LIVE TRADING +$22k on Day Trades $ANPC $OPGN and Swing Trades on $AMZN $ETSY $NFLX $ROKU and $DIS

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so all right everyone good morning so we're gonna get started here uh we'll be breaking down the watch list and going over some trades uh some swing trades that i have i might also um take a few trades pre-market we'll see oh i've already had a couple but we'll see um whether or not i take any more we've got about 30 minutes till the bell rings and um those you guys tuning in on youtube and on facebook as i had mentioned uh earlier if we get 3 000 thumbs up by 9 30 i'll do a um a free broadcast for you guys today so make sure you guys are hitting that um thumbs up button on youtube and keep me posted on where we sit because i can't see from my view actually how many thumbs up we have so uh keeping post on where we sit all right so um i was talking for a minute there and going over my swing trades i have five swing trades that are open right now on amazon disney etsy netflix and roku i'm green across the board uh some of amazon has been the trickiest one and i may not be in i mean we'll see it we'll see what happens uh it really needs to break back over uh this it needs to break to 3245 3250 in order for me to do really well on it so uh we only we got close yesterday and so i took half of that position off the table uh i've got only five contracts i'm still holding i do have also the 30 90 puts that's a credit spread and those will hopefully expire worthless which means i keep the credit um the premium credit in my pocket so that as long as i mean we don't have a terrible day on amazon i you know will hopefully be okay on that side that side's been a little less stressful the debit spread where i was directionally confident has been not as good but i said that i was going to hold even though yesterday i was at about negative 800 and i am still holding that so it came back up but um then it dipped back down closer to the or the close so anyways that's um amazon disney etsy netflix and roku i've already reviewed that for our warrior pro students so i'll just leave that there all right so i'm going to move this down over here let's see um all right so that's fine i'm going to adjust this for a second i'm just kind of adjusting my windows here so i have a i'm able to kind of work with this space all right so let's see let's move that over let's see all right no working orders okay just want to make sure because i had that one day where i the market opened and all of a sudden i was executing a trade and i was like what is going on here all right so let's see um yes john i will uh i will be doing that later this month okay so overall market right now uh you know it's gapping down a little bit there was news that um no agreement with republicans democrats on this um stimulus package for americans yesterday so whether or not they're coming back to the table for another meeting today i don't know if they've decided so now it's on the president to decide whether or not he's going to do an executive order so i think that's weighing a little bit on the market but we'll see you know the market is was super strong yesterday the overall market as it relates to small caps i mean honestly it it doesn't really relate too much uh i'm looking at it more because of the swing trades that i have but i think it's good you know to kind of start the day with what's the status of the market because if the market was gapping down like you know a thousand points or something like that that's more significant and that could impact trading across the board it'll change where the volatility is in the market but today as i look at it sort of a non-non-event type of gap as far as it would pertain to small caps i mean yeah it's a little bit of a gap but nothing nothing too major so i'm not i'm not really worried about this having a big influence positively or negatively on the small cap so we're going to look at so let's see hi there 60 um extended so our leading gapper is anpc um this one i've been you know kind of eyeing for a trade it's um you know it's interesting because it feels like over 12 it could be good but it's also struggled a little bit so the all-time highs on this back here in february are 12 18. which is important because this gives us a lot more potential to the upside when you've got blue sky it's covid related so that's a good catalyst but it's already struggled a little bit you know it's popped up then failed then popped up then failed and so it may be one um i mean the last few days we've seen some of these stocks pre-market not hold up uh you know super super well at the open which has been a little discouraging so it's possible that the you know better thing to do on this will be to buy dips be a little conservative until it starts to really open up and maybe expect some false breakouts and choppiness on it so i will try not to size super aggressively right at the breakout spot and wait for um kind of safer safer spots to get you know to get aggressive but i don't know so that's um anpc with a pre-market high of well way up here at 1479 but that was early on and on later volume so now these are kind of levels that i'd be watching more closely rkt um has had a pretty nice move here i would agree with that let's see so rkt it's got 6.2 million shares of volume which is you know some pretty serious volume it's a little more expensive i'm not sure what the float is um pre-market high right here is 83. so on this one i would um watch it over 85 and just kind of start so i'll start there with 83 just a starter and see if we get that squeeze up to 24 24.90 maybe pop over 25 you can see it's starting to open up a little bit more so over 25 would be an ad and then 25.50 is the next spot there's a couple big buyers on the level 2 which i like seeing so watching this now over 24.90 so we've got big buyer right there but dipping down a little so i take a little profit there at 88 and i'll say yeah stop the rest there break even that's a small trade usually when i take a one minute micro pull back on something that's as extended as this i'm looking for more than 11 cents of profit i'm looking for you know on a stock of this price range a quick break through 25 and a squeeze up to 25.25 you know 25.50 i'm looking for a lot more than just 11 cents so this one i don't know uh maybe let it pull back on a five minute chart but already on that uh trade i can tell it's not what i hoped it would be all right so pre-market high on that's 24.92 so i'll put my order 24 at 25. and a reminder for those tuning in um as part of your pre-trading checklist you eat well just sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch that you like if you do what's the condition of the overall market and remember i don't want you blindly following me or anyone else just because i'm taking a trade you're welcome to practice trading a simulator that's what our pro students should all