Birthday Cake | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] today was Leo's birthday and he had invited Caillou to his birthday party good morning Caillou it's time to wake up we need to get ready for Leo's party it's today yes now up you get I promised Leo's Mommy that we'd make Leo a special birthday cake mommy had laid out all of the things they needed to make a special cake for Leo [Music] okay Caillou I'll read the recipe and you can put the ingredients in the bowl okay the first thing we need is some sugar and some flour Caillou found the sugar and the flour and poured them into the bowl [Music] now we need to add some butter oh there it is now we need to add some eggs I'll help you with those eggs can be a little messy if you're not careful Caillou watched as Mommy took the eggs and gently cracked them into the mixing bowl can I try one sure Caillou took the egg and tapped it on the side of the bowl hey it didn't work try a little harder Caillou oops I missed the ball that's okay Caillou it takes some practice [Music] Caillou watched as Mommy stirred the cake mixture it looked very tasty can I lick the spoon it looks so yummy while we wait for the cake to bake we can go and get you changed into your costume Caillou and Mommy arrived at the party everybody looked very funny in their costumes hi Caillou hi Leo happy birthday thanks that's a cool space Man costume thanks your night costume is really cool too do you want to give Leo his present Caillou Look Leo I baked you a cake for your birthday I decorated it myself wow it looks delicious thanks Caillou it was time for Leo to blow out his birthday candles make a wish Leo [Music] thanks for the cake Caillou it's the best cake I've ever had Caillou was very happy to be at Leo's birthday party he was especially happy to eat the yummy cake he and mommy had made today mommy and daddy had taken Caillou and Rosie on a very special trip to the zoo here we are [Music] Caillou looked at the map of the zoo he could see lots of pictures of all the different animals which animals do you want to go and see first Caillou go and see the AL [Music] Caillou where is it mommy Caillou looked for the elephant but he couldn't see it anywhere there [Music] is Caillou likes the elephant he especially liked the noise that it made [Music] can we get a pet elephant I don't think we have room for an elephant at home Caillou they're much too big look the mommy and the daddy lion are sleeping would you like me to take your picture Caillou yes please [Music] say cheese [Music] don't worry Caillou it's just a baby lion I think he wants to play with you laughs oh I did it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi I'm Linda what's your name I'm Caillou and this is my sister Rosie hello Caillou hello Rosie would you like to come and feed the monkeys with me yes please [Music] Caillou was very excited he'd never fed a monkey before these monkeys love to eat fruit and vegetables why don't you and Rosie put some on that rock for them [Music] look they're eating it [Music] hey my hat monkey they also love to play Caillou come down from that tree we have to go home soon I'm I'm daddy that's just a monkey oh there you are Caillou [Music] foreign foreign look what I found Caillou it's an Alice one is just the right size to come and live at home with us Caillou had loved his day at the zoo and he was very happy to have his very own elephant to take home [Music] today mommy and daddy had taken Caillou and Rosie on a trip to the theme park ah you was so excited theme parks were the most fun places in the world is going to be the best day ever it was hard for Caillou to decide which ride he wanted to go on first so Daddy suggested they'd try the roller coaster [Music] you need to stand next to this measuring stick Caillou we have to check if you're tall enough to go on the ride [Music] yep Rosie wanted to go on the roller coaster too but she was still too little don't worry Rosie there's lots of other fun rides you can go on [Music] the roller coaster slowly began to move forwards it went higher and higher and higher we're getting really high I know we can see the whole park from up here Daddy don't worry Caillou here hold my hand the roller coaster was really fast how you could feel the wind blowing against his face as they zoomed a rogue [Music] all right foreign did you see me I put my hands in the air I saw Caillou you were very brave Caillou and Rosie found a great place for a photo [Music] go on the roller coaster after all wow you look like you're going really fast foreign that's right Rosie shall we have a go ready Rosie here we go Giddy Up Rosie I'll race you to the Finish Line Collier had lots of fun on the big roller coaster but he loved going on the carousel with Rosie and his family just as much Caillou was very excited because today Daddy was going to help him and Leo build a special project for the science fair okay I think we have everything we need link daddy a spaceship not exactly we're going to make a volcano cool volcanoes are awesome I saw one on TV once how does it work I'll show you Caillou watched as Daddy poured some liquid inside one of the soda bottles what's that stuff it's vinegar and red food coloring