Fog Island (1945) CRIME THRILLER

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[Music] ah [Music] leo leo are you out here [Music] so [Music] i thought you had leo [Music] couldn't you sleep no my room is cold and damp only this hateful fog seems to be at home there i told you this island was no place for you my mother lived here and died here violently she lived here for your sake i don't blame you for presenting me i haven't realized the name leo granger was still headline news i never imagined that the press would revive the whole turkey mess again dead i have remained isolated health for a long while but that's no reason for you to stay buried on this forsaken island leo i don't hold you accountable for the position i find myself in it's just that for the president of police i too would like to avoid the public in fact for a while i'd like not to see anybody i'm afraid that won't be possible gail if you insist on remaining here why there are a few people i must see some shall we say associates you're going to let them come out here i'm going to invite them out here surely you don't think they'd accept your implications so they'd be afraid to i have an idea that their greed will outweigh that fear they agree yes because they agree that made them invest heavily with me because they thought i could make more money for them than anyone else and when my financial empire crashed they were the first to christ swim back if i can intimate to them they will have a chance of sharing in that supposed mood they'll respond to my invitation i'm just knocking on my pipe there no i meant that noise outside sounded like bronze for tree wind must be coming up i'll go and see [Music] what is it duck i thought you might put me what do you up for this time oh merely petty lost i had to eat i couldn't get a job after serving my term with you the newspapers printed out pictures again everybody recognized it will be convenient to keep your hair too long i've invited some of our friends over for the weekend that crowd that sent us up how did you know that you're more confidential as my cell mate that is my employer you were less of a menace behind prison bars than you were in my accountant's cage i have the same score to settle with that crowd that you have i could be of healthy you you might let's talk it over go to the small door under this balcony it's open wait for me there won't be too long i said wait for me there [Music] leo i've been thinking i believe i discovered why you failed in business you surrounded yourself with the wrong people i didn't surround myself with them sylvia jordan did how could she blackmail practically as my secretary she knew a lot about my private affairs which gave her a certain amount of influence then when i married your mother instead of her sylvia became vitriolic she sold me out to her friends richfield kavanaugh the whole double-crossing gang that railroaded me i wouldn't have cared if that stopped with that but they didn't one of them maybe the whole group indirectly was responsible for the death of your mother leo what are you saying isn't it logical gail but this group having put me safely away in prison should come back here to learn from karma the whereabouts of the fortune i have supposed to have sorted away failing they struck her down fatally and they ransacked the place until they were disturbed by the launch returning with the servants but if any of them did murder mother do you think they risk coming back out here i don't forget they didn't get what they came after i tell you they won't accept well let's wait and see [Music] emmeline bronson psychic research laboratory alex richfield this is emily i was in growth casting a horoscope otherwise i would have known it was you wanting to contact received an invitation wait a minute let me see it's from leo granger inviting you to a weekend at fog island just a minute furthermore i can tell you the date it's for the 16th what well of course my powers of divination haven't diminished what do you make of it emily well are you consulting me professionally as an astrologist or socially as a friend well i thought as a good friend of old standing in that case i say leo wanted something advice as you may recall he never went into any big ventures without first consulting me yes and you never advised him that first asking john cavanaugh what to tell him cavanaugh was very generous with me when writing fluentl's transactions and your influence paid you well however i'm curious to know what you think leo's up to well i for one i'm going out to fog island to find out and you i don't know yet i haven't decided nevertheless i'll probably see you out there amongst the others and just uh who would the others be my own little crowd of course john cavanaugh sylvia jordan yes that's right what is leo granger to say john how do you know this is the leo granger this is a private secretary for years i might at least be expected to recognize his handwriting don't you think of course have you read between the lines said what that i might see just the sun well doesn't occur to you that leo may have found out how you played up the camera while he was out of the way i didn't i always liked karma there was no point in avoiding her just because he got into trouble and there was no point i suppose and you're chartering that boat all by yourself just to call on her at fog island who said i charted a vote the man who owned it he also admitted taking a veiled