Romans 7:1 to 7:25 ~ Rebroadcast picking up at the book of Romans 7:1

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word book of Romans we're going to pick it up here with chapter 7 in a moment help these are the ABCs of Christianity the ABCs of the gospel meaning this this is how simple how easy it is to be blessed by our Heavenly Father for he's the one that laid this out in the way has were by whomsoever will if you just love him and let him know it then he can reconcile you which means that through Christ it brought in repentance and what a blessing that is that he loved you enough that that he did this for you so how can you help but love him in return now this seventh chapter is written on a little different plane it's written to those that do know the law not those that just depend on the gospel for repentance as a sin but those that know the law and what transpires when you break it and so forth okay so let's go with it with that thought in mind chapter 7 verse 1 no you're not brethren for I speak to them that know the law that's to say Israel how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he liveth in other words when you live by the law you're going to you're you're going to be in that law and it will be with you forever okay and let me say coming out the gate the law is not bad the law is good it's men that is bad you know man has two bodies the spiritual body the flesh body and until you come into the ABCs of Christianity if you're not careful you weigh too heavily on the flesh body and leave the spiritual function to one side that sphere of a higher life which is to say spiritual in other words a man thou shalt not steal well it's true by law you know what happens when you steal but once you see the love of God and you move to that higher sphere of life you don't want to steal you do not wish to take advantage of a brother if anything you want to help a brother that's where the difference comes in so bear that in mind verse 2 for the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she is loosed from the law of her husband in other words she's free to remarry there are other reasons as we know in in in Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 God divorced Israel so God is a divorcee but after Christ died Israel she was free to remarry that's what this is leading up to through that reconciliation verse 3 so then if while her husband liveth she be married to another man she shall be called an adulteress but if her husband be dead she is free from that law so that she is no adulteress though she be married to another man now of course we seven generation as through the ABCs of Christianity that adultery is not the unpardonable sin it's forgivable and don't you ever shorten Christ's ability to forgive because he paid an awesome price or price on the cross to bring that forgiveness to us so you can have a clean slate a new start and but we're talking here basically about the church as well okay listen carefully verse four wherefore my brethren ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ that ye should be married to another even to him who has raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God bringing forth fruit means to pass the good news that in as much as he died on the cross for our sins not his hours and all sins from which you repent other than the unpardonable sin or sin unto death which naturally you would read in Deuteronomy 19 or numbers 35 but here you are free to remarry in that spiritual sense and rise above the flesh into that sphere of Christianity the ABCs of this doctrine does that mean the law is bad again god forbid it's not the law is good it is man that falls short verse 5 for when we were in the flesh motions are the cravings of sins which were by the law did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death in other words if you let the flesh man lead you that brings a lust it brings desires that the spiritual body does not desire it brings forth desires that and cravings that are against the spiritual men's being that is to say a servant of the Living God but thank God for repentance verse six but now we are delivered from the law but being dead wherein we were helped to help by the law of course that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldest of the letter a lot of people get carried away with this and then go as far as to say the law is dead the law is destroyed the law is done away with that's not what it's saying it's saying you when you take on the newness the freshness of the spiritual when you accept the Lord Jesus Christ when you accept the price he paid to bring reconciliation to you then the law itself because those cravings leave you basically they'll always still be there but you have reconciliation and this is this is the great problem with people saying once saved always saved because as long as you're in the flesh those cravings will be there it is your ability your ability to control them is your ability of and depth into the ABCs of Christianity but don't ever kid yourself the law has never done away with Christ would say in Matthew I don't change one iota not one jot of the law and now blood ordinances yes but not the law verse 7 what shall we say then is the law sin question God forbid no nay I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known except the law had said thou shalt not covet in other words it is the law that it's a schoolmaster it teaches us how you get out what you do that get you into trouble you know without the law there there would you would be no sinner because as it is written in the First Epistle of John what is sin what is the definition of sin biblically speaking and