Executive Protection for Dads | Secret Service & Private Security Tips

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[Music] the modern man when he's out with his family spending time with them at a restaurant or something typically falls into one of two categories either they're completely oblivious with their head down their phone or they're so hyper aware and paranoid of potential threats that they can't just be present and in the moment and effective protector for their families so what if we could find a healthy balance between the two by taking some tips some tricks and some practices from professional protectors uh executive protection and Secret Service to figure out what they do to set their families up for Success given everything that they learned in their [Music] profession so today we are here with Centurion defense Solutions specifically Jacob and Scott who have a background in protecting VIPs uh their company does a lot of different stuff as far as armed security guards event security and I'll let them talk a little bit more about what they do but these guys are professionals and today they are going to teach us and you guys a little bit what to look for in terms of keeping your family safe when you're out and about so Jacob and Scott can you guys give us a little bit of an idea of what your background is in this kind of stuff yeah so I spent 11 years in the Army as a military police officer mp uh deployed to Afghanistan in 13 and 14 uh where I commanded a unit that did PSD which is personal security detail that's basically the military's version of executive prodection we also did Convoy security air security detaining operations and a few other things uh once I got back I became the commander for 4 years of the qrf or quick reaction force for the the Tennessee national guard that covered all of middle and West Tennessee so if there was some sort of like natural disaster civil disturbance riots they're like hey we got to call the National Guard that was us we' gear up go out take care of that kind of stuff what about you Scott yeah so right out of college I went to work for the FBI and I did uh excuse me nine years with them as not a gun carrier and then uh 1998 I got on with the Secret Service I did 20 years with the service started in the Denver field office before transferring to DC where I was on the president's detail from 2004 to 2009 W had to do a couple more years in DC before they let me out and I transferred to Nashville and did uh nine more years here and I retired after 20 years with secret service and uh 2018 wow so you guys have like that different backgrounds coming together for Centurion defense Solutions yeah so we kind of had like the military side of things and then we had the it's not civilian but the law enforcement federal law enforcement side of things so I actually started Centurion back in 2016 we didn't do any sort of physical Protective Services we just did a lot of training and we did um we would do a lot of stuff like we would help uh businesses develop their uh Sops their emergency action plans their procedures um for evacuation that type of thing um and then Scott was finishing up his time with the Secret Service office in Nashville and was kind of doing some Moonlighting stuff on the side with us and uh when he got ready to retire he came to us me and my former partners is us and was like hey I think I'm going to start my own company we're like no we don't want that so selfishly we roped him into joining us and then less than a year later he bought out my old partner so it's been he and I and we immediately because of his back back ground of mind got into protective services and actually doing physical security and EP and that type of thing and it's just blown up since then okay so obviously there's going to be a lot to cover inside of everything that we're covering today but what are those those sections or segments that we're going to try to dissect and take part by part as far as protecting our families when we're just away from the home yeah so EP in itself is just it's a big abstract monster there's a lot of pieces that go into that and we can take up a lot of time talking about that but what we want to do for you guys today is really kind of give you like the top four top five things the the bullet points so what we're going to do first is talk about the advance which is just our reconnaissance and our planning that we do before we ever leave the house with the family um after that is transportation so how do we safely and efficiently get our family and ourselves from point A to point B um after that is what we call transition spaces this is arguably the most dangerous area when you're doing any kind of EP whether it's professionally with your family um moving your family through transition spaces which are just unknown uncontrolled spaces such as like a city block um a parking lot a parking garage that type of thing and then we're going to get them into the venue what do we do to keep them safe in The Venue venue security whether it's you're going to see a movie at the theater whether you're going to dinner at the restaurant what are the things that we do while we're in there to keep the family safe um and then after that is we got to turn around and get them home again as quickly as safely as possible from from point A to point B again so so when people hear the word advance they probably assume to me at least that's movement right right that's when people use that the most so can you actually explain uh the chapter one the first step Advance what does that look like and what does it entail for us in like the executive protection style advance means something different it means it's all of your recon and all of your planning that you do in advance of your movement or in advance of the the event or whatever may be going on so reconnaissance and planning before we ever leave the house as fathers and as husbands so what would that look like uh on the per paid personal security or Secret Service aspect like how much work and prep work would go into the Recon let's say before you're ever like executing or moving on that mission well we're we're in the uh Secret Service executive protection realm you're talking about days of Advance you know almost almost a week well obviously you know that's not what we're going to do as uh as fathers or as husbands um not as intensive but you can do some really quick leg work yeah kind of a water down it's probably a bad term but more of a slim down version of what we would do um you know if we were doing an advance uh for a client or when we do advances for a clients I mean starts like you said days in advance we'd be on the computer we'd be looking at Aerials we'd be looking at routes primary routes secondary routes maybe even tertiary routes um you know of course where's the venue is at where it's where what's around it what kind of a neighborhood is it in um what kind of neighborhoods or areas of town am I going to be driving to you know are they safe are they not safe um historically what are the crime rates in that area and then of course at the venue I'm doing an intensive site survey where are the doors where are the hard rooms where are the bathrooms talking to the manager the staff does any of the staff look back they could propose an issue I mean it's a multi-day process that covers pages and pages of of checklist and work that we go into what would you be doing as a dad as a dad the first thing I'm going to do I mean let's be honest like the wife wants to take you go out to dinner with you and the kids right so she's getting ready um I'm going to pull up my phone and look at where it is we're going now one of the first tips I would have is if we can't physically or it's not really realistic to physically go do a site survey before we go anywhere with the family I completely understand that I don't even do that but what you can do is go someplace that you're familiar with right I mean we're honest like 90% of the the places we go is probably five or six places right we all go to the same restaurants we all go to the same movie theaters um we all go to the same breweries that type of thing like that so these are areas that we should be familiar with and if we're not let's start getting familiar with them so I've looked at the area I'm going I know the restaurant or not and if I don't know the restaurant let's let's look at Google Street View what does the entrance look like what does the backside look like let's look at Aerials Google Maps just real quick you know I'm just sitting on my phone waiting kill in time what does it look like um I'm not afraid to pull up my phone and map it out even if I know the town like the back of my hand let's map it out and see if there's anything that pops up like construction or some sort of blockage and I've got to get a different route I going say a lot of places you're going provide uh interior views on Google Maps as well I mean if you're going go to the Wild Horse Saloon they give you a 360 degree view of every floor of the saloon so take advantage of that kind of stuff and it takes you know one or two minutes in your phone to be able to do that so one of the things that we do in our Advanced planning is not only like a primary