Rogues Gallery (1944) MURDER MYSTERY

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you see him sure we saw him i knew you could do it well give it to me give it here the story the pictures we didn't get any you didn't you heard it now before we get all mixed up let's start from the first tell me what happened he slammed the door right in my kisser and where was your foot right where you told me to put a chum and it's going to cost you 15 hunks of lettuce yeah put down 4.98 on the swindle sheet he's been reading the ads this is the second time that elise wire service has queried us on that invention and they're demanding a story and picture and after we do run it down what do you got probably some kind of a rube goldberg that turns butter into cows cows in the grass and grass into hula straights they've got a tip it's some kind of a new listening device like the one that was used on capitol hill a contraption where you can hear people talking miles away and without planning a microphone with a thing like that everybody would be living in a goldfish bowl live girl couldn't even sing in the bathtub combine that with television you got something sister give your mind a little more altitude bud it doesn't make any difference to us what the invention is all we've got to do is get the story foster's head of the emerson foundation now i want you two to get out to his home and make him talk look foster isn't the inventor professor reynolds is let's try him at the laboratory why didn't you think about a week ago why didn't you yeah do we have to do all the thinking around this journey if you did the place would fold up now get out there and see what you can get out of reynolds but he's only there at night whenever it is be there okay boss goodbye sweetheart hold it officer what's your idea what are you doing just getting your picture in the box don't mind him his brains didn't quite shell hey what do you two want anyway uh we just thought we'd drop in and have a little chat with professor reynolds she's an old friend of the family the professor used to bounce her on his knee yeah and him on his head you haven't got a pass signed by john foster the both of you can bounce yourself right out of here sunny boy do you realize that you're talking to two representatives press see and if you're a good little boy and let us in to see professional rounds we'll get your name in the paper and i'll put your picture in the paper right out that store if you beat it oh a nasty character hello hello mike oh no mike no you know i never talked to reporters about my work yeah i know professor most likely to be standing on the outside waiting a buttonhole yet probably two we've been pestering john pastor thanks for tuning off mike oh mike mike the lights have just gone off in here maybe a fuse [Music] will you check him please a lot of work to do right hello what's wrong with professor my home i'll call the police [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you hadn't pulled a boner i might have talked my way right past that night watchman oh i was only kidding kidding kidding one of these days you're gonna kill us right into jail can't you keep your big mouth shut shooting in emerson laboratory shooting at first in maple street emerson laboratory shooting at first in maple street emerson laboratory [Music] is he trying to do runoff what's going on here say something must be happening hey let's follow him [Music] [Applause] hello eddie hello patsy hi barney what's going on around here oh somebody got conked guy named reynolds well the professor out of heaven who did it all i know is he got hit by some guy there search the building for him now thanks a million barney come on eddie let's go [Music] okay [Music] hey wait a minute [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just a minute don't put this in your coat oh eddie did you see a man go by here sure went right downstairs [Applause] [Music] you can stay here what was he trying to help you [Music] take these drugs up to the car and wait for me and don't lose them what's available about these silly things they must be valuable you wouldn't risk his life to steal them come on let's get going just to bruise professor you're lucky i feel all right now got a pretty tough head may i think professor reynolds please you got to pass oh no do i need one nobody gets through that door without a pass from john foster but i just want to see professor on the first second oh wait i'm going to get going with you sister hello patsy hiya casey said this bird won't let me buy without a pass tell them who i am oh you are makes no difference to me if you were the queen of sheba yeah and she'd need a pass too wait a minute patsy i'll ask the professor if he'll see you thanks a million casey won't do you no good yeah well just watch bub well if it isn't miss scoop herself hiya patsy what's the matter can't you get in listen creep just because you're all foster's nothing you got to pull a pull well i can't get in there myself you don't have to dig up stuff for that rag you'll work on stick around i'll come out here and blab it to you listen patsy you got me all wrong why can't we bury the hatchet yeah right in my skull down to my ankles what's up mike reynolds got slunt he did yeah was he hurt bad ah just a goose egg he'll be all right sorry pepsi the professor says no interviews well thanks casey did he get away he did after shooting at mike here well either