Belegar Ironhammer, the True King of Eight Peaks: Full Lore Movie

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ska state supreme ruler alight cakes [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the next legendary Lord video Bela gar ironhammer which I know that a lot of you have been waiting a very long long long long time for before we hop into this full steam ahead I do want to take a moment to say that there are a lot of things with Bela gar that his lore is very old and it has gone through a significant amount of retcons and so the goal in this video was to tell the most complete possible story for a character who has been around for many editions and his hundreds of years old and shows up in a ton of minor stories that aren't about him but nonetheless can be pinpointed to a vague time in his timeline so I strive very very hard to try and make sure that the stories I tell are accurate to the lore but there are also times in this video where there's a lot of really bizarre gaps and things that happen that needed to be filled in so I did my best to do that while also making sure to tell the most accurate story possible so there are going to be moments where there might be something that happens and there are things that I have to infer the information from or use context clues to fill in the blanks but I just wanted to make sure to make a statement about that just so there's not someone who watches the video and there's a part that comes up and they're like I don't remember this exact thing happening in this exact wording and can you give me a page number and a book and I would have to be like well no but if you look back at 6 Edition on page what's in what and then you go to 8th edition and look at page what's and what and then you read go track a Felix and look at page what's and what like I can then tell you that these things happen and I have to build a narrative around this and to tell a good story there so there are things that happen in this that I have to fill in a fair amount of links but ninety nine ninety-five percent of everything comes from a direct source I just wanted make a statement about that because I pride myself very very heavily on trying to draw as much information as possible from the source material and spend weeks studying the books and looking for every little scrap of lore to make a as complete and compelling and fun a story as possible so I just wanted to give that disclaimer so without further ado let's begin hope is not a familiar concept to the dwarves so much has been lost over the last few millennia hundreds of outposts and even full [ __ ] overwhelmed during the blood-soaked age known as the Goblin Wars many long beards mutter into their tankards that the golden era of the dahui has passed that the chaos enkorz days are numbered not all believe this however as the High King declares a new age has begun one of reclamation and vengeance an age of reckoning no dahui is more crucial to this statement than the most stubborn dwarf in all the realms Peleg our iron hammer son of Kara gar son of Morden crag of the line of LUN rightful king of valla as the real uncle for he is the true king of Carrick eight Peaks to understand the recently crowned da we King the tale must first start with that of his heritage a mighty and royal line the anger and clan traces their ancestry all the way back to that of the ancestor gods gloomy and Valaya thus it was only proper that they were chosen to be the rulers of karak eight Peaks the greatest hold besides that of Kazakh rock itself here the endrin kings ruled over a prosperous realm for thousands of years until the disastrous time of woes countless hordes of vile Skaven swarmed up from the deepest pits while a monstrous tide of green skins assailed above-ground in a bloody siege without hope of reinforcements and scores of brave dahui falling each day King LUN had only one choice to save his people with a heavy heart he ordered the many treasure vaults in tombs B runic Li sealed before leading out the surviving dwarfs and a great throng that fought its way to safety as the site of Kerik eight Peaks faded behind them King longs for an oath that one day his line would return and take back their ancestral home millennia later the one to finally fulfill that promise would arrive Prince Bela gar was born in Carrozza karak where many of the anger and clan had resettled after being forced from their home he grew up within the other peak learning to be a proper lord of the dahle from the best instructors found in the capital despite this the air of Vala Asura and gold developed quite a fierce reputation due to his hot-headed nature and pride to say he suffered several biting reprimands from the legendary early fierce tongue of crag the Grimm is an understatement even the current High King thorgrim grudge bearer often ruminates upon a time centuries ago when he was instructing Bela gar using goblin captives for practice only to discover that ironhammer had butchered the entire reserve when thorgrim demanded an explanation the young royal had simply shrugged and stated I want to kill Grobe much to his Lords surprise and amusement outside of his studies and participating often in group cool or goblin hunting with the likes of Prince cazador of Carriacou zulan who's cool Catherine Bela gar could always be found in the taverns of Carazo Quebec listening to the long beards of the anger and clan they spoke in mournful tones about their ancestral hold the fall of Vala Azurill uncle an often told story that became memorized by the prince while still a beard Ling setting a burning ambition deep in his heart many brave dahui whom were descended from karacake peaks set off on quest to reclaim some artifact or even the hold itself but none returned each fallen clans dwarf only strengthening peleg our spirit until that ember of purpose became a raging inferno centuries passed in the blink of an eye and soon Prince Bela gar was no mere beard laying any longer he journeyed far afield with the throngs of ever Peak taking war to the countless foes of the doughy on blood-soaked battlefields these experiences shaped his skill and war for Bela gar learned well to lead his clan against the green skins of death pass and the Skaven that lurked in the under way perhaps more famously however his reputation as a fierce warrior grew as the heir of King LUN was not one to stand idly in the back lines giving orders his skill at wielding cotton grunt or hammer and shield was second to none in the whole of the callosum corps full of pride and strong of arm the Prince proved himself worthy as the next in line to rule his clan despite the heavy shame that haunted the Englund clan from the ghosts of history life continued as such in Kazakh Iraq until the fateful day when Prince Kara gar iron hammer passed into the halls of the ancestors and Bela gar ascended to rule in his father's place although a somber occasion the prince accepted his title as lord of the emigrant clan with typical dwarven stoicism receiving the legendary iron hammer as had the ruler of his clan since Carrick eight-piece was founded millennia ago with the hammer of Anglin gripped in his hand he wasted no time heading to the shrine of Grimm near where Bella Garr swore bold oaths despite the hopelessness of his cause he would reclaim the queen of the silver depths no matter how long it took or what it may cost the heir of lung would take his rightful inheritance in the following months Peleg our iron hammer would meet with his lords and things within the smoky taverns of their youth discussing plans over swiftly drains tankards maps were consulted while many oaths of fealty and secrecy were sworn as the first expedition was slowly crafted Bella Garr knew better than any that no clan would assist in such a seemingly suicidal task as conquering Valar alone gold he would need to demonstrate that the Fallen hold wasn't a cursed deathtrap that it was indeed possible to penetrate its depths so the first mission would be something manageable a small band of skilled Dobby would infiltrate the ruins and claim whatever lost relics they could to bring back perhaps with such prizes he could convince others to help him especially the recently crowned High King thorgrim who had already given fiery oratories about an age of reckoning the first band of Dowie was selected dubbed by Bela gar as the grim Brotherhood a name that would be proudly borne by the dwarfs of Kara K Peaks ever afterwards among their number the most noteworthy dwarf was grun Finn gold finder gruntin was an explorer from the great mountain hold of Kharak nord a rather odd dwarf who was obsessed with descending into and charting out fallen holes it so happened that his fascination with Kerik eight peaks was quite high and thus the Ranger had snuck into vallah Asura on goal on numerous occasions with success while creeping through its crumbling halls he had managed to map out much of the first and second deeps finding numerous hidden pathways and undisturbed room sealed chambers after leaving the eight Peaks behind the Ranger had sped with all haste to cut us a conic where he found gainful employer lega for leaving to scout the further deeps alone sadly that was the last time anyone saw grunting gold finder at long last after months of preparation the time had come for the anger and clan to visit their ancestral home before departing Bella guard was gifted with a runic shield by the elders of his clan known as the shield of defiance the princes can hoped that perhaps its powerful defensive runes would allow him to return safely it didn't take long for the determined mounted folk to cross death pass slipping past the green skinned hordes of black crag until they at last sighted the northern peaks of Vala Azurill uncle tears streamed down the cheeks of the anger and dahui as they sighted the beauty of karacake peaks bella gars determination hardening until even the legendary grim real armor of the white dwarf would have been brittle in comparison run Finn's Maps led the grim Brotherhood swiftly in to pass through the mountains that led down into the first deep they carefully worked through the darkness until arriving at the first rune sealed chamber the rune Smith of their band black gnar son of bran gar wasted no time raising up his rune staff with whispered words to drug me and Valeo the words upon the door flared and the vault opened within rested priceless treasures of the past runic items thought forever lost and tomes inscribed with Forgotten lore Bella gars grin widened for the first time in twenty nine generations his people would taste some measure of victory this process repeated numerous times throughout the first and second deeps the grim Brotherhood butchering any Grobe unfortunate enough to cross their path it was in the second deep however that the prince had his greatest moment the da we approached the final stash of their quest using a secret door cleverly disguised as part of the walls to approach a great stair with rubble blocking their path unwilling to retreat just yet Bella gar ordered his kin to bring out the kegs of black powder they had brought for just an occasion with a resounding boom the stones exploded into the following room much to the surprise of a Grobe tribe that was performing some bizarre ritual Prince Bella gar couldn't help but feel a deep joy as he roared charging into the infested Den disoriented and surprised as they were the night goblins were brutally slaughtered without mercy though a few dahui were wounded in the battle Bruckner's rune magic quickly healed them however and the company of Bella gar claimed the remainder of their spoils although it