you will find it in the First Epistle of John sin is to transgress the law it's that simple when you break a law you have sinned and the beauty of the sphere of the ABCs of Christianity is on honest evaluation and change of heart and mind and repentance it's erased and and that is the beauty of Christianity sin will never gain you anything the law will gain you a great deal this is why you will hear me sometimes teach you'll say well why did people do this in the garden and that and this because the law hadn't been given yet it wasn't against a lot but as God taught us back in Chapter one nature itself the very nature itself and that that is natural can teach you the ABCs basically of Christianity I'll say that again nature itself in the natural will teach you if you pay attention to it the ABCs of Christianity that is to say doing what is right and expelling perversion totally and completely to continue next verse please but sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concomitants that is to say desire to to covet for without the law sin was dead just without the law you didn't you weren't singing because the law wasn't against that but again I hasten to add you know nature itself assists a great deal in that in knowing what's right and what's wrong period it's just it's just a the sphere of Christianity will bring you into that level verse 9 for I was alive without the law once and the commandment came sin revealed revived and I doubt so so it was that when the law comes along and you learn it is wrong then you sentence yourself away from eternal life that's something you want to pay close attention to even knowing the law as he's writing here to Israelites as well as other people that will ascertain it's the simple fact that that when there is a law written and you become aware of it then you are convicted that is to say you you will hear me oft I'm saying as long as God does not place a conviction on you you should attend that church he may have a purpose for you there but if you have a conviction that it what you're doing is wrong from God you better get out so God has a way of dealing with his troopers that is to say the the godly lack that he has chosen to carry forth the very word itself whether indeed teaching or action example that is to say but then when you realize and wake up to the law that you're a sinner in need then then you lost eternal life and you're doomed to death for sin brings death verse 10 and the commandment which was ordained to life I found to be unto death the and the the law absolutely has the teeth in that commandment lets you know right from wrong and wrong from right verse 11 so sin taking occasion by the commandment by the law deceived me and by it soothe me now Paul is speaking here in a sense you know he studied at the feet of gamiello and you've got to look at Paul's life a little bit to understand it that's why this this is written that's why this is written to those that know the law because if you knew the law you would know Paul's life what did Paul do he studied at the feet of Daniel and he missed one part though he was a fantastic scholar he missed Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 concerning the fact that a virgin would conceive and bear a male child and you would call him Emmanuel which is to say God with us being interpreted he seemed to miss that peg and his mission was to destroy the church thought he was following the law he had it I mean he had an order in his pocket when he was on the road to Damascus to destroy the church there to drag him out men women and children and to destroy them that was that was the law as far as he was concerned at that time but what he was saying is how wrong men can be by misinterpreting even the law itself so you want to be real careful the ABCs of Christianity are quite simple so don't let some man that's what Paul is indicating here let some man muddy the water for you and give you a law that is non-existent because you can deception and be having a divisive opinion of the law can be very harmful place you better know the difference between law ordinance and statutes because many times the law itself never changes but blood sacrifices or ordinances have changed not Christ became those things and you have to know that if you ignore that example if you were to ignore Hebrews chapter 10 knowing the law that Christ came in the volume of the book he died in shed blood for one at all times so it's sacrilegious to shed blood for spiritual purposes so if you follow somebody that says you must do sacrifice or blood you're in a heap of hurt you're mocking the Lord Jesus Christ and you are so wrong and so guilty when you think maybe you're following some law when absolutely you're not it has been fulfilled and the law itself has deceived you sort of analyze think for yourself follow God's Word you know Paul was a great teacher of the Old Testament that's why many times he says have you read it or it is written that means it's from the Old Testament he was a scholar of it and once he came to truth he can lay it right down on on the flattened level so anybody can understand the ABCs of Christianity what he's saying here is don't let some preacher or someone else deceive you in teaching law verse 12 wherefore the law is holy and the commandment is holy it was given by God the Ten Commandments were given to Moses on Mount Sinai and just and good I mean they're there for the good there's the law will never do you harm when you understand it it was written by Almighty God and when you can fulfill the law and the flesh man has a hard time doing that it's done you have pleased your father and all as well-versed our team was then