Rolex, Robbery, Gangs & Guns: Paul Thorpe relives his life as a luxury watch dealer & entrepreneur

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I've had death threats people threatened to come and kill me and chop up my children my grandchildren seriously the reason I've got them is not cuz I'm vain is because they broke every tooth in my mouth that day when they went to his house they found someone waiting for him with a shotgun in his garden he was on a death sentence for doing what he did and he pulled a machete out of his jacket that was about 18 inches long and I knew at that point I at the back off or I was definitely going to die I've sat and spoke to Michael Jackson about watches don't make me a singer h I've sat and spoke to David Beckham about what is don't make me a footballer just because I've sat and spoke to Red Cay about what is don't make me a gangster so I've dealt with everyone from MPS gangsters David mcar the leader of the Scientology group we're just from different worlds the Egyptian billionaire and a lad from South London with Taho what are we doing becoming friends he introduced me to Tony Cur and he had a big 10 gallon hound and he tipped it and he's weak that he was wearing come off with the hat I want to thank you for watching and I want to thank our two sponsors Grand Alliance clothing brand they're an upand cominging UK fashion brand that are inspired by British history music and subculture and B security they've been leading the way in the industry since 2009 keeping your businesses safe and thank you for tuning in without you and our sponsors this wouldn't be possible now let's get back to the guest Paul lovely to see you again mate yes it's good to see you again so Paul he's a watch dealer has been for years and items of beauty luxury Collectibles you're a knife gun enthusiast I mean I know firsthand you've been in some real tricky situations when you had your you had your jewelry shop uh down in Sussex I know you got a very interesting past I've never really pried cuz when we met it's face value my very First Watch off you and I'm watch mad yeah I know you deal with all different watches patch Philip's rolex's Amigas maybe not so much that end of it but sort of Rolex upwards yeah yeah I've always I've always loved the Rolex to the point where that was how I measured my first sort of chapter of success I set myself a Target when I reach this level what I've done what I need to do in my mind I'm going to treat myself to a Rolex and you was the man that I come to see and then when I met you I could instantly tell you're Rough and Ready but you're a rough diamonds you're slick and I could tell with your your communication and your people skills so I was a fan as well as well as a friend I thought I love how this geizer operates I'd sit in your in your shop and I'd even hear you tell people you can save money if you go there or don't put your money there because you're going to lose money and you sort of put the customer first and I thought yeah I like this ge a hell of a lot and then people would talk around the town oh he used to work with Muhammad Al and he's got you know he's done this in his past he's got a bit of boxing he's done a bit of acting and there was all this stuff and I thought I'd like to know more about it but I'm not going to pry but but but now I'm hosting my own podcast I now get to ask all the questions and find out all about you and I'm real looking forward to this absolute pleasure mate I'm looking for I mean I've gotta be honest with you it's nice to be this side of the mic rather than that side because you know obviously you know I got my own channel and you know I don't this job's not easy right you know doing what we do now it's a skill it's an art so it's nice to be this side of at a mic you was inspired to set up your own YouTube channel to change the watch industry for the better forever absolutely yeah so you took your passion from what you was doing face to face in a shop at home privately online and you thought I'm now going to put my my face to the product that was a result of you know we get on that later but as a result of the robberies that I experienced it was it was my YouTube channel was basically set up to try and stop people from feeling like I felt or and to try and stop him from being a victim in a way in which I became a victim on three occasions so that's how my YouTube channel started I mean it's grown since then but that's basically the nuts and bolts of why I started it what is your YouTube channel and what's the tagline and where can people find you rather than say this at the end now we touch base on it yeah it's PA watch dealer I mean if anyone just types in my name Paul Fulp um I'll come up pretty much straight away and uh you know they see what it's all about it's not just about what is you know it's a bit about life in general but you know all in all I hope it's an inspiration I think me and you have got a lot in common the way we think and the way we we treat other people I like to think that in some way it can act as an inspiration to to workingclass young men that maybe feel there's not much future well there can be you know if if you do things right you can have a future well I'll take that as a massive compliment because I love what you do and I love watching you and doing what you do when you're dealing in luxury watches everybody wants a nice Kettle a nice watch whether you're a city slicker yeah a farmer a gangster so you got to wear a lot of hats yeah you you you you got to change you got to be real versatile to be able to you know keep out of everybody's different needs and and mirror everyone and and also relate what we talk about some of me customers later on and uh you know the diversity of me customers you say you have to put a lot of different ads on M mate I had to put a lot of different hats on trust me when I tell you so yeah that that that'll be an interesting uh to talk about later on definitely a poor I'm looking forward to this let's go right back to the start where were you born I was born in South London I was born uh in Caron C Hospital Caron um my mom was from Sun my dad was from Fulham soon as I was born we went back to Fulham we lived there I think for the first year of s life and then we come back to Sun so really born and raised South London um I had a magnificent child of meate you know I know all about your past your history I think I can say at least from my dad's side it was the polar opposite you know I had the two best parents you could ever wish for um totally dedicated to me my my upbringing um love care attention everything you could possibly want in the perfect childhood um my parents offered me and I I thank them both to this day God Rest them they're not with us you know but the ironic part is is that that coited upbringing up until about the age of 10 you know when you leave small school and go to senior school yeah I didn't really know what the world was about because I was going to this lovely mixed school boys and girls you know I was one of the if you could even use that term at that age one of the toughest in the class if you like it you know when you're six and seven nobody messed around and it was all good and then I went to senior school we moved I went to senior school on a counselor state in the middle of in between molden and Mitchum uh all boys most of them from one parent families um boy my eyes were wide open then it was totally totally different all of them into boxing and rugby all of them into everything you know and you know just about anything you can imagine and the first year of that was very very tough for me because I had to make the transition from being you know just a really nice little boy with lovely parents going into an environment where the boys were a lot tougher than me that have a they they had a much harder upbringing and I always say jokingly but serious is that when I went to senior school half of them were sexual deviant the other half were just plain violent and that was just the teachers you know it it was a pretty tough place to be mate I can tell you the introduction was there's the cane there's plenty more where that come from absolutely mate and and but having said that although it was a very tough time I think it taught me a lot um and I think one of the biggest things that it it taught me was though I learned very earlier on that there are reactions to your actions if you do something wrong there's a reaction there's there's punishment and whether that be talking to the your fellow Lads at school in a way that they're not going to accept you end up with a black eye or whether that be the teachers beating the absolute [ __ ] out of you and I mean beating the absolute [ __ ] out of you I learned very early on that there are repercussions for bad behavior or unsuitable behavior in a particular situation so it taught me very early that the world is was not the sweet world of roses that my mom and dad taught me it was between the age of like not to 10 years of age so that's a tough time for me and I think nowadays we are severely as a as a country and communities lacking consequence 100% 100% Liam you've hit an A on the Ed you know my kids say to me why is our generation different to yours and it's because of consequences there are very few consequences these days unless you get involved in some really serious [ __ ] but back in my day and I'm I'm a different generation to you even you know back in my they I mean the punishments at school were vicious violent shocking by today's standards the teachers would be in prison for the treatment that they dished out to us did it do me any harm well at the time it did I can tell you now um but long term it did te I think it kept me out of trouble in years you know my later years I think that actually kept me out of trouble because I learned about repercussions I think it pays dividends to have a teeny little bit of fear hanging over you because there's a F line between fear and respect yeah you don't want to you don't want people to be scared of you but you want them to respect you in order to be respected there's got to be a slight fear of consequence and nowadays at school you raise your voice to a child they've got a line they can call yeah to report you I mean same as with the police same as even even with parents bringing up your own children you give your kid a good bollock in there's a line they can call to complain about you in trouble so who who's actually who's actually bringing up the kids now yeah it's a tough one I mean look I wouldn't be an advocate of beating a share out of kids at school you know I wouldn't want to go back to the dark days of the 1970s and an old boys comprehensive in South London because it was brutal but there's somewhere in between right you know there's there's somewhere in between but you know it was also once I come to terms of it once I come to terms of it it was it was some of the greatest years of my life you know I met some real characters there there were 32 of us when we started that school in our class uh and by the time we finished it was 15 um the rest had even been expelled two committed suicide um that gives you an idea of the the the environment that I was in how tough it was how tough it was you know and and it it made me it made me a man it made me a young man but it made it turned me into a man very early on and so from what ages were you at the the of the old boy school 11 till 15 I was expelled as well about six months before I was duor leave school um so there it was 32 class ended up with 15 wow and for for young Lads between 10 and 15 to think that life isn't worth living anymore was that because there was outside stuff going on the school was in the middle of a counselor state in South London and most of the kids I think or a lot of the kids were from single parent families um I'm not dissing being bought up on a counsil state nothing wrong with that whatsoever that's where my family come from but what I'm saying is they weren't all coming from stable environments necessarily you know I think some of them were witnessing violence at home they were definitely witnessing violence on the streets um and when you go to an old boy school like that in in an environment like that where half the half the school were boxing at rosille boxing club for an example you know that's something you needed to do if you if you went to my school you had to go and box you had otherwise you were just not part of the group um so there was a a never-ending battle for Supremacy a hierarchy in an all all male environment um so it was really really hard for me mentally to get my head around and I had to learn my place in that pack when where did you find yourself in that pack just below the middle just below the middle just below the middle yeah because you're not a walkover no I'm not a walkover Liam but I've never been a tough guy and I I would never you know one thing I want to make very clear right from the start anyone that watches this now if they think they're going to be listening to some kind of wannabe gangster or a bad boy or a tough guy I'm none of those things I'm a DE decent family man with very high morals and I have no wish to be perceived as anyone that's been involved in anything nauy in my life I've been around it and I've been around people that have been that way um probably because the number one attribute I think I've had in my life going back to to school was my ability to have a laugh have a joke and be a nice personable good to be around person so I didn't fight my way up to being popular at school cuz when you asked where was my level from a physical fighting Viewpoint I was under halfway but from a popular Viewpoint I was fairly close to the top and that's because I was capable of having fun making the other kids laugh being nauy you know doing things I shouldn't be doing at school that made you popular so I was good at that but the tough guy part nah wasn't me yeah it's a good point you made there because given the choice through any any stage any chapter in my life I'm going to choose Charisma over over forcefulness all day long every time being charismatic being Charming being friendly doing people good turns that will come back and pay your dividends you go around being a tough guy bullying people you may think you've won the battle there and then that'll come back and who wants to be around you nobody who wants to be around that person we we all know people that when they walk in a pub everyone goes oh no and it's horrible to see because then people pretend they're pleased to see them you're not pleased you're scared you're scared yeah so what did you get what did you get expelled for just general bad behavior you know just being unruly um and I was very unruly because I had to live with the pack it wasn't necessarily what my parents had told me it wasn't necessarily the way I wanted to be it was the way that I had to be to survive in that environment you