and secondary route but are there safe havens along the way so in between me point a and point B where we're going like are there police departments along the Route and where they at are there fire departments along the Route where they're at is there a hospital emergency care centers and that's stuff that's easy to find but again that's stuff that you should be familiar with when you're own town if you're out of town or in someplace new you might have to do a little more research um but if you're in town you should know that kind of stuff you should know how to get there and then back to the the GPS point another reason that I like to have some sort of mapping app up is if there's an emergency I may think I know where the hospital's at but if I got someone that's bleeding out or something that's that's going catastrophically long wrong am I going to you know pull out my phone and start googling oh the nearest hospital especially if my hands are covered blood or something like that worst case scenario now these mapping apps it's easy to just hit one or two buttons and it'll automatically redirect you to the nearest emergency room level one trauma or whatever so that's good to have but it helps us know where the safe haven at but also we should be doing our Recon and knowing like you said these are kind of the sketchy areas and the places to avoid um you know during the day it may be different than during night that's all just part of your planning process and getting to know your town and your area if you're going if you're in a new town or a new area and you're going to let's say a new restaurant you never been to before whatever like you it's probably not um expedient for you to do in advance like we're talking about so you may have to do an advance on site um it's kind of a I don't know if the terms really line up cuz it's not really in advance but you're doing your recon in real time and sometimes that happens um that happens missions in the field sometimes you have a change of mission but that's the same thing as being a father and a husband like you may have to do an advance and Recon in real time and we'll show you guys kind of what that looks like too when you actually get to the venue what up dudes there's a couple of companies that make content like this possible and free for you guys one of those is Steel Industries if you're looking to get into night vision they are a great place to go incredible customer service great prices you can get 5% off all non sale items on their site right now with a link in the description uh and you know we're talking about getting out with your family and like protecting your family well if you're ever driving around your family at night you're actually trying to get out of like a horrible City that Josh used to live in like Portland then it's pretty awesome to just disconnect your daylight brights throw on your nods and drive at night 100 Concepts another sponsor of the channel you can get 15% off everything that they sell on uh in the link in the description they make all kinds of anti-reflective devices or hex caps for your Scopes your Optics your flashlights also if you guys are trying to do a better job at protecting your family there are tools that can be helpful like flashlights range finders uh even warm blankets that you might want to have on hand and if you guys are curious about that kind of stuff go check out Sportsman's Guide currently they do have a sale that's going on uh they have stuff on sale like um Baris one to sixes they have some Vortex Optics some hollon Optics they have a handful of really good stuff that is on sale right now so go check them out so if you guys are curious about whether it's 100 Concepts uh Steel Industries or Sportsman's Guide link is in the description let's get back to the video I can't help but laugh I'm just thinking about how terrified my kids would be in Pitch Black driving 80 M hour down the road now that we're in a transport what's going on well the first thing before we ever leave the house with the family we get in the car the car is started I want to make sure that of course seems obvious but it it it's not always that way is everybody strapped in is everyone's door locked windows up it may be nice weather and that's up to you if you decide you know the kids want to have the windows down whatever but I like having the windows up just so that people can't at stop lights or intersections can't just reach in grab grab on a window pull break it the other um anything like that when you get a VIP into your vehicle um like what are you doing as the Navigator or as the driver are you just is there anything special about it is there are you just following a map and just being observant well you're driving as as the driver right typically the driver's driving and you have security riding right front seat right if it's a VIP yeah so cuz the driver has to can't do his job can't provide security while he's driving right so and you're driving much more defensively right you're aware of while if you're in your personal car and you're out by yourself maybe you're driving more aggressively you're changing lanes more um driving closer to somebody in front of you when you're driving a VIP performing executive protection you're driving a lot more defensively right you're to account for uh the other driver's bad driving so you stay further away right you're going to give yourself time to stop and time to stop without slamming on your brakes right you have time to gradually go on the brake um you're changing lanes less often because that creates I think more chance for an accident you have to do a lot more thinking ahead a lot more thinking there's a lot more thinking involved in driving as a security driver than pretty much all of us when we get in the car to go somewhere um especially some place we've already we we go to frequently you don't think when you drive your body kind of goes in autopilot you can't do that when you're a a security driver yeah I noticed that I drive radically different whenever I'm by myself versus whenever my family in the car my wife often uh reminds me you have Precious Cargo let's say Drew and I are are taking a 2hour drive with our families we're going on vacation somewhere are you guys doing anything strategically with your vehicles like trying to keep closer together or communicating whether it's over radio or someone else texting you know your wife sending a text as a husband um as a wife as a protector if we're driving with multi Vehicles yes and that happens to us quite a bit like if we're going on vacation and we're taking not just our kids but all their friends things like that we may have to drive down to Florida a lot so we'll have communication one not just a cell phone I like radios so we have radios cuz it's instant right it's a lot easier to use um and then again when you're driving in a convoy if you're the lead vehicle you just have to be cognizant of thinking ahead and reacting quicker and sooner to like change lights and things cuz you got to think I'm not just in a 12T long vehicle I'm in a 200 foot long vehicle because I've got to account for all those people I don't want to lose them at red lights and get separated I don't want to lose them at intersections um I don't want to cause them to speed up to try and catch up to me and then cause an accident CU somebody pulls out in between us so we try not to let people in between us if at all possible of course legally and safely not letting people in us while still maintaining a safe stopping distance and then communicating and then as the lead vehicle which I usually am just making sure that I'm not running up on a quick right-and turn and all a sudden throwing my blinker on and ducking over like I'm planning ahead and making sure that all of that is communicated down the line to all the vehicles and make it as safe as possible before I ever leave I want to make sure I've got enough fuel in my vehicle so that I'm not stopping at a gas station if I don't have to with my family in the car because again that's another unknown space uh transitional space if we have to leave and walk inside um and it just leaves us you know it leaves you and your family exposed and vulnerable so if we can avoid that let's do that so always making sure you have enough in the car um to get from point A to point B in home um so I always tell my kids and my family that treat the quarter tank line as as the empty line like there's no reason you should be very far underneath the quarter tank line like don't push it and I still do but you know that's what we tell them don't push it so making sure you got enough fuel and not having to stop at some weird place that also goes to say in the middle of the night you had uh you had an eer family emergency and had to take somebody to the hospital you don't want to roll out and hop in your car and you all get ready to go and whoops we need to get gas well it's it's 1:00 a.m. is the gas station even even open so you know just be cognizant of of keeping enough fuel in your car but there's going to be times where you're not going to have enough fuel and you got to stop and you got to fill up so gas stations are one of those places back to the original conversation like do I know the gas