Danger on the Air (1938) CRIME-MYSTERY

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[Music] hello oh good more mr. fast level yeah uh-huh oh you want a new poker for the children a yes indeed my ghost program I go one of these are no no that's to say that'll do the same no children are they they want something with snap in it oh I've got the very thing killing killers very effective you know machine guns and falling bodies Street it's a program the children go crazy about yeah alright come on two o'clock fine hey mr. Fisch aren't you gonna give me a chance Valley Crosby all those fellas they had to start you know and I'm better than they are I know that I know it won't you listen to me we're gonna have what can you do well which one do you want to hear first oh that's fine I'll do it for Mac when he comes in just like that don't you change a thing that's oh I love it hey mr. Fisch you didn't even listen Tony he's got one of his bad days he got you but I walk him around the block Hey what talking to him me to get excited you do it for Mildred of me we're like a here Hey Neumann tation as a fellow he's a talker through the nose Anna you mean this guy good evening miss mrs. North America and all the ships at sea let's go to pass I'll be back in a flash for the fish I'll be back with the fish in the plan he's a good imitation it's gonna be bigger stars someday when he is I'll give my ready hallway you can go get your money back I would if Maria get here she'll be here since she's a move in with a girl of French isn't know got a mama wake her up I'll go see if I find her what she got that I haven't got a sponsor Oh money oh good morning papa what's the matter you were late again right I was held up in the subway so boy gonna losing your job Papa please good morning princess sorry I'm late Milton don't be sorry just tell me how you doing comes over please come away you are mr. Clark ain't mister man in the balloon oh yes my son would you like to have one mm-hmm why bring it alone Ramona there is a man like that well you see Wilbur thought the mr. Clark on the balloon was I mean an imaginary character like a Donald Duck or Popeye I did not you said a real person couldn't have a face like that well Bert good morning mr. Clark where's my rehearsal miserable brat it'll be a studio-x in an hour a half to late an hour and a half who moved it up there's a notation here that mr. McCorkle did it Oh mr. McCaul kill did it on whose authority why wasn't I notified on't no sir I have nothing to do with that no no of course not there there my dear I'm a brutal that other people's stupidity make me cross with you looking here I was going to give you this later maybe you'll forgive me when you see it oh thank you mr. Clark that's all right my dear we have a little late to give it off to the broadcaster uh-huh bye have you seen mr. McCorkle he might be in Studio X mr. Clark if I want any guessing done I'll do it myself you find the call tell him I'm looking for me yes mr. Clark oh I almost forgot I've got something about to see you bat when you get through well I want to see if your eyes are big enough radio it's not an expensive gift oh I'll give it back to him yeah I'll do it for you but papi you don't understand let's tender lots of things you know I don't care what the consolidated censorship department says this you can't advertise Eden's underwear without using the word patties if their chief product all right my darling brother take it easy you're nervous in the cricket time leg you better fall in the censorship Department this gene yes tell them that I can't write Regis drawers or Stepan's and any of the commercials it has to be patty no wait a minute miss Biggs don't phone go down there yourself and see what that old blue nose go ahead Nicky tell them that the Eaton company manufactures pay and if I can't say that on the air they shouldn't accepted the account what's wrong with Patty's well radios prize-winning announcer come on in hello Dave so you look pale what's the matter Jim up your last commercial no no I just feel low today I dropped in to see the new Coppola's Christian oh you bet clucks the phone that stimulating drink that all America goes for guaranteed to let you down soon it close careful sis the old dictators libel of Jeff Alvin equal and take his account away from this oh no not today the club should be in very fine spirits she's competitor just doing the sponge and call the Undertaker holy jumpin static nothing savage goes back up in the old boy takes a nosedive in his penthouse apartment that's too bad Huck Tommy Nelson was in trouble something about a typhoid epidemic down at Nelson's factory but I thought it was just a rumor it was but leave with the cluck to keep it going you know I don't see how that guy sleeps nights with his conscience where's my heart what did you want to see him about speaking of sponsors I'm going out this way I get enough of him during rehearsal I swear Dini if cluck says one word to me that I don't like I'm gonna kick his teeth in oh good hey but you can't throw our bread and butter off the window I'll be doing I want to see him it's not mr. Clark miss McCardle it's just this fresh kid she said you were busy but I thought you'd like to know luck staring through the holes looking for mr. McCorkle thanks kid but you better cut out that imitation every time I hear our duckie little sponsors voice I want to hit somebody which is my virus you referring to important oh no not at all mr. Clark come right in unexpected pleasure have a chair never mind the chair why did you delay my rehearsal we called your office to explain and you get the message no well answer me mr. Clark miss Bella if on the Normandy the Normandy hasn't ducked yet on account of the fog even a radio producer can't control that they said the boat will dock in plenty of time for your broadcast I've advertised that woman all over the country and I'm not going to take a chance you call up the police and have him send a harbour boat and an escort together if I don't get some action side of 20 minutes my account goes to another agency Oh we'll take care of everything mr. Clark hey mr. McCorkle if the boat sinks or anything