London's Most Notorious Gangster: Prison, Murder & Gangs - Ghost

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you don't normally see me sitting here in front of the camera but today I'm sitting there because I've finally got a sponsor and a sponsor that I use myself so I shot a VPN basically what they are is a virtual private Network company what that means is you can be anywhere in the world and switch your computer to think you're anywhere else so if you're in India Jamaica and you fancy watching the office of Ricky Gervais you can basically switch on your search or VPN make your laptop think you're in England um enjoy watching wherever you want wherever you are I've also been using it myself for booking accommodation I'm doing loads of documentaries at the moment for taboo room I'm going to most dangerous places in the world and I'm trying to book accommodation so what I've been doing personally is putting on my social VPN looking at the prices here looking at the prices in America Jamaica and if it's cheaper I'll just book it using my VPN also if you do want to get in on surfshot VPN and get 84 or 83 off I think it's 83 off which ain't too bad uh three months free the call is taboo room 10. this and if you want to support me are you going to do that as well the link will be in the description and if you think it's absolute scrapnel and you think it's pants they also offer a 30 day money back guarantee I'm pretty sure you won't be having to use that um but yeah fine for you to serve sharp VPN it's the first time I've ever done an ad and it's the second time you've seen me on camera here for it's time for today's episode started carrying guns right I remember getting into a situation in college where I get ended up getting brushed so 17 18. I went to a college I ended up getting rushed right so when I got rushed I was with my girl at the time and I was so embarrassing um I went home I jumped on a bus I wasn't driving at a time just jumped on the bus went and got more Garnier jumped back on the bus came back to the college as I've come back to the college you see one of the boys outside the college chase the guy the guys I'll quote the guy in there I ate in the uh in the estate I'll split his head over open with the shotgun that I had at the time I was moaning Uganda in Africa uh and I came here to the UK when I was seven years old uh grew up in Canning Town I went to school in Canning Town Primary School uh Secondary School in Canning Town and uh yeah I did actually near me secondary school but and so forth and what would you say you all did it was like growing up you know I didn't have anything out in the ordinary growing up it wasn't you know a dysfunctional family or anything like that it was just it's just going up really it wasn't nothing out of the ordinary and what age did you come to London seven seven I came to the edge I came to London at age seven um yeah and I went to a primary school in London Secondary School in London I went to college in London even though I had a break from Clues and ended up getting in prison came back out of prison went back to college did you go to prison uh I went to prison at the age of 18. first time I went to prison age 18. what was that for uh fire on uh position and how did you your hands on stuff like that I got my hands on that I actually seemed up for it because I got a stand at age 17. a lot of standard age of 17 of and yeah because um a supposedly we you know we I was behind an attack on a on a older guy from the area he had a family member and uh supposedly I was behind it and the attack so when my name got back that I was behind it um there was a hit that was put on me uh he bought a bounty on my head at a young age go so how did you go from I guess growing up in Africa moving to England at the age seven and been in that situation at 17 how does that happen uh it's the company that you keep to be honest with you and not not until not to be honest with you I've always been a car uh you know a mischievous kid growing up you know I've always I've always been one of those kids you're telling us to do something I want to find out firsthand why I shouldn't do it um so I you know from school I walk kicked out of school for selling drugs actually so I didn't make school selling drugs in school some kid past that in school that's where my trauma started actually uh sold drugs to some young kid in school he wanted a bit of weed the weed I sold him was a bit too strong he ended up dropping on the floor fitting um and then his friend run to the school teacher I told the school teacher and one of the teachers in the playground you know why his friends his friends passing out or something's not right so um they asked him who did you get the drugs off so they said um this old guy in school which was me and at the time actually had a rat sack which had my weed in it uh sort of pulled the police at the time I was in class yeah so when we called the police and the police is coming up to the secondary school one of my friends yeah that I was in primary school with heard that the police were in school because of the the kid passing out at the time I had drugs and the crazy thing is when the police turn up and my friend overheard something to do with me so he's coming back to the culturalness and Joel you know the police is outside looking for you uh we heard your name right being mentioned knowing that I had uh wind in in the mag I asked the students in classes and uh which one of these ones to help me you know who he wants to take this bathroom because I knew they wouldn't draw me out from the uh the class and one boy that I kind of used to own same bully but I used to give him a tough time he stepped up and said yeah I'll do it right and uh looked around and at that moment in time I actually had a a sense of guilt for giving him a hard time because in that class I thought had friends in that class right now the police has turned up to you know to you know take me away and search me but no one's