of you fellas have any idea who it was uh i was too dark to get a good look he stole some important drawings step right in mr biggs i'll tell you all about it they may even write it for you now patsy all i'll know is what you just heard them tell me you ain't heard nothing yet will you read my story that dame still got those things right [Music] hey eddie i gotta hunch those drawings are worth their weight in gold and what on printers ink anyway but suppose the cops find how we got them not we me you keep your big trap shut i'll return them to the owners when and if the first time i have a scientist friend i might take a peek at him well you mean that radio and electronics engineer just see what yeah that's the guy i've always said you were smart i wish i could say the same for you [Applause] let's have those drawings look straight ahead [Music] look straight ahead [Music] uh eddie darling i'll take that back about you're not being smart oh that jump never had a chance with me if you only waited out to beat him to a pulp i know tell me uh that uh flash bulb didn't have to go off accidentally did it are you kidding hey joe what sort of contraption is this well it's a little too complicated to explain to a layman you'd have to know something about electronics electronics huh do you know what it's all about not all a little it's a machine that will pick up sound i mean voices at the distance same principle is used in boats then if it works it's really worth getting excited about huh is it i'd say it will revolutionize the science of communications do away with wires cables broadcasting stations you mean you can tune in on anybody any place well that is the theory wow eddie pull that up thanks a minion joe and you and i are going over to john foster's for once in our life we've got an ace in the hole as you know the last thing we wanted was to attract public attention to this invention after what happened tonight the newspapers will be full of them as members of the foundation's advisory committee all of us are sworn to secrecy if we don't tell the press anything they can't publish very much you're right what we've got to do is get those drawings back but we haven't the clue it must be someone who's trying to beat this to the patent i tell you there's millions in it guard these with your life and when i whistle you come in okay now why haven't we applied for the patent the reynolds asked me to hold off to the get a few things straightened up it's a since the thief is trying to beat us to the patent only today duckworth booted a news hog down my front steps and shut the door on another one a most persistent young woman yeah and i'm still persisting who let you in the door was unlocked so i just walked in well you better leave right now sweetheart you're going to beg me to accept the keys to the city get out before i call the police watch your blood pressure sonny boy you'll keel over from the excitement before i give you the good news what is all this foolishness well boys what am i offered for one complete set of the drawings of your invention would you care to start the bidding mr foster you mean you have them um i wouldn't exactly say that i just simply asked a simple question do you care to make an offer you mean you're trying to bargain with me well that's blackmail uh-uh i don't engage in that what is this all about you either have them or you haven't well it's just that i'm fairly sure i can lay my hands on i was pushed around plenty by you guys when you're in the driver's seat now i'm doing the driving let's see the drawing my line is newspaper work i deal in exclusive stories all i want is a beat on this invention we couldn't possibly reveal the details not at this time all i want is just a general idea of the thing in a picture and a nice group shot of you pretty gentlemen you know the sponsors of this uh scientific miracle that's not asking too much i thought you'd see it my way when you can produce the drawings we'll give you the story that's got it i'll take a chance on it trying to whistle yeah do it this way a minute faster i'll do it i don't think you can whistle either thank you duckworth well i'm surprised myself sir duckworth can whistle ah that was a beauty looks like a wig okay here you are how do we know you didn't take them listen curly locks are you trying to renege i picked him up when the thief dropped him yeah we almost got killed after his when he held us up who was it what did he look like we couldn't see it was too dark it could have been anybody as a matter of fact mr foster knowing how valuable they are it could have been you that's ridiculous uh coming right down to cases any of us might have a motive the only thing we can do is to keep our end of the bargain that's right that sounds reasonable i've got ten minutes to make the deadline hello jimmy good evening mr blank hello everybody hi hi junior well if it isn't the bad penny it happens to you okay two bad pennies what are you two doing here as usual getting a beat on your outfit what's the idea uncle john miss clark returned the stolen drawings and made a deal for an exclusive on the invention so if you don't mind you can run along now little boy how about that uncle i'm afraid she's right jimmy i heard the drawings were stolen just how did you get hold of them perfect timing just being there in the right place and then the right time scram okay you know someday this phenomenal luck of yours is going to run