Rosie's Cooking Chaos | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] ha You song If you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it clap your hands well done Caillou thanks Daddy now it's my turn to play the song you sure you don't want me to show you the notes one more time I watched you play them all week I'm ready to [Music] play yes you are if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you you might want to just practice playing the notes for now no singing or clapping not yet but once you remember how to play the notes doing everything all together will be easy Caillou was determined to practice the song until he could play it and sing it and clap it for Mommy and [Music] Daddy Rosie please stop banging that drum [Music] okay Rosie don't bang those either don't bang anything put them away away no no stop mommy I'm trying to play my song and Rosies being a little too loud Rosie honey Caillou is trying to practice his song it'll be a lot easier for him if you don't make any loud noises [Music] okay when you're happy Rosie happy happy happy those aren't the words [Music] words that's how the song starts the rest of the words are different I promise I'll teach them to you later if you promise not to sing while I'm practicing well he no sing that's right no singing [Music] Rosie okay you can put the pots away now [Music] [Music] can you play song no [Music] you play you play [Music] Tong Rosie you heard Mommy if you're making noise I can't practice my song no noise promise oh [Music] ah Caillou was delighted Rosie was being very quiet just like she had promised to be ding d d ding ding D ding ding D ding D D D D D D caou tried to ignore Rosie's dancing but it was very hard he was beginning to feel frustrated stop it rosie no dance rosie no dance I'll never learn my song if you keep doing stuff can't you go somewhere else and leave me alone [Music] [Applause] did I miss the big concert it's just about to start where's Rosie she's going to miss my song I'm afraid she's still in her room Caillou suddenly wondered if he had hurt Rosie's feelings I'll go get her thanks [Music] Wy Play song D Like Caillou like me Caillou had thought that Rosie was trying to bother him while he was practicing now he realized she just wanted to join his music fun I'm sorry for telling you to leave me alone Rosie I think I know how to make it up to you if you're happy and you know we clap your hands if you're happy and you know we clap your hands if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it clap your hands marvelous bravo bravo great show you two well done letting Rosie join your concert was a wonderful idea Caillou whaty Play song yes you did caou was proud of his sister and he was proud of himself for including Rosie in his [Music] concert follow [Music] [Applause] me follow me me follow [Music] caou that's it follow me Follow the Leader how you love to play Follow the Leader because it meant everyone could play together now hop backwards well almost everyone Andy was new to Caillou's preschool and he wasn't joining in the fun oh sorry Andy do you want to play Follow of the leader no Andy lives on my street I asked him to play at the park but he never wants to play really why I don't know Caillou didn't believe that Andy didn't want to play everybody liked to play with friends hi Andy do you want to do a puzzle with me no what are you drawing nothing I'm just trying to be friends I don't want to be friends I don't want to be friends either Caillou was upset his feelings were hurt by what Andy [Music] said and he was still upset said about it later that night dinner's almost ready Caillou my goodness why the long face long face that means why do you look so sad Andy at preschool doesn't like me really did he tell you that he said he didn't want to play with me and didn't want to be my friend so I said I didn't want to be his friend either but I thought you liked being friends with everybody yeah I do so you didn't mean it when you said you didn't want to be friends and maybe Andy didn't really mean what he said [Music] either you need to think about why Andy said what he did maybe he just didn't want to play what you were playing I'm going to keep trying to be friends with Andy that's my Caillou Caillou was determined to be friends with Andy hi Andy want to play no you don't like soccer what games do you like I like tag and follow the leader and hide and seek h but being Andy's friend was certainly harder than he thought it would [Applause] be can you can you play okay Rosie you go set up I'll be there soon I want to ask Daddy something daddy how can I find out what someone else is thinking you could just ask them but what if they don't talk much well that makes it harder for sure H you could try to see things from their point of view how do you do that try to see the