Roll for the Galaxy Extended Gameplay

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hey everybody welcome back I'm glad you here because there's a lot more galaxies to roll for let's get going so we're start in the second round and so once again everybody rolls in secret puts their shields back up shields up captain as I like to say and so we both rolled and now let's go on ahead and figure out what we're gonna do in secret again Wow oh come on I chose these because they were gonna up my chance of exploring and neither of them were very accommodating I got a settlement and I got a produce oh that is a bummer alright well so I've assigned these now remember one of them I can pick up I can choose either of these and then it becomes a wild card so I can say to heck with it you know what I neither of you guys are very accommodating the heck with it you are not a settlement die you are an explorer die whether you like it or not but I would rather this had been an explorer die too so I'd get to do to explore actions instead of one but instead I've got produce so I've got a choice obviously I'm gonna turn one of these into Explorer so I can get some more tiles and then that means I'm gonna leave I behind either a producer or settle hmm now I can produce goods on this meteorite planet so I think I will I'll do that so that means this round well I know I'm going to explore because I'm gonna activate that phase and if either Jen or the dummy player activates produce I'll get to produce as well so we'll see if that happens fingers crossed who knows what's gonna go all right so that's my choice I I only had two dice if you don't have a lot of dice you don't have a lot of choices that's why you won't have a lot of money so you can recruit more dice but that means you got to make money alright alright so they see what Jen got alright so Jen got and explore and she got two settles and that's a bummer for her because here's her problem she has nothing to settle she has no that's why she needs if she explores she can go digging through the bag find another tile and then she could settle it let's see well now what is she gonna wanna do so here's the interesting thing she could now once again nothing's happening until she picks up a die and chooses a space and so if Jen says just wants to do this now she gets to do two explore actions but if she wants she could do an explorer action and then she could hope that somebody else is gonna settle because then she gets to do sue settle actions and now Jen looks over at me and she sees hey I've got a planet to settle maybe I want to settle it but you know if she's smart she knows I'm not gonna do that because well five dice that means I have to I have to spend a lot of time this is a hard plan to settle it's way too hard to do that early in the game so Jen can assume I'm not gonna settle so I think she doesn't care so much about settling either which means she'll probably take this so she's repurposing this into the Explorer action she wants and now she has to explore action she can do and now she still got this die that's not doing her any good she wants she could turn it into a dictator which means she could then turn this die into something else but then Jen's got to ask herself what else does she want to do well I'll tell you one thing she wants to do she wants to ship this um what'd he call it ship this uh can't think with or heard this good yeah so I think that's what she's gonna do she could get to do to explore actions but instead she is gonna turn this die into a dictator to turn this Explorer into a shipping die and that is her final choice and now here's the reason for it Jen knows now see she's not choosing the shipping action and you know if she looks over she she's not she knows I'm not gonna do either cuz I don't have anything to ship but she can hope she can hope and pray that maybe the shipping action will be chosen by the dummy player again because if it does that means this red die she'll use it to explore it we'll come back over here and then when we get to the shipping phase not only will Jen get to ship and make some points or money off of this but she will also get to engage in piracy so that's kind of like if she gets lucky and there's only a one in six chance of this but you know um you roll for the galaxy that's what you do so she's giving up a guaranteed double explore - for a hail well that is a bit of a Hail Mary now she's not gonna do that all right but then that means this settlement well still win if she has two explorers chances are she's gonna find a planet she would like to settle and so if she gets lucky and this thing comes up there's only a one in six chance if he comes up for settlement she would actually a chance to settle hmm but he only said no no not what that she's good there's a one in six chance for the free settlement off of the dummy because she knows I'm not gonna settle there's a one in six chance for the shipping she's gonna be a pirate arrr she's gonna go for the long shot all right so she's chosen now everybody reveals their shield and we see what's happening uh and um and now Jen is bummed because both of us did the Explorer and that means one of us effectively wasted our free top because you know if Jen had known I was going to explore because that's he lets it just is what Jen rolled immediately originally if Jen had known I was going to explore she could have left this here and um then she has to