be doing prove profit building a simulator before you put real money on the line because the fact is the majority of people that want to learn to day trade lose money and fail so you want to be different from the majority and that starts by not putting real money on the line until you've proven you know you've got some profitability and you actually know what you're doing so rkt um it's a recent ipo from yesterday i'm not sure what the float is on it i've got to go check feels a little higher but i'll put my new order on this at um not at 95 we'll see if i get a break of 25 dollars so i'll take a starter there at 93 and i'm looking for the break over 25 25 so only 5 000 share starter and over 25 would be an ad watching 96 97 96 there on the ask 97. so on this one i'm just gonna jump back out it feels like i'm fighting for two cents of profit per share it's just not you know again that's a one minute micro pullback but now i've given it two shots and both of them waste of time so i'm not probably not going to trade that one again unless i see it halting or doing something like that kzia i see it curling 150 million float says frank i never buy ipos for long-term hold it's never been my strategy i always wait for ipos to pull back usually they do pull back yeah now it's at 2502 no that's all right that's the way it sometimes goes so anpc here as you can see is kind of selling off the low this last pullback was 83. so i would view this as support down here in the 80s again those just getting tuned in on youtube facebook um here for friday what might be wildcard friday uh we'll see uh i'm gonna do a uh free broadcast on youtube as long as we get three thousand thumbs up by the bell cdnt has a 197 million share float so that float on this price range cndt makes me very cautious i would expect it to fail i hate to say it but that's what i would expect yeah so i see rkt but the fact that it i gave it two tries and the fact that it did these two kind of false breaks before opening up it just tells you that it's it's choppy you know because these really should work pretty quickly no rkt is a an ipo i have a starter at 72 of 3 000 shares uh 6 000 shares now of ampc i'm going to buy this dip off of support and over 11. i'll put an order up here sometimes buying dips off support on these is a better way to trade them so i'm going to put my new order at 11.50 i wasn't sure how much it would break that level but i'm gonna put my new order here this current candle has a high of 11.29 i'm adding there 11 30. now i'm looking for this to squeeze up to 1150 and my back of my target is a test of 12 so added there at 32 i want to catch that pop up over the half dollar so my new order is going to be at 11.51 watching adding there at 40 and now i want to catch that break from 36 up to 46 56 and see if we can at least retest those pre-market pivot levels at about 1170 1180 so we're up in the 40s there little churn high was 49. see if it keeps holding this support level so 1107 by 1108 11 12 on the ask so i sold at 11 and i'll look for the next setup on it from 72 that wasn't bad it went up to a high of 11.49 but it tapped the volume weight average price which is 1150 and it didn't break that level so it's a little bit of a problem all right so let's see um so a couple trades pre-market anpc rkt let's see opgn i'll keep a npc on watch and i'll leave an order at 11 50. the low the last pullback was 10.62 so onpg earnings catalyst here on this one revenue of 1.2 million low is 64. yeah kzia i'm going to put that one um on here let's see the high that last candle was 804. it's got 3.9 million shares of volume just not bad you never know it's weak since the open but maybe one just to keep half an eye on with 15 minutes to the bell anpc is still leading gapper up a hundred percent but it's uh struggled a little bit it's had a couple false breakouts i've had a few trades on it um my first trades were earlier uh pre-market in that was this area i think uh or maybe it was right in here and then another trade right there buying the dip off of support so now it's coming back down again to 1062 so you know we'll see what it does but right now it looks weak it looks like it's going to fade and yesterday we had a pretty you know good flush at the open on i can't remember what it was but um av something or whatever that that one was so because of that i definitely don't want to be holding from pre-market into the open i will be watching these ones at the open and pc for sure we'll see whether or not this gives a good opportunity where's the obvious level that needs to break i mean there could be dip trades or a break over maybe 11 50 or 11.70 i don't think this one's going to spike at the open i think this one's just going to fade at the open at least based on how it's currently trading which is that it's rolling over next one kzia 6.1 million share float so that one is curling back up a little bit the high there was 8 18. i looked away from it for a second but the spot i was kind of watching was over this pivot right in there in the 80s so now it's up here the high this candle is 818. it's got to reclaim the volume weight average price that's the level that i really want to see break so that's at 844. in a you know hot market i would buy this as it's squeezing up here to anticipate the breakthrough 844 but i want to wait for this to pull back a little bit and prove it can hold its levels hold some strength cohn yeah i saw that one hit the scans i don't know one of the days but yesterday or day before but it pulled back yesterday i guess it was bouncing a little off the low i just don't see a strong setup on that it's a little more expensive so i'm gonna leave that one alone for now yeah anpc is selling off at the open a and pc fading a little bit more so this one even though it's the leading get well secondly the gapper now it just doesn't look good so it's a it's a short at this point the nine moving at or the 200 moving average on the one minute is um 9.50 maybe get a double bottom down around i don't know this is a double bottom at 10 right here but i'm not really interested in bounce taking a bounce or dip trade on it at this current price rkt has pulled back a little bit although i would say it does still look like bullish on the five minute you know it's a nice pullback looks like my nine moving average disappeared so let's see let me add that back moving average looks like a 9 ema pullback all right so i'm going to put that there nine make it exponential okay so you can see that 90 i may pull back first five-minute candle to make a new high you know maybe worth watching but yeah pstv not that interested in that one it's weak i think i mean you know it's we've had a couple of days where some of these leading gappers have failed this one is easy to borrow at light speed it may be easy to borrow at a lot of firms and so it could just be that people are saying hey these have been failing the last couple days i'm just