Red Card | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] hey Caillou wait up look they're having soccer trials tomorrow after school want to [Applause] [Music] go you you Caillou has the ball he's close to the goal he shoots and scores great shot Caillou thanks Daddy I'm going to be the best soccer player ever just don't forget us when you become a big [Music] star come on [Music] Caillou great job Caillou we'll need some of that for the championship game next week to help us win the [Music] trophy he you I'm [Music] open how did you miss Sarah did you see me Daddy I got the ball all the way to Sarah but she missed well Caillou you just need to keep trying and maybe next time she'll score but I want to win and you can Caillou but the only way to do that is to work together as a team let's go Caillou yay [Music] Caillou come on Sarah you can do it [Music] penalty are you okay caou ow I don't think I can take the penalty Sarah you should take it but what if I miss again Caillou you've got this [Music] Sarah you did it Sarah and the championship trophy goes to Greenwood [Music] all right Caillou I'll be back in a minute make sure you get nice and clean okay Mommy good luck on your mission Captain [Music] Caillou [Music] oh hi there what's your name uh hi I'm Caillou oh Legend tells of a great Explorer by the name of Caillou really oh yes it says that he is the one to find the lost treasure and return it to us wow oh will you help us great Caillou you got it let's find that [Music] [Laughter] treasure Hey look let's look [Music] inside are you sure about this Captain Caillou come on we'll be okay if we stick [Music] together look over there could be come on let's find [Music] [Laughter] out okay ready 1 2 3 we did it [Music] yeah hey what's that it's a [Music] shark faster it's gaining on us caou are you you all cleaned up uh almost good so there's still some time for Captain Caillou to sail the [Music] Seas it was school sports day and Caillou was excited to get started all his family had come out to watch him compete all right kids the race is about to start line up at your marks on your marks get set go kou shot out from the crowd he was ahead of the rest oh no Caillou dropped his [Music] [Applause] egg Caillou tried and tried to keep his eggs steady but he couldn't do it oh no Caillou you can do it just keep going take it easy slow and steady Caillou [Music] Zoom just when he thought it was all over Caillou decided he wasn't going to give up go Caillou go Caillou Caillou reached the finish line and he was so proud of himself as his friends lifted him into the air Caillou felt so happy he realized that it was the taking part that counted I did it you did so well in the race Caillou not as well as you Clen you were so fast I couldn't catch you thanks Caillou but you're a winner too you completed the race even though it was hard you carried on WOW thanks that was a lot of fun congratulations Caillou mommy daddy look what I got very good Caillou we knew you could do it all right what's next looks like Rosie's proud of her big brother [Music] hey Caillou Look what's just arrived a package what is it is it for me it's for all of us Caillou come into the kitchen and I'll show you okay mommy look a man brought us a package how exciting I wonder what it could be want to help me open it I can do [Music] that what is it it's a pasta making machine pasta like [Music] spaghetti yes we can make all kinds of pasta shapes I know why don't we pretend we're running our own Italian restaurant yay can we invite Grandma and Grandpa great idea Caillou we can do a pasta and pizz evening Grandpa loves pizza first the pasta we need eggs and pasta flour and a pinch of salt there now Caillou slowly Put the flower in into this big bowl C you that's why I said [Music] slowly okay now the eggs tap them on the side of the bowl like this and pull the shell apart great job Caillou me too me too Rosie you've messed it up don't worry Caillou maybe Rosie will be better at helping with the pizza [Music] dough now Caillou mix the eggs into the flow it can be a bit messy but that's okay now we have to knead our dough that means move it around stretch it and press it until it's smooth [Applause] this is hard work my arms hurt why don't we take a rest we can make a menu if you [Music] [Applause] like look Mommy Rosie has drawn some spaghetti well done Rosie Let's Go and show daddy daddy look at the menu we made wow that looks amazing the pictures look good enough to eat okay Caillou I'll hold the pasta and you can turn the handle wow look I'm making spaghetti it looks delicious ious now for the pizzas here are the toppings first spread the tomato sauce on the pizza next a good sprinkling of [Music] cheese look it's snowing [Music] cheese and now the best bit make a face look Grandpa we made a menu this looks great I think I'll have pizza and spaghetti they both look so delicious me too look everyone my pizza has got curly hair and a curly beard too all right Caillou tell us about your weekend what did you get up to well we were having a barbecue Mommy and Daddy went to the store and bought all kinds of stuff to cook