My WORST Dating Story (r/Askreddit)

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a slash asked readied by reddit and chill what was the worst dating experience you've had and why met a lovely girl over tinder we really hit it off and had a great conversation decided to meet in person for coffee the next day she showed up on time look just like her pictures and brought her boyfriend so was it a jealous boyfriend sabotage be devil's threesome see her not knowing what tinder is about I went on a first date with a guy he was very educated and polite he was friends of a friends and they set up us they failed to mention that he just got out of a 5-year relationship and was not over her in the slightest we went to a restaurant he frequently took his ex to which I found out 10 minutes into the date I would try to change the subject when he mentioned her but it was obvious he needed someone to vent to so I spent the date letting him get out his thoughts emotions about his ex he wasn't a bad guy he just wasn't in a position to be dating anyone everything you've written here is like five green flags for yourself at least wish of the best dinner went pretty well he was funny sweet so we decided to yubi to a bar on the way they were holding hands and chatting the guy immediately pulls his half hard coke out and asks the Yuba driver to reroute to his home the Yuba driver threatened to call the cops kicked him out of the car and drove me home free of charge that's a five driver she ordered three bottles of wine or dinner I had maybe three glasses total which means she had nine glasses on her own when she tried to order a fourth one the waiter cut her off she caused a scene and God just kicked out of the restaurant I called her an uber and while we were waiting she pissed herself in the parking lot basically poured her into the back seat of her ubirr and went home she texts the next day hey sorry I missed our date last night I must have taken a nap and slept through it we scheduled row just woke up and saw how popular this is figured I'd follow up here's the rest of that condo in gadot comlink for context beach bar is a bar my ex works at blackout had originally suggested we meet there for drinks and I had to explain that she works there and is kind of crazy and I probably shouldn't take a date there she knew that's what I called the place when I first said I'll get back to you I was really contemplating a second chance because she's smoking hot but ultimately my big heads prevailed over my little head I had a very similar experience law girl drank like three pitchers of beer I had one beer total and she ended up puking on herself as soon as we left the restaurant I took transit with her across town to make sure she got home safe this was pre ubirr took me like two hours to get back home the next day she texts me asking if I would like to meet up again as she had to leave early last night because of a work thing what lot sophomore year of college my roommate and I decided to double-date it was the first date for both of us and we invited the guys to our apartment to watch a night stale my date got drunk with him 20 minutes and spent most of the movie face down in my lap mumbling it's just so anachronistic while my roommate and her date cuddled and laughed at me I hope your lap is less anachronistic these days my only blind date my college roommate had a date asking me if I'd come along and take out his dates run mate I thought what the hell why not we arrived at their place to pick them up my date comes out she's cute she looks at me and just says oh hell no she goes somewhere else I drowned my sorrows in pitchers of margaritas find out they have a to pitcher per person limit and we're at six pitches already I call a buddy to join us buddy arrives sits across from me order two more pictures of margaritas buddy tells me he had plans with a girl he'd been dating for a bit but the plans had just fallen through so let's get effed up three minutes later the girl he had plans with arrives on a date with another dude sits at the table right next to us we call another buddy to join so we can get two more pictures of margaritas in retrospect we should have gone home after the second pitcher of margaritas that is honestly so ducking depressing but holy [ __ ] I can't stop laughing at the sheer amount of misfortune for you and your pals pitchers were a great idea bTW didn't quite get to the dating part my best friend was a guy and his girlfriend didn't like me hanging out with him she decided she wanted to set me up on a date to get me out of her hair my best friend asks me to please do this to get her off his back apparently the guy she wanted to set me up with was her co-workers brother he was a young widower and a solid guy I reluctantly agreed and she gave him my number this guy called me and we talked he told me that he was a widower we talked about his job he didn't ask me out three more conversations over the phone and he still didn't ask me out I finally told him if he wanted to go out on a date it would have to be soon as I was leaving on a lengthy trip soon he said he was waiting I asked him what was he waiting for and his reply was the funeral his wife's funeral you could have knocked me over with a feather I no doubt of that a SAP and told him he should wait a while to date was Saruman at my best friend and told him his girlfriend