Dad v Daughter Play Throughs - Roll for the Galaxy

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the following episode of dad versus daughter playthroughs was made possible by a contribution from Rio Grande games hello and welcome to another episode of dad vs. daughter I'm Tim the dad and today we are playing roll for the galaxy now this is basically the dice version of race for the galaxy both games are by Rio Grande games so we really like this game it's kind of a spoiler that I'm telling you that up front and not waiting for our review but we'll get into why we like it here in a minute but first thing I want to do is I just want to point out the artwork on this box I think this is really cool and if some of it takes takes directly from the card game but some of some of this is new I like this this dice here or Die and how they show the different symbols on there I just don't know I just was really cool and it pops so let's talk about the game okay so I'm gonna assume that you don't know how to play race for the galaxy and if you do then just kind of bear with us and you'll kind of catch the subtle changes that we have so the object of the game is to have the most points at the end just like any other game the way we get to the end of the game is we either have 12 building or 12 planets or developments built in our tableau or we run out of the victory points and what we're going to do in a two-player game it says you use 12 victory points per player so in a two-player game we are going to use 24 30 points and the little chips look like this this is a 1 this is a 5 and then we have these tens set up that we'll use later when we or if we run out of the the chit's so Megan you want to talk about the little player shield okay so the player shoe looks like this folds up so that way you barrier like so because you're gonna roll your Dyson secret so you don't want the other people know yeah and then on the inside it's a huge cheat sheet which I really like because it's helpful for new players you're just referencing as you go along so it tells you up here the round summary so basically what you do how you start off your game which is nice how you reveal your dice and now you do the phases which comes over to this huge section which breaks everything down for you really nicely and then the manage which is basically your end of like round thing and then on this side it tells you more about the trading to get points and your end of game scoring and then your dice face distribution which tell you how many like of what type of symbol is on the die so that really comes in handy especially if you're trying to get certain dice or you're trying to figure out what dice you want back in your cup because you can kind of play around with that and strategize more that way and speaking of dice they'll give you a little close-up of what the dice look like this is all about dice I mean there's all these really cool dice and all these different colors you're going to start with the whites and then you are going to accumulate the various colors throughout the course of the game through planets or developments and like Megan said there's different distributions on the dice so like the purple one is they call the consume dice and you'll see that it's only has it only has certain symbols on it and it has more of other symbols that help it you know with the consume process same with like the red whoops the red is for military and this is basically for conquering world so you have a lot of the settle and development icons on that basically could you go those are your faction factions you always get one of these at random start the game so like it will tell you here you gained a military which is one of the red dice into your citizenry which is on your player board which we'll get to so that's how you'll start with like a red dice and you can start adding that in and then this one will give you red dice for shipping which is also very important with points and all so you're gonna each person is going to start with one of these and you'll notice the the numbers up top this is going to be the number of points that these are worth at the end of the game when you're scoring so like this is a development part and that's going to give you zero points but this is a gray world and which will give you two points now we're also going to have starting worlds and they have their marked because they have these shaded corners that's how you know they're starting they're not like other worlds that you'll get from the big bag so there are nine of these just as there are nine of the attractions yeah so like they will give you different things like so this one says gain a gene which is green dice on this world as I started the game so that way you're kind of had that to start with your shipping and your trading that's very helpful to kind of get you off on a good start and I'll tell you I'm very clearly you know here have a green dice on the green planet and then like everything's really coded really well to help you out yeah they are so you're not completely lost so it's always very helpful everything they put on here okay let's look at the couple player boards that we have here this is our main player board and show you what this is this is our citizenry so any dice that go into our citizenry or that we use they're gonna end up on this spot we're also