would you give me a chance I can imitate an opera singer Harry miss Belo is a color to soprano [Music] [Music] how do you like it it's turn right there it smells you put her on the program I'm not talking about her it's the air in here I don't have winters Leslie because they Lenin Street noises why don't you get a ventilator to come work it's Spike Lee why don't you try the sponsors are you trying to tell me where to listen to my program oh of course not mr. Clark I just thought you'd be more comfortable there the air the matter with her voice are you doing that okay where do you think you're going young man if you want to keep this scum it's the club I've got to give the announcer your changes in the closing commercial I lettin you tell them to put sunlight in read you like a humorous yes mr. Clark Oh max what are you doing out here if I have to listen to that worm another minute I'll strangle it what this pet ate tonight the ventilating system says it's suffocating him it does that makes me very happy look baby will you oh no no no no no no no I'm not going in there this is a partnership night how do you my hair all afternoon now it's your turn please finish us for a minute I've got to do something alright but don't be long he affects me the same way too how do you do mr. Clark there she goes there she goes again mister cut please don't you shush me I'm trying to smooth this number out I can't very well do it if you insist on shouting in my ears look mr. cluck why don't you go upstairs to the sponsors room I won't go to the sponsorship nobody can say that Caesar clock wasn't right on deck when we're having trouble but there's a deck up of the sponsors room at the couch underside of a spittoon lovely I won't go to thousand dollars of broadcast and she squawks like a guinea pig there's a better radio in the sponsors room shut up I'll cut her paying half nobody's going to cheat Caesar cluck there this place is getting worse mr. cluck the air in this building is changed washed and sterilized every two minutes it doesn't bother mr. fish and it doesn't bother me so think of your health mr. cluck and leave us alone do you realize who you're talking to I do and I'm referring to your blood pressure you're a very sick man mr. Huck you're liable to drop dead at any moment which would make a lot of people very happy but would also leave them without a meal together so if you don't want to use the sponsors room find someplace where you can quiet down you can't order me I'll now have you fired not for doing a bad job you're going consolidated for a groan that's what you're gonna get inside I'll have that fella throw another radio I'll switch my program to another network and if the [ __ ] you don't leave it now listen if you say sponsors room once more I'll have a new advertising agency too well good evening mr. cluck hello idea why aren't you listening to the program I wouldn't want to a nasty salad in there he's very nervous probably lets human there but of course edition apartment I listen to my own program well that is he wanted to talk to them father stop waving your arms you idiot I like Miss MacArthur suggestion and come along there and keep me company bastard rule now why didn't I think of that you don't idea you're the only one around here who doesn't remember it's just that well you're a very big man and they don't understand but you do don't you course I can all successful minute Bruskin you know deep down inside I think you're kind of the [ __ ] uh-huh mr. clerk I talk to you for a minute later there's a broadcast on the matters urgent you better see me now yeah a happy with you in a minute Darnay I thought I told you never to come here you did but the boys thought that worked extra hard man Nelson beverage typhoid story they thought maybe you'd like to give them a little bonus so say a hundred grand you weren't very well-paid if you're not satisfied I can get someone it aren't you forgetting I got a vegetable group of whispers in this business I suppose something should happen any one of your plants something like a case of leprosy or what if a half a dozen people go blind from drinking Cluff apolar carne you think I'm fool enough to teach you how to use weapon without a means to keep you from turning it on me I have a record of everything you've done since you were 15 if you're still in New York City by this time tomorrow you'll spend the rest of your life in Sing Sing I'll get out less and run I ain't leavin New York and you're not gonna do anything to make me don't forget Nelson committed suicide maybe something just like that could happen to you [Music] there that's better classical music how could anyone listen to it drives me crazy who did why do you put it on your progress well we have to try and appeal to all classes you know there are some people who actually like that sort of stuff do yes now there's my kind of music hello Dave hello to look to me in the station announcement when I finish the commercial that's the idea they put me on the Barkers bran flakes circuses studios II and I'll have to run to make it isn't that shoving him pretty close together the same announcer on the following program no no I only work here I wish you would do it though I don't want to try the next program out of breath it's all right with me at my continued all mine they won't anybody ask Finny you know in the control room I will ask any favors of the fella clerk who buzzes down to get me fired anyway don't worry about that they great seasons up in the sponsors room his name would be Caesar no no no no don't sit there you can't see the try this one I was in this better just like a theater uh don't you think we should have the door open it's a little stuffy in here Oh on the contrary it's quite cozy Oh - nice perfume you're wearing thank you I like it you know you're a very attractive girl Miss Marple I don't think I ever noticed it before oh you're just being nice mr. Clapp probably the music of the hair or something no no no it isn't you know I'm considered a very fine judge a beauty don't be silly mr. Clark what will they think downstairs you know very well all we can see in the window is their own reflection oh please mr. Clark