could duck off this is just sad who would ever want to date someone like that I suppose you could be sure he'd get over you quickly they walked into the restaurant immediately said I don't believe in dental hygiene I believe them as they had black teeth and gums that I could smell from several feet away I could not tell if it was a joke or some sort of experiment but it was hard to focus on much else it was easily the most disgusting mouth I've ever seen had a date like this once wasn't quite as bad but his front teeth were very obviously rotting and it was incredibly distracting all I could think the whole time was please do not try to kiss me he also tried to pay me $200 for a [ __ ] weeks later after I had turned a second date down I went on a tinder date that ended in me leaving because his friends showed up at his place with a stolen gout they wanted to kill it and try to get in touch with the spirit world I wish I was kidding I had friends who one day started talking about the spells they'd thought of casting on an X but then decided not to out of pure inner moral strength they were not being silly and we weren't teenagers I did what any sane adult would do I pet a cat until the gathering was over and then I left I never really talked to those people again beyond the minimum for polite social interaction when necessary as a much older still somewhat sane adults if that kind of thing happened again I'd probably just call him a bunch of ducking nuts and walk out immediately probably any of the dates with my abusive ex when she would throw a public tantrum to test me for example the last time we went out together before I managed my escape we were going to the zoo she wants to cross the road I asked why and point out we can't get to the zoo from that side she immediately goes into a screaming hissy fit shouting tears the whole works right there in the middle of the street in a very busy city I was pretty used to it and done with the whole thing by this point in our relationship previously I would have been desperately trying to comfort her but this time after she wouldn't tell me what was wrong I just walked away tears dry up comes running after me finally explains there's a shop across the road she wants to visit ten years later I can still feel the exasperation with how bloody stupid the whole episode was she would throw a public tantrum to test me I do not miss the days when I used to put up with [ __ ] like that okay I was a sophomore in college and went on the worst tinder date of my life this guy invites me to a really bro why college bar he shows up in sweatpants I bought us the first round of drinks but he never got another round so that was it I definitely wasn't drunk enough for this I'm trying to make the most about this because he's cute and I only wanted something casual anyway I was truly trying to make conversation but every answer he gives his about football he said he was on the team a Google search later on proved that to be false I asked him what he did for fun football what other hobbies he had working out after football practice does he enjoy any games or anything Madden he also took a phone call in the middle of the date while he was talking on the phone right in front of me I was looking at the decorative signs all over the bar I was too young to get up and just walk out but I really wish I would have at this moment when he hangs up the phone he sees me scanning the signs on the wall and says so you like to read huh we left shortly after he insisted on walking me home we get to my apartment building he goes in for a hug while grabbing me he whispers I was really hoping to get a piece of this tonight you can't be serious right now I say maybe next time and run away he sees me scanning the signs on the wall and says so you like to read Hut law I'm imagining him walking down the street trying his hardest not to accidentally read signs AGGA dammit Johnson keep it together don't want to be a ducking nerd on the very first date this woman decides to tell me she had an affair with her brother-in-law couldn't leave the bar fast enough went on a first date waited 60 minutes for food at the restaurant kiyo awkward conversation went to a movie and the movie jammed in the middle and we had to wait 20 minutes for them to fix it kiyo awkward conversation on the way home the car broke down and he insisted we couldn't call any of my brothers or sisters for a ride so we walked four miles home in the snow we have been married for 37 years semicolon he totally sabotaged the car I got catfished but for some reason I felt too mean calling her out on it because she was a nice person just not my type and she had obviously used another woman's photos other than NAT she seemed very kind and I didn't want to hurt her feelings so we still went to my place where eventually during a movie after some hand she finally just asked me did you want to have sex now again I felt bad so I made up this lie about how I really wanted to but I was a devout Christian and it was a war inside me I got her a soda and we finished watching Captain America at the end of it she asked me if I was gay and I said no then she kind of rolled her eyes while we said goodbye I wasn't before I saw Chris Evans shirtless but now I kinda a.m. and not like post Super Soldier serum but shirtless before the Super Soldier Serum I liked winks I guess I went on a