going to start the game by drawing two tiles out of the tile bag and we're gonna have one development and then one planet and once we start with those then as we explore and we get new tiles out of the bag we're going to be able to we don't have to have both of these filled at the same time we can we're gonna be able to stack so if I want to really focus on planets I can just start stacking a bunch of planets on there and never go back to the developments it also shows the various die spaces here and it shows down here this is our money track and whenever we spend money we're going to then be able to take dice from our citizenry and put it in our cup and roll it on our turn once we get down to zero money we're always going to immediately go back to one so you're always going to be able to get at least one die in your turn so here are the cups show these kind of like my old sippy cups which i think is kind of cool but they're really cool to have like that each um I don't know if you can tell by my camera but the symbols of all the dice spaces so they're on here so when you roll your dice behind your shield what you're going to do is you have your basically your face selection board here so when you roll you're going to place one die on one of these phases it doesn't have to match the symbol on there just you only get to pick one and then any other dice that you roll of what that has this symbol you're going to place them below here and then those are going to be able to be used if someone else chooses that roll now when we choose a roll you'll notice up here we have all the different rolls here when we when somebody chooses one we're going to flip it over so it doesn't have the X on there so say that I chose the explore action and let's say Megan chose the settle action so she's gonna flip that over so any of the dice that we had below our settle for me I'm gonna be able to do that because Megan chose that that action and likewise if Megan had any dice below the settle she's gonna be able to use those because I chose the explore action Dan since we're doing two-player we're gonna have like a dummy player sort of so it helps us get more of the rolls out and you roll a white dice for him each time so that kind of helps maybe have better chances on more actions you can do yeah lastly we've got this little guy in our various colors here this is going to be used on our board to track how much money that we have and on our turn at the end of it during the manager Empire phase you have to be able to store you have to spend the amount of money that you can in order to get dice out of your citizens room citizenry so say if I had five money and I only had three dice then it's only gonna cost me $3 so I'm gonna go 1 2 3 and then I'll start the next turn with $2 but say if I had 5 dice and I only had $3 I'm only gonna be able to get 3 dice out of there I'm going to spend 1 2 3 I go back to 0 and then I'll reset to 1 for the next turn and Rado mentioned in his run through that this does look like his little logo guy who runnin yeah and they do stand up don't make it like the awkward turtle okay I think that about wraps it up Megan as far as that so why don't we get the game set up and okay so my starting faction is biological adaptation and what that is going to give me is on the development phase all reassigned power developments require one fewer development to complete so that's going to be helpful and then also my my world over here my faction is the aquatic uplift world which is going to give me a green dice to put in my cup at the start and my starting planet is Alpha Centauri and that's going to give me a rare element of brown to die on this world to start okay so my starting faction is the consumers market so on the produce phase I get a dollar for each good of a novelty which is the cyan blue color world on the end of this face and then my planet that comes with it is the space small so I gain a novelty dye into my cup at the start of the game and then my starting planet here is the doomed world so I begin the game of $8 instead of one yeah that's uh that's a pretty difficult now I'm gonna say this upfront is sometimes we do forget some of our special abilities on our starting factions I'm old it happens so don't blast me on the on the comments too bad because I am forgetful so what we're going to do is we each start with five white dice and three of those dice are going to go directly in our cup and then because of my starting dice Here I am going to or my starting things I'm gonna start with a green in my cup and a brown on the world so I'm gonna start with basically three white and one green in my cup so you have to choose the tiles that you draw the bag I'll show you this real quick they are double sided on one side that's going to be the development and on the reverse side it's going to be a planet so when you draw these out of the bag to begin with actually throughout the entire game you get to choose which side you want to use now it will tell you in the rules that your first game you should start with the lowest cost but now we've played this game quite a bit so that's why I've got these chosen the way I do so actually there we go so when we build those we're gonna when we roll we're going to be placing the dice on top of these and then when we complete like this takes three dice this one takes four so when we