and remember your blood pressure that doesn't bother me half as much as you do I wonder why the girls don't like you does the other fellow always get the good job from maybe you lack strong line he's treating last week's commercial I weren't afraid miss McCorkle this is the last straw oh no he took mr. cracker this is right for me until I discovered clucks popular since then glamorous windows are the talk of Osceola and the little secret the redhead in the mrs. lingerie will first Club be upstairs vodka can you kill that speaker from down here why sure and I forgot to tell Dave about klux changes for bhim vigor and vitality think plucks pop Ola drink clucks pop Ola well we might as well face it are you man enough to come along with me you gotta let your sister calm him down first you mean Steen is up there with him now so what she could handle him with one hand tied behind her I hate sponsors they all think they're so irresistible tripod I put you in the radio what do you think [Music] you have been listening to the radio forum this is the consolidated broadcasting system well that's another one wrapped up I have a feeling we will be too and Matt gets through upstairs it's Mack affair if he isn't I don't know the battling mccorkle's let him alone it's about time someone slaps some decency that would be kazanova no Finny you don't know max tempura he's liable to get in serious trouble Sarkar Tran circus is on the air with your three favorite found autumns Squanto and blossom lions tigers elephant pink lemonade and best of all listen to the channel back what he done nothing he was like that when I came in here only a dime a tenth part of a dollar in every chance the winner ladies and gentlemen these men know the strain of circus life they keep their bhim vigor and vitality with Parker's brands why don't you Parker's brand circus is on the air mr. Finnerty it is head of the radio for had a heart attack he was always complaining about his heart I never thought it was really serious is he if he did there's no heartbeat but we might be able to save him Mac go upstairs to the hospital and get whoever's there send down some metal and glue Vinny see if you can get any a drugstore in case there is any here a mr. Tuttle I think you better inform the president's office all right don't turn it off something wrong with that Orchestra balances are these keeps the-- how can you talk about balance when a man has just died from heart failure sorry but it wasn't hot it was murdered [Music] how did I get down here I carried you didn't want him to take you of the emergency with Club is he you sent the boys after something that might save him it was too late I just wanted to get them out of the room so so you could finish your faint how did you know I was going to faint the air pressure in that room had been tampered with by someone who knew klux phobia about ventilation I can see it was getting you and you deliberately let me work myself up to a face I had to be sure well you might have gotten a canary or white rat or something yes I also wanted to find out who hid cluck hard enough to make him fall against that radio I can tell you that you did tell when you fainted but I wouldn't tell anyone else you might find yourself in jail for murder surely you don't think I meant to kill him you didn't kill him puck was alive when you left him I wish I could believe that let me show you something did you ever see blood that color but that doesn't look like blood it's so bright cluck had to be alive when you left him to breathe in one of the poisonous gases that turned blood that color several of them are easy to make and one whip will kill a man unless he has an immediate antidote how many people know that well I know it that's right you do and so does every high school chemistry student that type of gas is one of the first things I warned not to make all right mr. detective may I make a few deductions now by all means suppose the murderer wanted to throw suspicion on someone else what would he do you're doing the deducing go ahead well he might tellin in a success pay to be quiet so she'd look twice as guilty when the murder cleverly let the finger of suspicion fall on her later he might but in that case he'd be very silly to remove the only evidence of her struggle with the victim wouldn't he you see I I found this in clucks hand so well it's yours isn't it I've never seen it before look mister but you might be a very good radio engineer but I don't think I'd better leave my future that your sleuthing but don't you see this proves I'm right there must have been someone else in that room after you left okay mastermind where do we go from here chair say life in nope we find out how the gas got in that room step in quickly I don't want to change the pressure any more than we have to hey wait a minute do I faint again when I go in there no you were hysterical before and I'm alright now yes your colors good your pulse was normal and I'm scared to death open the door don't turn it on rather not be seen up here just anything but nobody can see in here to the studio let's not take anything stop holding your breath now he has all right now it's the same to me I don't think anything was ever wrong with it you can't smell reduce pressure but you can hear it are you trying to tell me that the air sounds all right in here now yep don't you believe me sure I had an uncle once used to hear things other people didn't hear he saw little men on the foot of his bed sometimes two sound waves actually move the air they can't move in a vacuum neither can brain what I said there's no such thing as an absolute vacuum everybody knows that besides how could you make even a half vacuum in here by taking all the air out of it and not letting any come in everybody knows that [Music] I'm sorry I I didn't mean to interrupt I'm waiting for my brother I see and the light hits your eyes what business is it of yours what are you doing here anyway I was looking for mechanical pencil green with a gold fan I thought I'm gonna dropped it in here well in that case you're probably still around no no bother please don't bother it's none of the slightest constant good night [Music] compromise