Ecclesiastes 7:9 to 7:29 ~ (2013) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Ecclesiastes 7:9

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word Alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word the great book of Ecclesiastes the preacher in the Hebrew tongue the assembler the being the meaning of the word we're in chapter 7 here and it's beautiful the way it begins that a good name is better than precious ointment why because if you have a good name God approves and your heaven bound that is to say you are you are set for the eternity that's what real life is about our times here on earth are not all that long but eternity is yawn after yawn after yawn a precious wonderful time spent with our Heavenly Father and and how good it is that's why a good name is so precious and you can always count on a person with a good name their name means something to them they face reality and take reality head-on can do taught people now we got the onto the 9th verse let's let's begin if we may chapter 7 verse 9 and let's go with it be not hasty in my spirit to be angry for anger resteth in the bosom of fools don't don't be quick to fly off without thinking and meditate thinking things over looking at the reality but be patient and you know in life you learn from experience and when you experience what happens when you freak out lose your temper or something usually you if you have a good name it hurts you more than it does anyone else so never be hasty to anger this is different than righteous indignation righteous indignation that's okay that's protecting the Word of God and and your good name but hasty and spirit for anger that's bad verse 10 say not thou what is the cause that the former days were better than these for thou does not inquire wisely concerning this in in other words be patient going to a quarrelsome argument with anyone and then get over and learn from the experience and the former days that's what you gain new experience from rather learn one of two things you learned that was a good thing or you learned it was a bad thing and you don't go that path any longer and you lock that away in your memory bank to prevent it happening again that's learning from experience facing reality not being hasty but wise concerning that wisely concerning this that means seek out the father's own plan from his work he pretty well gives us warning and advice and counsel on everything that can affect you in your life if you'll take the time to read it if you'll take the time to even ask him in prayer verse 11 wisdom is good and with an inheritance and by it there is profit to them that see the Sun those that even walk under the Sun if you take care of business and your reputation is good and inherence is good you can enjoy it okay but needless to say you're wise enough and your wisdom that you know how to hang on to it wisdom that you know how to take care of business otherwise rest assured there are all kinds of sharpies in life and they're out there waiting in vain they here you have an inheritance they'll be knocking on your door the sharpies will one way or the other so again gain from experience be wiser than the serpent don't fall for any of the dark sayings stay in the Sun that's the light and as long as you're in the light and thinking in the light you you you will do quite well okay verse 12 to continue for wisdom is a dependence honey is a defense but the excellency or it's more better of knowledge is that wisdom giveth life to them that have it that gives you what kind of life eternal life the word so that you can maybe better understand this the word defense is shadow okay we just had in verse but those that walk under the Sun and what does it really say for it wisdom is a shadow that me protect that means it protects you and many as a shadow they will both protect you but the better of the two many people think the money is all it takes that'll making it not warm you've got to have wisdom and knowledge supersedes the shadow of money because y-you know you might remember the prodigal son he took his liquidity with him not his inheritance but his liquidity and he he had a lot of friends as long as his money lasts and his money was his shadow and when his money ran out his shadow ran out that's to say his defense he had nothing but a wise person knows how to handle their liquidity excuse me whereby they don't go around trying to buy friends back to the first verse of this chapter a good name is better than precious ointment because if you've got a good name people are drawn to that in honesty and honor and in serving the Living God there's a wisdom and knowledge is far better than having money money will not if you depend on money totally it will not make you happy joy comes from our Heavenly Father knowing that at the end of your traverse of this dispensation of time your flesh time the man that walks into the Sun your life is just beginning you have the eternity that's what knowledge and wisdom will do for you that's why it is a shadow that will protect you from the blazing heat of life in this earth today and you'll always come through just fine as long as you use that knowledge and and wisdom it giveth life it gives eternal life you know many people you can misunderstand knowledge and wisdom if you're not careful many people would say well it's got to be something very deep and complicated but true wisdom the simple apply the Word of God whereby anyone can understand it that's true wisdom and that's true knowledge because God never intended that his letter be complicated but that for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear that it unfolds before you and certainly I will say one more time that wisdom is a lot better shadow or defense than money is because money is not eternal and we're going to a place where a trade is quite different father has provided for all things but knowledge and wisdom in the simplicity in which Christ taught in which our Father teaches that you hang on to if you've got a good name and a good reputation