I survived 3 carjacking attempts

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part of me is thinking like hey free gun [Music] being car people most of us have aspired to own cars that are interesting or exciting or compelling to us it's always a delight and a compliment when someone else finds your particular vehicle exciting or interesting and compelling however sometimes there are people who decide they would rather just take it from you by force chronologically speaking the first time it happened i was back in high school this is in about 1990 1991 i'm a sophomore in high school maybe a junior man junior probably junior in high school i'd been out on a date that night i was going back home it's probably one o'clock in the morning that was my curfew at the time near where i lived there was a lot of mountain roads and there was this one particular mountain where you just kind of got a long running start you went up over the hill like a roller coaster at the very top you could see for miles went back down and i lived not too far away from there at the very very top of that hill there was a little dirt road that went a little bit further up the mountain to this old fire tower at the top and i'm driving my truck home and as i'm cresting the hill i see three guys standing in the road and they're kind of waving their arms a little frantically as i'm going over the hill their car is like backed kind of up this incline like they're backing up into the road that goes to the fire tower and they're kind of waving their arms you know i'll pull up stop as i pull to a stop you know two of the guys kind of walk across the front of my truck but one guy goes around the back and i just kind of you know lock the door and roll my window down about halfway and you know the guys say hey our car broke down can you give us a hand and um and they were i'm like 17. these guys are probably 20 21 they're a little bit older than me but not we're all still pretty young my spidey sense maybe i know what you would call it but uh you know there were one guys kind of in my blind spot here these two guys standing by the door and they're somebody tell you look and i said well before i got out of the car i said well what happened i'm you know i've been working on cars for several years at this point even being 16 or 17. so i said well i've worked on cars you know what you got going on they're like well you know can you just have a look and i said well yeah but just give me give me some clues yeah he said well we're driving i think that uh i think that the battery or something's wrong with the battery and i said well you know if you were driving your battery you know the car run off the alternator if your battery is bad you'd have been fine until you tried to start it again think oh i'm sorry it was the alternator i must the alternator went bad and i said well if the alternator went bad you would have run out of juice how did you back it up and right when i said that guy went for the door handle and of course the door was locked i hit the gas peeled off and got away you know and again nothing crazy i went a crazy moment but it was just a little bit of that car guy mechanical knowledge kind of picking apart the clues like their story just didn't match up and the body language you know why is this guy back here why aren't they all just usually there's like one guy doing the talk and these guys would be sitting on the car it just seems sketchy several years later i was on a motorcycle trip out west and i was in a pretty remote part of southern california uh this is in like 2000 or so it's kind of before google maps and gps and stuff like that we're still using the old school paper maps and at one point i had actually was kind of going down the central valley of california and i was hoping to get over to the coast and i was at a truck stop and i just stopped at trucker actually said hey you know he looked like his local route had a produce truck and i said you know if any of these roads are passable to get over to the coastline and the guy kind of looked danny said honestly he said you don't need to go up those roads and i'll say well are they rough pavement or something like that you know i was on a big cruiser he said no it's not the pavement he said you know we're out here in the middle of nowhere he said there's not really a lot of law enforcement out there and there's a lot of people on these back roads they just we're going to want to stop you and see what you got and it's not safe so stay on the main roads it's like wow you know thank god no clue so i go a little bit further south and i i looked on the map there was a main road going over the coast so i decided i'll just stay on the highway so i go a little farther south i don't get low on fuel and i see a sign for gas station on the highway and i see the little light up on kind of a hill so i get off the road it's a gravel road up the highway go up the hill and it was a gas station it was in the past tense the entire building had just been turned into swiss cheese by what looked like automatic weapons fire the light i saw was actually the light on like the old payphone booths back then and uh the the phone was missing but the little light was still on there were actually two donkeys standing in where like the car would have been in the sole service station it's obviously no gas to get there so get back on the road drive a little bit farther south i needed to look at my map again and the only street light around was at one of the little pull offs you know out west to get a lot of flash floods so any place that there is an old creek bed they tend to put a street light there so you can see if there's any water so i pull off the highway kind of down into this little wash bed they'll be under the light and i get my map out and i'm looking at my map