International Crime (1938) THE SHADOW

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen again this evening the daily classic has the pleasure of presenting to you the world's most eminent criminologist and crime commentator the shadow okay you're on the air the shadow speaks bringing to you the latest news in the world of crime prevention and detection this afternoon a crime was committed which brought only tragedy to the perpetrators three young desperados held up a bank and escaped in their car the police quickly picked up their trail there was a running gun fight between bandits and police which finally resulted in the three misguided young men plunging to their death once again this proved the truth of that old adage crime does not pay well friends we have a distinguished visitor in our midst but the news won't make the society page honest john is back in town honest john is one of the last of our old-time safe crackers so if your strong box blows up with a loud bang don't think it's the fourth of july it may be old john celebrating his release from what he probably calls the big house or stir let us hope that the police commissioner weston whom we hear never misses one of our broadcasts we'll keep an eye on honest john hi there commissioner memorandum to detective bureau check anonymous charm yes commissioner ladies here's a little incident which proves that silence is really golden last night bandits entered george ward's furniture store mrs ward was alone in the place the good lady was so frightened she couldn't talk at least that's what the bandit is too bad something don't scare him so bad that he can't talk they ought to be a law against guys like him shooting their mouth off within the city limits but still mrs ward refused to say a word at the point of a gun they took from the cash register a dollar bill and one thin dime the moment they'd gone mrs ward calmly removed 100 bill from her mouth witnesses took the license number of the car 3y-41-37 i'll repeat that 3y-41-37 did you make a note of that yes sir last night young michael nolan took his pretty fiance dorothy walsh for a drive along the scenic highway overlooking the city with a bright lover's moon overhead they stopped to enjoy the view and to romance today police discovered their bodies in nolan's car and are holding a transit named miller for the murder well you can't go in now miss the shadow's on the air oh but i'm phoebe lane sorry you couldn't get in there if you was calamity jane but i'm working for the shadow well i'm in the shadow shadow well then just fade away will you please lady but i've got important news it must go on here right away i've got it all written down here last night in john morgan's warehouse kind of creature was starting not even the water this is my job as robbers as robert silently jimmy the window they were uh greeted by cries of get out get out they did an hour later when police stopped to investigate the open window the parrot was still screaming get out get out ladies and gentlemen there seems to be a slight disturbance in the studio ladies and gentlemen a news flash has just been handed to me i can't guarantee it's authenticity but here it is a big theater robbery is planned to take place downtown in half an hour in fact nine o'clock read the daily classic for particulars and now the shadow bid you good night until tomorrow you didn't give the name the positive police won't know where to go no and neither will ten thousand other thrill hunting sightseers but hadn't you gotta phone the police i don't think you have to worry about that good night good night hello oh hello commissioner it's the police yes i have that too the metropolitan theater the metropolitan theater see here cranston if this turns out to be a phony tip i have a good mind to sue you if i can find the proper grounds why not breach a promise commissioner listen radio broadcasting hook me up for an emergency order to all cars general order 6-2 all radio cars concentrate in sector 8 general order 6-2 all radio cars concentrate in sector 8. i don't know that's us again guess you'll have to get along without a spike well i guess i can hold this down alone [Music] oh by the way ms lane where did you get this tip from a man from a man well who was it don't you know his name no but he had not his face would you mind giving me some little hint about how you met this honest face well there was an automobile accident and suddenly i remembered i was a reporter for you so i stopped and asked people their names and addresses and things one man said i can't give you my name in a dress but i can give you a big story and he did that's what i'm afraid of he said the metropolitan city will be robbed tonight at nine o'clock daylight saving or standard time goodness i forgot to ask him and you had me put that choice morsel on the air he was so sincere and he had such an honest face you better spend more time away how did she get in well i tried to stop her but she scratches well sir did you hear that pipe dream i just had in the air yeah where did you get it a man told her told who phoebe lane the girl you wished on me the honor student of college journalism say will you get her out of my hair and put her back on the household page where she belongs not a chance cranston she says she's all fed up with recipes and household hints she wants to be a real reporter oh i see