going to go ahead and short it so easy to borrow can create that that drop there's more people that are able to sell it and to the short side so i would say on this one at the moment it looks weak could it trap short sellers and and rip up you sure yeah that could happen but we'll see i don't know i mean that's kind of the next big round of momentum will probably be a stock that um you know just doesn't really make sense it's easy to borrow you think it's going to fail and then all of a sudden it starts ripping up and you know squeezes out early short sellers the trick of course is that in uh in the meantime as a long trader not getting uh you know not getting caught in a a bull trap all right about seven minutes to the bell so again those you guys just getting tuned in uh on facebook and youtube please make sure you hit that thumbs up button we're going to do a live um kind of preview of what it's like in the warrior pro community for my warrior pro students we're going to be doing the same as always here we're just going to be watching out of the gates now unfortunately it doesn't look like the best day so far because our leading gapper which was anpc which was up over 100 percent at around 11 30 11 40 has just broken this critical support level of 1083 and dropped a dollar a share it is easy to borrow it's clearly you know being sold and shorted and coming back down so as i see it coming back up i already see 11 000 share seller at 10. so people you know when when i miss the first pop to the upside i buy the first pullback if you're a short seller you miss the first drop you short the first pop coming back up for the next leg down so because of that uh now i see a 20 000 share seller at 10 bucks so i think we're gonna see unfortunately um some more selling on this one maybe there'll be an opportunity to do a dip trade on it but that's not the the most exciting trade so that's our number one that's our second leading gapper and i've already taken some trades on it pre-market i've taken i think three trades on it and i am up two thousand nine hundred eighty-five dollars which is good i mean that's not bad it's a start uh rkt i had two trades on as well i'm up 542 dollars so that's where i'm sitting right now at well whatever time it is uh six minutes to the bell so i've got a little bit of profit cushion and a npc i don't know it's got almost 5 million shares of volume it seems like it could be something to watch you know for another opportunity but it's clearly on the weak side so you know i don't and there's a 13 000 share seller right there so i don't want to be too early to try to do a dip trade on this one because it could go quite a bit lower all right so that's a npc rkt um well it ended up doing a nice five minute flag realistically it's only up 30 cents as a 25 dollar stock so relative to the price the moves are not nearly as big as an anpc a npc is half the price and has moved two dollars a share it's moving a lot so you know i i want to trade bigger movers but you know rkt i don't know maybe worth watching but my two trades on it were not very good so i'm not super inclined to go for that next one down our kzia is currently the leading gap in the entire market but it's it's also not a very nice pre-market chart so this one would have to get over the volume weight average price of 835 to be interesting for me so i'll just put an order at 8.50 and it's ready to go but at the moment i'm not i'm not really feeling it uh so let's see again i mean maybe maybe rkt uh you know i see it over on my other monitor i mean look at that drop it just drop down there 25 then right back up i don't know opgn i already looked at that and i thought that it didn't look very nice it went all the way up to 290 ish and then came all the way back down so that one i'm not interested unless it gets back above or back closer to the highs so uh yeah i don't know um cndt and we've got about two and a half minutes to the bell here cndt is at 388 it's pulling back a little bit so that one doesn't look as good sg is lighter volume but if more volume comes into it you know i like the idea it's got a high of 90 but it needs more volume uh let's see and then back to rkt you've got a high up here of 540. 25 40. so that's the spot that i'll be watching i guess i'll leave an order at 25.50 two minutes the bell so for those streaming on youtube i'm going to put up my disclaimer here as a reminder number one do your pre-trade checklist do you eat well sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch that you like if you do what's the condition of the overall market and remember this is a classroom class is in session right now it is not a good idea for any of you to try to mirror trade me or blindly follow me or anyone else for that matter i hope that you're here because you want to learn my strategy and through all of my classes i teach you my strategy i teach you exactly how i trade and you can see the live trading archives and everything else so i'm i'm here to help you but you have to be able to you know help yourself and actually try to learn the strategy don't just blindly follow we've got about a minute to the bell here i'm going to move the gap scanner out of the way because once the bell rings i'm not going to be watching the gap scan i'm going to be watching the high day momentum scanner rkt um you know again it's pretty it's holding up relatively well but the float's higher so i'm just not that into it but if it is what ends up being strong i you know have to trade what is obvious even if it means trading something i might not love so coming into the open rkt is on watch a npc i'll watch we'll see whether or not it halts going down or what it does kzia a watch sg lighter volume but if volume comes in because it is holding holding up right right under these levels pretty well all-time highs on this are up here around 17 18 and then it's blue sky above that level which means no resistance so let's watch anpc at the open and kind of see what kind of market we have in store a npc selling off a little bit no surprise there starter on a npc of 2200 shares i'm just going to try and do like a little dip trade back up towards 10. i honestly don't think that this is gonna be a really really good trade but 2000 share starter i'm okay with so i want to see if it's going to be able to break over 10 let's see the high of that candle is tense 9.78 so i took my profit or i took the loss actually and i'm going to put my new order for a dip trade i'll see what it does around nine halt level going down is 8.46 but you know it's trading trading the backside of the move a little bit it's below the volume weight average price i see rkt i'll take along on rkt there just to try to ride the momentum up towards 26.50 2610 would be an ad adding there 2610 rkt and i would add i'll add again there 26 438 so rkt i'm just going to try to get this squeeze here to work for me up over 27 is the next spot to add watching now