The Rogues Tavern (1936) MYSTERY

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[Music] your name please marjorie burns your occupation well i was a detective in a department store what is your name jimmy kelly i am a detective at least you should be able to keep track of each other yeah you signed i don't we'd like to get married right away if you're in a hurry i'm afraid you're in the wrong state i have a friend a justice of the peace crossed the line hey i'd be only too happy to send him a telegram you want me to to meet you at red rock tavern well that'd be very nice of you see um are you married no i was born this way [Applause] this is the kind of night that gives me the willies something's always giving you the willies as soon as i can save enough money off i'm going to get out of here i want to be where there's lights sounds like the wailing of ghosts what makes ghosts whale mrs jameson oh bert don't ask foolish questions don't put another log on the fire yeah say mason why do you think wentworth asked us to meet him here i am the slightest idea but whatever he has on his mind must be important bill's message read the same as ours but what i can't understand is why he wants to see gloria you're not bad at this gang have i told you anything yet yes i've taken that journey that you mentioned and if i place this dark woman properly you told me plenty i should go into this thing as a business instead of that's a bad card isn't it that is the card of death harrison oh it's funny i feel all right sometimes cards lie personally i haven't much confidence in this sort of thing [Music] that's a bad sign well at any rate i'll be careful that's always a good idea if you'll excuse me i think i'll go to my room [Music] here we are honey you could use a nice fireplace can i help you yeah you got a fireplace oh we've got one inside well fireplace won't come to us i guess we'll have to go to this keep the chains here honey well there it is my name's kelly has there been a man uh justice of the peace looking for me no that's funny he's slightly inconvenient too uh well are you sure you're in the right place well this is the red rock tavern isn't it yes well if my man shows up i'll only need one room if he don't i'll have to have two i'm sorry we can't accommodate you sir you can't no we haven't any vacancies well that's that you mind if we hang around a bit until the justice shows up why no thanks well what's the good news oh bad honey the guy hasn't shown it looks like we'll have to sleep standing it's got me joint like this out in the middle of nowhere and doing more business in the grand central railroad station what'll i do with these oh just leave them there yes oh what a spot is this better than chasing petty thieves through a department store i ask yes it sure is oh starting to answer your own questions huh now don't stop me oh i'm full of romance must be this tavern the fireplace i feel so poetic i could make love to a snowman that justice of the peace doesn't show up the chances are you'll have to oh dear you know it is peaceful here and quiet it's nice [Applause] it came from harrison's room what [Applause] what happened the guards didn't lie come on jimmy wait a minute punk you'll have to poke you're facing where it doesn't belong you hug your fire i'll see what this is all about i'm through through i can't breathe oh it's getting dark i'm afraid to die look at those marks on his throat that police dog must have done it their teeth marks all right what's going on here i don't exactly know i heard a terrible moan from mr harrison's room we'll take care of that killer well harrison's dead where are you going to get my gun that dog will never attack anyone else i should have had that dog put out of the way a long time ago he's a killer part wolf well what do you think he hasn't showed up yet uh who the justice of the peace no no no i mean about the case i didn't come here to solve any murder mysteries my object is marriage you better be careful of him don't worry i will you know it might not be a bad idea to phone the corner yes surely i'll do it for you mrs jameson oh will you please gladly give me the coroner's office i knew this would happen huh i warned harrison how did you know the dog was going to attack him i'll tell you something else everyone here is in the shadow of death the same thing that happened to harrison might happen to you or you or me come on sister let us in on your secret i read it in the cards you mean you're a mind reader oh cut it out honey a mind reader reads minds you're letting yourself open for a wise crack there jimmy stop your clowning this is a very serious situation she reads it in the cards personally i think it's a lot ahoy and i'd suggest that you get over here as soon as possible that's fine thank you goodbye i hope he killed that dog whether he did or not i think we'd all better turn in but what about the coroner well i'll wait up for him you folks had better get to bed say couldn't you put us up somewhere for the night why uh as soon as they take mr harrison's body out you could have his room well i don't think i could go for that i'll bunk with bill you and your husband can have my room well uh we're not married yet i have a large double bed if you don't mind i'd be very glad to share it with you you can sleep with me you've got yourself a bed partner mister you might have me upstairs with the bags the uh large one goes to this gentleman's room and the other one goes to the ladies yes sir well i'm retiring good night good night pleasant dreams mean pleasant nightmares don't you when you come back down fix the