become a product of it you become a product of it so the the the ethos was you behave badly you do the wrong things you're popular you have an easy life if you sit there like a good boy say yes sir no sir and do your own work on time you're not going to be popular that was the environment that my school was all about bad Liam very bad I mean education I did not too bad but let's be honest I left school or was expelled from school with no exams no qualifications I was on the part you know I was on the junkie before I left school really so I have six months left to get expelled I'm curious you must have done something substantial it was an accumulation truancy yeah everything everything from letting down teachers ties down on their cars to you know those were the good old days yeah yeah just just just naughty stuff but I think what I would emphasize is is that the the reaction of some of the teachers I mean we had teachers at that school that were known sexual predators um thankfully I was never a victim of any of that but I know boys that were but nothing was ever said you know everyone knew it was common knowledge and an open book that one or two of the teachers were sexual predators towards the boys and there was no it's just a different world back then mate nobody they weren't sacked they they weren't suspended they were just allowed to get on with their lives and do what they wanted to do we used to have teachers bring in pornographic magazines to show us what sort of you know we would they used to let us smoke in the back of the class what sort of environment is that for someone being bought up in in education system yeah as much as I don't like modern time s how woke and Flaky it's become I still think bringing in pornography for children to watch and and allowing them to smoke yeah is uh there you go there's there's another death sentence there's another death sentence which which unbelievable whe you're a smoker you're a nonsmoker you know that smoking does eventually K exactly exactly and and that's the environment and then then it would you know then there'd be the violence uh and they they were like I said half of them were sexual predators the rest were just playing Psychopathic and they would thrive on the violence that they were allowed to inflict on us boys where they would customize their weapons of choice whether that would be a cane or what they used to call a slipper which was actually the bottom of a an old goaler trainer you know that brown sort of hard rubbery subst so and they used to cut it they used to take the shoe off just leaving the so and then they they they deliberately choose one with like rubber studs on and that they would just beat you Merc mercilessly uh to the point where you would bleed uh your knuckles would be swollen and they would bleed and and there was no repercussions or comeback for that for them n whatsoever I'm real perverse sadistic yeah and when you think it's in the middle of a counselor State and these teachers will know that there's a lot of people from single parents no Father Figure as you're describing your experience at school with these teachers I'm thinking about Pink Floyd The Wall yeah so it was known that that kind of behavior was going on back in the 70s it was RI like Draconian measures that had school yeah the corporal punishment in jail when it was given the cat and Ninetails and all that we're only just past that period in the 70s so violent punishment was accepted as part of the norm it was dying out toward you know towards the end of the 70s it obviously was gone all together but when I was going in my years 7475 76 it was just accepted as the norm if you misbehaved you had the [ __ ] beating out of you so where would you say the happy medium is now let's just say you've got a an unruly child at school he hasn't got ADHD he hasn't got autism he hasn't got one of these labels that keep getting fired around now he's just a little [ __ ] yeah where would you say is the happy medium to deal with someone who's constantly reoffending and distracting others from learning and getting ahead in their lives where what what would you do it's a great question Liam I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer it but I mean I don't I still to this day don't think there's anything wrong with certain types of corporal punishment for an example the cane you know I don't I don't think that there's you know six of the best really did anyone any har six of the best yeah you know they used to literally not heard that for years they used to line us up literally if we misbehaved as a class they used to line us up and the funny part about it was you knew the toughest kids because they were last and the weaklings in the class were first and you know why because that by the time that that the bloke had got to the end guy he'd run out of steam and and and everyone was getting softer and softer and by the time he got to the last one he was naked and it was just like a you know half the value with the first one you know I think I think that what I can say about the lads I went to school with is that we all came out with the same determination to do well and I can tell you now mate I haven't kept in touch of any of them over the years but because of social media I'm aware of where they are and what they doing a lot of them most of them millionaires and that's crazy you know all went on to be self-employed millionaires uh in whatever industry they chose to go into so we learned something mate we went to the University of life and we learned something you know what I would say it is they manned up early grow up quick yeah you you grow up quick you man up early you realize that the world ain't just this wonderful Rosy place and if you want anything you got to go out there and get it yourself no one going to really give it to you and the people that are being given it all the time they don't understand that when they grow out they got to go and get it themselves and that's the problem you know so I think that was a good part of my upbringing knowing from an early age that I was only going to get out of my life wherever I decided to put into it that could be good or bad and I've always chosen I think I've always chosen the right paths but I I say that because and this again is where I must comp compliment my wonderful parents I was taught very early to Value life value life value other people's faults value other people's feelings um and my business philosophy we spoke about my business earlier on was always to be treat other people how I'd like to be treated myself is that treat you know am I going to treat this person in a manner in which I would expect to be treated and that I will be happy to be treated in that fashion and it's always been my philosophy no matter what I do and I'm glad to say that I've witnessed that firstand as well thank you because anybody can sit there and say what they want I mean on on the internet now you can literally turn up to a stranger's house and pretend somebody that you're not the fact I've that was what I admired about you in the initial stages and still do and what the problem is Liam is if you know if you Google me unfortunately there will be plenty of people saying things about me but the ironic part about it is they're all from people that have never met me of course they've never met me in their lives they're perpetuating myths they know nothing about me as a person and they just repeat garbage that they've read somewhere else but listen that comes with of the uh the Youtube territory right and also there's no shortage of failures out there and that's all any negative comment about you because you you're hugely successful it's going to be fueled by jealousy and it's quite sad but you know listen mate your original question where did it all start that's where it started um lovely upbringing crazy school life um and not not just like Naughty Boy school life that it was shockingly bad but I think it did me good sounds a little bit like Bost if I think about Ray Winston in scum very much so violence suicides teachers being abusive yeah if you think of that film scum it honestly isn't an exaggeration to say that a part from having to sleeping overnight that was what it was like yeah I don't doubt that I don't doubt that at all I'm real and when just very briefly as well I mean we had a couple of black lads at the school um the only two black lads in the school and back in the 70s the racial abuse that they took from the teachers I could not in today's world I could not repeat the racism that they suffered from that from the teachers from the teachers yeah they were very popular lads they didn't have any problems with that they were just one of us but the teachers separated them it's it's good that the lads were from a council state because ordinarily that would be Monkey C Monkey do but a teacher saying it my dad's saying it I'll say it but the fact you had to become young men young early on yeah you knew that hangout that person you're referring to as whatever derogatory racial term that's my friend that's my brother yeah we had each other's backs you know all of us we had each other's backs so it was almost like the Army is I've never been in the Army that's probably an unfair thing to say but I felt that our school almost became like a battalion we were so close we were like brothers at the end and we we stuck together through Fick and Finn because we had to so where did you go once you were expelled what how was your life then well me my mom and dad had a family business and they wanted me to go into that obviously but you know being a young lad I didn't want to do that I wanted to go off me mates and me very first job was as a an apprentice engineer lasted about two weeks and I thought I'm never going to work for anyone in my life I got to make me own living I'm not I'm not employable so that you know I've always been self-employed so my my M and Dad introduced me to the family business I did all right took a little bit of learning had a couple of three years of all I was interested in was me mates football and girls which is Perfectly Natural when you're a teenager and uh yeah I suppose my real business life didn't start until I was in my early 20s and that's that's when I started getting into my watches so you was about 20 when youed started your first business yeah boes yeah I carried on for uh a few years and I always had a big interested in interest in boxing I was big boxing fan you know we used to go up to the Odon in Leicester Square for the midnight fights in Las Vegas and always into the boxing and and one day I thought you know what I fancy having a dabble in the boxing world not as a boxer CU I was never good enough you know but a lot of my mates were Boxers I was knocking around with professional boxers and I just what a fancy getting involved in the world of boxing and this what can I do there's something missing and what was missing Liam was the connection between the fans and the actual boxes themselves and the hierarchy the bo inside the sport if you like and there was this big void in the middle you had the fans and you had the people on the inside and nothing in between and being a bit of a uh being someone that likes to think I can be a negotiator and get in the middle of people and try and make things right I thought I'm going to set up an association and try and get the two closer together and very quickly I learned that this was going to be actually be quite easy um I started going to a lot of boxing shows meeting a lot of good people inviting them onto in into this organization I'd sat it was called the wbfaa world boxing fan Association um and mate it took off like you would not believe within a year I was appearing in the Ring magazine which is like for me the most prestigious boxing mag to to appear in the ring is like the Pinnacle of anyone's boxing career if you like as long if you're not a boxer so you know I had boxing news I was dealing with people like red garage and Harry Carpenter you know the two old boxing commentators I was just about meeting every fire that was worth meeting we was put on events I bought over Roberto Jan Ernie Shavers to this country I was getting involved with Frank Maloney who was Lennox Lewis's manager um it was a crazy time where I mean it was boxing and show business are in ically linked so when I got involved in the boxing that led me into the world of showes and to the world of celebrities which was another part of my life in my 20s which mate let's be honest I was having a result of a lifetime I'm single I in my mid 20s I weren't a badl looking fell back in a day right and I was gonna say you're still an some now mate thank you mate tell my misses that so I'm in my mid-20s single and I'm mixing in professional boxing and a world of Show Business what a life as well in Fairly good shape you know oh by the way I did notice that you invite all your guests to the gym before you do a podcast you never invited me either I wanted this to be a relaxing experience for you you want me to be naked before we started so I'm in my mid 20s I'm going to Ben 's birthday party I'm going to paage free girls birthday parties I'm dating paage free girls at this time all in my mid 20s you know this was the world of Heaven for for a single man um and we had some wonderful times wonderful amazing times but it also turned sour as well towards the end I had a big reach to boxing fans just like now I have a big reach to watch people back then I had a big reach to boxing fans and a travel agency contacted me and said can you help us sell tickets for the Mike Tyson leam Spinx fight in Las Vegas said yeah we can do that definely and what year would that been 87 um it's a long time ago something something like that anyway the bottom line is I got Terry lws involved to help me Terry Lawless was Frank Bruno's manager very F anyone of a certain age will instantly know Terry Lis was so Terry and I promoted this travel agency they sold two Jumbo Jets full of boxing fans to go out to see this fight about a week before two weeks before the fight I started getting phone calls oh I have not received any tickets yet no travel tickets no boxing tickets nothing like I thought all right I'll give the give the guy a ring no mobiles back then anyway two days no answer three days no answer it turned out this guy was a gambling junkie he he' spunk 700 people's money in the casino and me and Siri Lis were left pretty much old in the can from a perception Viewpoint now Liam you know boxing fans right they ain't the local Library Brigade right they're not from the Derby and J club they're not going to email HR with a complaint no mate it was a nightmare and I I was out one night and I got home late I was living back at me Mom and Dad's at the time me dad said Bo he said I think you got a problem he said Terry Lis has been on the phone someone's just firebombed his house and uh mate that was that was the time I decided enough was enough as it