pained ironhammer deeply the time had come to retreat to the safety of ever peak angrily swearing to return and one day cleanse these halls of all goblin filth the air of lund made his way out so did the grim Brotherhood complete their quest and slip out to follow a zero on goal without losing one of their number ghosting through school Catherine and arriving soon enough at the doors of Carazo Connick a great celebration was held that night in Bella God's honor for he had done what was believed to be impossible many long beards wept openly as they reverently passed around the fabled lost treasures of Kharak eight Peaks heirlooms at long last brought home into proper hands the Prince stood tall in the dining halls of ever Peak his booming voice carrying the tale of the journey to all that would listen he told of their victory of skulking goblins slain by dwarf and steel and the beauty of the eight peaks in all their unmolested majesty among those dahui raising their tankards to cheer or roaring an outrage at the descriptions of the lower deeps many felt deep down that ambition which burned in Bella Gard igniting in their own souls for the anger and clan the victory signaled one truth the time for reckoning was indeed at hand the second expedition to vallah as literal uncle began preparation that same evening though due to all the excessive drinking many of the initial goals were grossly ambitious as some dolly suggested reclaiming the entire colossal hold and but six months time when morning arrived the mood and goals sobered up accordingly Prince Bella gar stated the next phase clearly if the DA we had any hope of reclaiming the hold they would need to establish a defensive outpost from which to slowly clear out the filth to delve into the deeps immediately would be suicide even with their superior skills and arms the dwarfs would surely be overwhelmed by attacks from above and below like their ancestors were there was only one viable option they would have to take the Citadel in the surface city it would afford them the necessary protection from all sources of attack while allowing offensive strikes to clear out the deeps one at time after a few more months of negotiation and planning the error of lund marched once more to the south with a small force their objective was straightforward the grim Brotherhood would scout out the Citadel and set up a small forward base from which they could begin to fortify their position once entrenched further throngs would immediately journey from cádiz acara to provide reinforcements from here it would be only a matter of time until karaage Peaks was back in Dali hands where it belonged the initial March went well Bela gars company once again led safely past the green skins of black crag by well-traveled Rangers upon their arrival to vallah Athlon goal the Dowie looked upon what remained of the surface city and scowled at the sacrilege scene where once had been a prosperous hold nestled in the basin of the eight peaks now laid a series of pitiful ruins with many orc camps the once mighty walls that had connected between each of the mountains to form an impenetrable barrier board gaping wounds from 3,000 years of abuse and neglect just another series of wrongs to be avenged Bela guard led the grim Brotherhood down into the valley 300 skilled Dwarfs from a myriad of clans prepared to avenge their ancestors the orcs were caught unawares the closest greenskins to the slope barely having time to notice the bearded figures charging towards them axes sent decapitated heads spinning away while great hammers pulped vital organs as the doll we carved a red ruin into the camp the first hundred perc were discarded with ease but the element of surprise was spent as war cries rang out across the city scores of green skins began flooding in larger brutes shoving their way to the front with Chiapas swinging Bela gar quickly issued orders for his kin to form a shield wall the doll was snapping into place with practice from countless battles although the line held against the initial charge Prince ironhammer saw that more green skins were beginning to pour in from all sides if they kept fighting against the orcs it would only be a matter of time before they were surrounded not to mention the horrors that would crawl out at the depths once the Sun set as the first of the dobby began to be cut down the heir of lund knew they had failed the Citadel's doors were open and tantalizingly close but with their current force the dwarfs wouldn't be able to kill all the urk and reinforced their position inside the hold before being sworn by thakur rocky and Grobe it pained Bela gar deeply to admit it but they needed to retreat now if there was going to be any hope of success slaying a colossal orc warp off with a flurry of blows from the hammer of anger and the Prince roared for the game brotherhood to fall back in good order quickly up the slope of the mountain maintaining their formation the Warriors carefully began to retreat with shields raised careful to protect their fellow clans dwarf from the wild strikes of the orcs from further up Rangers and Thunderer's provided cover fire to buy precious moments beard bristling with rage Bela gar smashed in the skull of a final war boss with an overhead strike as the dwarfs finally broke away into a narrower pass where the green skin superior numbers would serve them little in a final act of spite the remaining miners among the throng lined the path with their blasting charges to cover the doughies escape the grim Brotherhood quickly fell back towards death pass as the resulting explosion in cave-in of the pass ensured no Swift pursuit the second expedition to Carrick eight peaks had failed the return to Carazo karak was a solemn event in many ways over to score brave clans dwarfs had fell in battle with nothing of value to show for their sacrifice many long beards in the capital tut it with disappointment as their endless grumblings about the folly of Prince Bella gars Quest were proven true clearly the first expedition had been a farce an accident and nothing more all the clans without an ancestral tide of allah azza roll on goal swiftly rescinded their support for many future expeditions lest more of their kin die on such a foolhardy task the air of lund unconcerned by those who abandoned his cause even the da Wei who now hated him for leading to the death of their sons and brothers although the air of lung could not deny that the second expedition had been a disaster he entertained no idea other than preparing for a third even when his closest counsel suggested focusing on other duties the only response given by the prince was a deep scowl Bela gar refused to allow any to dissuade him carick eight peaks would be his it took roughly a decade for ironhammer to rally the support he needed for a third expedition as many considered him an outright Wozzeck by this point the coffers of the angren clan had been thrown open to pay for contracts and a fair number of hill dwarfs or oom da we as they're known who were hired on with promises of pay and compensation of property or even lordship once the eight Peaks were recaptured peleg are also eventually secured favorable deals with the dolly of the gray and black mountains for over the course of long negotiations those holds saw much of their own difficult history in iron hammers plight thus a full throng was assembled well over a thousand Dwarfs gathered from across the old world to reclaim the city of Pilar's no great celebration was held this time as the heir of LUN much doubt of Kedah sekonic to most within the capital this foolishness had grown old though the prince noticed that observing their journey from a high balcony was the high king himself thorgrim grudge bearer Bela gar couldn't say for certain what the high King's opinion on the expeditions were at this point but that hardly mattered now the greatly enlarged Grimm Brotherhood made their way south towards cool Catherine Rangers scouting ahead for potential threats while wagon trains of war machines rumbled behind much to ironhammer surprise his Scouts reported back before the throng had even entered death pass over the last decade something had changed for the pass was choked with hordes of greenskins clamoring for war murmurs of concerns spread through the throng as orcs and goblins began pouring from the past towards the dolly bela gars brow furrowed with wrath why must the gods curse him so for nearly the last century death pass had been dangerous but passable even with a sizeable force so long as care was taken then he noticed the ragged totems that pass for banners among the green skins and felt his ire rise as he recognized the symbol dabbed and dried blood and dung throughout the Horde this rabble had come from black crag all bearing some variant of a green-skinned face with red fangs as was troubling news for although there had been countless orcs in the fallen hold of characterize for some time now they had not been organized into a single force for as long as Bela gar could remember the timing could not have been worse with the pass held by so many greenskins it would be nearly impossible to traverse a safe path to Carrick eight Peaks undeterred the heir of lund raised his hammer and called for the dolly to deploy formations immediately he would die here attempting to cut through all of this earth filth before he dare returned to ever peak again yet as the stubborn dwarves prepared to dig in their heels to face the oncoming horde a gyrocopter came roaring overhead from the north bearing the sigil of the ever Peak air corpse the Prince couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the interruption as the engineer landed in front of the throng and quickly ran over he bore a missive from the High King himself who demanded that bela gar immediately cease his march and returned to the capital scowling iron hammer was tempted to crumple the message and charge into battle but noted that thorgrim mentioned there was something the angler and clan would need if their quest was to have any hope of success swearing a prolific series of curses Prince Bella guard dismissed the messenger and turned to order his throng into a full retreat chased into the dimming light by the taunting cries of the green skins the dolly fell back with naught but their pride wounded so failed the third expedition to Carrick eight peaks Bella gar trembled with barely contained rage as he marched towards the Kings Hall in Kedah sekonic thorgrim may be his king but the Swift order to abandon the march towards Vala other angle had been at the very least insulting the prince feared that perhaps the High King had at last been convinced by his advisors to stand against Bella gars dream to recapture his ancestral home fortifying his will with Grum real hard resolve the air of London turd the Kings Hall preparing to contest his Lords legendarily stubborn nature he was quickly surprised however to see that the High King was not alone sitting near thorgrim grudge bear was bella gars elder cousin lord udag our hammer fist easily his dearest relative and fiercest comrade Deuter gar was one of the ever Peaks most gifted generals and possessed a masterful skill at combat he had grown to be well respected in the capital after centuries of service especially famous for his notably calm and collected demeanor no matter how dire the situation this has led to some Dali pondering how things may have been different as do de gar could have ruled the carrick eight peaks clans instead of the infamously hot-blooded Bela gar if one of his ancestors had not been passed over due to having no male heirs regardless the Lord of the Akron clans