The Last Alarm (1940) CRIME THRILLER

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[Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] we are gathered here to honor Captain Jim Hadley a man we all admire and love it's a Pity we must age and let others take our place but that's the way it is like many of you I've known Jim ever since he joined the Department and as chief of your fire department I want to take this opportunity personally to thank him for his 40 Years of loyal Devotion to [Applause] duty now had our honored guest played politics he might have worked his way up to commissioner or mayor or even fire chief however Captain Jim Hadley chose the hard way he worked untiringly and those of you in the department will never forget him for his cooperation his friendship and his fearlessness and now that he's been pensioned he can look forward to a well- earned life of ease and I know that I speak for all of us when I wish Jim the best of everything on behalf of the boys of your company I have the pleasure of presenting you with this [Applause] token good luck Captain Hadley and may all your troubles be false alarms you have no idea Frank how glad I am that Dad has been retired I suppose you want to say a few words I appreciate this I'm sorry it's because I'm leaving the department it's been my very life I've enjoyed every minute of it but they say that when a man becomes my age he's outlived his usefulness but I'm a lucky man I made many good friends and most of you are here it's my fervent prayer that I may keep those friendships even though I'm going to become a Gentleman of Leisure I uh I'm really uh a good after dinner speaker but I I'm I'm handicapped this time cuz I haven't had my dinner [Laughter] yet stop that noise stop ringing that Bell my husband's a slave where is it where is it any scissors or knife you want sharpen lady no we don't want any all right all back to bed darling it was just a mind one to sharpen scissors oh I forgot I was a Gentleman of Leisure ah you'll get used to it just think you haven't a thing in the world to do but take it easy I've entitled to arrest H oh you said certainly are darl oh and you can start right now by taking that trunk up to the attic great [Music] start just the boys are polishing the brass on the hook and ladder about now you read the morning paper yeah why don't you turn on the radio no programs I want to listen to can I help oh [Music] sure what's funny just thinking about the gang all things they've got to do and here I am taking it easy oh I take it easy in the other room will you darling yeah [Music] Omama what about playing little casino with me what did you say what about playing little casino with me oh don't be silly Jim you know I'm [Music] busy [Music] pardon me if you don't know what to do with yourself take those jars down to the [Music] basement [Music] okay I wouldn't take too many if I were you not do it Jim did you break all my preserves no but I [Music] will [Music] I answered [Music] ma good morning Madam I mean sir I represent the Magnificent bar company we carry a full wine of brush how do you do come right in I'm glad to see you make yourself a home huh every good home should have a rewireable brush in them we have the most reable brushes and once you will try them you will be a steady customer he sit right down there and have a chair have your hat these things too huh oh well I thought you might like to buy a bush you sure I'm not intruding oh no oh no no you see I was kind of Lonesome and the wife threw me out of the kitchen again again yeah she''s been doing it all day ever since I got up this morning and put out a fire but there wasn't any fire so I stayed home I think I'd better be going oh what your hurry watch your hurry you just came you see uh I'm on a pension the boy threw a big party last night and the chief spoke my best friend tore up my speech I wish you could have been there thanks just the same but I had a date oh that's too bad you sell those things yeah here we have number two our housewife St white you know it must be awfully interesting you meet all kinds of people all sorts of yes huh yeah all sorts hello ma we don't want any hey wait a minute wait a minute Jin why you should know better than let one of those salesmen into the house they'll talk a n off you oh but he's different he hardly said a word you were busy and I had nothing to do and it was nice to have someone to talk to why don't you take a walk it's a lovely day go on the exercise will do you good that's an idea oh dear oh dear oh dear well well well look who's coming our way if it isn't the boy oror un accustom as I am to public speaking hi slaves how does it feel to be a Gentleman of Leisure Jim nothing like it it's great in about 6 months you'll know you think the chief will give me a send off if he does I'll tear up your speech and cram it down your throat make him eat his own words huh Jim say how about a game of peanuckle before Brigs here gets too funny oh I don't know how much time all right come on we all have a good time hi fell hi je couldn't stay away hey yeah beat the pants off oh yeah I deal all right but from the top yeah you're not superstitious about my sitting in front of you are you no no Chim of course not no [Music] [Music] a 150 trumps 100 A's 60 Queens my luck and alarm has to come [Music] in [Applause] tacki come on hurry up nice take me to the fire step on [Music] it get that line up get that line lad ladder the ladder the ladder over over over over [Applause] all right John I'm just finishing the claim of that apartment house fire $80,000 huh I adore you honey that's quite a loss yes it is I think you're gorgeous Mr Stevens want you to investigate it right away well guess our little love scene's over see you later and don't be late I [Applause] [Music] won't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] I