Try This: How To Access Your Inner POWER

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what does that do makes me indestructible you can't intimidate a person who is objective intimidation affects only your subjective experience i don't want to die okay then i got you over a barrel i'm using your subjective feelings and experiences against you every every function in the human being has its own agenda the mind does what a mind does because that's what gives it pleasure the heart the emotions do what they do because that's what gives the heart pleasure so there are different pleasures and those pleasures stimulate activities the potential pleasure in understanding and in knowledge makes your mind want to know and when you want to know you do what it takes and you get to know the heart loves emotional excitement emotional experiences so it seeks emotional pleasure different emotions different pleasures sometimes you're in the mood for something sweet sometimes you're in the mood for something sour or intense the eye wants to see because there's a pleasure in seeing the ear wants to hear because there's a pleasure and hearing so of course it's not the eye itself or the ear itself it's the function of the soul the soul can see and hear and every function of the soul every symptom of life is pleasurable so the question is if every part of my system has an agenda of its own can i ever really be objective can i really say i know you i see you i get you i feel what you feel or is it always my agenda i don't really know you i know what i think of you but how am i supposed to know you in other words no function in the human being seems to be objective objective enough to see what's really there and that's why we can't handle the truth not because the truth scares us we just don't have tools for it i don't have a tool that is objective enough to be able to see what's out there without my coloring it spinning it molding it into something that gives me pleasure love is blind because when i want love i just want love i don't care if it makes sense i don't care if it's true love pursues love intellect pursues intellect i want to make sense of everything i see whether it makes sense or not so for example a miracle happens i i don't understand miracles i need an explanation how did it happen what caused it to happen then i'm then my mind is content but you tell me it was a miracle my mind says does not compute i don't understand miracle so a part of you says well you don't have to understand everything there are some things you don't understand but if i don't understand it and i don't love it then what's my interest then i don't care well there's a part of me that actually loves what doesn't make sense it's another agenda i love mystery i love being in awe like wow i don't understand that at all isn't that exciting it's beyond comprehension isn't that exciting yes that has its own kind of excitement so here's the problem we have for example the mitzvah to love god with all your heart all your soul and all your might to love him but i'm never going to get there i will love what is lovable i will appreciate what i understand and i will get a thrill from not understanding but it's never about him it's always about me my thinking my pleasure my experience my love so how can you say love him in fact how can you say love anybody it's never the other person that is being loved it's something within my own system enjoying itself love being in love right now it's you tomorrow it'll be somebody else so chasidis teaches that there is a part of the soul that is truly objective it has no agenda it is not pleasure seeking and so it can it can be objective it can perceive or apprehend what is out there without discoloring or spinning or putting your own flavor to it the trick is how do we get to that part of our soul [Music] conventionally the only time we get access to that part of our soul is under extreme emergencies i don't know if the example is a perfect one but a man sees a child caught stuck under a truck and he lifts the truck up to save the child where is that coming from his mind says you can't do this you can't lift trucks what's wrong with you what are you thinking you're not going to lift a truck but he ignores it the emergency the urgency of what needs to get done cancels all the subjective experiences that the person has i can't i want to i won't i'll it's gone those things are gone the the urgency of what needs to happen is so intense that the all the objective subjective experiences in other words me gets cancelled and here's the amazing thing when i get cancelled i am stronger i'm capable of things that i would ordinarily be incapable of because the subjective part of me has been cancelled and the objective part of me can do whatever it takes it one of the ways of understanding our faith in god is simply to say there is the subjective me my experience my perception my pleasure emotional mental whatever but it's me that is my daily routine that's how i function day by day i gotta be me as the song goes so i am me but then there's a reality much bigger than me it's out there i don't usually have access to the world out there i live in my skin i live in my abilities and in my subjective personal selfish motivations but i know there's a big world out there i can be intimidated by it i can ignore it make believe it doesn't exist but it's out there every now and then we have an experience that puts us right in the path of objective reality and we can't ignore it and you can't be overwhelmed by it you need to do something and your inner workings meaning your subjective self is incapable you've got to reach beyond yourself and that is possible truly possible because there is a part of our soul that is purely objective it has no color it has no agenda it will not impose itself on the experience it will allow the reality out there in other words the objective truth to motivate my behavior when we say faith in god we don't mean i think there's a god i i want to please him faith in god means my ability to step into the objective truth that is much greater much stronger and much higher than my subjective experiences what does that do makes me indestructible you can't intimidate a person who is objective intimidation affects only your subjective experience i don't want to die okay then i got you over a barrel i'm using your subjective feelings and experiences against you knowing how much you don't want to die no knowing how afraid you are of pain i i can manipulate you and get you to do things you don't want to do i can scare you but the reason i can scare you is because there are functions within your personality that thrive on experiencing [Music] feeling tasting and if you die you're not gonna have any of that so the subject of you is vulnerable people who really know how to take advantage of others is because they read people very well as i get the clearer the clearer my picture of you is your subjective needs or pleasures the more i can manipulate you so those master brainwashers or manipulators and they read people so well