loyalty to iron hammer was unquestionable and all knew he would gladly sacrifice his life to see Bella gars dreams of retaking the eight peaks be fulfilled also set around the ordinate table filled with sizzling meets and only the highest-quality dwarf beer were numerous other lords representing the greatest clans of Kedah saccadic intermix were even the leaders of the various organizations within the hold most notably the engineers guild and the slayer cult finally set to the high King's other flank was none other than the legendary thorak iron brow master room Lord of Caracas ool the heir of London to appear nervous as all eyes in the room turned to focus upon him a few moments passed before the High King finally leaned forward upon the throne of power his ice blue eyes piercing bella guards very soul the prince listened carefully as thorgrim finally revealed what he had been doing since bella gars first expedition to Quetta eight peaks when iron hammer had returned successfully from his quest with priceless artifacts in hand the High King knew that the time had come to enact his most ambitious plan thorgrim had begun quietly rallying support for bella gars cause drumming up a burning passion across the Karazhan core while seeking out those who would aid in striking out the most heinous grudge in the Damas cron to this end he also sent word of the lost relics recovered to thorak iron brow who had immediately journey north to see for himself thorak steep passion for rediscovering the lost runic lore of his people was well known to thorgrim and upon witnessing what Bella Garr had retrieved with such a small expedition the room Lord immediately committed his aide to the cause the error of lundström Isle as the words passed over him after the High King concluded his tale Lord der gar was the first to stand and pledged his hammer to bela gars cause slowly each lured around the table followed suit until it swung back around to the ordinary room lord thorak didn't bother rising from his seat but bluntly informed the prince that he would pledge an entire armory of runic axes and hammers forged by iron brow himself from Caracas ool's legendary iron forges Bela guard nodded his graciousness to each promise made his pride and ambition reel it in to that roaring inferno he had felt at his youth without any further delays the Prince took his seat at the table and the King's Hall became filled with the sound of strategy and planning years flew by in the blink of an eye as Lord Bela gar made his preparations alongside his many allies and cousin while all this time was certainly spent focused on the future of Kerik eight peaks not all of it was solely on matters of war now publicly supported by the High King the angren clan swiftly found itself drowning in propositions from the other families of ever Peak amid these countless exchanges one issue rose to the surface as the most important in virtually every Dolly's opinion Bela gar needed a wife the Prince found himself being rushed from meeting to meeting without end either planning out his assault on Vala as literal uncle with due regard or listening to marriage arrangements suggested by his clans elders although in dwarf culture it's not unheard of for a dog to select his bride based on beauty or compatibility most sensible mountain folk tend to instead focus on the size of their dowry Bela gar was certainly one such dwarf so when all the most affluent clans had made their offers he almost too swiftly selected the clan which gave him the largest sum of gold and warriors this wasn't terribly cold however as the only real reason each clan offered up their daughters was to essentially call claims on Bela gars heir who would become the next king of the certain to be reclaimed carick eight peaks whether through the mercy of the ancestor gods or simply good luck Bela gars Choi speared him with a rin named Kemah possessing a beauty and radiance only contested by the glistening peaks of vallah as liberal and gold herself the first time Bela gar laid eyes upon Kemah his breeding stopped being from one of chaos Akkad ox royal clans hiking thorgrim was quite pleased with the air of London and it was well known grudge bear doted favorably upon her although the marriage was certainly a political arrangement thankfully Kemah herself quickly fell for the regal Prince of the Englund clan and love blossomed between the two the entirety of the ever Peak turned out for the ceremony and for the first time in many years an untainted feeling of hope and joy rang through the capital the final months passed as preparations finalized for the fourth expedition of Bella gharst quest to Quetta gate peaks now happily married much to the surprise of as many gossipers believed no wren could could test his heart for that avala a throng goal the prince received one final request to appear before thorgrim Grudge bear the heir of lund entered to find the High King alone upon the throne of power touching to himself as he carefully flipped through the pages of the great book of grudges iron hammer not being the most patient of dolly audibly cleared his throat which clearly interrupted Thorens moment based on the glare that flicked up from the damask rod after a minute of letting Stern disapproval hang in the air the high King's eyes returned to the pages of the great book of grudges and he spoke in less than a week's time the fourth expedition tavola Arthur Longo would march forth from Caza Kharak regardless of whether it found success or failure this would undoubtedly be the final one thorgrim noted that although he had many brave warriors the best equipment available and clearly the most determined will to see this task done that alone would not be enough beyond the promised assistance of his own throngs ancestral runic weapons and his own axe thorgrim had one final thing that Bella Garr would need if he were to be successful carick eight peaks could not be reclaimed by any Lord of the dahle only her true king would have any hope to succeed so to that affair before the sunset behind the Western Peaks Bela guard would be Prince no longer the heir of lund responded properly for a true dwarf bowing his head in respect as he felt the cold weight of expectation settle on his shoulders to be a king of the DA we came with a heavy burden for the legacy of the dwarfs would rest in his hands knowing what was to come Bela gar left the Kings Hall as a prince for the final time to prepare properly for the ceremony that would take place that evening as the Sun sank behind the Black Mountains the heir of lund knelt before the high king of chaos a crack in the middle of a colossal Hall representatives from holds far as the Mountains of Mourne in the east to cold norske in the north had come to bear witness thousands of Dalek down as thorgrim grudge bearers voice boomed out across the hall reading out all the entries in the Damas kron detailing the fall of Kharak eight peaks tears flowed freely down the faces of even the most stalwart longbeards as the reading continued for hours every drawer of silently mouthing the words as each new the hallowed grudges by heart Fellig are remained kneeling the entire time the hammer of anger and resting upon the floor before him and his fists tightening around its haft with each wrong against his ancestors that was recited the slaughter of the fire hound clan the destruction of the car axles and mines the warp stone poisoning of the wells the fall of the upper Citadel the murder of Thane hulking Hoff Stone beard the Citadel's gatekeeper the Cowardly faggin rocky using poison gas to kill innocence the tremors that caused lava to belch up from massive wounds in the earth the fall of each of the eight peaks one by one the abandonment of allah azza rule on gold and all those who have died seeking to reclaim it finally the grudges of carrick eight peaks concluded as the High King reverently closed the Damas throne the only sound in the densely packed Hall was that of soft sighs and beard stabbing away tear streaks thorgrim turned to one of his throne bearers reaching out to take another tone that also bore great size and age carefully he opened clan and grens book of lineage which carefully detailed their bloodline all the way back to the ancestor gods themselves starting with the divine gluttony and Vallejo the High King read every entry until after another few hours he read out the name of Bela gar son of categor the air of lund meet thore grams as the king began to read the oaths of kingship every few minutes the High King would pause and look up waiting for Bela gar to swear a completed oath before nodding and beginning the next with the duties Holdings and land carefully outlined as the Lord of Allah as the Berlin goal the High King fell silent at long last thorgrim told iron hammer to rise as the true king of Carrick eight peaks the time had finally come to launch one final assault on the ancestral hold of the anger and clan no mere expedition marched from Cossack attack this time but to large throngs fully prepared for war hi King thorgrim led the dwarfs of the ever peak upon his throne of power already muttering to himself as he flipped through the Damas cron and its pages relevant to karaage Peaks beside him strode King Bela gar iron hammer who proudly commanded a force of roughly 300 of the best warriors he had available from a myriad of clans each warrior was outfitted like a hero of old covered and flawlessly crafted heavy armor and wielding runic weapons that crackled with barely contained power the thanes and Lords among the grim brotherhood stood out even further as each had been entrusted with a runic ancient artifact from the deepest faults of Cossack Iraq itself not since the great war against chaos had such a throng been mustered within the Karazhan Corps behind the host of clans Dwarfs ready for battle came a baggage train of merchants families and craftsmen ready to populate the halls of kETK Peaks excluding the Dowie who marched with the High King roughly 500 brave souls had committed to the dangerous journey with a cautious hope brimming in their hearts the first trial appeared quickly as King Bela gar led his host past the ruins of an old outpost fortress along the road leading into cool Catherine as the Sun dipped behind the rumbling black clouds heavy with water Rangers return from ahead to report that the outpost called kirat was infested with Grobe rain began to pour ominously as dusk shifted swiftly tonight and shrill cries began to come from the dilapidated fort ironhammer grunted with annoyance as hundreds of small pointed hoods appeared along the battlements signalling for the throngs to prepare for siege formations with a wave of his hammer Bela gar walked over to meet with the other lords who gathered around thorak rooms thrown hundreds of black fledged arrows were fired by the greenskins guarding Calicut but the DA we didn't so much as acknowledge the volleys for each of them landed comically short due to the weather as King Bela Guard discussed strategy with his generals Lord Duda gar and the High King things quickly became heated despite the torrential downpour thorgrim wanted to patiently set up for a long siege for once the war machines were fully deployed it would be slow but simple work to take the key iron hammer vaulted the suggestion he had taken this route what felt like countless times and he knew that every second was precious the more time wasted on the path to eight Peaks the more difficult it would be to recapture thus he bluntly interrupted the ongoing discussions on how best to implement the siege and forming grudge bear that he would personally crack the gate of Calicut and take