burgers hot dogs even the vegetables look tasty but me and my friends needed to work up an appetite slip [Applause] inside W wo [Music] now it's your turn clam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] woo [Music] waterf [Music] w I'll get you for that [Music] [Applause] Clen [Music] [Laughter] gotcha it was a lot of fun Clementine got me so wet but I had an idea of how to get her [Music] back three two one go the water from the holes covered Leo and Clementine but it was so powerful I couldn't control it it kept firing and I accidentally hit [Music] Gilbert all right everyone it's time to [Music] eat I'm sorry [Music] [Laughter] Daddy oh not so fast Caillou food [Music] fight it was the best barbecue ever when all the fighting had stopped we were all really hungry so mommy and daddy let us have ice cream before bed and that's how I spent my weekend I had a lot of food at the barbecue all over my face everyone this is Alex now it can be very scary to start at a new school so let's all try and make him feel welcome okay why don't you take a seat Alex [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Alex I'm Caillou why are you all the way over here what a recess isn't fun on your own Silly no come and play with me and my friends no I don't want to play with you oh sorry maybe we can just no just leave me [Music] alone you're very quiet today Caillou how was school it was [Music] okay not hungry Caillou I thought spaghetti was your favorite spetti Caillou Daddy is talking to you hello Earth to Caillou are you in there I don't want get it [Music] Daddy you really scared Rosie Caillou I know I'm sorry Daddy I just got really mad well why don't you tell me what made you so mad uh it's just there's a new kid at school and I just wanted to be his friend but he pushed me and it hurt and I don't know why he was so mean I'm sorry Caillou I understand why that would make you angry I didn't mean to be angry at Rosie I'm just scared that's okay Rosie will understand if you apologize that's what's most important call [Music] you I'm sorry I scared you Rosie it isn't nice to be scared SC great idea Rosie let's go down and finish our [Music] dinner what if Alex is mean again Daddy I'm going to come in and we'll speak to Mrs Martin about it together okay remember if anyone is ever mean to you you can always tell your teacher okay good morning Caillou hi Mrs Martin I I need to tell you that hey Caillou hi Alex I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for pushing you yesterday it's just really scary being at a new school and I didn't mean to be mean but I'd really like to be your friend if you'll still let me that's okay sometimes when I get scared I mean by accident too really yeah but my daddy says the important thing is to say [Music] sorry come on Caillou you don't want Alex to be late on his second day do you coming come on you can meet Leo and Clementine before class hey Leo want to build a sand castle [Music] [Applause] sure you know every good Castle should have a moat what's a moat a moat is a lake that wraps around a castle protecting it from Invaders oh you need to dig nice and deep so that you reach wet sand this will ensure the moat keeps it [Music] shape that is a fun Castle Caillou now just you wait for what [Music] that wow cool there now you have a castle that can keep out any unwanted visitors hey Caillou how about a game of frisbee yeah go on Caillou you but don't run too [Music] far go along [Music] Leo po gotcha I think I need to lie down [Music] I have a better idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Leo [Applause] oh no Rosie where's Daddy I think we need to cool off wow maybe we could try that Caillou can we mommy you go have fun Caillou but careful you don't go too far out [Music] HP on it's coming go [Music] woohoo yuck careful not to drink the seawater Caillou it doesn't taste very nice but these Slushies Slushies my favorite Caillou you rascal not so fast [Music] Caillou This spagetti is delicious King Caillou we have some bad news what is it over there we saw a giant shape in the sky maybe it was a bird it looked like a dragon a dragon it was coming this way there it is it's a green fire breather how can we defeat it it will be very hard dragons are always angry and very hungry what do they eat teddy bears and spaghetti oh no we should go and hide sir Teddy in the dungeon he'll be safe in [Music] there look there it is again it's working out how to attack quick everyone grab a sword and [Music] shield okay is everyone ready ready [Music] charge go away get your own [Music] spaghetti hey what's going on we're trying to scare the dragon away Caillou Look at poor Gilbert he looks really scared I don't think he understands you're playing a game but he's the dragon mommy he wants to eat Teddy in all our spaghetti I've got an idea why don't you ask Rexy if he'd like to join in and play the part of the Dragon that's a great idea mommy there Rexy is is much more like a dragon oh no this dragon's even [Music] [Applause] [Music] bigger it's too strong be careful sir Teddy he wants to eat [Music] you [Music] sir Teddy you saved us we did it sir