that which is good made death unto me question God forbid but sin that it might appear sin working death in me by what by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceedingly sinful in other words when I finally came to the truth understood the commandment he was persecuting Christ this is why Jesus would stop him in Acts chapter 9 and says Paul Paul why do you kick against the pricks which is to say this this was a a a instrument that would you prodded cattle with the prod that a nail along the end of it why don't you keep kicking against the nail in other words the words not that complicated and you're hurting yourself that's what a cow does if you take a prod with a nail and they kick at you they're going to cut themselves so you're hurting yourself Paul you're trying to do the law and all you're doing is messing up verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin I'm a flesh man I'm in the flesh I have a spiritual body but well as long as I walk this earth I'm carnal and and I'm in the flesh and I'm sold understand flesh is kind of drawn to sin it's real easy for flesh to sin you can have good intentions but sometimes it doesn't turn out that way that's flesh ok but that's why we have the law it's the schoolmaster that keeps the flesh out of trouble verse 15 for that which I do I allow not what I do I don't know why for what I would that do I not but what I hate that I do it seems like I set out to do what is right but it seems like sometimes I end up doing what is wrong and why do that I do not understand because he's carnal that's what he want you to get sometimes we mean quite well and you're going to fall short what is the beauty of that it is not to take advantage of our Father but to know that when you come to your senses and realize what you've done though you might have been deceived by man or yourself flesh you let God know it and you do repent and be reconciled and that pleases our father that he paid an awesome price that that can be done and how precious it is verse 16 if then I do that which I would not I consent until the law that it is good in other words if I do that which I would not I don't intend to I consent unto the law that it is good in other words I broke it the law is good I'm back I messed up I don't know that may not have happened to you ever but most everyone it does we have perfectly good intentions and even with the ABCs down I mean tucked away in our minds we're going to do what is right and everything occasionally you're going to in this world in the flesh because you're two different people your flesh man and a spiritual man that flesh man is going to get to you okay and and certainly that lets you know all the more when you end up in trouble and you begin to talk to God that you're you're the one that's bad it's not the law the law would have kept you out of trouble and there you go ahead and get right into it again had good intentions wanting to do what's right and well I hate it when I do those things like that but I do it anyways what Paul is saying now this is Paul speaking so don't ever be so you know I don't know anybody that has never seen I really don't know them Christ himself basically but you will have some people that will tell you once I'm saved I'm I'm never sinned I'm self right there a self-righteous hypocrite but this Paul is being honest with you here so that when this happens to you you know where to go you go to the cross you talk to him that paid the price on the cross and you ask for forgiveness and yeba free start to the cook because the law is good and we just fall short sometimes verse 17 now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me in other words it isn't what you intend you to do it was the sin that took me over and caused you to do it and that's why you should repent of it you listen to that little voice and the flesh can talk to you at the central nervous system this is this is why Christ in the garden said the tree of life so don't listen to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because that term sokka in the Hebrew means the backbone that the central nervous system goes through that this being the trunk and these the limbs it was a vile tree it was Satan himself the tree of knowledge of good and evil and and you listened to him who is vile to start with but at the same time and I don't want to confuse the two facts of listening to Satan and yourself yourself is bad enough the in the flesh because flash through that central nervous system if you touch something too hot the little message goes up to the brain move your hand this is hot and you move it well so it is it has all these ways of communicating with you I'm starving if you don't feed me stop studying the Bible or whatever you're doing and feed me instantly so who do you listen to you have to be responsible and take charge you have to control your life that's self control and that is patience and understanding of God's Word and it's really a great thing to possess know the law is not bad at all it is very good it is holy because God gave it to us it's to keep us out of trouble when we pay attention to it and when we listen to it and accomplish it this goes one more verse please verse 18 for I know that in me that is in my flesh now don't don't confuse the spiritual body with the flesh body in my flesh body dwelleth no good thing to will is present with me I want to do it's my wish to do what's right but how to perform that which is good I find not most of the time I will mess up and I'll go the opposite way sometimes I just don't get it right now this is coming from Paul Chris Paul is pretty hard on himself because he persecuted the church and he had