they know exactly what to do to get to your weak spot but when they run up against a person who is objective they're lost they can't do anything for example if you don't cooperate we're going to hurt you and the person says i know that but what you're asking me to do is wrong it's wrong well if you don't cooperate we'll have to kill you i hear that but wrong is wrong when a person is focused on an objective truth you can't scare him but let's not talk about scare tactics let's talk about the nobler higher more more godly aspect of life the ability to be objective is almost divine and superhuman almost because there is a part of me in my soul natural that is capable of absolute objective perception and when i see the objective perception nothing will stop me because it is what it is you can't destroy it so you can't threaten me how do we get to that little steps how do we train a child we train a child to move gradually slowly painlessly from the subjective experience to the objective experience those who master this art can get past all subjective experience in favor of the objective there was a hosted of the first chabad in 1812 back in russia he was spying for the tsar against france against napoleon he worked his way up to a translator of the most delicate and the most important vital conversations and decisions made in the military headquarters and napoleon walked in one day and sensed he was a little psychic he sensed that there was a spy in the room and of course the odd fellow out was the hosted the translator so napoleon said to him i think you're a spy and i'm going to find out because i'm going to put my hand on your heart and if it's beating wildly out of fear then i know you're a spy and you when you put his hand on the man's heart and the heart beat calmly he says oh i guess you're not afterwards the hosted attributed his calm heartbeat to what he studied in hasidis the hasidic concept of the mind governs the heart you see you would think his life was just threatened if he's a spy he's dead so he desperately has to keep his heart from beating fast will that help calm the heart or is that like a catch-22 the more desperately you need your heart to beat calmly the more wildly it's going to be so how did he get his heart to be calm out of self-preservation no that would make him hysterical he was able to tune into an objective place in his soul and in that objective place dying is not a threat you can't scare me because i'm i'm focused on the objective reality not the subjective as soon as i'm out of the subjective realm there's no fear the fear comes from self-awareness from the subjective that is an amazing thing and not everybody is going to achieve that level of uh objectivity but we must have some so what do you tell a child i know you want that toy but it's not yours what are you saying what do you what are you seeing there here's a showdown between the subjective and the objective subjectively the child wants the toy objectively doesn't belong to him that's just a simple objective fact so sometimes we ruin it and you say to a four-year-old you can't take that toy it's tommy's toy and if you take it tommy is going to be very sad so you're just replacing one subjective experience with another and to the child that means oh so you like tommy better than me if i don't take the toy i'll be upset if i do take the toy tommy will be upset and you're telling me not to take the toy so that's not necessarily a good message seems like you like tommy better than me the better message is it's not right not tommy is going to be upset even if tommy is not upset it's not right to take somebody else's toy objective so when you say that what you're telling the child what you're saying to the child is you have your subjective feelings i understand that i i hear that uh i've experienced that too things i wanted very badly but they weren't mine so what do you do you go by the objective truth not the subjective this generation by the way is desperate for this message completely lost it the subjective is everything not only because i want it i'm told to want it and i am told that what i want is the top of the totem pole you must get what you want what you want is absolutely essential nothing should stand in your way of getting what you want bad message and look at look at the damage look at what's going on with people today who cannot seem to get past themselves even in an emergency so we train ourselves we train our children in little steps in little ways choose the objective over the subjective exercise that muscle until the objective becomes as real as available as immediate as clear as your subjective experiences that is a very healthy human being probably also a very moral human being it can be evil the nazis at the war trials all use the same excuse following orders i was just following orders i'm not a murderer i don't enjoy killing people i was just following orders i was being objective not subjective so i'm a nice guy killed a lot of people but i was just following orders that's the abuse of the ability to be objective and that's if you believe them if you believe that it was purely following orders but let's assume it was that is the extreme opposite and the abuse of the ability to be objective which is a divine gift to abuse that is the ultimate crime so let's call that vulnerability vulnerability doesn't mean be weak vulnerability means get past your subjective experiences and look at the world through an objective lens then you are being vulnerable but you are being strong stronger than your subjective impulses try this it's good to be vulnerable only strong people are vulnerable and to be vulnerable means don't make it about yourself don't be subjective about everything give yourself a little a little holiness a little sanctity and that means focus on the objective objective focus on what is really real get yourself out of the way for a moment again in little things not not heroics but if you do this day by day you get closer to that part of your soul that can truly be objective that's how you become a mensch we have a sunday night program for vips that you might be interested in it's informal it's questions and answers it's conversation it's really relaxed it's really pleasant enjoyable informative and kind of community-like it's a sunday night program there's a wednesday morning program for the vips and there's a wednesday night program all of it just conversation casual laid back unscripted so join us take a look click the link below and see which which of the three suits you best and join us for some enjoyable conversation
Channel: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 174,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, educational, training, torah, judaism, chabad, religion, which religion in china, judaism beliefs, judaism definition, manis friedman, rabbi manis friedman, life, inspiration, inspirational, rabbi, life advice, adive, advice, life changing
Id: E3YSnyPTtnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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