we're starting to just get some real momentum on it so watch here over adding there at 75 on rkt looking for the break of twenty seven dollars so clearly strong there's 60. one minute pullback is going to be a dip opportunity watch this over 70. it's 58 sold uh for a profit of four thousand bucks kind of i don't know it's not the best trade to be honest we'll see what it does i was 26.85 so yeah i bought this uh and my cost basis went up to 26.20 so i just uh had a hard time i didn't get i had a really hard time selling when it was up there in the 50s 60s and then stopped as it came back down just above break even a little bit above breakeven but sg i have on the level 2 with an order at 11 ready just watching it for a break of 11. rkt uh watching rkt first one minute candle will make a new high on rkt is what i'm kind of watching so back over 26. i'm long rkt there at 72. i'm going to try to buy that dip and i'm looking for it to curl back up over the half dollar still holding uh 7 500 shares looking for the break back over 25.50 and then over 26. no stopped out i'm now down 150 bucks on rkt so i gave back the full 4 000 i made so i was long right there and then stop down here my order execution on this one is not very good anpc okay i see that long and pc there for the break over 12 or 10 halt levels 1034. so i'm going to try to hold this into a circuit breaker halt for a squeeze up to the volume weight average price holding 6200 shares into the hall new orders at 10.50 to add so rkt predictably choppy sg needs to break over 11. watching scanners so anpc this was a kind of curling action off the low so my next order on it is 10.50 sg is lighter volume creates a little bit more risk but i'm going to put an order here at 1105 watching there's 11 10. i'm going to move my order up to 11.50 the halt level is 11.87 i want to see if it holds 11. there's 11.45 11.87 so this one's broken 11. i'm watching on a dip got 430 000 shares of volume right now halt level is 11.99 i'm going to move my order up to 12. there's five hundred thousand shares of volume so now that we've got a little bit more volume on this high is 12 first one minute candle will make a new high one minute micro pullback anpc resumption will be in about two minutes kzia is curling up a little bit as well the high a day is eight dollars watch kzai for a possible rip up through eight i'm on kzai there so i'm going to add over 810 adding there at 811 and the halt level is 819 on kzai kzia so watch here over at 8 15. i want to buy this dip watching add this is one where i'm looking at the potential over 810 815 adding there at 90 looking for the retest of 8. is it gonna break back over eight no stopped out for a 2400 loss anpc watching adding on a npc there and looking for the break over 1050. there's 42 well flush there i'm going to look for a dip on this boy today is a tricky day uh a npc halt going down is at 13. i want to see whether or not i can do a dip trade on it fine watching orders at 17 if it does a false halt watching so we'll see what happens still holding small size at 10. usually on this type of setup i look for a dip on resumption kzia is also back at the low the low on kzia is 719. so we're seeing very choppy markets today where we're seeing some of these stocks pop up to new highs then come all the way back down to the low that's difficult price action and that's certainly a lack of follow-through so on the anpc resumption i'm going to try to do a dip trade the low is 86 so i'm going to look for a bounce off the lows kzia i'll watch that for a bounce off the low as well resumption on anpc will be 9 47 and 59 seconds 49 seconds roughly so my amazon swing trade i might um on this one i set a stop i'm down 200 bucks on it um amazon really needs to break back over the volume weight average price and squeeze back up towards 32.40 the overall market is breaking the view app so i'll give amazon a chance but i'm gonna have that one ready to close out if i don't see if i don't get kind of a good good follow through on it so i'll just see what i can do there ssnt halted first daily candle to make a new high um yeah i see that it's a technical setup keep an eye on it but i'm not sure resumption about a minute away on a npc had a nice squeeze at the open on rkt rkt back over 2550 you know could be a nice long i'll take a starter there on rkt and i'll look to add that's the first five minute candle to make a new high so i'll look to add as it gets closer to 26 to see if i can scale up for the next nice trade on it there's 657 58 and i got to watch a npc so anpc i'm going to be watching off of nine i sold rkt for profit and pc weighting adding long r p a n p c there there's a big buyer that just popped up so now over 9.50 watch over the half dollar of 945 947 adding at 47. it brought my cost basis down to 37 from 10 and i sold at 44 when it couldn't break the half dollar so that turned from a loser to a small winner on a npc first one minute candle to make a new high was 32. kzia is also still on watch so coming back up to the volume weight average price the second time the high of the last attempt was 819 and then it failed rkt dropping back down towards support cdnt with a higher float i wasn't sure whether or not cndt it was going to be something i should go for but yeah i see that nice nice follow through sometimes it's ones like this even with a higher float that just really start to get some strength so 418 is the next spot i would watch so it broke 418 that could have been a micro pullback i'm going to move my new order up the high is 425 so new order goes at 425 if it can hold these levels along there at 419. adding at 424 right there and now looking for the squeeze up to 430. so this is one of those setups where i look to buy right underneath that breakout spot watching the break of 425. there's 21 22. sold break even uh 300 loss for right now i'll look to come back to it but it didn't break over 25 quickly enough and i'm in this a little high so i'll let it pull back form a nice one minute pull back and then i can get back in rkt coming back down to the lows new orders at 25 66 000 long at 25 just 2 000 shares new order goes at 40. false breakout and back out so kzia came back down towards the low rkt is bouncing off the low so not seeing really good follow-through here i'm up 7923 almost all of the profit is on anpc my daily goal is ten thousand so i'm two thousand dollars away from the daily goal anpc support is at 8.86 that would be a place to either have my stop or to look for a bounce all of a sudden there cndt pops back up so hit a high of 35. watch a micro pullback and then a break over 35 for another another attempt but you can tell it's higher flow it's more thickly traded it's not breaking out quite as well ssnt i see that it's light on volume right now cndt orders at 37 just above the breakout adding there 35 now looking to add again over 40. now it's starting to open up a little bit more so watching cndt over 38.39 adding there at 39 for the breakthrough 40 next target 45 50 the half dollar so now we're starting to see even though the volume and the float is a little higher that it's opening up a bit taking a little profit off the table puts me green on the name and i'm going to put a new order at 50. 