dice to do whatever she wants with which I guess really you know so she could have made one The Dictator and then she could have done something else and she would still be well I guess in the end of the day it's really not that much of difference I see what did she do she put this over here and she used this as a dictator to get ships oh really it's kind of in so anyway so both of us have chosen explore oh no that's what Jen could have done if Jen was confident that I was gonna pick explore then what Jen could have done is she could have left this here so she would have gotten to explore as well she would have turned this into a dictator to turn this into a shipping action and so during the shipping action this guy would have come home and she would have gotten to guarantee do her pirate or no no I'm sorry no no I'm doing this wrong ah his game so if Jen had known I was gonna explore Jen could have left this she would have followed me on exploration she wouldn't have had to waste this she could have turned this wild card into a ship right and so that means she would have guaranteed done a shipping action with this pirate which means he would have guaranteed sold this and done some piracy because she would have activated explore and she wouldn't have to rely on the dummy doing it but she did not anticipate that I was going to do and so that's why she also chose to explore did the dictator and now she has a long shot of being able to ship whereas before if she could have anticipated me she would have had a guaranteed shipping action but all right so you've all revealed we are both exploring and now let's see what the dummy player does and the dummy player says hey we're also going to develop and Jen know if at least settle if she knew she had left this here she would have gotten that but the dice were against her all right so everybody's done now we start going and both Jen and I are only getting to do one explore action because we've assigned one die to it all right so let's have me go first now this guy is going to explore so he goes and retires and since now when you explore you have a choice you can either make two bucks exploring is just a way to make money and you know so if I want it I can get two more bucks so that means I'd be able to hire three dice next nurse currently I have no dice which is kind of scary and I only have one buck so I'm only gonna get to hire one or I can explore hmm Missy yeah which means I draw potentially one or more tiles I am going to explore them which is kind of it's kind of a bummer I'd like to get the two bucks because then I could hire three dice which would be great as it is I'm only gonna get to hire one die but I'm gonna explore now I've chosen to explore this guy I said you're gonna explore buddy you're not gonna make money and so now I have another choice any tiles I currently have either development or colony ones if I don't like these I can jettison them I can discard them and for every one I discard that will increase the number of explore actions I get to do by one now all of this is written on your little play rate so you have it right there's a handy dandy reminder if you're gonna say I've chosen explore instead of stocking up making money I am scouting that means I can abandon X tiles and from anywhere and then that means I get to draw X plus one if I don't abandon anything one guy lets me draw one tile but since I'm dumping this I'm saying to heck with you lost species of Ark world I don't want it and when you abandon something you put it under here because you're supposed to hide it nobody is supposed to know what you've abandoned although you know Jen could have seen it but if I had multiple things in a stack I might have removed one from lowering my stack and I wouldn't want Jen to know what I'm giving up on because that could give her a clue about my plans anyway I've abandoned that so you always for every die you explore with you get to draw one but since I abandoned a tile I get to draw two let's see what I get Bob and I'm hoping for you know more Brown world's cuz that really suits my so let's see and I did I got a brown world although it's very expensive for bucks a for dice it'll take to settle this brown silicon world alternately this could be a the export duties ship plus one for every good you ship you trade Wow oh no this is the opposite right now when I'm using when I'm doing the shipping action if I consume I get extra bucks this is if I trade I get extra bucks let's see so I think this will be my brown world and that means this one could be a technology or it could be oh it's another Brown world wow I drew true Brown world's okay well you know I think I'm gonna put both of them as brown world's it's gonna take me a long time to settle both of these that's guys scary because it'd be quick to get what are these technologies what's this other technology space docks shipping act as if you have one more home shipper Wow this means when I ship I get to do in a bonus shipping action for free that's pretty cool the space docks that's like having a free die and it's see here's thing if I put both of these I've got two very expensive plants it'll take me a long time to build and I don't have a lot of dice to build with particular since I have no money let's see now um and actually both of these things the armament world and the silicon world they have the if I both of them give me one Brown die and one dollar so they're both practically