How to Swim | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] today mommy and daddy had taken Caillou and Rosie to enjoy a fun-filled day at the water park Caillou was being a good older brother and was teaching Rosie how to swim okay Rosie all you have to do is kick your legs really fast like this now you try great job Rosie Caillou you're a very good teacher look look those children are fighting a pirate ship looks like they could use your help Caillou Captain Caillou to the [Music] rescue hold on Caillou you need to put some sunscreen on first but I want to go and battle the Pirates you won't be able to fight the Pirates if you get a sunburn okay mommy but hurry we can't let the Pirates take over the water park it's cold hold still Caillou perfect what meow Mommy I can't fight the Pirates looking like this they'll laugh at me okay Captain Caillou come here there now you're ready to go and save the day come on Rosie let's go sink the pirate ship [Music] Ready Aim [Music] Fire y Mii watch out Caillou the Pirates are fighting back don't worry I'll get [Music] [Applause] him Man Overboard we did it y we did it Rosie we stopped the pirates from taking over the water park after all that excitement I bet you two could do with the rest how about we take a ride down the lazy river that sounds like fun this is very relaxing it's a bit slow can't it go any faster why don't we have a race to that palm tree Caillou [Music] okay here I come Caillou w I did it I won well done Caillou why is the line moving so slowly be patient Caillou This is the biggest slide at the water park it'll be worth the wait the biggest can't we go on the second biggest slide don't worry Caillou there are two slides next to each other so we can go down together oh okay are you ready mommy I'm a little scared could you hold my hand of course mommy I'll protect you okay 3 2 1 go y [Music] [Applause] W see Caillou that wasn't so bad was it thanks for holding my hand Caillou you're very brave that was Splash [Music] tactic it was World Book Day all the kids were so excited to dress up as their favorite characters but no one was as excited as Caillou who came dressed as a pirate all right now class gather around settle down settle down now as you know from your wonderful costumes today is world book [Music] day but it's not just about dressing up in costume it's about getting your imaginations going through Reading so here are some vouchers you can spend them on whatever book you like at the store after school wow Leo look at this Caillou and his friends couldn't wait to spend their vouchers they thought long and hard about what book they wanted to buy Caillou and his friends were exchanging vouchers there were so many different colors and pictures oh cool yours has a dinosaur on it look at Clementine's it has a wolf on on it graia h h ready for take off five 4 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] too [Music] boring [Music] [Applause] [Music] too scary land AO that's where we'll find our treasure I I captain [Music] Caillou Captain Caillou Caillou Caillou uh what did you guys get with their imaginations truly fired up Caillou and his friends couldn't wait to get reading Caillou was excited to take his book home and have all the adventures of a [Music] pirate hey Caillou Look what's just arrived a package what is it is it for me it's for all of us Caillou come into the kitchen and I'll show you okay mommy look a man brought us a package how exciting I wonder what it could be want to help me open it I can do that what is it it's a pasta making machine pasta like [Music] spaghetti yes we can make all kinds of pasta shapes I know why don't we pretend we're running our own Italian restaurant yay can we invite Grandma and Grandpa great idea Caillou we can do a pasta and pizza's evening Grandpa loves pizza first the pasta we need eggs and pasta flow and a pinch of salt there now Caillou slowly Put the flower into this big bowl cou that's why I said slowly okay now the eggs tap them on the side of the bowl like this and pull the shell apart great job Caillou me too me too Rosie you've messed it up don't worry Caillou maybe Rosie will be better at helping with the pizza dough now Caillou mix the eggs into the flour it can be a bit messy but that's okay now we have to knead our dough that means move it around stretch it and press it until it's [Applause] smooth this is hard work my arms hurt why don't we take a rest we can make a menu if you [Music] [Applause] like look Mommy Rosie has drawn some spaghetti well done Rosie Let's Go and show daddy daddy look at the menu we made wow that looks amazing the picture pictures look good enough to eat okay Caillou I'll hold the pasta and you can turn the handle wow look I'm making spaghetti it looks delicious now for the pizzas here are the toppings first spread the tomato sauce on the pizza next a good sprinkling of [Music] cheese look it's snowing [Music] cheese and now the best bit make a face look Grandpa we made a menu this looks great I think I'll have pizza and spaghetti they both look so delicious me too look everyone my pizza has got curly hair and a curly beard too