21 million shares of volume high of this candle is 43 orders at 450 for the next trade i can punch it at 43 to try to anticipate the break through the half dollar nice bounce on and pc off the low sold another half of my um cndt position stop is it break even on the rest and i just got stopped on the rest so about 700 of profit on cndt now fine car on the scans looks like it's going into a halt there on a one minute pullback bye very light volume ophc fine ophc going a little higher but still um you know very light volume cndt first one minute candle to make a new high right there you can see how ampc keeps bouncing off that 85 support level i wouldn't want to be holding if it breaks but so what i need in order to have a a really nice big green today is a stock to break the volume weight average price and and really rip to make a big move i'm up 8 900 bucks at the moment i'm a little bit below my daily goal but you know it just takes one stock to really open up a npc has support down here around 85 89 86 whatever that is so this one off that level could be um an entry car carv is halted yeah and i halt it to 81 so we'll see how that does on resumption resumption on that is going to be about a minute away so so watching uh car presumption we've got 875 000 shares of volume but as you can see a daily chart with room from 883 back up towards 16. is it going to fail where's the next where's the next entry i'm long at eight just bought that um and i'm going to look to add over 8 30 to go into the next hall which is at 8 59. so watching carve here adding there at 8 30. halt level is 8 88 so watching now over the half dollar now we're starting to get a little action we're going to add for the break of half dollar watching here adding there 50. so nice trade so far let's see whether or not it can break over the half dollar there's 42 new order is going to be 8.50 i took some profit and i'm going to watch this over the high is it going to hold eight adding back at 16 on that dip for the retest of 8.50 there's 28 i want to see 38.48 so we're finally seeing something with some momentum here which is good cut the rest of it off the table at 801 might have given back a little bit on that trade so now it's starting to fade off the high short sellers probably coming in on it with a stop at 8.50 so i'll put my next order at 8 50. back over 8 could be a setup there's 804 really need to get the first one minute candle to make a new high high of this candle here is 809 so that closed as a green doji cdnt cndt is coming back up i'll have an order on that at 4 50. watching cndt for a second long cn dt there at 44 and adding at 45 looking for the squeeze through 450. watching over the half dollar there's 48 there's 50. 55 is an ad spot for a squeeze up to 75 watch over 55 here still holding full position looking to add on cndt i want to see the break over 55 for the squeeze up into the 60s adding there 48 nice nice trade there i want to see the break of 55. stop break even on the rest put the stop at 39. sold the rest there at 39. uh high is 55. high of this candle is 45 first one minute candle to make a new high i'm back in at 45 and i'm going to add over 55 adding there 55 now i'm looking for this to squeeze up towards 65.70 watch cndt over 57.58 so that was the first one-minute candle to make a new high so i'm looking for the break here there's 60. i want to see it break over 60 and then up to 65.70 stop breakeven on the rest so that was the first one minute candle to make a new high why try to take a little profit 35 million shares of volume stopped on the rest there at 49. high is 62 next order goes at 65. waiting for a second i was 65. i want to see if it comes back down to the half dollar so this right here is the first one minute pullback after a fresh five minute breakout so you know i i like that but um i i need i now i'm you know i kind of the entry was at 45. so now the second pullback is what i'm waiting for i want to see if it holds the half dollar of 450. there's 53 i'm thinking back over 460 is the new long waiting waiting thirty thousand share seller watching for dip trades on cndt there's a forty thousand share seller at sixty fifty thousand shares at sixty i wanna let it pull back for a moment starter at 53 orders at 66 to add watching it's 100 000 share seller that's a big seller i'm selling a 53 break even so that big seller there at 60 is a little bit of a problem this is now a false breakout on the one minute chart couple stocks hitting the scanners there so looking at my swing trades my etsy trade i am going to probably get out of the uh the long side right here i'm just going to close this so i'm going to take a loss on the long side of the or the that one side of the trade so down 500 on that side but i'm in really good shape on the other side so this side um the 115 puts i sold at 32 cents they're at three cents right now the 115 puts for next week i sold it a dollar fourteen and they're 25 cents right now so i've got you know almost 75 percent of my profit potential on this one for next week which i'll probably lock up and this one is going to expire worthless amazon um i think that i'm gonna take this off the table here for a small loss because it's just not really going in my favor i'll see if i can get out there i'll give it a chance uh the put i'm gonna keep holding because that one i'm green on and i don't think that i'm going to have a problem on that trade roku um this one is in pretty good shape here let's look at roku for a second um yeah i mean it is it is curling back up a little bit but i'm still in pretty good shape so all i'll keep an eye on this one netflix has given back a little bit but i'm kind of still okay with that as well based on the daily chart still being pretty strong disney is good so that's where those ones are sitting right now i'm up sixteen thousand five hundred on my day trades and around two thousand open pnl on my swing trades full position right now would probably be 30 to 40 000 shares on my netflix trade for next week i'll probably want to set a stop added on it at break even you know if it if it doesn't even though i think it i'm still probably in fine shape you know if i get stopped out break even i think that's better than letting what was a winner yesterday if 400 turn into a loser cls k yeah i see it's a little extended my amazon trade is not filling i'm just gonna have to bail on that i was trying to get out on a little pop but it doesn't seem like that's happening so the thing now on amazon is that i would kind of start to so i took the loss on that it says p l on the day is it says it's almost break even but um puts me down 60 on the