world the way that they do like you're seeing out of their [Music] eyes like this I'm seeing the same way Gilbert does that's [Music] right Caillou decided to try seeing things from Andy's point of view follow me [Music] [Laughter] okay you had to admit the other children were pretty loud maybe Andy didn't like loud [Music] noises i' love to thank [Music] you you look like you're thinking hard about something Caillou and he really likes drawing yes he certainly does he doesn't like running around making noise like the rest of us Doo no different children like to play in different [Music] ways Caillou suddenly knew how he could be Andy friend he would play with Andy the way Andy liked to play tag you're it Caillou thanks but I don't want to play tag today I'm it here I [Music] come Caillou waited for Andy to talk first what's that I'm drawing a castle you should draw flags castles always have flags on top oh yeah good [Music] idea hey Caillou what are you doing I'm playing Follow the Leader huh Andy's the leader [Music] [Music] Caillou was pretty sure that he and Andy were friends now even if they didn't exactly say so in words here I come you can't get me gotcha now you're [Laughter] it it wasn't easy but Caillou had made a new friend and it was [Music] wonderful where's [Music] Caillou you can be my Apple taster [Music] Rosie mommy was beginning to make some delicious apple crisp when caou appeared o don't be upset Caillou trying to carry that many things is difficult for anybody I'm not upset about that I'm upset about Andre's shoes why are you upset about Andre's shoes because they're worn out so Andre had to get new ones and now I don't have anyone to play with well why don't you play with Rosy because she's too little to play baseball and hockey [Music] watch oopsie GL okay Rosie catch Caillou wasn't surprised that Rosie didn't know how to catch a ball see all right perhaps Rosie is too little for baseball and hockey but there are other games she can play play Dolly can you play Dolly but that's all she ever wants to play I don't want to play dollies today well there must be something else you two can play together why don't you give it some thought dollies see what I mean maybe you can keep thinking at least until the apple crisp is ready okay I'll go put my stuff away play Dolly I said no Rosie can you play Dolly no more dollies Caillou was beginning to feel frustrated was tired of always playing what Rosie wanted to [Music] play caou caou Rosie wondered where Caillou had [Music] gone [Music] Caillou [Music] C there was no sign of Caillou anywhere [Music] just his squeezy [Music] frog H you mie got [Music] walky [Music] [Music] hello sker where could you [Music] 21 [Music] 22 Caillou Caillou where Caillou hi sweetie I don't know where Caillou is [Music] sorry h smells like someone's making apple crisp I'd better make some room for it apple crisp is almost [Music] ready Caillou thought about hiding in the backyard then he had a better [Music] idea cou I think he went out back dear Caillou Caillou was enjoying hiding from Rosie Caillou and Rosie was enjoying looking for Caillou caou cou cou cou caou caou where you go [Music] [Music] caou after a long time Caillou noticed Rosie wasn't looking for him [Music] anymore where is Rosie Gilbert do you think she stopped looking for me [Music] Rosie aha now she'll never find me boo huh bie find [Music] C you did Rosie you sure [Music] did wo what are you two doing rolling around on those coats we were hiding in the closet mommy Rosie's too little to play baseball and hockey but she's great at hide and seek Rosie find caou very good Rosie I'm glad you two found something you could play together now it's your turn to hide aren't you two going to have some apple crisp it's ready maybe later thank you momy ready or not here I come when they least expected it Caillou and Rosie had found a game they could play [Music] together Daddy's puzzles Kyle couldn't wait he was already to play ball in the yard but he hadn't counted on rain ah now what am I going to [Music] do M banana Caillou what's the matter I want to play soccer but it's raining now I have nothing to do well why don't you play with your rocket ship instead it's broken H how about Rexy Gilbert's ruled on him can you play with do no thanks Rosie kids you guys will never guess what I found come and see Daddy was excited about what he had found in the basement Caillou wondered what it could be what wow puzzles not just any puzzles my old puzzles the ones I played with when I was a child Caillou Look Pirates this was one of my favorites uh sweetheart maybe you'd like some help putting your puzzles [Music] together yes of course Caillou come on help me figure this one out okay now you have something to do on this rainy day the puzzle was coming together nicely and Caillou was having so much