we're going to use it to make lava it doesn't look like lava no well watch this wow [Music] now we can make a real volcano first we need to glue a soda bottle onto the cardboard oh [Music] like this perfect next we need to add some scrunched up newspaper around it Caillou and Leo scrunched up the sheets of newspaper and with daddy's help glued them around the bottle great job now it's time for the messy part take a strip of newspaper and dip it in the bowl then lay it on the sides of the volcano like this Caillou and Leo did what Daddy had showed them and stuck down all the sticky Bits of Paper to make the volcano great job guys we're almost finished now we just need to paint it we can use Brown for the Mountain Green for the grass making volcanoes is fun [Music] Caillou and Leo had lots of fun with the paints it looked just like a real volcano great job guys I can't wait to see it in action tomorrow at the science fair it was the day of the science fair and Caillou and Leo were ready to present their volcano hello everyone [Music] I'd like to show you the volcano that Leo and I made a volcano is kind of like a mountain with a chimney in the middle when the volcano has too much lava inside it pops out the top like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] Caillou had lots of fun making the volcano with Daddy and Leo he hoped that maybe one day he could see a real volcano but maybe from a safer distance next time Caillou was in the garden waiting for his friends Leo and Sarah to come over and play look who's here Caillou [Music] hi Leo hi Sarah what are those Leo these they're donut seeds donut seeds how do they work it's easy all you have to do is plant them in the ground and they'll grow into giant donut trees ah you hadn't heard of donut trees before wow that's amazing I can have Donuts whenever I want [Music] okay [Music] what happens now now we have to water them of course [Music] what are you doing Caillou I need to water the donut seeds so they'll grow into donut trees donut seeds yeah Leo gave me these donut seeds see oh Caillou I'm afraid your friends might be playing a little April Fool's Day prank on you April fools it's a day when friends play tricks on each other for fun those donut seeds are just breakfast cereal [Music] pointed looking forward to having his own Donut Tree I don't like being tricked it's okay Caillou everyone gets tricked on April Fool's Day why don't you try and play a trick on somebody okay I guess I could Caillou phoned Rosie in the living room playing with her building blocks hey maybe I can trick Rosie [Music] look out Rosie there's a spider who run Rosie it's going to get you what's all the racket I was playing an April Fool's Day prank on Rosie Caillou that wasn't very nice Rosie is too small to understand that you were tricking her Caillou felt sad that he'd upset Rosie he was only trying to play a prank like Leo and Sarah did sorry Rosie I didn't mean to upset you [Music] how about you all go into the kitchen I think mommy has made you off some special treats [Music] who wants a lollipop [Music] wait a minute this isn't a lollipop April fools hey you tricked us Mommy would you like a lollipop too Rosie [Music] Caillou had lots of fun learning about April Fool's Day and he hoped that maybe his donut seeds would grow into a donut tree after all today mommy and daddy had taken Caillou and Rosie to their very first circus Caillou was very excited he couldn't wait for the show to begin when is the circus going to start mommy very soon Caillou get your popcorn get your cotton candy can I get a snack please sure what would you like Caillou loved popcorn but the cotton candy looked good too both please too much sugar is bad for you Caillou you can only have one [Music] popcorn and cotton candy for dinner instead why don't you have a mix of sweet and Salted Popcorn that way each one will be a surprise that's a that's a print idea [Music] I got a sweet one thank you the lights went down and Caillou saw a man in a tall hat standing in the middle of the tent who's that daddy that's the ring Master he's in charge of the circus ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the magical marvelous Circus the First Act will be the clumsy clowns [Music] look at the funny clowns [Music] everybody in the audience laughed when one of the Clones played a silly trick on Daddy it was a pretend flower daddy after the clowns had finished it was time for the tumbling acrobats who formed a pyramid in the middle of the Ring Caillou thought the person at the top must be very brave finally came the plate Spinners who balanced plates on tall poles Caillou was amazed they didn't drop a single one can I be a plate spinner too Mommy oh yes I'll get you some plastic ones to practice with on the way home the circus had finished and all the performers came out to take a bow Caillou had loved every minute of it but know that it was all over he felt a little sad mommy when we get home will you help me make my own circus of course Caillou that sounds like lots of fun ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to Caillou's magical circus [Music] for My First Act I'll need two assistants mommy and daddy helped Caillou make a pyramid just