turned out the guy that did it the guy that run off of all the money was arrested by the police uh you know he he took the B completely we we had played no role in it whatsoever um and when they arrested him or when they went to his house they found someone waiting for him for a shotgun in his garden he was on a death sentence for doing what he did an absolute Nightmare and that ruined you know I think I had four five years in boxing that was perfect except that and that's what SP it and in business you can't do it all yourself you have to rely on other people of and how do you know if someone's a gambling junkie he was all properly registered he had you know bricks and water premises up in the Midlands there there was no Google back then no you couldn't google someone everything that he presented to us as a business was right and it you know apparently by all accounts up until this instance he'd run a very good travel agency um but on this occasion the amount of money that came in proved too much for his gambling addiction and he blew the lot was there any repercussions for you there wasn't apart from I think I think the boxing Community who who obviously knew me well and certainly knew Terry lless very well knew we were just you know puppets in the game as it were but it weren't pleasant but I I decided at that stage that it was it was time to move on but had a a wonderful time mate and and the people that you meet just crazy just crazy I mean I was very good friends with Terry Marsh at one time you probably won't remember he's a world champion boxer um and um I was doing a lot of business with him in the boxing industry and I was in the Frog and night gown in the Old Kent Road famous Old Pub in in in London and it was just after uh Frank Warren had been shot the Frank the boxing prior he been shot in the street by a mar gunman and I was in there with a girlfriend and the police came in and pulled me out of the Frog and night gown wanted to interview me not about the shooting as such they weren't accusing me of been involved in the shooting but they wanted they they thought that Terry Marsh had done it and they wanted to know if I knew anything about the shooting um and they did eventually they charged him with with it um but he got off the jury found him not guilty um but that was that was back in the day that was a big thing you know was B Britain's biggest boxing promoter shot in the street by an assassin attempted assassination and uh I was a not a kind of a business partner of the number one suspect but he was not guilty they found him not guilty did they find the person who' done it no never found him no I you know when you're in that world this is one of the things I said right at the beginning Liam you know I don't any ever want anyone to think that I'm some kind of wannabe bad boy but I've been in those circles but I've always managed to stay the right side of the line when anything naughty's been going down they always knew that it wouldn't be a bit of me you know if if anything was gonna take place they would say ah Paul Paul Paul would want to be involved in this stuff it's not it's not a bit of him you know so I always used to step back from the I could be in those circles but I'd stand back from it that's what we've got very much in common I know all sorts of Walks Like You Do all sorts of boat races that I could list off and people go I know him I know him but I fly straight yeah I would never want to lose my Liberty I wouldn't like to do a stint in jail that ain't for me I love life yeah I love having a laugh I love getting up I love yawning it's like that felt nice that felt free I don't ever want to get banged up and also when you start getting involved in criminality there's always going to come a time where you've got to do something unpleasant and then you're then you're going to lose sleep because your moral compass is now yeah at shape what I think it is for me mate comes to a lack of bottle to be honest with you I put my hands up I ain't got time for any bird mate I've not I've not got time to be going to prison it's not for me no it never has been I've never fancied it so I've always the old saying if you can't do the time don't do the crime I've never forgot that so you know for me that that's never been that's never been in my fault train to do things illegally or or to be involved with people where could potentially lead me going down that route I've always stayed well clear off I'm with you 100% on that one plus you and me we got too much loss for life and we know sitting in the jail say that's not living that isn't life 100% sh I know you talked about the crazy twins in that the other night on the podcast I was watching yours the other night an old friend of mine Peter Shaw from North London um he introduced me to a guy called Alex Steen who was one of the very biggest faces in London in the 60s and 70s used to look after a lot of stuff with the craze um and I'm in his office having a chat with him the phone rings he had he had one one of those old pay phones that were on the wall I never forget them you know you used to get in a pub yeah the phone rang Alex has gone to answer the phone and he's gone uh uh yeah he's going yeah yeah I'll go and have a look I'll go and have a look anyways but he said Paul come here have a world be ready while I go and have a look for something right now I've never spoken to the guy in my life I've never had any connection with a with a cray Twins or a cray family all of a sudden he's given me the phone to speak to Ronnie whilst he's in Parkers right uh to Reggie whilst what am I going to say him hello mate what you been up to you know how's that wall looking today how that what so those are the weird positions that you can get put in and also how you can be speaking to someone like R cray but never be anywhere near their circles never be involved in the naughtiness that they were involved in um but you still got to meet him in some way or another and and it's a lot of other people probably some of the most famous people in the world that I've met and dealt with and had some dealings with and you think how did I ever meet that person what was I doing in that person's company you know I'm not a big I'm not going to sit here and drop names but we might come across one or two of them I mean as you know I used to speak to Reg all the time even even face to face when re would speak you'd have to lean in and speak very quietly it speak very very quietly and sometimes it it' Mumble his words like you don't hardly understand what he was saying very tough you had to you you almost had to learn reg yeah to to be able to have have a conversation with him and over the phone I mean I was only young and when he'd ring up to speak to me and they'd say Liam reg is on the phone I like [ __ ] hell I got to try and work out what what he's trying to say so what what what was your what was your link with re none really aart from Peter my friend Peter was an old school uh he was actually a born- again Christian he'd been through the whole lot he been in prison been a a Smuggler for for certain groups in London um and he turn the other way he done a stent in prison realized that it wasn't for him and he apart from my dad and I told P I met him to do a an interview like this a few months back and it was the first time I'd seen him in 30 years nearly um and I told him to his face that apart from my dad he was played the biggest influence in my life he introduced me to everyone in the boxing world that was worth knowing because Peter knew everyone he knew every face in London he knew every face in boxing not only here but in America he introduced me to people like Don King you knew everyone and he taught me so much he was he was the next step after learn you know what I said about what I learned at school then I leared from Peter who was an old school villain an old school gangster a proper gangster but had turned the right way and and taught me always stay the right side of the line never get involved in his Badness you can be a good person and could be respected by these people without being a bad person yourself you don't have to be a bad guy to be respected by bad people you know that they can respect you because you're decent because you're actually a straight goer and they know the score well I've found a lot of a lot of villains a lot of gangsters they appreciate a a solid straight go in their life because you bring reason to the to the table you are spot on yeah mate I know no one likes to say this to you but you oversteep the mark there like bring it back a little bit Liam you are so SP on you are so bang on and that is why we we'll come to that in later but why I got on with Muhammad aled so well I was the only person in his life at that time that was prepared to tell him the truth and he loved that he was paying people thousands of pounds a month for a week or whatever and all he employed was yes man no one wants a yes man you know how you going to learn from a how are you going to learn from someone that just tells you yes every time so I think the people that I was surrounding they they they or surrounded with they they found a respect for me a because I think I was always not a nice person to be around but because they knew I was a straight goer and I wasn't prepared to get involved in any naughtiness they respected that and they like that that's a great combination of character that is a straight goer and a straight talker cuz then you can you can blend them of anyone including the gangsters that and you're confident enough to say don't do that that's wrong 100% I mean literally Liam I've been around them allall from members of the Essex boy firm I've been around one or two of them never knew who they were at the time obviously but I've been in their company but i' I'd always wanted to be on the outside looking in I never wanted to be on the inside looking out the reason I met these people was through business I wasn't it wasn't because I was going seeking out naughty boys to be around but naughty boys like a watch right Everyone likes a watch that's what we're saying at the start exactly different cats so I've dealt with everyone from MPS to gangsters to uh David mcar the leader of the Scientology group oh W you know I've had him in he used to come to my shop but we've got in E City we've got HQ St Hill yeah yeah yeah I mean he turned up at my shop in a black Lim I thought he was the president of the United States might as well be yeah honestly a black limousine pulled up outside my shop four guys got out one stood on each corner of the car and then one of them let David miscavage out the back who come into my shop and he used to come in I think he came into my shop about three or four times um a very interesting but strange guy I was going to say what's he like um one of those BLS that when he talks to you he's looking straight through you you know he's like a robot almost like an inhuman an inhuman person so a very strange character so if anyone you know some people have said to me oh FY you know you mix with you've served up these people um served up I mean served watches for it yeah um you you serve watches to these people that makes you that carefully yeah that makes you part of that that b no me listen I've sat and spoke to Michael Jackson about watches don't make me a singer I've sat and spoke to David Beckham about watches don't make me a footballer just because I've sat and spoke to Reds cry about watches don't make me a ganger it's the different hats that you spoke about earlier on yeah you have to wear different hats and deal with all different types of people yeah David miss gavage that that's interesting because I I've always looked at him like he's he's possessed and if you're not if you're not in amongst the Scientology cult you're not even you're not even a person well thankfully I never got involved in any other conversation with him apart from what is so honestly couldn't comment I'd have had to have asked him a few questions well to be honest with you mate I was more interested in taking his money yeah I was going to say yeah you know cuz he spent quite big and uh yeah I was happy to take his money and a customer's a customer to me mate I mean look I used to have drug dealers in my shop they pay me with money that stunk a weed but that money was as good as the MP's money that bought were watching paid me by bank transfer as far as I'm concerned that probably stunk a Coke exactly so there you go so your first business was a huge success and it and it lasted it stood the test of time until things got a bit too hairy for you and you thought for reason I'm out yeah when things got hot I decided that you know maybe this was enough I'd thumb my bit I'd had a whole heap of fun you know I'd become some really good friends with top top fighters um and and saw some things and places I never thought I'd ever see and you know when the fun stops stop right yeah get off and the fun you know the fun stopped so I thought it's time to move on time to go back to me watches which I know best and that's what I did yeah that's a sh man as well you got to know when to hold on when to fold you have to know you have to know when the time's right and and and an industry like that boxing show business all intrinsically links you know if you went to a part A boxers party it weren't just boxers there it was celebrities TV stars singers actors you know you name it they were there the Barbara winders and all them all those sorts all those sorts of people um you know tamama Hussein you know Tam I mean Tam's RIS of a foot soldier yeah been around my house um people like that you you you go and youd meet people like that and they'd introduce you to other people and it's just one big NeverEnding Circle and it's hard to get off if you haven't got the moral substance to say enough's enough well it's addictive isn't it and there was also the side you know there's the other side of of my business as well where I was dealing with politicians MPS counselors you know all sorts of people that again I didn't belong in their company they're in a different world to me Liam you know what what am I doing meeting MPS going up to the house you know out to Parliament and meeting MPS in a bar around the corner cuz they want to look at a watch orever but it was part of my job so I got to meet all of those people in that in that career it's it was crazy so from when you went back to watches then then how what what turn did you did your life take then well that's very funny because having been in boxing I'm a big sports fan I'm also a big Fulham fan lifelong Fulham suppor my dad was a Fulham fan my Grandad was a Fulham fan and uh a guy that I knew worked at har Estates and he knew Muhammad aled and jokingly Fulham Fulham had come up for sale this is about I'm the year about 87 is something like that might have been a bit later um Fulham came up for sale and the guy that I knew that worked at har States jokingly said to