the fortress a stunned silence met the king of allah azza role on goal statement her not only had he rudely inserted himself during Duty Garzon speech but his plan flew in the face of good dwarf and sense before anyone could rally from their surprise Bella Garr was already roaring for his brain Jers and miners to join him and heading towards the gate thorgrim scowled and his deep voice carried after iron hammer this plan was folly those gates were properly dwarfed made and to shatter them would not only be an insult to the ancestors that built them but would be impossible for any dwarf that didn't desire to be made into a goblin pin cushion despite this direct order to cease from his high king bella guard didn't even so much as acknowledge the concerns and charged off with a causal aide war cry on his lips the last thing he heard coming from thorgrim as he ran towards Carrick cot was the High King reading aloud as he wrote a grudge against King Bella gar of Carrack eight Peaks for outright insubordination instead of shame iron hammer couldn't help himself but feel his pride surged at hearing his kingship mentioned as he joined those dahui who loyally followed him towards the gate a colossal roar tore through the pass aloud wha turning his head in surprise as he continued to jog through the downpour Bella Garr swore as he saw an endless tide of orcs come pouring out from small side roads along death pass as the many streams of green skins united into a massive hoard it bore down on Thor probes throng who expertly had already turned to face this new threat iron hammers eyes narrowed as he saw countless banners and symbols denoting foul orc faces with red fangs the same massive tribe that had prevented the third expedition shaking his head to focus the king spurred his own warriors forward as he raised his shield block another hail of poorly aimed goblin arrows there is only one course now if he could get the gates of Kharak got open then the Dow II would easily be able to clear out the Fallen fortress and it would allow a perfect position to deal with this orc ambush the night goblins in Quebec got continued unleashing volley after volley of poisoned arrows and the occasional loved Boulder but none of the dwarfs behind peleg are so much has suffered a scratch thanks to their heavy Armour and questionable Grobe accuracy thankfully the orcs had also launched their ambush prematurely and the main dolly throng was far out of range for the goblins iron hammer finally sprinted the final distance to the large gate typically dwarven tenacity ensuring the sucking mud barely fazed him despite wearing a full set of Grom rail armor he looked up at the mighty woooo throath doors before him which have been crudely reinforced with repulsive Grobe alterations over the millennia of their infestation Bela gar scowled as his mind race trying to search for some weak point muttering a truly impressive series of profanity before turning at the sound of his own retinue approaching quickly the King gathered the sage counsel of his most experienced miners nodding carefully as they frantically explained the possible options available despite the collected centuries of experience from sapping work and sieges none of the prospectors had any solutions that would grant immediate access in Takada got as he aggressively pressed for ways to crack the gate a messenger stumbled out of the downpour to deliver a command from the High King he demanded that Bela gar returned with his troops to support Lord dunno guards forces on the right flank already iron hammers name had been entered into the dom oscar on a second time encroachment for those dahui who were dying thanks to his absence instead the king of Carrick eight peaks angrily dismissed the messenger claiming that he would destroy the gate shortly grumbling the messenger ran out towards Thor Graham's throne where the sound of brutal violence continued desperation began to take hold of Bella garz mind so soon into their expedition and things were already dire his teeth grated as shame radiated through his body just thinking about the embarrassment of the second and third attempts to take Cara Kate peeks the unbearable and dignity of his ancestral home being full of foul greenskins and disgusting Skaven for over 2,000 years the error of lund would not could not bear it any longer he felt his anger surged like an inferno and fusing his limbs with a mite that could only be described as the wrath of all his disgraced ancestors he would have vengeance with a roar of Kazuki Bella gar left for words with the hammer of anger and and swung with all his might blow after blow rained upon the disfigured gate the cowardly night goblins behind cackling at the impotent attack but that laughter quickly turned to silence as one of the hammer strikes caused a thunderous boom cracking the ancient Woodruff the next hit exploded one of the shoddy Goblin patch jobs on a gaping hole another blowing open entirely through the gate and the support being behind it bella gars hammer could only be described as a blur the stunned grim Brotherhood only able to watch with awe as their King tore the doors apart in an absurd display of raw determination with one final cry iron hammer took up his clans heirloom with both hands and brought it down like a meteor against the center of the gate a splintering peel of wooden thunder rang out as the doors exploded inward the way in Takada cot was open Bella gar afforded himself a single bark of laughter before he charged forwards cleaving into the shocked Grobe standing within roaring cries - grim nur the grim Brotherhood followed their king even as a ranger sprinted to inform the Lord's fighting against the irk hi King thorgrim strong began a careful retreat towards Calicut when word arrived falling back slowly as a unified shield wall bella gars forces swiftly took the walls to clear the way as the main throngs artillery and ranged forces ran into the keep and deployed along the battlements opening fire into the pursuing orcs with the protection of the walls preventing a meaningful surround the greenskins were forced to bottleneck towards kharak got as they crashed against the shields of iron breakers and long beards the battle was a massacre the dwarves able to utilize every advantage until the massive orc warbots realized he had lost and begrudgingly fell back the first major step on the road to Bala is Laurel and goal had been taken with the recapture of Korat the fortress finally returned into dwarf hands after millennia of greenskin occupation an important victory though many brave dolly had fallen due to the unusually shrewd tactics utilized by the orc war boss who had led the ambushing horde not to mention the massive Kirk had killed scores of clans Dwarfs on its own with the colossal red glowing scimitar it had wielded to deadly effect although the brute had escaped retribution a large hunting squad of Rangers had been sent after him Bela gar sincerely hoped that this is the last he would hear of Gor Fang rotgut after shoring up the defenses of the retaken fortress and leaving a small garrison force behind the two throngs continued their march through school Catherine with war bog or Fang defeated and off licking his wounds for the moment the Dali made Swift progress with no organized resistance from local tribes or rot guts red fangs out of black Craig it wasn't long before they had claimed a handful of other outposts along the road and emerged from the pass waiting on the wasteland beyond was another dwarf throng this one from Caracas ool and led by the room Lord thorak iron brow a brief meeting took place between the Lords of all three armies to exchange news and information pertinent to the objective the first phase of the fourth expedition had now been complete the road connecting Kailasa [ __ ] to cut at eight peaks was clear enough to allow passage and trade clearly the urk of black crag would continue to be a threat but at least there would be a handful of reclaimed outpost to allow for a dwarf presence thorgrim had fulfilled his oaths to assist Bela gar by getting him this far and the two Kings parted on friendly terms iron hammer often found the high king and sufferable but deep down greatly respected his lord with that the throng of Kedah saccadic marched back north to return home and prepare to further secure the outpost recently recaptured King Bela gar was left alone with the ornery rune Lord quickly finding himself wishing his cousin Lord Deuter gar had stayed instead of returning to the capital as iron hammer endured the berating that passed for conversation with a living ancestor like iron brow the combined throngs of the grim Brotherhood in Caracas ool made their way south with death pass drifting over the horizon the Dowie could already spy the beauteous eight Peaks rising in the distance bella gars eyes misted with anticipation as each of the mountains came into view whispering their names reverently like a prayer as did every dwarf so blessed to see them Cadogan are the sunrise mountain Cara glued the Crescent mountain character in the red stone mountain Cara gr the sunset mountain Caragh morn are the shadow mountain caracal Fionn the windswept mountain Cara grille the silver Horn mountain and Kievan we're the white lady the most beautiful of the peaks and the last to fall in Vala Azurill angles dark past Bela gar noted that even thorak fell into a reverent silence at the sight of caddock eight Peaks the weight of their quest clearly being felt by every Dowie present looking over his people iron hammers gaze rested on his wife kim ax for a long moment before his attention was drawn to some Rangers swiftly approaching the throng although made up mostly of scouts from Caracas ool they were led by ferric rim of the anger and clan King Bella gar summoned his Lords to gather knowing the time had come to make their final preparations to capture Vala Azrael uncle as he stood beside thorak iron brow waiting for a Grimm's report the heir of lund couldn't help but grimace as he thought about the failed second expedition this time would be different it had to be much to everyone's surprise however the Rangers arrived bearing bizarrely good news the Citadel along with all of the surface city was vulnerable more so than it had ever been Farah grim spoke of how a colossal battle had been fought between the Skaven and night goblins due to some new Grobe warlord and while both sides had suffered tremendous casualties the rat men had been completely decimated for now Bella Garr resisted the urge to smile at the news clearly the ancestor gods favored their expedition with the thagard rocky out of the equation it would be infinitely easier to establish a foothold furthermore the excavator continued during his time scouting out the hold he had discovered a secret path along the slopes of Kedar in the northern peak the error of lund could hardly believe it one of his oldest allies from the first expedition could run Finn gold finder had noted such a hidden pass on one of his legendary maps but the grim Brotherhood had never been able to find it it also spoke of runic doors cleverly disguised which have used could allow a small band of dahui to sneak behind enemy lines into the Citadel itself a plan lit up in Bela gars mind as all the pieces fell perfectly into place without pausing to explain he ordered for the dwarves to make haste for the northern pass that winded over character in they would camp there for the night and come morning the dolly would finally have their reckoning peleg our strategy went off without a hitch and the battle for Quebec a peaks took place that following day as the Sun rose of a Cadogan