romance and adventure stuff huh well mr heath is she running this newspaper or are you sir cranston as long as she happens to be the owner's niece i'm afraid she can pick any seat she wants for a ride oh it's one of those is it well there's no law against our making the joyride a little shall we say bumpy poor is there not that i know about thank you sir ladies and gentlemen this is phoebe lane the real brains of the shadow who thinks he knows all about crime but the real crime of the age is the way he makes you think he's so smart when it's really me that does the work all the time hello i didn't see you that's quite evident i didn't mean what i said mr creston i hope you can forgive me i wish i could forget you oh oh if you think you're going to have my palms in a robbery without me you're crazy then that is my story wait for phoebe hello mr constant now listen mo you're a fine driver and all that but you're not working for me you mean i'm tired no but you will be if you insist upon calling me by name now remember you're no good to me unless you don't know me okay spongebob metropolitan theater this is going to be thrilling isn't it mr cranston he has some dangers too particularly for you i mean why well when the crooks start shooting it seems they pick off the girl first i never knew that no a strange quirk in the criminal mind nobody seems to understand it oh but i understand it it's because they realize that the girl is really the smart one they have to get her first miss lane why didn't you stick to the baby and biscuit end of the newspaper business instead of hurling yourself into the jaws of death because i'm tired of babies and biscuits i want thrills adventure romance ah but the household hint page is the place to find it the home is the very symbol of romance oh no it isn't the nearest i ever came for it was one of cross-eyed washing machine salesman try to kiss me in a model kitchen young lady you're impossible now that the right man comes along hang around a while moe okay stranger where are the police oh don't worry about that they'll be around oh we've got to warn the theater right away no wait a minute let's do some winter shopping first the boss of them all police commissioner weston in the flesh and if this turns out to be a false alarm he'll love me even less than he does now oh but i'm sure it isn't because he had such an honest face graham hello commissioner say what kind of a song and dance is this i hope you realize my whole department has been shifted just to take care of this tip-off maybe you'd rather have the theater robbed and let them chalk up another black mark against your record now see here we got crime down to the lowest level it's been in years but the way you advertise it people will think a crime wave is on you might have twice as much to deal with if i didn't advertise the crime doesn't pay i'm helping you well i'd like to try running the department without your help just as an experiment it's nine o'clock well well well our time flies what have you got let's get to my violin what are you taking in there for what to play of course i am a balinese yeah let me see it please be careful it is very valuable see i know lie i'm sorry i owe you an apology take those off i ought to send you to jail for life for bringing me out in such a wild goose chase i didn't invite you you crashed the party mr cranston i consider you public nuisance number one good i like to be first in everything mr weston i gotta phone the paper hello heath cranston speaking that robbery tip with just a gag to get the radio cars off their regular runs yes i gotta hunt something big he's gonna break elsewhere better hold page one in my column for remake oh and have burke stand by yeah so long [Applause] give me the captain mccabe reporting sir explosion in 93 midair drive yes sir first you tell me to get all my cars down here to stop a robbery then you get me to rush them all back before there is a robbery what kind of america robbery is this anyway i know but then calling all cars from district nine calling all cars from district nine explosion reported at nine three madera drive explosion reported at nine three madeira drive and it's all oh it's the grandstand wait this [Music] mr cranston kindly keep your fingerprints to yourself riley take the door have you searched the house yes there's no one else here what no servants servants have a day off every week or haven't you heard one in the house of this size is always someone on duty i want any information from you i'll ask for it that's fine i've got to phone the paper anyway frank is there a phone still working in there thanks hmm [Music] yeah well your mother is going to have a sick daughter if you don't scram out of here how many of them were there i i i really can't say sir oh come on you must have some idea think that i i think there was only one sir i i i was grabbed from behind oh i'm i'm so shaky i think i'd better go to bed all right thank you stay with him tom we're wasting time here get your men out and bring in the man who did this job an old-time safe flower who just got into town his name is uh honest john honest john bring him in and we'll charge him with robbery and homicide the motive of the crime wasn't robbery how can you look at that safe and say the motive wasn't robbery don't you know that man's watching wallet are gone if it wasn't robbery what was