looking to take on the right side and I was looking to try and hold on to the rap for me which really and truly if you think about it was um it's kind of mad being you know what was your other students in a position like that but this kid that hadn't been leaning off leaning on he said yeah I'll help you you understand so I gave him the bag but then when the police took me out of the class and they asked me about the incident and I was in there there was an opening door yeah a teacher was at the door the king that hadn't even the bag too as soon as I gave it to him to teach us straight away I was like a Payback and after I got into a school of vanilla same thing that I used to lean on he was a police cadet I understand so now I've been kicked housing permanently for selling drugs I've been fooled in the bag that's my bag with the drugs in it they linked up the internet um and excluded me oh at this stage what are your parents saying because tomorrow understanding African parents in particular are very strictly yeah yeah to be honest with you my parents actually tried you know it's it goes to show that look it doesn't matter if you're punished a strict or knuckles if you look at it there's kids that are well off but you still find those kids on the road selling drugs your parents are well off it's not the parents the parents can try the hardest I believe it's the influence it's the friends that the kids keep that influ have more of an influence on the parents because at ending day with your parents you know off to school you're with your parents but during school you know it's a woman to keep around here and outside when you're outside the home um but for me to be honest uh what's on my own doing I know my parents couldn't understand why I remember what was next time ghost so now I'm kicked out of school uh I had a little group that I used to roll with outside school one day one of my young friends comes to me and he says Something's Happened to him right supposedly so there's an incident that happens right where uh someone ends up getting you know her badly like stabbed or whatever and then you know my name comes back so when my name comes back the whole borrower and this point is on me you understand like it's the words are spread out this guy this guy's name I was actually crazy that I used to do music as a kid growing up so you know when you have my space stream or a nice person like a thing you know innocently I put my sofa in there trying to do music trying to be a rapper or whatever so they went and got my picture off of my space and then distributed app distributed through the whole Barrel and they were like yo this guy here so the age of 17 I find that later years later that supposedly there was a hundred grand put on me at the age 17 that day one and gone somewhere wanting me gone you know so anyway eventually you know I've been screw up with Newton this supposed incidents go up with me I said I wasn't the only incident but this is The Incident That's led to where my last handed to um I ended up getting rushed and and I stand I need to see the person I stabbed me I don't even remember all the people that rushful but uh you know uh when I got stabbed I was unconscious so the meeting took place first uh back helmets you know the change that you used to lock up but more black like motorbikes and stuff like that so as I was passed out then it was like a samurai you know the little hand summarized that you have that pierced from a stomach and I remember this happened outside of secondary school I remember being chucked on a stretcher right well closure cutoffs there's school kids around and I remember waking up like Weeks Later two weeks later or something like a week and a half two weeks later with like tubes you know like in my private parts and I remember having that tune down your throat I don't know if that's what helps you breathe choosing your arms and um yeah that that obviously that didn't give me like a zipper you know of course the doctors wanted to find out what exactly was pierced my internal organs were pierced and uh yeah when I got out of Hospital I was like you know that ain't happening again but prior to that I was I've always had a fish with guns you know at the age of 15 16. so whoever was around me we always had an affixiation of guns we were in pursuit to get guns so obviously we sell weed and save lots of money and get guns do you understand because we were aware there was Boys around the area that were older at the time move through the area and take people's and you know were involved in a you know little altercation and stuff like you never know how deep gets so once I touched 17 and I got stabbed then you know I was actually paranoid about that happening to me again do you understand so I'm me and my friends growing up we bypassed the knives we didn't carry knives we went straight to guns I'm saying so after I go out of hospital I hadn't I had I went I sent me a bit off most of the times something traumatic happens to a person he even knocks their confidence and it makes them go straight or legit or he promised them further deep into you you know the game so anyway now I started carrying guns right I remember getting into a situation in college where I get ended up getting brushed so 17 18 I went to a college I ended up getting rushed right so when I got rushed I was with my girl at the time and I was so embarrassing um I went home I jumped on a bus I wasn't driving at a time just jumped on the bus went and got more gone jumped back on the bus came back to the college as I've come back to the college I see one of the boys outside the college chase the guy so guys I've caught the guy in the uh in the estate I'll split his head over open with the shotgun that I had at the time obviously I wasn't going to shoot him because it's right next to the college and the estate's camera it up so he so he run into the college pointing at me saying yeah that guy over there sure let's go guys screaming so obviously seeing him