Barenpark Final Thoughts

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hey everybody before we get to final thoughts I want to do a quick shout-out for one of my Kickstarter backers Leon Z who requested this run through Liana I hope you enjoyed it thanks very much for supporting me and now everybody final thoughts time for a barren park which you know what I'm Phil Walker Harding the designer has actually put out several really solid game he's got a very good pedigree but I think I've gone on a limb and say this is maybe at least in my opinion his best game today it is really sharp and while I went in a little worried that it might be a bit too lightweight for me and Janna because this is a pure gateway experience I mean you could sit anybody down and they could learn how to play and start playing well right out of the box I mean you know because everybody I think just has an implicit fascination or compulsion about puzzling together Tetris style pieces like this it just works really nicely and I knew it was going to work well because I played some of Phil's other games I was just worried to be too light and maybe too abstract cuz it really is just a puzzle piece matching game and we wouldn't dig it but I'm really surprised like I said I think it's his best game because what I didn't really expect is there there at any given time in this game there are four or five or six simultaneous races going on and that's where all the tension comes from you're racing for the three objectives you're racing to build statues before each other you're racing to grab um be the first to grab the highest scoring tiles in each of the different categories and the interesting thing is these races really kind of often depending on what objectives you get kind of touch on each other and have you make some very interesting choices hum because yeah okay well I can grab I could grab that tile or that's how that's how it's going to help me in that race that's how is going to help me in this race now I don't think I can win this particular race but should I go ahead and grab it anyway to put my opponent under pressure um BM particular because if i actually grab that one it'll help me with this third race I'm going for I mean like you saw the run-through I just did I chose very early on to grab a measly two point card and left to six or for opera three options of six points card so I drew four points a way to take this now I paid off because then I ended up winning race I was trying to win the Jenna really thought she was gonna win but then she didn't keep pushing for it and I was able to come up from behind but I gave up on other stuff to choose that and now Jim has proceeded to do well in other races the games really really sharp for that and I think it really works well then on the surface it just seems like yeah just you know try to grab the best puzzle pieces to fill these in and that's one thing you're having to do but there are so many other considerations that are going on in any given time there is a surprising amount of depth here now I'm not saying this is going to dethrone Agricola in terms of like some big heavy euro a style experience but there is more going on here and in fact actually there's been kind of a there's been several of these Tetris style puzzle II piece games that come out you know patchwork and then cottage garden both remove a Rosenberg and now this I think I like this better than either of those other two games because of the multi tiered races that are going on at all time that make me have to make choices be mean there's still just the draft of which is the best tile for me to fill in spaces but also which is the best tile for me that puts me ahead on the various races it works nicely then I've enjoyed it quite a bit we've only play as a two-player game I can only imagine this will work equally well with I think it'll scale really nicely into higher player counts it's great to have around to have a really nice light gateway game the gen and I enjoy as gamers but that we could play with anybody who would come over I think the theme is very lovely and evocative to you know the notion that you're building these one if I mean that was it say on the back of the box your town is planning a new bear park you've been contracted to build it since animal welfare and species-appropriate housing is a matter dear to your heart you're going to build large enclosures and spacious animal houses and I appreciate that that you know this game definitely has its heart in the right place to you know this is not we're not trying to just build some you know cash and grab you know places we're trying to make you'll really appropriate habitat for these animals to live in and you'll not just survive in but to thrive in and I think that's nice too so overall it's a great game it's a keeper gen-i are definitely to keep this game for all the reasons I just said and if you don't want to hear any social justice warrior ring now I would suggest say thanks for watch everybody talk to their so long bye-bye because I do have actually one point about this game and it does come back to the theme I kind of wish they hadn't chosen bear park as a theme because this is an abstract game you could have put you you could've been building anything you could have been you know designing downtown these could have been skyscrapers or different animals that you're trying to build conservation for or you'll be building space stations these different modules that plug into your station or moon bases there's a million different things you can be building and while on the surface yeah barren parking me oh they're cute lovely adorable bears who are making wonderful homes room to live in you know it's actually I was really surprised the rules don't mention anything about how there are less than 50 goby bears in the world there so on the verge of extinction you know they're their home country Mongolia they're bending over backwards they're really actively involved in trying to you know help the species survive so you know I mean like I said the game heart is in the right place but the thing that bugs me it's just a dumb little thing I kind of wish this tile was not in the game the fact that you can build a Japanese bear park if you want to see some really sad deplorable worst of humanity type stuff do a Google search for Japanese bear Park that's all I have to say I don't know it's just like this weird little thing I should say I guess I have a couple of other complaints too a minor problem there's a typo the board says there's only supposed to be eight of these are supposed to be ten and vice versa says they're supposed to be ten of these but there's only supposed to be eight or twelve or sixteen as a goofy little thing supposedly this is an English year I got this in Germany I'm get to look out Mayfair thing but my version only came with German rules even though there's English on the back I don't that was just a mistake with my copy no big deal I just downloaded the rules um but yeah just that weird typo a laugh you little minor production complaints but really no big deal um anyway folks that's it that's Barron Park um and thanks for watching apologies for the goofs I made I was playing pretty fast I probably made a me BIA lost track or something again watch what the Klingon subtitles turned on and you'll be able to make note you could follows me notes any place I've gone on but still goofs aside hopefully I have a pretty good idea of what this game feels like to play and that really should be your fundamental determiner of whether this is right for you pay no attention to this crazy unshaven lunatic with the camera watch the run-through for yourself decide for yourself if it looks like fun because that really should that's the only use my videos give I mean my personal opinions back I'm just some slob with a camera thanks for watching everybody hope you have a very very nice they talk to their so long bye
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 15,218
Rating: 4.8875504 out of 5
Keywords: board game, baordgames, board games, boardgame, boardgames, baord game, baordgame, radho, rhado, rahdo, game, baord games
Id: _Vri4YHuP8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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