the exact same thing so really do I just want to build this twice or do I think I want to get that space doc it gives me more flexibility so there we go I did I did a single explore action but since I discarded one card I got to draw two and here's what I did with them they could have both been Brown worlds but I or they could have both been technologies but that's it now Jen she is also exploring this guy's coming home and so Jen has a choice draw tiles either one or two if she jettisons her space tourism or get two bucks and let's see and Jen unfortunately is and nobody's gonna settle because right so does Jen want money or does she want to draw at all this space sure how much does she want that if you have the highest cost world across all tableaus get an extra buck although you always get one extra buck when you're shipping let's see Jen can see I just made a very very expensive planet so Jen's thinking you know what this space tourism she probably might not be able to use it at peak efficiency be if I actually build this a crazy expensive planet so but you know what I think Jim it's more important jenoff to have more dice so instead of exploring it all she is gonna do the other thing she is going to get two bucks right okay so that was it we're done with the Explorer and now that it's all done this thing goes back in the back so it'll begin drawing later I see nobody developed there's a settling action but neither of us settled so we skipped that and at nobody to the other two so that's it the round is over so the dice that didn't get used go by the sea now this dictator did get used so he's done and the shipping didn't get used my produce didn't get used and now I'm gonna spend one buck and what am i who am I gonna hire I'm gonna hire this brown now because I would like to start producing some stuff on the meteorite planet and making some money so I can hire some more dice so I paid one and a member when you're out of money you always get one back and Jen she has one two three she can hire three dice now um I think she will leave these pirates here so that they are in position to be able to do space piracy and so she will hire three more and so that means Jen is rolling four dice this round okay so and we're ready to go on so these tiles reset and let's see what we get Boop and alrighty boom and oh come on see now all right develop and explore now I get the explore after I'm done for now I could explore more I could get more tiles if I were to explore and draw another tile that I like say I got this this conscription and I really want this technology what I would do is I would take it and I would put it at the bottom of my technologies I have to finish this one and when this one's finished this one becomes revealed or alternatively I could explore and just make some money right now I didn't actually draw that and then develop so I could you know I could leave this I could say hey develop and then these two things combined that means development will happen and since they're both done I will finish the space Docs which acts whenever whenever you're doing shipping as it says during the shipping phase pretend you have one extra shipping die just like that so it makes me a more efficient shipper although interesting Lee I only have one planet where I can generate goods now what I really wanted to do is and I think I'm gonna do it anyway oh I am I want to part producing goods so I'm going to take this develop and I'm gonna turn it into a wild card I'm going to turn it into production alright and I've only got one other die so hopefully exploration happens so at least I can make some money or draw another tile so that's my choice let's see what Jen's got alrighty so she's consetta l-- she's got two production and an explore now Jen production would actually be kind of nice for her because she's got a planet here where she could produce goods and then if she has multiple plants when she ships she could ship multiple things so that's actually quite nice unfortunately this settle die she has nothing to settle so I think she's going to take this and this is gonna be what she converts into other things so she puts this over here well this is actually kind of wasteful because um you can't produce anything on a gray planet this planet is already produced you Kip a planet can only produce one thing so she can't produce here again so this is actually kind of wasteful to put this here because these two got this one will actually do the only production you do and these ones well they'll go back in the cup so she'll be able to keep them for later let's see and you know and she can leave this settle here and hope that either me or I'm not subtle explore either me or the dummy and again the dummy has a 33% chance of choosing explore so I think she'll leave that there and hopefully she'll get to do some exploration so what's she going to do with this stuff hmm production would be nice and then what she could do is she could turn this one into a dictator and then this because remember she only to reduce once this guy can become a dictator and order this guy to do a shipping action so again if the shipping happens oh no this is interesting hold on let's let's go different way okay Jen's definitely gonna explore and she's gonna hope she gets to fall on somebody with that if she says you know what I want to guarantee shipping this term because she wants to guarantee that she'll ship this thing and