded a little bit better on five minute timeframe than one minute actually but the one minutes been all choppy and I really prefer to trade more on the one minute because when I trade on the five minute then inevitably I end up holding things longer and you know it's the you have exposure risk you know the longer you're holding a stock the more your exposure risk increases so we're seeing some you know we're definitely seeing some momentum on this one but not exactly like this was a one-minute pullback there and it was a false breakout but if you were still another five-minute you know maybe this would be where you've taken some profit so I don't know again you know it's not I don't think today in terms of you know taking kind of being accountable for your wins and your losses did I do anything today that I really wish I hadn't done so the only thing I did that I was that I was a little bit not sure about was I held from pre-market going into the open now the thing is when stocks open near their pre market highs what is so common is the bell rings and they rip they rip right up through the pre market high and sometimes halt immediately right know that and this to me looked like it just had that potential and I was wrong now the problem was that although I had a pretty good entry I think I was in it I was around $29 let me go back on this one and yeah so I was in and as soon as the bell rang let's see I added a 30 so I added right there and a hit a high of 30 dollars and 12 cents and I think I at that point when I added I had 10,000 shares and then it flushed down to 28 28 where I sold 27 50 where I sold more and 27 where I sold the rest so that's a $3 drop with 8,000 shares I mean that's $24,000 and and I averaged I didn't sell the whole thing at the bottom but you know as I was selling so that was so bad so I think that I I guess I would say that holding and I say this a lot you know that's very risky to hold from pre market into the open it is it really is but I was already up 37,000 and I thought that this was the one that it was worth taking that risk on and I was wrong so you know the cost of that risk that I took was was was pretty high and so that knocked me way back down then I got back in right here as it ripped back up made now didn't make back everything made back some profit and then bought this dip and then gave back what I made so I was you know up 37 then up 15 or whatever then up 25 then up only 10 or 15 yeah I mean it just it was very very difficult and I actually I know at one point I actually went red on it and realized with what I was holding so this one was not easy for me I was down $7,000 from up fifty thousand unrealized to down seven thousand unrealized that's kind of kinda scourging but it does speak to the fact that when you trade a stock like this with ten thousand shares I mean you're gonna have some big whips in the P&L and so you know you have to be able to withstand that ten thousand shares this is a two hundred thousand dollar position and it just in between the spread is twelve hundred bucks so this could go up or down five thousand in a heartbeat so you have to be able to not sweat five thousand dollars up or down and if it goes the right way you could get a fifty seventy five hundred thousand dollar winner on it and I probably could have today if this had been stronger but unfortunately today it wasn't as strong as I thought it might be so that was I would say going back I was I was like hesitating right here at the open I was like should I sell it should I hold him to be open and I was like this is this looks so good if you sell it you're gonna be you're gonna kick yourself and you're gonna because you know if I had sold it it would have ripped right up to thirty four dollars and I would have been like you know that would have been I would have been up seventy five thousand and instead I held it and then you know it dropped so those two drops there in the first five minutes this was really bad so if I had just not taken that trade then I might have been able to take this dip trade right here probably still what has taken that one and I probably still would have taken this one and I probably still a little lost here but at least I would have saved myself that first loss right out of the gates so that's my only regret today I I think that I had good reason and a really good profit cushion but maybe I was holding a little too much a little too much share size going in to the open you know as the bell was ringing Jean I don't really I feel annoyed on it but it just doesn't really fit super well within my strategy when you have stocks like this that are grinding it's not flushing enough to give me really good dips I got a couple but it just these are tricky and so these ones often I do struggle with and so I don't feel too bad about that EQ I did the best I could on it I'm happy with that way me again did the best I could pretty happy with that TLC didn't end up taking a trade on that didn't break that level so did not surprisingly but no trade there so that's where I'll sit here at the end of the day 20 $19,000 which is again a good day all things considered it's not the hi-- of day but it's a good day so I should be careful though tomorrow as we go into the end of you know start to make our way towards the end of the week here tomorrow on Thursday just because although this has been a good week with 40,000 yes was it 40,000 yesterday try to remember how much you made yesterday yeah I think was 40,000 with 35,000 on Monday no 75,000 on Monday 40,000 yesterday and then today 20,000 so I'm up a hundred and let's see one hundred ten hundred thirty thousand on the week right now on the month let's see I'm up close to three hundred thousand so you know that's good but the market is it can definitely be a little humbling because had I and again for those that are criticizing