woman out to the island alone i never wear veils besides why should i want to see comma to get information that needn't exclude you and leo's mind is one of alex henchmen how do you know that i know leo granger i know the way his mind works he's a very suspicious and vindictive man how about kingsley emmeline bronson yes even you don't forget the damaging effect your testimonies as private secretary had on the case i'm not forgetting it nevertheless i don't expect leo ever to forgive me leo granger will never forgive any one of us five years in the penitentiary can do a lot to a man not to leo granger you get one of these the same identically and i dare say there's a half a dozen others floating around amongst our erstwhile associates should you go i think so you're not afraid are you we're not exactly afraid but uh but what may be intrigued after all he got away with quite a fortune if he's going to pay off i want to be there that's what i thought and if you go i'll go and if we go the others will go well they there's safety in numbers [Music] right so [Music] [Music] i'd say about four or five i can't tell you this form [Music] oh allison yes sir the guests are here when you look after the luggage very well sir [Music] well how are you leo quite a bit done on you never better no leo well silvia this is the curious place yes strangely enough it was built by pirates but you shouldn't have any difficulty in finding your way around john thank you nice to see you again sylvia after all this time thanks leo you're looking well you know penitentiaries aren't exactly a health resource i wouldn't recommend them to my friends as a fire waiting leo if it's any consolation to you your water sign predicts satisfaction for you here what about you emily don't you know asir is never any good for herself that's a climb getting soft alex oh not so you do notice it leo of course the guards may have cut my wind a bit but i still smoke them when i want them something i was forced to give up cigars you got those that i sent you yes i got them they weren't my fancy however my soulmate enjoyed them and survived lucky hello mr granger i'm jeff kingsley son of jefferson kingsley whom you sent an invitation apparently you didn't know dad died a month ago oh no i i didn't i'm sorry you don't mind of course my coming out here to see justice done of course not come in thank you [Music] do you know all the others i introduced myself to them on the launch on the way out yes i know everyone including your stepdaughter although i don't know that she remembers me from college hello hello it's been a long time yes surprised somewhat would you like me to explain i don't think that's necessary you're not very glad to see me are you should i be maybe will it bore you out any if i were to tell you i'm glad to see you thank you i'm sure you're all wondering why i invited you here let's settle that question right now at the beginning i invited you out here for let me say retribution a retribution is not word can mean so many things it could mean reward the return of money you think i stole from you it could mean giving you an opportunity of getting even with me or with each other it could mean revenge seeking a life for a life you see how you killed something very dear to me it might have been friendship it might have been my ideals it might have been my wife perhaps you never knew it but i happen to love karma she's more than just a wife to me she was my ideal my friend whichever one of you killed her will kill again and just as wantonly so let me warn you the innocent manual be wary of the murder whenever he or she finds it necessary to strike again and that my dear friends conclude the business of the evening now let's all be as sociable as we can oh i omitted to mention that we have another house guest dark lake you'll remember duckling i'm sure my accountant who was sent up with me doc our friends are having a little drink perhaps you'd care to join them good evening if since leo puts it so delicately i'd be delighted to have a drink and the new old quaint oh by the way i'm afraid i had to send the launch back to the mainland for some slight repairs it'll be back in the morning probably in the meantime i'm quite sure you'll find every convenience on this island except across the telephone dinner will be at 8 30. [Music] alison [Music] many years ago it was the custom of this household when it was in the hands of pirates to let a man eat his fail then permit him to know his faith i'm not so barbaric of course i may be following the old custom by giving each one of you a token favor or clue shall we say to retribution so [Music] one [Music] leo what is this key perhaps it's the key to your happiness my dear oh kingsley that is a superstition that the gift of a knife will cut friendship i'm not superstitious are you not with this in my hand i'm not i think i retire i have been used to very early hours these last few years gail i think our guests will enjoy a little music if you feel so disposed anything special you would like no anything you like preferably something favoring the woodwinds why the woodwinds leo i don't know the other something very plain about the music of oboes flutes clarinets and something very enticing mind if i join you and if i did i'd join you anyway you tried that before admit and this time i'm your guest remember not mine leo granger would you mind telling me what this is all about what what is all about was probably