date with a guy who not only felt that I was emasculating him because I won't let him pay for my meal and drinks it was a first date and I believe in splitting the bill on the first date so that no one feels they or the other he kept the landing that I let him pay and I kept saying it's fine when he blurted out just let me pay damnit how the duck else am I gonna get lucky tonight Dave ended there and then I don't sleep with people of the first date I've ER it made my school year awkward though because we shared a lot of classes but for the most part I avoided him how the duck else am I gonna get lucky tonight how do some people's minds work mr. complex Huck it was seriously like he was a shitty movie stereotype come to life he made a couple of snarky comments about me wearing heels on the date even though I wasn't we were the same height five feet seven inches and I guess imaginary heels was the only way his mind could grapple with the concept when we got to the restaurant I opened my door to exit the vehicle and he began screaming at me for making him look like less of a man by not letting him open my door for me a lot of the dinner conversation was about how women don't appreciate a male provider anymore I was young and stupid so we ended up going back to his place and it was the only time I've actually had an is it in moment afterward he recalled that he's pleased many women before and they all said he was one of the best they'd ever had but before I left he let me know we were actually at his sister's house and she was in the bedroom next to us and to try not to wake her up leaving what a sad dude I hope he got therapy who has time for therapy with all that pleasuring of women he has going on congratulations you went on a date with a homeless ex-con junk you not see that use due to fish for dinner on feyo I don't blame you for cutting your friend off after setting you up with that the duck were they thinking not me but I was heavily involved in setting up the date I set up a good friend a girl with a guy I used to work with later that night after the date she called me up and said I think I'm related to him somehow we go sleuthing on Facebook and text each other updates and after an hour of talking to some distant relatives we are dead certain Mattie's her nephew a couple of times removed she calls me up sobbing saying they had already had sex twice after that first date she calls me up sobbing saying they had already had sex twice after that first date that seems like a pretty extreme reaction to discovering a distant relationship which you needed to spend more than an hour trying to cover first night I stayed over at my partner's house we both thought her family had gone away for the weekend and was somewhat vocal as a response the morning proved us wrong when her mother congratulated us over breakfast she had specially prepared but she offered us tips and practical advice also gave us a thumbs up best meal ever mortifying at the time however they had a large house and who her mother was keeping herself occupied in a wing we had no reason to enter so we didn't know expect her to be home tips like what some stories I started talking to a girl on Facebook I used to go to elementary school with we stopped seeing each other after the first two dates this girl's friend starts to come everywhere with us we go to a bar she's there we go to a restaurant she's there I go to her house this girl's there I try to be nice and explain how it's weird your friend is always with us I feel like I'm dating her as well it doesn't change the girl is still around the next time I see her and now she complains I didn't pay for her friend's drink as well as her drink I tell her that I'm not dating her friend as well and that I've talked to her about this her friend gets mad at me calling me selfish I ended it there and then went on a date with a girl from Pau who worked in a prison she told me never to date a prison guard because they all cheat on their partners with coworkers she told me her ex works with her and that he was married and their affair broke up the marriage so after 30 plus minutes of this I asked her why I should date her after she gave me all this advice not to date a prison guard once she's won she didn't know what I meant I met a girl on tinder we went on 3-4 days had slept together she asked me to meet her friends for drinks I go night seems to go well we're about to leave and she gets a call I asked who was that it's her bf wondering where she is and tells me it's okay she'll just tell him she's with the girls I'm like WTF you have a BF she's like Euler of course you didn't know this is just a side thing no no I did not met a girl off okay see she seems okay but tells me thirty minutes into the date she's moving three hours away in a month told her she should have mentioned it during the week prior we were texting she said I wouldn't have met if I knew I told her she's right ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 9,149
Rating: 4.8766518 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, r/, r/askreddit, best of reddit, top posts of all time, toad films, tz reddit, updoot reddit, reddit and chill, What was the worst dating experience you've had and why?, My WORST Dating Story (r/Askreddit)
Id: 3A-QDTd-IbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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