our that tail will be covered in detail during the famous battle section for now suffice to say that after a brutal conflict the dwarves were victorious and captured the Citadel after 29 generations the anger and clan had reclaimed their ancestral home King Bela gar had succeeded after the green-skinned assault was pushed back iron hammer quickly led his best warriors on a series of lightning raids to reclaim artifacts from the first deep hold as the remaining da we reinforced the Citadel above the grim Brotherhood's successfully purged the surface city immediately making repairs and reinforcing the outer walls protecting the veil all but one of the tunnels leading into the first deep are sealed with blasting charges and mighty doors with runic wards crafted by thorak iron brow himself with the surface city cleared of greenskin filth Bell Agarn knew the throng of ketika Zuul had to return home nodding his thanks to thorak the two lords parted on good terms with iron brows swearing one day he would return to assist reclaiming more hidden treasures from the darkest depths of Vala Azurill uncle with his brave wife kima at his side iron hammer took his official place as the true king of Calicut peaks at long last as his engineers and rune smith's oversaw the repair of the walls circling the citadel de llegar personally led his iron breakers on numerous bloody ventures into the first deep slowly but surely they began to clear it of Grobe and discovered evidence that the Skaven had returned in force the king was displeased to find the thakur Aki's presence but hope that perhaps his to ancestral enemies would be more focused on each other than him at first things were going well the first deep suddenly made clear of goblins after a few crushing defeats causing the Cowardly creatures to flee the error of lung quickly capitalized on this progress and opened the sealed pathways to the first deep from the Citadel while patrols were sent to begin scouting out the second deep as efforts were made by craft Stolley to clean and reinforce the first deep reports began to trickle in about the occasional dwarf vanishing in the night even the iron breaker patrols were not immune with pairs of the heavily armored warriors suddenly not returning to their posts with no trace concerned king Bela gar ordered for all patrols to double in size and did his best to comfort those families whose loved ones had vanished shrewd as he was stubborn ironhammer carefully investigated the reports himself and discovered signs that all pointed at backstabbing Grobe as funerals were commenced he returned to the Citadel frustrated that nothing could be done to find the bodies of those taken after weeks of silence a panicked messenger came running into the audience chamber which now function as a throne room with terrible news night goblins had attacked a large patrol at the entrance to the second deep and the kidnapped dolly had been found when Bela gar finally arrived alongside the iron Brotherhood his personal bodyguard of hammers a horrifying scene awaited him he found many brave dolly slain clear evidence that at least a score of them had been crushed by trolls based on their remains speaking with the survivors for a debriefing on what had occurred he was alarmed to find his old ally the rune Smith brackner smouldering in a black rage from the son of Brenner he learned that the Grobe had used the captured prisoners from the past weeks as bait to lure out the dwarves each of them had been dragged out into view clearly having been mutilated by torture but still alive the night goblins had then began torturing them further before messily butchering the crippled captives with their own weapons and urinating on the corpses at this Bella gars grip around the hammer of anger on became tight enough to turn coal into diamond as he broiled with anger it was little wonder that the Warriors had charged out from their post and then been ambushed by the greenskins from all sides the cunning of it disturbed Peleg our greatly cruel as they may be goblins weren't known for being gifted tactician 'he's iron hammer had his attention drawn back to Bruckner who claimed he had seen the creature leading the grow be a skulking night goblin who had been giving orders like some kind of engage eneral that had a colossal cave beast beside him the scheming coward had stolen his room staff before the dwarves had retreated and closed the door to the second deep Bela gar rested a comforting hand upon his old allies shoulder before turning back to the doughy awaiting orders immediately having them collect the dead for burial and ensuring the gate to the second deep was secured he also called for three regiments of miners and Rangers to scout the second deep and report on how bad things were of those only one returned bringing word that it was now flooded with goblins and Skaven clearly the prior emptiness of the deep having been a ruse scowling Bela gar thought about the war boss brackner had described and swore he would smite the Beast to avenge all those slain he ordered the tunnel be completely shut and only opened for brief moments to allow those permitted to explore the lower depths until they had enough reinforcements to properly engage the filth below many names were entered into the Connick eight peaks book of grudges this day for all those missing and slain yet this was only the beginning of the creature who would come to be Bela gars most hated foe over the following months things grew worse as most nights the surface city and first deep echoed with the sound of captured Dobby being tortured somewhere hidden poles began to be erected outside the city's walls with bloody beards and scalps hanging in the wind any attempt to remove these were met with overwhelming force often resulting in those who went out joining the McCobb trophies upon the poles finally having enough peleg are personally struck out to devastating effect against these totems and scoured them from the earth along with hundreds of overeager Grobe skwiggs and trolls who had hoped to ambush him with these repulsive traps destroyed the mysterious war boss bafflingly sent his first message to the dahui a beard ling only sixty winters was brought before the king his eyes hands feet tongue and beard had all been removed with crude knives though he still lived Grund our drunken son was his name though upon his back was carved a different one in crude Kaza lid scar snik DeLaGarza was mighty as he instantly knew who was responsible for all the suffering his people had endured in their first year he forbade anyone from speaking the names scar snake in his presence and ensured that all the recent grudges entered into the quran would demand the war boss's death in recompense from that moment onward the king of Carrick eight peaks carefully observed his foe who proved to be both cruel and crafty paths for those seeking to enter and leave Allah as their own goal became extremely dangerous and so only the strongest or luckiest could traverse the roads before Bela gar could properly develop tactical responses to this one final request entered the audience chamber iron hammer sat beside Kemah with a foreboding frown as rune smith brackner entered with a small company of dwarfs who had all lost kith or kin to scarce knicks cruelty they humbly petitioned to be allowed to enter the second deep so that they might hunt down the war boss and claim vengeance Bella guard gently noted that while he could not deny them there would be more appropriate times to seek revenge than now Queen chemische with Lee agreed urging them to lend their steel to protecting those still alive rather than marching into certain doom despite their efforts the rulers of Quebec eight peaks could not convince the shamed dahui to relent their quest so the heir of lund is the only thing he could and gave them his blessing with a sincere wish for them to succeed Bruckner and his company would never be seen again Bella Garr began to feel despair grip his heart as it seemed they were outwitted at every turn although his pride was much too fierce to ever admit it to his people or even his beloved wife the king began to wonder if they were doomed every road out of the city was being watched by Grobe waiting to ambush and within each shadow lurked some danger ready to devour isolated dahui the Englund clan was trapped with no respite in sight and nightmarish tactics used to SAP their will performed each night stalwart as he was ironed hammer couldn't fully shake the concern that wore down all his kin much as he hated to admit it they would just have to reinforce the city and the first deep for now after nearly two long decades of this siege Bella Garr found himself approached by a strange band of adventurers who had recently fought their way through goblins into the city receiving them in the audience chamber the king listened carefully as the travelers explained they were men of the Empire who had journeyed to Carrick eight Peaks in search of its lost treasures although he found the idea of unggi recovering Torf artifacts instead of his Ken distasteful iron hammer could not refuse such a low-cost effort for his folk to potentially reclaim what rightfully belonged to them after a fair amount of haggling the manlings agreed that should they successfully returned with any of the lost fortunes of Khattak eight peaks they would receive compensation equal to 10% of each treasure with oath sworn to secure the arrangement Bella Garr ordered for the reinforced gateway into the second deep to be opened barak Cotulla or the gate to lurking danger finally opened for the first time in years the unggi entered without ceremony and descended into the darkness they never returned thus the door was sealed once more Babak Cotulla would open again shortly afterwards but only for a solitary figure this time Zara Grimm of eight Peaks the dwarf who had led bela gars initial army through the secret pass into the valley during the final expedition desired to try his own skills of exploration and stealth down below although the air of lund was hesitant to allow another hero avala as Lara lund gold to descend into her tips he knew no one else was more skilled days passed with no sign of the prospector but as the exhausted King made his preparations to have the Gateway resealed a stumbling da we appeared out of the shadows Zanna grim had returned much to everyone's amazement Bella gar struggled to recognize his old companion as all of his hair had turned ghostly white while his wounds were tended to by the priestesses of Alea the long beard spoke at length to iron hammer about what he had witnessed beyond the obvious reports of high activity by Skaven green skins and other beasts below he mentioned a tomb containing a massive amount of treasure however it was guarded by a colossal monster some ancient and terrible creature that claims dominion of the deepest levels Zehra grim whispered about seeing the spirits of those buried within wandering the dark in a state of unrest screaming as their souls were tortured by the abomination that now made its lair within their hidden tomb deeply disturbed by this news the king retreated to his throne and ruminated upon what he had learned he sought the counsel of the High Priestess Magda Freya daughter the eldest of the Leia's chosen acolytes within eight Peaks as they spoke at length however word arrived that Sarah Graham had fled the hold without a word to anyone clearly whatever monster the prospector had discovered was so terrifying that he could remain no longer ironhammer ordered for bollocky tool to be sealed shut once more until he was ready to act the Dowie of kadek eight peaks were