stations along my route which ones are seedy which ones are well lit clean and don't have you know as many homeless people hanging around so that's part of the advance and then part of Transport is knowing those areas and then once you get there you know knowing how to actually navigate um safely a gas station like what pumps do I pull up to do I want to be on the outside do I want to be inside I always prefer to pull up you know to a pump that's you know kind of towards the end on the outside so that I feel like at least I'm not as likely to get caught up in traffic that's going just in and out of the service station and I feel like I could get out or xfill more quickly you know when I pull up to to a gas station with the family um put the car in park it's going to unlock the doors but I shut it off I get out I make sure that I've already got like my method of payment in my hand I know my code if I'm putting in my gas code whatever it is but as soon as I get out I lock the doors behind me so the family's in the car nice and safe one of the big crimes we see nowadays is while people are pumping the gas and they're oblivious you know people sneak around the outside because they left the door open they open the door and they snag somebody's purse or somebody's phone or whatever it is valuables from inside you don't want that happening when your family's inside especially you got small children that could be traumatic kids have gotten kidnapped that way so or even with these automatic keys where you just just push a button and the car starts right up you know someone can hop in push a button and take your whole car yeah absolutely with your and we've seen that happen you know on on TV and the News while you're waiting for that gas you know let's say you you got 4 minutes while that gas is is going into the car are you getting back in the car are you hanging out outside and walking around your vehicle is there anything that you're doing I like to go to the back that way I can look kind of forward I can see the vehicle I can see my family inside but I'm minimizing the Dead Space the the spaces I can't see past my vehicle and past the pump and I'm also giving myself standoff distance so if something pops out of nowhere I've got time and space to deal with that and when you're an emergency too especially with modern vehicles like start stop buttons it seems like oh man it starts up so fast you're an emergency it feels like forever cuz you're like like come on like I mean it seems short but if you're an emergency and you're trying to get away cuz there's a guy trying to shoot your family or something that's going to take forever it's going to feel like forever so let's say you guys are on a family road trip again and the kids really want I don't know water or snacks or I got to go to the bathroom are there any other considerations like are you going in before the kids go in and then coming back and getting them anything like that I think a lot of that age driven right I mean I've got my youngest is 16 I have 16 18 and 21 so obviously how I treat them as they get older you know is different and also you know I get accused by my daughters of being sexist well yes I I I am honestly right so even though my I have a 16 and 18-year- old daughter and a 21y old son um my when we were in a public space I was just talking to my wife the other day who went shopping coming up for the prom with my with my daughter uh my they were going to a restroom in the mall my wife doesn't let her go in there by herself I mean we've had enough instances lately of not to go down the whole Road of people who maybe aren't really a woman but think they're a woman and following people into a bathroom you know you don't let your I don't let my daughter go places alone that I'd let my son you're also going to make that decision as soon as you pull up to the gas station yeah it's an observation you you know that situational awareness that spidey sense and that taking a look around how clean is it how dirty is it what kind of people are fre frequenting that area I could pull up to 90% of places look at it and being like all right if you just have to go inside you're going to wait till I'm done pumping the gas and then I'm going inside with you and we're all going together people that want to do your harm they're paying attention to whether or not you're paying attention right and just by being uh observant and noticeably observant you may have be determining an attack that you never knew was going to take place right you're you're making yourself I mean it sounds bad but you want to make yourself a less of a Target and so they'll move on to somebody else you know and just be observant it's like the old adage I don't be have I don't have to be faster than the bear I just have to be faster than you it's the same that's that's what security is all about I don't have to be the most secure I got to be more secure than these other people that way the bad cuz it's I mean it's a jungle the bad guys they've done plenty of studies of guys in prison for violent crime and they've straight up said I'm looking for the weakest looking link and so if you don't look like the weakest link there's a very good chance they're going to move on to something that is cu they don't want to spend more energy and resources than they have to um so like like Scott said you know making yourself look like a harder Target um goes a long way and that goes with your driving and your driving style one of the things that we always do driving clients driving with family is if you come up to a red light or you're in traffic you know our tendency is to want to just like crowd like I don't want to leave space cuz guy might cut in or if they go you know I might be behind so I always leave space I always use leave at least at least a half a car length in between me and the vehicle in front of me that way if something goes south and I have to get out of there I'm not stuck I can take a left I can take a right I can get out if I need to so it sounds easy and I'm guilty of it too but we just get so tied up and just drive drive drive especially in traffic around here that we just like pull right up on people's bumpers you don't want to do that you want to leave space so that uh if I have to get out quickly I can again Lane choice is is something you want to think about as well if you have multiple Lanes which one's the best one to be in defensively is it typically the Middle Lane so you can go either way typically it really depends on the road layout and see like now that lane we lost it it turned into a turn lane um so now I'm in the right hand lane that's fine if if there's two lanes obviously it's going to be fairly you know six of one half dozen the other but like is there a concrete median or is there just Stripes that I could drive over if I needed to so taking that you know the curbs on the side of the road especially if we're in a neighborhood are they large concrete curbs or is it just grass where if I really need to especially in a four-wheel drive I can just haul off through that field and I'm creating space uh distance and time between me and any sort of threat so those are all the there's a thousand different considerations to take into but either one of you have you ever had to like use your vehicle to you know take someone or to to remove a another vehicular threat oh I mean in Afghanistan yes uh in the civilian world no uh not yeah never never a threat but like when you're driving uh like if you're if you're driving what we call followup the security vehicle right you and you're uh and it's not a presidential motor C where you own the own the whole street and you're in traffic your job is to block and defend the limo which is carrying the protecte in front of you so there's things you can do with a vehicle that are going to not necessarily stop but severely deter people from doing what you think they're going to do um like creeping over to the I mean that's a whole class in itself with defensive driving is like you know just position your vehicle in a way that's going to deter people from cutting in front of you or in traffic or trying to merge on top of you paying attention you're going to notice what's this other car behind it I mean just really owning the other lane so you can't pull up next to them and just driving very aggressively yeah I guess I've noticed it myself you know you watch someone else driving down the freeway and the guy who's kind of hogging the line or moving a little bit faster you tend to just subconsciously give him space yeah and you were paying attention to other people's vehicular body posture and that's why you knew that you didn't even think it you just like by the way that guy was driving you knew okay he's in a hurry and he's going to come up here in this merge lane and he's going to pass me I'm going to give him the space to do that because it's not worth my wrecking my car and injuring my family just to deal with this guy um and I think that's something that a lot of guys protectors will deal with too is when you're driving don't let your ego get in the way um especially when you got your family in the car and you're trying to protect them like there's so much road rage in this day and age people are just already