doing that stashed the gun that I had went into the college sat down like nothing's happened as I'm set in a college we have that little grass door yeah you got a glass you've got a brown door the tissue has been called out of the cross right as a teacher school at the classes on police outside of seeing me sat next to my back again trouble just I just can't stay away from it right next thing they're rush to college guns out that's what the new scare tactics and grab me throw me over the table I feel sorry for the students that were in there because they were traumatized most of them were from like one backgrounds they've never experienced anything like that the closest have been it to you know to that is on TV I don't know right 24 hours in police custody or whatever um police guns waves and mp5s or whatever they threw me over the table ask me if that's my bag I said yeah to grab me and my dad into another room and uh the same without an accusation that you've got a gun in you I said no I said from I really knew because the guy went to the security I said how did the guy's hence be open then he said you hit him with a gun I said no I said I had a pole I'm scaffolding pole that was cut off I said it wasn't a gun and I said I didn't I didn't hint and he tripped over and fell because it was scared and he was wanted so the police didn't pursue anything right and uh they left it I'm thinking calm right went about my business police Has Come Around Again they're persistent so this is all part of the building of food I ended up becoming growing up I'm in my mom's house two months later obviously throughout time among German people with guns I'm going kind of deeper into the game you know any excuse to put it on you I'll just you know I'm saying I knew the soft spots where to stick the nozzle you know if I do catch you out I'll stick the nozzle in your ribs or you know under your chin you know all of that so anyway I'm sleeping in my mom's helicopter above the bedroom see a light all the houses are together they're not attached my house is in the middle yeah so the police had to get a helicopters covered in the back all right um they can jump seven fences just to get some of that Garden so when I heard the help of my room I bet I'm thinking yo what's happening half asleep so you can imagine it's like a movie run downstairs as I get to the bottom of the stairs the door flash off oh they're shot in different uh instructions get on your knees get on the floor your hands behind your pads I'm thinking what is it I'm in my boxes and at the time thing God had sent along abroad all right I sent them on abroad because I'd been getting money from robberies and like that I was doing it's just to be nice out of all the that I've put off from never mind the fact that she's trying to confiscate two guns for me already at age 16 that she found at a full full Bulldog Magnum that I had at the time she tried to come to skate so I had to kind of this is Dan back at 16. I had I had a uh kind of lockhorns and she said to me you know at first thing that she found was a shotgun she threw it and then you know I was pissed about that so I had to reinvest in a a magnum at a time right and you can you can tell in England the guns are expensive getting them into the country you know and then selling four fours even going back 10 15 years ago your pain we're talking two and a half three thousand pounds at 16. just I'm saying so who is Sergeant Roberts who's selling a gun to a 16 year armor oh yeah no no whoops at the end of the day in in the area if you're known as you know those type of guys you always have people in aerodice you know cousin who's got something for sale you understand the older cousins got something for sale so you always say bug you know uh me a lot pack I've always been associated with having Jenna Sunset and guns so this time I've had to come from my mom you know so my mom called me down as I called her I pulled her I said um he found something in my room you know my sister told me actually I remember I used to keep it in a sock little six inch barrel uh revolver so uh certainly find something in my room she said yeah you know yeah you know I said yeah I'm gonna need a bag she says well you're gonna have to choose I said it's not mine I'll throw it away it's nothing as a young boy you always deflect the blame and point that someone also says to older boys or someone else's for your mom not to do something stupid because there's repercussions for the actions that she's about to do so she said through the gun and choose the house I chose the gun I left the house right so you go through the whole hosting procedure so when the police did actually come to my mom's house at the age of 17 second time around I had sent her abroad I think God she wasn't there but my older sister was there back to the story helicopters above the room I've run downstairs the door through open I see shorts I see lazy Beams I say I'm about seven beams on my chest I'm in my boxes I don't know where I was running well I just it's just impulse so I did on my knees they dragged me out of the house the whole Rose blocked off um I'm sat in the back of the car and I was thinking sister man that I'm all worried about what my sister's gonna do or say than what the police are going to do so anyway um research the house they find nothing they didn't even find the gun where I had the gun hidden I had the gun hidden with the coke that I was pushing at the time and the Dr and the weed I was pushing at the time I saw what between my house and an extra neighbor's house you know that the fence so after they searched the house and he finally they said I thought I was going to prison I went back there they didn't find the weed hotel or or the cold so I was I was absolutely gassed right I'll get I get to keep on going another two months gone bad now I'm kind of don't do what I'm doing we're on robberies stick-ups or whatever I'm in my own place remember I don't live on my mom's no way the time I was living