day but i have some open p l on amazon so i cut a couple losses there so i've got 450 on the day that i've taken in losses um this is the one on netflix here that's coming like right to break even which is a bummer but you know again i don't want to be i was up 460 on it yesterday i didn't take it off the table it was a swing trade and now it's coming back to break even so i'm just going to set my stop on that well i'm just going to get out of it it's close enough to break even so that one unfortunately i'm going to take the loss or well you know give up unrealized profit um there we go so i'm out of that one i still have this one here which is pretty good so this one i can just go ahead and close well i'll just it's an extra 60 bucks i'll let it expire worthless so that one i'm going to hold roku i'm going to keep an eye on etsy this one's at 4 cents so i'm in good shape there this one is in good shape as well and i might want to take that off the table let's look at this for a second keep an eye on it so i had a pretty good day yesterday with the swing trades but they're all kind of giving up a little bit of profit today it seems like so a couple things that i could do once the swing trade side if i wanted on amazon i could do a call spread on the daily at this daily resistance level which is 3246. i mean the only problem is that i feel like it kind of you know is holding up here so while it might pull back for a few days down to the nine it feels like it's very soon going to break this level and if i did that type of trade and then it breaks that level you know while i'm in it obviously it's going to be a losing trade let me look at the 3350 calls so 33.50 for next week so pretty good amount of premium the further out of the money i go the lower the premium but at the same time the lower the probability that that level gets tested and you know keep benefiting from time decay in the meantime i think a little concern i have with the overall market is that if we get an announcement of either an executive order or a um you know democrats and republicans agree to a stimulus type of thing that the market will pop up although maybe the market right now is pricing in that it's probably going to either pass one way or the other through executive or through an agreement so maybe that won't really have too much of an impact on on the market i don't know but i think on the the highs back here were 33.50 so the premium down here you don't get a lot of premium but also the on you're not going to get good premium when the odds of that happening 3 500 by the end of next week are pretty low i mean you would need to have a we need to have a really really strong week and we don't have earnings we've already had earnings so at this point the odds are higher that it's going to go down than that high or that's going to go up only a little bit but the price at 33.50 is definitely higher so the market is pricing in here that that is a you know higher likelihood even 10 contracts is a lot of a fair amount of risk so five contracts would be seven hundred fifty dollars max profit forty two hundred dollar max loss on it but of course time decay working in my favor because we've had this sort of wave here of you know three couple red days a move back up and now starting to be red here it really feels like this is due for a little bit of a pullback so i think the the safer trade on this is to do a call spread so the question is just do i feel comfortable being that close to in the money up there time decay is two dollars and fifty cents a day but you know they're going to decay for the most part in tandem i don't think so phil i mean maybe sometimes if there's a big block um order but otherwise i don't i don't really think so well maybe i'll see if i can get a credit started on that one i'll just put it out a little further 3500 by 35 10 and depending on how things look towards the end of the day maybe i'll add if it looks like we're going to close as a red day then maybe i'll add one closer to in the money nice move on opgn 23 million shares of volume i put an order at i'm long opgn here for a quick break through three dollars we've got 98 99 over three is an ad try to catch a squeeze up towards 310 315. so opgn up 33 percent momentum starting to come into it watch here 97.98 looking to add adding there for the breakthrough three hidden seller at three taking profit gonna let it dip for the next trade new order goes at 310. seemed like a hidden seller there at three high was 302 so now 3 302 next spot i'll be watching watching back over three so i have my hand on the buy button with my order at 310. adding there 97 for the break back over three 304 adding there 304 now looking for 310 320 watch over 310 there's four i want to see five six seven no stopped out at three flat i'll look for a new trade at 3 10. so it needed to break on you can see here on this 10 second chart how it curled up right here need to break over the highs roku it's kind of stronger than i thought so i'll probably just take this off the table here i mean realistically i i'm just going to leave it for now it's not going to go up to 170. i don't think that's going to happen i'll leave it for now these expire at the end of the day so i was able to see the hidden seller on the level too so opgn seems like there's some short sellers on this one it's my open pnl man my open p l is coming back down so this is a tricky situation because um of time decay the way it's kind of worked neither side is really in a good spot so this is coming basically to break even so again i'd rather get outbreak even this is the keeps happening today that i end up getting stopped out basically break even on these trades up 16 bucks a dollar just i had these good trays yesterday but then they i should just i guess closed them as day trades so loss uh gave back some profit versus the um yesterday but it's fine rkt would need to break over the volume weight average price no sean no other updates recently so i'm sitting at 17 000 on the day on day trades 2000 on open swing trades yes this is very close to realizing i could cover this for three cents i sold the amazon 3 30 85 and 3090 put spread for a credit of 22 cents so 220 bucks i could cover it for three cents right now or just let it expire worthless thanks adam i haven't seen this one before so hitting the scanner very light volume i don't see news on it only 56 000 shares but it's going into a halt here at 807 up 16 percent rkt so it's right underneath the volume weight average price almost to the penny which was 69.70 so although yes i would say there's a possibility if it breaks that level of a move back to 25 it's been a little tricky so i would say 6970 is the spot i would watch it would have to break that level i'll put an order of 70 75. can i hold the half dollar so i have a starter there at 60. and i'll add over 75 6970 on rkt so watching over 65 i want to catch that break through the volume weight average