Teddy and our spaghetti are safe I thought you Brave Knights deserved a treat thanks [Music] mommy another [Music] Dragon this is Gilbert and he's a very friendly cat aren't you Gilbert and see he likes eating ice cream not [Laughter] [Music] Teddy watch me [Music] grandma well done [Music] Caillou what's the matter Caillou that boy on the skateboard reminded me of when I had an accident grandma do you want to tell me about it it might make you feel better it was when I had a skateboard from Leo for my birthday I couldn't wait to try it out but mommy said I had to wait until we got the special knee and wrist pads did you need a helmet too caou yes but I already had my bike helmet I was too excited to wait so I put my bike helmet on and went into the garden I took the skateboard to the top of the path and tried to go a bit [Music] faster the wheel hit a stone and the skateboard threw me off I poke my hand out and I bumped my wrist on the ground what did you do I was crying and holding my arm and I went to find [Music] Mommy oh K what's the matter did you hurt your wrist I fell off my skateboard Caillou I told you to wait I'm sorry it's okay let's go and get you fixed up mommy had to take me to the Doctor Who told me that I had sprained my wrist that's not broken but it still really hurt Grandma I know it hurts Caillou I sprained my wrist once too well you want a skateboard too grandma no Caillou I slipped on some ice did you have a sling like me yes Caillou I had to keep my arm resting in a sling for a few weeks until it was better thanks Grandma I feel better now have you used your skateboard again cou no Grandma I'm too scared about falling off but if you wear all your safety gear you can practice and you won't hurt yourself if you fall oh that looks so much fun I wish I was your age Caillou I definitely want to learn to skateboard gosh my arms are tired I must have pushed Rosie on that swing 100 times why don't we all have a banana and then we'll have some more energy so Caillou what were you telling Grandma about about when I fell off my skateboard and hurt my wrist it's made Caillou scared of skateboarding again but it does look so much fun yes it does when I was a young boy I had a pair of roller skates I fell over a lot but I kept practicing until I could skate without falling over it was my favorite thing to do maybe you should give it another go Caillou yes I think I will but I'm going to wear all the special pads this time when Caillou got home he dressed in his helmet knee pads and wrist guards go Caillou oh Caillou are you okay I'm fine mommy my guards worked try again Caillou you almost had it I did it it was just another day at school or so Caillou thought all of a sudden Caillou felt a pain in his mouth Caillou's tooth had come loose guys guys look my tooth is [Music] wobbling wow Caillou you'll get a visit from the Tooth Fairy soon huh the Tooth Fairy Caillou whenever you lose a tooth you put it under your pillow and the Tooth Fairy comes and leaves something special underneath in its place no Caillou don't do that it'll fall out on its own [Music] it seemed Caillou would just have to be patient with that Caillou decided to wait but he was so excited for the rest of the day he could barely concentrate in class later that day after school Caillou skipped out of the gate to meet Grandma he couldn't wait to tell Mommy and Daddy about his loose tooth mommy daddy guess what I have a loose tooth that's great Caillou let's take a look say ah that looks almost ready to come out but not yet caou waited and [Music] waited and [Music] waited until suddenly his tooth fell out mommy daddy it came out my tooth came out that's great you so when will the Tooth Fairy come well first you need to put your tooth under your pillow or she won't know to come and visit oh right I forgot we'll all go up together okay now Caillou place it carefully under your pillow and let's see in the morning warning what the Tooth Fairy brings you good night Caillou good night mommy and [Music] daddy Caillou sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes suddenly his eyes widened as he remembered what lay waiting beneath his pillow just then then Caillou noticed something from the corner of his eye something glowed in the corner of his [Music] bedroom it was the Tooth Fairy well hello Caillou I hear you've lost a tooth have you been taking good care of your teeth where do you take all the teeth Tooth Fairy why back to Fairy Land of course we use them to build our fairy castle bigger and bigger wow good night Tooth Fairy good night Caillou I'll take good care of your tooth don't forget to check your pillow when you wake [Music] up Caillou had the strangest dream remembering suddenly Caillou sat bolt upright and threw his pillow to the side under his pillow was a shiny silver quarter and a note dear Caillou thank you for keeping your tooth so clean love from the tooth [Music] fairy
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 104,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: io5JWgNxA8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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