romantic things all men secretly want you to do (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit by Reddit and chill men have read it what's something you see as romantic you wish ladies would do more often I'm already melting if she gives me a good hug or compliment tbh it's really sad how so many men are deprived of affection in relationships just little random bits of affection kisses bum taps et Cie for no reason a buddy of mine married my cousin and he said he wished she would be more affectionate he listed these as well as wanting to be little spoon sometimes all the time I sat there thinking about how I took those things still granted from my gf she will randomly text me and tell me she loves me she is always hugging me and squeezes my ass randomly and says things like them have you been squatting literally just a good ol a hug every now and then little surprises are really nice to your GF doesn't hug you hugging from behind just hug me from behind and whisper in my ear in the first age in the first battle when the shadows first lengthened once stood he choose the path of Perpetual torment in his ravenous hatred he found no peace and with boiling blood he scoured the umbral plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who wronged him and those who tasted the bite of his sword named him the doom Slayer edit didn't expect this much love from my shitty joke especially my first silver literally anything requiring thought effort that wasn't expected of her bonus points if it was something on my to-do list like they can fold the laundry or take those books back to the library there isn't much that feels better than psyching yourself up to do something that you don't really want to do to find out that not only did you have to do it but someone cares about you and loves you enough to think that making you happy was worth taking on the task themselves this is so true if I had to chose between flowers and coming home to a clean kitchen with dinner in the oven I chose the clean kitchen and a dinner I didn't make any day going on walks with me talking about the future like life goals mainly career-wise or about passions even showing trusted us about issues so we can open up over hours hugging cuddling the girl to have the initiative if I was asked out how I world likely say no unless you screwed me over or if I already had a relationship complimenting us guys little positive surprises whether it's small gifts even more so if it was made by the girl herself doesn't have to be expensive just the thought counts the initiative is a big one emo yeah boy would actually like some flowers I got you fam honestly I just want the quiet safe moments where she lets me rest my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat don't worry about grand gestures let me know where I can be safe create and protect a small space where it is just the two of us he'd motorboat me within ten seconds initiate cuddling and Huggy me from behind once in a while kissimmee by surprise for a change I'm a very affectionate guy and I really appreciate when a woman is proactive when it comes to shows of affection tell us we look pretty seriously a man can go his whole life without hearing a goddamn compliment e guys I didn't mean literally cool than pretty god damn but if you think the guy will take it as a compliment then why the hell not also if getting called anything but hot or cute offends you you're a fragile man and your ego is showing a compliment is a compliment just take it I've always liked saying a guy is beautiful or pretty they're usually shook [ __ ] they're only used to cute or hot handsome at most but I feel those words can apply to anyone damn it if you see a beautiful man let him know he is beautiful interest in personal interests even if it's just letting us guys talk about it and letting it out men want to be heard - anytime I start getting excited about something like a game or a new mechanic I apologize immediately if someone else is around or NVC with me I always feel bad sharing what I like because issues the replies here make me so sad every day every single day I kiss my man I hug him and pet his hair and tell him he looks good smells yummy I reach over and squeeze his hand his shoulder his but anything that is available or appropriate to squeeze I give him back rubs and spoon him at night I let him know how lucky I am that he chooses me I don't expect extra girlfriend points for this this should be the baseline in a loving partnership who the heck isn't complimenting and cuddling their men do better everyone kkoma I'm wondering the same thing how do you have feelings for someone and not have a need to be affectionate I'd go crazy if I couldn't cuddle my husband and tell him how sexy is my ex Jerell friend and I had been together for about three months and it was time to get Christmas gifts it was my first real relationship I'd had during Christmas time I didn't know what to get her after a week I told her I was stumped she said it didn't have to be big just something a week later I was still not sure and a little panicky so she told me to peek at what she got me under the tree after she left it was a six-pack of hand-picked microbrew singles thoughtful and 100% me so I bought her a bunch of [ __ ] to make margaritas with we had a very boozy Christmas after getting back from visiting our respective families so yeah small gifts that show you know them and care beer a new video game new computer accessories a new t-shirt a new Taif they're having to dress up a lot new comfy socks a new baseball hat that was super cool to me a new video game new computer accessories I'm gonna have to majorly disagree with you on this one most guys at least myself and the ones I know would prefer not getting gifts of things they are already researching and looking into which is often tech gadgets and games I want to buy every little thing whether it is a special key cap for my keyboard or a new GPU for myself it kind of sucks to get something that you wanted but not the exact thing if you know what I mean a man can go his whole life without hearing a compliment even just something small like commenting on my shirt or something like that but we never get told that we're pretty seriously my current gf always calls me handsome and before she started saying it I honestly never considered that I could be so please call us pretty but also small physical touches can go a long way a hand on our chest as we cuddle or the occasional butt squeeze and please sometimes just give us a hug a big hug can be just what we need to say yeah it's hard but I can do this it can give us the strength to feel like a man again about the only compliments regarding looks I ever get is that I have nice eyebrows it's nice to hear but I've sort of gotten tired of it I'd love to hear something else for a change when they don't mind taking the lead a little bit in bed I'm not talking like weird kinky stuff I just mean for guys like me who haven't had a lot of sexual experience and I'm still not really comfortable with being physical yet it's really nice when a girl is actually willing to