too few as it was struggling to defend the fragment of the hold they possessed already although he deeply desired to march down into the lowest depths and slay the Beast himself it would be nearly impossible to avoid scar snakes attention which could result in a full assault of the upper levels his kingly vows came first no matter how it pained him strangely enough it seemed while Zelda Grimm had abandoned his kin the prospector had begun to spread the tale of Kharak eight peaks lost treasures adventurers began to appear at the gates from all over the old world requesting the opportunity to strike out into the depths in search of fame and fortune King ironhammer did his best to warn off such suicidal quests but most remained steadfast thus he allowed them to pass through barakatu even if they failed to survive each band would doubtless slay some number of the filth down below which meant less green skins and Skaven capable of plaguing the dwarves however a tiny percentage of those humans and doey that passed through the gate of lurking danger returned the heir of lung honored his original promise and paid those who retrieved ancient artifacts or wealth compensation for their efforts so did a few men find their fortunes despite all odds but most only found a horrific death awaiting them then the most curious band of travelers arrived seeking to enter the depths of Allah asalaam goal a small group of humans joined by a strange duo of a Slayer and some poet from the Empire while they were brought before iron hammer he couldn't help but find them a bizarre pairing for it was very unusual for a dwarf Slayer to select a human to be there remember and traveling companion regardless he was honor bound to allow them through Baraka tool so that the shamed da we might seek his doom darkly wishing them luck in the hopeless abyss that awaited deleg our stud from his throne and left he turned to see Magda speaking to them but pressed on to other Affairs demanding his attention there aren't words to properly express the king of Quebec a peek surprised when the pair returned successfully from the lowest deeps although bloodied and the only survivors from their group the two had succeeded in slaying the massive abomination that Zahra Graham had fled from months prior Bella Garr struggled to contain his relief as he heard the colorful tale of their quest from the red cloaked manling the disturbed ancestors had been laid back to rest and their tomb resealed by ancient engineering mechanisms so that no Skaven or green-skinned filth would disturb them ever again satisfied ironhammer not only had the tube rewarded handsomely but even allowed the unggi to keep a magical blade he had discovered without taxation in recognition of the old oaths a friendship between Sigmar held and hammer and the high king Kurgan iron beard as the two left the era of lung couldn't help but feel this would not be the last time he would hear of goat wreck and Felix with the heroic duo departed ironhammer felt a flame of hope reignite in his chest as he surveyed his people despite their tenacity and stubborn refusal to show weakness it was plain for him to see that the dwarfs avala is literal on goal were being worn down if a simple band of Wanderers could venture into the dark and emerge victorious despite the odds why couldn't he as he brooded upon the throne his eyes wandered to the spot or so many years ago the beard leaned Grund our throng concern had died he heard the distant echoes of the last argument he had engaged his friend Brock najran before the rune Smith had marched to his doom with a scowl he rose to his feet and rose the hammer of anger in' to his eyes it was time king Bela gar would tolerate no more this psychological warfare had to end now gathering his greatest warriors to his side iron tamer figured if he was going to strike back at scarce neck he would need to be careful clearly the Grobe war boss was clever and had eyes following them from every shadow to track every act at least that's what the Cowardly creature believed without any warning to his kin the heir of lund left with a band of warriors through a secret door hidden to all but dwarf in eyes that allowed him to enter the second deep here he went on a quiet mission of brutal vengeance butchering every collection of oblivious night goblins found lurking within before the green skins could discover the crushed remains of their scouts the DA we had already slipped into another hidden door and descended further the pattern repeated as they scoured each deep of surprised Grobe scores of dead goblins left in their wake it was in the 8th deep that the king would finally lay eyes upon his hated enemy for the first time as the lord of the Anglin clan descended the last of the stairs into the second vault the shrill cackling of aggro became from the darkness ahead the iron brotherhood fanned out beside their king roughly to score of eight peaks greatest warriors prepared for anything as ten seconds ticked by Bela gar realized that the doll we now stood in the tombs of his clans ancestral dead from among the shattered sarcophagi emerged a grinning night goblin besides the largest cave beast the dwarf had ever seen the instant Bela gar saw scarce mnek he launched towards the warlord in an enraged charge the foul creature would taint his ancestors burial chambers no longer as he ran towards his hated rival a booming roar announced an ambush as tides of goblins interspersed with skwiggs and trolls rushed into the chamber ironhammer wasted hardly a glance on these foes as he knew they were no match for his kin he collided alone against the Goblin line his armored weight easily smashing through them and pulverizing any to slow to dodge aside after a few swift strikes of his rune hammer nothing but broken Grobe and crushed skwiggs remained around him surging forwards Bela gar felt all the frustration and hatred from the last 20 years boil up inside him the centuries of shame from having such filth occupy kenick eight Peaks piling on to ignite the wrath of his ancestors with each step a troll stomped forward and blocked the path to scarce neck but even such a brute could not halt revenge incarnate after decades of trying to remain calm and in control Bela gar finally unleashed his rage upon the beast before him the hammer of anger on became a blur as it struck lightning fast crushing bones and pulverizing flesh with each blow the trolls regeneration struggled to keep up but gave it enough energy to lean forward and vomit upon the King not even Grum real armor can stand against the acidic pile of such monsters but the shield of defiance deflected the stream to instead rain on the surrounding goblins as runes blazed with power Bela gar swung his ancestral weapon with a roar and it snapped the beasts head completely sideways with a sickening crack the dead troll instantly collapsed an iron hammer left forward bringing the hammer of anger and hurtling down like a comet towards scar snakes shocked face it was at that moment the error of lund discovered just how swift the war bosses massive pet could strike the cave beast launched towards him with jaws open and brought its razor teeth crunching down in a single eyeblink Bela gar raised his shield at the last moment and spared a brief thought for Kemah as darkness consumed him instead of being gobbled down however the skwiggs teeth shattered as they impacted the shield of defiance and it stumbled in agony the king felt himself spat out before he slammed into a crumbling stone coffin which knocked the wind from his lungs rising to his feet Bela gar quickly turned back to face his foe only to witness the warlord fleeing into the darkness he hurled insults after the cowardly Grobe spittle falling into his white beard as he fumed at scar snakes escaped as the sound of the bounding cave skwiggs pained mewling vanished into the depths the king knew it was over for now most of his warriors were wounded from the battle with one having fallen but over a hundred foul goblins lay dead they had struck a blow against scarce Nick that the warlord would not soon forget gathering their dead the iron Brotherhood prepared for the trek back to the Citadel as belogorsk and the burial chamber he now stood in one day he would return and restore this place to its former glory no matter how long it took even the deepest vault would be reclaimed by Dowie he looked down and pondered upon a large chunk of rune struck rock that laid before him reaching down to heft the stone over his shoulder the Lord of the Anglin clan could think of nothing more suitable to serve as his oath stone than a piece of his ancestors tomb a promise made of eternal stone that he would stand upon and take not one step back with his prize in hand the iron Brotherhood returned to the Citadel and as the engravers fashioned the boulder into a proper earth stone the tail of his venture spread despite the disapproval caused by his sudden disappearance none could contest that the DA we avala as the role on goal were inspired once more from that point onward Bella garb began to claim the upper hand in the battle for Carrick eight peaks despite the ruthless cunning of scarce neck the night goblins of the crook and moon tribe weren't nearly as dangerous without his direct guidance every doll we on the other hand was now a skilled veteran of over 20 years of underground ambush warfare with an as to grind Grobe tunnels were collapsed by expertly placed charges hidden doors would suddenly unleash a band of roaring dwarves into the midst of sleeping skins and clever death traps were engineered in narrow halls to wipe out entire regiments after three years of finally acquiring some semblance of respite the survivors of the Anglin clan felt secure the king knew it wouldn't last however sooner or later that FAL goblin would rigged the game back in its favor that was when the orcs began to appear at first they only appeared in small groups maybe ten or twenty belligerent greenskins easily dealt with by a squad of Rangers then the earth began arriving in regiments of 50 or more war camps were set up outside of the walls eventually settling outside of cannon range after the first few were blown to pieces the tribes seemed random in the beginning bearing all sorts of crude designs to mark their allegiance ironhammer sent out scouts hoping to learn how many more would come noting that the camp's continued to swell with more greenskins each passing day when the Rangers returned they bore disturbing news that this was hardly even the vanguard of the oncoming horde hundreds were marching through death pass even now all originating from the Fallen hold of black crag bearing the mark of a red fang on all their banners it was clear that the tyrant of collector oz had decided to join up with scar snake gore fang rotgut the squatter king only the gods alone knew how many orcs served that monster but Bela gar knew he had only about 300 souls with which to defend the east gate as the red fang tribe began to slowly surround the entirety of Kerik eight peaks outer walls the air of lund made his preparations for a long siege months rolled by and as the nights became longer the number of orcs and goblins around Kerik eight Peaks crossed well over ten thousand strong although it was plain for all ice to see Bella gars pride would not let him admit they were doomed he continued to plan and strategize with his Lords carefully rationing the remaining supplies and ensuring any probing attacks on the gates were violently repelled every dead green-skinned though meant nothing to the numberless horde while each dwarf casualty was sorely felt many of the thanes suggested that aid be