blockhead you don't like production man do you he's no production man I'll bet my next month's salary he never saw the inside of a broadcasting station before besides never trust production man NGOs don't call by their first name he's been around here over two weeks knees still mr. Tuttle maybe he's an efficiency expert in disguise know-how efficiency experts are always making notes I heard it's a loss special [Music] stay away from that window there's somebody down there howdy but I can figure it out maybe it's mr. Powell being subtle again I don't think so you stay here I'll signal you from the studio let's say for you to calm down [Music] [Music] keep out of this keep out if you don't want death to call again I was trying to tell you not to fall over that broom huh did you know somebody deliberately tricked me no let's get out of here we're both imagining things the shower just scared me out of a year's growth why I heard that crazy boy they keep out of this if you don't want this to call again I thought he was talking right to me he was mm-hmm adhesive tape not a fingerprint on it clean as a whistle maybe there weren't any I had to be I left some on of myself no no no let's see there was that dial on Studio m when you heard that voice it couldn't have been the shadows broadcasting Studios ad if you thought it was a shadow why did you run listen if you thing in here alone and thought Dracula was gonna jump out of that cabin jus - run - no I wouldn't Oh hero stuff huh no reason first I'd have looked at the radio if the DA was at sea I'd have known that boys had to be cut in from some monitor room and that someone was trying to fight me out of here in order to get in and remove evidence without being seen say what does one have to do to get to be as smart as you are you might start by remembering what day of the week it is the shadow is broadcast on weddings this is thirsty look mister but I may not know what day of the week it is but I do know that I could dislike you very easily blood Ranger cherry-colored blood got it from one of his own balloon reason that without mr. smarty I will under a microscope I will be sure and let me know the result in the meantime I'm going up to Jones's office and telling what really happened you mean you don't believe Clarke was murdered I did for a minute you had me ready to go looking for secret passages with mysterious murders slinking through them squirting poison gas at people this is the 20th century mister and I don't believe in your phantom a radio form well what's the matter with you and 20th century is making your sister a little bit nervous Oh Jones wants to have a talk with everybody who knows about Clarke's death structions from the president so it'd be good and I still don't believe it Oh mag yes well what did you do to your finger oh I cut it this morning with a razor I get rid of that it he's a tape if I were you really why I hope you don't know why well I don't know what this is all about but it'll make you feel any easier pop it comes hello darling mr. Bennett you want to tell me something you please sure what is it Tony mr. Clark he's a dying not a rumour tonight yes but how did you know that well I see the words that carry him up the stairs I give me orders I remove four balloons suppose a nobody want to see the face of no more well if you know anything about talks death you'd better come along with me why I know do not it I didn't say you did but mr. Jones wants to see everyone Oh boys are different bigger boys here tonight huh I say the spinner moose there was a diamond of Washington padding a congressman is a back and baking speeches I can hear him now my friends since you are all a part of radio I'm sure you feel as I do but our beloved sponsor sees a clocks untimely death it is the first disaster to happen within radio forum and the newspapers whom I need not tell you will stop at nothing to make a tremendous story of it so I asked in fact I demand absolute silence regarding the matter you are not to discuss it with anyone not even amongst yourselves whatever statements are issued to the press must come from this office do I make myself clear yes but mr. Jones don't you think [Music] all right what's the lowdown is it going quiet quiet quiet please now you'll all get a statement I should show no partiality but first let me introduce dr. Sylvester the well-known radio commentator Tiger and these folks are members of the popular production staff frankly mr. clucks sudden death was a terrific shock to me as well as to his friends and co-workers the man was not only an industrial genius and advertising wizard but he had a great soul as simple as a child whom anyone from Porter to President had consolidated could call friend never mind the hearts and flowers we didn't come for the obituaries yeah well a god follow the body we're now one question at a time gentlemen I know you must all get your papers on the street at a certain time so I'll let dr. Sylvester who was klux personal physician and with him when he died give you the details my patient died from next I'll call mr. cluck suffered for years from coronary sclerosis in other words he died from a heart attack brought on ladies like the co ro n ER y SE le ro s is yeah besides a doctor would win well now just go please what's more I sexy oh oh what's the use that wasn't what caused his death they perform an autopsy they find that out well let's not disturb them come on the hall I want to talk to you alone hey where are you going you gonna show me the new building it so ed don't get excited boys oh don't give me that stuff what do you know wait a minute wait a minute all I said was that an autopsy should be performed an autopsy on a sponsor preposterous of mr. domed an autopsy will show that cut was killed by gasps gasps give me the story father you now wait a minute that's a lot of rock that's Buncombe he would keep died from heart failure plain ordinary heart failure he's doctor should know did you see Clark's body yes this blood thing came from a scratch on klux head it shows everything what there's nothing to this all city dwellers and heal small quantities of gas from automobile fumes burning rubbish or