me for being annoyed or before you know not be feeling like God it's only nineteen thousand and not being ecstatic this level of annoyance and frustration is what teaches you to become a better trader holding yourself to a higher standard where you say listen this wasn't good enough I should have done better I could have done better I was up more so you know if you're disciplined you're not gonna always celebrate you know when you come in fifth place in a race you're gonna say well you know alright I should have been in first and I could have been first if I'd done this and this and this so that's a competitive nature that some people have and some people don't have it so I can understand from an outside perspective someone could say hey dude don't get so bent out of shape you're up nineteen thousand and I'm not that bad a shape I'm I was annoyed about the grjc loss because that was frustrating and gene was also a little frustrating those were frustrating trades a couple back-to-back you know frustrating losses there I'll step back and I'll be done with this and I'm not gonna dwell on it for the rest of the day I'm not gonna be like oh man sit in a corner and be depressed not at all I'm I'm a little heated about it in this short period and then I'll step away and it is what it is and I'll come back tomorrow you know recharged and refreshed but if I was just always you know perfectly satisfied with how well I was doing I wouldn't be striving to be better so I think that this aspect of my personality can be a blessing and a curse because you're right that there are days like today where I'm not gonna be celebrating twenty thousand dollars in profit even though six months ago this would have been like a fantastic day in the current context of trading right now this is not as good as it could be but on the other hand continuing to strive to be better is how I was able to have two days in June where I made over two hundred thousand dollars in profit and I think that if I take when learn from Jun on those two days which was that I traded well but I could have even done a little better that in July or August or September if we do see a stock like junior JC but because in June we were seeing stocks like jrj see that were actually breaking through the pre market high like this and ripping up to 35 40 50 dollars a share if that happened today I'd be up over a hundred thousand dollars I can almost guarantee it so you know when something like that happens and it may be as a stock that starts at 8:00 and goes to 15 to 20 to 30 to 40 that could be a day where I could potentially make 3 or 4 $500,000 in one day it's it's possible in the market if you take enough share size and you're willing to take risk now you can also say Oh $19,000 is a great day the best deal ever have I'm not gonna strive to do better but you can see clearly the opportunity I was up $50,000 today and through a series of decisions as I made I'm now up only 19 thousand how they made some slightly different decisions I could be up 50 I could be up 75 maybe even more and again you know so it's it's up to you to hold yourself accountable and say okay I'm glad I'm green but you know I broke all my rules I traded terrible stocks I honestly got lucky I was holding something that was terrible and I wouldn't say that was the case for me today but it's important to be honest with yourself to review your metrics and say okay this is good but how could it be better so I haven't imported my trades yeah train from yesterday but this is where I sat on the month on after Monday so net 220,000 so 76% accuracy is fantastic the profit loss ratio is is pretty good you know on the high level surface view I wouldn't say in these metrics there's anything that really needs to improve maybe tighten up a couple of these bigger bigger losses alright twelve thousand because today I'm gonna have one that's in the 20s I bet so I'm that's gonna hurt my profit loss ratio so maybe I was a little too aggressive on this so again trying to do that honest review of your metrics and give yourself that feedback to try to be a better trader is an important part of the process alright so anyways that's it for me again reminder as part of the recap to things for those watching on YouTube and Facebook I hope you guys have hit that thumbs up button I hope you've subscribed to channel I'll be live-streaming tomorrow morning around 9:00 9:15 the pre-market watchlist I might start earlier at 8:45 or whatever but expect around 9:00 a.m. I should be live-streaming the watchlist and today is the last day of our fourth of July summer sales so those of you guys who haven't checked it out I encourage you to jump over and do check out those sales gene you know it's a heartbreaker it's it's going without me hit a hi there 510 you know again this is one of those stocks I had 20,000 shares here at 4 I would have made more money on this if I you know I'm just taking that 20,000 shares and walked away but you just never know how high a stock is gonna go and when you're gonna have something like junior JC that gosh if I was still holding my 20,000 shares on this from 20 whatever this was $27 I'd be down 200 grand right so you got a man to risk cut your losses when it's not looking good you get out you can always get back in and sometimes you know over the course of three or four days you keep buying it higher and some higher higher higher selling higher and that's just the way it is so anyways that's it for me I hope you guys had a great day and I will see you all back here first thing tomorrow morning you
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 180,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: Ext4VSivAqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 12sec (9612 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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