price for a retest of 25.00 i'll leave my order i'll move my order up to 85 that way i can add on a break through the volume weight average price 54 by 58. i'm going to cut the loss on it up only fifteen thousand now so i gotta keep a tight kind of rope on my p l i don't wanna give back too much more i'd like to get myself up twenty thousand but if i you know if i can't then i'll just have to throw in the towel so i mean this is the issue with rkt it's been very difficult you know now what do i do i get back in up here you know it's that's 50 cents higher than where i was in at so just makes it tricky so it looks like my amazon position got filled here so that's good i'll let that work for a bit that's next week three thirty five hundred by thirty five ten call spread to credit pnbk was halted on just 56 57 000 shares of volume you know these ones you just never really know what creates that spike i don't see news on it today you know if i saw that there was a news headline i might think all right there's news that's what's going on but i don't i don't see news on it so um you know i don't know obviously in the last couple days like bfra made a crazy big move on super light volume so i mean i don't want to totally discredit something that starts to pop up on light volume but it's not my not my favorite car we need to get back over the volume weight average price opgn we need to get back over three rkt i'm red on that one would need to get back over 25. so i'm right on rkt and kzia those are the two that i'm read on so yep there's my p l right there those are on my day trades this is on my swing trades um so pnbk popping back up there high is 84. so generally on something like this you know i would say all right it's got to break over nine very light volume second halt level is at 9.74 no news big spreads partial fill 600 shares 800 shares only going with small size on it volume is so light it's hard to trust high is 9.50 i guess there's a headline in the news desk from someone tweeting about it pnbk so will it break 950 we'll see uh i don't think i would go on cn dt again not really liking the look of it it's pretty weak so we're coming up to 11. i'm not really seeing anything else that looks good just a choppy morning overall you get to a certain point in the day and it's like man we're just not seeing much moving overall market still pretty strong here's amazon of course coming back up the challenge with taking swing trades in the morning is that your daily candle hasn't closed yet you know so this could end up breaking through 245 and then all of a sudden the daily setup looks a lot different from how it did beforehand hi here is 1416. opgn yeah i would say if it got back over 3 and then 310 33 million shares of volume our simulators real time for our students pgn second attempt coming up at three 305 306 is the breakout spot you see volume increasing a little bit put an order at 310. 25 000 share seller so there's a wall there at three so this is where you know you're seeing that resistance so as it taps that whole dollar and then pulls back what i watch is for the second uh attempt to break that level and then if it can break that level that's where i look to get in for the breakout 19000 on the ask so i'm long there buying the breakout and over 310 is an ad spot for a squeeze up to 325. watching adding it away for the break of 20 15 holding 800 shares new order goes at 20. so high that candle was 13. can i hold this level new order goes 315. i'm going to bring it down a little tighter adding a 310 right there looking to catch the break over 315 and then 320. churning a little bit here so it looks like a topping tail candle pulling uh down my share size putting the new order at 3 21. but this is good i mean it broke over 290 and squeeze there up to 314. so now first one minute pull back after that big five minute breakout see if that gives another opportunity so the question is as it dips down here i look to see whether or not i can buy over three is it going to pull back and hold support at three dollars so watching 305 303 302 is it going to hold that level because if it holds that level i can buy a dip off three with a stop in the high 90s so you can see on the 10 second chart how this is pulling back a little bit here the high is 07. the low down there is o3 so what's it gonna do at three and four there's five first one minute candle make a new high now the high of this current candle is 10 new order goes at 11. so i'm buying the dip and i'm going to add over 15. first one make candle to make a new high and then break a 15 watching adding there 13 and now i'm looking for a squeeze up to 325 so over 317 318 is another ad there's 15 i want to see 16 17 18. new orders at 22. sold at 11 for now i'm i'm surprised it didn't break over uh 20 on that trade but new order will go at 20 uh well what's the high was this a double top no 15 14 and 15. i'm gonna watch down here for bounce off three again putting an order at 305 i want to see 301 302 301. there's 302 on the bid long at 03. buying the dip right there stop is 99 we're going to catch the pop coming back up to 310 315. there's six i want to see seven eight nine so as long as it holds that psychological support then i'm happy with holding for the move back up to 315 320. first one minute candle to make a new high here is going to be over five is it going to hold nope watching for a dip adding at 98 buying that dip for the retest back over three so when they dip down below a lot of times i'll buy for the pop coming back up through that whole dollar now i'm looking for three five three ten reclaim of the whole dollar so break below reclaiming it then i get back in look to add for the squeeze back up towards 310. that is what we call a bear trap when it breaks below level and then gets back right above it so it traps the short sellers who short for the break of the whole dollar and as it rips back up over 307 308 310 that's where you get short covering and long traders jump in for the squeeze back to the highs so now back below the whole dollar isn't what i wanted to see so i'm going to get back out but the low there is 97. new order will be at 310 need to break over 307 308. opgn resistance is at 386 which is the 200 moving average but that's that's really the only resistance that i see on it yep nice on carve so the volume weight average price is 750 halt level is 7.98 so i'll take a starter there on carve and look to add over 75. adding their 59 and looking for the squeeze up towards eight so watch over 65 70. there's 58 looking for the break of 58 and then the rip quickly up to 8. so we want to see it break 58 high of that candle big spread high was 61. seems like there's a hidden seller at 58.60 that needs to break opgn coming back up again opgn i'm going to wait on took a loss on carve i don't know how much it was but a little bit of a loss there opgn 315 was the high so hidden seller on carve was the problem starter on opgn