complete those then we put them into our tableau and we gain the benefit so hopefully we'll give you guys a good look and have this game plays so let's go ahead and play is simultaneous so we're going to be doing our things all at the same time so that kind of helps because the game moves pretty fast so first thing we'll do is roll dice and then figure out what we want to do okay one of the things that we've determined that we want to do is when we want to signify that we're done assigning our dice behind our screen we just take our cup and we turn it upside down so the other player knows that we're done so then we reveal what we have I have chosen settle so we'll flip this over okay now I didn't explain this before but what this allows me to do is I can dictate one of my dice and I place it up here and that means that when I I'm not using that die this round so what I'm gonna do is I can reassign any other symbol die to any other phase so I've chosen to put the green die or to use the dictate to reassign one of my explorers to my developer my settle so first thing you do is you kind of go in order so mega-hits next floor so on explorer you get to do one of two things you can either stock which is going to give you two dollars or you can expand scalp which allows you to take tiles randomly out of this big old black okay I'm going to stock because I want some money so that's gonna go into my citizenry and I'm gonna get two bucks okay so now we go to develop no one develops and that goes back on your cup we go to settle so I'm going to settle and I will put these two on my green planet there and this is on you so it'll go back to my cup okay my produced diets don't really matter cuz no one did that yeah just produced yeah so we're at the end so what we do is we go ahead and we flip these back over to show that they are not selected and we do the manager Empire bit which you've got three dice so you're only gonna have to spend three bucks and you're still got a ton of money I have three dice so I use all of my money these go back to my shop and I reset to one die so then we go on to the next okay all right we'll see what gives us so you get you an explorer you chose settle and I chose settle so in this case we're only going to get to two different phases settle doesn't really matter what I'm gonna do is both of those are going to go there on this is the malevolent life forms so once I put this into play because it says gain a gene green good on this world when you place it so I am going to put a ring dye on their back into my citizen okay you're gonna go on here and that settles it so this is the gateway station now I can get that that is really cool purple dye you know I like that cool that's like a Stargate almost so yeah I get the purple dye into my citizenry so there's that Meghan just accidentally put one up on the dictate area so and nobody ships so we're back in oh I only have one dollar so okay so I just we didn't reset these from last time so let's roll here and see what is this okay so should keep on there but I didn't have anything okay so I get to explore I'm gonna go ahead and I'm actually going to cut out I'm gonna stop one so I'm gonna get two from that and then I'm gonna Scout from my other well this is hard to pass up even though it's cost a lot I know that's why I'm out - I want to I want to do this or do i well and since we have you Joe settle yeah I'm actually gonna be able to put a dye on there for now for my shipping because I have a green world and a green good and I chose my green dice to ship that's actually gonna be three points I'm gonna get a point for green a point for this green and a point for that green so three points for me and this will go back here because I've consumed it that consume means you're going to basically get your victory points trade means you are going to get money so I consumed so because I use that that's going to go back there I only have one dollar so Wow and I consult this chart a lot because I'm like well well what I really want to do kind of pointless for me to roll because I'll have one die okay so HS settle i just ship you chooses developed settle so I've got to so that is why you got that done fast alien Centennial so gain three dollars so one two three and then a alien tech which is a yellow dye into my cup when I place this world so I'm gonna that's pretty good so the only thing I'm doing is I am shipping and I think what I'm gonna do is I am going to trade well I want to trade you know what no I'm gonna go ahead and consume because I've got a brown on a brown so that's gonna get me two points I chose produce yeah yeah and you did produce cool so I'm going to I'm gonna stock for one so I get some money and I'm gonna scout for to me so there's my four and this is the propaganda campaign so I may reassign one or two workers to the phase you select so that's going to help me out now okay I am actually going to trade this turn okay I could get three points but I want some money so a green is going to give me five bucks and so that's gonna move me up to six so managed spend six you chose settle I chose to develop I'm gonna develop all three of these so this is my merchant guild and what this is gonna do is it's on the produce phase I'm gonna get two dollars at the end of this space I don't have to do anything other than have somebody choose the produce and I'm gonna