doesn't think we don't inhale enough to turn blood that color doctor or how could gas get in here why we pay a lot of money for this air wait the ventilating system cost a half a million dollar found the ventilating system had been tampered with ventilating system - let me stop get me the star make a STEMI MD quite interesting this loose better work hi I say your friend mr. butts he say you will he's a sack so you can't run your project over the friendly system and guess on it and still truck yet I bet wait a minute I'll call you right back fight you he's your another telephone in the other rooms yes no you idiot get out of here you're fired get out do you hear ok mr. Jones if that's the way you feel that's the way I feel about it and you listen to me if any of you breathe a word this around here I'll fire you furthermore I'll sue for libel slander and defamation of character I'll show you who's 21 let's ask that phone oh hello hello well I was wondering why you've gone what are you doing out here just thinking pachi job I can get another job alright but after the night I'd kind of like to stay here why don't you go up and tell Jones you're sorry you spoke out of turn I can get Mac and Penny to use their and George to get your job back well maybe I was a little indiscreet letting those newspaper men hear me but still a fax deserve investigating I'll suppose you're all right what difference does it make besides let Jones worry about his own troubles you seem to forget that murder comes easier the second time can you prove it was murdered no but a good criminologist could well then why don't you let a good criminologist do it it's none of your business I guess you're right Oh what come on let's go out and talk - no no miss macoco I I couldn't because if anybody asked me about my statements tonight I have to tell them what I thought but I I would like to be able to get in here once in a while well I think that could very easily be arranged it's kind of late to stand here to talk about it though you could drop up to my place and we could talk it over there I don't know where you live well do I have to come right out and ask you to take me home what oh no no ah I'd be glad to that's the girl you're not gonna do it here are you Joe he's the only one who can put the finger on me yeah but there's a hundred people around here are you busy no lady you want a cab get out I see what you mean get in there quickly [Music] loose it up now I recognize that man was a gun you did who was it oh we were on our way to the sponsors room and he stopped crook out in the hall and crept didn't seem very happy about it either then that's why I took a shot at you so you couldn't identify now do you believe Clarke was murdered well I don't think that teller was shooting a clay pigeon do something hi Parrish you didn't have it when you came out well I guess elected to the studio um why don't you tell me something about yourself just in case I have to have it chiseled on a tombstone or something I'm very unimportant my full name is Benjamin Franklin but why I was born on Franklin's birthday oh it could have been worse though could have been Saint Swithin's day April Fool yeah go ahead I studied at five colleges took postgraduate work in chemistry physics biology bacteria not enough haven't you even got a personal side sure sure I wear wool socks I have two fillings in my back teeth bang press my own pants and very gladly something like this happens to know you better well how long have you felt that way Bobby year and a half and you and a half why didn't you let me in on it well I guess I'm not impulsive impulsive brother you're terrific you had no right to publish that story I'll sue every newspaper in town well you can't destroy a 30 million dollar business I'll make you prove every word of it there is no poison gas in this building the air is wonderful it's the purest in the world I don't know I've been here all night what what's the matter with that bird I don't think there's anything wrong with it take well you better know if one of those birds so much is not you Ted I want to know about it hello hello hey hung up on me Oh what am I going to do every editor laughs at me it's the chance they've been waiting for they call me an advertising burglar they'd love to finish me and they will if you don't do something so far I've been able to laugh the corner out of looking at the body but if those reporters start on him there's bound to be an investigation and you can't afford that and neither can i oh uh couldn't we just bury him a ship the body away don't talk like a schoolboy you know we can as far as we know Clark had no relative but suppose one of them did pop up and start asking questions while we both be ruined for life look can't you make a suggestion why I'm going crazy with Washington calling every minute my board of directors tearing their hair out sponsors refusing to come into the building no engineers no announcers no performers not even an agent nothing but phonograph records phonograph records why do you realize that the all-star benefit tonight followed two hours later by the president's fireside chat I don't know what you're gonna do about the benefit of the friendless message should quiet people down and you don't have to announce this coming by remote control well what about engineers not one of them to touch a control board wait a minute I've got it what you can do it you can put it over do it do what find something else which cause trucks dead and make it believable now quiet down Harry your nerves are beginning to crack nothing of the sort why if we can find a motive and make an arrest our problems are solved our fee oh but it's impossible we haven't got a clue to hang our head on didn't I tell you not to bother me what the deuce do you want mr. turtle wish to see you stairs is very important all right send him in good at least he's got nerve enough to come into the building good morning gentlemen what's good about it I run across this in the lost-and-found Department the contents should interest you that letter might help to work clearly around here terrific colossal why this is it now I know what kill Caesar clock or poison oak