it murder if it was robbery they'd have taken the bonds wouldn't they marvelous powers of observation why do you use the word they mr cranston because one man couldn't have done all this between the departure of the radio car and the time of the explosion as i recall you gave the impression honest john was a very fast workman right and much too efficient to be guilty of a botched up job like that that blast wasn't set to blow a safe it was calculated to kill whoever opened it i say you're wrong that's great i'll see that your opinion is given its proper on importance in my column tomorrow there won't be any shadow column tomorrow oh no and for a long time to come inspector kindly file this gentleman in one of our steel cabinets somewhere out in the state all over charge commissioner material witness thanks for being the first man on the scene of the crime you certainly use your brain mr cranston i wish i could say the same for you sir oh never mind those things i don't go in for flashy jewelry hello give me the desk sweetheart burke speaking new lead-off for shatter column he says weston all wet with robbery theory on morton case says it's murder using robbery as a cover-up honest john nah he's just as innocent as a new laid cornerstone oh yeah i say cranston's been pinched yeah held his material witness on the way now to some hicktown house guy oh sure right on my toes well so long pumpkin puss take it easy boys i only want one of you for traffic caught you say officer i'm sure the judge wants to see me first ah go on back and sit down i know who to let out and who not to but i've got to get a message to my folks now if you help me out i'll take care of you take care of me i'm taking care of you come on get out of here hello heath well i suppose you want to know what happened to your man cranston after what you let him print yesterday this is a fine time to call me up and ask for anything but commissioner you've got to let him out for the broadcast tonight why thousands of people are waiting to hear what else he has to say about the stupidness of the police department well let him wait and furthermore unless he changes his tune and lines up on our side i'm going to cut off all police news from your paper but the news is public property you can't keep your men away from the wreckage of course not they can have the same access as other citizens and i'd like to see you get out a newspaper on that all right commissioner anything you say but you've got to let the shadow out in time for his broadcast tonight we can't disappoint the public can't disappoint the public huh well i can't mislead them either goodbye but we must have got cut off see what are you in for nothing you mean you've done nothing absolutely nothing they're holding me without charge oh now that sun scrumptious that's the great that is my neighborhood thing in my life they can't do that to you hey there hey jayla keep your shirt on i'm taking you out right now me i don't want to go out i've got a right to stay here this is the man who wants to go out listen tell that to the judge and he'll take care of your friend and you too don't you worry everything is coming up now when you want to donate on myself that's why everything's coming out all right goodbye oh boy i'll see you soon i'll see you some more good luck have a good time everybody gets out with me when you get out make a phone call for me will you sure fella i'll give you the number of the paper i'm working on you call them come on you yes sir i don't mean you i mean you me yes you yeah your girlfriend's here with the haters coffins and that lets you up good luck pal nice little tv to call for you yes thanks a lot don't thank me thank mol how much was it this time moe is this a place to talk business don't worry it'll be on your bill there too the office okay stranger well there is cranston well he must be here well he goes on the air in a few minutes well where is he you looking for me sir with millions of people about to tune in on your broadcast in a few minutes i should worry where you are you don't think i'd miss an opportunity to pay my respects to commissioner weston do you now look here credson you've got to lay off western i see he's been sticking a knife in me with one hand and patting himself in the back with the other and you fell for it you're smart enough to report crime without deliberately antagonizing the entire police department well i try to take care of myself good evening friends yes it's your old shadow man and after languishing in one of commissioner weston's small town jugs the shadow is just a shadow of his former self now we'll get down to the gerald morton case and the reported difference of opinion between the shadow and his other shadow police commissioner weston friends i am now of the opinion that our efficient police department under the able guidance of the commissioner ladies and gentlemen an emergency has arisen in the studio and we must pause briefly for station identification you're listening to station emor of the daily classic our program will continue in just a moment well john what can i do for you so you're the guy that reminded the cops i was in town but i spoke of you in a very complimentary way i said you were tops in your profession no man can ask for more than that can he yeah but you sounded off that i'd done that amateurish morton job that's my thief now