and it's already dark at this point uh it's probably you know eight nine o'clock at night i'm looking at my map and i see some movement at the corner of my eye and you know the desert gets very cold at night it might be 100 degrees in the daytime but there's no humidity to hold the heat so the second the sun goes down it's now 45 and i look down and probably the most beautiful california king snake i've ever seen just this beautiful kind of creamy yellow color with this sort of rusty orange and he had must have just been laying there when i stopped and he was just he wasn't looking for trouble he just kind of had his chin up on my boot and he was just sort of soaking up some heat off the exhaust pipes on the bike i'm like wow that's pretty cool and they're not poisonous or anything so i checked him out for a minute that was kind of neat and i checked my map again to see how i was gonna possibly make where i was trying to get to get some gas so i put the map up and go on the road again and i come across another sort of what looks to be like a settlement and uh i see a couple of cars outside this building i pull up and a very very pretty latino girl comes out and she says hey great to see you uh what can we do for you and i said i'll say i'm just looking for some gas is there a gas station anybody got a gas can and around something like that and she goes well we have lots of great things inside would you like to come in and i was like um no i'm really just looking for some some some gas some gasoline and she says she kind of looks sort of nervous and she's like thanks for coming we'd love to see you would you love you know glad you're here would you come inside and i said do you do you speak english and she said hey why don't you come inside like she just like she had no accent but she just like rehearsed the saying i guess she was just trying to get i think it was a brothel or something like that i don't know what was going on but she was just the greeter so i decided to leave that situation let's go back on the road so get back on the road again and then finally as i am running on fumes i get to this little exit outside probably a few miles north of like pasta road layer somewhere so i get there and there's like a gas station and there's like a little closed down burger king and a mcdonald's a few things so civilization finally so i get some gas and i go past the close down burger king and then the mcdonald's is there and they've actually closed for the night already but like they're still in there they're mopping up the floors all that kind of stuff so girls at the time i i stopped a bike and uh the lights were off in the parking lot but there was a little drive-through arrow and a couple of lights here and there you know the bike was being a little sketchy and i kind of wanted to leave it running because it was dodgy to start up again so she said look i'll go knock on the door see if they got some food left or something like that get us somebody and you stay with the bike that's the plan okay cool so i'm sitting there with the bike and she goes up and you know as she knocks on the door as she's walking up there like two employees are going to leave for the night the manager kind of comes the door and he looks around and he unlocks the door and they both run to their cars and get in and take off and i was like wow they must have a hot date or something like that and so she gets the door about the same time and she knocks on the door and same thing the manager's like looking around like behind her like really really sketchy and whatever she says it's cool she steps inside he locks the door back so i'm just waiting by the bike and about that time this old beat up mustang comes just sort of rumbling by you know like the exhaust is off on it just kind of you know kind of out of buying there's three guys in there that look pretty serious guys and they kind of eyeballed me and kind of looked me up and i the bike i had at the time i'd done a custom flame job on it had a lot of chrome white walls you know leather bags lots of studs on it it was a really pretty bike they go around and it was like you know like gas station mcdonald's burger king and they go around behind this burger king and the car never stops but as they went behind you know like that little privacy fence they put around the dumpster as they went past it i could see the interior light just flick on for a second the car never stopped but i could see that interior light like the door open so i'm thinking like somebody got out of that car and sure enough they're going like very very slowly and i start looking around and there was like a little kind of a hedgerow between you know the two businesses and sure enough i see a guy like he's like crouched down behind these shrubs and he's like coming my way you know like you know i'm here mcdonald's hair burns here he's like going along this hedgerow coming my way there's nothing else around me like this guy's coming for me i'm like oh crap you know now about that time of course she is coming like out of the mcdonald's with some food she doesn't see this guy i don't know what's about to happen but they've been eyeballing the bike and something's going down so you know i just kind of you know i did have a gun on me but they were extremely illegal in california i didn't really want to flash it or anything like that i don't want to get in a gunfight or anything and i don't know if that's the situation even so the guy's coming so i'm you know i yelled at her i'm like stay there and she's like what i've got food no stay so i just kind of stepped up on the curb to try to be as big as possible and i just said like you in the bushes like you right there i see you stand up stand up and i'm trying to use him like my big voice you know and he just free i can still see him crash down