put you Two Fellas on the job because I wanted some action and all I get is more fires look Lieutenant we're doing all we can the chemical analysis of the Rune shows that each fire was started with gasoline I know that and we have every reason to believe that time bombs were used stop it stop it will you Roberts the next thing I know you guys will be giving me weather reports I want that fire bug in I want him right away Lieutenant King speaking oh yes yes your honor yes we're doing all we can we are working on several Clues the chemical analysis of the ruin showed that all fires were started with gasoline and we have every reason to believe that time bombs were used I'm not alibiing I'm doing everything I can to catch the Firebug I've just had the boys on the carpet yes sir yes sir goodbye there's always two sides to recurment a lieutenant oh I know you fellas aren't loafing on the job but well this thing's got me all upset come on Roberts before he has a nervous breakdown this is getting serious I have Henderson and Roberts of the arson Squad coming in to see you I'll see them as soon as they get here all right hi Joan hello Jack miss me I don't remember I used to be here steady but I guess I wasn't steady enough isn't that right Frank fortunately for me Mr Stevens in yes good how are you Henderson oh pretty good your company got nicked for the hotel didn't they yes and for the warehouse too we suspected arson then we worked on the Revenge motive until all the rest of these fires broke up then we realize we were on the wrong track I still believe they're professional firebuds doing it for the insurance funny they all got the same idea at the same time you guys can kid yourselves if you want to but all those fires have been started by someone who does it for the thrill of it a pyromaniac yep and the cat's one of those crazy guys is just a question of luck the police na up north last week well he hung around all the fires were put out didn't want to miss any the excitement some don't do that I can't understand how any person can willfully cause so much problem y damage endanger the lives of men women and even children just for their own satisfaction well they do the Ki in their mind seems to make them clever H they're strange people all the ones I've come in contact with were mild mannered wouldn't hurt a fly but as soon as they see Flames they go crazy got any ideas no Mr Stevens I'll have to check with the police again well I'd do something if I were you wait a minute Stevens it's no use taking it out on Frank I've got a job to protect and it isn't my business to investigate fire that's Frank's job all right do what you wanted to do and hurry yes Mr St sorry I can't take you to lunch got some business to take care of well I'll walk as far as the restaurant with you so I'll worrying won't do any good everything will be all right I hope you're all right honey see that salt and pepper s uhuh I've admired that for a long time and when I'm married that's exactly the kind of silverware I'm going to have in my home whose home ours dear oh they are nice say there's an interesting piece of work that statue of Vulcan Vulcan yeah ever study Roman mythology yes but I can't place that uh little man well my dear he just happens to be the god of fire I still like my salt and pepper sit come on [Music] I promised to fix your shoulder for a long time I I'll do it [Music] now I guess you ought to blame he [Music] [Applause] Vulcan fire beautiful [Music] fire had an argument with Frank oh no mother I'm terribly worried Mr Stevens is so unfair you'd think Frank we're neglecting his job now arson isn't easy depend on anyone especially when you have a pyromaniac to deal with well maybe you could help Dad you've had so much experience remember me I retired the arson squad's on the job and the police on the lookout and Frank has got to go then you haven't any suggestion no my dear don't forget I'm not in the service anymore I have outlived my usefulness you reached the age limit dad age limit what a laugh one day I'm valuable to the department next I'm an old man why I'm just as active as I was 10 years ago and I've worked side by side with men that are 20 years younger and I've always done my part now I've reached the age limit and they've retired me they want me to sit around twiddle my thumbs they got youth in the department let them worry about the fires fire bugs I don't care if the whole city burns down find anything interesting no this where the fire started though hey what is it wait a minute that looks like part of a time clock [Music] there will be more fires great fires High into the heavens they think you're the god of fire but no I am see it's great bir you know taking it easy like this of course I miss you and the boys but I can always drop in and see you well just to make us envious eh a you know me better than that yeah you you're just the type to rub it in you maybe I am putting on a little bit but won't be long before you're doing the same thing you know oh going someplace huh yeah with you D you know the very first thing we're going to do when I get my pension yeah going on a fine fishing trip and boy there's the spot gee that's all right huh say just as soon as the huting season's open why we'll just give this joint the once over maybe I can get to use the gun you gave me eight years ago for a birthday present [Music] sure wait for me here J got some other ideas I'll be right [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a yeah yes what what's that where okay it's another Warehouse boys tent and Maine here we go again [Applause] you take line and I take that over later okay come on let's look him [Music] [Music] over got you oh boy who is it B St boom boom boom [Music] what happened B he's badly injured where did they take him the Receiving Hospital huh it's pretty tough