Muhammad L5 why don't you buy my football club we need a buyer and he said well let's go and have a look and then within a matter of weeks the deal was done mohhamad al5 was the new owner of full on football club and he wanted people around him that knew the club that the fans knew I was pretty well known down at the football club you know a lot of the supporters knew me knew that I was full and through and through and I could be trusted and the guy recommended me to someone that could come and work at the club that would be the eyes and the ears of the chairman or the bosses I used to refer him to in his absence he wanted he was employing Germans Australians Americans he'd go through them all because he'd heard like were the best and I think what he decided ultimately was he needed someone that was prepared to tell him things he didn't want to wear and somehow I was chosen as that person how did that come about through my friend that worked at Harold's Estates he put me in front of the boss right uh and introduced me and we off immediately I mean I don't know why we're just from different worlds the Egyptian billionaire and a lad from South London with t what are we doing becoming friends but it was funny because I tell you the first time I impressed him right away he' just taken over Fulham and every wanted Muhammad Al's money right and that's the first thing he told me he said Paul he said what we got understand is this whenever I meet anyone there's only one thing on their mind how do I get to miss this man's money and I that stuck in my mind and I thought right okay the first meeting that I went in with him and his staff people were pres presenting something they wanted to charge for them about it was about 50 Grand the bill was going to be about 50 Grand and I asked them what they were going to pay to be associated with a football club at Muhammad Alid and herods so I turned it in a complete circle from a 50 Grand bill it went to them paying us for the association with hars and that impressed him he liked that and I was always a straight talker with him whatever he wanted to know I'd always tell him this there's only one thing I ever lied to him about only one thing he asked me to agree that his son was murdered though Al fired with Diana and I said I I said I agreed because I I really felt I had to agree with him I didn't didn't really agree that's the only time I ever lied to him sort of a white lie in it preserving his feelings yeah when I when I got to know him it wasn't that long after do had been killed and he was emotionally very raw shattered you know Dad just lost his son for God's sake and his beliefs I think to the day died were that that was not an accident and I've seen and heard things being in his circles and being surrounded by his people that could potentially back that up but I think when you look at the chances of that being the case of setting up a car crash in a tunnel that you can guarantee is going to kill two people he's very unlikely what was the General consensus then within within Muhammad Ali's Circle as to why royal family hated him you know the royal family were not lovers of him um and he he was no lover of the royal family and they certainly didn't want Princess Diana marrying into an Egyptian family that was his belief so he thought the RWS were behind the hit always you know he always thought that and he believed that passionately but I saw you know was there for a lot of his experience after the death of doie and it was tragic mate cuz I tell you something he gets a bad press I mean he died recently I did a video on him on my channel and you know told everyone my thoughted again he was a good guy mate he looked after me and my family really really well he gave us a lot of attention I was uh behind the players when I worked at Fulham I was there for four years Li apart from the playing staff I was the second highest paid member at the club and that includes the B director you know he was paying me good money and when I decided to leave I went up to Aris to tell him himself I rung him up and said I need to come and see you got got a few things on my mind I went up to the fifth floor which is where his office was and I went and said look you know you've really looked after my family I love you a bit but I've been here four years now it's time that I moved on I need to be doing something else and he said is it money I said no not really I said but I'm not fulfilling my potential and he said do me a favor will you stay another six months I said I'll do that he pulled out his desk got his checkbook out and he wrote me out a check for 30 grand and he went that'll help as well 30 grand just as a thank you for promising to stay another six months the one thing that I would say about him that I love more than he think was his love for children Liam the times that parents would write to him and say my daughter's sick my son's sick they need an operation they' got this they got that I never see him turn anyone down ever that man sent the lot of sick children across the world to get the treatment they needed and he never ever took credit for that you can only respect that that's unbelievable 100% I mean honestly mate I can't even tell you how much money that man gave away to Children's Charities and to sick children in and that's just what I saw so that made him a good man for me he always see him like a very good sport I mean I know it's it's it's a far cry from uh helping children with alment but when he went on Ali G yeah and started dancing yeah yeah that was him you think this is one of the most successful businessmen in the world and you know normally to be taken seriously in business you've got to behave seriously yeah and here he is on L he lik to make people laugh you know his favorite thing in his his pocket he would always carry two things little gold bars of chocolate and Viagra and it depends on who he was with so when he walk into the dressing room with the lads at the time he he'd go oh you had a good game there I go there a go gold bar and it was just a bar of chocolate right and then he go to a player that had that a good game you need to sort yourself out hey I have a Viagra that that that was his party trick so he had a good sense of humor I had a great sense of humor you know and um he introduced me to a lot of people you know again a lot a lot of internationally renowned people and it's for him that I ended up meeting Michael Jackson people like Tony Curtis you're probably a bit young to remember Tony Curtis but he was you know Hollywood super star back in the day I mean he was the one Jam C Jam Le C's Dad yeah who funnny enough when he this is funny he introduced me to Tony Cur and he had a big 10 gallon hat on like a big Cowboy tall cowboy hat and he tipped it and his wig that he was wearing come off with the hat and I had to not laugh do you know how difficult that was I couldn't have done that I would have laughed M honestly but then again I can yeah exactly but but that's where I found myself so again it was a a really exciting great period four years again why do you think you found yourself in these positions all the time I suppose the Y you work the luckier you you get and I I I used to work hard if someone gave me a job if someone asked like when Mr Al fire asked me to do something I delivered and he recognized that it's like when I went into the boxing world and I was working with all the different boxing promoters they would ask me to sell tickets or they would ask me to do something I would deliver you know I was I was I was never someone that promised a lot and deler nothing I always used to try and do it the other way around if I could say I think I can sell 1,000 tickets I used to like to sell 2,000 so you'd under promise and overd deliver yeah you you combine work ethic with determination and drive and also being accountable and being a man of your word I'm Hung by the Tongue I promise you I'm going to do that you mix that with being an extremely likable character that's got to be the cocktail is it definitely 27 you go back to watches yeah so going to your it's going to your watch cuz there going to be a lot of watch enthusiasts watching this you're going to have your audience and I'm sure every geiza likes to wear a nice watch and they're going to be watching this and there's no better person than Paul to discuss watches with an fact well after I had the period in the Box sorry in the football I decided to go back I wanted to go back to my watches and it was a difficult period because I lost my dad in 1994 and that was a played a tremendous had a tremendous effect on me not only did I lose my dad I lost my best mate um unfort I lost my mom in 2010 and that's when I decided this is where the story really picks up that that's when I decided to open up my shop in East grinstead and between 2010 and 200 and sort of 17 was the hey day in my career that's where I really basically earned most of the money that I've earned because I had to shop I had a tremendous business a huge business uh base and business reach but it also brought problems because with that shop the attention that it got from the public it also gained the attention from the bad guys and that's when things started to go wrong for me in the watch business and it was probably the worst apart from losing my parents the worst experiences of my life it it wasn't pleasant and and I now know you at this point yeah you've opened the shop and E gred was called items of beauty weren't it items of beauty east east grinched watchs company yeah my items of beauty was my old business and I decided to open up a company called Easten did wat company but people were having trouble separating the two so I kind of Amalgamated them you know where it is in the old part of town lovely really nice nice little place very friendly family orientated a dream come true really in many respects you know East grin is a nice sort of sleepy suburb town no real problems few Lads wannabees and that but no no real problems right um and I did tremendous business here I had people coming from all over the world literally all over the world to buy things from me um because of a my reputation I like to think uh and B the fact that people just trusted me you know there was this guy that looked like looked perhaps like he couldn't be trusted whatever that means but then they actually found out they they' got to the real person and the opposite was something completely different I would turn it around on them Liam I would people come and they'd look at me and think not sure about this guy and they'd be looking at a 50 grand diamond ring and I'd say I tell you what I'm going to do I don't want to talk you into this and I don't want to talk you out of it put the ring on go and have lunch if you like it come back in an hour and pay for it and they go are you for real and I I just look at I go I trust her I trust her take it away go on and they go I can't believe you're going to do that so you know why I'm going to do it cuz I'm a trustworthy person trustworthy people tend to trust people other people villains tend to not to trust anyone because that's what they've got in their mind I haven't got any bad in my mind I'm hoping that you I don't think you've got any bad in your mind either take the ring away order a watch go and have lunch there's a lovely Pub down the road sit and wear it if you don't like it pop it back in an hour not a problem mate they couldn't get over it and the time that not only did that enhance my reputation but it also enhanced my business I wasn't being super super nice guy I was quite clever as well you know this was a good sales tactic learning getting people to to learn to trust you is important trust is everything in business it's like when I used to deal with other dealers I might go and pick up 200 Grands for watches from a dealer and they'd say pay me by the end of the week I used to get outside get my phone and pay them before i' even reach the car because they go you know what Paul is unbelievable I told him not to pay for a week and he's paid me in an hour the next time I went and see them Liam they give me 400 grand for watches it's not rocket science you know if you stitch people up they're not going to trust you if you show people your integrity they'll show you theirs so you know worked beautifully for me yeah Integrity has legs absolutely I mean it was a tremendous shop tremendous business um the business was just coming in from everywhere but then the bad thing started to happen you know we we was being approached every day by frosters by scammers people paying with fake Bank transfers stolen credit cards you name it any watch dealer during that time not just me but during that particular period for about two years bank card fold and bank transfer fold was absolutely right R um even to the point where we had an old woman come to our to our shop one day and we saw her looking in the window and she was she was getting on she was probably in her 80s right and she came in and she said um there's a gold watch in the window I'd like to buy it I can't remember how much it was it was a gold Rolex Day date and I thought that's a bit strange no questions not had a look at it just looks a 15 grand watch wants to buy it Okay so we've pulled it out of the window she's gone yeah that's lovely that's the one so I've pulled one of the girls to the side and I've said uh question her a bit more I don't I don't like the sound of this right you know so she went back and said can I ask you you know was it a present is it a gift you know she's trying to get out of this old woman why she's buying this man's watch that's very expensive at her age you know it's not for us son's 21st is it you know and she says oh yeah it's it is for my son um he he's asked me to buy it a story kind of made sense and it's a 15 grand sale so okay we put the sale through she went out with a watch next day she's back again she wants another one A different watch but same sort of value and I said to the girls no something's wrong here something's badly wrong something's something's going on and it turned out Liam that people contacted her making out to be the police this is now a common scam it's happened a lot but I was one of the first to be a not a victim of it to but but to be involved in in it what they do is they come along they contact an elderly victim and say there's a shop in the High Street we think they're money laundering we think they're doing this or that we need you to go and buy a watch from them and pay it pay for it get the goods bring it to us don't tell anyone bring the watch to us we'll take we'll seize the watch you you'll get your money back and this will allow us to prosecute him hard to imagine that people would fall for this but they are so good at what they do and this is what they were doing and we refused to sell it the second watch and she actually got quite upset she was she was getting worried as to why we wouldn't sell her this