fire for the night you'd better stay up maybe you'll be able to help the coroner oh i think i can take care of everything if you're needed i'll wake you up good night good night darling hi there well he got away from me but we can set a trap for him in the morning that sounds like a very sensible idea we've had enough excitement for one evening now let's go has wentworth showing up yet no well that's funny the justice of the peace show is up calling oh sure must have been something very important to detain him oh no doubt about it which room are the girls in that one did i scare you will you please go to bed and stop playing good night dear i wonder if i'm making a mistake well he has a sense of humor hasn't he yes sort of but even with that handicap he's the most popular man in the department the department yes jimmy's a detective and if i must say so myself a mighty good one too bad about harrison did you know him well slightly how long even down here came down this afternoon on a vacation yeah is he working on a case here yes if you can consider me a case you see he wants to turn me over to the justice of the peace it's sort of a life sentence and believe me it's one jolt a girl can't be freed from on account of good behavior no of course not will you excuse me i'll be back in a minute i certainly well i guess i'll turn in hey wait a minute twin beds in there in my room why don't you bunk in there with me well that's not a bad idea thanks i will i thought you were going to be i was you'll excuse us won't you oh [ __ ] sure now what's wrong you know the boy was sharing bill's room yes he's a detective no the girl told me i'm sure we're not responsible for their being here but i thought i ought to warn you it's better to be on the safe side it's huge what's that let's find out wait a minute stay in there modular find out what all this yelling's about he's dead killed just like harrison it's huge it's a pity he didn't get that dog this is getting on my nerves we better lock all the windows so that animal can't get back in here i'll lock this one of you fellas take care of the rest of them on the ground floor okay oh mason we're all doomed i consented oh pull yourself together take care of her please this place is spooky chap isn't it bad enough to have the tavern turned into a mad house without you wailing all the time take a look at the windows will you sure [Applause] how far has the coroner lived from here uh why about 10 miles they should have been here by now maybe i'd better call him again supposing i call him this time hello hello [Applause] now what's wrong that's what i'm going to try and find out [Music] hmm well that's a clever dog after he kills his victims he cuts the telephone wires why that's impossible you're telling me how do you figure it out well uh i haven't yet of course you're the logical man to solve this mystery now what do you mean by that crack being a detective you're naturally more familiar with murders that is if these were murders oh are you a policeman well i am an officer but i'm traveling incognito i thought you came in a bus shut up say how did you know i was a cop your feet gave you away you're not doing so bad yourself there partner ah merging what happened honey he's trying to get into my room oh are you sure what do you mean am i sure do you think i could get in this nervous condition all by myself i can't understand it i was practicing to be a dutiful wife darling will you please hush up come on are you all right yes what do you mean yes look at me i'm shaking like a leaf say you seem sorry i wasn't bitten to death margie would you please hush come on what do you mean come on i want to talk to you put that dog in there don't worry nothing's gonna hurt you oh it was nice knowing you gentlemen what do you think do i have to tell you know that girl's troubled with hallucinations i don't think i'll wait any longer will you please make arrangements to have me driven back to town i'm sorry we're having a car on the place you'll have to wait for the morning bus well uh i don't believe there's a chance of any of us getting much sleep tonight suppose i make some coffee that's a grand idea mrs jameson and i second the motion all right what makes you so sure that the dog i saw wasn't the one that killed those two men they were not killed by a dog come on break down i hate mysteries why i don't even need hash listen you better sit down again i just got up you might as well sit down because what i'm going to tell you is going to knock you down anyway so j just as well relax see that don't tell me you joined the elks oh that's a dog's tooth i found it in huge's room after he was killed and get this that's not the tooth of any live animal there's no flesh around the end and the enamel is worn off what in the world are you driving at the person that killed those two men use a set of false dog teeth say this is thrilling boy can i use this sugar harrison always like coffee oh come on gloria snap out of it i wish i could you have nothing to worry about all the windows are locked that's not going to do any good it's closer than that i can feel destruction near me well drink your coffee my dear i'm sure it will make you feel better i remember what i told you the first thing we've got to do is define a motive well i don't think it's up here oh you're impossible come on five and ten cent store detective this is certainly grand coffee mrs jameson thank you how do you feel now all right wow you're just in time i hope you don't mind my inviting strangers to your party mrs jameson why not at all bert bring two more cups yes well i see you pull