dead they should have gone abroad so I stayed there for a little while because the line that I had drug line that I had was sent it around my mom's area and I didn't want to be traveling all the way from my area and back and remember I never used to drive so ubering was to the main obviously but didn't exist at the time was cats would have been the the next best to rule because I'm not going to get on a bus with Coke and I used to wear a trench coal right the Coke in this bag a shotgun and read it in this bag do you understand so sometimes it would make sense like on Friday Saturday Sundays to stick around my mum's little Kelly because I swim on business my business slam was I'm in my new place right in my new flat I had scaffolding around it the door's gone again I got hang on a shotgun on a windowsill remember I'd been stabbed so I've been paranoided there's a hit on me I'd rather be cool with it by the police than without it by whoever's off to me and it never actually in mind that the person that's um put the hit on me a plastic door because we've got plastic door and a rabbit with the rum key it froze back a lot of friction it doesn't flying straight away off the hinge a plastic door falls back the the force so I heard the dog sure open the balcony door without looking for a shotgun now it hit the armed fin that was on a scaffolding with a rock torch pointing at me he has disappeared off the scaffolding I remember those about six on police exits some cover in the front some cover in the back the porches are the you know torch in the Glocks are scaffolding wooden panels around the floor the fourth the full floor that was living at pointing at the exit so as I've opened the door because I'm thinking coming from the front I'm I'll open my bedroom door which leads that to the balcony and just rolls in through it disappear off the stuff holding the pool to win right he's fell off so as this fell off the shotguns must open their shoulders are dropped out first time I went to prison 18 position of a firearm but yeah it aren't fed I had to go guilty um I got three years three years yeah minor three years playing duty you know and that actually sent me even worse because now prison can be one of two things it can be a course of you changing your life or you get a chance to rub shoulders in it show ideas with other criminals so when I got out I was like whoa you know I've been stabbed because it hit on me I've been involved in guns at the time I hadn't shot anyone yet and I was like yo you know prison put that bad do you understand so when I got out of prison you know that's that's when that gunfire having started you know so you've come out at 21. no I'll come out at 20. I went back in at 21. what did you go back in so I feel so quick ah so when I got out I got out I went in 18. come out 20. all right Adam I'm broke I think to myself I gotta make money man right I don't even want to sell weed or drugs no more I'm on Instant Cash so I had a friend of mine that I grew up with I've been primary school with him secondary school with him and he was thinking like obviously luckily at the time he was on the same I was on you understand so we just came together right like a puzzle just clicked together so we started doing stigots you know we had drops drug dealers so we had our um albanians that were selling Coke you know take out the Rival competition just cool just send a text that's how we used to function send a text we get your address right that's do your doors coming off and at the time where we put our heads together I've been in prison and then what you saw so there was a program called SWAT in America where the Russian door and they'll go use as a key and that your door fries off the handball so that was the mo right we'll fly through doors we had a Vietnamese people that were doing gross you know like the growth that grow houses and factories and stuff like that so they're capitals I've always been into networking so was my other friend but internet working we'll spit everything 50 50. if you're not happy with this split that you're getting from your friend you know he's offering you 30 percent it's taking 70 and you'll prefer 50 percent send me a text because I'm saying my information has to be solved so we had um Chinese you know sorry chinese vietnamese for growth weed we had um albanians for for Coke and money we had you know that money drops so kind of like hand dealer well I wasn't a deal I always had the lanes that will fly through Texas and so the sources of information one more time it has to be an inside that has to be set in that hair in that house when we come through second time we went first when I was 20. I'm going to a move now obviously I can talk about this now because I've done the stretch and whatever I'm talking about it's already undocumented it's only the public that have I know about what I'm saying and the police already know about what I'm saying as well it's not bad the story is being farthest it's the fact that the public don't know why so I'm only saying what the police already haven't documented we've gone to a robbery I've got a text I'm chilling in a hood I've got a text y'all so many key yeah my uncle's got 17 grand I'm with him right now yeah drop me the address we don't play around we used to do yards we used to do hits as well you know what I'm saying so hits can reach from anything Jones what I'm saying for me or whatever I'll get the test we'll get pictures not full text of course we'll make pictures through that envelopes and stuff like that address and the amount and damage inflicted and because we had a little team would pass it around to share so people would always get first dips you all want that you know I'm saying I want that hit whatever the next thing that comes in if I'm happy with it I'll take it you know what I'm saying so whereas you know people getting hurt or drugs or whatever what a cleanup crew so I'll get a text I'm chilling in a hood I get a text you know um address sort of way that's