Rolling through the wrong weeds nearly got us killed

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on a magnitude of the DA's wildest fantasies have we destroyed a drug crop [Music] for people who did not grow up in the country we didn't have bowling alleys and movie theaters all that sort of thing so everything we did was outside it was swimming holes and dirt bikes and four-wheelers and riding horses and that involved trespassing on other people's property most of the time and as long as you didn't tear anything up or start a fire do something bad it was generally okay you know you'd occasionally some might run you off but generally it was okay so this story happens when I'm in high school and I don't say that to excuse how stupid we are but to sort of explain how stupid we were there was a like an old quarry that had flooded years before and it was like our swimming hole you know the high end was about seven stories you know the brave kids that jump off of there and we'd swim around and it was pretty fun at some point some company had bought it and put up a gate and you know we're all kind of bombed because we're a bunch of redneck high school kids up in Northwest Georgia and we love to go swimming out there in our amateur cartography skills we thought we could find a back way into this quarry so two friends of mine and I I will probably change their names because one of them is in law enforcement now and you probably wouldn't participate in let's call him Justin and the other guy is Doug Doug had this little Ford Ranger probably a you know mid-80s the 4-cylinder the tiny little 13 inch wheel just the worst it was this weird kind of flat burgundy color single cab forcibly just the worst of the worst but you know we will he had a truck we thought it was great so we go and we kind of circle around this plot of probably several hundred maybe a few thousand acres and there was this one stretch of road that had a really nice house on it and you know again we lived in a poor area of the state nobody had swimming pools and landscaping you know but this is one house and they had this really nice pool and they were on a river and a pretty big house and you know so really Wow you know what's this guy got going on well right across from him were some fields that look like they would kind of go back to kind of this volley to this [ __ ] mine nobody's around so we turn into the field road and we drive around and we get to the back of the field and there's another field and you know there's a fence there but it's obviously the wires have been cut many times and twisted back together so we untwist them drive the truck through twisting them back you know covering your tracks and we do this about two or three more fields and we finally get to the back field and it's on one of those stretches you were going to do on the highway and you see all those pine trees that are planted in these really orderly rows you know the Forest Service does it that sort of thing well it was a big plot of those and they were going in the right direction so we just sort of drove the truck into between the rows of the trees and it fit fine and we're driving and the weeds are you know we're no longer in the field so the weeds are getting a little deeper and you know it gets to the point where you know they're higher than the hood of the truck but you know it's kind of that scene in romance in the stone where they're driving to the cornfield you can't really see but you know we can see the trees and we know we're not gonna hit anything so we're kind of he hit house or Doug's driving and we're just mowing down these weeds and it's pretty fun and exciting so we get at the end of the road and we turn around we do the no other we do like three rows of this you know just a this is exciting you know the novelty wore off so we stopped the truck at the far end and we get out and we hiked around for about a half hour an hour just where must have been in the wrong Valley never could quite find the quarry we're walking back to the truck and as we get within you know a few hundred yards the drove we can't see it but we can hear like an ATV or something kind of motor around and we figure we've probably been busted by the property owner and again we haven't done anything you know so we're let's just let's just hang back here in the woods let them go away maybe they'll call our parents or something but you know we're all about 17 years old 18 years old they leave in a few minutes so we sneak back to the truck and we get in and we turn around and as we're turning around you know we're kind of looking around for a second and I'm not an expert this is about 1990s play right before like Snoop Dogg and the chronic has come out so we don't really all know what a marijuana leaf looks like but we had a couple of drug classes at school and a few things and then suddenly look around and we realized that we have driven over tens of thousands of marijuana plants and this is you know schools back in this is probably September this kind of right around like harvest time I've since learned again I don't even smoke cigarettes I've never done drugs but in the 20 or so years since this story I've come to learn this guy and we're talking a six seven figure crop here and we have destroyed it so we're like oh my god like what have we done so you know we get like truck we got to get out of here but they're still out there - well they're gonna come back what do we do I don't know the way out of here what's going on oh so you know we get in the traffic justin is not a short guy but shorter that Doug and I were both about six foot six one or so so he's in the middle doctor driving I'm in the passenger seat we start creeping out very quietly and we you know of course have no choice but to drive out again so we figure well we've already destroyed these three rows of five plants let's don't get any make it any worse each of these rows is a good quarter mile and why on a magnitude of the DA's wildest fantasies have we destroy it a drug crop again being high schooler's we know we're in trouble but looking back we weren't really smart enough to understand the real gravity of what we've just done so well you know we creep out and we get to that first fence that was twisted and it's not even twisted anymore okay so we Creek very quietly we're doing the best stealth mode you can do and have three kids in a Ford Ranger you know I think it's 1990 you know Doug's probably got some big like top-end speakers behind the seat or something like that so it's some points mighty bumps the stir the radio comes I believe out turning it off ya know it's a sunny afternoon it's about 4:00 and afternoon you know bright sunlight nowhere to hide you know we're just creeping so we're creeping along and we get through the next field like almost like one more field to go we were so close to being home free there's like one little hill before you get to the road as we crest that hill we see these guys now there's the the old like Honda the the big red three wheeler you know with the big fat tires on it you know there's one guy driving that and there's another guy behind him walking with this like Dirty Harry 44 Magnum gun in his hand has a scope on it the weight of this thing is just sort of he's walking but it's like holding his arm down the quick back the truck up somehow I think the noise of the three-wheeler the guy with the gun couldn't hear the truck you know 100 yards behind him because of this three wheeler so we back up around the corner and then you know hedgerow that sort of thing we back up around the corner you know Doug gets out wrong picture and he's like okay they're gone we get back in the truck mechanic coast down the hill imagining