watch and we was putting her under pressure is someone asking you to do this you know are you being coerced into these purchases um and that's how it turned out unfortunately we saved the money with the second watch because we we we refused to sell it to her unfortunately she'd already given the first one back to uh she'd already given the first one to these people that turned into a very common scam and it was going on in so many Watch dealers all the time Watch dealers like yourself with a with a shop with a with a beautiful display yeah I mean how much stock did you have in your shop at once in the window 1.5 million something like that I suppose on a average day absolute Target you are but you have to you know the with the risk come the Rewards well you can't have a shop without a display exactly so you know we used to try and mitigate it you know we we'd put some valuable stuff at one end of the window some valuable stuff at the other a business like this becomes almost uninsurable unless you want to spend 30 grand a year on insurance who then don't pay out because it happened on a Monday instead of a Tuesday you know they're always there's always a reason for them not the payout so You' self-insure you put 20 grand a year in a bank account and if you got through five years then if you did anything did go wrong you got undergr in the bank to make up for what went wrong if it if everything went smoothly you've got undergr in the bank that you can say well that's mine you know so we we became a lot of Watch dealers became uninsurable did you bring your family down as well yeah we moved yeah we we kept moving we we've constantly been moving south for a long time now now live down in Brighton as you know know and um you know e SC that I thought was probably my home for life but then the problem started with the police and and the robberies um and and the first robbery I mean I've had three robberies three violent robberies the first one was bad the second one was okay the third one was shocking talk me through all three well the first one you know I was in the shop one day it was about half past 10 I think 11:00 and uh just a regular date me daughter came in to asked about something and the first knew that something was going on is that I heard two motorbikes pull up very loud revving you trying to intimidate people with the noise of the bikes and with that two guys jumped off the bikes so you got a rider on both bikes and a ping on both bikes two guys jumped off the bike off the bikes started smashing the window they couldn't get through it because it was uh polycarbon it was 12 mil polycarbonate almost impossible to get through so there's hammering away at that with an ax one had an axe one one had a sledge ammo there was hammering away at that couldn't get through and I thought they were going to give up but they didn't they then turned their attention to the door and the door gave in unfortunately it took a few waxs but the door eventually gave in then I found myself confronted with two M men one carrying an ax one carrying a sledge Emma uh coming into the shop screaming we're going to kill you we're going to kill all the usual intimidating verbal [ __ ] that people come out with when they're doing stuff like that the daughters run to the batro one of them's in my shop window filling his bag up with my parents' life work my life's work everything I own is being put into a bag as is emptying my window the guy in front of me takes a swing at me cuz I I went towards him I know why was stupid thing to do I moved towards him as I moved towards him he took a swing at me with this axe full-blown axe you would chop a tree down with and never forget this as it went I moved back and as it went past me I felt the wind off it I never forget that wind and it went past my face into the wall and it was dug back out so for the wall think my face right if I hadn't got out of the way so they're empty my window they're emptying it I'm worried about my kid I'm worried about myself more anything I'm worried about my daughter right and now the safe room and when I say the safe room the safe room was a literally a double safe room it had my safes in and I also classed it as a room where I could lock myself in and be safe so I'm trying to get into the safe room but it was very small um and it was just all a mass panic there's a smoke cloak gone off there's the alarms going off it's manic mate you can't even imagine the scene and he's still screaming I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill you well can kill you and all this right and I thought you know where they're coming now now they've emptied the window they're coming in the safe room that's next and that's where me and my daughter are I can't have that that's the risk I'm not prepared to take at the time I was also a licensed fire registered Firearms dealer so I'm licensed to deal in Firearms I want to make that very clear fully licensed registered Firearms dealer that means that the police you that you have a completely clean criminal record you have no bad history you have been me checked mentally physically in every way possible it's one of the hardest licenses to require so I was a registered Firearms dealer I went into the batroom I took a shotgun out of the cabinet and I put one cartridge in the chamber and I thought if you come one step closer to me if you come towards me I thought I'm going to have to defend myself and he did at that stage I had a choice I could either gamble that he wasn't going to assault me and my daugh with an ax or I could take action myself and then the two choices were do I shoot him or do I warn him I don't think I was put on this Earth to kill other human beings I don't even hunt them even though I'm a big gun fan and a big gun advocate I don't kill animals cuz I don't think I got the right to take their lives I have nothing against people that hunt that's their prerogative but I took the moral decision not to take animals lives plus the fact my wife would kill me right so I'm not put on this Earth to be shooting people so I took the decision to fire the shot the one shot I had because that's the only time I had was to load one round I fired into the ceiling with that thankfully that did the job they both literally [ __ ] themselves dropped everything and ran they got rid of them job done as far as fulfilling the safety of me and my child all this is captured on CCTV so the police turn up about an hour later very flippant about the whole thing they've left multiple items of evidence they've left a bag with cloes in like an overnight bag they've left two motorcycles around the corner where they've thumped some and jumped in a car for their GH way they've left a sledgehammer they've left an axe there's all sorts of forensics there which led to positive DNA results and everything right the only person I was interested in the resting was me discharging a weapon in a public place so an hour after I've been violently robbed and I class it as attempted murder I'm in Crawley police station in an orange jumpsuit in a cell for the first time in my life locked in a Cell in big trouble because I'd discharged the firearm in a public place the police were unsympathetic all they wanted was an arrest and any any arrest will do and I I learned this later on Liam that what the all the police wanted was to for the local paper say arrest made in local robbery and that's what happened but I was the arrest not the bad guys um and mate that that nearly killed me not because of the bad guys I understood them I understand that well they were doing their job the police never did this what killed me was the threat of going to prison for five years being taken away from my children and my grandchild at the time I only had one and my wife and my family for defending the life of myself and my and my kid what sort of country does that to you is not the right to defend the life of your children the most basic of all human rights did I hurt anyone no I didn't I could have but you know what my thought on it was this is that I I I don't hate those people that did that to me I don't hate them that's what they do and I didn't want to take his life he didn't deserve that he didn't deserve to die some people might say he did I don't believe he did more importantly he's probably got children own they don't want to lose their dad I don't want to be responsible for killing someone taking someone's taking children's dad away from him he might turn out to be a different person one day I took a moral decision do I kill the person or do I shoot into the ceiling the amount of people that say to me i' have shot him of course they say that he know shoes them to be standing 4 feet away from someone to blow their stomach out is not something that I'd like to be responsible for and all those people that said to you I would have shot him they wouldn't either put in that put in that position most people people like to talk a good game but people have never been in a in a situation as volatile as that and they're not really qualified to to comment it's not a film it's not a scene from from Rambo this is real life I've got my daughter behind me and I know that we're not living in the USA so I'm not really allowed to protect my business uh and myself and my family as you can over there the irony of it is the irony of it is if I had I almost certainly would have got away with it almost certainly because it was out andout self-defense and and six months I spent going to bed every night thinking I'm going to jail my solicitor said Paul you're in big trouble and the reason I was in big trouble was is I did discharge a weapon in a public place there was no not guilty plea if I went to court if I was charged and went to court I couldn't plead not guilty to discharging a firearm in a public place because I did it oh I see what you're saying now so if if You' have taken his life and you'd have got arrested and charged for manslaughter and you would have said not guilty you would have got the not guilty ver because you were protecting your property your business self defense and your daughter but because you did let off a fire a public place you Bank the rights for that bank the rights for it I think they were in talks with a CPS for five six months so the police wanted to go ahead with that yeah for [ __ ] sake y they they needed a Nick they needed a Nick you know I had everyone on my side the entire town all the businessmen even the local MP the local counselors were all saying leave this guy alone he's bought nothing but good to the town why are you why are you chasing this they just wanted a Nick they wanted a tick in a box a tick in in the Box thankfully Liam six months after the CPS said there's not a chance on Earth of us you know going ahead with his prosecution thank God for that thank God for that my cist advice all along was if they charge you you have to plead guilty but will go for the mitigating circumstances but you have to plead guilty for the actual event because it's there in black and white you can't plead not guilty to something that you clearly did on CCT CCTV that's just going to make things worse because what that does is if you go not guilty and you waste the judge's time you're in for double the sentence double bubble you know if I five years if I'd have pleaded guilty five years how in soon right if I have pleaded not guilty five years and you're staying there or seven eight years and you're staying for three or four because you've pissed them off you've wasted your time you we all know that a guilty a guilty plea attracts a big disc and in this case it would have attracted a 50% discount so I I I lived for six months thinking my numbers up here for no fault of your own that's the S that's the sad thing you didn't you didn't invite these people in with an axe no 100% mate you know and and even with all the evidence the police had even to the down they had the DNA of the people that allegedly did it and I use that word allegedly they know they were never charged were they nicked they were questioned but they were never charged and the reason why and I do understand this I'm not naive I do understand as strong as the evidence was in the respect that we had DNA from him it was mobile DNA so they claimed that the bag had been stolen from a gym and the reason their toothbrush was in there and their their t-shirt was because someone had stole the bag you know but let's be honest who steals a bag with a toothbrush and a a couple of you know t-shirts in it they slept up they stayed overnight somewhere plotted up yeah they plotted up stayed overnight they they were like we know did it we know did it but like look I'm just glad that ultimately that those people weren't harmed might sound a crazy thing to say but I'm glad that they weren't harmed I'm obviously glad that I never went to jail um and all well that that ends well I mean if they watch this my message to them is I hope you so your lives out you turned your lives around and a less polite way of saying what Paul just said is stop behaving like a c because you're wrecking people's lives and livelihood it's another way of putting it yeah yeah I thought I'd be a bit more give it the non PC yeah yeah yeah broadcast I've learned to be try and be PC as you know to some degree but then then we had the second robbery which was very similar to the first but by then we'd implemented a second door entry so that was really a non event um so we won't even go down that route so that just in brief they tried to get get through the door same thing tried to get through the window couldn't got through the front door because we because of the the the the listed buildings in East greenstead there's certain things that you can't do so the door was always a weak spot it could have even been the same crew I don't know anyway they got through again a second time but by now we'd implemented a second door inside so they left fairly quickly that was no problem the third one and and I by now I'd firmed up security so much at the shop that I said to my staff next time it'll be outside they can't get us inside next time it's going to be outside and by now Liam I'm I'm living in a property that's got electronic beams running around it right I'm finding trackers on me car because these people want to know where I live I'm getting phone calls from darier police saying we've just nicked a gang of Eastern European blaggers your name is on their list it was getting out of hand and this is not just meam watch dealers across the country were being targeted I've got friends who have been beaten up in their homes threatened with knives you know assaulted I know a woman that was murdered was followed from her home in the UK to France where they suffocated her looking for her her Goods the watch and jewelry industry became a massive fashion in nauy circles in during this period for about four years four five years the number one black and watch deers were the number one target so