listen when i was cracking safes which i ain't no more i was so good i could lift the door off lay it on a blanket as gentle as a mother's kiss i know that my friend ain't no friend of yours you turn the heat on me and you're gonna turn it off see now go ahead start talking tell them who really done their job go on right into that microscope but i don't know if you can't think of anybody else tell them you've done it my friends now that i have the situation in the studio absolutely under control we can resume our discussion of the morton murder mystery why was gerald morton murdered he is said to have been a good man a charitable and benevolent man a man without enemies but although mr morton's character seemed almost too good to be true other men supposedly paragons of virtue have met violent ends and investigation has developed some extremely unsavory facts if my own investigation should develop a hidden side of mr morton's life i shall tell you all about it tomorrow well what about me i can now inform the police commissioner that honest john is absolutely innocent of the explosion which caused the death of gerald morton as a matter of fact john that job wasn't up to your usual professional standards was it no i'd done better than that when i was still wearing short pants surely now i ain't squawking about the cop spinning the murder on me but when they tries to hang an amateurish job like that morton blow up on me i resent to see naturally naturally i'll get it take a general order effective immediately there you are ladies and gentlemen you just had the pleasure of hearing honest john in person you mean i was on air you were john and thank you you you've done max why don't you look where you're going ladies and gentlemen for the past 24 hours the entire police force of this city have been trying to locate honest john yet the shadow has had no difficulty in bringing him to you on this program this evening for further details please read the classic this is the shadow saying goodbye until the same time tomorrow here's everything ever published on gerald morton now let's get busy no well let's not what are you going to do i don't know you mean you don't know that's right the shadow doesn't know have one uh i tried it once and it made me dizzy oh so that's what caused it good night good night this case is getting to be aboard why don't you hurry and make something happen miss lane when lightning is about to strike one doesn't try to hurry it well nice going cranston you fix things up just dandy now west in a shutdown on all police news all fire news and all hospital news from now on it's no news for us splendid no news is good news they say and that honor john gag what did the idea of staging that stunt with a dumb stooge mr heath that was no stooge that was honest john himself with a gun at my head you mean the man that just went out miss lane wants excitement but doesn't know it when she bumps into it i don't care if this does make me dizzy oh hello matt how are you well where is he you mean honest john i suppose yeah i do believe as he'd say himself that he's taken it on the lamb why didn't you hold it why should i i'm not the police commissioner then quit acting like a chump you know i think he's got something there phoebe thank you you're a gentleman and a lady now here stop this counting how are we going to get the paper off the spot you two have got it on we're not clowning mr heathen please don't blame miss lane it was my fault i thought i was going wait a minute i think you hit an angle in your broadcast where you hinted that morton's character wasn't all it should be i don't know that was my offer right now yes hi mr cranston what can i do for you sir i am roger morton brother of the gerald morton whose name you tried to besmirch in your broadcast i came over to see just what sort of man could be guilty of such an attack well i'd like to explain i don't know what you meant by your hint about a hidden side in my brother's life but in the presence of my attorney i beg your pardon our firm has great commitments abroad young man and your paper will pay the penalty if you do or say anything to jeopardize our international dealings and we deal in millions that's all good night nice now what are you going to do i'll tell you what he's going to do he's going to handle the story morton's way or are you serious for millions nice thing honest john says i handle it his way or he'll shoot me weston says i handle it his way or i go to jail i think you started all this sweetheart if you got any suggestions don't ask me you're the great big detective there you are you see she craves action when she runs into it she starts passing the bug i wish you'd go home and roll your hoop so we can roll up our sleeves and get to work i'll admit you have performed miracles like that allen murder but there you had a ben pen to start with a clue this time you have nothing you're right nothing don't forget you've still got phoebe well we don't want you shot you're no good was in jail and we can't afford to offend morton there it is son get us out of it just like nothing happened well miss lane miss lane went home to roller hoop phoebe i wonder if miss lane would recognize the man that gave her the tip that started all this miss lane would know him anywhere she never forgets face well um what did he look like oh he was thin well not too thin no and