ooh who said so listen to this DST nima cockle you will find the information you requested regarding poisons attached to this letter you will note I have underlined the amount necessary to cause immediate death PS if it is for a sponsor I suggest a little more than is indicated they are pretty tough babies now that I come to think of it but could have been poisoned taken yes phone police headquarters had them sent a homicide detective here at once miss McCall COEs in studio X putting aunt poodles pickles on the air caught well how does she get performers and engineers I don't know I saw her when she came in she said she had a contract with a sponsor and wasn't going to let anyone stop him uh-huh there you are that's ample proof she wasn't worried about gas well he's the last person I expected to show up today where are my there four steps control room studio-x no I can't call it houses on the air [Music] [Music] well who is it I don't know why don't you take that thing off there's nothing wrong with a ventilating system well that isn't what you told me upstairs now I'm not taking any chances and I told you upstairs this program is brought to you in the cool kitchens where mrs. poodle pickled goodies are made and to show you how mrs. poodle appreciate your novelty mr. fish will tell you about our special gift offer if you want one of our big eat pickle Forks all you have to do to just send one cellophane wrapper from our deluxe dill pickles and one dime to defer the cost of mailing until tomorrow dill dill [Music] one down Oh Oh have no Oh listening to radio forum this is the consolidated broadcasting system that's it thank you very much Harry is there anything else I can do Miss McCardle and how you're going to be the vanishing cream troubadour he won't vanish when he hears me come home Oh what is the call steini to you mr. Jones wants to see you when it's off okay thank you want to see me mr. Jones yes I thought I fired you you did mr. Jones I want to suggest never mind your suggestions you get out of this building I'm now working for McCorkle macoco and fish if my boss told me to go I'll go oh is that so well what's the matter with you he's a radio engineer hmm the president's fireside chat oh yes of course but I may have been a little bit hasty last night but the fireside chat our president don't you think we'd better get this over with first yes but but has nothing to do with it and nevertheless I suggest to be perceived before the police arrive but please miss McCorkle is this your purse who is where'd you find it never mind that I suppose you know this letter was inside it Oh rad hi completely forgotten about it you seem to forgotten a lot of things yet things that are damaging not to convict you with the murder of Caesar trucks let me see that letter not and do you no good to destroy it we've made copies and witnesses will testify they saw the original it doesn't mean a thing no no well perhaps you change your mind dr. Sylvester has discovered that mr. Clarke died from poison and miss McCorkle was the last person with him as far as we know well we know she learned about poison this box of tablets was found in your purse the contents would kill several people not so fast I admit the letter it referred to research of a series of crime stories I'm writing but if those pills were in my purse somebody put them there mm-hmm well you would have to explain that to the district attorney and a jury mr. Jones the homicide detectives are here show them in I can't they're down in the street what yes sir they've been reading the newspapers and refused to enter the building they said to send the prisoner down let me talk to them you might as well send them back to headquarters because there isn't going to be any arrest unless they want to take dr. Sylvester Sylvester yes pop had enough poison in him to kill the average man but Dr Sylvester didn't have to perform an autopsy to find that out because he gave it to him that's ridiculous what what is she saying I'd have loved you Harriet get me the district attorney's office if you put this girl under arrest I think the DA should know that I saw Clark take a tablet of a certain drug just before his death and the label on the box carried your name as prescribing position I wouldn't do anything hasty then you did no no of course not I did prescribe a heart stimulant for Clark but if he took an overdose it must have been an accident now that I come to think of it I'm sure it wasn't poisoned then what did kill him now don't say gas or ventilating system mr. Jones if you'll give me 24 hours I'll find out who did this thing and prove there's nothing wrong with your ventilating system well that's time enough to ruin me well you're ruined anyway if we don't solve this case come on Feeny I'll take good for you boys decide to plant a shotgun in it now calm yourself Harry it's as simple as that huh yeah how do you know so much about trucks apartment well I've been there oh well chaperoned by Mac and penny of course let me get this straight we go in the theater up in the balcony out on the fire escape across the roof of the garage jump the alley and and then where are we we're on the terrace that leads to club's apartment I hope we don't get 20 years for this what's the matter gone but not forgotten what do we do now we look for the safe well they're usually behind books but there aren't any books I guess clock did something else with his bedtime well maybe behind the pictures no no you think of a better place than that yeah my intuition tells me behind a picture I'll betcha you win your heartbeat quietly say you weren't kidding when you said you're hearing is better than other people's were you know cosna beer can be trained just like the other five senses where's the sex what made you look behind this picture intuition that's right I might have known that what happened I mean you're not dead not Jeff that was just a vial of acid set to go off in case someone opened that safe who wasn't supposed to these papers must be important that's that report was heard four blocks let's get out of here before someone decides to indefinitely sodor me there any other way out of you what what are you what