here and then driving in traffic puts them here and they're ready to just you know go off on people I see it every day it's just seems like there's road rage in these big cities all the time so what can you do Defensive Driving wise to avoid that like if you know that guy's in a hurry and he's driving like a you know what give him space let him go do his thing run up the road it doesn't cost you anything except maybe a few seconds of your time to back off let all merge so let's say that you get off the freeway you you know stop at that red light and there's some guy who's going door too with a cardboard sign and he's asking for money and he's looking a little bit Shady maybe he's not totally in the right head space and you also have your family in your car is there anything specific that you guys do subconsciously does this ring any bells with things that you guys might do right off the bat for myself and I pull up to an intersection and I see that a lot of people are uh first instinct is make eye contact or not make eye contact right like oh if I don't look at them they're not going to come up here and ask for money I do the opposite I make direct eye contact make it as uncomfortable as possible and I'll shake my head no like can't help you like don't even come over here and 99% of the time that's all they need and I'm not trying to be a jerk and saying those people don't need help or shouldn't give something but my family safety comes first that's good to know I always just avoid eye contact but now I'm going to practice staring stare right at him yeah yeah but you can't just stare because then they're like oh he's interested and we've made a connection so I'm going to approach you got to give him like the the par slips and the head shake like mm let them know that you see them right like you're I'm not oblivious right I see and you make eye contact like okay they're watching it goes back to what we were saying a few minutes ago about you know about just being observant something else I always recommend that goes back to the equipment side of things which we're not talk talking a lot about today we'll talk a little bit but because it certainly helps today's more about the the things you can do mentally and physically to prepare and make yourself safer but one things I always do is all my all my vehicles have dark tinted windows so I'm just limiting how much information the outside world can get by looking in at my vehicle and inside I'm just Li limiting that amount that amount of information so I like dark tinted windows is just as an easy you know mechanical thing I can do that feels like it gives me a slight Advantage yeah the other big uh thing I see all the time drives me crazy are people with like uh Gun Company stickers on their windows it's like dude you just made your vehicle a hot Target for anybody once you park your car and you leave it like or the stick figure family you just told everyone that you've got three 5-year-old little girls in your car there's a lot of sexual predators out there that would love to see that and now they're going to follow you to your next stop let's quit giving information away to the bad guys you know let's hold everything as close to the vest as we can make ourselves as innocuous and unassuming looking as we can can um and just give oursel every little bit of Advantage when I get to the uh the parking lot you got to think about where I'm going to park um obviously well lit areas um I want to park as close to the door as I can um so that we have less uh time spent in that transitional space or in that parking lot another consideration is do I drop the family off and let them go inside by themselves while I go park or do I park and then walk the family inside myself self there's a lot of different factors there that you got to consider to make that that call for me if it's a very short distance if I to drop them off like maybe 20 30 ft and I can sit there and watch them get out of the car walk inside and then I can go park myself and navigate that transitional space myself I'll do that um I feel better with them being in a nice secure restaurant or movie theater whever it may be um then I do walking them through you know some random parking parking garage but that may be different for other people you may feel better parking and all walking in together and I think some of that's age dependent as you talked about and that could be driven too is it is it Daylight or is it dark outside yeah yeah what kind of area you in are there actually lit parking spots or are you in one of those those parking areas where it's just dark everywhere well if that's the case then I know I'm going to drop them off and I'll navigate the transitional space the parking lot myself my Situation's a lot different cuz I got two boys and they're 17 and 13 they're both both over 6ot tall so my wife has her own EP detail so I feel better like dropping her off with my two boys or even just one of them and they'll walk her inside um and uh and get her inside while Dad goes and Parks the car and takes it that and then vice versa when it's time to leave I don't I almost never walk my family out to the parking lot to go get in the car and leave together they finish up the bill finish up talking conversation I go get the car and I text as I'm pulling up they leave the table and they come outside and I'm as close to the front door whatever exit door they're using as possible and they hop right in picture any mall during Christmas time every parking spot is taken and you are driving around honestly taking whatever parking spot that you can get what are you guys looking for other than a place to land the vehicle no that's a good one and that's going to be you know dependent on what area you're in or whatever you're going to obviously lighting is a big one um it's also driven by as Jacob saying if if it's you may you may determine that the moment I'm I've dropped them off in parking yeah well I'm going to go get the car too because I had to park so far away or I know what this space is going to look at look like when I'm when we're coming back to the car and the decision's made then that I'm also going to go out to the car by myself as Jacob said and come pick them up by the entrance as well there's a good sign hide lock and take always do that stuff a lot of parking lots these days will be directional so like this Lane is only this way and then this parking area is only this way um so when you're look for looking for a parking spot especially in a in a large parking lot um with a lot of traffic I like to find a spot that is not at the long end of like a One Direction um parking lot area so like if we can only go north in this parking in this section of the parking lot I don't want to park on the far south in because that means when I leave I've got to drive all the way North turn around and come all the way back south to get out of there and I can't get out of there quick quickly and efficiently so I'm going to find something that's near the end of the direction of travel for that parking area if it's uh you know if it is directional and if I have that choice so which do you prioritize being able to quickly exit the parking lot or being as close to the front door possible if if you had to choose that's a good question and it's met TC situational dependent that's the easy that's the easy answer cuz there is a lot of things to take in there um especially kind of like the how how seedy the area looks or how nice it is or what kind of crimes in that area my initial response to that would be closer to the door yeah because it's transitional transition spaces you want to shorten that as much as possible the car is a part of your safety location it's a known right it's a safe haven so we've been talking a lot about transition spaces uh we've done our Advance we've completed the transport we're pulling into a parking space in a parking lot and we can pretend like it's totally filled um what are you doing in a transition space to minimize risk and threat and get from point A to point B safely what are you guys thinking about and doing uh again if I can drop my family off a very short distance at the front door I'm preferred to do that so they don't have to navigate the transitional space I can do it alone so I would do that if that's not possible I'm going to find a parking spot as close to the front door again getting us as close and spinning as the least amount of time in that space as possible um back in or pull into to a parking spot where you're facing out so that if you have to xfill or leave quickly you can do that you're not bothered with trying to back up and use your cameras and possibly hitting someone you can get out as quickly as possible um and then before I ever get out of the car before I unlock the doors or do anything I take a second to basically do my my look and listen I can't hear too much when I'm in a vehicle but I can definitely look and check out my surroundings is it well lit what kind of people are hanging out what kind of vehicles are in the parking lot I'm checking my blind spot so I'm checking you know if I a vehicle like this I can easily check 360 or see what's behind me obviously not all vehicles have that I'm checking my mirrors checking my