This trick got me banned from selling cars on eBay for life

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Why wouldn’t they ban him? He was scamming people, terrible for eBay business

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/baumbach19 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
so that now he BAE's actually came after my family yeah by the time I graduated high school you know I already bought and sold about 20 30 cars and wouldn't know enough how to call my name yet I mean I could wrap my mom's name better she could on Bill Sayle my mom bought and sold cars she never even saw before so naturally when I was of age buying cars I started going to auctions and buying cars charity auctions anywhere it let me in it had an auction I wanted to be there and you learn a lot of things you know I was totally green you know and you see these cars and like I remember really early on I bought a car an auction one time and it was a Thunderbird it's like a 95 Thunderbird it was really cheap you know this v8 Thunderbird and I could buy it for $400 that's a thousand on a car yeah the whole right side was cleaned off of it I never walked around I learned a valuable lesson that day little things like that also bought some cars you know some unexpected surprises of actually bought a van there was a repossession that was full of cable boxes and I actually sold the cable boxes for more than I sold the van for matter s the only way I profited on the van was from the cable boxes Thank You DIRECTV and I got to plan on eBay a lot and he Bay was a lot of fun and this is right when a bay motor started you know there was a double handful of people selling cars on eBay mm they thought internet was just for porn you know so I mean you're gonna sell a car nobody's gonna look at it and drive it and touch it they're gonna buy it right there and then come pick it up yeah I started buying selling a lot of cars used cars and you know it's the thing as crazy as cars it'll sell so good in your town maybe really hot somewhere else and they're looking for that car but you got to think about it and a car lot you've got one location one spot and the list of my drives by and sees it that's the only time it's gonna get seen in a rainy day is a wasted day on a car line well that's retail sunshine that's eBay's prom time I mean people are looking because it's nasty outside so what they're doing they're playing online so I started getting smart about it and I had several friends they had car Lots so I went to their car line I talked to him once I tell you what I want the three cars you've had the longest and I'm going to sell them for you profit and you're gonna pay me a percentage off of and I'm gonna sell him in seven days the very first car lot I went to and it's no longer there anymore he actually retired he had a car was bought for seven months I mean this thing was fixing to have a birthday on a car like that's bad and I sold it on a five-day auction for more than he was asking for the very first words out his mouth is this is this legal yes it's legal and he was sold every week he had three more cars from it sell three more three more and then almost got as well he was just buying cars that I was looking for friend tells another friend tell friend tells another friend I had about forty car Lots within a year that I was selling cars for old and I'm a 20 year old kid you know and I'm walking around my $600 sony cybershot camera and writing down all the details and my detailed pictures and typing everything out and throw a funny pun in there every once in a while and next thing you know you know it wrists are taking off enough selling you know anywhere between thirty sixty cars a month I've sold heavy equipment forklifts I've sold traffic light changing trucks boom trucks semi trucks tractor trailers the trailers and the trucks trucks and trailers together Colorado's there was a drag car called the quarter horse it was built in the 60s is a Henry J a 1951 Henry J a Henry J was a mail-order catalog car through Sears and Roebuck you ordered it out of a book and the thing that was cool somebody ordered this car and it was used on a military base for years it's a little runaround well finally it just bit the dust these guys want to built a drag car out of it and they called it the quarter horse well this is like said was in the mid late 60s and everything that was used on that car was from the military base all the seat belts and the seats were covered in parachute material and the seat belts were the seat belts have a fighter jet and it was painted with airplane paint I mean it was hand lettered by a guy that was in the military I mean everything was done and this thing toured around the nation to Air Force bases everywhere and the car got a lot of notoriety it was in Hot Rod Magazine and things like that well a friend of mine felt this car in a barn behind tire store and he bought it for next to nothing and all this awesome information on this color had a you know Bill j2 engine in it had one seat in the center and we was crazy looking you know this early drag car I mean it was a deathtrap from way back but the car ran they got it running he's like how can I sell it he said I've had it for six months you know I tied up a lot of money in this car it's not taking off like I thought everybody loves to look at it but nobody wants to own it seven days later I