with his uncle he slipped off to the bathroom sent me a text right so when he sent me a text I'll send you all new man 70k should we get it I wasn't too fast because at the time we've been doing leaks we've been doing 100K 200k which I'm saying 250 whatever so we've been taking cash money we've been taking drugs violence if needs me if you do not complex or reading Tree in reality our mindset was we're not doing anything wrong we're coming there to confiscate what already belongs to us what you've got in your house belongs to us we're not doing anything wrong do you understand that and that was the mindset so really interesting so well justifying your room so we get a text we always had stolen cars that were plated around the area we hadn't gone stolen cars played around the area life of a robot so we go to the address we hit the address at midnight so when we get I'm in now we always use the wrong groups of threes but when we get there at midnight I'll open it I thought the first thing that I do before I stage 100 Doors I checked the door master door the door's open at midnight I'm thinking y'all what's going on is this doors open this is where it is we're here now so it falls into that Windows came to the house I already know where the bedroom is but the kid and his uncle have left already and he didn't get a chance to message me I said the mission because his uncle his uncle said all of a sudden sitting or a bad feeling now I'm not keeping my money here right so he said to him come with me I'm taking it away somewhere he didn't want to send a text to me just in case I end up licking the house and his uncle suspects him so he just kept quiet still inside his own we've come for the house the uncle's not there going up the stairs so we'll Force the entry into his bedroom but little debris know that the house that he was staying in he was also Irene or he also already had people living in there as well as it had a Yard Man in Jamaican man who was seeing an Asian woman at the sound so as we run reading searching the house flipping everything all work I'm going straight to the spot where the money is meant to me it's not there I've said to the boys you're already here I used to carry the shotgun so sometimes I'll carry the shotgun and I also do the sledgehammer because I was big so I'll play your door this later man also the first one you know with the shotgun with this a pumpy soon or whatever that was my weapon of choice at the time because it's intimidating as soon as you hitch and you look over this is a man in a trench cold you know I'm saying 6 4 17 Stone yeah you've got to start weighing up you know you know do what have I have made what this person can take for me I can't replace which is your life at the time and anything is possible in a robbery right so we'll run radio search in the house we find nothing to the Azure expand now that we're here the rules are really broken we're gonna expand the search we're going into the neighboring bedroom as we're in this bedroom one of the boys hears someone in the shower the Jamaican man that was in the show with his girl at the time where they didn't know that it was a another set of people living there jumps out in the bedroom on the shower window creeps back into the house miles off of a knife called the police is in the living room one of the way says you always someone in the bathroom so he left his chicken from school the police and armed himself from a knife to defend his house as far as his concerned it's just murderous for now we force entry into the house until the the shower the shower room where the room is Shabbat Nathan screaming oh crap so to be honest with you we're not here for you you understand we've come for a purpose just shut up man like just go and play took him to one of the main rooms that was being searched one of the boys is searched in that room we've got a new I've got another boy that says the rest of the rooms I said to the wedding I'll search in the first room make sure she doesn't move keep your head down now the thing is with me the majority of the works that I used to doing especially if it was that you know I was shooting you know what I'm saying if I forgot about someone or I never used to wear a mask reason B I'm 6'4 right I got a big puff of colon if you see me coming from a mile of fujiwa walking I prefer to walk up to someone that's why I used to do I'll walk up to you and I'll Flushing you know I'm saying I'll flush if you feel like a radio on you you're full of heat or whatever I'll flush your heat so I'll you know what I'm saying it's like I'm looking and you see some of the mask on you're gonna run and I can't miss the opportunities so to secure your opportunity I will wear a mask I'll let you see my face you turn around and say I don't recognize him but the fact is out of everyone that are flushed and no one's aiming to adimi no one could identify me what I've come out with is once that gun goes off amnesia they don't remember what's just happened during the sun saying so anyway the woman's in the room I still wonder what is go downstairs I'm gonna search the living room downstairs is going downstairs forced himself into the living room door The Yard Man at the time same size as me hi I was a bit fatty right had a kitchen knife he's seen one of the burglars trying to force themselves into the room that he was in swung the knife the words himself right running down a corridor yeah the hallway screaming my name but the thing is I already had him covered they see going on this we all have rules to play yeah if I've got the gun I will literally light up the whole party if I have to someone feels like they're going to play a hero because it's my responsibility do you understand if I take on that guy and it's my responsibility and I gotta be ready to use it so as the yard man's chasing him through the hallway I've seen him he didn't have to shout my name I've reached over the balcony you know with one arm obviously have five more guns so many times becoming