uh blonde uh he was between a blonde and a brunette and rather medium size for a man and he was thin and oh but i said that didn't i yeah yes you did my my what a memory anyway he wasn't bad looking well go on anything else anyhow i know how he spoke how with a foreign accent a foreign accent listen that's important uh was it uh a moscow russian i will give you a tip about it no no it wasn't that i say uh italian perhaps more liquid uh senora the window or by the theater no no no wasn't that french of course it wouldn't be french there is a theater that will be robbed tonight no that's not right a german perhaps i can give you a tip about a theater around the corner there perhaps a little finer on viennese um i can give you a tip about this here they're around the corner you've got it that's exactly the way he spoke fine and i'm sure i'd recognize him now if i saw him good thank you miss lane now you can go home oh wait a minute let me finish before you go away mad uh go home put on your nicest dinner dress and i shall call for you between 9 30 and 10 o'clock you mean i'm going to be blind and dying to remembering his accent no sweetheart the idea is to find the man i don't get it when you want to find an american you go where he works when you want to find a foreigner you go where he dines my but you're clever let me see now should i wear black or blue you'll wear black and blue if you don't hurry scram sister [Music] oh my gosh [Music] don't you dare pass out until we find that man [Music] i thought you wanted to be a reporter now listen you stick around until we find the man then you can go go home the very minute the fun begins me i'm not going to do all the hunting oh now be reasonable will you feed me you're the boss niece i can't let anything happen to you why did i have to be born a relative why couldn't i have been worn an orphan or something [Music] there he is i thought you said he was good looking [Music] are you sure that's the man positive i'm sorry sweetheart you have to scram [Music] oh hello hello oh i am sorry i have made a mistake you are not my old friend captain lipsman as i thought my mistake was a natural one you know i have not seen litzman since we flew together in the war uh i see you are an ace also may i know the name mine is called floto and this is my friend stockholm how'd you do i was told when i arrived in america recently that i could meet and make friends with many people of my own class i am glad that is so vader uh gentlemen what will we drink last saw 26 and make sure he's 26 please review hello darling [Music] well aren't you going to introduce me precious after all i am your wife you know or do you oh yes and forgive me baroness stolsky may i present mr floto mr stark my new friends i do you do thank you very much [Music] for a recent arrival in america as i say over here you must be a fast worker to have merits of charming a girl so soon well it was a whirlwind courtship we met on wednesday i proposed on thursday and we were married on the statue of liberty [Music] you met her through her newspaper work newspaper work yes you're the potter for the daily classic are you not why i know there must be some mistake why i'm just not clever enough to be a reporter am i darling no darling apartment is fake america has a land of women so beautiful they all look alike sorry missy cannot save you the bar is closed it's after closing out oh that's too bad i had counted them talking over old times with you but my apartment is never closed come we'll go and have a drink and chat before we break up i'm afraid we cannot join you you know what the baroness never keeps late hours oh but one evening won't matter darling we'd be delighted to go come on dear midtown apartments oh no you see it is a raining night i'm sorry and it's so late i must take my wife home i'm sure but the midtown apartments are not far from here yes darling and i'd love to have another drink oh dumb you see my wife gets these attacks you know when it's late and raining i'm i must take her home but we will see you tomorrow for luncheon shall we stay at the hog brow at one the half brown one o'clock punctually good yes where two the twelve dotted strings okay splitter good night hmm you want to let this coffee write your column it's strong enough good strong coffee for a strong silent man how's this the shadow says that his statements over the air yesterday regarding the character of mr gerald morton were unjustified and those statements are hereby withdrawn with new apologies to mr morton's family yeah but you have to apologize to commissioner weston let's not go overboard in our enthusiasm for whitewashing ourselves but you've got to square the paper with western tell how it happened describe the scene you with the mic and honest john with the gun i was afraid you'd be expecting that so i wrote it last night but i don't like it my apologies to commissioner weston perhaps he's right in his belief that honest john is the killer my statement on the air that the man was innocent was made while john himself was holding a gun at my head and i hope that the commissioner with his usual fair-mindedness will restore the classic to favor great now martin can't sue us and the commissioner will have to restore our news oh i spend years building up a reputation as a crime expert then have to expose myself as a stuffed shirt that gets kicked