sold it to a museum in California for three times the number he was asking for some people say he was a fan of Rob and eBay at the same time you got to think about it you know in 2000 yeah there was probably 2,500 cars sold on eBay in 2005 there was five million cars sold on eBay and I'll never forget I was the eBay power seller and I was I mean that was awesome you know give him a little plaque and my eBay golf shirt you know I was proud of that I mean you know that's right up there with no high school diploma we've made powerseller you know and showing it to my mom you know I'm a little home office and well they actually sent me an invitation to ebay University it was a big conference they were having they explained the bidding process and how you make I started and and all of this fun stuff you know about eBay it was interesting but no jewelry a linear it's kind of gone fast the whole time but it's cool you know there's neat to kind of be a part of it whatnot and I'll never forget they were explaining the proxy bid system that eBay uses to this day well if you tell me something that intrigues me I'm gonna research the hell out of it you know a few years before this a lot of friends mine were getting big into poker Texas Hold'em I've never played cards in my life but I was intrigued by it I want to know more I don't know how it works the inners the ends the back ends house all around it so I read a book about dole Bronson called super system that's 605 pages ten less than the Bible on one card game and that's how I'll play poker just like the oil Brunson and just like the book and I'm that guy I'm gonna research it you know so I came out of the box the third time I touched cards you're like man Ron must be lucky I guess so this proxy bitten it intrigued me you know and what I've seen it work and I knew how it worked but they broke it down into a lot of detail too much detail for them and this is before PayPal and all that stuff it's this open up an eBay account email address the name and address so sort of thinking about it I'm what hmm and my dog at the time you know he's three pounds awawa sitting inside me so I started sprocket at eBay account and it worked and we bought things on there just just random stuff well I'll put them at my neighbor's house as the address so I started looking at houses for sale online I'll use addresses and I started me probably twenty or thirty fo eBay accounts my biggest reason I wanted the eBay accounts was for feedback somebody buy a car and have a hard time with it's a used car the problematic people don't trade in perfectly good cars as a rule you know and they leave you a negative feedback well that kills your score the one flaw in the eBay feedback system a 99 cent item and a $200,000 car carry the same weight and feedback so what do you do you start buying little cheap stuff downloads that you would never doubt just to get those feedbacks to get your numbers back up and then I start figuring out on the bidding the end of it you know you got somebody bid and you know there's more money on the table there you know you're in a auction that you start a car off at a dollar on and that's what I always did no reserve and one dollar auctions all these collars any of what I would do is jump in there I'd bump that bitter for needed to and sometimes you got bit and I was I bid on my own car sometimes I made him pay what they were really want to pay for it to begin with go on eBay right now and find me an address you want to Mel him a letter I'll find a phone number for eBay he got one I know eBay's address its 1025 Hamilton Avenue San Jose California because they you know they didn't send me a message not an email they sent me a certified letter with 17 pages long and killed every eBay account I had overnight and they didn't like my bidding practices and was so funny as the month before that I was a power seller again so the month of September 2005 I was a ebay powerseller the next month I was permanently banned from eBay that was 12 years ago all right probably six months ago I was a joke said she woke me up eBay account you know new email address new everything you know you I don't even live in the same house anymore you everything you know put my credit card in for my paypal got you I'm in next day it's killed again my father is actually gotten warnings on his eBay they were asking if it was someone else and not him so that now he BAE's actually came after my family which is hilarious about this the big constant running joke with all my friends was you're the original eBay outlaw you're the only person I me of all the people if every time I've never been permanently banned from eBay it's so funny like you know I guess you got to get your eBay and your mama name I guess you know but it pretty much ended my career in selling cars on eBay so I had to move on to funner and brighter things
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 3,611,860
Rating: 4.6138139 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, Banned, Bidding, Auctions, Car Auctions, Buying and Selling, Selling Cars, VINwiki, Car Stories, Rob Pitts, Hot Rods, Hot Rods and Happy Hour, Greenville, South Carolina, Chevrolet, Corvette, Henry J, Sears, Drag Car, Hustle, The Quarterhorse, Cease and Desist, Fraud, PayPal
Id: liL_pjWWIwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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