out good night gentlemen good night jimmy and you are about to say mr price now young woman i'll tell you as much as i can are you our boss hey red uh yeah is the patsy calling yet nope well we can't wait any longer grab an early edition of the daily news knock out something heck of a note when you have to steal news from a rag like that when she does call in tell her the cashier's got a surprise for her closing check he'd give you the horse laughs chief yeah and this time it stinks [Music] rewrite des hold on papi hey boss it's her well you heard what i said tell her gently says you're fired she says she has a better offer from the daily news ah you know i was only kidding this is hot stuff chief stop everything composing room hold everything for page one makeover all right eddie all right now gentlemen if you're just uh gathered right around here mr foster you said i'm talking about this okay just get right in there uh do you mind moving in a little bit please oh thank you and mr foster open that so we can see the plans thank you that looks much better all right eddie that's a good shot all right hold it everybody straighten up anybody hurt i'm all right what happened fire that shot what's going on around here that's what i want to know what is going on around here the plans where are they where they're going where's that photographer are you trying to send you away he took one we just brought them back to you yes and you've got your story now what is it you want for this is downright extortion one more crack like that and i'll let you have it right between the eyes i wouldn't use that if i were you why you that's it what is that hey help me with this are you still horsing around what happened to you i was doing all right well somebody hit me with that davenport what did you do with those drawings are you gonna stop that again well it must be around here someplace i had him just a second ago you had him here i had him for a minute i thought i'd lost him how'd you get him well when the lights went out i made a dive for him some guy just got his mission on him when i snatched him right out of his hand like that ha ha smart boy whose hand probably the guy that was trying to steal probably one of your guys mr foster mr foster what is it duckworth mr foster there's a gentleman on the grinder what does he want i don't know sir well i asked him but he can't answer sir i'm afraid he's met with some misfortune you know how cold out yes sir coal out there want another one right here sir where's eddie griffith here let me i took a course in first aid this man is deader than yesterday's headlines just so we don't destroy any evidence we better get back inside not teleport the police doctor yes get this place straightened up yes now wait a minute just a minute you guys this has begun to look like some kind of a gay are you guys trying to exterminate one another playful kind of a gag i'd say last man left gets the drawings who's got them now i have and i'm gonna lock them up in my private safe better lock yourself up with it pal or one of your little playmates might decide to plug you you seem to be pretty certain that one of the committee is the criminal why not now that i think of it the gun went off right in my kisser if i hadn't ducked it would have blown my head off eddie he wasn't shooting it griffith i was the bird he wanted what makes you think that huh well that's easy he knew we had a couple of quick ganders at him once in the laboratory and once in the car when he held us up he knew we'd recognize him and uh did you no no but it was one of your outfit and he's right here in this room one sure thing the shot was fired in this room nobody leaves the police get here the man of course lieutenant dave bioda danny's a smart hombre he's head of the homicide squad he's the guy to knock your case over i'll phone him but first i better call in the murder yarn [Music] city dust gently speaking jumping jeepers no no don't wait to come in here dictate it to red sure it'll be under your byline red grab this on your phone hold page one for new lead phantom killer strikes in dark [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gotta make on this guy o'connor i'm waiting for a report homicide squad oh dave speaking ha ha patsy oh i i'll be right over come on parker hiya danny what's up there's been a killer down at your uncle's house you better come along [Music] this man griffith who was killed did you know him why yes he was a member of the foundation committee oh did uncle john phone you no patsy the way she digs up stuff she must have a strain of bloodhound in her she ought to be a cop instead of a reporter anytime she wants to be a cop i've got a job for her foster yes i'm okay homicide squad oh come on in hello uncle john hello jimmy huh what's going on somebody turn out the lights and before we can get them on again we shot griffith you know who did it it was all very sudden and mysterious oh oh hello patrick hiya danny hey eddie hi are you here when it happened was i here i skidded halfway across the room on my face well looks like a benefit performance for the daily express yeah it looks like i was a piazza resistance huh corpse to you oh my story's in already there's a phone thanks i'm familiar with the place well come on where's the body i'll show you come on this way over here danny well look look at what the corpse is gone it's gone patsy dead men don't walk off you both saw him didn't