around by the police department well look here sean if you're so keen about that reputation of yours why don't you really try to solve this case well i would if i weren't so busy taking care of the boss's niece [Music] so [Music] well did you check who is he the shadow the criminologist [Music] he is not to be taken lightly neither were the best detectives of paris london new york yet here we are an amateur how much the council had a feeling this morning now listen mo for the last time if you ever call me by name again or recognize me or even speak to me before you're spoken to i'm fired that's right okay stranger foreign i wonder where our friend mr cranston is there's something wrong stalker there's something wrong with your nerves my friend we are not going to leave here with our work finished yes yes i know how much that's at stake that's uneasy that's right tell everybody we're here suppose floto or stark off would have been behind this door instead of me oh but they couldn't be they're both at the restaurant and i thought you'd be there having lunch with them too oh and this would be a good time to do a little detecting uh-huh well for once you had a good idea well come on let's get busy and look for the clue so you've got a clue have you why yes the watch and the wallet that were missing from the man's body and where do you suggest we look for them well my mother always used to hide things in the mattress and oh if we could only find a teapot i'm sure it would be in there well then all we have to do is find a teapot come on let's get started telephone mr floto hello we have waited long enough rudolph as our man come home from downtown not yet sir i understand he won't be home before late he's to meet our countrymen here for a final conference tonight we must know his plans keep in touch with us at the apartment we shall be there in a few minutes wait up yes sir check at once now i don't think we should go i think we should definitely stay here and find that watching wallet now my woman's intuition hello this is floto the master has just gotten home early in the afternoon will occur an opportunity when he is gone no more someone is coming i call you back what's happened uh just a minute operator uh can you trace that last call to this number please but it's important oh i see uh thank you are they going to trace the call or they can't trace a call on a dial phone what are we going to do now well wait till he calls back to who calls back the fellow i just talked with oh hello hello we were afraid we had missed you we've been waiting and waiting haven't we dear what are you doing here sorry came for the luncheon but the appointment was to have lunch at the restaurant oh how stupid of me you know i'm afraid last night when we made the appointment my mind wasn't on it you know my wife had that attack i trust she's better now no i'm afraid she's even worse aren't you dear make her comfortable we soon have lunch oh oh poor darling no you see she's getting another attack i must take her for the air right away just a minute mr clenson your hand mr shadow what do you suspect is all and why oh well now you'll have to listen to the broadcast to hear that you see our business is to get interviews not to give them isn't it sweetheart yes sir and may we go now no now that we have you here you are going to stay take your time mister taxi stranger scram phoebe thanks for your hospitality boys nice work moe moe i thought we were strangers haven't seen it up though he will not go to the police what makes you think so because he prefers to work alone hello what's that that wasn't i we weren't at home then that was clanston repeat what you told him it's rudolf he told krantz and his master would be at home this afternoon that an opportunity might occur to strike that's indefinite but incriminating you must act at once today tomorrow maybe too late naturally my woman situation told me we should get out of there but i was afraid to tell you because i thought you'd laugh at me well thank goodness it's all over there's nothing to worry about now you take your woman's intuition and go to luncheon oh trying to get rid of me when i'm not gonna go i'm not gonna miss any more fun well i've got some work to do now you run along please all right it's a good girl burt burke bert berg come on get up and get going or two go to the midtown apartments stake out watch for two pointers in a closed car call me as soon as they leave okay and hurry for a change will you okay hello oh yes mr heath no still as much in the dark as ever well those fellas are rather clever as a matter of fact they're planning another deal right now well if i knew that i wouldn't be hanging around here work pardon me come in oh hello barrow sit down be right with you yes heath no thanks i don't need you what i need is a clairvoyant right so long i have that morton information for you good i understand that gerald morton sperm was interested in some very big international deals was that right yes they still are i made these notations for you their recent underwritings include 10 million argentine fours 28 million danish refunding two and a half and i understand they'll soon issue several new european adventures well what about them that might be a good investment for me certainly however these new bonds that martin and martin are about to offer seem to me to be highly speculative but