fun only one more piece [Music] left the box is empty daddy empty are you sure I know I had all the puzzle pieces I'm I'm sure H the last piece must be around here somewhere maybe we're sitting on it Caillou and Daddy had a good look around I don't see it Daddy but they couldn't find the missing puzzle piece anywhere I don't understand where could it have gone maybe Gilbert took it sorry Gilbert this is important it's really gone now we can't finish our puzzle caou was disappointed but Daddy would soon change that are what do you say you and I go on a little treasure hunt a treasure hunt I matey although what she be doing out of your pirate outfit I don't have a pirate outfit well you better be getting one matey if we be going born on a treasure hunt for the Lost puzzle piece okay I mean i i r now you're a pirate like me R Captain that's a spirit now we're ready for our treasure hunt heave ho let's find that missing puzzle [Music] piece drop the anchor [Music] matey are a deserted island and look me hearty a treasure [Music] chest R it's just my toys [Laughter] [Music] Captain what's going on what kind of sailing vessel is this it's called a yoga mat a yoga mat you say you wouldn't be hiding any treasure under that mat now would you you're welcome to [Music] check no treasure in the ship's hold matey we best be moving on now there landlubber where might we find treasure you'll have to tell us Gilbert or we'll make you walk the plank [Music] Caillou and Daddy had been playing pirates for quite some time you enjoying your Pirates Feast matey mhm and searching for Treasure always makes Pirates hungry you're not going to believe this but Rosie found the missing puzzle piece a treasure the puzzle piece h hauh I forgot all about it me too I guess we were having so much fun pretending to be Pirates we forgot what we were really looking for and you thought you weren't going to have any fun today Caillou yeah I had lots of fun where'd you find the puzzle piece mommy Gilbert had [Music] it along with Rexy I knew we couldn't trust that scallywag Gilbert the next day Caillou rushed home from preschool hi Caillou want to play he had something very exciting to do maybe later Sarah Daddy and I are going to play [Music] puzzles since one are puzzle that much [Applause] fun [Music] beep I am a robot like the puzzle we will put together today beep well then I guess I better find a robot costume hm yes and then we will go on our Super Robot search for the Lost puzzle piece but Caillou we don't even know that there is a piece missing from the robot puzzle does that matter no it does not from that day on Caillou knew how to make his own fun he just needed a little [Music] imagination play with [Music] me Caillou is feeling a little lonely today he wanted someone to play with can you play with me Mommy can we go to the park I'm sorry Caillou I have lots of work to [Music] do but maybe we can go to the park later when I'm done uh okay why don't you play a game or do some coloring or ask daddy maybe he can play with you yeah [Music] Daddy [Music] Daddy pH that was close please don't sneak up on me Caillou I didn't mean to sorry do you want to play catch with me I think I just did I mean at the park I can't right now Caillou I have to finish finish cleaning the house maybe we can go to the park when I'm done okay okay Rosie where are you caou was eager to play with his little [Music] sister until he noticed his friend Sarah outside yay Sarah's [Music] home hi Sarah hi cou do you want to play with me I can't right now I have piano lessons piano do you have to go no but I want to maybe we can play later okay yeah okay later have fun thank [Music] you everyone was busy today even Rosie T want to play with me Rosie tea party well we could play catch in the yard you like catch no Tea Party come on Rosie please it's nice outside we'll have fun it's always fun fine I'll go see if Gilbert wants to play with me M Caillou tried to play with Gilbert but even he was too busy busy taking a [Music] nap what's the matter Caillou no one wants to play with me everybody's too busy even Gilbert I know it's hard Caillou but some sometimes people and pets have things they need to do but even Rosie won't play with me I always play her games always well why don't you try and find something to do on your own at least until we can go to the park okay okay I guess I'll go [Music] outside Caillou said he'd find something to do but all he wanted to do was sit and sulk finally somebody wants to play with [Music] me hey that tickles I think you want to play Follow the Leader [Music] you're the [Music] leader wa oops sorry [Music] birdie [Music] wo that's a lot of food for a little ant like [Music] you m I bet you're going to make honey hey I'm not a flower [Music] thinking about the bird and the Ants and the bee Caillou realized something