you yes i saw him certainly he was right there parker take a look around the ground yes now what made you think griffith was dead i don't know when a man's dead besides he was well he was cold to the touch look sister just because a man feels cold to the touch isn't proof that he's dead listen danny when i touch a man and he stays cold then i know he's dead besides if he was dead how could he disappear like this finding out things like that is your business all she has to do is write about it right about it there's no cops out there and i don't think there ever was one so it was a hoax huh it certainly was not yeah the next thing you're going to say was there wasn't any shooting there very definitely was i was here when the shot was fired we were all here why certainly of course we were oh any one of you guys could have done a kill when the light came on again you had a drawing he wouldn't have any reason to commit murder but you would and you and you and you why he isn't clever enough to plan a crime like that he hasn't got all his marbles have yeti of course not what do you mean i haven't got all my marbles i found this gun outside beneath the window whose gun is this what expect the man to do stick his head through a noose what do you want him to walk to and say here i am i didn't ask for your advice if you're gonna start asking questions like that you need all the advice you can get you shut up too okay cham mr foster have you any idea why any man would want to commit murder in your home well it's possible someone was trying to get possession of the drawings to an invention owned by the emerson foundation possible it's more than that he tried to kill the inventor not at the laboratory then stole the drawings is that true well yeah it's essentially somebody right in this room why don't you jug the whole outfit you have to have evidence before you can arrest a person for murder besides i don't think there ever was a murder yeah well how about griffith when he's found he'll be questioned good night mr foster good night everybody good night danny just a minute danny danny okay you're not really gonna let a man get away with murder are you you heard what i said about evidence if you have enough to prefer charges yourself i'll take anybody here down to headquarters for further questioning oh you're laying it right in our laps i'm not in my damage suits for false arrests good night imagine a guy like that walking up he's got the killer right in his mitts don't worry i'll dream something up come on let a corpse walk off all i know is the express is on the street with a murder story under my byline and there is no corpus delicti ain't that delective [Music] [Music] [Music] what is it the back it's griffin uh what are we gonna do with him we're gonna take him to danny o'day at his office okay danny he's out there oh who griffin what caught him in i want to talk to him sorry he can't walk and he can't talk why can't he did you ever see a corpse who could i read about one in the express funny where is he in the backseat of my car how'd he get there somebody must have put him there danny oh please don't give me that kind of stuff well don't tell me you have an exclusive on another murder no no same one where's the corpse this time in the back of our car and if you don't remove it mr o'day we're going to deliver it to the editor of our paper well let's go take a look at it it's free you know this time it better be there have a look lieutenant well you still think you're being ribbed just as i thought you mean he isn't there he's gone now listen you two he was there ago when we went inside certainly was looks like they've been ripping you all along danny there's a law against hoaxing the police i ought to throw both of you in the clink get out before i do here we go again a fine pair you turned out to be dead man walks out on you foster's home you give him a ride into town and then he gives you the go by again oh we got you an exclusive on the invention didn't we yeah you got me an exclusive on this too phantom killer strikes in dire okay okay we know it we saw it in every news stand from the police station to here now you two better tell me the truth what do you think i've been dreaming of fairy tales a very fantastic alibi only i don't happen to believe in pixies if i hadn't seen griffith with my own eyes i wouldn't believe it myself mr gentry could it be that we're all wacky no not all of us just you too i feel quite sane myself since i remember that we're out on the street that [ __ ] and bull murder story that you phoned in for that i could boil you in oil okay gentry but heat up a couple of cans for you in that chump all day you'll need it when you discover there really has been a murder i'm going to let you prove that i'm on time try it again call it anything you like but you're off pay all right brother it's okay with me but when i come back it'll be a twice the pay and i still wouldn't pay my income tax what are we gonna do now i still got that pass from foster come on hey general oh you two back again yeah only this time we got what it takes open sesame what did you call me never mind does this do the trick or doesn't it yeah from 115 in the rear don't wait up for us so i put two centers never mind i'll do it myself thank you uh i'm a reporter from the daily express this is eddie jones my uh photographer all right mr foster gave this to me yes i know he phoned me want to come in thank