Caillou Leo and Clementine were having lots of fun playing in the garden they were having a competition to see who could throw the ball the highest okay here it [Music] goes that was really high it almost touched the roof of the house you try Caillou mine is going to touch the clouds who that was close Caillou but I don't think it made it all the way to the clouds watch this I bet I can reach the [Music] moon hey where did it go it must have gone into space it's not in space it's in the tree [Music] look oh no how are we going to get it down if only we could fly or jump really high then we'd be able to reach it this looks like a job for some superheroes to the Caillou [Music] cave Captain Caillou super strength Captain Clen night [Music] vision Captain Leo super [Music] speed okay guys let's go get our ball [Music] back hey the ball is [Music] gone h look there's a note what does it say I don't know it looks like some kind of code don't worry Professor mommy is great at solving codes we can take the note to [Music] her well hello my little superheroes are you on a super adventure yes we're trying to solve the mystery of our missing ball can you help us well I can try the thief left us this note but it's in some sort of [Music] code you're right Captain Clementine it is a code luckily for you I can read it what does it say it says your precious ball is mine now if you want it back meet me in my evil layer signed daddy the master Thief oh no where can we find the master Thief well rumor has it that his layer is in the living room I mean the shadow lands that sounds scary don't worry Captain Clen You've Got The Power of night vision oh yeah come on let's go defeat Daddy and get our ball [Music] back there's our [Music] ball wait it could be a trap don't worry Clen with your night vision we can see in the dark there that's better look out it's the master Thief so you worked out my code did you quick Captain Leo use your super speed to tie him up [Music] oh no you've captured me Caillou use your super strength to knock him [Music] down you got me the ball is yours you really are some [Music] superheroes great job team let's go and find another hero [Laughter] [Music] Adventure we're almost there let's go sleding [Music] what's the matter clam it's a long way down I've never done it before what if I can't do it what if I fall [Music] off we could head down to that smaller Hill it'll be easier I felt that same way when I was skiing you did yeah I was so excited to go skiing for the first time my daddy suggested I try sledding instead because skiing for the first time can be tricky but I didn't want to sled I wanted to [Music] ski [Music] the lift took us higher and higher and higher I started to feel a little [Music] nervous come here Caillou let's get your skis on I got into my skis and couldn't wait to get started okay Caillou are you ready no you need to bend your knees but keep your back straight that's very important for balance skiing is all about balance let's try going in a straight line first all right now Caillou are you ready 1 2 3 [Applause] [Music] go I couldn't stay up and fell [Music] over I was so upset I'd waited so long to learn to key but then I noticed Rosie and Mommy a little ways down the mountain they were sleding can I daddy of course Caillou you can learn to ski another time we can start off [Music] slow okay are you ready then Caillou knees bent shoulders Square get your [Music] balance off we go I went so fast it was the best thing ever as soon as I reached the bottom I ran up the hill to do it all over again I didn't lose my balance and I got better and better see CLM my daddy was right I should have tried sledding to begin with but maybe after all I've learned on the sled I will be next year my daddy always says never to run before you can walk let's try the smaller Hill and maybe you can do the big one next time [Music] hey Caillou Clen wait [Music] [Laughter] [Music] up oh Caillou that makes you look really scary I know why don't we each tell some scary stories We're Not Afraid once upon a time there were two girls who were riding their bikes through a spooky wood it began to get dark and they could hear owls hooting in the trees above them they began to feel really really scared suddenly the chain came off their bikes and they got stuck they were so scared and shaking that they couldn't pull the chains back on we're never going to get out of here then they heard a strange noise somewhere in the woods behind them they slowly turned turned around and there in front of them was a ghost a ghost the two girls were frozen to the spot the ghost began to come closer and closer go away the ghost floated right through them and over to the bicycles hey get away from our bikes all of a sudden the ghost vanished and the girl saw that the chains on their bicycles had been magically fixed [Music] oo Clementine that wasn't scary it sounds like a Friendly [Music] Ghost Leo I'm not scared I was pretending I'll tell you a really scary story once upon a time there was a boy who lived on a farm with his [Music] daddy they built a scarecrow to frighten the birds away from eating their