everybody's busy sometimes even little birds and bugs maybe I should get busy too bye-bye ladybug [Music] H I wonder where I put my here they are there all done we're all finished our work Caillou are you ready to go go where to the park Caillou was a amazed he was so busy drawing he forgot all about the park I'm almost ready I have to do one more [Music] thing that one's my favorite it's my ladybug friend we played Follow the Leader I like them they're terrific Caillou ladybug yes that's a ladybug Rosie my you've been busy this afternoon Caillou he had been very busy indeed now we can go to the park Caillou had learned how to keep busy without Mommy and Daddy and Rosie but going to the park would be fun [Music] too Caillou's bad [Music] luck Mommy tomorrow I get to sing itsy-bitsy spider in front of the whole class itsy bitsy SPID I think someone wants to hear it right now okay k you liked singing itsy-bitsy spider for others itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed oh [Music] no that was lucky I didn't spill any on my Dino shirt lucky hm I think you need to pay a little more attention to what you're doing kou okay mommy Caillou decided to pick up where he left off itsy bitsy spider went down with all the rain all the sun oh that's not it Mommy I can't remember how it goes what if I forget at preschool tomorrow you Sayang it perfectly a moment ago and Miss Martin will be there to help you besides you've got all day to practice itsy bsy spider went up the water spell down came the and wash the spider out I need the green crayon for the wings where'd it go he hadn't been paying attention Caillou didn't see the green crayon roll under his bed oh I guess I'll fly [Music] instead whoo there you need to pay attention to where you're flying Caillou sorry Daddy oh no my plane broke can you fix it h i don't know I'll see what I can do after my shower okay okay hi Mrs Howard oh hello there Caillou oh no my shirt oh dear what a shame this is my bestest Dino shirt I'm so sorry it's not your fault I'm having a bad day I spilled juice and lost my green crayon and now this it sounds like you're having some bad luck really I have to sing itsy-bitsy spider at preschool tomorrow I can't have bad luck well well perhaps you can find a lucky charm to change your luck a lucky charm he had never heard of such a thing yes you know like a fourleaf clover a clover with Four Leaves yes or maybe a thanks Mrs Howard Caillou was busy looking for a fourleaf clover he found lots and lots of grass wo and a cricket even a slug but he couldn't find a fourleaf clover anywhere the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain is everything okay Caillou my Dino shirt ripped oh oh dear well I might be able to mend it mommy do you know anything that's a lucky charm besides a fourleaf clover well some people believe in Lucky Pennies a lucky penny yeah thanks mommy hey there Caillou what's up I need a lucky penny Daddy I don't think pennies are lucky when you find them in my change jar really really really pennies are only supposed to be lucky if you find them somewhere by surprise like on a [Music] sidewalk hey I've been looking for this button I'll have to thank my lucky stars lucky stars are they good luck too so they say I guess the idea is to make a wish on the first star you see at night but thanks Daddy before bed Caillou watched the sky for a lucky star but the sky was much too cloudy to see any stars itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain time for bed Caillou But Mommy I still haven't seen a lucky star why do you need a lucky star because I have bad luck I spilled my juice and lost my crayon and broke my plane and I ripped my Dino shirt you haven't had the best day but there's no such thing as good luck or bad luck Caillou you just need to pay more [Music] attention I guess so my green crayon well look at that maybe that is lucky and so is this and this you and Daddy fix them thank you what's the matter I thought everything was all right now I have to sing itsy-bitsy spider at preschool tomorrow what if I still don't know it Caillou I heard you singing that song all day long you know it perfectly Caillou thought about this and realized mommy was right he didn't need luck he knew the song by heart itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and tried to B the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again well done Caillou he didn't need luck all he needed was to believe in [Music] himself Big Kid [Music] Caillou one day Caillou just couldn't sit still can you please no thanks Rosie a he was excited because he knew today was a special day hi Sarah guess what what Andre is coming over to play that's nice what are you going to do I don't know maybe build some stuff with my building blocks Andre might be too big for blocks my cousin's older too and he