Roll for the Galaxy Final Thoughts

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hey everybody before we get to the final thoughts quick correction that Paolo pointed out to me oh my gosh I had no idea throughout the run-through you just saw if you've already watched it I made a couple groups here and there I accidentally misinterpreted some of the special powers I had but that's really not the big deal the one big deal that warrants pointing out was whenever you use one of your dice to be a dictator to force another die you know into a wild card that dictator died you created doesn't go into the citizenry it goes back into the cup which makes dictating much more usable than I thought it was and you know if I don't that I probably been doing it even more but honestly I just totally slipped up on that I don't think it really changes anything about the core gameplay of the game so what I'm about to say is still valid it just makes the game but it just makes Dictate a little bit more powerful than I thought it was and now without further ado on to the raving lunatic hey everybody final thoughts time for role for the galaxy and my final thoughts are can you hear me saying wow because I'm flabbergasted by the Wow this is this is an amazing game quite frankly um I've already done my top 10 games of the of 2014 I did that for Christmas Day but I did mention in that video that I would if I found anything that should have pushed its way onto that list I will be updating and amending that this is going to make me amend it because as far as I'm concerned this is the second best game of 2014 by how longshot this game is so so good I only beaten by Balazs throws my number one Oh aye you can go watch my content if you don't already know no no need to spoil that but this game fan-freaking-tastic um now of course roll for the race for the galaxy was already fan-freaking-tastic absolutely amazing amazing amazing game but I've always rated San Juan you know which is kind of a little bit higher and people always ask me I mean you know race is clearly the superior game why do you put San Juan above race and the answer for me is always been because San Juan was so much more clean and elegant and you know just easier to pick up and play it's one of the things I love most about roll for the gal it has that same clean clear elegance that race doesn't necessarily have in large part now I'm sorry actually if you never play grace of the galaxy I apologize for this part because I'm mostly talking to people who know race and our aliens in compare and contrast actually the rules have like a nice little handy summary of all the changes to the core mechanisms have been made but by far the most important one I think is the that produce and ship have been swapped in the play order in the original race for the galaxy first you shipped or consumed then you produced and so that kind of created this sort of a rhythmic pattern where okay well you know when I'm producing now I'm producing or something I'll print all ship later this game is kind of strange it out hey I can produce and then I can immediately ship it and while maybe not everybody would like that I really do appreciate the much more straightforward now I think the reason they had to do that was because it's dice and you know you can't really rely on the dice quite as much as you can on cards to get you what you need when you when you need to do it so they probably I would assume that's why they made that design choice but I do I do appreciate not that I'm saying that the race for the galaxy needs to change at all it doesn't it's absolutely fantastic but that's one of the core things that makes me enjoy roll so much more than race as much as I already enjoyed race now all this stuff of course the dice these dice oh my gosh they're just beautiful the graphic design on them again is very just clean and pure and I mean they're bright and colourful and wonderful all these little chocolate cubes all over the place and another thing I like it I didn't really appreciate this until I started playing it even though I'd read the rules and I knew the basics is another fundamental change in the field this game is you recycle everything in this game you know in race you're all often just trying to draw cards doing explore explore explore just so I can get a cards in my hand so I can dump them so I can build whatever I want I never really feel an attachment to most of my hand most of my hand is just fodder to do these few core things no you're wrong that's great I love that game mechanism works fantastically but in this game the equivalent is you know I explore a lot so I can make money so I can get a lot of dice but these dice once I've got them they keep recycling through the system I don't try to get a whole bunch of dice to use them and then they're just gone waiting for more and so over time you kind of get this almost attachment I mean if you only have one blue dye because that's the only one you've managed to get I mean it almost takes on a personality of its own you you use it for special occasions it has a special purpose it isn't just some nameless faceless card like race for the galaxy it I mean you could you could literally start naming the guys hey Bob don't let me down I'm hiring you I need you to get that shipping action done you know kind of thing and then Bob you know screws me and doesn't roll what he needs to do or whatever um I I like that that this is more of a closed system that is all about finding the best way to recycle what you have with this process of using money okay IL de Maya dice they do a good job they get to retire they go to the old folks home and then oh no I get some money and so I hire them again um you know because