without a father no it's nice to have one with the world but it's a lot better to have a good name with the father because he is the judge verse 13 to continue consider the work of God for who can make that straight which he had made crooked in other words you mean his if God made anything a certain way there's a reason for it if you love him and you know it and there's no way you're going to straighten that because there is a purpose it may be to save souls something that would save souls when you consider the work of the work of God that's what he's in the business of is converting children they're his offspring that is to say he is the creator of all and he wants them back in the fold he wants them to love him and and so when you consider his work it is the thing of salvation and however the path goes you do it his way 14 in the day of prosperity be joyful but in the day of adversity consider you stop and you think God also have set the one over against the other the end that man should find nothing after him and in other words our Heavenly Father he there's a good times and there's bad times when the good times roll be joyful that there from the father if some bad thing happens in your life and you're left with the money gone I'll put it that way then don't get all shook up for it is God expects his children to be can do type people you can consider and handle anything if you have considered the work of God excuse me because whether it's good times or bad he's always with you you don't have anything to worry about in that light and as long as he is with you and you're serving him it's going to build back you're going to be just fine I mean if it takes you down and don't get depressed don't don't look at the negative side of everything but know that God still lives in you live there's better times ahead and whatever comes along whether God makes it straight or crooked we can pet it because he expects us to and if he expects us to he will always let us go through he will always let us succeed as long as you do not abandon him he will never abandon you and but when you don't know what's going to happen as far as this world is concerned because God has fixed it both ways things are going to happen then always remember he's on the throne and we got the victory verse fifteen to continue all things have I seen in the days of my vanity when I'm in the flesh I've seen the street smarts and it's just all Eve Dean there is a just man that perishes in his righteousness and there is a wicked man that prolong with his life in his wickedness it would seem that way at times but even within that you gain the experience to be tough to be can do and so it is mainly it would be real easy to say wala just the bad always get ahead you see what you're doing you're leaving God out of the equation it doesn't matter how the things go when you've got God on your side when you have him in your life and you're in his then it's going to work out just fine and he has a purpose for all things and he uses his elect to to fulfill the written plan so when he moves you about and it would seem that it's unfair then you want to think again consider the work of God it is to bring knowledge and wisdom to those that practice foolishness in the world if they will listen 16 to continue and it would read be not righteous over much neither make thyself over wise why should Estelle destroy thyself don't become self-righteous especially a self-righteous hypocrite that that turns our father off real quick and you don't you don't need to pretend that you are so sanctimonious but no sinner could even come close to you you see because your whole purpose in life is to reach the sinner to plant a seed to set an example so self a self-righteous hypocrite will destroy the entity okay and neither to make thyself overwise don't don't try to think you know it all and especially if you're reaching someone with tender ears they don't care how much you know they want to know what's in it for them so you must go to that level and bring them along where you are okay don't be a know-it-all it's you have to be gentle you have to be able to read people to know where they are to be able to feel and help them through even hard times so again two things that are real bad for a man or a woman that's pretending to serve God that's to be a self-righteous hypocrite and I know at all that will destroy you you don't want to go there you want to know that it's it is your duty in serving God that you medicate and lead the sheep and feed them verse 17 to continue be not over much wicked neither be thou foolish why should this thou die before that time go back to the first verse again a good name is better than precious ointment so watch what you do follow the plan of God and I know none of us are perfect and sometimes we will fall short but repent forgive yourself that's one of the main things people will not do they will not forgive themselves they use it because they think they're better than that those could have something to do with that but the thing is is we when you repent many people will remember the wicked and when they remember it they think well God didn't forgive me false God forgives but he lets you remember so you don't do it again verse 18 it is good that thou should us take hold of this yay also from the withdrawal not this withdrawal not thine hand for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all this word feareth means Rovira if you love God you listen to his word he'll bring you to all of it there never be any doubt in your mind that that you are a can-do type person why because you serve the Living God through the good through the bad through the thick through the thin when you don't can do type people that's what God's elect are and certainly if you expect all to be good times then you're a good time Charlie and certainly in serving God there are tears that come along with it in reaching the lost and bringing them forth keen to continue wisdom strengtheneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city