she also since the Pirates are sitting around she'll get to do her space piracy so she wants to make shipping happen now um before she's right and so if she leaves he's here she has a chance to produce now only one of them will because she only has one chance to produce on she could you know turn this into a dictator and then she can do something else but I think she's happy with that yeah although interestingly if she did this and turn this guy into a develop that means she because Jim can see I've got a very quick thing to develop Jim could maybe be hoping that I am going to develop because then if she follows she'll get to start working on her space tourism um but she's got to figure what's her better chance is she can have a better chance exploring or or developing or by following because shipping is what she's actually going to do this turn she's gonna ship this thing and she's gonna do some bonus piracy I think she'll stick with the Explorer because there's a greater likelihood that that's what the dummy player is gonna do so she won't do that so she's going to ship shipping is definitely happening this turn and if she's lucky if somebody else chooses it maybe she'll get to do some production as well okay so we've all made our choices everybody reveals and tada Jen is so happy I chose produce so now that means Jen gets she didn't have to waste a die coming up here which mean and Jen is shipping and I don't get to take advantage of that cuz I did not assign any of my dice to the shipping action and it looks like neither of us are doing exploration unless the dummy player comes through and we're both eyeballing him come on give us that eyeball eyeball alright dad that I got interrupted by let's try and do this again all right eyeball with no interruptions I'm all hooray okay thanks dummy player so everybody oh so I get so we both get to explore thanks to the dummy player no one is developing no one is settling we're both producing and then Jen we'll take advantage of this shipping unfortunately I will not because I didn't do that all right so let's start exploring so now I'm happy with my tiles I'm just gonna use this Explorer to get two bucks cuz I need more money and after a hard day of making money I'm exploring to find money that guy retires but now I can hire three dice this turn because which is good because I'm out of dice all right and so Jen what is she gonna do she is actually going to explore she's gonna do a proper exploration because she's already planning on making money off of her shipping operations oh by the way oops I forgot Jen remember at the end of your turn after you if you're broke you always get one buck for free so Jen had that one buck for free so me so Jen's gonna do an explore she could jettison this space tourism so she could draw two tiles alternatively she'll only draw one yeah and you want this space tourism I don't think she's loving it because she can see what a big planet I'm going for so she's gonna jettison that and that means she's now drawing two tiles and she's hoping to find something a little bit more conducive to space piracy Oh a rebel hideout you better believe rebels can moonlight as pirates and alrighty so Jen gets both of these tiles and there's no doubt about it jen is definitely because here's the when Jen colonizes his rebel hideout she gets two more red dice and remember as many for every two red die she has in the citizenry that's another buck she can make during shipping actions for free nice okay which means then now this could be another planet the lost alien battle fleet which will get her a yellow die and six points or space mercenaries you may reassign one military red dye or brown dye Wow so she can reassign red dice for free that is perfect for her because she's trying to get more red dice because of her piracy and space mercenaries means her her basically her red dice can become wildcards during the assignment phase that is perfect for her okay so Jen is very pleased with her so we're done with the with the exploration the tile she gave up goes away no development no settling production okay so now I'm gonna produce and I only have one plan that can produce it's coming over here so I have now produced one rare element all right and that's it now in a future turn um if I kept it I can either make money or victory points off of that rare element so there we go now it's Jens turn and she is gonna produce she'll take the first one she'll take and now there's no more production you do because she can't she has another production but she cannot put it this guy glory plants don't produce technologies don't produce and these ones are both full so this guy is not gonna do anything he's gonna go back in the cup alright and so that's a production and now finally shipping I can't ship Jen is shipping this guy is gonna retire because he triggered a shipping action so with a now if Jen had multiple dies here she could ship both of these things but it is she has to pick one she can either and that means she will ship this dot this dye or this dye and it'll come back here into the pool so it can be recruited again but when you're shipping you have some interesting choices you cannot when you choose the ship action for every dollar use you can either trade or consume trading means you give up the dye to make money three four five or six bucks consuming means you give up the dye to get victory points and a see now so Jen's got a script now