about you I'm Erin stay there but listen [Music] say who shut off that gun I don't know it didn't come from this apartment I smell smoke yes I know this tattoo but there's no Barney maybe there's a chemical plant around somewhere I did notice smoke coming from that window across the street though okay I'll report it who are you what are you doing in here anyway me don't you remember me I was mr. clucks goofy which one oh there you go just like everybody else trying to tell me things about my dear clucky but I was the only one he really cared for he told me so himself so when I heard about his head I had to come back and play his favourite piece at the scene of our great happiness are you where have you run without you [Music] I'm the only one oh all right honey I understand I was in love with myself I know how are you do you want to tell me about it oh no don't worry about me I know you got troubles in your loan hey you ain't gonna commit suicide are you oh all right you were supposed to be in here you know of all it is being exhibition what didn't you like it oh I do so want to be an actress really I do really come on let's get out not until I see that fellow down on the street again nobody could be that down how do we get into cooks apartment I don't know I think the dome is gonna let us in [Music] sorry there's no private house what's that dog giving me oh excuse me uh oh we gotta get out of here what Slater that fellow who took a potshot at you just held up the doorman you must be after these well there's enough evidence in here to set him up for life I'm waiting for oh well what are you doing now hello hello please headquarters this is 618 Park Avenue I just saw a man break in there Caesar clerk's apartment I'm sure it's robbery radio form driver I wonder what's going on up there still playing phonograph record pickle those ears again but certainly had enough on Connie he's wanted in California for robbery in Texas from a man in this state for murder who the night cause I came here Connie waited to live let's tuck alone in the father's room and then came back and killed him Oh Oh Cho femur scared him to death beating a man who carries the time generally uses it and cluck wasn't shocked well that gun would have made too much noise no no it wouldn't a broom sound true still this does give him a moody and the fact that he was in the building I'm together with his police record should give the DA enough evidence to get a conviction still there are several things that don't tie together where are they the voice that frightened you out of the room the tape ventilator you think Connie would know enough about radio to do those things might I doubt it hey here's a notation paid to dr. Sylvester April 17th $10,000 here's another one paid to dr. Sylvester five thousand what could that be for for a broadcast me he's never been on one o'clock shows maybe was paid to stay off oh that's it can we get a transcript to dr. Sylvester's broadcasts on these dates well I'm sure we have them on file in the office good I'm greedy greetings and salutations they be suggesting that that's not a phonograph record they all started richer personally supervised by McCorkle fish and the absence of course video so lvl and now the tightest cup and ideas your aguar let it grill take a bounce when requesting your things here and now goodbye bar Chitti Oh bless you well the blue Alvin our needs the goal all the and the goal her hair found the me over ba ba ba ba [Music] bah-bah-bah thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen this is the old groaner in the radio forum if Meyers don't deceive me here comes number one citizen and the sage of the Ozarks what are you gonna dream up tonight for a satchel mouth you know I certainly appreciate being on this program with you I can remember when I first started out down in Van Buren in grandpappy state he had a stable there and I was stable boy you know that's a tough job if you don't watch your work it's your piles up on you I'll be oh is this the boy who does the imitation this is a boy who did the imitations do you suppose you could imitate my voice later and five minutes his voice will be the lonesome cowboy hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kid loves his horse kid come game up hey hey wait a minute wait I get it back to fall you've done very well against this park come on up whoa where have you been hey practice he's got enough dope here on clocks killers in a bag Seanie uh you'd better come with me we've plenty of work to do trying to follow the road an elevator Oh maybe love you I'm sorry we're going down but then I'm down oh well the bet on that [ __ ] you shouldn't have said that but why I think Connie did it yeah but you can't think you've got a no I overheard your remarks Dini what makes you think you have clucks killer Oh various reasons why yeah I have a hunch that I know who visited cluck after you left him in sponsor relax you have who I accidentally overheard an argument between Tony and Maria seems the clock gave Maria a diamond brooch father might have dropped in to give it back to her well that's very interesting but why tell us mr. Jones is the one to know it doesn't mean anything one way or the other to me I had understood that you'd guaranteed to find clerks killer thought I'd give you the tip well thanks a lot Dave you've helped a lot alright good luck well what do you think of that I've got the broach in my pocket there's Maria let's check it hello Maria oh no one seems to want any information you've a sir I have to do something keep awake Maria did you ever see this before no never you sure yeah hmm that's funny because both your fingerprints and your father's were found on it all right it's mine I mean well mr. cluck gave it to me and Papa saw him and took it away from eat it the Papa didn't kill him honestly mr. butts mr. Clarke was alive when Papa left him where is your father Maria I don't know but I'll see if I can find it well this puts a different light on our theory doesn't it did you really find her fingerprints on it no but I could see she was lying and I wanted to trip her up boy are you some tripper upper I fell for it myself will you get to