if the 50 million is spent to build up the army as intended the exiled aristocrats will never succeed with their threatened revolution good that's what i wanted to find out oh pardon me uh miss lane do you know mr barrows our financial editor how do you do how do you do what's this all about at a time like this you're talking about investments i'll be with you in a minute editorial editorial cranston speaking whole shadow column for remake right i brought you some lunch i was in such a hurry i got your bottle a day but we can share mine a good assistant would never let her boss go hungry oh thank you miss lane and now will you phone the commissioner and tell him i'll call him back later what's his number uh you'll find it in the book two four nine there you are commissioner first edition on the streets now for the full explanation apology by the shadow huh the apology could have been stronger i i hope this uh paves the way for renewing friendly relations i'm no enemy of the shadow i always give him credit for being somewhat clever but he should remember he's only an amateur after all we're professional that's right commissioner and i hope that uh you'll restore the daily classic to good standing with the department uh right away of course i will take a general order cigar commissioner no thanks will you get a load of this phoebe the morton case will break wide open tonight and it'll be a big surprise to the police hmm pardon me under the misguidance of commissioner weston the department has wasted 24 hours searching for the wrong man with the right men under their noses all the time but won't that make the commissioner furious you would get hard-boiled eggs and although the murders have completely baffled the police by their shrewdness and daring pardon me the shadow knows who they are and why they killed gerald morton how do you know that we didn't find a single clue and nothing to suggest a motive ah yes we did and you'll know when it happens you're intelligent you sparkle i don't know what i'd have done without you on this case but we've got to keep going here rush this down for the night edition yes first hurry pardon me [Music] [Music] [Music] i told you not to fight weston you'll ruin the paper with your grandstanding even if you have added a hundred thousand new readers to our circulation maybe you're right maybe i did pull a boner i did it to keep the confidence of our readers to prove that we've tried to expose stupidity wherever it exists for years we've been trying to educate them and their children to obey the law now maybe you're willing to undo all the good we've done but i'm not mr heed well neither am i but i've got the paper to think of suppose you're wrong in this case why they'll laugh you out of town what if you don't solve this murder this afternoon then i'm through washed up no more shadow column and no shadow but if i'm right and weston's wrong he's the one that has to change his tune he'll have to work hand in hand with me and between the two of us there'll be so little crime in this city it'll be a crime that's the spirit now you're talking yes i make four straight faster right in the road then i pick up them dice again breathe on them and i said come on baby probably need the dough and right there little cop comes along i have that ball the balls shine him again when he boy again i've been shot him three times uh look at that put that in the wheel and kill somebody a boss will shine money we'll have the usual introduction and then naturally work out the theme that crime doesn't pay answer that will you please hello yes this is mr cranston's office who should i say we should speak to him i can't hear you oh i'm so sorry it sounded just like you were yawning oh i know who that is i'll take it thanks hello berg yes what's up bag and baggage huh which way do they go west never mind how i knew yeah so long i've got to run now if you want to help me you'll stay here and finish those notes uh well you're just trying to get rid of me no not at all really if whether or not i go on the air tonight is advertised depends absolutely upon you now you wouldn't let me down would you pal you bet i won't be all right hello hello uh 896 clover road and hurry okay mr johnson moe you're fired i've warned you a dozen times yeah and i warned you once get in you too and the first break you make you're driving a dead passenger i know i did you wrong john but i'll square it later i'm in a hurry now let's talk it over some other time there ain't gonna be any other time for you buddy you can't laugh this off my apologies to commissioner weston i'm not convinced that he's right in his belief that honest john is the killer oh that's only the first edition i had the red apple the commissioner waiting to read the final edition this is the final edition for you buddy just a minute another move like that and i'm gonna let you have it right here i was only reaching for a cigarette you got a cigarette driver i got you covered now pal but suppose you left the pin and you want to go straight you come to town looking for an honest job what do you get a bomb murder wrap hang on do you really want to go straight john oh my word of honor have a cigarette i'll go ahead and plug anybody dumb enough to fall for that one's gotta come am i on the air thank you ladies and gentlemen this is miss phoebe laid in the shadow shadow if police commissioner