yourself together yes yes i was a little upset myself and how do you feel oh never mind i have a rough idea how you feel you can joke if you want to before this night is over you'll wish you never came here say what do you think i'm having a picnic oh thank you bird must be wentworth maybe suggestions of the peace oh thank heaven you're here we thought maybe you had an accident or something where you see you went with sorry if i'm late mason but i left just as soon as i got your wire you received a message from me why is something queer going on around here we all received wires to meet you here that's right and they were signed wentworth it's a trick mason it's trick where's harrison news they're dead what yes i knew this would happen what happened where are you jimmy here i am get all of my hands what's going on here must be a fuse burn down i hope you're right oh now what there's nothing to worry about much [Music] don't tell me that's a canary you stay right here jimmy jimmy hello boy you want to get in where it's warm yes but you want to help me find out who's blaming you for these killings huh let's see more if i can find a piece of rope ah this is better jimmy oh jimmy if this is a gag i'll break your neck who is she can't you quickly lie this darkness is driving me fed it's little jimmy kelly and i've caught the killer oh i could break your neck oh i'm so glad to see you hey how did you manage to get ahold of him i found him out there by that shed he's a wild baby all right but i don't think he'll cause us any more trouble now i'll say he won't are you sure this is the dog we want positively i saw him in harrison's room you kill her this is the animal that killed harrison and hughes have you got a gun no well hughes had one don't go in there mr mason why not he he's dead well that is news he sure wants to get rid of this dog but i can't understand why jamison said he was part wolf i think i got the motive what is it revenge revenge of what and by whom well i didn't get that far but huh what are you haunting me for well didn't you say something no oh i must have been hearing things you're beginning to get warnings just like i did oh they must have paid their light bill now there's something that i'm going to train you to do after we get married what's that keep quiet i guess mason's having trouble finding that gun i'll give him a hand yeah and hurry up [Applause] something's happened to mason here hold that dog get that dog he's dead all right and killed the same way as the others that's impossible the dog was in there muzzled and it wasn't a dog how could it be you're right these men were killed by a human who in some way used dog's teeth in order to throw the suspicion off of himself i've known this for an hour i suspected mason as being the guilty person i try to trap him i'll have to ask you all to line up in the next room what right of you to tell us what to do he's a detective or something come on line up in the next room and who are you i'm something too you heard her [Applause] now i'll have to take charge we all know this animal didn't kill anybody let them loose well this is terrible i don't know what to do why we may all be killed probably the killers in this room right now where's the nearest telephone around here the gas station about two miles down the road i want you to phone as quickly as you can and have the police come here yes sir hey bring the coroner along too all right folks line up let's do this thing systematically what's the idea if anybody's got any guns on them around here i want to know where they are you first the ladies right but there hasn't been any gun play no there isn't going to be any all right fellas don't you think it was a bad idea to send that man for the police i'll ask all the questions my friend come on pollyanna and i hope you're not ticklish please mrs jameson come on pollyanna my my you should reduce i'm sorry i uh don't suppose you could get out of that chair i could if you would help me surely all right you understand certainly i was anxious to have this murderer caught as you are maybe more so i wouldn't have a chance to fight for my life there there mr james don't excite yourself now that we've exposed the killer's methods maybe he won't strike again let us hope not where to keep your guests registered i'm the hotel desk that's kind of natural i'm a doom babe harrison's from philadelphia hughes from portland mason from chicago and gloria roloff from mexico city why did you tell me there was a copper here we didn't know it ourselves till a few minutes before you arrived we have no way of warning you it's all clear to me now he's the one that sent us those wires that's possible but it still doesn't account for the murders no they're from all parts of the country maybe it's a convention come here you three sit down i want to ask you people a few questions well what's on your mind tell me how did it happen the six people you and the three men that were murdered got here at practically the same time well it might have been a coincidence that's right but it wasn't this isn't the tourist season matter of fact there hasn't been a guest in this tavern for two weeks now just a minute are you trying to solve this mystery or pin something on us both i have a hunch that you and your party came here with one definite purpose if you wouldn't mind telling me who suggested this place to you we might be able to clear this whole situation up well i got a message from harrison and this gentleman here i thought you only knew harrison slightly that's my business maybe so it might interest you to know that whoever got