work on those papers and I'll join you as soon as I've seen Tony Tony Oh Tony I wanted to ask you Club hello get me Mac Akasaka this is Ben buck [Music] hello-oh been famous my god carny worked the club what I said Tony's been murdered by a balloon full of gas are there any balloons in your office no but look I'm trying to tell you that balloon yes this one right here on my desk then take it to a window and toss it out and get out of there are you begging sure why don't you try it it's fun well at least you were gentlemen enough to tell me before I broke a blood vessel trying to hold my breath I thought you were trying to set some kind of a new world's record at something well I wasn't what were you doing down there anyway here hold it well you called out and told me to get the balloon out of here and I'd left a cigarette up on the ashtray and I started for the door like this hey wait a minute don't do it but this one was one like this that killed Clark and Tony all the balloons with gas in him had this mark on them you mean if there's gas in that work yeah well what are you gonna do with it I'm gonna confront the killer with his little toy I'm gonna put it right under his nose and watch him squirm but you promised to deliver sees a klux killer instead Tony lazatti has been murdered yet you do nothing but assemble the only people who are trying to keep consolidated going patience mr. Jones patience I didn't let you down on the fireside chat did I the New Deal is going serenely on I insist you let us know what you know mr. Jones if I point out the murderer will you capture him yes No then suppose we wait for the district attorney and his men now mister but not now sit up will you please tell me I'm dying who did it I haven't the slightest idea the district attorney Oh come right in gentlemen how do you do mr. Francis this is the young lady I was telling you about nice work question catching Connie well I had all figured out from the start well then probably you could tell me you oh no I'd rather you ask my assistant all the questions now did you get anything from Connie a full confession well that should interest mr. Tuttle did you find the pencil you were looking for last night in the sponsors room green with gold bang well now that you have me I might as well confess for a long time the local authorities have been trying to stop Klux crisping campaigns but they were never able to get enough evidence to prosecute on so they appeal to the Federal Communications Commission I was sent up from Washington to find out where the clerk was paying dr. Sylvester for boosting pop Ola and knocking his competitors he had to clock a message when he came in last night but it wasn't a moan klux effects so I went up with a sponsor's room to look for it I see by the way doctor why did you remain in this building a full half hour after your nature oil broadcast hi hi I talked with the engineer for 15 minutes about my speech then I had business with mr. Jones Caesar clock was killed after the popular broadcast did it take you the next 15 minutes to get to the reception room no but so there's no reason to rush I had plenty of time yeah you have plenty of time time enough to go to the upper corridor wait first you need to leave Clark then slip in and kill it oh man hmm maybe you're right doctor I understand you're quite interested in hairy legs imitations do you ever hear into the shadow anyone tell you to do that not last night well uh oh stop all this I did it I taped up the ventilating system but I did it a scare clock not to kill him then you tripped me on the staircase and had Harry frighten your sister over the radio so she'd leave the room and you could get back in and remove your fingerprints in the adhesive tape yes but when I learned about klux death I was frantic but I didn't use poison gas I don't know anything about it I know you're going oh you would have removed the broken balloon the killed clap when you destroyed the other evidence hopping you kill a man with a balloon hit him over the head with it come here penny and I'll show you hold this for a minute will is it heavy I'm I'm not retired suppose this balloon was filled with a deadly gas and the murderer wanted to stay at a safe distance he could take an ordinary soda straw like this I'm an ordinary pin for the little wad of paper on it and then he could don't break that balloon here but there's no gas in that one of the legs I said there's your man mr. Prentiss you don't need those for holiday all right I killed him you ruined my father who was president of Johnson's beverage and their business gone and nothing left I came to work here I won a diction award and cut demanded me for his program Nelson committed suicide it was to me as though cluck had killed him I tried to forget but I couldn't his face was everywhere even on these balloons they were driving me mad so I figured out a way to use them to kill him but why did you kill Tomi I didn't kill Tony I put the balloons everywhere I thought cluck would go Tony must have accidentally broken one when he was ordered to pick them up all right young man taking get me the publicity Department legal department and every newspaper in town I want you to dramatize this story for the cavalcade of time the nation should know but you're going to be the head of the engineering department oh gee won't that be nice you can be around all the time now I'm sorry but I'm going away for a while but I'm offering you a big job well thank you mr. Jones but I'm afraid that'll have to wait you see I uh I have another scientific problem miss McCorkle and I are going to work it out together at Niagara Falls that is if she can decide which one of these names she liked you Oh any one of them is all right with me well let's go oh wow Harry now I'll talk buddy oh sorry [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 339,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmstruck, Movie, classic movie, CLASSIC, FREE, Danger on the Air (1938), crime, MOVIES, #classicmovies, classic movies, FILM, CRIME-MYSTERY, PUBLIC DOMAIN
Id: XdeJwOc2pcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2013
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