rearview mirror I'm just kind of looking around before I ever get out of the car before I let my kids cuz my kids have been taught this as well you don't open the door and get out of the car until Dad gets out of the car um so I've looked at that and make sure there's no one hiding in all the kind of the Dead Space before I stop the vehicle get out and then we'll talk about actually moving and walking through that trans IAL space I guess you're also not pulling up beside like side door Vans yeah it's a very good point like um and I and I you know taught my wife to do this as well especially when she's alone too often we're just like well let's just get in the parking spot as quickly as possible and go in and take care of our business well don't pull up next to some creepy looking or part next to some creepy looking van with a slide open door or any van or um when you pull up you know you if there is a vehicle you do have vehicles directly next to you or even if not are there people sitting in those vehicles and are they there is it innocuous are they just looking on their phone and they're waiting for their you know their business lunch to start and so they're killing time or are they there looking around like scanning the area like we are because that could be a sign that they're you know looking for a Target to do something bad we've done everything we can with the transportation the parking to minimize our space and our time in that transitional space again the transitional space is any like unknown uncontrolled public space like parking lot parking garage um a city block that you're having to walk down uh Street roadway anything like that statistically that's where most attacks occur so that statistically that's where we want to put you know most of our focus and deal with so a very dangerous area um professionally when we're doing this with protect ease um we typically have a two-man team and so we'd have a simple file so we'd have a tail which would usually be our detail leader excuse me a lead which would be our detail leader we would have the protect your protect e in the middle and then at the very rear in the back we have our tail so but that's something that you could easily do with your family right especially if you're married husband and wife whatever you got kids um I like to be up front when I get out of the car um I'm I'm the lead um that way I have situational awareness to the front basically everywhere from 9 to 12:00 to 3:00 and then my wife is in the rear as the tail she's looking at everything that's kind of behind us every now and then and then everything out to the left and the right and then the kids are in the middle so what we would do is if we would get out again kids don't get out of the car till Dad gets out of the car um I get out we kind of usually gather on the on this side cuz I'm usually the one driving the wife would get out and come around so if I'm the dad you're my wife thank you it would look kind of like this like I would get out and start leading you as the kids would fall in line I've got situational awareness of course of everything that's in front of us everywhere to my left to my right the wife in the back's kind of paying attention every now and then to what's going on the rear slightly offset so she can see some things the kids are just doing their thing chilling chilling in the middle and I'm walking directly the you know the path of lease resistance walking directly to the entrance to this venue and getting there as quickly as as I can um some of the things that you want to look out for is if I'm going around a vehicle I don't want to go such as this I don't want to go immediately just around the vehicle because there's all that dead space or that space I can't see and I have no standoff so if I have to navigate around around the vehicle with you guys in toe I'm creating space so that I can see around this vehicle before I'm going around the vehicle and if there is something there I've got space that I can deal with it I can shove someone away if they jump out and the kids can and the wife can flee back to the the car or into the venue whatever they need to do so something to think about you don't want to be right up against anything that creates Dead Space because it doesn't give you any standoff distance or any time to deal with it yeah let's say you're you know you're going to the door and there's a panhandler a homeless person whatever there you you want to whether it's Mom or Dad who replace yourself in between the unknown and whom you're protecting so it's just a matter of just literally walking in between that uh unknown individual and your family what does it look like um if it's a crowd you're going to tighten that up right kind of similar to we were talking about as you're driving you want to prevent people from getting in between you and say you know to follow up in the limo well you want to shorten the distance between Mom and Dad and so you're closer to your children to prevent people from getting into that formation you can protect them the further you are away from them if you're closer to my child than I am I can't stop you you know from doing harm um so want to tighten up that formation just move closer together that kind of will happen you know to me it always just kind of happens naturally we don't want to get separated we don't want to get lost again going back to your point about the age of your children it kind of will is going to drive a lot of this the smaller uh the younger they are the closer they're going to be you may have to you know physically take them by the hand so you want to you want to shorten that distance when you're in a crowd for sure I think uh a lot of people tend to shy away from or they're so distracted they don't they forget about their natural protective Tendencies like all moms and dads I think by Nature when you remove the distractions are very protective of their kids like we'll be Target and I'm not like hyper paranoid about everything that's going on around me but we'll be in Target and uh um I'll just notice like naturally if there's someone like man or woman doesn't matter who it is uh if they're like looking at a closed section next to us like I just kind of just like stand in between and it just like happens naturally but I see a lot of families out and about and their kids are just like running wild and I understand that but um I feel like a lot of this comes back to like getting your family and your kids and your wife in the same kind of mindset so that you don't always have to be super turned on it's just happening happening naturally it really all happens naturally and going back talking about crowds or being inside what also can work is mom takes control of the kids and you're like follow me right cuz you're Point you're up you're aware and she's making sure they stay they stay close if you have to get somewhere in a hurry she's got charge of them you can trust her that she's done that and she knows to follow you to get out of wherever you are yeah and the more you do it as the husband wife you know your spouse is going to pick up on it and we'll you know share some resources obviously with you guys at the end that kind of helps learn this stuff but it it does it becomes natural and all of a sudden you've got teammates and it's Force multiplier and whether it's your you know grown sons older Sons or it's your wife your husband whatever all sudden it makes a lot easier and you guys are doing it without even thinking about it and you're that much safer yeah and it's much less formal than this all sounds about us walking in a it's just going to you just do it and does it look pretty no does it look like a formation no but you're you're aware now for me personally when I get to the door first thing I'm going to do is kind of look inside if it's a glass door see what I can see turn around see if anybody was following us or thing behind us I open the door again it's just polite as well and I just go ahead and I Usher my family inside I prefer to have them go inside in front of me um if anything were happening anything nefarious were happening inside of the restaurant we probably would have known that by now we're assuming um and it's you know probably a safe assumption that it's safe in there it's safer out there than it is in the transitional space so I let them go in I position myself behind them so that I'm in between them in any possible you know scenarios or something that might happen in the transition space where we just came from so so we get to the venue in this case it's a restaurant which I think is probably a really good example cuz when you go out with your family where do you go 80% of the time you go eat right yeah so you might be going to the movie or something like that but we go get food so this is a huge one I think applies to everybody uh when I walk into the restaurant especially like one of the first things I look at is table selection some places you go in and they're like hey you know sit wherever you want that doesn't always happen you know you put your name in it's time for you to get seated she walks you to a table if it's up front if it's within you know 20 ft or so just depends on how how I feel the front door I usually ask for a different