western is listening in i should like him to know that the shadow and i think he's the world fry sap and we intend to leave no stone unturned the shadow knows who killed gerald morton and why will be on the air at 8 p.m this evening as usual well we'll see about that matthews what's the law covering withholding of evidence from the police section 164 revive criminal and culture get out of warren for cranston and pick him up at once yes and now ladies and gentlemen i'll give you my own story of how i helped the shadow to solve the journal morton murder mystery in the first place commissioner weston and his very dumb stooge detective inspector matthews were all fine at faults and as usual and keep right on sister you were going great oh i'm so sorry you frightened me so i didn't know what i was saying i never know what i'm saying when i'm frightened you want to see mr cranston yeah just to say hello you're not going to arrest him again no cranston and i are all personal friends oh then i can tell you where he is he's out in the morton case uh good morning thank you be sure to thank mr cranston for me well thank you mr matthews i certainly will i'm sure he'll thank you goodbye remember your instruction stephen [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry if i uh kept you waiting gentlemen our appointment wasn't until later we are not the man you are expecting but we are here regarding the same matter won't you sit down i uh really there's no need of that the business is out of the confidential stage and the deal is about to be concluded the deal will never be concluded you will kindly take out all negotiable bonds and securities in any large amount of money this is uh all i have of value here mrs martin's jewels and the bulk of my holdings are in the bank walk downtown and if you want to this is not a hobby mr morton this is a metal international diplomacy these bonds represent much money do they not a hundred thousand dollars or more i don't see what ends you can gain by killing me let us review the history of the international loan you were about to make tonight three years ago a french banker was about to lend that money he died in an auto accident alone was next negotiated with an english financier who was very much devoted to his wife mr martin he committed suicide so you see we have many ways of taking care of those who oppose us but say you did kill me there are other banking houses you can't prevent them all from dealing with your country we intend that the death of both partners and martin and martin shall throw this band issue into such litigation as will hold it in the courts indefinitely unfortunately you were not with your brother at the time of the accidentally planned for both of you so now you will do as i suggest or if you're stubborn we'll wait for mrs morton [Music] what do you want me to write the death of your brother will make necessary that you account for his estate for your interest in the firm will it not of course good we take these your accounts are 100 000 you are faced with exposure as a fateless partner as a thief of your brother's money you understand now you know what to write mr morton [Music] answering an unspoken question there's only one bullet but there are two of us [Music] good shot john are you surprised to see me you won't need this now mr morton oh lodo i thought you were clever even a small town constable could spot that concealed weapon uh you better let me take care of that mr morton watch him john oh hello matt hello how did you get here weston sent me out to pick you up you're under arrest what again what's the charge this time withholding evidence in the morton case as usual the commissioner is late for you if it's my last act on earth i'll put you in jail for life okay you're on the air the shadow speaks announcing that the morton case has at last been solved and the murderers are now in the custody of our able police this has been one of the most baffling cases in the shadows experience a case without a clue murder is too clever to be caught by ordinary methods and had it not been for the able cooperation of the police department the case would still be unsolved i have already handed commissioner west in a bouquet today but now i wish to do so publicly and to compliment him for his shrewdness and causing the killer to think he and his men were following a false clue as a result the murderer and his accomplices were later taken in the act of attempting the life of mr roger morton for the complete story read the daily classic and now my friends i'm going to ask miss lane the lovely young lady who assisted in the solution of this crime to tell her own story ladies and gentlemen i give you miss phoebe lane uh ladies and gentlemen there seems to be a great deal of static interference this evening and anyway we thank miss lane for her very vivid description remember ladies and gentlemen crime does not pay this is the shadow saying goodbye until our next broadcast
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 431,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #classicmovies, classic movies, filmstruck, MOVIES, Thomas E. Jackson, Charles Lamont, Lamont Cranston, The Shadow, FREE, classic movie, Rod La Rocque, Astrid Allwyn, CLASSIC
Id: k5MW-zexL4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2015
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