and it is true wisdom gives you the experience the knowledge that you can overcome whatever might come against you you can handle it one way or the other God will always show you away he will always show you a way through and I'm quoting 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 it will all be pretty well common that happens to us but we can talk about it and God will never test us more than what we can handle and he knows us pretty good he knows us probably better than some know themself even from the first earth age so and so it is that if those that love God he returns that love and you're going to go through verse 19 and verse 20 rather for there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not know there are shortfalls and this is a troubled old world and things happen but that's why Christ on the cross what repentance for word that we have forgiveness of sins but don't forget remember so it doesn't happen again verse 21 also take no heed unto all words that are spoken lest I'll hear thy servant curse thee you don't need to eavesdrop on people you-you-you know it's people ratchet jaws talk and it makes it very difficult if you hear someone saying negative things about you but pretty soon if you really love the Lord truly follow him if you truly teach his word there is going to be negative things said about you and you can't you can't let that Bing your whistle all right you and you'll be in good shape why because you love him and he loves you and the world is the world there were a couple people in the world and so don't don't go around eavesdropping or listening to gossip especially because not only just gossip give you a wrong impression but it usually it's not even true but people will talk against you when you serve the Living God because they love I suppose the their way of life in the world walking under the Sun living in the flesh so boy and understand that you must rise above that how do you do that you face reality and you love God if you love him you love his word if you love him you love everything about him and he will never leave you he will never forsake you let's go with the next verse please verse 22 for all times also don't then own heart nor that bow by self likewise has cursed others and and and it's true you may have said something about somebody maybe in well-meaning would be to forewarn someone else but people just do it and I can only say one thing always be truthful you can be truthful by looking at reality and certainly do not pass gossip on because 90% of the time gossip is alive and you're participating in it that can be hurtful to a person that is weak and not real well-founded in God's work otherwise it runs off like water all he would duck's back it does not offend you you just know so verse 23 and this have I proved by wisdom I said I will be wise but it was far from me you know when you try to be wise on your own when you just decide you're going to be very wise leave God out of the equation it's all wisdom comes from him proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the beginning of wisdom and knowledge is to love God and He gives graciously the truth and in his word and this certainly but as far as gathering wisdom on your own without the word of God you're going to be any heap of hurt verse 20 for that which is far off an exceeding deep who can find it out well that's the beauty again of father's word true wisdom is to take that then as deep and simplify it where anybody can find it out the answer is godly that Canon if they know where to look if they know where to search if they consider if they meditate and if they live in the Word of God then certainly they will find out you God will give you the answer and if you can't get it from the word itself ask it of him ask him to give you clarity loves you and you love him if your name is better than precious ointment he will give you the answer verse 25 I applied 9 heart to know and to search and to seek out wisdom and the reason of things and to know the wickedness of folly even of foolishness and madness I gave I gave my whole attention understand this and to figure it out and folly and foolishness for a wise person it doesn't take long to understand that because we don't listen to fools and we listen to our father or you listen to someone in the Word of God and with that comes understanding comes our heavenly father to us whereby we have that better understanding verse 26 and I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart I'm sorry I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is his snares and nets and her hands as bands who so please of God shall escape from her but the sinners shall be taken by her what's he talking about you've heard of her many times she waits and she adores she's old Mystery Babylon she would like better than anything else to deceive you and lead you through her wonder into accepting even the false messiah before the truth Messiah returns she we'll cry out I am no Widow I am married because she is married to the devil to Satan himself and and certainly is used to make a study of the great book of Revelation you come into understanding but you don't argue with her you put yourself away from babylon babylon the word confusion and as it is very scriptural god is not the author of confusion but of peace so therefore when when this whole sister babbling when she comes along to deceive well what does she use basically religion she uses religion even Satan himself can do more damage to Christianity from the pulpit than he does in everyday life it was by false teaching well although I recognize false teaching whether it aligns with God's Word or not that's very simple you don't you don't have to be the sharpest blade in the drawer to know if it that in the line with God's Word you better be real careful she's trying to snag you she's trying to bring you into a doctor in the fly way that all you have to do is just believe God has worked for his elect as it is written in Matthew 24 mark 13 and Luke 21 when that