requested from Caracas ool or ever peak but ironhammer was loath to call upon those he already owed great debts too he refused each such petition with angered rants but finally relented when his beloved wife pressed the subject Kemah did not fear her husband's wrath and her stubbornness nearly outstripped his own relenting at last Bella Garr ordered a missive be sent to Lord de rigueur in Casa Carrick immediately a small band of Rangers took a hidden tunnel that led out into the western slopes with a green-skinned horde was at its thinnest all the king could do was pray to Grug me for their success and safety the remainder of the year came and went with minor affair for thankfully while the greenskins massively outnumbered the dahle the walls proved an effective deterrent the constant infighting among the starving orcs also helped significantly since no war boss had managed to bully the Horde into an organized force scarce neck and gore Fang were mysteriously absent at least for now things quickly exploded into action though in the late spring when a messenger came sprinting into the audience chamber with all the speed he possessed he approached the throne shouting that a mighty throng of dahui bearing the banners of the Akron clan Lord Deuter gar skin had been sighted but they were walking right into a trap the green-skinned horde were preparing to encircle them the air of lund up immediately while roaring for his throng - a symbol at the Citadel's entrance the Dowie of Karic a peak spurred to action with seasoned practice two hundred warriors gathering in mere minutes fully prepared for battle bella gars mind raced as he looked out towards the east and saw his cousin's army quickly being surrounded by an endless tide of green skins he needed to act fast if there was to be any hope his eyes settled on the East Gate for a moment and he knew what he had to do calling for his engineers to bring all the kegs of black powder they could carry he led the throng stealthily down towards the gate night goblins Scouts stood around the wall likely to keep an eye out for Bela gars intervention but the Grobe were far too focused cackling at the battle to notice their doom approaching after butchering the green skins iron hammer and his troops gathered in the shadow of the east gate as the sounds of battle reached them the air of lund and upon the wall and closed his eyes and a silent prayer there was no question that what he was about to do would be considered sacrilege by most ah oui but Kerik eight Peaks could not afford to let so many brave warriors die the engineers arrived moments later and Bela gar stiffly ordered them to deploy all the powder kegs here they were going to use the ancient stone itself as a weapon after a shocked silence he turned and gave them a look that would brook no argument and the charges were set the throng of Quebec eight Peaks quickly entered formation and without delay the King raised the hammer of anger and in signal after a few 10 seconds the earth shook as a colossal explosion shattered a portion of the venerable eastern wall into soaring boulders thanks to the flawless work of the dwarf engineers the blast hardly shook Bella Garth warriors and the chunks of masonry came crashing down exclusively upon the heads of oak taking advantage of the green skins confusion as they reeled from the detonation the King charged out of the gap and slammed into his foes spearheading the assault he killed scores before the Grobe even noticed they were under attack from behind hundreds fell before the dahui avala Arthur along goal as do de gars own throng began to fight its way towards them for once it wasn't hard for Bella Garr despised scarce neck on the battlefield seeing the wretched War Bosch reeking orders from advantage point further up the valley despite all their infamous toughness the orcs caught between the Englund and akron dwarves found themselves brutally cut down the Dobby began to sing one of their ancestral dirges as the two throngs met on the battlefield seamlessly combining into a single massive square formation with shields facing every direction now over 2,000 dwarfs strong the army began fighting its way back towards the east gate before Bela gar could breathe easy however he saw a blast of green lightning from scarce NYX bizarre weapon signals some desperate final assault the night goblins retreated from the orcs of black crag and a great commotion went up behind them the heir of lund couldn't help but groan when an entire Legion of skwiggs suddenly burst out of cages and came bounding towards them along with a series of particularly massive cave beasts chained together into whirling balls of certain death even an entire shield wall of Grom rock lad iron breakers would be annihilated by such an attack but as the tornado of snapping jaws tore through the unfortunate orcs before it Bela gar heard his cousin cry out an order unnoticed by iron hammer until now many Slayers tore forward from the formation and slammed into the skwiggs in a whirlwind of axes and hammers although many of the cult of grim nur met their doom the bounding balls of red flesh were completely wiped out and the throng successfully cleared the wall joined by the surviving Slayers bela gars army fell back to the citadel as the greenskins tried pouring into the gap in pursuit the king of Khattak eight Peaks was afforded a rare smile as his preparations for such an event were unleashed without warning numerous war machines hidden with runes of concealment along with prepared regiments of quarrel errs and Thunderer's opened fire on the densely packed Grobe it was a massacre cannonballs tearing through scores of oak and flame cannons incinerating pockets of squealing goblins as the doors to the Citadel slam shut the DA we knew that they had won as the defensive batteries dealt with any overeager greenskins seeking to pursue the dwarves into the city itself bela gar finally had a moment to embrace his cousin lord de rigueur hammer fist was well met resplendent in his war attire and still strong despite being the older of the two iron hammer quickly led Durga and his generals to the audience chamber where they set about filling him in on their venture from ever peak the King found his mood soured a fair bit when he learned the Battle of the Eastgate was not the first hurdle the clan Eckerd dwarves had faced on the road somehow the irk had been alerted to their movement and they had been ambushed by a massive hoard led by none other than gore Fang rotgut himself surrounded and outnumbered many heroic da we met their end and mad dog pass during what would come to be known as the Battle of the jaws despite rot guts cleverness however the war bosses wolfrider Scouts had given away his ambush too early so when his armies sprung up from the tunnels that riddled the walls of Valley Catherine they found the dwarves prepared for battle the fighting had been fierce but durig are managed to seize victory when in a bold charge along with 30 clan warriors he engaged gor Fang in a duel despite the squatter kings colossal size and strength Lord hammerfist managed to ruin one of the brutes eyes with a perfectly timed strike half blind and in agony the irk fled and with his defeat the horde scattered into the valley from there the throng had marched unopposed until scarce NICs own ambushed an unfortunate number had been murdered along the road and all of their names were entered into the book of grudges but nonetheless the dahui of Quebec eight peaks had something to celebrate against all odds they had survived and were now stronger than ever with his forces now swelled to a massive size thanks to cut a saccade ox reinforcements Bela gar was able to claim massive amounts of new territory in less than a month the da we roughly patched the eastern wall and purged the entire surface city of Grobe in addition ironhammer managed to reclaim the clan halls in the second deep the King's chambers in the third deep the Great Hall and the fourth deep and the foundries in the fifth deep with these locations secured connect a peak slowly edged to life as a functioning hold once more instead of merely a glorified outpost to honor the occasion king Bela gar hosted a celebration in the Great Hall where the grim nur miners chorus and Baldrick's and Brewers provide Entertainment for the first time in over 3,000 years the fall of the southern holds does resonate about the eight peaks once more a few months later further reinforcements arrived as clans whose ancestors fled from Calicut peaks and ages past returned home after millennia gathered from chaos a Quebec Caracas ool and the owned doey from the Empire of men they are received merrily by Bela gar in recognition of their arrival he strikes out grudges against the dour back crag hand Utrecht iron finger and Flint heart clans the air of London that they're bolstering of the whole now is fair recompense for the early transgressions of their ancestors by abandoning fallow as their own goal the large number of Dwarfs now residing within Vala as role on goal allowed Bela gar to quickly set multiple tasks into motion simultaneously for the many craftsmen that had arrived the king charged them with repairing the eastern wall so long as the necessary wound caused during the battle of the east gate remained the surface city would never be fully secured many warriors would be required to guard the project as the stonemasons engineers and artisans worked their craft outside of that major project several specialty missions were also assigned such as the engineers guild constructing a gyrocopter landing pad on the high steeps of catalan goat herders and farmers from the Brewers Guild securing hidden pastures among the peaks and the miners guild sending out stealthy expeditions to hopefully discover new veins of precious silver the most important mission set upon however was Bela gars quest to reopen the underground beneath Carrick eight Peaks long ago the underway allowed safe passage both to characterize and Carrick Azul before catastrophic earthquakes heralding the time of woe had struck during one of his delving x' bella guard discovered the path south to the iron hold was in surprisingly good condition it wouldn't take much work to restore the underway and resume safe trade between Caracas ool and Vala etheral uncle thus the air of London allele ed small bands of iron breakers into the depths whenever possible to clear out the nests of Skaven and green skins within gyrocopter messengers immediately set off for Caracas ool bearing word of iron hammers objective and King cazador quickly set his own crews to work from his side it took around 15 years for the long underground road to be cleared of debris and enemies between the two holds when the route was at last cleared King Bela gar invited the dahui of the southern hold to join him in celebration at the urging of Queen Gemma for the first time in living memory hundreds of dwarves both civilian and military traveled in blessed safety to Carrick eight Peaks there was a mighty Gorog or binge-drinking celebration that took place in the Great Hall as the two holds at long last had something to bring them joy despite many projects coming to fruition over the last 15 years for Vala as the Berlin goal such as the gyrocopter Launchpad safely constructed or the repairing of the eastern wall endless war continued against the Skaven the treacherous scar snik meanwhile over in Caracas ool an unspeakable crime had been committed against King cazador by Gore Fang rotgut Bella Garr felt genuine joy at seeing the ancient [ __ ] reconnected though it would be false to claim all was meri Casa doors absence from the ceremony was