help you through it and learn how to get her off I have yet to meet one of these girls but I'm told they're out there we're out here you just haven't found a good one yet hope it happens soon I have a long hair for about two years now I like it when they play with my hair just one how many other single girls always read these threads and make note how I know I'll most likely stay single with my life but these tips are noted in fact I always compliment my male friends not in a flirty way as I know I'm not that type I hope even though it's coming from a girl they don't find attractive it brightens their day now well they're cowgirl you'll find someone it just takes time no need to put yourself down women if you like a guy ask him out don't drop signs and subtle hints and then complain well why didn't he ask me out just ask him straight up before the boyfriend and I were an item I asked him to accompany me to a gentlemen's club for a co-workers 21st birthday all my guy friends told me since I asked him out and because it was at a strip club that it wouldn't last or he'd feel emasculated three years later and still going strong duck gender roles hugs your arm randomly makes her feel safe and makes you feel like a man Haller honestly maybe I've been getting into the wrong relationships but I feel like relationships tend to be one-sided a lot of the time in terms of compliments and making the other feel better a compliment can go a long way for a guy cause even in relationships we rarely receive them but always have to give them and have to constantly reassure the other person it gets sort of exhausting when they solve complex mathematical formulas that help rovers reach and land on Mars I see you're a man of culture to be wanted modern society sees us as expendable so showing us we are not makes us feel really special just a compliment when she tells me that I'm so cute when I get all excited about nerd stuff most dislike the culture or don't understand care she doesn't understand but loves that I get so excited about it I was on a date and we walked to the state capital and I was explaining the origin of our city's flag under the moonlight very nerdy stuff I thought she'd get bored but I couldn't stop talking cause I'm uh vexillology buff I thought I ruined my chances with her she called me cute and we had our first kiss go exercise with me when it seems I stopped doing it regularly just for her to tell me she is proud of me little details that show you they have appreciation and excitement to have you in their lives my say used to take my hoodie's for sleeping because she liked that they smelled like me used to unexpectedly strip down and jump in when I was mid shower with shampoo in my I used to send me candid pics when we were away from each other so that she could remind me that she couldn't stop thinking about me used to come home and tell me stories about meeting friends or going to work and only being able to talk about me or what we were going to do once you get married and have kids you lose the time and space for romantic intimacy and instead you get a co-pilot on a prison ship of parenting criticism money arguments and maybe once or twice a week quite quick sex while the kids are asleep to pretend like nothing is wrong in the relationship the twinkle of appreciation in the eye is gone and it's replaced by entitlement feels bad man I'm sorry you're in the weeds friend if your kids are little please know that it doesn't stay like this forever when my youngest turned 4 my man and I both came up for air and we were so glad and grateful to find one another there it really can be fun and sexy and intimate again I'm pretty much swooned as she messages first boot my nose are you a snack I feel bad how deprived a lot of you are you need to find a women who is selfless and who really cares about more than just herself they are out there you need to be the same in return when both people are selfless everyone is happy not a guy but I wish they would show a little more affection in public like let me have my arm around you without squirming away I feel like I'm leading a pretty tough life a lot of [ __ ] happened in the past few years and I had to take over a lot of responsibilities I keep pushing through because I need to be strong for my family but dark sometimes I don't want to be treated as a man I just want to find a good woman who holds me like a child while I'm sleeping stroking my head and telling me that I'm doing good if I found that woman I'd expect nothing more from life hugs cuddle stroked my hair touches here and there where my shirt at the end of the day there is nothing more romantic can set my heart to racing than to see a girl in my button-down that I wore that day I had a girlfriend Matt if we were in for the night would slip into my shirt as soon as I changed when I got home she'd also lounge in it on Saturday mornings she said that she loved how it smelled notice my existence consider your existence an OT I see Edie put their phone down just being honest with me it's nice to know if you're having a bad day and need someone to comfort you or maybe just leave the hell alone it builds trust and starts way less fights having active passion in a subject I do not care what it is but if I see your eyes light up about something and you could talk for hours about a topic that is the hottest thing I have ever seen in a woman that kind of joint investment is delightful it could be about politics in sub-saharan African countries but if I see you getting jazz talking about the formation of the political parties in Mozambique and you want to keep going and share that passion it is the most beautiful thing to me that is more powerful to me than any love letter it shows you want to show that passion and oftentimes people are scared about showing those kinds of passions and I feel blessed for someone to be willing to be open like that with me loudly choose a bagel idk prolly sex just a hug I can't remember the last hug I got that wasn't from maan law I feel like men are all just big teddy bear that deserve attention then I'm sad cuz they're always some girl that don't really care about their bf see it kind of amazes me that the concept of treat others like you would want to be treated isn't really applied to cuddles really the answer to this question is anything a woman would expect from the man I know that this won't necessarily be true for everyone but honestly if you have expectations you should be willing to accommodate for the same expectations regardless of gender roles I hope this makes sense I'm not always good at explaining things ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 165,690
Rating: 4.9737597 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, r/, r/askreddit, best of reddit, top posts of all time, toad films, tz reddit, updoot reddit, reddit and chill, Men of reddit, whats something you see as romantic you wish ladies would do more often?, Romantic Things ALL Men Want Women To Do MORE! (r/AskReddit)
Id: 4ig6mnNrbO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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