you um i hate to bother you at this hour but i have a deadline to make with my story what do you mean deadline my head even got a job uh his corns uh now uh professor if you would just give us a demonstration of this marvelous invention of yours and a sort of outline of its general principles no but uh but your friend just said that you were not writing for any paper oh well he means we uh we don't exactly have a job that is we want to have one if you don't give us a story well i see at the present time uh the city editor considers us expendable if you know what i mean well actually i don't but if mr foster wants me to demonstrate this machine do you well i suppose tell me uh do you folks know anything at all about electronics like oh yeah yes it has something to do with electricity hasn't it well yes it uh has to do with electrical units uh impulses uh short waves in the control for scientific purposes oh um uh tell me professor uh exactly what is the scientific marvel supposed to do oh uh that picks up voices from a distance and reproduces them uh through a speaker the radio will do that quietly well yes the radio records voices that are broadcast but this machine does not need the use of a broadcasting device at the voice source do you see what i mean no no being newspaper people you probably recall an interesting case a few months ago where a new listening device was said to have picked up an amazing conversation on capitol hill do you recall that uh i remember reading about it someplace uh but i believe there was some question about whether it really happened that's very true there was a question but with this machine there's no question such things could happen oh geez that's wonderful you mean you can hear anybody anywhere well if you can tune in on them yes well that's positively dangerous what times would a girl have to keep her secrets same as she always had none uh tell me professor uh could we tune in on something now i'd love to listen to something let us try and see what we can get here we go you should have heard what sally told me about betty oh boy was i surprised would i like to get something on that cat what was it i promise not to tell a soul you know very well i won't repeat it well of course not but maybe i should mention it at all it really mustn't go any farther it's absolutely sub rosa nobody must know what happened it's positively a secret yes yes my dear well you know the carlton's and is he good looking and you know his wife works tonight oh what did you want to turn it off for oh didn't you hear the lady say it was a secret or let's play fair let's tune in the city room of the express i'd like to hear old man gentry blowing his top ah now that's the hurdle we still have to jump we can't tune in just anywhere yet but there is a wavelength for every locality in the world now i can tune in on places that i've experimented with mostly the homes and offices of the foundation's commitment well uh where we're about it how about showing us how the recording machine works huh all right i'll try and get to john foster no doubt about it griffith must have known something about this fellow's plan that's why he was killed everything's very mysterious on the surface when you analyze it it's plain as day one of our own people stole those plans there are half a dozen outside interests who'd give a million dollars to get their hands on it what'd you do that for turn it on again quit i'm sorry miss clark but that conversation was purely confidential mr foster would not like any stranger to strangers how do you get that way we're all messed up in this thing together i didn't tell you but i was holding that body all over town tonight in my car no yes what'd you do with it i didn't do anything with it well it just disappeared how how did you got in the first place i didn't have it in the first place somebody else put it in the back of my car i know it was who the guy that killed him of course don't mind him listen professor i'm in this thing up to my neck and i'm getting deeper all the time that's why i came to you i i thought maybe you could help me with this this contraption of yours oh by telling me all you know about the murder but i don't know anything foster told me about griffith's appearance but he couldn't explain it who was foster talking to you just now i have no idea there's no time to quibble turn that machine back on all right i guess he's through talking i'm gonna find out and you keep that thingamajig on while i'm gone you might pick up a clue come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm looks like everybody went to bed and put the door unless how about some lights big pardon i thought i heard intruders i guess maybe you did jim well he isn't very well you better get him off to bed yeah give me a hand come on kitty's feet get it boy big meaty isn't he yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got any bourbon the best sir well get it how is he i think he's all right open you pop let me think i don't know you can't remember anything the drawings uh someone must have stolen them i just can't seem to remember somebody sounds terrorists maybe it's [Music] him somebody just ran out of here i got a glimpse of them oh you're imagining there he goes [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey look i'll go around the head okay [Music] hey hey wait a minute cut it out patchy my jimmy foster it's you what goes here he stole the drawings