on Jim how is he he's a very sick man hurt internally there must be something going be done can I see [Music] him all H why I heard you had a little accident it's all right Jim you'll be out of here in no time you get a leave of absence and we go hun and fishing together and look I I I found a SW monp look look for look there it is I see right I'd like that I'd like that you I I look forward to the pension it oh we we we'll have a grand time together you and me just a couple of gentlemen of leisure that's us yes yes of course now look all you got to do is take care of yourself [Music] and good afternoon Miss I'd like to see the salt and pepper set in the window of course are these the ones you mean yes they're lovely how much are they they're just $10 there's a dent in this one really oh I'd be most happy to fix it for you well I'll take them you don't mind delivering them not at all my name is Miss Hadley Miss Hadley 1488 1488 kto kto thank you very much was had x-ray x-ray all about the big fire x-ray x-ray fireman kill more paper lady thank you xray xray all about the big fire xray xray fire kill xray xray all about the big fire xray xray fire and kill feel better guess we'd better run along got to go back on duty there's anything we can do oh no but thank you for dropping in uh we'll let ourselves out goodbye Jim supp Frank and might have I worked with him of course not dad might be able to help Henderson too huh oh I'm sure you could I'll see who it is hello there hello Frank how's your father taking it well he's pretty upset hello good evening Frank I'm sorry Mr Hadley that's all right Frank I don't know whether you know it or not but I've had little experience on the arson Squad Joan and I were thinking I might be of some help fine I was going to ask you to give us a hand but well I knew you were retired no this is one job I want to do good John see who's there yes Mother good evening Miss Hadley I brought the things you wished well thank you I'll get the money for you I bought that salt and pepper set this [Music] afternoon I hope I'm not intruding oh we've had a terrible shock a very dear friend of ours died this afternoon may I offer my condolence was your friend ill long he was injured in a fire today a very unfortunate I'll get it I'm expecting a call hello yes yes Jack they made the time clock didn't they I see well it was a clue anyway sorry it didn't work out well we'll get together in the morning we're going to have some expert advice too Jim Hadley so long I'll be see you what happened Frank it looked like we were getting some place but this this pyromaniac is a little too clever for us you said something about time clock we found one at the oil fire traced it to the manufacturer but it was among those stolen from a warehouse so we're no better off than we were before thanks I wonder if you could let me have $10 Frank sure I appreciate you bringing up the S thank you good evening how about getting together the first thing in the morning sooner the better good night good night there night where'd King go I don't know but the way things are I wouldn't be surprised if he was taking out more Insurance on this building we got to do something maybe one of us should arrest the other as a suspect hello Captain hiy Jack tells me you're going to give us a hand what makes it so difficult the cats and man we want is that apparently has no motiv and you can't tell where he's going to pop up next where was this piece of time clock found at the oil tanks oil tank huh yeah I'd like to take a look around okay I picked it up right about here must to set off a charge of dynamite trace of oralene here oralene yeah a rare fluid used to spread Flames after an explosion let's have the wood analyzed that's good lards had enough time to build a house with that piece of wood we use the spectroscope a very effective instrument for this type of work yes I know there was one man whose shop burn put an a claim for silver foxes but by using this instrument we discovered he had substituted rabbit skins for The Foxes just before the fire well it's hene all right lieutenant and the wood is a fine grade of maple then get a list of all places selling orlene right away yes sir Trace down that wood now we're getting somewhere huh you don't remember anybody who bought a small quty of white Maple are you sure you have no record of it it's very important can't you remember think think hard when was he here last what does he look like where does he live he remembered making about 20 little boxes for this man and described him as a medium build in about 40 but couldn't give me any idea as to who he was or where he lived what did he do pick up the boxes at the lumber company and if he's as smart as I think he is he won't go back there again so they thought they could trace that clock eh now Falcon you shall see for yourself how I [Music] destroy [Music] God you're doing it now mother well your father should have been home hours ago don't worry you know Dad when he gets his mind set on something I know did but Jim sorry I'm late why didn't you telephone me so I know you all right I was busy is there anything neat in the house I'll fix something for you coffee and sandwich will do Jim darling I know how important this job is to you but you've just got to take care of yourself I'm all right m h we were going hunting fishes I wish I could lay my hands on the miserable [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr Hadley there yes I'll tell him hold the line please your sandwich is ready Dad okay Jim it's for you oh hello hello Captain yes yes Jack I'm leaving right away what is it big Warehouse of fire oh but you haven't eaten anything I'm not hungry dear oh dear w now B you may see for yourself right oh I I thought I'd lost you well Captain it looks like like another one of those things beautiful fire they