false woman appears you're supposed to stand against him and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you he's got something for you to do that is very very important you have a destiny and many of you have known you had a destiny and there was much more to God's Word than you'd been tired so he said I gave my whole attention grasping for this verse 20 next verse then 27 behold this have I found saith the preacher counting one by one to find out the account I will check people out have you ever checked people out it's facing reality okay you're not to judge but you certainly are supposed to use spiritual discernment there's twenty eight let's see how sharp we are which yet my soul secret but I find not one man among the thousand have I found but a woman among although those have I not found how could that possibly be only one man who was that man that was perfect was Christ of course it was Emmanuel God with us he is the only perfect among us whether you're male female it doesn't matter it if you're if you're not perfect then you want to consider you want to pray you want to follow him but only Christ is the only entity that has ever passed the test of being perfect and he did it for you 29 to complete the chapter lo this only have I found that God hath made man upright but they have sought out many inventions that are old Minds richer work hard at it they try to invent this and invent that stick with father's word and be blessed don't ever forget the first verse of this chapter the good need is better than a whole lot of precious ointment the gear teach you love from our Father power power of our Father and most of all eternal life hey we'll stop there for today bless your hearts listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world of wise did you realize there was a world age before this when same old world different age the creation itself see where the race is created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular takes how was this what how and what was the sin in the garden he will be discussed this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if he do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this ease very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you've always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're gonna enjoy this series and there we are back again this had the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good for important recode throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization we're not going to answer it we do not judge people we have one judge and he likes to do the judging himself that's our Heavenly Father again as I said earlier you have the right for spiritual discernment music those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give er give you our mailing address always a pleasure no prayer requests don't need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking you're his child and he loves you but he wants that love returned it pays great dividends as it's written in Hosea 6:6 I do not want your burnt offerings I want your grace that's to say you love that's what he wants from you you give him your love and do it even sacrificially if you really want to breathy let him know you love him father around the globe we come we ask that you need to hide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father Amen okay grant from Oklahoma and grant is 10 years old I would like to ask when we pray why is it that we say Amen well that's a good question and it's have you if your dad or mother has the Strong's Concordance go to the word Amen and then go back into the Greek or the Hebrew either one and see what it says it says that's that it is a finality that when God speaks and when the amen come that's that that's the end of the story that that's the way it is and that's the way it's going to be that's what God means by amen and my name is Cristina I'm 8 years old and I live in Alabama how did God create the earth love Cristina what we love you brought back there in Alabama Cristina you know God spoke and nothing became everything and when you walk out at night and when you look up and you see the stars the magnificence of his creation it's all in order that he placed it where it is you might make a note of job chapter 38 forward where God told job eight you've been listening to some people talk what about me I'm the one that placed the earth as it is why don't you come to me and ask so he created it to be inhabited for us to live in happily and unfortunately Satan some people have different ideas but we win Ellen from South Carolina how does the person learn to forgive himself for the wrong things he has done in the past how does a person learn to love himself and to want to live in this world I read my King James Bible every day and I pray every day I hope you can help me do you have tapes that I can order to help me thank you and the book we're doing right now is to the man that walks in the Sun and I sense that you are kind of being a little hard on my brother out okay because you're hanging on to memories that doesn't mean you're not forgiven I'm going to tell you something Ellen if you doubt Christ's forgiveness he says I forgive it and I don't want to hear about it anymore then you could get on this toes just a little bit that's not healthy as far as you forgiving yourself just because you can remember it doesn't mean it's not forgiven memory is a totally different thing than the field of forgiveness it is experience that prevents you from doing the same thing all over again okay so if you read the King James how about reading God's Word that's a good place to read it but look at it as God's work he's on the throne and you're his child Lisa from Montana can you please explain Daniel 11 33 and 35 who are these of understanding that fall these couldn't be the elect wouldn't that be the unforgivable sin then you see this is one of those cases where the translators leave a little wanting and this is the one of the reasons that I highly