mostly likes cars and sports well have fun Caillou was surprised he thought everyone loved building [Music] blocks Caillou was a little worried what if Andre was too big for [Music] blocks what if Andre was too big for all of Caillou's toys H he wanted Andre to think of him as a big boy sorry Rexy so Caillou decided to hide all of his [Music] toys 1 2 3 4 5 6 [Music] 7 [Music] huh when all of his toys were put away Caillou had a new problem now what are we going to play with when will be here very [Music] soon can I borrow this game honey that's a grown-up game I know but you don't know how to play it that's okay Andre will all right if you really want to can I borrow that too you can keep it if you like I was going to recycle it but why thank [Music] you Caillou thought his room looked very grown up but he was worried that one game wouldn't be enough H have you seen my ball it should be in there all I can find are Rosy's baby toys I didn't know Rosie like Dino me tramplers daddy do big kids play catch they sure do in fact I play catch every weekend with my ball team it's great exercise here's the windup and the pitch can I borrow that my glove it' be awfully big Caillou Andre is here hi Caillou hi Andre Andre want to play catch sure I wish I brought my glove ready Andre here's the wind up and the pitch whoops [Music] sorry oops [Music] oh uh I don't know what's wrong I'm good at catch really maybe you need a smaller glove that one's twice as big as mine huh boys are you ready for lunch yeah yeah I'm [Music] starving I hope you like veggie sticks and grilled cheese sandwiches I love them me too mom why'd you cut the crust off that's for little kids it is well I guess I'll leave them on next time sorry sometimes my mom forgets how big I am mine too wow your room is really clean mine has toys all over the place hey hey you like the Zoom up 3000 yeah it's my favorite what's your second favorite um red cars hey do you want to play this game [Music] sure um how do you play this game I thought you would know I've never played it before I can't find the spinner do you see any plastic parts maybe they fell out so here's all your toys I knew they had to be somewhere nobody's that tidy oh those are my old toys I don't even play with them anymore why not you have great stuff hey I have the same train let's build a tunnel for it with the blocks you play with building blocks sure you don't think blocks are babyish do you no blocks are great I have train tracks too is it okay if Rexy watches sure sure why not I'm never going to be too big to play with toys Caillou and Andre played happily with the toys for the rest of the [Music] day CA use glasses today Caillou was joining mommy on her trip to the mall for company he brought along Auggie the super owl who had a very special [Music] superpower what does Auggie see Caillou Auggie sees Daddy's Golf Clubs behind the seat in the trunk wow it's pretty handy being able to see through things isn't it Augie also sees that my tummy is empty and need some ice cream nice try mommy took Caillou to the store where they sell glasses she had an appointment to see the eye doctor Caillou hadn't spent much time thinking about his eyes before until today he didn't know how important it was to get your eyes checked your vision looks good yay now it's my turn your turn well then do you know your alphabet yes then I have just the test for you it's called an eye chart you hold this over one of your eyes then with your other eye you read the alphabet letters in each row saying them out loud for me ready e good next row f p the letters on the ey chart got smaller and smaller but Caillou managed to read them all with both eyes even the teeny tiny letters when the test was over the eye doctor told Caillou that his vision wasn't just good it was very good enjoy your new reading glasses mom mommy you need glasses but the eye doctor said your eyes were good they are but for some things I need special glasses to see properly like the special glasses that help Auggie see through things no mine only helped me read things up close like this can I get glasses too you don't need them your vision is perfect remember Caillou was sure that wearing special glasses would help his eyes too he wanted to be able to see through things like Auggie could Caillou really wanted his own pair of glasses but he knew mommy wouldn't get him a pair unless he couldn't see properly is that a dog on the cover mommy no it's a person really wow you're right it is a person are you having trouble seeing things up close all of a sudden yes H what about far away things uh yes both well we better be sure what do you see over there uh I think it's it's a horse it's a motorcycle see Mommy I do need glasses Caillou look what I got for you a new soccer [Music] ball Caillou why is it that you can't see the motorcycle