say the world will be destroyed by fire and they're right I'll destroy it [Music] oh good evening Mr adley hello evidently your company didn't ensure the warehouse fortunately not I'll fix you something to eat there don't bother I grabbed a bite on the way home where's your mother I need to go to bed good girl no luck eh a pyromaniac is the hardest criminal in the world to catch and this one left no clues whatever I hope to catch him with the fire I must have looked at a thousand faces for the giveaway sign you know the wild stary expression of the Firebug oh like the antique man that was here what' you say will you remember the man from the antique store yes the fellow who brought the salt and pepper shakers yeah well when I let a match for Frank he stared at it in the strangest way like he was fascinated yes Dad at the time I thought it was peculiar but oh well I had other things on my mind I don't suppose he has anything to do with the fires say he did seem interested in what was going on you remember he asked questions you know anything about him not much he runs a shop near the office has all sorts of old things there statues of mythological characters he has one of Mars another of Vulcan Vulcan yes the God of Fire H god of fire a symbol a pyromaniac might use uh what does this Vulcan look like oh he's a statue stands on a pedestal about that high holds a hammer in one hand face looks up I found one like out of the fire and put it in my car and when I got home it was gone now that may have had no connection with the pyromaniac nevertheless I think we ought to look at the one that the antique man has sure it's kind of late dad never mind you're pretty head about that we'll be right back we'll go in my car all right good [Music] night well looks exactly like it that's the only reproduction of Vulcan I've seen since I left school H mind waiting for me at the car okay good evening sir good evening you've got some very interesting things in the shop here thank you I'd like to see that statue in the window statue yeah the one of Vulcan oh I'm very sorry but that is not for sale it's the property of a client of mine he left it with me before he went abroad oh that's too bad I'm making a collection of statues and uh I'd like to have that one to it how about make me a copy I'm afraid that will not be possible you say my client would not permit that oh well I guess we can't do any business uh not for the present I'm afraid not but thanks for dropping in Mr Hadley good night sir good [Music] night any luck didn't strike me quite right however he gave me a pretty good reason for not selling it to me how about driving me to a phone son sus me I hope you make a habit of calling me [Music] son John John I wonder if Mr Jameson is at home well I could find out why mother well I'm a little nervous and I thought maybe he wouldn't mind dropping over well I'll call him the phone's dead I guess the wind must have blown the wires down I joh oh now mother oh here let me get you another cup of coffee [Music] John John the men from the antique shop good evening ladies I I'm sorry terribly sorry if I startled [Applause] you [Music] [Music] it's too bad Mr Hadley had to leave so suddenly oh but he'll be right back oh any minute [Music] now I I don't like to contradict you ladies but I hardly think so oh uh sit down [Music] please hi Captain I thought our fireb might have come back here we got a report just a moment ago that he was seen in the Mayfair District but the lieutenant told me to stick around here M dist it's pretty close to home we better get back there Mr Headley right Joan and the wife are there well those salt and pepper shakers I bought from you are most satisfactory oh thank you do you have candlesticks to match candlesticks no I'm afraid not this hasle it's unfortunate that your father became so interested in my affairs unfortunate for you unfortunate for your mother I don't understand you will presently I have a little surprise for you step on Frank right hurry hurry it's very nice of you to drop in I hope you won't think I'm rude but mother and I would really like to be alone oh you shall be I shouldn't try to escape if I were you what does he mean it's really too bad Mr Hadley became curious that he didn't have enough intelligence to mind his own [Music] business [Music] what have you [Music] done the [Music] fire I'm really worried about Joon and [Music] M oh mother mother please you got to help [Music] me oh help me [Music] please in there [Music] M and here come on Frank get him out of here get him out of here I'll take care of him come on get him out keep away from me keep away from me H don't come near me away you can't text me I'm the god of fire again we have gathered to honor Jim Hadley whose activities in the last week are well known to all of you although he is pensioned I am happy to inform you that he has been prevailed upon to come out of retirement and it is with the greatest personal satisfaction that I have the honor to appoint Jim Hadley honorary fire chief of our city speech hoay for Hadley what do you got to say for yourself Jim well folks here I am [Laughter] again I want to thank you Chief all my friends and those that made my appointment POS I'm very happy to have work to do inactivity will kill any man and even one my age I'll be very happy in my new job and do the best I can I hope the chief will not be sorry he gave me the appointment and I'll never let a friend down
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 469,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmstruck, CRIME THRILLER, The Last Alarm, classic movie, #classicmovies, MOVIES, FREE, Warren Hull, crime, MOVIE, classic movies, Polly Ann Young, J. Farrell MacDonald, CLASSIC
Id: kTja8jhW7eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2013
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