difficulty understanding how God for good give him what he persecuted the church before his conversion it certainly wasn't his will to convert God pushed him to God struck him down because he as you read in Acts chapter 9 verse 15 and 16 God chose him before the foundations of this world as a chosen vessel wrote most of the New Testament for Almighty God so but even he when he listened if you're not careful you'll read over the prin there the print is that is in my flesh so how do you prevent this wrong it's probably best that you take care of the fresh body you're living in it at your home here you got it you need to take care of it you need to give it good advice you need to nurture it well with healthy foods and because you're stuck with it for quite some time and it's an amount of marvelous thing God really created these bodies quite well same time you I'll put it this way you have to show it who's boss your spiritual man must show the flesh man who is boss and keep in control keep in charge verse nineteen to continue for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do it just it just seems like that it's against me that I set out to do what is right and I end up doing what is wrong especially when I let the flesh in a seed and and so it is so sometimes when that happens to you don't don't don't lose your ability to love God don't be disgusted with yourself don't be disappointed with yourself you can be disappointed with yourself but the main thing is know you're not by yourself everybody that breathes air and walk in this earth that this time is in a flesh body basically and in that flesh body you have two men as it is so well written in first Corinthians chapter 15 you have two bodies a spiritual body a flesh body got to learn the balance and the ABCs of Christianity that's what you're getting here brings that to you verse 20 now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me it's still me but it's the sin that is if I let it take over that's doing it verse 21 I find then a law be law that when I would do good evil is present with me I try to do what's right but boy if I'm not careful I will find that a little evil flesh that won't do to covet wanting to break the law wanting to be taken care of itself and so greedy you can have self-restraint responsibility in Almighty God himself verse 22 for I delight in the law of God after the inward men win in the spiritual man in that sphere you delight in God's law it's so easy to follow so what is the moral to that then stay as best you can in the spiritual person there's no gender in this that applies to both male and female and and you you say as best you can in your spiritual sphere or realm and let the flesh obey discipline discipline discipline communicate communicate communicate next verse please 23 but I see another law in my members whirring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members it would seem like I can have my higher self take over my spiritual self and it seems like there is a war within me but the old flesh wants to take over look at me feed me do what I want to do instead of what God might want to do pay attention to me you can begin to see here if you stop and think a moment why when you go all the way back to the beginning in chapter 6 of the great book of Genesis and in verse 3 what do you read there it grieved God that he had created men in flesh also because flesh is weak and flesh will talk to you and it will condemn you if you allow it you set out to do what you want to do and sing like if you let it get in the way it's going to end up the other way so how do you handle that you handle it with the ABCs of Christianity he died on the cross that's what he said and you're free now to remarry this one resurrected that helps you shake off and to discipline yourselves in the way of our Heavenly Father in the goodness of the law and the law of forgiveness and divine intervention by Almighty God and those that will pray listen and follow him next verse please verse 30 24 a wretched man flesh man that is that I am what shall I shall deliver me from the body of this death verse 25 to complete I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord well then with the mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin make sure that you stay in Christ's hand following him but at the same time you must be a realist you cannot pretend that you're not in the flesh because you are deal with it well how do I deal with the draw baby myself no you get tough on yourself who's going to be your boss your fresh body or your spiritual body well let me think for a moment where do all the blessings come from spirit well then I would be wise if I let my spiritual body be my controller in that way I would have all the blessings from God you've got it that's why you think our Lord Jesus Christ that he paid that price on the cross that you have the opportunity now to take part in that great wedding feast that's going to happen and follow the Lord Jesus Christ ABCs of Christianity you got it listen a moment once you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 645 that number good from Porto Rico through out u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization we're not going to judge people when we don't have the right to God is our judge and it's a sin if you do so leave judging up to him and we you keep studying God's Word you are gifted with the spiritual discernment it's a gift from God to know what you're hearing is it truth or is it fiction then you can figure it out by spiritual discernment that gift from God but you don't need to judge those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need the number we can do