a part of me which over one arm I've squeezed the gun he spoke for feeling God and the time he's gone for a shelf the Shelf stoked some of the warning from the shotgun right the warning's the hard part the shotgun so the pellets have pierced through so the balls are literally worse his neck right that's his next bus you know like a coke bottle or a cold can when you shake it and you stab it and it fizzes his next Vision so he's in his boxes with a nice next season where blood's just pouring yeah he's shot at the house from the hallway instead of running up the stairs towards me he shot straight out of the house so as we run into the high road and the police that he had called to come to the house I've seen him being black man and a half sheet with a nice and blood running down his chest so they're generally in this pumpkin so we've left upon the gun being fired I said Joel time to leave we've left so many people because there was so much blood on the floor and it was a wooden flooring I've slipped up on my blood right I was tripped got in a car as I'm in the car is the penis that were heading to us right because for them it was just a normal burglary but little did you know the guys are armed or in the house I drove past the police but I remember seeing them like trying to calm the guy down and they played a part back to me in cool um yeah and that's that in itself that's the case that's that's that was my case that landed me the 20 years in prison but the night got a little food we I had set up a move in the area and the boys that I had talked with me ended up licking the wrong door the night that led to me going to prison picked up a set of boys we're going to do a robbery in an area I've had word that there's drugs in a in in-house and the house had been pointed out to me so I'm going to pick up some Boys From the Block they want from my blocked off from another blog what I used to like to do is to rotate people that run through the house because I never used to like to use the same team um so I've picked up these boys from the Block they were Tipsy at the time and it's my my food really because I should have just said nah you know you're a bit drunk but I was so greedy that I said to them yo come you know what I think let's do it brought them into the car put them up and a plated car took him back to the locality gave him the gun drove into the locality they've gone to the house of selection in the house three boys went up in there sledgehammed the house the thing that I liked about the boys the two specifically two boys they knew how to use sign language so they don't pull you're not gonna hear things like you know James Steve get the gun these guys would sign language you've seen you see that as SWAT doing that stuff like please doing that stuff with and do sign language in the clear doors so they knew how to communicate without speech sort of they cleared out the house they run up in the house two red doors that was side by side they've hit the wrong door because I was not far and I was watching I was almost certain it was a right and all but obviously when the police turned up to the house because I come from waving guns people are pissing themselves when the police have caught they've been quoted in your dress um the police knocked on the neighboring door and it could smell so much drugs coming from the neighboring house so they ended up taking that lick as well because they licked the wrong house so anyway one scene how they've just handled that I was actually happy with that I was like well I was amazed because this is what I knew Myanmar boys this is what we do with clear success rates High we clear robberies it's certain as soon as you get us on it and the thing is as well we'll never rip you off because we see as it's 50 of what we never had and to keep you coming if you've got more friends we'll treat you right so it's a give and take relationship so upon that I already had 180 Grand that was near the confiscating from a Vietnamese loan shark it was a woman that had three sons in a house in South London and I had a text at the time from one of my um Vietnamese people he just he just dropped off 13 Grand and obviously they use cash machines to to count stuff and he said to me I'm at the house now I've dropped off 30 grand I've got 150 Grand plus the 30 grand I've just dropped off the bosses live in Vietnam they send the workers the couple to come here who manage the workers who live in these factories so I had a couple who just dropped off 30 racks and he's gave me the justices fly through now I'm in here now straight after we've just done that that that robbery well obviously it wasn't successful so I said to them Yo don't worry about that we'll get into another thing itself as we're driving towards South right really enjoy I had a safety car that I should have been in but I just wanted to make sure these boys get there because I'm aware that it's Tipsy I said I'm gonna drive you instead as I'm driving him there I've done a dodgy u-turn on police these are called City police City police they police in the area radius of two miles so that's their look and they always have guns in them because it's the city of London we were cutting through the city of London rather than done or the long way around Dodge you turn they won't do nothing they said yeah them so they're following the car my car's plated would always go on car sales websites when we've got stolen cars get a matching plate written down add to the pay money uh Pace get it uh manufactured and stick it on so it's a copy of another card that's insured but this time I hadn't checked to see the owner the call is insured but the car was still stuck in the showroom so the car the place to add copied of the car even though it was insured it wasn't registered to anyone so the armed police wanted to take interest to find out he's driving his car because it's not registered to turn on so when they've come on to me I've took Chase since this is at South London central South