across the street but you can easily see a soccer ball that's much smaller uh-oh is somebody having trouble with his eyes no I'm not I just really want my own glasses like Mommy and [Music] Auggie these are my old glasses Caillou now that I have new ones I don't need these anymore wo thanks they're empty glasses need lenses that's what makes them glasses Caillou suddenly had an idea to make his own lenses look I'm like Augie those glasses look a little cloudy no I can see I can [Music] see now that Caillou finally had his own glasses he couldn't wait to see through walls and doors like Auggie the super owl could but no matter how long he stared at his closet or how close he got he couldn't see through it why aren't they working Caillou thought maybe his glasses weren't working because they weren't green like auggies Caillou decided to test out his glasses on Gilbert's cat bed he thought he could see a cat inside nice Gilbert ew you're not Gilbert it was only when Caillou took off his glasses that he realized how sharp everything looked [Music] again [Music] mommy you can have these glasses back I don't need them anymore are you sure yes I can see much better without them besides they don't work what do you mean Caillou they don't light up so I can't see through walls like Auggie can oh honey no glasses can do that I know I was just hoping maybe they would hey Caillou there's some old glasses of mine you might like to try they're not for seeing better they're just for [Laughter] fun they don't let me see through things but they do make everyone laugh that's even better Caillou had realized how important his eyesight was with or without glasses Caillou's dance [Music] party okay raise those hands as high as you can and try to touch the sky now reach and we're done wow great job stretching everyone now I've got a treat for you we're going to have a party tomorrow with lots of Dancing Yeah K was excited about the party until he realized he didn't know how to dance I've never danced at a party before have you Le no but it sounds like fun okay here we go Caillou wanted to be ready for the dance party the next day but he was afraid of making a [Music] mistake W [Music] Gilbert you're right Gilbert I need help hey Caillou what are you doing well um there's a party tomorrow at preschool and I don't know how to to dance I can show you I used to be quite the dancer back in high school Caillou was fascinated with Daddy's dance style he wanted to try some of Daddy's moves the key to dancing is to listen to the rhythm of the [Music] music oops oopsie sorry Caillou looks like our dance lesson is over maybe mommy could give you a few pointers okay thanks Daddy Mommy Miss Martin is having a party tomorrow with dancing oh that sounds like fun I guess so but I'm not sure how to dance there's no right or wrong way Caillou to each his own can you show me how you dance well I did take ballet lessons for many [Music] years Kao was amazed he had no idea his mommy could dance so well who oops wow [Music] wo thanks mommy but I don't think this kind of dancing is for [Music] me oh Rosie honey time to put that away now Grandma and Grandpa are here grandma grandpa there's a party tomorrow at preschool can you show me how to dance oh hold up there Rosie can I have the remote control for a moment my lady it's time to [Music] tango [Applause] wow Caillou was very impressed with Grandma and Grandpa's dancing he wanted to try it too Rosie k [Music] lovely [Music] Tango ouch my toe Rosie Rosie [Music] Zoe uh-oh don't worry we'll get that later you did a great job Caillou and Rosie Caillou wasn't convinced in fact he was more confused than ever there were so many different ways to dance but he didn't seem to be good at any of them even Rosie knows how to dance everybody can dance but me the next day Caillou was unusually quiet on his way to preschool is anything wrong Caillou I still don't know how to dance what am I going to do the party is today Caillou there's no right or wrong way to dance the important thing is to have fun I guess so you'll have lots of fun you'll see are we all ready to dance yeah [Music] yeah come on join me Miss Martin was having so much fun dancing Caillou seemed to forget all about how nervous he [Music] was Caillou decided Ed his classmate shouldn't have all the fun he was going to give it a try Kyle was really getting into the swing of things so much so he decided to try a few of his own dance steps yeah yeah woohoo look at Caillou go yeah wow nice moves Caillou what's your secret I learned that it doesn't matter how you dance as long as you're having fun well said Caillou
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 74,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: crno2dAd4Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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