like the acrobats in the real circus he felt very brave being at the top [Music] watch out Caillou don't drop them Caillou was very good at plate spinning he didn't drop a single one though he might have had a Little Help from Mommy Caillou had something very special planned for his big finale be careful Caillou that bucket looks very heavy put it down Caillou you could hurt yourself look out [Music] Caillou you tricked us that was a very clever joke Caillou that was the best circus we've ever seen great job Caillou Caillou had lots of fun making his own circus and he couldn't wait to show his new trick to all his friends Caillou was chasing Leo round the jungle gym they were pirates and Leo had stolen his ship Caillou was determined to get it back you can run but you can't hide it was Show and Tell at school Caillou was excited but nervous to speak in front of his class okay Caillou ready when you are what have you got to show us today foreign this rope was my grandpa's he gave it to me for my birthday [Music] he loves to fish at weekends he takes me with him and we catch all kinds [Music] careful Caillou don't go overboard [Music] if you want to catch a fish you need three things a rod some bait and a strong knot and some patience what's that it's waiting even when you don't want to now what you want to do is have a strong knot so that the bait doesn't fall away or get bitten off by the fish you're trying to catch laughs all we need to do now is wait once Caillou had thought back to those fun weekends he stopped feeling so scared he taught me how to fish how to put a worm on the line even how to steer the boat and best of all he showed me how to tie this cool knot [Music] you passed the end over itself like this then under and around the standing end like this it's called a figure eight real sailors use it for all kinds of things [Music] hahaha that was excellent Caillou I think we all learned something [Music] I'll show you how to Caillou listen up I wanna go outside and she'll Leo my figure eight well you need to be patient you might learn something new my daddy took me sailing this summer he bought me this model Sailing Boat so that I can always remember if you want to go slow you need to pull the sail out like this and when you want to go really really fast you need the wind to hit the sail right here one day I'm going to sail around the whole world [Music] that was just excellent class see Caillou there's always something new to learn and anyone can be a great teacher no recess all the kids were out playing in the sunshine Mrs Martin looked around smiling as she looked she spotted Caillou and Jesse in a shaded corner by the jungle gym Jesse we need to get out of here we need to move fast push that Sail Out Caillou Mrs Martin had no doubt about what game they were playing as Caillou and Jesse sailed their model boat through the air it was a beautiful sunny day so Mommy and Daddy had taken Caillou to the park to enjoy a picnic with his friends this looks like a good spot to have our picnic [Music] sorry Caillou I didn't see your train coming through all aboard [Music] oh no look out oh where is Rosie gone [Music] again I know how about we all play a game of Hide and Seek I love hide and seek let's play in pairs I'll hide with Rosie and Clementine you can hide with Leo then Caillou and Daddy can come and find us great idea come on Leo I know a great place we can hide let's go and find a good hiding spot Rosie Leo Clementine Mommy and Rosie all hurried off to hide from Daddy and Caillou okay Caillou close your eyes and count to ten one two three four Caillou opened his fingers a little he wanted to see where everyone was hiding no peeking Caillou sorry I just wanted to see where they were going I know but if we peek it spoils the game five six seven eight nine ten okay we're coming ready or not [Music] [Applause] oh I Found You Well Done Caillou have you found Leo in clementine yet no not yet well let's keep looking I'm sure they're close by Caillou thought he could see something moving behind a park bench would you oh you found us after all this hiding and seeking you must be hungry I think we should go and have our picnic Caillou was sitting on the picnic blanket enjoying his picnic here you go Caillou wow look how big it is I love watermelon oh no oops don't worry Rosie I'll get you another Juice Box daddy looked in the picnic basket for another juice box but they were all gone oh no there's none left [Music] okay Rosie you're mine good brother you are Caillou oh no ants there [Music] it's okay Caillou they're just after Rosie's spilled juice look let's move to another spot we don't want ants in our sandwiches Rosie 's wasn't wasted now it's a yummy treat for the ants Caillou thought that the ants would be good at playing hide and seek especially if they were looking for yummy treats today mommy had taken Caillou and Rosie to get their eyes tested at the optometrists Mommy why do people wear glasses glasses have special lenses that help people see better do I need glasses well that's why we're here Caillou the optometrist is going to do some tests on your eyes Caillou didn't like the sound of having his eyes tested hi you must be Caillou and Rosie I'm the