whatever it is don't you know no then why did you come i had my reasons i'm sure of that good reason from your point of view all of which means you're not going to tell me that's right which also means you don't trust me right [Music] god favors me oh gift or do you understand yours yours dr lake i suspect leo wants to keep track of you mine is really quite simple they always said my pencils weren't practical the eraser of course is one of the eels of the innuendos i have a feeling leo is not in his right mind have you felt that you understand i hope that i have never actually practiced the profession of medicine nevertheless that doesn't prevent you from having a personal opinion not necessarily but there's a student of the account perhaps you could hazard an opinion the sign pisces of course you know what his sign is the case two fishes swimming in opposite direction and with jupiter in the ascendant i should not like to predict what would happen uh his health never too sturdy hasn't been aided by prolonged inactivity i shouldn't like to hazard an opinion either you know doctor i think you and i have something in common no what's that may i have we've both been in leo's confidence i have from an astral point of view of being a spiritual confident and uh you from a business point of view have been in his financial confidence so possibly by pooling our information we might work more or less together to our mutual advantage have a review to design [Music] there john do you know any way we can get off this island there isn't any way i asked the butler why i'm afraid of what i don't know but this to leo always suggested death quarterly or might suggest what is it multiplication tables two times two and so on it might be one of leo's subtle warnings insinuating you're not to attempt any more juggling experience to your own satisfaction but i get a feeling it goes deeper than that table skulls [Music] oh i didn't see stepped in this pocket too fast alex knows something i wonder what that key is to [Music] wiki one gay oh god why don't you find out i will when i get a chance watch out for young kingsley i don't trust him suppose you watch out for young kings like i will i didn't know you played so well didn't you no there was a time i thought i knew pretty much about you did you remember the long walks in the rain horseback rides tennis the time you beat me six to three the funny things you used to like you're craving for red chocolate sundaes opals they weren't your birthstones were they no i thought not they were always bringing you hard luck like the time we were going to the symphony together you had on your new high heeled red slippers your heel got caught in a graving you know it's a shame i couldn't get those nails to stay we went down the aisle together you don't know how much trouble i had getting those tickets right in the third row just to show you off oh i've still healed by the way but i don't supposed to have any use for it i haven't any use for any heal no i thought not but will you ever forget our picnic down by the riverbank with that great field of daisy spiders weeping willows remember how ecstatic you were about the weeping willows you know you haven't done what leo asked you you mean the woodwinds yes have you forgotten no [Music] and i'm hot no why not will you find out if you think it's important gail is anything important to you yes solitude [Music] uh [Music] look into the future what are you saying you want me to cast horoscopes oh no nothing so individual i mean something would let us all in like uh you know uh sao oh for sale well if you're all in accord why don't you gather around the desk good [Music] we ready for you emily [Music] foreign foreign [Music] i see you with a burden on yourself a heavy burden so heavy it may submerge you i don't know why it is but i feel as if water was coming up [Music] i feel the sensation of drowning stop but stop it i don't want to hear anymore very well then [Music] it's strange but i can't seem to reach you you seem to by the way bars are in the way they will skip me for the moment and for yourself what you see myself it's very difficult to see for myself but i feel about to be elevated [Music] [Music] mind telling me how you did it it was no trick [Music] where are you going i have an idea what about gail's key oh yes i'm rather tired tonight why don't you turn in i think i will i wonder if you get me a book alec i'm tired but not sleepy i thought perhaps you might pick out something from leo's shelf over there don't you think you better select your own reading material emily you have such a good mind oh cut cut would you be looking for any book in particular alec or emmeline something light of course oh yeah how about this what is it crime and punishment ideal thank you alec say it's getting late time we're all turning in how about it john ready to call it a night we are i might as well ready emily [Music] [Music] what are you doing out here i might ask you the same question catch cold in this fog there's one one telling me what you're running away from am i running away of course first from all your friends by coming out to this desolate spot to live now from everyone inside what right have you to pry into my private affairs maybe i like you i was there to cue your way of showing very peculiar person yes maybe i like you more than you realize really i realize you're just a little girl in a lot of trouble what trouble that i mean to find out is that