Jen's got one die she's gonna be able to buy one more dye also she's about to get another buck for space piracy so she can buy two more dice right now so I don't think I don't think right now she is going to well the interesting thing is blue something if you want to trade to make money if it comes from a blue planet it's only three bucks if it comes from a brown planet it's four bucks so Jen can make three or four bucks right now three or four bucks but instead Jen is going to consume and make some points let's see so that this guy is going to come over here and you're going to choose this blue and was going to consume it now that means you can get when you consume goods you can get one two or three victory points depending on how well you match colors if Jen wanted to consume this dye she you always get at least one point you get one point guaranteed for consuming you get one additional point if the dye matches the home planet so that's why if Jen consumed over here she'll get one plus one because of the matching color now the really interesting thing is if Jen had used a a blue dye to trigger it she would get one plus one for matching plus another one for matching so with a perfect storm of all matching colors you can get three victory points but as it is jen is going to use a none matching color so she gets one guaranteed another point for a matching color but then no more points because this one didn't match color and so these come home and Jen just scored two victory points all right all right all right all right okay which puts Jen at eight points I think total versus my one two three four five six so Jen is two points in the lead alright so that was Jen's one shipping she still got this rare good on this planet that she could ship or consume in a future turn alright so we're done with the shipping action so everybody's done I've got three bucks you better believe I'm gonna spend all three of it to get me a three dice now what do I want to do I want to get building this Brown world as fast can but you know what I also I really want to ship I want to ship this good so so that I can make some money I think so am I going to yeah well let's see the dice that are most likely to roll shipping are green and yellow dice I have no green or yellow dice but interestingly a white die oh I'm sorry that's wild purple dice blue dice okay a blue dice are more likely to come up with shipping so I'm buying three dice I'm gonna buy a blue and I'll buy a red because they're most likely to help me build these things and then I'll buy a green white so I bought three dice and then at since I'm broke I get one oh I forgot by the way during the shipping action remember Jen special power whenever you ship plus one dollar for every to military dice so Jen got an elbow Nastase piracy okay so now um Janet the intern she's got two bucks to spend so she's gonna hire two dice plus the one she's got in there what is she gonna hire think she'll hire this blue because then maybe she could get it back over here so she can make another good one and she'll get a white once again she'll leave these Reds here so they can potentially engage piracy okay so there we go everything's resets and double and Jen gets one free dollar as well and now we're moving on I think this is the third round now maybe the fourth so let's see what happens okeydoke there's the shipping I was hoping for and develop and eyeball okay now then so how do I want to do this actually this is an I mean it wouldn't be too bad just to go like this because here's the thing um you know doing something like this there's no reason because then I'm kind of being wasteful on the on the shipping action although what I got to ask myself is is Jen gonna ship Jen has another thing she can ship Jen wants to ship she wants to have shipping happen so she can make extra money and she has something the ship so what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a chance I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope and pray the Jen is going to try and trigger the shipping action so she can make some more off of this and make some more off of that so that means I've got this here if she ships I get to follow her and that means I can have these guys do other stuff like this and so now I've got to development actions which means I'm gonna get this Spacedock completed which is awesome because then during shipping I get a free shipping action as well whoo which means I don't even need this ship here anymore if I get this built wow that's a lot of exciting options which means actually if I instead take this over here so I'm triggering the beginning of development I'll get this thing developed which means I get a free shipping action whenever the shipping happens and so if I have this developed and I'll guarantee I've developed cuz I've got these two guys it will get developed then if Jen ships I will actually get to ship this thing for free that's perfect and also I have a chance to explore as well if the dummy player or Jen chooses to explore I'm pretty happy with that let's go with that now let's see what Jen came up with all right Jen got the wild card this could be anything she's got this this and a wild okay now I was correct to assume that Jen wants to ship she wants to get this thing shipped definitely because she can make more money off for piracy and remember as you saw it's only a one in six chance that the dummy player will do it now she could