it we're coming down this hill there's the field road there's this paved road and this guy's house is like across the road maybe 200 yards down as we reach the pavement and of course we look in that direction they're almost to the driveway okay we're just we don't really know this side of the county real well I mean Jess and I were from this side of town but so we kind of knew where we were so we go to hang a right as we do I guess Doug and his nervousness just sort of gets excited and kind of spins the tire a little bit kick some gravel you know the tires chirp got turns around you know of course we were like go go go can't we look back the guy it aims to God and it's just like you know mmm we're several hundred yards away it was a long shot of the pistol somebody is shooting at us so where's the guy go go go so we're you know driving and anyway we're just flying it so these guys quickly are running to this like big head like a I'm gonna be a late 70s Ford four-wheel drive pickup truck you know the chrome rims and it kind of nice yeah they get in the truck now they're chasing us and we've got a good head start but whatever is in this truck v8 it's faster than this little Ford Ranger so now we are in this like Dukes of Hazzard car chase out in the country and you know I've been on these roads a few times Justin's Billings roads a few times and Doug's never been here in his life he has no idea so we're doing we're like the worst rally crew ever you know or this Hitler that roads gonna curve to the left okay now just stop it there stops not coming like we're like shouting instructions to him he's like I'm gonna need these instructions faster and you know we're just wildly careening down roads you know we would get occasionally on a straightaway and these guys would be far enough back they could see us and you know a couple more gunshots ring out three guys trying to get like below the seat of a Ford Ranger which is not happening then we're all in each other's laps so we get kind of a section of the countryside that I kind of know again Doug is not doing a good job with this he's sort of nervous about you know he's blind turns these are you know filled valleys so it's a lot of hills a lot of curves if you kind of know what's on the other side you can sort of going to these tires a little more confidence well you know these guys get really close to us at one point not close enough to see a license plate but close we get in with those places in the road where the road kind of Forks off at the last minute we're like go right you know so ugly hooks this turn and kind of golf in the ditch for a second back in the road they overshoot us we go down this we don't know where we're going and you know Doug's like they almost made a wrong turn in this dead-end road and let me drive let me drive so we do the quickest Chinese fire drill ever you know they just slide over I run around the truck I get in now I'm behind the wheel which not that I'm a better driver at all but just I sort of know the roads doug is now in the middle seat of his own truck now the gearshift is like between his legs I am like peeling back and you know back on the road again the guys have like turned back around they're circling around again it's just this ridiculous smoking abandoned sort of car chase going on and they are you know a quarter mile behind it's like it never got into like that TV movie like they're right on our back bumper kind of shooting the mirrors off sort of chase but you know they're coming after it's because one they're probably mad about us destroying their pot field but two like we now know where the pot field is at the time we're not thinking about it but later on really were they gonna kill us so we didn't go to the cops or they're gonna kill us just for running over the pot or like what's gonna happen we don't know so so many bad scenarios none of them are good so we are just driving fiercely now I'm driving it like every time I'm shifting gears I'm just punching Doug right between his legs you know it's just chaos and and I won't embellish the story that there was some fantastic getaway we eventually just made enough turns and got enough distance that they lost us somewhere and we got away it wasn't any kind of we didn't jump the bridge or hide behind a sign or anything go but we eventually got away we were you know maybe 10 15 miles out of town so we take the longest most secure chew its way back to town we could possibly get to you know drop justin off you know ghost me off he goes back to the actually lived in another town near us so he goes back to where he is and so we're all just kind of like we're labs and the bullet holes in the truck you know camel out of my life so three of us were sort of you know three amigos at that time but there's a certain point when we all just needed to take a break from each other after this or each other sort of process and our own experience so this was like on a Saturday I think the next day after church a completely different friend it was not involved in this Phil and Phil calls me up and he said hey man my uncle's having a cookout and a pool party and I could bring somebody you won't come I'm like sure sounds awesome you know so he comes picks me up we're driving and we're kind of heading out towards that side of town and you know kinda get out of the country and we take this particular road his house is on and I relayed you know some of this story to Phil on the way there but I had not really told him where the uncle was the guy so we pull into this driveway like there's the three wheeler there's this big f-150 that had been chasing us that day now he'd never saw anything of us except the back of our heads and the guy turned out to be a really great guy he was funny he was kind of laughing you know oh you know he liked cars too and I liked cars I had an old truck at home and we're talking about trucks and he's you know we're swimming in the pole and you know we're like 17 he's let us drink beer a little bit you know oh you boys are great come on back anytime I know there was no way he could recognize me but somehow in my head I was just terrified that he was gonna at some point put two and two together because the whole time we're hanging out and he's cooking out burgers and hot dogs and you know we're playing foods but like he was shooting at me the day before like trying to kill me and now we're just hanging out and he's like you're a great guy you come on back any time just come hang out we got the bowl get three wheeler we'll come on shoot guns we got a firing range out back let's [ __ ] come on back anytime I think that event was probably the reason to his day I have never done drugs a watch can do a lot more than just tell time it can make a statement to the world or show people a little bit more about who you want to be then chero offers an awesome line of designer watches at a great value that you can check out today at the link in the description below you can also use the code vin wiki for a discount at checkout so be sure to check them out and thank them for their support of the channel and find your next watch it might start a great conversation turn some heads or who knows lead to your next great story [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,146,584
Rating: 4.9244728 out of 5
Keywords: storytelling, VINwiki, Car Stories, DEA, growing up, teenagers, country, redneck, outdoors, tresspassing, high school, coming of age, quarry, rock quarry, swimming hole, summer, marijuana, harvest, weed, off roading, high speed chase, Ford Ranger, Ford F150, Dirty Harry, sneaking, trouble
Id: srSsknX2a7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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