all you may find out no but i knew for a starter and after that gail have i ever done anything to make you mistrust me you came out here with the others didn't you obviously try to see you i don't believe you gail why don't you break down be yourself why don't you let me help you there's only one way you can help me and that is to leave me alone now look here young lady don't try my patience too far you might as well know once and for all i have no intention of leaving you alone very well then i'll leave you alone [Music] oh i came in to borrow some cleansing cream of course i'm not robbing you am i no i seldom use it oh but you shouldn't likely my dear too much father nothing should be too much farther to protect your skin and this climate one doesn't need to take the trouble if you don't take the trouble to preserve your skin now while it's healthy you'll regret it i'll chance that already it shows the signs of neglect what an interesting room the mother didn't decorate it these things were here when leo bought the place leo bought it stock time i bought it for him leo bought it in cars [Music] yes sir just tidying up a bit sir as a butler or as an escaped lifer al janks that's a lie what but you're an escape lifer i've acted a bit phony as a butler when ranger wasn't around i made some pretty wise contacts in the big house contacts that could find out a lot of things i wrote a few letters got some answers came over with the mail with the guests tonight like this one hello darts cook the eel you describe with the scar across his left palm finally al jenks the lifer who crashed out of here about a month ago i thought you ought to know because enjoying yourself doc yes i was just looking for you leo indeed it asked seem a bit ill at ease that's pretty i've given them the run of the house what more could they have me do give them enough ropes something like that they're all wondering what you've got up your sleeve including you doc have you forgotten leo i know what you've got in mind have you forgotten that time in stir when i showed you how they framed the two of us and you blew your top and that day when you learned your wife had been murdered the day you really went stir crazy have you forgotten what you said to me that day under the circumstances no one could hold me accountable for what i said that may and especially if what you said came to pass what'd i say though plenty and if it took your last dollar that's just exactly what it did what make your last dollar oh that's a good one that's a fact however if you prefer to believe us do that i have a fortune buried here i can't prevent you but you said you're looking for me what for i thought you might like to know what your guests are doing i know pretty well what they're doing after all there was nothing i could ever tell karma that was encouraging all i saw for her was trouble and worry in her tragic end you ever saw that oh yes quite clearly and in detail i saw her choking her into insensibility that's a lie it is how do you know she wasn't choked to death she was sad with a knife perhaps you know for certain that she wasn't first strangled into unconsciousness you're making the whole thing up to give the impression you're clairvoyant unless you had something to do with her murder i had less to do with her murder than you had why you fought if you did come in perhaps you guys don't realize it but your voice is coming you get excited thank you for stopping us alex and you're keeping this young lady from her rest you're very considerate mr richfield i really would like to go there of course i really thought i might come along alex it was your idea to leave gail alone [Music] um [Music] looking for something alex oh uh my pipe cleaners i thought i left them here i didn't know you smoked a pipe oh didn't you i've always been very interested in pipes do you mind if i have a look at yours suddenly i must let you in my room tirelessly have a cigar thanks right you're not smoking not at the moment very good cigar as you should know alex as always thought of my comforts even managed to get a few where you sent me you're forgetting that having a raise at your defense we got you up with five years instead of 25 five years was long enough for you to accomplish your purpose alec five years the receiver for grainger incorporated gave you ample time to liquidate my enterprises for your own advantage the time you got through milking your enterprises there was nothing left to liquidate so you came over here to the island to see what you could get out of karma i advise you to be careful your accusations leo you're not trolling anybody now alec there's no jury here no judge nor will that be any witness does that constitute a fight for what it's worth alec i might have let you off had you been content merely with getting me out of the way for a while but the jupiter karma out of the way permanently for that alec you know whale you can't escape alex you murdered karma i thought so i suspected you all along but i wanted proof i've got that proof now alec obviously that was the way you stuck her down a seven first in the dark without warning without giving her the slightest opportunity of defending herself you very stupidly use the same technique the same knife no doubt so you see now i think you're not as clever as you thought you were you see now don't you that you played right into my hands you see now eric you've convicted yourself alec you've sealed your own dome you've