london-ish you know like when you cut through Central London and you're heading towards South there's that push areas I don't know where I'm going I'm taking Chase I'll get out I'll crush the car right and like I've said to you all had roles to play one of the words that was carrying and done at the time because I was driving we had agreed if I crashed the car you got to get out and win with the gun even if he wasn't going to do that you should have said that to me and told me yo I'm not going to take the gun I would have found someone else to play the role right I crashed the car we've got out we'll run I don't know where I'm running but this time instead of splitting up the boys decided for until the boys that I picked up decided to follow me will run towards the pair so when we've run towards the period we'll end up in the Thames and at the Thames I was trying to persuade my co-defendants jumping to the tent I couldn't swing slender is trying to persuade him to jump in had they've any of them floated I would have took the risk I'm trying to stop saying this is bad what desperate times goes for Desperate Measures we're stuck at the pair for five minutes we can hear the police running boots you know wanting towards you how you start with your arm like oh gosh I've got a gun charge listen you know what I'm saying an own license I'm not sure if the guys took the gun because he didn't wrong with us I'm saying to them Yo who's gonna jump I can't swim I could see the wood was dirty it's Mucky and brown I can see the other side of the attempts but I'm desperate to get away if any of them jump in there and the float I'm going to jump in if any of them jump in a double flow I always see I'm not jumping do you understand now no one took the plunge there was one guy that was very close to jumping in he didn't take the plunge we all got caught in a pair nicked police station I ended up down in belmarsh and when I was in Belmont she's a high security prison police came to see me up don't wash they said yeah we've got someone that fits your pattern someone's been shot in the house right in their house in the neck with a shotgun at the time I'm just in for a simple gun position they took me at plumstead police station which is itself so I just wanted to go along because I want to know what they've got you're not gonna be sitting there myself like you know the police are here to see me no I'm not blowing I didn't upset myself like oh what did I have you know I'm the type of guy I'll come along and then I'm just sitting there like yo what's going on at the end of the day what they have helps me come up with a defense it gives me something personal guide anyway you know I'm on my second gun charge at the time so I've gone along the inquiring on a guy that supposedly at the time had been shot in the house I'm in there I'm in the cell I ended up moving from Brixton and so it's from belmarsh I ended up going to Brixton mom's down the line because nothing came with it or just inquiring I ended up bonding to my friend remember I told you about me and my friend used to lock heads and we used to exchange information on who needed to get you know what services were needed who needs to get robbed the hit needs to get done you know who all of that he's coming to Joe I'm like yo what are you doing here he's in there for free free position or free Firearms I was talking big guns you're right um so we're in the cell chilling right because it ended up banging out together we're in the soul chilling I've had a knock on the door you know I've got called into court at the time I had all 30 cool appearances in two years when I got news of totality of 24 charges all gun related charges rack was all just starting building up 24 charges at the time 24 gun position charges and firing guns or whatever right so I ended up getting a cool the gaming Bell because I was willing to start trial and the prosecution went really to start trial so it's called custody time limit right so this is to prevent the prosecution from dragging a hose and keeping someone innocent in prison so custody timer is six months it run out so they let me go right they've given the Bell I'm out for two weeks there's some rocking the ads shaking their heads like yo these guys oh how is this guy out anyways as I'm out I have to sign on I have to go to a police station one day call goes on into the police station I turn up to the police station police station's locked down nobody's reporting any crimes nothing to myself like yo where's the other one I'm sure there's crimes happening in in the area like what even you know because you had the part where you sign in at the police station and have another side another side where people were crimes but the whole PlayStation shut down I'm like yo what's going on someone pops up from underneath the desk says hello you know uh Mr magazi well uh clinical man one stop but why everything what okay right I think your name breaching all Bell conditions they said well can you step over to the other side of the room so I stepped inside the police station as I'm sat there new woman comes in Right This Woman's investigating a case where someone got shot out of a bedroom window right uh with a shotgun so this case someone got shot out of the bedroom window shotgun and their body is outlined they find like a hole in the chest blood coming out of his ears and his mouth bubbles or whatever and she's also investigating a case where someone got shot in a Mac right I've never seen it before she's like before going to any any further information why I'm here I've got a colleague of mine that wants to ask you one of two things we're just gonna wait for him to come in so I'm set in a police station I bought officer but this one I recognize because he's the one that came to see me while I was in Rome wash he's come to see me about the guy that got shot in a throw so now I'm thinking oh this did what what is going on they've said we don't have the facilities to interview you here plus the police