recommend you have a Strong's Concordance because Daniel chapter 11 everything from Daniel chapter 2 the middle of verse 2 turns to sirak or Aramaic up until you get to the eighth chapter it's pure Aramaic but when you come to the eighth chapter it switches to pure so therefore you need the Strong's Concordance and take that word fall fine it doesn't mean fall at all means that they get hit hard enough that they taught her that they do not fall they waiver under the load but they do not fall they do not quit because they are God's elect okay this is why I a lot for you to have that Strong's Concordance because now you have my word that that's what it says but I would like for you to see it for yourself and that's why you should have a strong concordance Robert from Indiana what does your spirit look like how would you recognize your loved one it looks the same only there's one big difference between flesh and spirit body the spirit body does not grow old age means I mean after thousands and thousands of years age has no effect on a spiritual body it does on a flesh body but and usually let's take the angels that appeared to both Mary and others at following the crucifixion what what did they look like young young people okay could you always look young in a spiritual body so that's how people look that's how your spirit looks as it looks like a young Robert doll but in good health and ready to go that's it's easy to recognize your loved ones because they look the same God said let us create man in our image including himself because if you've seen Christ you've seen him if you've seen your brother that's the way he looked in the spiritual body also Benny from South Carolina wouldn't you die where does your body and soul go well you're listening to the right book here and when we get to chapter well the very next chapter chapter 9 here in the moment you'll hear what happens to the flesh body at death and in Chapter 12 you'll find out what happens to the spirit body at death in other words you will read in in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 and 8 that when the silver cord parts that means you kick the bucket then instant then instantly when that cord parts your spirit body returns to the Father from whence it came that's where you came from that's where you're going back to but the flesh body were through with them they go back to the dust from which they came because everything we eat or participate in is organic dust comes from the aura you'll go back to that we'll never in Ohio the great white throne judgment occurs after the Millennium you said that we will be judged in heaven and you pointed up I thought heaven was going to be here on earth then please correct me if I am mistaken Evans going to be here on earth but when you talk to a higher power then naturally you you point up to powers and high places but ultimately it will be right here on earth that's where God intends to set up his kingdom it is written and you can read it in Revelation chapter 21 Judy from Virginia my question is while watching a religious freedom TV program the question asked of six pastors of 60 nominations should the American flag stay in our churches too agreed that it should be and I was shocked to hear all of the reasons by the other for that it should be removed well that's what happens when you listen to different religions and in this day and time if you're not careful you'll end up on Mars Hill well they don't they don't know who God is even Paul went to Mars Hill and he's they have a big sign there that said to the unknown God he said for you all that's it you don't knowing so when it is one thing to listen to evangelists but when you get ready to study God's Word you want chapter by chapter and verse by verse and you want to hear what God says not some man Israel has always had banners that's a flag identifying themselves as to who they are and even their positions that when they can't the banner for each tribe was there and it flew and naturally spiritually speaking we all have one banner today and it is Christ we still under the God under the name of the nation that guarantees our right for a freedom of speech we will fly that flag many of us have fought under that flag many of us have shed blood fighting under that flag will buy we have these freedoms and they become you know if you shed blood for this nation it becomes more precious than ever that it's risk worth fighting for and certainly I'm not going to apologize for pastors that get messed up ideas in their head fuzzy brain and read away from the patriotism the next thing you know they would have you in socialism and communism they would take everything away that we hold precious I hope you noticed that many of the great men and women in our history all of a sudden you've got this little ilk that likes to tear them down were the pride of this nation his Trump done it's not going to happen you see in this nation under these banners we have the right to have a government of the people by the people and for the people if politicians go too much against what is for the people the people kick them out just by pulling a letter peaceful lever peacefully I mean casting that vote and get rid of the bums that would try to turn this to socialism or communism when many men and women have given their lives bringing the freedom we have under this flag to this nation call from Maryland what is the holy spirit's name and how do you spell it well in reality is our Heavenly Father's Spirit okay and you spell it spirit unless you want to go to foreign languages and I won't go there the the Greek is Numa like air pneumatic and in the Hebrew it is rock which is wind but it is our Father the main thing you want to remember is it it is our father's spirit John chapter 14 that you know that both the father and the son spirit wants to abide in you so it's wonderful to have the have that presence Gary from North Carolina when Satan comes to earth what will happen after the Holy Spirit speaks through you will you go back to your