Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition Gameplay Talkthrough

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Most important question remains unanswered: Can you fit the game plus the expansion in the expansion box?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jldugger ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 16 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Got this preordered. Can't wait!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/smurphii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is a must buy for me. For a game than was never meant to get expansions it is begging for them, not because it's lacking for anything but just because it is so good.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sneckster ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 16 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This goes against the sub's undying love for the base game as it stands, but I think this will be the "essential" expansion for me/the one that "fixes" it. I liked the base okay, but with the Objectives and the more complex die faces this looks like it de-emphasizes "produce/ship or settle/develop" as the only decision that really felt impactful and shares decisions with the actual gameplay a bit more.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SoupOfTomato ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 16 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

what is that thumbnail!? Scariest thing I've seen all day, no idea what it is

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/a_stale_pancake ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey everybody today righto runs through a roll for the galaxy ambition which if you're anything like me and Jen and love roll for the galaxy with all your heart and soul well this is a breath of fresh air this is expansion one for the wonderful wonderful name is Jen's favorite game of 2014 I think it was my second favorite maybe third I don't member exactly the man we have played a lot of role for the galaxy so this expansion full of goodies could not come soon enough I've got it now I picked it up at S&J and I played a few games of it and oMG must has this is great great stuff let me show you what's new in the box now probably the single most important thing that comes with this game 14 new starting technology races whatever that's more than double what the original game with which I think the original game has nine so now you're adding 14 that is ginormous that creates so much more variability and in all honesty with the original game that was really our number one complaint we just wanted more startup stuff because we played this game so many times so having 14 new special player powers you can get at the beginning of the game Oh wonderful like I said a breath of fresh air is breathing in the game now not only are these but there are was it one two three four five six seven was it seven yeah seven new home world tie is like the alien toy shop or the star nomads or the Galactic scavengers the insect uplift world the rebel convict miners the alien first contact team and no I've got right now the Galactic developers now I should say all these new cards you know some of them are kind of repurposes of ones that you saw in the base game like there's a couple of these things that kind of recreate the space pirate function but with different colored dice but there are several new tiles that create entirely new functions as well like the one I'm playing with today the terraforming specialist in fact I think this might be the coolest new one in the game I absolutely love this thing because it adds a new concept to roll for the galaxy the fact that you can use your money for something other then buying dice the terraforming specialist whenever you're developing or settling you can spend money you don't have to wait until after all the phases are done does it you know to spend your money buying dice you could spend money mid development to reduce the cost of planets so you can spend money instead of dice to build up you know to settle your planets or build your technologies that's a big big deal it's really really excellent mante interesting to make this work there's a slight change you know how in the base game whenever you hit zero you get to come back up to one now that's what you do at the end of at the end of a round when you're hiring and you've spent all your money then you get one buck back you always get that now that you can spend money during all the action whenever you go down to zero you automatically come back up so that's a really cool idea there's only a couple of tiles in the expansion that really gives you some actually one of them I think is this one right here deficit spending where you can at the you know during the shipping phase you can spend money you can convert basically money into victory points and the thing is you use this power and if you were at one buck and you use this power to go down to zero well as soon as that is done it comes right back up so you've still got that dollar to hire another die at the end of the round so I really look forward to seeing more tiles that take this idea of spending money to do something other than buying dice because it's really really nice but in this base game there aren't that many now there's also was it five new development tiles that go into the big sack and I'll be honest it would have been nice to have more but to be to be fair lack a variety in this cloth sack with all the tiles there here has never really been an issue with the base game but with only five new tiles going in here it's not at all unreasonable that you'll play an entire game never seeing any of the new tiles and that's too bad because some of these are really cool too I've got them all right here like I'd really love this one the alien booby trap huh it's it's only one die to get hey yellow alien planet that's a big deal huh but to do it it's a trap remove the settler that completed this world Scot a lot of people never really pay they're playing role for the galaxy so fast they don't stop and smell the roses and realize just how incredibly thematic all these tiles are and of course by adding five new tiles you're really adding ten new things there's terraforming unlimited and let's see deficit spending I just mentioned on the other side you've got a rebel colony you know contact specialists some folks may remember that and the rebel strong so there's a so there's basically because they're double-sided ten new tiles that have gone into the big bag fourteen new classes and seven new starting home planets so just that right there just those new tiles is almost worth the price of admission but there's more you may have noticed all of this stuff every time you play you are gonna shuffle up this big deck of objectives or missions I forget what they're called and pick six of them doesn't matter how many players you always pick six and these become objectives that players are vying for that you have to do at certain times and if you successfully do them if you successfully complete military expansion well this is a big one you will get five what are these tokens called they are called talent counters you will get five talent counters that's a lot that's a big deal now every talent counter you still have at the end of the game is worth one victory point so that's five entry points for doing military expansion which means settle five military oh five I've actually seen this one five plus military red dice used to complete a world in a single face so um you see this one out here you really want to chase after red dice because if you can get five of them and then use them all at once to conquer a planet boom you've just gotten five additional points but these things are not just points at any time you want in the game when you are assigning dice behind your shield you can assign these as wild cards not only wild cards for the action but wild card for the color these match any kind of goods production so these are a huge deal you know these are make-or-break you know great it's great to have points but much more importantly when you just need that one extra die and you didn't roll what you needed having some of these on hand to throw a point away to complete the action you want to do can be life-changing and you know like I said there's a ton of these there time you play there's gonna be six of them so there's gonna be all these different things that players are racing for racing