hope that I'm gonna try and ship but if she wants to guarantee it you know she could say oh I'm not gonna settle anything this turn and she could come over here and so she's shipped and then this wildcard could stay over here as a settle and if somebody tries to settle she could settle because remember oh she's got or she could do the spatial memory and she'd like to get these space mercenaries ready to go as fast as possible so she could follow somebody on exploring she could follow somebody on developing and get the space mercenaries finished and she's guaranteeing that she's gonna ship this thing and make an extra bucks new to space piracy I think she's pretty happy with that all right so everybody reveals and I breathe a sigh of relief I'm so happy to see the Jen show shipping I chose development and let's see what the dummy player chooses the dummy player chose settling which doesn't benefit either of us because neither of us were on settling oh well okay so nobody's exploring this die and this die go back in the cup development is happening I have spent two on development one two and so these guys they worked hard they got this developed and I've done it I've just scored two more points and now for the rest of the game during the shipping act during the shipping phase I get to do it says if I had a white die sitting here just like that thanks to this thing perfect and I know shipping is gonna happen so that was my development and look at this Jen she is very happy to see that I developed because now she can develop her Space Marines and then these guys go home and so she's got Space Marines now that's worth the point and now what this means is in the future if she has any red or brown dice that she has rolled she can basically it doesn't matter what they roll red and beretta won I should say one red or brown die every round is a wild card to her and so she can turn it into anything this gives her since she is focusing on trying to get a lot of red dice this is really awesome because her red dice can become wild cards and give her more flexibility when she's trying to make things happen and so she can start to build very uh red focused engine alright so Jen built that nobody is settling even though we both could nobody is producing and now shipping alright and thanks to the space talks I am going to engage in a shipping action and now I've got a choice this is uh I can either ship or I can either trade or consume if I trade this I get four bucks because Browns are worth rare elements are worth four bucks if you trade them or I can get victory points now the interesting thing is because they match I would get two victory points right now but the money is much more important so I am going to trade this and I just made one two three four bucks and so now I could hire a lot of dice and next round can be a very very big round for me it's kind of a bummer I'd like to get those points because Jen's ahead of me in points but right now I think it's more important that I get a lot of dice because if I get a lot of dice and I get you know if things go my way I can start working on the silicon world and get this built for four points and another Brown die so I can do more productive to brown things I'm producing but now here's the other thing let's not forget this is my other consideration um one two three four right so I had this brown dye here if I trade I make four bucks if I consume it I make two points one cuz you always make one plus one because it's a matching point but remember my special power is when you consume you make a dollar if you consume ground stuff so I can get two points and a dollar or I can get four dollars and I thought for sure I'm gonna do the other thing I'm gonna use my special power so I'm consuming a rare good that gets me one dollar so I'm only gonna get to get to higher to dice but you know what I've already gotten die so I'm rolling three dice and I get two points because you always get one for consumption and then a bonus one for matching color so I just got two points as well all right and a buck using my mining industry power okay and so that was it now I've got nothing more to ship although I don't have any more shipping actions anyway and now Jen she is getting to do shipping action as well she will ship this now white I'm sorry not whites this is from a brown planet so that means even though it's a white die it's considered it's it's basically considered rare goods which means they're worth four bucks it's just that if if this were a brown die you can consider them like high-quality rare Goods which means they're worth more victory points than normal because if I wanted to if Jen want to consume this it's only worth one victory point because it doesn't match the color but it is still worth four bucks so Jen is gonna trade this sucker and get one two three four bucks so she's got five bucks to spend on dice and so we're done with that and now at the end of the turn as always we higher up I'm gonna spend two bucks and then I'll get one buck back so I'm hiring two dice I'm definitely hiring this red because I want to get this silicon world built as fast as possible and Red's are the best settlers reds and greens I don't have any greens but um right Browns don't have any settle ability so I guess I'll get a white cuz that's at least one sell because I want to get this planet settled as fast as possible all right so those are the two I bought Jen she's got five