I'm living I'm living like a prisoner in my own home metal Shutters on the door £25,000 on security at the front of my house a still front door with bolts alarms smoke cloaks in my house safe rooms what a way to live horrible yeah that's not relaxing no the third time I left the shop one afternoon I think it was Thursday the 4 weth of January 2014 left the shop with my nephew Alfie you I think you know um now a watch dealer in his own right um walk back to the car in Porton Road and I remember flicking the the remote on my Range Rover to to to open the door and as I hit the remote something from behind me just was like an explosion in my head like like like I've never experienced before I felt like I'd been shot in the head that's that's what it felt like and I came around as I came around the guy was bending down taking the watch off my WR and he said give me that [ __ ] watch I remember the words give me that [ __ ] watch and I was just like a baby in his arms I'm just like limp Alfie had tried to defend me very brave because there was two big big heavy guys in Crash helmets bavs black gear weapons Etc the full kitten and Kaboodle they they were prepared for war right and uh they beat the living [ __ ] out of Alfie busted his jaw and his nose and all sorts of [ __ ] um I was pretty much un unconscious but came round but not really knowing where I was then all of a sudden I just woke up and I jumped up jumped up quick and like surveyed the situation look what was going on and I I moved backwards to try and give myself some space from the guys right and and and something just flipped inside me I couldn't take anymore thought I'm not having this I'm not I'm gonna I don't care if I die right now I'm going to put up a fight my nephew's put up putting up a fight I've got to do the same so I've gone back over to one of the guys and I'm ready I'm now ready to give whatever I've got and he pulled a machete out of his jacket that was about 18 inches long and I knew at that point either at the back off or I was definitely going to die there was there was no between this is all in a less than a minute you know with that is a guy an old guy pulled up across the road limb and he's standing there sitting in his car watching the whole event as the perfect spectator witness everything and in the melee their bike their getaway bike had F had fallen over they're now trying to get it started and it won't start they're knackered they're in the middle of East grinstead Al cled up with crash helmets weapons machetes and they got no where to go the bike won't start so they run over to the guy in the car wed him out of the car and carjacked him why he didn't lock the door or drive off I don't know to this day um but the F up to that was is that the police that the investigation and I've got a full feature link video about this on my own channel their investigation the robbery was absolutely pathetic they didn't even bother to go and collect this CCTV we had to do everything for them the the entire investigation we know the route that they took for their getaway we know so much about what happened that day and we had to take absolutely everything to the police and try and get them to take action on it even to the point where we had him at Junction 6 of the M25 and we wanted to see CTV check to see which way they went we knew what car they were in we knew where they dumped their uh the getaway car the car they stole we know where they dumped that to swap over to their own getaway car we know their own getaway car they told us that the CCTV at M25 Junction 6 wasn't working we later found out that it was working they just never bothered to to seize it and it was just appalling and I started to think this is personal you know I started to think it was personal and I think it was they wanted me Nick the first time for daring to use a firearm that's just such a no no in their eyes didn't matter I was defending my life I was now a bad boy in their eyes and they weren't doing nothing for me um and again the MP all the businesses everyone was behind me why are you not even the BBC were trying to help me why are they not helping you Pa why are they not investigating this crime properly it's disgraceful and that's the way it went again no one was ever arrested for that and they could have caught these guys like that if they wanted to I just don't think they wanted to it's outrageous because I you deserve justice peace of mind and and I'm I'm sure that your daughter would sleep better at night knowing that these people have been caught and justice has prevailed and they're now somewhere locked away they can't do that again you know sweetheart you're okay they're in jail so I there's that side of the coin and then there's the other side of the coin well that doesn't send a very good message out because criminals work in a Community as well of course do they keep going back and they've got another result oh we got away we've just Dred another watch dealer that's why it's grown to Big him that's why that's why it's been like it is and going back to what you just said about my daughter the first robbery by the way the first robbery that happened you know what he's griny like it's a small town if you fart up the top end someone down the bottom end ears it right it got back to my daughter of school that I'd been killed in a robbery can you imagine how they felt and she was young back then wasn't she she'd have been 12 13 maybe I don't know there were thereabouts how can the police when they were interviewing for the first robbery when you when you let off the firearm knowing that you're protecting a 12-year-old daughter when they're interviewing you because obviously someone's instructed them interviewing did they give you any signal any sign of compassion or that they just didn't want to be doing this but they have to not really one of the detectives did say to me you know look we understand what you did probably done the same thing in our in your situation but the LA L the law and you did it the only police officer that showed me any sympathy was when they locked me in the cell uh and they could see how distressed I was not just of the robbery not just because of what had happened during the day but because I'd never been in the cell before that in itself was traumatizing for me cuz I had some nut case next door screaming and hollering and like he's in a mad house and I think what am I doing in this Asylum wearing an orange jumpsuit you know can't even take a piss because they was worried that I might piss over my hands and wash away the gunpowder residue so when I had a piss they'd stand and watch me piss um the only person that showed me in the empy Was An Old Scotty sergeant that came in he said to me mate he said I can see how distressed you are let me just tell you this ain't the force that I joined in your sort of work your line of work your business you need the police on side and and seen as the police are the biggest firm in the world once you know categorically that they're no longer on your side and if anything they're against you yeah sort of forces your hands to shut shop we had to go mate that was it I mean the last robbery my wife turned up an ambulance turned up took out your way because he was more badly injured than I was and by the way Liam after physical examination um a lot of people might notice I got veneers Okay the reason I've got V ear not cuz I'm vain is because they broke every twoo my mouth that day when I say they broke every when I went for a dental examination um I had a hematoma on the side of my face which is like a buildup of blood so as they hit me this side all the tissue and everything went that way and it leaves a lump in your face because all the blood and the the the all the tissue was moved over in trauma and it's over here so it look like the Elephant Man went for a dental examination and the result was that every single tooth in my mouth was either broken en split shattered or splined one of one of those so it was a complete rebuild 40 Grands with the work on my mouth to put my mouth right God knows what they hit me with suck a punch you from behind as well exactly and that is why my message was a lot less polite than yours because where serious organized crime takes place serious organized extreme violence also takes place and if you're robbing someone of their watch that they're wearing on their wrist and you're using extreme force to do so that person that you've just broke their face they have to go back to their family and stand in front of their wife and children and look at them they have to be looked in the eye looking completely disfigured unrecognizable because some some [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] wants to take what doesn't belong to them that is why exactly I wasn't so polite let me see something else as well Liam right is my nephew was rolling on the floor one of these geers fighting for like a couple of three minutes hand to hand combat right there's blood everywhere all sorts of stuff stuff now these guys were masked up they did have crash helmets on they were forensically aware I will admit that but at the end of the day my nephew's shirt was covered in blood covered in blood the police still to this day have never taken that shirt away for forensic analysis or DNA testing just not good enough even after appe pill after appeal after appe pill I've met with senior detectives from Sussex police to to appeal to them to investigate CRI further they just say we haven't got the resources and it's funny how they've not got the resources to follow up on forensic evidence where someone could have actually been murdered for their belongings but yet they've got the resources to knock on someone's door because they've said something hurty on the Internet and arrest them for malicious Communications tell me about it I mean Liam listen let me tell you something before my first robbery it might sound hard to believe this but I never really come across the police I never had any reason to you know I mean apart from the time that they came into that Pub that I was talking about and asked me what I knew about that thing with Frank Warren I'd never really dealt with him I always saw oh yeah you can trust C bill I don't always like you know what they do sometimes but in general they're good people you know I had no idea of the vindictiveness and the laziness and the incompetence of some of them since then I've befriended a lot of people in the police force I'm friends with people from the flying Squad they're serving right now in the Mets flying Squad Good Guys good Sol all people they their boots on the ground they get their they get their hands dirty mate but some of these lowlevel local detectives are on a power trip and they're a different they're on a different League you know they are the ones that will go out and bully people for next to nothing and they'll skip the bad guys because it's hard work you know and I I think that's why I face to some degree my opinion of him today is I still remain a supporter of the police and Laur and Alo I think you have to Liam because the alternative he's not very pretty totally agree I mean if your if your daughter was to get kidnapped the first people you're going to call whether you like them or you don't is the police we have to trust the police we have to try and trust them but the trouble is they keep giving me reasons not to I mean I have people that follow my channel and go I'll pull you knock in the police again what's up with you listen this is my experience I get no pleasure in slagging off the police I've I go to dinner with people who are serving police officers and I find it embarrassing I have to sit at the table and say I think you are you mate you know and and we laugh and we joke I've had death threats Liam i' I've had death threats people threaten to come and kill me and chop up my children my grandchildren seriously I took that to the police they're like couldn't care less not interested and I couldn't get that into my head why they weren't interested but then a friend of mine who is in the police said to me look but what would you rather them do would you rather them follow up an email which is probably [ __ ] right or do you want them to go on a arrest someone that just assulted a young lady in the ey Street in Brighton yeah I get that they haven't got the resources to do it all I think the big problem Liam is attitude and lack of caring here's the thing culminating in the whole thing few weeks later we were standing me and my wife were standing in a shop and two police women uniform policewomen came up I thought what do they want now they came up to my shop window and they were looking in the window and they were talking and I said to my M let's never listen to what they're saying now I had CCTV and a buzzer you remember the buzzer and you say you and say yeah come in so I pressed the buzzer and I could hear what they were saying and one of them went oh Jesus look at all this stuff he's got in his window no wonder he [ __ ] deserves it no Liam I didn't deserve it no one does no one deserves that I didn't deserve to get robbed I didn't deserve to have every tooth in my head broken I didn't deserve to have a hone the size of a bloody baseball in the side of my face my nephew didn't deserve to have his nose and his jaw busted and these are police officers insane comment to make as a sort of comment that you would make if you turned up somewhere and you could see that somebody was selling crack to kids you think they deserve everything they get not somebody that's that's earning an honest crust that's prior to that never even been arrested before Liam still to this day apart from being arrested for that I have never ever been arrested or charged for anything in my life I have it completely clean the proof of the pudding is anyone that wants to doubt my criminal background the proof of the pudding is is that I'm a licensed Firearms holder in the UK that is the hardest license of all to get unless you have a completely clean and proven mental physical and criminal history check you cannot be licensed and I've been continually licensed 40 years or more so people can look at you and go oh I think he's this or I think he's that but the proof of the pudding is something completely different and also look at your professional credentials exactly yeah on paper you're you're an upstanding outstanding human being yeah I've never I've never never done any anyone wrong in my life and here's the thing they hadn't even finished with me then because some months after that they decided to come and raid my house literally 10 of them under what grounds that uh they come under the I don't know what they were looking for they said they were looking for a stolen watch but they were there just to annoy me they got the warrant yeah they got the warrant I wasn't even in I was at the shop so they come they came to the shop they took me from the shop to my house I have all this