table like I don't want to be right up against the front door where there's no standoff there's no space and time to react to something bad that comes through the front door so I'm always asking like hey can I get a table further back like that one over in the corner looks great you know do you mind if we do that like that a lot of times they're accommodating not always you're going to get what you get but I try that because the further back I am in the in the restaurant it gives me more space and time to react to any sort of threat the other thing that that's going to be affect that affect the table selection too which we'll talk about here in a minute is the layout of the space so we talked about our Advance have we been here before we familiar with it where are the bathrooms where are the other exits where's the kitchen cuz the kitchen's probably going to have a back door for deliveries um it may have a freezer that I could use to lock down as a hard room look side of things so that's going to affect table decision but typically I want to be a little bit further back so we've gotten a pretty good table you know it's further back um it gives me space and time to react that may happen up front the other thing is it gives us a really good view of the rest of the crowd so I can see what's going on who's doing what is anyone acting weird um I can observe and then I guess it's an old adage or cliche but it's true it's like Dad wants to face the front door right and that's true you want to face the front door typically that's where any sort of bad guy would come from through the front door and start acting up so I want to I want to face the front door if at all possible sometimes you can't always see The Door Restaurant that uh my wife and I were at last night because the way it winds I couldn't see the front door the seat I chose faced out towards the main crowd so that I could watch the crowd cuz if I can't see the front door at least I can see their reaction to What comes through the front door so for me personally that was my decision um but something like this is perfect you see this a lot more in the restaurant it's like a wide open concept if I can get a table like this where I can see the crowd the majority of the crowd and I can see the front door it's perfect plus it's back further giving me time and space to to react this is a reoccurring theme in starting to do this stuff yourself especially for young guys young guys just start a family they may not have considered any of this stuff they may be watching this video um a lot of us do this naturally pick the you know the the chair that faces the door but like training your kids and talking through your what you're doing or your process or why you're making an extra Looper on the parking lot or hey I picked this spot because of XYZ just like mentioning that as you're doing stuff start to like plant the seed into their head you're inceptioning your own family yeah yeah you're building teammates and at the same time you're teaching them whether it's young men or young women you're teaching them to look out for their safety and to bre protectors cuz I don't know about you but I'm not raising victims I'm raising protectors so just these little things that we do on family outings becomes habit and they do it themselves CU I know they're out doing it themselves when they go out with their friends and stuff yeah so building that up and I think it makes your kids less Afraid by having knowledge rather than withholding Knowledge from them right tell them this is why I do it dad St protect you you don't have to be afraid of it you don't like overblow it you just let them know that there's good reasons why we do things like this yeah it's not scary it's not a scary thing whatsoever you're teaching them in a way that that brings them up through it slowly especially if you have younger kids and you're just helping them understand the why and if you start with like kids your age there's never going to be a why it's just this is the way we do things these little things like like going back and forth between not letting your kid be a victim and not making them paranoid and scared of everything around you it's like that Perfect Blend which is what this is that we're talking about you take precautions right you don't walk out in the traffic you look both ways exactly yeah so okay we're sitting down yeah what do you do now so once I get seated and I've looked around and I have a good lay of the land in our immediate vicinity and I feel like okay things are safe cuz the majority of the time they are right and you're looking at you're looking at the environment but also the people yeah yeah absolutely not just the layout of the floors and the chairs um the tables but I'm looking at the people do people look out of place um do people are people acting the way people in this environment should be acting or are they acting differently is there a guy sitting by himself over there drinking a bunch of beer staring at all the little girls just stuff like that I mean that it happens you can find that kind of stuff 99.9% of time you're not the target you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time right is it the guy that you know Jacob referenced over there is it the uh man and woman that are about to have a domestic you know you see them getting animated over the table near you it's just again goes back to being aware of your surroundings and just taking survey of all that and it takes seconds right as opposed to being on your phone while you're walking to the table once you sit down table soon sit down right yeah we feel pretty secure that the family's secure right now and I'm like I usually tell my family and they know now but I'm like hey you know Daddy's got to use the restroom that's when I get up and I go I do my reconnaissance in real time and so we'll do that we'll get up let's go look around let's get the lay of the land for the space that we're in the things we're looking for is you know where's the front door obviously where are any other exterior doors where's the kitchen if they're at a restaur restaurant um where the emergency exit are there any ulterior exits that we could use such as open Windows if we can't get out a door um where where are the hard rooms bathrooms usually make good hard rooms um places like this that serve food are going to have a freezer the freezer makes a good hard room I can lock that down it's not going to be comfortable but if I need to get in there and lock my family down there I can so one of the first things I notice in this space is what I would call like an alternative exit um normally like you can see here we've got these rollup garage doors um they're normally down depends on the weather this one's up but like if the front door was blocked and I couldn't get out and when I was trying to xfill and I couldn't get around this large bar space which is a a choke point and a funnel um then I would be like hey I can open those garage doors and I can get my family out there if I need to so let's go take a look how do they function do you know how to open this garage what's a garage door everybody knows how to open it right so again this is like clunky cuz we're we're walking you guys through this but I would have got up from the table I would have walked this direction nonchalant just having a good time probably took my beer or my drink with me and I just would have been like all right alternative exit noted that I have to slide that out it's not locked boom throw it up I could go out that way I mean it took it took two seconds to figure that out so that's the kind of stuff again as I said earlier like we have basically what's a big funnel or a choke point like I can't get my family to the where I know the back door is because I've been here before but we'll go look at that I can't get over that wall and get them through there very easily to to get out of out of the space I might have to come this way well I can't come across I could sneak behind the back of the bar maybe but I'm just taking note that if everybody's trying to leave we're going to get funneled into a big herd into this area all right so that's something to think about too maybe I want to go a different direction of everybody else the other thing to take note of too is is there any emergency medical equipment oh yeah that the venue has on site a lot of restaurants a lot of uh concert halls and movie theaters have a have an AED on the wall or maybe a stop the bleed kit even some of them so take note of that as well things you might need in what you're much more likely to need something like that than you are to going to respond to an active shooter I mean let's face it it's probably going to be a medical emergency more so than something nefarious yeah absolutely so I've kind of walked around found an alternative exit I'm back at the front door which I already knew about and I'm just kind of looking at again is there any traffic outside anything crazy walking around again just totally chill nonchalant just looks like Dad walking around you know headed towards the bathroom and I'm just getting the lay of the land as we go you know where where are the hallways how tight are the hallways you know is there are there closets broom