and looking to add over 15 for the breakthrough a high a day orders at 16 watching adding there now looking for the squeeze up to 320 as it's making new highs there's 18. watching the ad over 19 for the break of 20 and the squeeze up to 25 30. adding there at 18 on opgn looking for the break of 19 20. taking profit off the table new order goes at 25. high of this candle is 22. going to let it pull back and then watch a dip trade for the next entry it is churning a little bit more than i thought but it did at least break the highs only by six cents but it did break the highs so now after that fresh breakout i look for the first one minute pullback the high of this one minute candle is 19 so i'm going to put my order at 24. adding there looking for the breakthrough 20. i want to see 25 over 25 would be an ad for a squeeze up to 30. watching orders it now 26 if we can break 325 then 330 340 becomes realistic watching over 23 24 10 000 share buyer there sold at 19 breakeven on that trade new order will go at 26. sometimes it's a couple breakeven trades before it starts to open up 15 million share flowed on opgn 44 million shares of volume it's definitely a bit of a grind false breakout on the one minute cndt sold off quite a bit so the obvious spot now is 25 adding back at 22 now looking for the breakthrough 25 adding at 25 there and looking for the squeeze on this up to 30. so now i think it might trap early short sellers hands on the buy button to add over 25 26 and then i want to see that squeeze up to 35 maybe 45 maybe it starts to open up a little faster over 25 30. watching adding there 25 there's 27 28. now are we going to get up to 30. new order goes at 31. i take a little profit then i look to add back over 31. watching up over 30 for the next trade adding there 27 now looking for 35 we're starting to see this open up a little bit more watching the break of 30 then 31 32 you're seeing a lot of volume coming in now as it's surging up 46 47 orders at 31. watching the break over 30 for the squeeze up to 35. there's 31 32 taking a little profit into the breakout new order goes at 35 for actually i'll put it at 41. so the new high here is 35. does it if it holds 30 20 000 share buyer i'm adding at 31 right there now that we've got a big buyer looking to add for the move up to 40 there's 40 on the ask new order goes at 45. so now we're starting to see high update volume as it's ramping up early short sellers probably who shorted this false breakout right here are getting squeezed out new order goes at 350. adding at 44 right there and looking for the squeeze over the half dollar 350. then looking for 360 370 watch over 45 adding at 47. i want to catch that break through the half dollar of 350 and see if we get a move up to 360 370. so watch 48.49 this right here is a micro pullback under the half dollar watch 46.47 orders at 51. 100 000 share buyer there at 40. so is that a someone who's buying or covering a short i i don't know but new order goes at 51. i'm going to watch it come back down to that buyer again and then try to add right near 41.42 watching i want to get at around 41. so watch this let's see if that 100 000 share buyers still there at 40. adding 41 new order goes at 50. this is a micro pullback under the half dollar holding with the order of 51. is that hidden buyer right there stopped out on that drop so let's see if it comes back up high was 48 so we'll see now if this traps another round of short sellers for a move back up towards the high or maybe 386 the 200 moving average orders at 51 adding right there looking for the breakthrough 50 and i'm going to add again right here looking for now 65.70 early short sellers to get squeezed out 55 is my next ad spot watching over 55 and adding right there 53 for the breakthrough 55 60. i want to see that squeeze up through the half dollar it's pulling back a little bit new order goes at 61. should have broken there with a little bit more of a push i'm surprised it only hit 54. but opgn it's high volume a lot of sellers i guess new order is going to be at 55. i'm up uh twenty thousand four hundred seventy one dollars right now on my day trades of looking for bigger breakouts first one minute candle to make a new high be back over the half dollar but on the five minute this is a topping tail candle a red doji it's a candle of indecision so it looks like it should reverse off this level but if it breaks back over 50 you know there might be a trade just for continued momentum fine so i'm going to leave my order at the high of 54. i'll move it to 55. right now looks like it's probably time for a little bit of a pullback and all things considered it's a bit of a slower day for me so i'm sitting up twenty thousand four hundred seventy one dollars right now coming up towards 11 30. i would say that's pretty good for a friday i was hoping for a little bit more than that but you know i doubled the daily goal of 10 000 so 20 000 is good enough 10 000 on a npc 6000 on opgn 5000 on cdnt 2800 on carve and then red on these four stocks here but fortunately all the losses are relatively small so some nice progress there it puts me up let's see first week of uh first week of the new month let me see so yesterday was 59 000 um so i'm actually up 245 000 on the month before today so that puts me up 265 000 on the month 265 000 on the week 114 monday 69 tuesday 3000 wednesday 59 000 thursday 20 000 uh here on friday and i have some swing trades that i'm still working with so uh 2000 on the swing trades roku i closed but netflix i still have one open etsy i have a couple open disney and amazon i have open as well so in good shape on swing trades in good shape on day trades it's been a great week and i'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning or monday morning and hopefully we see some good good follow-through and some good good opportunities today was a little choppy i'm a little disappointed that i gave back uh four thousand dollars of profit on rkt but you know it is what it actually i gave back six thousand because i was up four thousand now i'm read eighteen hundred so that was a hard one kzia was a tough one uh pnbk and sg light volume stocks are tricky lost on both of those but these ones were solid and these ones across the board carve total volume four million shares up 20 percent anpc total volume and pc 13 million shares up 38 percent opgn 59 million shares up 50 and cndt 75 gain was 70 million shares of volume so some good action today and hopefully we'll have more of it uh next week all right so enjoy the weekend i'll see you guys back here first thing on monday morning you
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 88,966
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Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: O6W9vw9lR7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 38sec (9758 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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