house or will you go to heaven no you know we have work to do here we are guaranteed by Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 that no one will have as an individual now not nationally nationally it goes 5 months but individually nobody's going to have tribulation over 10 days so and then it's time for someone else to take over so we can handle that we can cut it what you have to realize is what Satan is doing is pulling off in a revival he literally has the ability to change people's minds he did it in the first Earth Age and he can do it in this earth age performing miracles as it is written that shocks people but we have an even even upper I'll call it we have the two witnesses they also can perform miracles by their miracles we shall know them and I feel we're coming up pretty close to that time Elizabeth from Georgia are there any scriptures they help us to know whether we are doing the right thing or the wrong thing well all of them you listen to all of them there is a reason for everything we this is why we have a Supreme Court only when decisions are made there then we know right from wrong because that's the highest court of the land now if the highest court of the land votes to go wrong which is to say perverted remember Sodom and Gomorrah what God did to them God will not allow perversion in the highest court of this land expect however the ruling goes if it is positive fun if it is negative expect to hear from Almighty God very soon because you shall that's how you tell right from wrong you read God's Word and if he says it's wrong there's a recent Fort Jefferson from Texas my question is about the word beguiled in the Strong's that says it means deceived how can I translate this into wholly seduced well you got to you got to follow instructions you go to - first 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 as it is used in verses 1 to 3 and it is that popular it only has one word and one means and it had to do with EEB losing her virginity you know how that happens well that's why the word beguiled is used it clung Colette from California is it scriptural to say that a woman who is pregnant cannot cast out demons or lay hands on someone because it could hurt the baby well it's according to how much faith the woman has in other words if she doesn't have the faith to be able to cast out demons she shouldn't be doing it or attempting it in the first place that could do harm to herself and naturally and as much as she has the baby in her womb that could harm the baby spiritually speaking but I know women that are so strong that they know Christ in the great book of Luke that he gave us power all of our enemies including the devil and in Christ's name they can cast out evil spirits just like that and certainly it would never harm them or the little one but it would help somebody a great deal to be rid of an evil spirit James from Georgia there is a part in the Bible where the rich man went to hell and the poor man went to heaven but if hell is not made yet how was he in hell or able to look into heaven well you're quoting Luke chapter 16 the word Gehenna as it's used here is a statement of degradation I mean you got a rich man that was able to buy anything he wanted and and and lived it up well I mean really lived it up and then he died in Lazarus died and the poor man had a good reputation good name more precious than fine assortment and he went to the bosom of Abraham which means he went right to the to our Heavenly Father but this rich man that could buy whatever we wanted to his only opposite side of the Gulf and he's in Hell mentally spiritually so he can't buy anything his money's no good there he has no power or authority and he's going to be judged and to him that is hell it is a statement of degradation Hell itself or the lake of fire does not exist until after the great white throne judgment then it will exist surely from Michigan you say we should ask when we pray for the father's will my daughter says we don't have to say that because he already gave when Jesus was on the cross and said and as they have 53:5 that by my stripes you are healed can you please explain this well you want to be careful what you pray for and if if if a child I'll go overboard with it but if a child prayed for a rattlesnake do you think God would give it to them the answer is of course not fine because the rattlesnake would bite the child and kill it so therefore you are instructed in the New Testament to pray and ask in God's will because he loves you and he only wants what's best for you I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying on father's word but most of all God loves you for it hey it makes his day when you read the letter that he has sent to you he wants you to hear it he wants you to live it why because he loves you you make his day boy does he make yours we'll brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important thing listen to me in this and good you stay in his word every day in his word even with trouble it's still a good day you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 806 you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six grab it in Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray a good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our I think in the next this lecture and the one following we're gonna do a walk through revelation but I bet I mean we're gonna start with chapter 1 not covering any verses just just talking about the chronological order the events that happened chapter by chapter to refresh your minds and naturally
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 21,375
Rating: 4.8879552 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Ecclesiastes, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes Bible Study, Book of Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes 7, Ecclesiastes Chapter 7, Ecclesiastes (Religious Text)
Id: 9bYmJjDgwOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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