one two three four five and then she'll get a buck back at the end of the round five dice Wow okay now that she's got this red wild card thing she's definitely gonna buy a red she'll buy a blue so she can maybe get that well that's one two three four five and she'll leave her other red so hopefully the red she has will get return to this industry social so she's upping her chances of insuring she'll be able to do more piracy if there's another shipping action anyway so that's it Jen's rolling now six dice this turn whereas I'm rolling three all right oh and then of course everything resets all right in what do I got uh oh well actually um the red gave me what I wanted remember I wanted to see a lot of circles because I want to start developing this planet as fast as possible and I didn't quite get what I wanted but let's see so here what can I do I can one of these is a wild card so I have nothing to develop so this is useless so I'll put this over here and that means both of these this will be two of the four dice I need to develop this silicon world and if I get lucky I'll get to do some exploration as well which if I do I'll probably use to get some money okay Jen's okay now she's got a circle she's got two explorers two develops three explorers Wow okay now what does she want to do with this she's got a few more options now she would like to get this rebel hideout built as fast as possible because it's worth two points and it's also gives her two more red dice so I think and she has nothing to develop just like I didn't so she's gonna pick this up over here so now she is um settling and these are the two that will take it to finish that thing so that's nice she's gonna get her dice this guy is definitely gonna come home but there's no shipping so that means even though these are home since no shipping happens Jen won't make any extra money from her piracy and there right now she's gonna get to do well let's let's just leave it like that this develop isn't gonna do any good although is this the develop could become a dictator and then um what could she do she could dictate and produce or yeah she could dictate and then produce so now that's interesting because again she's thinking if I there's every reason to believe that I might produce cuz I I could start producing and Jen knows it's worthwhile for me to produce although she can see I didn't take my brown dice I didn't take them so that means I'm probably less likely to want to produce here so I think she's decided I'm not gonna produce because otherwise I would have grabbed my Brown dice because that would've been better production so Jen's gonna assume I'm not gonna produce but even still she might want to make this because maybe the dummy player will choose it and then she could get a free production and get another matching dye so I think she'll go with that she's still getting to do two explores of explores come up instead of three but okay so that's it we reveal and it's revealed that hey I'm gonna settle and Jen's gonna settle oh my gosh we both chose settle that was kind of silly so once again we wasted a chance Jen could have if she would have anticipated that I was trying to settle she didn't have to do this she could have piggy back she could have used the dictator to make this guy a settler and then she could have put this over here and done a shipping action to do her piracy but so a big part of this game is anticipating where your opponents are gonna go but now Jen is hoping and praying that it's a production and I'm hoping and praying it's an explore all right let's see what the dummy does the dummy explores as predicted because he that's his most likely thing to do so this is what we're doing Jen wasted this it was a long shot oh well alright so first of all we're gonna explore you know what I'm just gonna make two bucks one two because this is gonna take me forever to and right so I just need more money for more all right so that's my exploration and this guy retires Jen gets to do two exploration she can make four bucks right now or she could draw two tiles because she's not gonna dump this one cuz she likes this she's about to finish building this does she OC she'll definitely take two bucks one two and I think with X she'll just take two more bucks she's not gonna explore right now okay so that's it so Jen made a bunch of money I made not as much money so we're done with the exploration nobody is developing settling I am putting two of these and now so I have started settling the silicon world but I haven't finished I have to get four dice on this thing and so I've just taken two of my workers out of circulation I need to get this finished now quickly so I can get the four points get the extra private-sector etc so I'm doing that Jen meanwhile she's settling this really quick little rebel outpost these guys say oh that was nice that was fun and so ginger score two more points and gain to military dice into your citizenry one two so look at that Jen now has four pirates that can generate two bucks whenever a shipping action happens if these guys are back home okay so and right and so then nobody produced so this goes back in this guy was a dictator he goes home so that's it so now I'm gonna spend one two three and then I'll get a buck back I'm gonna hire three dice and of the remaining dice to settle I have no more military I have no genes so I'm just gonna make all three of them lights because that ups my chance