you here got you here with one idea in mind and what was that to kill you all i knew it i knew it so you see gentlemen the only way for you to help yourselves is to come clean you'll do anything we can to help you why certainly of course we will now gentlemen that we understand each other is there anyone you know who would want to put you out of the way that is uh individually or shall we say as a gang no take a look through the luggage kit maybe you can find a clue mrs jameson yes would you mind going with her please why certainly not let's go i'm not much on this detective business but if it's true that somebody planned to get these people here to kill them then there are only three people who can be considered suspects and those are myself my wife and bird surely you have servants around this place yes we have two maids but they left shortly after dinner how do you know they didn't come back just a minute what was your idea he could have done it he could have even cut the telephone wires but i didn't mr jameson didn't say that you did he said that you could have but how do we know that hughes wasn't killed until after this man went into his room what well i could have done it too i was just getting around to that perhaps it's in the glove yep we'll soon find out if that gal brought any of her secrets with her i'm tired of all this i'm leaving oh you're not one of mr jamison's three guesses might be right but i can clear myself easily enough the bus driver can verify you're staying just the same say you could be the guy that's doing the dirty work i've heard of phony detectives before wait a minute now let's try and get to the bottom of this would you folks mind telling me what record you're in chances are all will find a deck of cards this is one time it won't do any good not to talk why you come on let's get out of here it's locked we can get out of under the window let's hurry [Applause] well we can't get out here there's no bars on the windows in harrison's room where is it follow me kill us all wait a minute maybe that detective can help us we're trying [Applause] oh we're caged like a bunch of rats oh i owe you some wait a minute buddy uh hold on oh just a minute we made a mistake we shouldn't have done it unless your life is just as much danger as ours listen to me will you the door's bolted all the windows are bond we're gonna die all of us you're gonna help us somebody's gotta help us come on buddy i'll see what i can do oh we've made enemies lots of them we've been smuggling jewels across the border oh i see hey wait a minute [Applause] jewel thieves oh oh why look here's one as big as a hen's egg boy i'd like to be able to find the hand that could lay that egg well at least we know what their racket is can't you think of some person or person that would want to get you out of the way how about that guy that accidentally fell off the truck about a year ago you know he blamed us oh no we took care of him mr jameson i'd like to ask you a question yes what is it did you build this place no why why do you ask well from what these people tell me it was constructed for just such a situation as this well i don't understand every window in this place is barred i can't believe that oh jimmy what is it come here a minute will you i'll show you jimmy huh i want to talk to you what is it i've got a clue you have uh-huh they're jewel smugglers you're terrific i'll still show you [Applause] there you are why i can't understand it [Applause] i've got to see you oh please don't bother me can't you see i'm on enough trouble from whom did you buy this place why we read it from a mr morgan he's the owner oh jimmy oh please hush what kind of a man is this morgan very odd he wears large spectacles he's an inventor a scientist when did you see him last well that's strange but we haven't seen him since the day we took the place neither he nor a representative had called to collect the rent would you know where to reach him no he said he'd get in touch with us got another clue yes well keep it do you know a man the name of morgan morgan yes i know several men by the name of morgan one of them was an inventor we financed him would there be any reason for this man wanting to kill you no that is jimmy i must see you well take a good look this is important what's the big idea i think jameson is the man we want for what listen jimmy i saw him get out of his chair and walk why didn't you tell me what do you think i've been trailing you around for exercise oh stop clowning are you sure you saw him walk positive i always thought there was something funny about that guy where's his room [Applause] did you want to see me why uh yes uh uh mr jameson i i've been thinking over what you said about those three out there and i wouldn't be a bit surprised if you didn't come pretty close to hitting the nail on the head i'm going to question them further and i'd like to have you give me a hand you could watch their reactions i'd be glad to help now let's get back to this morgan fellow how long since you've seen him oh about six months that was about the time you took this place wasn't mr jameson yes [Applause] did this morgan fella make any threats against you no not exactly jameson could uh i have a glass of water please why certainly i'll take these things out too did you find anything give here's some belongs to you the dog's head where did you find that don't you remember where you put it there must be some mistake oh he can't be the killer that's what you think you mean you suspect me of these crimes yes but but i'm a helpless invalid i can't even get out of this chair that's what