get two bucks this column goes up here and I get a military into my cup well that's good you know you chose develop I just settle so develop I actually chose developed but I have no nothing to develop so that's just gonna go back up oh sorry okay so my subtle actually is enough to complete this that's a six and it's going to give me it says gain two dollars and an alien technology good on this world when it is placed so not only am I gonna get two bucks and no one shows produced I was really hoping I'm getting it for you your explore dice develop for me that is six this one is galactic bankers so it's for the shipping so each time you trade a good this page and they'd spent a dollar to gain a victory point that was to you so I'm actually going to ship and I am going to ship this okay so I'm trying to figure out I get six bucks I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna take the money because that's the most so put six up to there so two four six seven so I actually uses all my money okay yeah well I did explore okay I'm going to do first thing I'm gonna do is let's scout okay if I need some stuff oh man I have all that explore the settle and development and nobody did anything so a long time kind of like that one I think I'm gonna keep that and so I think I'm going to explore again so let's see then I am going to stock this last one for two dollars and you're shipping yo the purple three points yep because the pink or the purple it matches any color so because then you've matched the good the planet he had the in the ship thing so all of these are news I'm gonna get three so I'm gonna get all my dice back we always forget to reset these wowzers we've been getting a lot of ring I did so no so you only have one dot huh yeah so these are not gonna be used all four of these are gonna go on to develop your stocking I need some guys oh my develop these two are unused you can see how the turns play really fast well especially over any dice to use either let's do that we bout just settle ok it's 3/4 that so my galactic resort which looks like two reptiles and hot tub um gain a novelty good on this world when you place it all right well and I had enough then I can place this is designer species unlimited says I gain a dollar and a green good on this worldwide place so nobody produced it reset my money I was like queen of them I just had three dollars I only get one so how was that I chose develop so these to go on my development this says so when develop is called I get two dollars at the end of this phase including the phase in which you completed this so I'm gonna get two bucks just for doing that okay and that's another one I gotta remember to to do I know some of these I need to do this and then this was nothing settle for me there and then ship which works out so I'm going to I'm gonna consume I wanted Victor points so that's three points for me good just produce oh sorry yes okay because he chose produce I am going to produce there now I'm going to ship I'm gonna actually consume there and I'm gonna get three you should let your ship and my ship I'm going to consume green green green so that's gonna be we actually now I want to point out when you trade if you have a different color on that planet so like this has a white my trade you go by the planet color not the dye yeah yeah so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and I am going to I could get two points two punches two points you're getting down to it I know but I need money so um so that's actually gonna give me four bucks by trading that moves me up to five although I guess I could okay so knowing you were going to do that so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use that and I'm going to scout so reach in the magic bag here place that's there I'm gonna use this next one and I'm going to scout as well okay there's my six I can finally settle this sucker the lost alien battle fleet so I gained three dollars so in an alien tech into my cup when it placed this world and that's another six we've got three sixes yeah I noticed that that is one of the things we didn't mention when you do us explore action if you when you're scouting if you don't like one of the developments or the planets that you have you can actually place that underneath the Phase one marker and you get to pull one extra tile out so say if I didn't like this world here I chose Explorer I could put that under here pull two tiles out and then figure out I get to keep both of them oh so those two looks like protecting my freezer so nice again three dollars so let's go ahead okay oh thank you he chose Explorer he choose to chose development and I chose okay so I'm going to I'm just gonna stop because I'm reaching all these go here this actually is completed so my citizenry and this is the silicon world where they make implants I guess gain a dollar and a rare element good on this world when I place it so so did I reset this guy Lester I don't like a day so I'm gonna gain a dollar put that there and brown died on that world okay so now I got two dollars to spend Bojo subtle he did produce okay now I got remember because one of my things here allows me to do something I produce yeah well here's my saddle you got saddle on I got settled so those two are gonna go there so so since let's see which one had the produce on their produce in here right here merchants