is the most of getting the circles I need to finish my settlement so I can get these guys back into circulation LNT not so Jin has five bucks she's gonna hire five dice Wow okay oh I totally forgot Jen the red did Jen head she could use that as a wild card and reassigned it well then she's gonna take that and then she'll take four all right so these guys are just sitting around waiting to pillage and ravage and loot drink up me hearties yo ho okay so let's roll again oh and then of course she gets one bucket three dice that's to explore all my gosh dice these dice hate me that is terrible and so Jen gets that that that that Oh yeah okay all right so there we go I got no circles I have nothing to develop so I'll turn this in so at the very least I'll be getting one over here and then I can just leave these and hopefully I'll get a chance to follow somebody else on exploration or alternatively I could turn this into a dictator and then I could kick Taylor says hey you are also gonna settle and there that's it I am definitely gonna finish the silicon world I will do nothing else I'm wasting a die to be a dictator but I will get that done Jen meanwhile I say I told for got this red dye can be anything thanks to her space mercenaries it's effectively a wild card because Jen can use the reassign ability to put it anywhere she wants now she definitely wants to ship but she'd like to produce as well hmm I see right she has nothing to develop her settle so these two guys are wasting space although if she explores she could get some more dice and then maybe you know oh wow so that's an interesting choice for her so she has a lot of possibilities this is effectively a wild card thanks to her space mercenary she gets to turn any one of these into an into a any one of these as a wild card and as well one of them could basically take himself out to get a third wild card so this game you have a lot of opportunities Jen's got three wild cards sitting here if she wants to jettison one of her dice so she could make a very very strong move I mean she's got she might want to do two production like let's say so if she puts this over here to do production and then she turns this into a while open oh but she does want to do that because she wants this to come back so she this is a wild card she could say hey you know what I want this to be a shipping action so that if she gets to follow on shipping she'll vanish loose and right and then she could turn this guy into a guy and so he orders this guy so now Jen is gonna produce twice both of her planets are gonna get some production and if she gets lucky and somebody else shipped she'll get to follow along and she'll also get to follow along on exploration that looks like a pretty good plan let's see how it works out for her and so everybody reveals and I am settling Jen is producing and the dummy player says I am also producing so didn't work out oh well so anyway settling done all these guys go home I just scored four points I get one dollar immediately and a rare brown good to put on this planet and so and y'all so I'm gonna want to ship this thing and it matches colors and I get it'll be another opportunity to trigger my bonus and now I don't get to do anything else for this round but I got that sucker finally finished and it's worth four points that's a big deal Jen meanwhile these explorers nobody explored so they go back in the cup she didn't develop she could have settled but she didn't she is going to produce and this guy will matches this one doesn't so it's only worth one point this is worth two points but they're both you know this is what you sell for four bucks instead and nobody shipped so this goes this goes back in the cup oh well and this guy goes home and so that was another round and so we flipped back Jen only has one so she has three so she's who's gonna hire she'll hire another will she hire a red she wants to ship stuff now she's got two things to ship military can't ship it also should put another white in there that's her one hire I've got two hires and I got nothing so who am I gonna hire you know I need to start exploring oops this guy went home so I can get some more stuff to build but I want to produce I want to get these Browns so I can yell in one turn yeah I think I want to produce so I'm gonna buy my two Browns because they're the best at production and shipping so we'll see how that goes and so and that's it and we continue and so at this point I think you guys have seen just about everything the game has to offer at this point I've done one two three four five six I've done six of the twelve Jenna's done six of the twelve and between us we've only gotten four of the 2450 points so we've still got a long ways to go but the game really does speed up as you get more and more tiles and more and more special abilities that combo off each other the it just gets better and more exciting and faster right up until the very very end but that's final thoughts talk so if you'd like to hear some of those you can hit the button it's on screen or follow the show notes in five four three two one
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 45,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, rhado, game, baordgame, rahdo, board game, boardgames, baord games, radho, baord game, baordgames, board games
Id: 4tZw_H1M7s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 10 2015
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