away with that you can do away with the mailing address why God knows what you're thinking now wherever you are in this world he knows what does he want from you basically well as you read in the last verse of the fourth chapter of the great book of Revelation he created you all things for his pleasure and he let you know in Hosea 6:6 that what pleasures him for man I don't want your burnt offerings I want your grace your merton your love is what he wants from you so let him know you love him that's what it pleasures him and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours let's go to his throne father around the world we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay in question time Douglas from South Carolina if more than eight souls were saved after Noah's Flood why were other people saved I thought that the flood was to get rid of the wicked hell well it was but that doesn't mean everybody was wicked God knew who had a perfect pedigree and that's what perfect generation means I it's written in Genesis chapter 6 what is perfect pedigree mean it had mixed with fallen angels God had created all the races and he did not wish to destroy the races he only wanted to destroy the hybrids from the Fallen Angels so he told Noah in Genesis 6 take two of every flesh what man is flesh that's what we've been talking about through this whole lecture we've all got a flesh body so two of every race were has taken aboard the ark but there were only eight Adamic souls Adamic means f ha Adam that that through which Christ would come and that God preserved one one way or the other all through God's Word Jared from Nevada pastor Bernie can you tell or explain to us the time order of events that's going to come going to come to pass before enter Christ when he is here before Christ comes and when he is here before he established his kingdom that would be quite a true we know some things that have to happen the one world system must come into being right now it isn't really even being tried so everybody wants to take a deep breath and relax we've got some things that must transpire before the false one can appear as it is written in Daniel chapter 11 22 the raiser of taxes that that's got to happen we don't have to God will do it okay and time marches on and then we know that after the false one appears then we have five months with him and his little ones two and a half months specifically with Satan as Antichrist and then seventh Trump's ounds and the true Christ returns and if that instant were all changed in the spiritual body God does give us an exact and specifics concerning his return when the two witnesses die in the streets of Jerusalem in exactly three days Christ will return so then we then those that understand we'll know exactly at that time John from Pennsylvania will you please tell us where can we find in the Bible about the connection between Saturn and the point the Satan mother and the planet Saturn I'd be happy to it's Amos chapter 5 verse 26 and in the Hebrew tongue it's CH you in CH I un kind of young know do you know do you know how to say Kane in the Hebrew tongue it's cage I'm K on and K done John or pretty close to the same but it is it is the name for Saturn now in the New Testament in the book of Acts Saturn is called great time LeapPad okay this would be pastor Murray my name is love faith Duff 13 years old and I'm from Kentucky thank you so much for teaching kids like me the Word of God I go to church but you're easier to understand here recently me and my sisters Destiny patience and grace and mom have lost one of the most important people in our lives our pastor Jamie he was wanting to move to I'm going to say a different town because there was a tornado hit their town who destroyed their church him and his wife were helping to build that church he's also going to be their new preacher my question is what kind of houses were we of when we go to heaven we are told that in our father's house are many mansions but the word mansions is mono in the Greek and it means a resting place there simply means everything is going to be so perfect we're going to have a resting place just about anywhere and wherever and thank you for sorry that but sounds like you had a very good pastor there and thank you for studying with us the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse good to have you well and I've got one year from your sister it would appear my name is patience grace deaf I'm 8 years old is there an animal heaven or do animals go to heaven I like your program and I thank you for telling me about the Bible low patient grace to all patient you all have some fantastic names in your family there I mean that's that's great there God has always loved his animals there were animals in the first Earth Age the dinosaur and and the mammoths and many other animals and in this earth age we have all sorts of pets and animals but yet in the heaven age the animals also change from flesh to spirit and we are told in Isaiah chapter 11 that children will could even play with the serpent because it's not going to be poison as it's spiritual and that all animals one that is a carnivore will will eat with those that were not carnivores and so it is God loves his animals they will be there Dennis from Texas Joshua to 21 and she said according unto your word so be it and she sent them away and they departed and she bound a scarlet line in the window on television could could our television could be considered a window to the world and recently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew a red line across a picture he described as Iran's progress in making a nuclear bomb my question to you is there any