guild two dollars at the end of the space so I'm gonna get two bucks I know remember those I'm very bad okay so that's gonna get me three dice should we both just settle nature's settle Wow I think we're gonna settle this turn yeah I screwed up I didn't need to put that many I'm settling this so this is the doesn't matter Arman in its world pronouncing that right so I gained a dollar and then a rare element on this world when I place it okay so that settlement has done and this is the planetary nebula so I'm going to gain a rare element on this world when I place it huh oh I guess I could okay these to go back so they're unused I have a dollar two four six eight ten I have ten yeah oh so you only need one more I just looked at that I'm like oh wait a minute oh I've got explore explore I did ships explored ups me I'm gonna stock six let's try to make sex no one did develop so those go back in here you know one settling shipping I'm gonna leach off you so I'm going to I'm going to ship excuse me to point if I consume did you consumer yeah I consumed three dollars okay so all the ones that so three here okay my galactic investor says two dollars the end of the phase for develop including the one for including the phase one which I did that so you chose develop right yeah yeah two bucks so then I'm going to ship I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to consume this that's gonna give me three victory points and then I'm also going to ship this and there's going to give me another 250 points so so trade that in for ten and then get the two for that so two there so now since we're out of the victory points that triggers the end of game that is true we do have to manage so this with the tiebreaker that is true I forgot I'm gonna recall because I know I can't do that anyway so it's true those reset we've done in the check and game has been triggered so announced highly of the points okay that was a really good game I ended up with 53 points Megan you had 44 is well I think the thing that hurt you is you had these two there that were zeros and that that's how you started off so you really didn't help that yeah I had 18 and Victor points because I was lucky I was doing all that trading I mean I probably should have started training oh no I didn't trade that's why and then I couldn't get that one that would have helped what what was this one what did that give you that one was for producing if I had a blue on every date every time that came up gotcha never had it yeah I got helped because I had a couple things that gave me some money which there for a while I was hurting on getting dice so so let's get into what we think about this game alright I'm gonna go first this time you know we played Elysium earlier in this year and I had said that at that time that was my game of the year this I think might have nudged that out this is awesome I was never really a fan of race for the galaxy I don't know why I don't know if it was because you know you're paying for everything with cards and just I don't know there was just something about race I didn't really like it was okay and if somebody asked me to play it I'd play it but it's not one I'm gonna say hey let's play race this one I will shove in your face and say let's play roll for the galaxy I love this game I love everything about it the components the artwork that just the gameplay in general I like and I like dice I'm very partial to dice game so Megan what do you think um I really like this game it has really good components like you said I love the artwork on all of this I think it's so cool like especially on this one just like the little alien people really cool like all the cards are very unique if go very nicely with all the titles that you have with them I mean kind of like you know because it is a space-themed like that one's really cool and then that other this one here that you've got yeah that one looks really neat the gateway station and these tiles I mean that is really thick cardboard I mean it is it's very thick and very nice all the components are nice the dice are really cool and they give you a ton of dice we we've got these in little containers but you can see these are the dice we didn't use and we still have you know a ton but I think you could play up to 5 players with this game and I will say that we have been kind of back and forth I'll win a game you'll win a game I'll win a game it just so happens to be that of course when the camera rolls dad win so alright so I think that yeah I try not to so I think that'll do it for this once again thanks to to Rio Grande games for sending this and this is going to be definitely one that we play quite a bit of it yeah and that's not all I can say yeah so see you next time like and follow us on Facebook to stay current on our show schedule steep peaks at future shows and interact with us
Channel: Dad vs Daughter
Views: 21,281
Rating: 4.9074073 out of 5
Keywords: dad v daughter, dad v daughter play throughs, dad v daughter roll for the galaxy, roll for the galaxy, roll for the galaxy rio grande games, race for the galaxy, race for the galaxy dice, roll for the galaxy game, space themed game, how to play roll for the galaxy, roll for the galaxy review, roll for the galaxy game review
Id: uimFDIGfDiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2015
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