signed your own death [Music] now [Music] very interesting very interesting indeed and a little amusing what is the fact that leo should give you the key without the means of using it i don't know what you mean you know how that key opens no or how to get to what it opens no i thought not but i do so it seems to me might be wise for us you and i to prove our resources shall i say and split proceed equally share and share alike i'll handle the key as you wish follow me [Music] since you have the key the privilege is yours mighty emily [Music] what are you doing here kingsley i was just wondering what you were doing i don't think it would do you any good to find out [Music] yes [Music] you all right i am but how about you jeff how does your head feel feels as though somebody had thrown the book at it it was a chair oh yeah that phony doctor i've got to find him just take it easy please after the way he conked me but he's a dangerous criminal he he has a prison record he's got more than that coming to him and i think i know where to find him jeff don't please for my sake but you're safe yes dear look come on you better sit down but gail you don't seem to understand it caught him going through the desk gail do you have any idea what he was looking for well i think i know mother told me once it's something about the top center door something in it or near it that exposes the secret hiding place for valuables valuable uh-huh don't you think you ought to take a look and see if we got away with anything i have looked i don't know how to operate it let me try [Music] wow [Music] if what we're looking for is in here we're splitting in 50 50. what makes you think well that's very generous of you john seeing you think that gun is loaded of course it's loaded i loaded it myself before dinner you don't think i trust you around me with a loaded gun do you you idiot how did you know i wasn't going to give you his half oh i know you john so the clue leo gave me you're right alex what we're looking for must be hidden in here the table the clue that theo gave me this slab here um yes john give me a hand in the oh wait a minute let's have it understood now we share it three ways let's make it four ways just for the sake of sociability or it makes you imagine you're enjoying to do anything i know where the bodies are buried all right understood then let's put four ways now give me a hand [Music] give it to [Music] me what is it read it yes read it [Music] you only may conserve this represents all i ever stole from granger incorporated the paper this is written on unfortunate investments did the rest may i suggest you divide it equally among yourselves so that i may feel justice is done sincerely i don't believe it i do it's just like the last last [Music] oh that's a trick [Music] well jeff look there where here you hang on now hold on [Music] hey i'll bet the key leo granger gave you opens that box [Music] mother's jewelry just wait listen to this gail darling this is all that's left of my inheritance for male got into his financial difficulties i gave him everything else i had to try to save him but it went with the rest into unfortunate investments please don't blame him too much he tried but gail darling leave this island as soon as you can because no good will ever come to anybody here god bless you and try to be happy your loving mother [Music] [Music] she knew you mean she knew what you put yourself through needlessly gail needlessly yes don't think i haven't seen through you don't think i don't know why you ran away from us all was your wounded ego eagle but yes every place i went people looked at me accusing me i knew what they were thinking they were thinking she's leo granger's step-daughter and she'll come in for her share of his loot too i know what you were thinking gail but you were wrong dead wrong i bet you even thought that was the way i felt about you of course and you thought i came out here with those cheap chiselers to grab off a hunk of loot oh i didn't know what to think jeff i didn't want to but how could i think otherwise you came over with them [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what's that it's the lodge coming back your launch i recognize the motors how long will it take you to pack the rod why are you carrying out your mother's wishes aren't you remember she said leave the island at once and that's now no but don't argue i'm taking you away from this place at once even if i have to kidnap you you won't have to kidnap me jeff well then hurry [Music] alex [Music] you ready yes jeff i'm ready let's get going [Music] oh but i'll have to find leo and tell him i'm going he isn't in his room i found leo he has no objection [Music] oh but don't you think we ought to find out if any of the others want to come with us i found that out too they're not coming with us not this trip i'll send the launch back to them later [Music] my son on the mainland that's what you need gail son more than anything else unless it's me i'll settle for both yes
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 611,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fog Island (1945), filmstruck, classic movie, Fog Island (Film), revenge, CLASSIC, Jerome Cowan, #classicmovies, classic movies, FILM, crime, MOVIES, George Zucco, FREE, Lionel Atwill, CRIME THRILLER, PUBLIC DOMAIN, Movie
Id: YLH43AlJtfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2012
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