station we're going to take you to another station that has their facilities I said oh okay right my heart I kind of knew that I dude these are just the heart was burning the queen had they out going to the police station or she was a trident station tried and specialize in gong crime actually got in there they saw me for gunpowder right the chat me in the cell and 20 years was passed on to me I went to court a beat two of the cases which was the guy that got shot in the chest and I gotta go shut in the Mac this particular case here with a guy getting shot in the throw that one they couldn't afford to let that slip so yeah I end up going I ended up getting 12 years you know for the initial run up where the boys run up in the house they've got eights about 12 years even though the tallest person was five foot six I'm six foot four you can't mistaking me for anyone I wasn't in-house simply I was in the house I've been in the house all they said yeah I was in the house I didn't even see what the victims look like they gave me 12 years for that because the judge was sure that I was the person to set up the robbery now this other case two years into the 12 years and I was screwing I was pissed about the 12-year sentence because I managed to get in Bell we're trying to go for a dismissal because the evidence that they had didn't match up with man I got 12 years for that so now I'm in there two years into doing the 12 years they'll come back saying yeah got a case on you now right he said 16 years on top of the 12 years overall the totality of years that they gave me right up to that 59 years totality they're just chucking numbers up 3 5 10 11 12 13 16. at different times in two years I think I had about 30 cool appearances I had about two cool appearances each month throughout the whole two years before I got this other bigger sentence you know and 20 years I've done 10 years out of that and I just got out during covered lockdown would you consider yourself a good human in those years if you no no no no no no no listen as soon as I'd wake up I'm not gonna lie to you as soon as I wake up at that time someone's days ruined as soon as my eyes are open we got a list of addresses yeah whoever was getting done were coming through we're coming to your house it's payday man at that time you know I'm saying money had the the say and to be honest with you I never really had any emotions towards any of the people that I was coming through to fix up or Rob or to shoot or whatever the situation was I ain't gonna lie to you we didn't discriminate as up as that is man or woman you know your wife you know wouldn't be a kid you know about you know women were very consider that even women like we had a level of violence that would be looking to do like because no one wants to be doing no setting this for a woman like you know what I'm saying so there'll be a level of violence that'll be you know demonstrated or given to about a man pack you and send you to hell you know what I'm saying we will send you to hell at the time you know so pay the right pay you know I wasn't a good human being at the time you know and it's just mine Khan is in prison with other people it's what's made me mature up somewhat you know uh the thing is with today's society the kids of today in order to carry their rambos and stuff like that you know people say to me oh like you know like doing like your time and that do you reckon you'd have been able too much about the kings of today you've put us into any error do you understand because now kids carry zk's there would have been no match but the bottom line is life in prison right this whole life is a trap like in a sense that you know once the government get a hold of you and they put 30 on you 30 years in prison they were going to be living a nightmare bro a nightmare you know like every day you wake up it's a nightmare if it's not your your baby moms going off for someone else she's cheating on you she's sleeping for another man or some next man raising your kids your mom's passed away while you're in prison you know if your mom and passed away someone's broke into your house if it's not that you're getting stabbed in prison not just that your friends have moved on with their lives you know um there have been an example you have been the reason why they've changed their lives around now they've got jobs and they've got families courtesy of you and now you're set in that cell where they come from at night you know I come from that and open the flap and It Shine the torture like you're an animal you know so midnight just to make sure you're still in the soul you know this type of living it does something to the human mind you know being in a cell cell for 10 straight years obviously this people look down longer than me but not just out what you're with other and not just that as well when I went in there I had to humble myself because as big as I was and as physical as it was or whatever I've met people that are better than me and how they carry themselves it's it's it it makes me feel embarrassed about how I behave because these men are in for full murders five murders you know that's what I'm saying and they carry themselves a certain way so you can get to learn how a man should carry himself you know learn from your mistakes and try and better yourself and before we finish as well goals is there anything you want to say and conclude them uh yeah I'm always gonna say yeah listen before you know I'm not here to preach but before you react before you do anything you just gotta weigh up your odds you know and remember that the feds are paying for Keeps you know you're getting kept there once you get that 30 that 30 years sentence you're gonna wish you was dead
Channel: The Taboo Room With Aaron S
Views: 485,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O0eCUCGtufs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 14sec (3194 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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