closets whatever that may be useful or that somebody could hide in um seating areas like this with more people more traffic you know what are they doing do they look normal like they're all hanging out is is the status quo being upheld or does something look off is someone getting drunk and Ry or right exactly and like he said is they look like potential potential trouble coming further down the road you know we got areas like this employees only you know that could be used as a hard room take a quick I don't want to invade their space and go look at their stuff but I took a quick glance in there's no exterior windows so could I lock down in there possibly it's obviously not bulletproof because it's going to be drywall we assume it's drywall 2x4 construction but if I can be out of sight out of mine that might be might be a good space to go it's a large space so there's a lot to deal with again another another alternative exit big bay doors at the back it's a long way to go somebody's shooting the place up for me get my family across here but hey we could get out of there again where are the bathrooms not just for convenience but typically bathrooms are tiled don't have exterior windows or Windows going into the space that you're in so whether we're doing this with you know VIPs uh people that we work for or whether it's with our families I like to take note of the bathrooms because they can typically be used as a hard room we can get in there we can shelter in place they typically you know 99% of the time are going to have one entrance in and out I can cover that entrance I could put my family in the corner in a stall hidden and I only have to focus on that one door and if if anybody comes through there I'm dealing with that threat so every space is going to be different so I just get up from the table I take that walk check out all these different spaces and just kind of make a mental map and then OB I'll sit down and make a mental plan too you know we talked about visualization like I can sit down and still be present with my family but when I've got a second think about okay if somebody came through that front door what am I doing where am I going and just think about that just for for a split second so that it you don't have to think about it when it actually happens exactly and I would assume it's a lot like driving when you first get your driver's license or the first time driving you're thinking about uh the four-way intersection you're thinking about your blinker you're thinking about you know if you are driving a stick clutch gas break all that stuff but as soon as it becomes second nature you can then have a conversation with someone else in the car and you're not having to stress so much so I would assume it can be a lot of work and a little bit daunting to try and be like Drive transitional spaces where did I park the car how far is that walk is it dark outside but as soon as that starts to become practice and built in you can I don't want to say calm down but it's way less work I would assume yeah you put it on cruise control you you build up those physical habits those um neural pathways on thinking about that stuff and the way you do it and before you know it and I say cruise control in a good way not like oh I'm just not paying attention to it like your body just does it your brain just does it your wife just does it your kids just do it very much so it becomes second nature see it's yeah yeah absolutely it's going to be clunky at first what about like so kitchens yeah I've always grown up thinking like kitchens are totally off limits so nothing's off limits when you're trying to save your family and I like kitchens for one thing typically kitchens have a back door because they have to have deliveries now it may not be directly in the kitchen it may be adjacent in the hallway but it's going to be somewhere close um again freezers inside kitchens are great spaces they don't obviously they don't have Windows and they have one door typically so if I need to hunker down in there for a little while and make a safe space for my family that's a good spot again as Scott talked about it's not always something nefarious like uh an active shooter it's it could be a medical emergency what if there's some sort of contamination inside of there kitchens have what sinks with water well that's my Decon site if all of a sudden something goes off in this this restaurant and we're all choking and gagging and our eyes are watering and I have mucus coming out of my nose and my wife's puking and I'm like we got a Decon if I know where the kitchen is and we that big industrial sink is and where the water's at I'm just dragging them over there turning the water on and we're dunking heads and we're that's our decontamination spot so you got to think about stuff outside of bombings shooting stabbings things like that even like a fire that's a fire people trying to funnel through a doorway in the middle of a fire especially in like a Mexican restaurant where there's always 20,000 people in there it's like having another door makes a big difference yeah and again you may not want to do what you know everybody else is going to do everybody's going to run towards the front door right because that's the only entrance that they know about cuz they didn't do any sort of Recon and they know so they're just going to go boom right to the door that they know well I probably don't want to take my family if it's crowded I'm not taking my family into that crowd I'm going to go out one of my alternative exits that I found dur in my Recon the vast majority of the time what I like do because we've been in this space and we know this space and it's secure because we've been here it's a known entity um I'll let them settle up the bill finish up their meals their drinks do whatever I'm going to go out I'm going to deal with that transitional Space by myself I'm going to get in the car and I'm going to pull it up front as close as I can and then I'm going to get them into the car that's the easiest way to do it you can't always do it that way um whatever factors you may have to all leave at the same time that's perfectly fine there's way to deal with that it's basically everything we did in just now in Reverse so we're the premise is we're leaving a known secure space to go into a transitional space to go into another known secure space or vehicle and then to transport back home B to a like we the reverse of what we did earlier something to think about again it's not always about nefarious trips and fall hazards like if you're especially if you're in a dark restaurant and I'm walking around if I see something my kid who's sometime oblivious my trip on point it out you know we want to keep the kids safe from that stuff too not just shootings and those sort of things so I was looking for so we get to the front door we're now leaving a known secure space and we're going to go out into the transitional space we're going to stay in the same formation we're going to head straight to the car and we're going to get in the car just as quickly and as efficiently as possible so as we leave and cuz I'm up up front as the lead again just situ awareness my job is you know navigation and Pace just making sure my family gets there going the right way I've remembered where I parked in the parking lot right so I'm not like oh yeah am I parked on this row am I aisle M or N I can't figure that like I know where my car's at and we laugh at that but that's part of like you know being a protector like you know where your stuff's at right so paying attention to where you parked especially in large parking lots so getting the family to the car as quickly as possible just paying attention to my surroundings navigating obstacles not getting right up on objects like cars that create Dead Space is there anybody in between there is there anybody between here is there there practical reasons for that too right if I'm walking right next to that car and the car starts to back out they can't see me so the further you are away from it drivers can see you transitioning especially if it's dark trying to get to your vehicle yeah so one thing that we see all the time like back when we were doing self-defense classes especially for like women is you know people walk out to their vehicle unprepared so again they forgot where they Park so they're wandering around spending more time in that space going where did I park and then they're looking like a lost sheep and all of a sudden they got a Target on their head for somebody that's sitting in their car watching this nefarious um also always have your keys with you of course modern vehicles if they're just in your pocket and you touch the door A lot of times they're going to open but if you don't have that if you have to have a physical key to get in the car or push a button to unlock it have those in your hand don't have them in your Satchel don't have them in your purse where you're all of a sudden in a dark parking lot and you're like where are my keys where my keys and you're you're standing out here especially as a dad don't be that guy so have the keys on you in your hand if you need them ready to go so that when you get to the vehicle you're ready to just unlock the door get in and do it