what drawing you know what draws hand him over oh so that's what he stole the drawings i was chasing him too saw him come out of the house as i was coming up the wall you mean you were chasing somebody yes uncle john told me to come over and have a talk with him oh so it's you it was funny well were you here no but we heard it on a machine over the laboratory that's why we came here unless anything happened uncle john nothing only gets slugged by the thief then he knows who it is no it's a trouble he can't remember a thing well in that case come on we better follow day now let's get this thing straight where were you two when this happened we were probably ringing the front doorbell while foster was being slugged did you see anyone yes and no you're dead oh you didn't know how just a minute we only got a quick gander it was talking midnight nicole mine you never quite see anything do you and yet you're always around when anybody gets beaned that's funny entirely coincidental my dear fellow entirely coincidental and it's not funny you know i don't know why i was called in this time this isn't a homicide listen my friend it's a development of the griffith case and that was a murder yeah well i think i'll go and have a talk with foster but i'll see you two later yeah we'll see you later after i've solved the crime and toss the solution right in your lap by the way any trace of griffith griffith oh i thought you were still hauling him around in the back of your car that's pretty grim humor danny yeah there's nothing quite as funny as a nice juicy murder i don't like you he doesn't like you sir don't like me it'll not look i'm a little tired in that patsy how about calling the whole thing off of the night let's get a little shutter huh you just keep your big mouth shut we're gonna make a dash for the laboratory i've got a hunch renault's got a clue oh wait oh dave wants to talk to us some more swedish spruce [Music] [Applause] i'm so sorry i came over as quickly as i could is mr foster badly injured not too badly say how do you know he was hurt professor reynolds was tuned in here when it happened he got in touch with me and by home [Music] now if i could see mr foster for a moment uh right upstairs in the bedroom with jimmy on a day thank you [Music] remember this okay yeah it could be uh-uh visitor's day more trouble eh yeah plenty what's happened now somebody can't flush you on the head stole the drawings you don't say where is foster upstairs isn't it better why didn't you ask him how he knew what to use he'd have an alibi hello yeah this is a john foster residence now this is patsy clark reporter or until i got mixed up in this deal oh should i remember you mr wheeler i met you out here tonight no no he was just stunned sure you can come over if you want to it seems to be doing it okay bye how do you know reynolds come on let's get out of here [Music] i say homie sweetheart what do you do around here besides snoop prepare the bath serve the coffee do the silver yeah you probably got your pockets full right now come on let's grant you can't do that sir oh we can't don't do that sir please are you kidding i think he needs a little attention i think you're right well what do you expect the purple heart uh what's the matter duckworth they were taking french sleeves ceremony taken what you'd better reconsider reconsider what your intention sir you may go duckworth thank you sir thank you okay they got there your own private gestapo yeah what's the idea of posting a guard around us if you want to get your story in there's a telephone as usual mr foster you're a little behind in your current events eddie and i no longer members of the press you mean you quit the express well that's sort of vice anniversary the express don't like us either never did think you were clever but i still didn't think you were an intellectual washout what do you mean you're gonna stand around with your finger in your mouth while heads are being bashed in and bodies being snatched you have to have your own throat cut before you admit there's a killer on the loose i'll admit things are getting screwy about a minute but i don't see just what i can do about it you can do team up with me and we'll get our hooks in the killer before he's a day older that is providing the killer don't get his hooks on us first yes that's just what i was thinking just thinking of me i got a couple of good ideas what do you propose doing listen reynolds was listening in from the lab well then he should know who the criminal is your iq is going up by the minute why don't we call reynolds now with all this going on somebody might be listening in on the phone but it's illegal to tap wires yeah and it's illegal to kill people we'll be back in less than an hour jimmy come on character okay duckworth let him go thank you so you know that may be concussion his memory is pretty faulty i think you better give the doctor another ring i'll call him right now the line is dead have you got wires cut i don't know i'll check it well i'll get the doctor myself say i've got to get back to headquarters well thanks a million for coming over danny oh anytime i can help you jimmy you know thanks a lot goodbye there's no use arguing you ain't got to pass i told you we left it with professor reynolds a couple of hours ago that was to see him wants not to move in permanently now scram will you come on patchy i got a name for you that's reynolds window all right