connection between that what is written in the book of Joshua that red line and the red handed people has always been a very fascinating thing and it is true that you know they have determined that they're going to blow Israel off the map and certainly then if they have the atomic weapon they will probably do it and so the thing is is God has many ways of getting our attention and certainly he would appear he's got yours you hang tough good show made from North Carolina I have two things I want to know I was told angels don't sit down because they don't have needs now stop and think a moment I know where somebody might get this from the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1 but when we made in the image of God in the Angels to look at your beautiful needs you've got knees angels got knees and so it is so don't let man deceive you on that where God has needs we have everybody's got needs okay sometimes maybe whoever told you this needs to get down on theirs and seek a little help there and can evil people put evil or do evil things to you with their picture with your picture or photo absolutely not now here you would be branching into voodoo and many other things but the you are filled with the Holy Spirit and the only thing that could somebody could overpower you would be spiritually to frighten you into thinking if they had your picture they could do this but you know something when when they shoot evil thoughts at you they ricocheted off of you like a bullet square in the forehead you are a child of the Living God and nobody can penetrate that or do anything bad with pictures pins dolls or anything else that would affect or injure you because you're a child of the Living God you want to act like it Harley from Tennessee it is written that all Israel shall be saved some of the children of Israel or what were rotten I guess that will overcome during the Millennium do all of Israel overcome did they all overcome in the first Earth Age well those that he chose were dead and you're quoting from Romans chapter 11 we're going to be getting there in a few days and it is written there all Israel shall be saved but think about the Millennium Christ is going to walk among us and and certainly many people don't even know who the house of Israel is they think it's the house of Judah the house of Judah in the house of Israel are two separate things completely they will both be joined someday in Christ but that hasn't happened yet but when one has average intelligence and they see Christ and they see Satan locked in a pit and it's pretty well written even back at Isaiah chapter 14 where Satan's in a pit and they walk up and say is this the east meaning man not not Adam is this the East common man that deceived the whole world then who would want to follow a louse like back so you know common sense prevails considerably ok David from South Carolina is why did Jesus get baptized if he was born without sin was it just symbolism for us was he always shows us the way and it upset John the Baptist he said diamond yeah you don't but he did what showing us how to get it done okay is Jesus God if not are we breaking the first commandment Jesus Emmanuel is God with us a documentation scripture Isaiah 7 verse 14 who does the judgment who does the judgment God or Jesus or they wanted the same there our Heavenly Father returns as it is written in Revelation chapter 20 and he will do the judging all in all the office of Savior will be completed at that time but he will still be with us Carol from Tennessee I would take too many words to tell you how I feel about you as a well thank you I appreciate I'm glad you enjoy the word it's amazing how I can have a concern about understanding something and then wow there you are answering my question without me ever asking you I do have one question will win where in hell did Satan become so powerful well he earned it he earned the office of not just angel cherubim and not only was he that is that is the equivalent of Ark Angel okay like Michael and and and and Gabe roll and so forth but he earned it God doesn't give anything away for free and you can read of it in Ezekiel chapter 28 where he was the cherubim that protects the mercy seat this is why when the Ark of the Covenant was designed symbolically and the two cherubims were on each en he was one of them and he had power but he took it upon himself to sit on the mercy seat meaning he wanted to be Christ so he is in Christ instead of Christ to see how many people done their homework he will come to this earth we'll see how many will believe him thinking it is the true Christ returned to rapture him away that's very biblical scriptural and documented Joseph from North Carolina please give scripture word States about end time shortened to five months Revelation chapter 9 it not only tells you how that it's shortened to five months but it gives you the five months segment of a locust life which is main through September that's you might as well say from Passover till the Feast of Trumpets Jeanette from Indiana we're in the Bible cannot find out about how a person who commits murder will be judged get a Deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 11 but you be careful how you handle the law was it a taking of a life through passion because the person harmed the person or some member of his family that falls under a whole different set of rules you have to be very careful when you start playing Scripture lawyer that you always hear both sides and that you are educated in God's law whereby you know how to apply the law but Deuteronomy 1911 says if a neighbor lies in wait hatefully wilfully murders then you will send him up here to me