vegetables that night there was a storm that w the boy up he looked out his bedroom window and saw the Scarecrow standing in the vegetable [Music] patch daddy daddy the Scarecrow is moving don't be silly scarecrows can't move the daddy let the boy sleep in his room because he was scared and soon he fell fast asleep in the morning they looked out the window but the Scarecrow had vanished so had the Scarecrow really come to life maybe his hat just blew [Music] there it's the Scarecrow he's come for [Music] us let me in I I know you're not asleep yet I can hear you talking Daddy it's you I've brought you all some hot chocolate and cookies it's very cozy in here what have you all been talking about all this time we were telling each other really scary stories but we're not scared no we're not scared at all daddy would you like to sleep in the den too tonight I don't think I'd fit Caillou but why don't I sleep on the couch and keep watch in case any scarecrows come that would be great Daddy then you don't have to miss out on all the [Laughter] fun it was the end of a busy day and Caillou wanted a bedtime story daddy would you you read to me all right Caillou scooch over this is the story of a time traveling Global [Music] Adventurer in the plains of Africa wild animals roam you never know what you'll find did you feel that Caillou oh no hop in Caillou pH I made it that was a close one Caillou in the great ice sheets of the Arctic extraordinary sights are never far away [Music] [Applause] nice to meet you my name is Caillou come on Caillou let's see what else we can [Music] find [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looks like you've made friends there [Music] Caillou and in the Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt you never know what friends you could make [Music] wow Caillou you look just like a real ancient Pharaoh so do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] daddy something got [Music] me bless [Music] you and on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea Paris a city of History food and [Music] art Bou Caillou very good what do you say we go and see the real thing [Music] yeah [Music] wow can we go up sure Caillou let's [Music] go quite a view huh Caillou that's enough excitement for one night time for bed [Music] okay class it's almost time for the weekend so that means it's time to choose who gets to take home the class pet [Music] Gerald now who wants to take him home Caillou why don't you take Gerald today so I get defeat him and play with him and then tomorrow he gets to run around in his [Music] ball rise and shine sleepy head it's breakfast time [Music] Come on Mommy says you can play in your ball [Music] today Caillou Leo's here coming mommy wait here Gerald [Music] hey Caillou hey Leo you want to come and see Gerald I was just about to take him outside sure so he needs to get some exercise so I put him in his ball oh no what's wrong Caillou where's Gerald I left him here and now he's gone Mommy I left Gerald in his ball and he's disappeared don't worry Caillou we'll find [Music] him h [Music] here Gerald here [Music] Gerald oh I'm never going to find him you [Music] Bert there you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] are all right Caillou I'll be back in a minute make sure you get nice and clean okay Mommy good luck on your mission Captain [Music] Caillou oh hi there what's your name uh hi I'm Caillou oh Legend tells of a great Explorer by the name of Caillou really oh yes it says that he is the one to find the lost treasure and return it to us wow will you help us great Caillou you got it let's find that treasure [Music] [Laughter] hey look let's look inside [Music] are you sure about this Captain Caillou come on we'll be okay if we stick [Music] together look over there could it be there come on let's find [Music] out [Music] [Laughter] oh okay ready 1 2 3 we did it yeah oh hey what's that it's a [Music] shark fter it's gaining on us caou are you all cleaned up uh almost good so there's still some time for Captain Caillou to sail the [Music] Seas my uncle gave this to me for my birthday wow we can do all sorts of practical jokes with this [Music] e which one should we use first I'm not sure why don't you decide Caillou [Music] oh h quick quick oh [Music] [Laughter] my very funny boys oh hi Leo hello Caillou what are you boys up to we got you some peanuts daddy would you like some for me that's very nice of you Caillou thank [Music] you wa oh you boys got [Music] me okay [Music] huh oh [Music] no the mouse it's okay Rosie it's not real it's just a prank Rosie [Music] see h H come on Rosie I've got an [Music] idea oh there they are hello Rosie Caillou oh hi Leo hello Grandma would you like some juice oh why yes Caillou I am a little thirsty Rosie do you want want to help me with the ice cubes ice cubes ice [Music] cubes thank you very much you two oh [Music] heavens was this a prank yeah
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 27,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: EHH47S83rOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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