optometrist my job is to test your eyes to see whether or not you need glasses what kind of test don't worry they're fun come inside and I'll show you [Music] thank you why don't you take a seat Caillou what are those these are a special pair of glasses we use to test your eyesight if you're having trouble seeing I can change the lenses like this whoa everything looks fuzzy what about now yeah that's better okay Caillou I'm going to show you some letters and I need you to tell me what they are [Music] very good do you know any words that start with the letter A [Music] Apple that's a good one but what about this letter [Music] excellent that's right eating fruit and vegetables is very important for keeping your eyes nice and healthy Caillou thought the eye test was a lot of fun okay Rosie it's your turn now Caillou could see that Rosie was looking a little nervous Rosie okay Rosie can you tell me what this is a picture of [Music] excellent what about this one foreign that's right well I think that's enough testing for now why don't you go and take a look at some glasses while I look at your results mommy Caillou and Rosie looked at all the different types of glasses what about these ones [Music] mommy these ones are too big I look silly well what about these then these are cool they're like something a space man would wear great news Caillou you both did very well on your eye tests you and Rosie don't need glasses oh but I really like these glasses here you are you can wear these whenever you like awesome Caillou was happy he had good eyesight but he was even happier he was able to keep the spaceman glasses Caillou and Rosie had spent the whole morning shopping for groceries with Mommy and Daddy so as a special treat they had taken them to the toy store to buy one toy each to take home wow look how many toys there are Rosie boys toys remember just one toy each okay skulls [Music] they just look like regular balls what's so special about them they're really cool when you squeeze them they change color but you never know which color you're going to get yellow one I want yellow one Caillou could see that Rosie was still too little to reach the squishy balls by herself here you go Rosie say thank you Rosie thank you thank you you ready three two one squeeze wow you were right Caillou They do change color is this the toy you want Caillou Caillou thought that the squishy balls were really fun but he wanted to look at some other toys before he made up his mind me maybe we should look around a bit more first there might be something better over there Caillou could see a girl playing with a toy he'd never seen before hi what's that toy you're playing with it's a fidget spinner you hold it between your fingers and spin it once it's spinning you can do cool tricks like balance it on the end of your finger here you try [Music] Caillou took hold of the fidget spinner and spun it between his fingers he could hear it making a little whizzing sound great now try to balance it on one finger [Music] you need some practice never mind Caillou let's try again all right ready I'm going to let go now I'm doing it mommy look how it spins it's like an airplane great job Caillou Caillou come and look at this it's a spaghetti making machine first we have to choose a color for the spaghetti but I thought spaghetti was always Brown this is special spaghetti it can be any color We Like Caillou had never heard of different colored spaghetti before wow even blue of course oh yeah thank you Rosie now we can have multi-colored spaghetti for dinner Caillou watched as Daddy placed the blue and yellow dough inside the spaghetti machine it's ready all you have to do is press down on that lever wow it really does make spaghetti it looks delicious sorry Caillou it's not real spaghetti it's just for playing with what's the point of spaghetti if we can't eat it whoa did you see that [Music] hi there I'm Jesse hi I'm Caillou I was trying to catch that truck but it was too fast oh you were very close I almost crashed trying to escape you so you were driving it can you teach me you make the truck go forward by holding down that button there and you turn it with those buttons there great job but be careful if you go too fast it might crash [Music] oops I'm sorry that's okay you almost had it can help you there you are Caillou you shouldn't run off like that we didn't know where you were sorry I was learning to drive the truck but I crashed well at least you're helping clean up the mess you made Caillou could hear something rattling around inside the eggs hey there's something in there what is it it's a surprise each egg has a different toy inside and sometimes it even has sweets and stickers Caillou thought that the surprise egg sounded amazing mommy I [Music] I think Rosie has decided too [Music] what surprise did you get Caillou I got some colorful sweets some Smiley stickers and a toy truck amazing Caillou was very happy with his Surprise egg now he could practice driving at home
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 415,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: ip_9pjJr4Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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