in this galaxy to try to complete these things to get these talent counters because they're such a big deal and then there's two more new things two new colors of dice black and orange the black dice our captain dice which as you can see have a lot of double sides they're very very cool so the orange the entrepreneur dye does as well there's double symbols on all these things and so these dice are actually very very cool for a number of different reasons now as it happens this setup I've been playing I have everybody oh I should say it comes with stickers you put stickers on your so you replace the start up now you start with two whites and a black in your cup instead of three and you also there's this new dye space diffusion because now you got to add the orange and the black dye as well because you know these things because they have double symbols there's more than six symbols on them that's amazing so you put these stickers on you play them now let's just say I was playing and I had four or five bucks I'm with one two three four or five hey I got five spend I'll just going ahead and get my entrepreneur and my captain one of my home dice and I do Bob let's just say I put my shields up and I roll and what did I get okay all right now that's actually pretty cool both the captain and the orange now of course you know what all these are you yeah you put these in the appropriate place you're gonna have to use one of these to initiate whatever action it is you want to do but the captain and the orange are kind of interesting I could set because this is what I rolled on the orange I could set this as develop or settle my choice so I could put this in either spot and here's the interesting thing I might put it over here as develop because I think my opponent is gonna develop and I'm I'm hoping they'll develop because hey they don't get that much closer oops wise as a rebel colony that was deficit going here we go I'm young guys I got two more and I'll finish my deficit spending technology hooray so I'll put this here but I am confident that my opponent will do it and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have my captain because you notice he came up with settle and he has a dollar sign that means if he successfully settles this turn he doesn't go back to the citizenry he goes back to my cup I don't have to pay money to rehire this guy so this is what came up this is definitely what I want to roll so that means I'm gonna want to try and settle this alien booby trap although um I don't want to lose my captain so let's say that I'm gonna dictate so that this guy comes or actually I say I'll put this over here so I'm gonna initiate that I'll do some explore if it comes up I'm hoping my opponent does develop because I'll get to do develop and oh wait hold on a second I don't want to lose either my special dice because I'm about to build this alien booby trap if I settle oh that's not good at all okay well then let's say I dictated to know that hold on a second all right so how would I do this I'll just go on ahead and use this for this because this is the die I'm planning to lose on the alien booby trap you can see so many interesting things are happening different types of things to concern myself with I ice and I'll go ahead and dictate to turn this one into a develop so that if Jen comes through and does the develop both of these will go and I'll still get to do my settle sound good all right everybody you know lifts off their shields and reveals and let's say Jen revealed she surprised me and she explored oh no and I'm playing the two-player game and the dummy player also chose explore so that's a bummer I don't get to develop I do get to settle though right now here's the other interesting thing about these double ciders so I I banked on development Jen didn't develop the dummy player didn't develop this guy's not done yet what happens is since he could have been developer settle and developed didn't happen but settle did that means after the reveal he automatically slides over here and now I've got three so these double dies are awesome they are so cool because you can hedge your bets if you think well I'll go for this and if it doesn't work out I can they can slide over and do the other thing if somebody initiates that so that's really awesome and in this case hey you know buddy developed you go back in the top you go back in the top and boom I've got three settles and oh no the alien booby traps so I just lost this home die to get this so I can now start finding alien tech here and I'll put both of these guys in deep space symbiosis or sim bionics now unfortunately this isn't finished yet so she's gonna stay here but eventually once I get two more dice on this thing you know in some future turn of course all these dice will go back to the citizenry but since the captain was doing what he was supposed to do settle he won't go back citizenry he'll go back to my cup eventually when I get this thing built so these orange dice these black dice they are very very cool everybody gets a black tie orange dice are very very cool to chase after but these are like actually I didn't think about this you know I was think about what I wanted to roll but you know say I went to explore instead you know if I had actually put an eyeball on explore and Jen triggered the explore I had another option here which is here's an objective deep-space probe abandoned four or more tiles in a single Scout so say if I did this and you hi I have to admit I have never the the thing I love about these objectives is they really push you to do doing different things we've played ambition role for the galaxy I don't know how many times now I am never abandoned for tiles at once but I might going ahead and do this abandoned for y'all I'll leave this here because I've already started working on but I'll abandon the two underneath I'll abandon all of these tiles which means I'm gonna get to draw five and because I did that I just completed deep-space probe which gives me two talents that I can use in a future turn as wildcards or it's two points now once this is gone this is gone if multiple people did it on the same round they can all score it but afterwards it's gone so there's a race to get these so that was like a whole different way I could have gone that round instead of going for what the dice really pushed me for I could have manipulated the dice to go for what the public objectives are pushing before before they disappear because these talents are such a big deal and that's it folks in a nutshell that's what you get with roll for the galaxy ambition 14 new starting powers that is huge two new very cool very different types of dice that really changed things up I didn't mention the captain another cool thing about him is if you're using him for shipping or producing or confusing him for consumption he's a wild card color like the purple dye he can always match now the orange they never match but the fact that they can for free uh-hum for free produce and then they got all these doubles makes them so cool these are both awesome little dice to add the new powers that are in oh my gosh I and more anything else seeing that this is only expansion number one I think hole for the galaxy is gonna have a very very bright future if ambition is anything to go by Jen and I we've only played a couple games of it but we've loved it it's reignited our passion for a role for the galaxy which is tough because right now we are knee-deep in pandemic legacy and that's kind of consuming all our time but this is actually all the new goodies in this box have pulled us away and that's it folks that is role for the galaxy ambition now if you have any questions comments concerns as always let me know if I made any goofs here there I might have because this is still kinda new to me I might have misspoke a few times but hopefully that gives you a pretty good idea of what these new dice are about what these new mission objectives are about and you can decide whether this expansion is right for you and then like I said if you're a fan of role for the galaxy oh my gosh it is it's really really nice so that's it folks thanks for watching talk to you later so long bye
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 23,318
Rating: 4.8422937 out of 5
Keywords: board games, game, baord game, rahdo, radho, boardgames, baordgames, board game, rhado, boardgame, baord games, baordgame
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2015
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