professor reynolds professor reynolds yes you want to wake up the whole neighborhood [Music] hey look i'll see if nobody's home here give me a boost give me [Applause] [Music] you go around the whole door i'll let you from the inside [Music] hey the machine is busted [Music] he's been slugging and not long ago whoever killed him must have smashed the machine we better call the police maybe you want to be charged with murder but i don't oh come on we're taking the machine with us listen you've gone completely wacky maybe i am eddie maybe i am oh no what do i don't do with that silly thing just a hunch i just have a hunch come on let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait a minute until i swallow my gizzard are you looking for someone your dog all right i am and someone may be looking for me is the copper day still in there you left right after you dude that's great pardon me well may i congratulate you thanks old boy come on baby take it from there here put it here eddie wait a minute where's jimmy foster he's upstairs miss definitely hide this hiding i got an idea look i never see it now here help me what are you trying to hide patsy oh and nothing nothing oh what makes you think we're trying to hide anything what it's professor reynolds invention all right get moving ducky okay take a good look at what's left of it patsy how did you get that thing and what's happened to it it's smashed we were all wrong about griffith he's not dead thank you i see you were right about griffith that's what i was telling him he's alive you're wrong he's dead what makes you think he's dead the coroner said so where'd you find him he's been riding around with me somebody checked him in the back of my car where's he now danny i just took him to the mug hello yes mike this is jimmy foster reynolds oh i guess the cooks are goose well well lieutenant o'day is here you'd better tell him or danny yeah oh they're speaking what professor reynolds dead reynolds why just talk to him professor has been murdered in the invention stolen why the machine is here well how to get here uh we brought it here from the emerson laboratory was runners there at the time yeah of course you mean to tell me that runners will let you have it they couldn't help himself he was dead oh so he was dead when you got there well why didn't you call the police we told you about the griffith case you wouldn't believe it we didn't want you messing this one up too why did you bring the machine here at the time i was stupid enough to take your word griffith was still alive i was gonna have this thingamajigger repair and snag him with it jimmy was gonna help me were you well yes you said yourself she was smart enough to be on the homicide squad danny i've seen you crack a lot of tough cases but this is the first time i've seen you stub your toes you're close enough to kill her right now to spit on him you know that don't you you know i'd give anything if you could prove that maybe we still can that is if uh jimmy will still help us why of course i will anything uh may we use your phonograph my phonograph well sure it's right over there thank you jimmy eddie get rid of these things please stop all this foolishness mr o'day i'm going to call the police commissioner you'll call nobody go ahead patsy danny see that nobody runs out on this recital blake if i had that invention at reynolds i could get two million dollars for it any day two millions is a lot of money for anybody but foster insists the thing is not for sale i'll talk to you later about this george well this is ridiculous i won't stay here and listen any more of it i'm getting out of here right now listen i tell you nobody's leaving hey what is this a double cross it looks that way looks like we sunk i guess we don't have paint out this trip you know you're not allowed in here that's the reason i came through the window it's jimmy shoot me i made foster a proposition i heard it over the machine tonight so you were listening in yes and i also know that you're the man who tried to kill foster and stole the blueprints you tried to kill griffith too don't don't jimmy don't jimmy i'm afraid i'll have to put you under arrest oh brother he must have burned up the road getting to the laboratory ahead of us well i guess you know now who switched griffith spotting to your car i do oh am i stupid this newspaper here should have told me was jimmy who knocked his uncle over the head is that got the story yeah but not in print it was a light addition that only jimmy could have brought from the office that job down at homicide is still open patsy ah thank you danny darling but my job is headlines and bylines nab's killer after night of terror oh brother i got it i got it what do you got say why didn't you two get a picture jimmy foster oh get a load of that well that's jimmy you mean to tell me you had this in the camera all the time certainly i took it when he was holding us up for the drawings hey here's a new one get over to daniel day's quick well here we go again [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 439,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MYSTERY, classic movie, Frank Jenks, filmstruck, FILM, #classicmovies, Rogues Gallery (1944), FREE, classic movies, Movie, crime, H.B. Warner, MOVIES, PUBLIC DOMAIN, CLASSIC, Robin Raymond
Id: vNAEPcvqnAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2012
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