that's capital punishment and others will see and these things will cease happening among you and that's God's law you can also read of it in numbers chapter 35 Frank from California when you die when you die when is Judgment Day at that moment or at the end of time at the end of time there is a short judgment when you die because you go to pair dice the good bad and the ugly they all go same place only it has a gulf in between those that take part in the first resurrection end up on the same side of the Gulf that Abraham is and those that don't go to the other side and they cannot cross it there therefore holding until judgment you might say well how do how do how does that judgment work it's in the book the book of life your name is there some church doesn't have your letter your letter is with the father and it's got it all drawn out piece by piece that you haven't repented for it's written your good deeds they're written Gloria from Georgia I signed a contract when I was young and not knowing now I am in a big financial and legal hardship I have faith that I will come out of this okay will God understand the mistakes that I made without knowledge and help me if you pray hard enough and if you if you use a good level head you don't give me enough information to know are we talking about a pledge or are we talking about you buying a home and that you have invested in it that would make a big difference all right but if you made a pledge to some church that you were making this pledge to God and you find out God isn't there then that's a different story so you see what I mean I don't have enough information to help you other than to know it's obvious you love God and talk to him about it and ask his help if you'll give it to you Nancy from New York my name is Nancy my question when the Antichrist is here on earth is it all right for me to tell people that he is the false Christ and not to worship him because your soul will be lost forever please answer is best with your best of your ability well in Matthew five or six it says if you pass an adversary in the by way agree with him don't don't tell him you know who an adversary is that's an enemy but your own family naturally you're going to tell them and they're the ones as it's written in mark 13 that are going to deliver you up to the false one because they think he's Christ and they're going to ask him to have mercy on you thinking we're helping you they deliver you right to the man and that's good that's God's plan that's our destiny Louisville Arkansas in Matthew 25:46 it tells of everlasting punishment I thought that those who didn't make it to heaven were cast into the lake of fire and were consumed that's how long when you're cast in the lake of fire and consumed how long is that for forever and ever you really in turn your own question God does not have the hope or looking forward to and when you read revelation 21 and you know you're in heaven there's no tears there's nothing there that offends and you have a lot of preachers that would tell you there's a big lake of fire there and on the edge right out in the middle of the stream screamin bud bloody murder he's burning up I mean it's hot and it's crispy and he's about to turn to bacon and that's heaven I not so okay there they're brought it out that's in the story and I'm out of time and that's the end of the story I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter but chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you for it hey it makes his day and when you have the ability to make God's day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it let him know you love him that's what you want we're brought to you by your tithes and offering if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God again he will always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepherds chop to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post off the spot for one six Gravatt Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six grab it Arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you this has been a long time I've been promising a children's book this is a book that will help a parent teach their child exactly what God's Word States now this this was done by a very good friend and student of this Chapel we have given it if you would a binder whereby if there is a page that you feel is too far advanced for your children then by all means you should remove that particular page it is done in a material that is even washable and it takes you step-by-step in to instructing a child what does God's Word say and I think you will find it extremely helpful it is item number 44 1:4 welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey guess what we're going to do another special this generation shall not pass what did Jesus mean when he said that well it was in relationship to the parable of the fig tree something that he said you must learn why must you learn it whereby you would at least know the generation in which he would return
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 24,429
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Romans Chapter 7, Shepherds Chapel Book Of Romans, Pauls Letter To The Romans, Book of Romans 7, Pastor Murray Book Of Romans, Letter To The Romans, Book Of Romans Bible Study, Shepherds Chapel Romans, Epistle To The Romans, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel Bible Study, Shepherds Chapel, Book of Romans Chapter 7, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book Of Roman, Pastor Murray Romans, Romans 7
Id: hJuGfMdnJ0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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