his freezes and i was like orange shirt stand up and he just suddenly kind of pops up kind of prairie dogs like he doesn't know what's going on and i didn't draw the gun but i just pulled my jacket out put my hand i was like keep walking and he just bolts he runs between me and her and like the mustang kind of comes around he just like jumps in the car and they just peel out and i was like my god she comes back she's like what's going on i was like forget the mcdonald's we're getting out of here crisis avoided but something was going down and just you know just eyes and ears just watching but the the scariest moment i ever had though somebody wanting my vehicle happened in atlanta uh this was again 20 years ago 20 plus years ago i had a five series bmw time and i lived downtown i was going to visit a buddy mine the way to kind of get to his apartment took me down that there was like a road that kind of went around a park and it was like a like the road was like an l you know it was just you went down the road and there was like a cross street just sort of there was no crosstalk he just went down past the park turn right went down that car the air conditioner did not work in that car so i had the windows down it was a manual transmission so i'm you know driving along and as i come up you know there's some people hanging out and cars and downsides of the road and whatnot and it's late afternoon as i'm coming down the street i get almost to the 90 degree turn and a car from the curb where these guys were kind of hanging out just like pulled out in front of me and then just stopped and i just you know kind of put the brakes on it almost hit him but he just kind of you know blocked me there and you know i immediately just went to kick the car into reverse i was going to back up and go around him just because you know what a jerk he wasn't looking well it's the second i got to put the car in reverse this guy i don't know where he came from but just loud and guy just pops off the curb he's just in my face just get out of the car he's yelling he's waving a gun in my face i'm like oh my god i mean just he's like in my window there's a bunch of other guys standing around i'm thinking oh this is not going well at all he's kind of waving the gun yelling at me and he's actually yelling and sort of so aggressive that i can't even quite really respond to what he's telling me so you know he's yelling car got a car get a car and so the car's already in reverse at one point i just stiff-armed his arm like against the dashboard to keep the gun pointed me and i just dumped the clutch took off backwards you know the classic you know rockford move you know just you know neutral with the front round so i'll take off backwards the momentum he's actually on the hood of the car now like looking in the windshield at me his arm is in he's still got the gun in his hand he's looking me through the windshield i'm looking backwards there's nobody behind me it's a one-way street i go to swing the front of the car in he comes off the hood slung him into a car car goes all the way around i'm facing the wrong way in traffic nobody's coming again i just neutral swing the car around he flies off car straightens out first gear peeled out i'm out of there i hit the main street got out of there just you know okay you know you know i'm just panicking i mean this is just like you know one minute i'm going to my friend's house a minute later there's a dude in my hood there's a gun it's crazy i get going down the road i'm thinking okay what do i do i call the police you know he didn't get my car what's going on and i'm i'm not i mean the guy i slung him into a car hard but i don't care you know it's on you i look down the gun is in my floorboard it's a glock handgun in my floorboard i'm thinking like crap what do i do with this you know part of me is thinking like hey free gun but then the other part of me is like you know it's like the two little the good one the bad one you know the the the bad one's like hey free gun but the good one's like you know if that gun was used in a crime or something now you have it and that's gonna you know let's don't just in some bizarre circumstance you ever get laid in this gun so it went to the police station gave them the gun filed a report because nothing ever happened on it these were just three times when you know some vehicle that i was very proud of to own somebody decided they wanted it to decide they wanted to take it from me and it didn't work out in any case but i'm thankful that i'm still here and i was able to dispose of those three vehicles in the manner that i saw fit rather than handing them over to somebody else who thought they might take them by force we'd like to thank the ticket clinic for sponsoring this month of then wiki car stories if you get a ticket no matter where it happens it can have disastrous effects on your insurance premiums points on your license and possible suspension so it's very important to find a lawyer that's local to wherever you got the ticket the ticket clinic is a national law firm with headquarters in florida and texas but affiliates everywhere and they can help you find a ticket and achieve the best possible outcome they kept me out of jail in arkansas last year they've helped tons of my friends and they can help you too so visit their link in the description below for a discount
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 649,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinwiki, car stories, carjacking, attempt, gone wrong, personal protection, self defense, bmw, motorcycle, safety, road trip, survival, christopher michaels, southern, travel, self awareness, interview, crazy stories, storytelling
Id: d5PvozC3dds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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