on CCTV they abused my wife my my daughter and here the funny thing and again here's the proof the proof the Tim proof so I made a complaint to the I made an official Complaint compl and I got a letter back from the police saying that in their opinion all three women that were at the premises at the time were abusive to their officers all three women right those three women were my wife is never abusive to anyone my daughter who by then was [ __ ] scared of the police and The Third Woman was a 2-year-old child and their statement clearly says all three women were abusive to our officers or all three females how can a 2-year-old be abusive to police officers and what they didn't know is is I had it all on CCTV I had it all on audio I had them banged to rights as if you're not going to have CCTV exactly I had everything Lim did I take it any further I decided to move people watching this haven't lived in that environment and been in those situations we think but why did you move you should have stood your ground it's like well you don't want to go to war with the police I've been cancelled by the police in East grinstead you thought they're the biggest firm in the world yeah i' been canceled Liam they didn't want me there all the other businesses wanted me there because I was bringing people to the town I mean you know the close shop I can't remember the name of it now but it's a big close shop a few doors up from where my shop was Broadley that's it Broadley now they always used to say me Paul love your shop because the amount of people that come in here after they've been into you and spend a load of money so all of the businesses in the town were benefiting from my from my shop being there the businesses love me the police didn't like it because the shop was turning out to give them work and it was work and attention that they didn't think was right for grin did so there was an element of snobbery going on there was an element of just anti bloke with toos that's done well in his life at the time they raed my house I had a a Ferrari in the garage a red Ferrari and on the CCTV I've got the police saying how the [ __ ] does a broke like that earn enough money to own a car like this it's insulting that people don't want to give you the credit for your hard work they they'd sooner pin something on you best say you got your money they could not believe they said it to me how do you make all this money selling whates where are you getting them from listen mate what do you mean where am I getting them from there's not a warehouse in Crawley that you go to and buy second and Rolex from you buy them from the public they come in they sell them here's my books here's my list go see my accounts they took all my accounts away and had them forensically examined nothing wrong they were looking for something that wasn't there yes my son had got involved in some naughty stuff but that was nothing to do with me and it never was and it never would be and they knew that in the end they said right we admit you've done nothing wrong what [ __ ] shambles and the town the town needed you and the town was lucky to have you when you were there and the town now misses you people from the town still contact me saying oh how you doing mate you know loved it when you was here it was a different era you know they they see footballers turn up at the shop you know the odd celebrity you know Peter Andre used to pop by you know it loved it people loved it yeah that's a [ __ ] ending to what to what was a beautiful thing and I remember you said to me he said Liam first they come for your shop then they come for you when you leave the shop and then they come for your home yeah so you cut the cord before they come to your home yeah that because that was that was defer you know I'd had friends I mean I had a friend I had a watch steer friend that was in Cen and he was robbed at his home by a gang it was quite early one morning they got him before he went to work they beat up his mom beat up his mom and they said where's your girlfriend he's go what do you mean she's like she's left for work and they went as a shine we was going to have some fun with her these are the level of people that you were dealing with yeah degenerates and worse and so the time come for me to think enough my wife said to me Paul enough's enough they're going to kill you and if they don't get you the other lot are going to get you they won't stop until they they can go yeah fun him like pla I'm talking about yeah yeah you know but the iron of it is now my relationship with place now is actually better than it's ever been um I'm in regular contact with a met I go I've been out with the with uh the boys up in Western Central going out in squad cars with blues and twos looking for the watch robbers again that's on the channel I've got good friends in the flying Squad I think the police have actually finally the penny Dro L I'm a good guy finally through my YouTube channel and the good work I've done through that an anti-me Channel they actually realize you know what we got this blo wrong he's actually all right to the point where now I'm almost there go to individual if they want to know something about watch crime not only the police but the mainstream media Sky BBC they come to me it they just couldn't get it around their head that a bloke that looked like this could have a good ey and I think that's wrong so when you decided I can no longer pursue with the shop or even live in the town because if I'm if if I'm not being a target for for criminals I'm now a target for the police because they think that you're something that you're not you shut shop you move Town yeah we decided we moved down to Brighton that's where you know we already had a little property down there and we've been staying to the weekends anyway and we thought we make the move full time sell the house where he was and buy something a bit bigger down in in down by the south coast I was retired for about six months Liam and I'm doing me own nothing right I've now got nothing to do I'm waking up every day you can only go down to the beach so many days without before you start getting bored so I started buying boats and Jet Skis and motorbikes to keep myself occupied and realize that what am I doing retired at this age I you know I need to be doing something so I thought I put my efforts and my experiences in the watch business and in life in general but mostly in the watch business I thought i' put that to some good use by setting up my own YouTube channel and telling people to The Good the Bad and the Ugly about the watch business and it's proved to be fair Fairly successful you know it's it's worked out well for me kep me busy it's an excellent Channel and it's grown pretty quick is it yeah yeah not not too bad I mean I'm in an leash Market it's not like you know I'm attracting viewers from all over different areas because I'm talking about you know politics religion or daily events or whatever where you can bring in the multiple million viewers you know but for a watch channel I'm not doing bad at all yeah you've built a real nice Community online as well which is great and so when you started your YouTube channel which is to change the watch yeah world forever yeah for the better exactly yeah did was you doing that during lockdown as well yeah all through lockdown you know I mean I mate honestly let me tell you something I've had messages from people that said Paul you kept me a liar I was on the verge of suicide and your videos kept me going you know and that means a lot to me Liam that that means more to me and pretty much anything you know but yeah all through lockdown I think YouTube became extra important to a lot of people 100% yeah 100% you're even you're glued to your phone there's not much else you can do other than and you got to be careful what you glued to as well absolutely I mean lockdown was massive for me as a YouTuber helped me build a the following that I have now um I think that you know there's still still a job to do one of the reasons I sat out my channel is that Rolex ended their lost and stolen register that was like taking the dvla away if you took away the dvla more cars are going to get stolen right so if you take away the lost and stolen register more watches are going to get stolen that's pretty obvious I said that back in 2011 and that's how it turned out so I thought I'm going to take this on you know I'm gonna I'm going to be the one that gets out there and warns people about the dangers of robbery um and I don't know how many people I've saved or managed to help but it's not insignificant I can guarantee you that oh plenty I watched one of your videos in preparation for this and I got to tell you before the podcast ends it's been lovely having a chat about other stuff other than watches although I do I do thoroughly enjoy talking to about watches because they're not as straightforward as you think watches are they especially if you're in the business of watches and all the different makes and Brands and and what year and I know there's a whole lot to it to understand oh yes just a bit yeah otherwise everybody would be doing it so yeah but so I enjoy talking to you about watches but this even more so so but in preparation for our podcast today I want to watch a coule of pool's videos and you're talking to a guy warning people what not to buy what to buy when to buy it don't get Hoodwinked don't let yourself get ripped off which is a great thing to do because there's Al there's a lot of shyers in the industry is there yeah yeah a lot of shyers and you said that something's soon going to come in play and therefore your work is done okay right so we're talking about digital watch Vault digital watch Vault yeah so what the industry has been lacking is well let me ask you a couple of questions as a as a watch owner if you lost that watch right now if it was stolen from your wrist right now what would you do what would the first thing be that you did report it stolen to the Poli yeah crime reference number insurance company okay so what happens then so the watch is insur right so that that's the good news do you have the box do you have the papers you know where they are everything Etc you know now when these events happen you often find that people can't find the papers they can't find the Box they don't know the Ser do you know the serial number that watch off your head off top of your head probably not do you remember how many times you used to asked me if I had the box and papers yeah exactly right so basically what the vault is all about is two things he's storing the provence of your watch on blockchain so that it's completely safe completely secure and if anything ever happens to your watch all your details are safely locked away in your own digital blockchain Vault it cannot be changed it cannot be altered once you put it in it's there forever and that is yours that belongs to you so that gives your watch Providence and protection it also means that if someone steals it from you in a very short period of time it's going to become impossible to sell because it's yours it's in your Vault so anyone that does a search on that serial number the first thing is they're going to find out that watch is stolen this is an international lost stolen counterfeit and Provence watch database so it protects your watch whilst you still got it it builds a Providence for that watch so that when you come to sell it it's actually worth more money because you're recording its history here's a service here's a photo to prove that it was serviced here's the Bill here's the papers blah blah blah it's all electronically there that canect never be stolen from you and you can never lose it if the watch is stolen well then instead of phoning the police you put that number you you get on your digital watch fa account you take 30 seconds to report that watch stolen if I'd stolen your watch here and walks to the bottom of your row to sell it to a dealer he checks The Vault he's going to see that watch is stolen instantly so it's going to make all these lost stolen and counterfeit watches it's going to make them invisible to the world what makes them sailable right now is that they're invisible they're virtually invisible you can still watch and go to a local jeweler and probably sell it you're probably going to get away with it but no longer that's not going to be the case so it's it's that's what it's all about it's about slowing down the rate of watch crime but more importantly reducing the value of stolen goods it's all about risk versus reward if you still a Richard Mill today you can potentially get 300 grand for it on the black market for the right watch if it's in the vault it's worth nothing because it's instantly recognizable to anyone with access to the Vault and it's a free service Li we don't even charge for it it's absolutely free so it's the biggest and the best thing that's ever happened in the watch industry for me it's the watch World's Guardian Angel and we've just invented our own will why it's never been done before I don't know especially nowadays if I go London I won't wear my watch exactly by you putting that in place I'm sure that will make the watches more desirable to purchase you think well there's less chance of it being taken off my wrist so so the sales will go up yeah you're guaranteeing the provence of that watch yourself which gives any potential buyer some legal recalls if you ended up selling them a fake or something like that so there there's so many sides toan but the bottom line is it's all about protecting the watch owners the watch community so if you've got a watch make sure you get it in the vault um and if you have a watch stolen or I've had a watch stolen in the last 20 years make sure you register that in the vault as well and it gives the watch a genuine tangible chance of not only Discovery but also potentially recovery if you remove the market then you remove the value of the stolen product that's the way it's been with what is you can still watch and no one really knows Rolex might get to you might report that watch the Rolex stolen or the police but they're not sharing that information with anyone digital watch F shares it with the world such a simple idea but it's also genius yeah it's brilliant different groups in in the watch business they have their lost and stolen registers Rolex have a lost and stolen reg all my P have a lost and stolen reg Richmond group have a but they don't talk to each other and they don't talk to the public some manufacturers are already given us their lost and stolen information we hope to get the big boys on one day um and all the public are reporting lost and stolen watches we are the one that crosses all barriers we have no bias we have no skin in the game as in like we care if it's a Rolex that's stolen or if it's a timx doesn't matter to us a stolen watch is a stolen watch we help everyone no matter what watch brand they wear or own and being victim