they're like they're contractors I I just think that that overall structure and flow just feels fantastic it's just really rock solid very very intuitive very thematic and just really nicely integrative and then of course I mean how much fun is this how much good is this it's just all it just feels great nothing against you know drawing cards and seeing what you get but that cannot compete to the tactile nature the sound the slap the reveal da oh you know it's just fires on all cylinders I mean this game does kill race for the galaxy for me I have a hard time imagining why I would want to play it I mean I've played tres enough so it's not like I really have a problem with you know the the hieroglyphics of that game oh that's another thing I appreciate about this game too is the overall graphic design is much clearer it is much you would be much easier I would I would be very leery about teaching using racial galaxies as a next step game after somebody said hey tickles arrived is pretty cool what else you got race for the galaxy too many icons just too much overload this game I could see that happening because everything is much more front center there's a lot fewer icons for the most part I mean every single tile explains what it does honey which is something the race could really use as opposed to relying so often on again the pictograms that the pictographic traffic language that game developed um you know this game does that but it's not necessary because there's text on every single card so that's another feather in its cap but you know I might as well stop comparing it to race I mean I don't mean to disparage race it's a lovely game still love it but you know this thing probably probably makes my top 20 of all time at this point now I'm still new to it I mean give me some time check back with me in April when I talk about this because there's no choice about it this is one of the best games of 2014 hands down so I am going to have to after Jenna I've played it a bunch more times because I expect playing this a lot in the future really really enjoy it we'll see if the the the bloom fades at all but still great great game highly recommended well I like for people who say you can't put that on your best of 2014 list it's a 2015 game sorry as far as I'm concerned you know the game for most people wasn't available until 2015 not because it wasn't shipped to it just because a guy too got hung up and there were some like production errors but as far as I'm concerned this is a 2014 game officially it's a 2014 game I'm going to say it's one of the games of 2014 there were people at BoardGameGeek con who are hundreds of people ended up getting it it's a 2014 game it is the second best game of 2014 hands down easily by a mile lagron yeah the which is not my number three is an awesome game can't touch this this is just perfection in a box the the art the graphic design the quality of these pieces to the dice feel good they're very there they're not super heavy but they're not like either they feel very chunky and solid these are nice sturdy tiles this is the biggest cloth bag I have ever seen it's bigger than my head these cups I don't know why they did it but look at the island if you can see it the attention to detail there's little embossed kind yeah there you go there's little embossed symbols for all the different things you can roll just just for the heck of it just to make it a little bit cooler it's a loving production lavish delightful and I swear I could just do this all day and you know is you're getting later in the game and you're rolling seven eight nine dice and you get them here lucky do this or this or this or this that's other thing I just love about this game you know obviously there'd be a real danger of dice just screwing you but they can never really screw you because you have so much control over them the the notion of the dictator is brilliant that oh man I really just need one more produce well okay I'll go on ahead and hire that guy's a dictator and I'll give up that explore and now I've got the three production I need to line up all my planets the fact that so many things come out that turn special dice into wild cards I mean those dice have wild cards on them you get one guaranteed wild card every single roll no matter what and a second one if you want to you'll use a dictator brilliant so so smart so much fun is roll for the galaxy and that's it folks any questions comments concerns as always let me know apologies for any errors as always although if you want to point them out please check first to see if Apollo didn't already catch I'm sure I made a few mistakes here and there or forgot to use a special power or something like that but hopefully regardless of that you have a pretty good idea of what this game feels like and whether it might be a fit for you please disregard everything I just raved about because it doesn't matter what I think watch the run-through decide for yourself with that looks like fun because that's what important what I think doesn't matter what you think based on having watched it played and seeing the decisions and the strategies and the tactics that's what it's all about here righto runs through and hopefully I did a good job and as always you have any questions comments concerns please let me know otherwise I'm going to wish you a very very nice day talk to you later so long bye bye
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 39,482
Rating: 4.939785 out of 5
Keywords: board games, rahdo, baord game, baordgames, radho, baordgame, baord games, rhado, board game, boardgame, game, boardgames
Id: 3QJG9QwiB2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 10 2015
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