another thing we see a lot of times people they're still 100 ft from their car and they're trying to do the right thing by being prepared yeah so what do they do they're like all right it's going to be open when I get there so they hit it and all a sudden you're 100 ft away and now the bad guy potential bad guy knows where you're heading so I don't like that I want it to be open as soon as soon as you get there or when you get close but I don't like when people you know unlock it from across the parking lot cuz I'm like oh that's your car okay here we go that kind of that's what the bad guys thinking so don't do that kind of stuff with really small children it's going to be different for everybody but if you have you know a toddler and Mom's carrying one at least dad is aware of what's going on as mom gets or vice versa gets the children in the car one of the parents is is situationally paying attention yeah not having two parents that both have their heads halfway in the car back to the with the kid and you know as much as as practical for that yeah that's the biggest challenge right now with me and my family is there's you know it's me and the wife and then three littles uh two that are like they walk around with us and the other one pretty much has to be held or carted around in a stroller but it's like we get to the vehicle and it's this whole production trying to get everybody into the car and strapped in and so like what we've been doing is I park a little bit further away so that I'm not around a bunch of other vehicles and then we get them we just like we just put them in real quick and then we get in close the doors lock them and then we turn around and get them like that's a good strategy and that goes to the point of like everyone's situation is different yeah like I have to be careful not to look at all of this through the lens of having older boys who can help and who are self-sufficient like absolutely I mean you may have kids that you have to deal with if you've got multiple kids or you've got a kid that you got to get strapped in like I suggest you can do it that way it's a great way to do it um or you could also do it where one person deals with the children children gets in the car and the other is literally outside pulling security for lack of a better term it's just outside kind of like this looking around and just paying attention doesn't need to be awkward doesn't no one needs to know be what you're doing but you're just paying attention to what's going on so you're covering mom's back or she's covering yours while you're taking care of the children one of the things we don't want to do when we're bringing the family back out to the car is just waste time so we immediately walk up to the car Mom and Dad typically stay outside of the car in this scenario our kids are older so they can get themselves into the car there's different as we spoke earlier like different things to consider if you've got kids that have to be put into car seats but everyone knows where their seat is they know which door they use they immediately go to their door before we've gotten to the car I've made sure as as the lead guy that I've unlocked the car so that they don't have to struggle with the door locks so they get in I make sure that my children are in I make sure that my wife is in the process of at least getting into the car and then I get in the car myself so my kids because we've done this before my wife as well they know as soon as you get in the car you put on your seat belt make sure your window's up if it wasn't um should have been um and then make sure that you're good to go um that you're ready to leave that dad's not waiting on you so that we can leave as quickly as efficiently as possible I get in don't waste any time buckle up I'm going to immediately start the vehicle put it and drive that way if there's some sort of threat that comes up during this transition time I can immediately leave because I parked facing out I can quickly leave uh and we can get out of town and we can get back home as quickly in a safe as possible okay so I know a lot of this may seem like common sense to some of us but Common Sense isn't that common anymore and a lot of people once again kind of find themselves between being completely oblivious to everything around them or being so hyper paranoid about threats that they can't be present in the moment and honestly ineffective at actually protecting your family so you've watched this video you've consumed this information you have some tips and tricks uh you we've already talked about this a lot teaching your family these things organically not like a s sit down class but just as you go about your day daily lives what other resources can we look at or like turn two to get better at this stuff um a couple so I like books I like reading especially from people who have been there and done that so the first one I recommend is uh Verbal Judo um that one is really good it teaches people it doesn't matter if you do this for a living or not in fact it's really geared just towards the dirty civilian in the everyday World um it teaches you how to talk to people how to NE with people how to deescalate deescalation is a huge part of this that we didn't get totally in depth in because that's a whole class in itself but being able to deescalate situations and knowing how to talk people and get things you want um is is a huge one another one is a book called public figures private lives now that one's geared more towards the EP um specialist but it has a lot of good takeaways a lot of which we use today for you know the everyday person to use in their life so those two books um something else that I like to use too A lot of times is especially when I'm doing my Advance both for my family and for work is just crime mapping and crime statistics there's a whole lot of places I mean there's several dozen places you can Google and go look at crime statistics for the area you're in or the area you're going to the doj has a website that has that the FBI of course has a huge website that does that um the TBI for us the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation but pretty much any State's uh TBI equ State uh FBI equivalent is going to have that now be aware if you're on the federal or the state sites there's going to be a lot more information to look at but it's also going to be harder to digest so just be aware of that but there's other places out there like um crime mapping I think it's crime mapping. org or crimemapping.com there's several of these places that'll go out there for you and they grab those sta statistics and they I don't say they dumb them down but they make them much easier to consume and then I really like the crime mapping website because it actually gives you a visual on your map for your town for your county for the state wherever you're at like a heat map yeah they do heat maps and also they'll have like cool little icons like on onyx like it's like oh this there's burges here here and here there's assaults here and so it really gives you a good visual like well I'm fixing a drive into that part of town let's zoom in on that I'd say Avail yourself too of the things that are offered for free in your community I know the local police department and here in Franklin Tennessee officer offers a 9-hour free class uh for women and girls in self-defense and if you're 14 and up and you live or work in Williamson County where which is where we are you can go and take this this self-defense class for free probably a lot of rec centers offer classes like that CPR go go to your local community center and be certified in CPR practical steps like that yep that makes sense well guys thank you it's been a pleasure I've learned some stuff uh and uh hopefully everybody else has as well so um again Centurion defense Solutions that's it yep and um hit them up for all of your security needs they they'll do all this for you I'm just kidding yeah well we will it's going to cost you a little bit no we'll do that and we're not just here in Tennessee Williamson County I mean we literally travel the US and the world so we can go anywhere and and uh provide that security for you your family doesn't matter if you're a VIP a high net worth individual whatever is like that's part of our our solution with cyrian defense is we want to make it as accessible to everyone as we can yeah awesome also big thanks to uh mil Creek Brewery for letting us use this place if you guys are in the Nashville area what what town are we in right now Nolanville yeah Nolanville it's a great spot yeah it is and now you know all the exits and all that stuff and where we hang out yeah the Modern Man tends to fall into one of two categories either he's complete the Modern Man the Modern Man the modern man when he's out with his family like at a restaurant or something not something I'm sorry Nick I'm really sorry
Channel: Dirty Civilian
Views: 305,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dirty civilian, dirtycivilian, dirty civ, drew hopkins, josh lowry, preparedness, prepared, sustainment, prepper, citizen, ep, secret service, centurion defense solutions, executive protection, family protection
Id: kByfLjb4SMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.