we thought when i saw you get out of that chair and walk why did you kill harrison hughes and mason why do you want to kill us release us from here let us out come on confess i'm the man you want i killed him i wanted to kill all of you too oh you what i am the murderer i can't believe it it's true i thought i could get away with it you see i can walk i've got strength in my hands too i put it on like this and then i go over their throat take it easy not so fast [Applause] i'm sorry i know i guess i was mad with hatred take me away i'm your man why did you do this you wouldn't understand get that rope over there he'll tie his hands up until the police come why did you commit these crimes why well what do you care i've confessed haven't i there's not much i can say but i really feel sorry for you certainly is tough on mrs jameson yeah i'm sure glad we caught him you've done a swell job honey i'm kind of proud of you gee it's nice to hear you say that jimmy i wonder who he's trying to cover up who jameson what are you talking about he's not guilty if he was he'd know why he committed those crimes wouldn't he yeah i guess so wait a minute so who are you covering up nobody you mean he isn't the killer absolutely not our murderer is still at large we cannot escape this death that is closing you know this come queen jameson come on clean all right i can't tell you're all going to die [Laughter] you're having a chance for three years i've carefully planned this there shall be no escape in a few minutes we'll all be dead where'd that voice come from from over there someplace it's a work of a maniac [Applause] oh now what we've got to work fast it leads down in the cellar well if you're going down there we better take this life it was the phonograph record we heard a pretty clever gag at that hey this is just a trick to get us down and see if that upstairs door is locked i have a few words to say to you and you listen to me you'd better listen to wentworth morgan but you can't kill me i spent a lifetime perfecting an invention that should have made me rich you stole it from me you've stolen my very life away but but we'll do anything to make matters right it's too late can you give me back my life wait a minute what i can't understand is why is jameson trying to cover you up what are you talking about he can fastly kill those three men what three men why harrison mason and hughes are they dead didn't you know that no then you're in a spot too what do you mean never mind then how did you get in here through that window then we can get out that way why doesn't he kill us instead of torturing us this way there should be no escape for you now you must die where's mrs jameson the last time i saw her was when i followed her down here your father yeah i had a hunch well she isn't here now well didn't she come up to the lobby before i did did any of you see her no i didn't then she's between here in the lobby will someone kindly tell me what's going on around here look say your prayers your time on this earth is limited to seconds all of you must die in this life that you are about to leave the innocent must suffer yes just like i have suffered you're insane if i am wentworth and his crowd have made me so you didn't think you'd have to answer to me did you i don't know what you're talking about you wouldn't you're very clever but you're not as resourceful as a person fired with vengeance the desire to write a great wrong give us a chance mrs jameson give you a chance you didn't give helen armstrong a chance did you helen armstrong what has she got to do with your murdering husband cold blood everything you framed an innocent young girl to smuggle jewels across the border and then rather than face the disgrace of going to prison she killed herself from that day i determined that you were all under sentence of death and now now i'm ready to carry out your execution helen armstrong was my sister when my husband first realized i'd used the dog's teeth to kill he utilized almost superhuman strength to protect me he even confessed to my crimes knowing it was my love for helen that brought you all here [Laughter] i want you to look carefully in the ceiling there you will see a little glass bomb [Laughter] all i have to do is to pull this card it will drop among you the panel will close and you'll be caught like rats in a trap when you are all dead i will burn the tavern and destroy all evidence [Laughter] jameson [Music] huh i wonder what this means i don't know it wasn't this way when i left yeah here's a few customers for you book her for murder they're smugglers here's a grip full of evidence uh i'm sorry it took me so long but uh right this way corner pardon me but i'm the justice of the peace why how are you justice glad to see you i thought you told me to get a justice of the peace if i'm not greatly mistaken we did want to see this gentleman why sure that's what we came here for [Music] step into the church do your stuff justice you take this woman to be your lawful wife i do you take this man to be she does i then declare you left you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 160,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FREE, PUBLIC DOMAIN, Joan Woodbury, classic movies, CLASSIC, The Rogues' Tavern, Movie, Wallace Ford, FILM, #classicmovies, MYSTERY, filmstruck, classic movie, MOVIES, The Rogue's Tavern (1936), The Rogues Tavern (Film), Barbara Pepper, crime
Id: 2vDrFu6s-GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 18sec (4158 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2013
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