of the sort of crimes you have you don't want other people to experience that [ __ ] exactly Liam and that is my motive you know people have to say what's your motive for the vault the motive for the vault is to stop those people that I've already spoken about earning money and gaining Success Through criminal activity violent criminal activity and by the way there's been a number of murders in the last two or three years mostly in London um or around the London area but not exclusively where young men have lost their lives for a watch in one case a fake watch yeah terrible but I've also got when that you're considering leaving the UK I I I think this country is in big I think there's a big problem in this country and I think it's it's been brewing up for a very long time I it doesn't really matter to me I'm 62 years old you know I'm going to see out the rest of my life in a relatively calm and peaceful country but I'm not sure about the grandchildren I don't think this country has a future for them right now um I think we're allowing too many people with bad intentions into the country I just think that you know healthc care um I mean I was Ill last year I had a kidney stone and I desperately needed an operation I had to wait 14 hours for an ambulance 14 hours do you know what it's like to wait 14 hours when you got a kidney stone that's trying to pass is Hell on Earth um and when I got there the stone eventually passed not passed out of my body but it pass through the tube that it needed to pass through they sent me home and they wrote to me and said we can't even look at you for two years two years now thankfully I had the money and the we of all to go and pay for a nine grand operation to get that kidney stone removed the following week what about the people that can't afford that money are our people now our people in general not just our people all people our human beings in the UK right now having to wait two years to get pain relief that is they compare it to child birth they say it's worse than child birth I can't see my grandchildren grow up in a in a country that has to wait 14 hours for an ambulance or two years for an operation no I agree and 90% of the populace wouldn't be able to afford to have done what You' done exactly I almost felt guilty because like I'm taking someone's place because the same surgeon that I would have seen on the NHS did it privately for me in a week it's as if they're trying to suppress and skin the best they can rather than make the country flourish it's like we're going backwards oh mate don't even get me on that subject I don't even know where we're going as a country you know we seem to be promoting everything that's wrong you know again what going back to one of my grandchildren she's five and we're already having a pull her out of lessons at school that we feel are totally and utterly inappropriate for a 5-year-old child and we're being asked why why would you pull her out of that lesson well at five we don't believe she needs to learn too much about how many genders there potentially are these days we don't really want to being told that actually she can be a boy or a girl or a rabbit if she fances it fures they cool they she's a little girl she's five let her grow up I'm not saying that all that is you know look Liv in that live I live in bright and Liam if I didn't if I minded being around people of you know transgender they don't bother me a little bit that you know the community is a lovely Community vibrant friendly have a laugh let the kids grow up them decide themselves let the kids be kids let the kids be kids yeah you know Brighton is one of my favorite places in the world as as well and it's it's completely diverse and I love that about I love exactly yeah and I love diversity once someone's an adult and that's what they decide that's who they are that's what they want to be that's the route they want to take but 10 years ago if if some of this [ __ ] that's being pumped into schools now as being pumped into schools 10 15 years ago that would have been considered child abuse I was going to say it's Jimmy sa level was it AB you know what I mean it's like there some of some of the stuff that they want to talk to 5-year-olds about I just think this just sounds like the work of a pervert you know I I can't get my head around it but when you want to pull your kids out all of a sudden you got them on your case going well have you got a problem with like have you got a problem with people that aren't straight and you go no have you got a problem with people that are transgender no not at all but she's five all she's interested in is Cinderella and Teletubbies and whatever else child doesn't need to know about genitalia at five because it it is predominantly genitalia that will siphon which sex you are ex which gender you are so why are you even talking about gender yeah keep it nice and simple I do not want any adult talking to my 5-year-old grandchild about about genitalia about sex in general gender stuff that is just sometimes even like I can't understand so how is a five-year-old going to understand it unless they're being indoctrinated or is that the aim that is the aim it's the it's the only reasonable explanation is to confuse and weaken the youth so that by the time they leave school to make their own decisions they're incapable of doing so and then the decisions get made for them and that's communism through the back door although it now looks like it's coming through the front door front door as well yeah scary yeah very mate and that you know going back to your original question do I want to leave the UK absolutely not do I feel that I have to yes I can happily see out my days in England where I was born breed and love do I think it's the right thing for my kids and my grandkids no I think they got to move because I think the UK is lost I think we've gone past the point of return yeah that's where I'm at and I I never thought I would I never thought I'd be one of these people that when I got older would say well back in my day and I can't believe the way the country's gone I just thought it wouldn't bother me that much it's out of my control who cares but the more you see the more it gets under your skin well there's a lot of sinister stuff going on that's the thing Liam it's not you know this this is not about by the way this is not about any gender race Creed color religion or whatever what it is it's more about our own people who have deserted their own all of a sudden we've become the least important people on Earth everyone else is more important than us and if someone is a different gender or identifies as a carrot right or a horse their opinion is worth more than mine you know I I can't get my head around that our opinions should always be equal and the science and the facts should tell the story in schools a child that wants to identify as a cat is considered a furry and they're given preferential treatment within the class what message does that send out to normal children that just want to learn it's insane that person doesn't need preferential treatment that that child needs some therapy yeah you're you're clearly not a cat you're a human being you're not a cat Madness and also when you say about we we put our own people last and i' only have one minute rant about it we're we're importing illegal migrants we're not V them we're not checking their paperwork God knows where they've come from what they've done what they've experienced what they're desensitized to they're coming straight into our country unvetted God knows who they are an Uninvited Invader they're then being housed in hotels and also into military bases empty military camps where that would be perfect homing ground for our veterans that are suffering with PTSD that are on the the streets it's like that's a military Camp there some of these soldiers actually took their training there and now they're on the streets when they could be back there being housed and counselled and fed and nurtured back into society but yet you're bringing you're allowing these unvetted migrants into the country and then you're putting him straight into military camps it's just a massive insult Liam I couldn't agree more and I think I think the thing is I want to make this very clear as well I mean I think we both agree that we would help anyone where it's possible Right 100% particularly women and children particularly women and children but there's the point these are 99% men and men of fit fighting age men go into war tend to leave their women behind men flee in war take their women and children with them think about that you know they come to this country on their own why why have they not what sort of man deserts his mom and his sisters and his wife and his daughters if he's got any they've all got Ms they've all got sisters or whatever why have they deserted them the average person will look at that as as a trojan horse exactly I mean when I when I eventually leave the UK I'm not going on me own I'm going I'm taking my my loved ones with me because I want to give them a better life if I'm sent off the war I'm going on my own and if we was under attack and there was a place of Refuge as a man I would say to my family you need to go there now yeah I'm going to stay here and man the for you need to go now get out yeah and that makes perfect sense to me and that's and that's reasonable same as if if a if a if a woman and child or women and children or a whole family including the man was to knock on my actual front door because they're fleeing a war torn country and they are seeking Refuge I'd say hey I've got a spare room you can all stay there and I absolutely would do that just a bloke come knocking on my door with shoulders broader than mine mid 20s to mid-30s saying I've just come over I'm here on my own fleeing a country that there's no war taking place you mind putting me up I'd say [ __ ] on on your bike yeah I don't know where it's all going to end mate but it ain't going to end well I think that's the only thing that we can predict safely it ain't going to win well and what I don't get is why the politicians and a proportion of society can't see that it's as clear as the no on my face this ain't going to end well well to me it's as clear as the nose on bar manalo's face exactly well I think mine's probably a bit bigger than bar R but but you get the point right I mean the warning for anyone that wants to have a go up me or Liam for what we've said this is the bottom line it won't end well it's not ending well we're in we're in absolute [ __ ] Street and for the record before anybody starts having a got me and pull in the comments we have stated if you are in genuine need of refuge and you're legitimate and you can prove that you are safe and you're going to contribute even you're more than welcome if you're coming let's get it right if you're having a party around your house Liam on a Saturday night and the front doorbell goes and you got 20 Gees standing outside that you've never seen before you don't know they're a different culture they don't speak the language right you're going to let them in you're going to say yeah com in Lads we trust you you're not going to steal anything you're not going to be cusing any problem of course you wouldn't this is our home so why are we letting people through our front door without at least knowing who they are or why they're here and it's not even allowing them it's encouraging them because they know they're going to get here they're going to get their Mills paid for they're going to get the roof put over their head they're going to get put straight to the FR front of the housing list the NHS these hotels where they're being put up they've got their own doctor in house I will say though mate it's not their fault they're better in their lives they're doing what anybody else would do they're doing what it's our fault this is what I'm saying I'm not blaming them blaming the government I'm blaming the government and I blame our own people for saying yeah Bring it on Bring it on Bring It On well let's just hope that yours is not the hospital bed that you can't get or like me is not the operation that you can't get for two years because the NHS is just clogged up to the core it's also not fair on on the ones that actually genuinely do need to flee the country because now the public because they've lost so much faith in the government and and the vetting system which doesn't even exist their time everyone in the same bracket and some poor sod is going to get misjudged for someone who is genuinely in need and I also feel equally sorry for them as I do us that are paying the taxes to house the ones that aren't legitim are a danger they're conning us the some of these people are conning us and they're also conning the genuine people that genuinely need a place and there you go you've got two workingclass men sat in front of a camera CU I'm of the same mindset of you they're both considering leaving the country because of the state it's in and we're the backbone of the country we're the ones that work seven days a week morning noon and night and pay more tax than anybody else to stabilize it and we're thinking of leaving well certainly I thought about your family background mate but my family is has shed blood for this country you know my grandfather Yeah shed blood for this country 16 lost an arm in the in the war you know I can't imagine what he would make of the situation we found our so we find our C in now so I think that as someone that comes from a background where you literally have your family's given blood for it I think you at least have the right to voice an opinion 100% and the stories that my nan the love of my life used to tell me about when she was evacuated in the war and them stories all that sacrifice I think about that well what was it all for why yeah we just we've just given our country away yeah couldn't agree more but it is what it is mate but on that note which is always it's always going to get there when you start getting your teeth into a conversation the future for you is going to be bright because you could end up in Spain hopefully hopefully mate but also all your family are nice they're fit they're well you're looking great thank you mate I appreciate that I've had a good time today s right have enjoyed it and I really hope the new uh blockchain Venture that's coming out yeah is going to take over and by the sounds of things it will it's it seems to me like it's a no-brainer yeah definitely is taking off already I'll be signing up abolutely great to see you mate thanks brother cheers mate love you man thank you
Channel: The Dozen
Views: 64,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liamtuffs, thedozenpodcast, dzn, paulthorpe, rolex, audemars, watch, boxing, Fulham
Id: 79epb3THzDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 33sec (7233 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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