quite notable though expected as the legendary Dragon Slayer had become dour and reclusive since the attack of Gor Fang iron hammer couldn't help but reminisce on his own kin suffering caused by the war boss now known as the squatter king of black crag one day he swore there would be a reckoning between him and that foul abomination once the grand celebration concluded Bella Garr bid his distant kin farewell as they departed for home with the comfort of knowing that now both holds had the ability to trade and relative safety compared to these service routes over the next five years things would continue as the DAO a of katic eight peaks had come to expect slow expansions followed up immediately by reinforcements as Bella gar sought to claim more territory especially in the lower deeps however this proved to be an agonizing process as scarce Nick had quite the vivid imagination for unexpected schemes and traps the error of lund excelled at predicting encountering most of these ploys but even a successful defense against ambush assaults cost Bella Garr valuable dwarfing lives even if only a handful of the grow beasts comes plots bore fruit the Goblin warlord had an endless tide of minions with which to experiment new tactics every few months some bizarre breed of exploding squag or cleverly concealed stone trolls hiding among the debris would result in the da Wei losing valuable ground Bella Garr could see they were winning the war but the price for each step was truly grim dwarves are nothing if not tenacious however and occasional reinforcements from all around the old world continued to arrive in bolster clan englert's ranks this included the remainder of his own clan joining him from Casa Carrick led by Bella gars brother although it would no doubt be hard Bela gar knew he could grind through this attrition until victory but then the war changed the scheming had always been a notable presence beneath pala Asura uncle but their cowardly nature and possession of the deepest levels kept them from being a true threat in Bella gars mind roughly around the Imperial calendar year of 2517 the rat men suddenly emerged from the darkness in a sudden shift in tactics the error of lund found himself woken in the night and rushed out to find his karach in chaos as Skaven swarmed every possible entrance with reckless abandon donning his armor with practiced efficiency and taking up his hammer Bela gar rushed out to the surface city and scanned the situation fires raged and dwarf bodies lined the road as furry figures charged towards the Citadel enraged by the wanton destruction before him the King barreled forwards and laid into the oncoming vermin such was his wrath that he failed to notice when the Skaven soldiers changed from being pathetic creatures wearing rags to fully armored hulks with black fur even surrounded by their wicked halbert's however he would not yield the hammer of angler and crushing skulls within helmets while the shield of defiance turned aside each desperate strike moments later the crunching of armor and squeals of rodents announced the arrival of the iron Brotherhood as the king's personal guard butchered their way forward reinforced by his hammers bella gars forces quickly put two scav into rout an uneasy peace ever once more on the valley the heir of lund staring at the dead scattered about immediately he summoned his war counsel and advisors as reports poured in from all over the Citadel and lower deeps something had galvanized the Skaven into an all-out assault and while the dwarves had weathered the storm the abruptness was disturbing those Rangers and scouts who tracked the Grobe returned that day as well bringing news of how numerous orc and goblin camps had been completely overwhelmed by fog Araki based on the weapons creatures and sheer numbers used in those reports Bela gar realized that the greenskins have been the true target of the attack his own warriors had faced many troops certainly but those had been poorly organized and motley hordes even the armored brood seemed like an assorted Bunch while the irk had been destroyed by legions wearing scarlet red colors one of the Rangers presented the King with a symbol taken from an assassinated standard-bearer an iron hammer grimly recalled it from his own book of grudges seeing it scribed on the walls in the lowest debts it seemed the pact known as Clan Moore's were on the offensive for the first time since Bela gar had staked his claim in Carrick eight Peaks over the following year the scheming continued to escalate their assault on all of allah azza role on gold without pause or mercy Bela gar fought where he could and rallied his warriors as it became steadily apparent that this battle was evolving into a bizarre siege the Skaven would only pause for days at most before a fresh assault of sickly wretches would swarm in to attack in their hundreds followed up by the true meat of the attack many brave dahui died defending their home despite all the defensive preparations that the dwarves greatest minds had prepared although each death pained iron hammer none would grief him so much as when his own brother was slain in battle those few survivors who had fled the disastrous engagement with the rat men reported seeing his brother dueling against a large scavenge grotesque trophy rack on its back and wielded a wicked looking Maul as the siege of Carrick eight Peaks dragged on and thus caving grew bolder the death toll continued to rise most disturbing to the king however was that many of his greatest warriors began to fall amidst the battles raging for the hold each one died to the same beast the apparent champion and leader of the Skaven who came to be dubbed as the head taker for his morbid habit of decapitation although Bela gar wanted nothing more than to seek out and destroy this foe his advisors and wife were quick to remind him of his kingly oats to protect and lead his people vengeance upon this head taker apparently named queek as chanted by his rap Kid soldiers would have to wait to make matters worse as the siege entered its third year it became apparent that the greenskins and Skaven were beginning to work together whether this was intentional or merely scarce innate taking advantage of the situation was impossible for Bella Gard to tell but he had desperately hoped the two would ground each other down instead although the night goblins would often backstab their occasional allies and vice versa ultimately the weight of these combined assaults began to crack bella gars defenses he was a mighty warrior and had no doubts about the bravery of his kin but they couldn't be everywhere at once meanwhile he already had been informed that the rat men were camping along the mountain slopes to shoot down any gyrocopters attempting to leave or enter and a combined force had managed to fight its way into the underway and were blockading any aid coming from Caracas ool they were completely encircled by an endless foe and no messengers had arrived bearing news of reinforcements from any of the other holds although Bella Garr was far too stubborn to even entertain the notion he could see that despair was growing in his people for many this siege for too many signs of the infamous war millennia ago that had originally caused the abandonment of Carrick eight Peaks the heir of lund no there would be at least one difference however no matter how grim things became unlike his ancestor he would never abandon his home they would die offending it as the week's dragged on and the dwarfs were pushed back bit by bit Bela guard began to draw up plans for a final stand when at long last help arrived the King shot out of his throne as he heard harsh horns blaring from outside a peculiar sound he had only heard back when he was a ward of Kedah saccadic Hope blossomed beneath his white beard as he rushed past his confused guards and out the Citadel's main gates to look out upon the valley looking past the east gate and the countless horde surrounding quebec eight peaks he spied a massive throng charging forward snapping in the wind above their heads he could just make out a familiar sigil and grinned as his hopes were confirmed on Grimm Iron Fist had come he could only raise his fists in triumph as a roaring line of Slayers emerged ahead of the main army among their frenzied number it was all too easy to spot the Slayer king in his legendary armor considering the half-naked warriors surrounding him while perhaps even the greatest throng of Kedah sekonic would have paused or been nervous at the sight of so many Skaven and greenskins to the Slayers this was the greatest gift they could ask for Bella gar swelled with grim pride as he observed many of the berserkers reclaimed their honour as they were felled by warp lightning glowing bullets or poisoned arrows but slow not one step crashing into the undisciplined hordes the throng of Karaka Thorin Unleashed hell not one to miss a good Runk the king of Carrick eight peaks rally but troops he could spare and led them charging out of the east gate when the Sun finally set over the horizon the two kings met at the center of the battlefield surrounded by Skaven and green skin dead the siege of allah azza role on goal was broken after a brief conversation between the two in which Unger him expressed his sour disappointment at failing to meet his doom yet again the two parted ways with mutual respect the Slayer King was needed elsewhere as ever most of the remaining Slayers chose to stay at Carrick eight peeks to seek their doom thankfully providing the hold with quite the replenishment of warriors who were all too ready for endless war after the second siege of Quebec eight peaks the war for the hold descended once more into a free-for-all between the three factions competing for dominance now that he had queex measure King Peleg are swiftly adapted his defenses and tactics to account for the aggressive warlord during the lull after ungrown survival where the Skaven hoped to exploit their limitless chaff infantry iron hammer carefully constructed his defences around narrow bridges and sharp corners in the depths traps were rigged up around seemingly abandoned tunnels and runes were etched unto thick doors to protect from fire and lightning siege weapons although head taker would prove to be just as deadly and dangerous as scarce neck a fragile excuse for peace did return to Quebec eight peaks for the next year life resumed to a semblance of normalcy for the dwarfs despite the occasional secret mine being overrun bike week or the Grobe capturing some unfortunate Scout to torture life was simply dangerous invalids the rollin goal and quite harsh this was reflected best by Bella Garr who despite his immense pride and stubbornness felt the attrition wearing him down yet all his fatigue worried and doubts were casually destroyed when a few simple words were uttered to him by Queen Kim ah she was pregnant Bella garz heart soared as he embraced his beloved wife at the news he was to be a father elated beyond words the normally dour King could do little more than laugh not sends his great victory during the battle for the Citadel had he felt such joy quickly regaining his composure the king and queen called for the dahui of the whole to gather so that they might announce the pregnancy as iron hammers rare grin greeted the audience he proudly told his kin that there would be a true heir to Carrick eight peaks at to say this caused excitement among the dwarves would be a gross understatement a grand celebration was held and Bela gar stepped forward to reaffirm an old oath of his but with a small addition he would reclaim all of Carrick eight peaks so that his child would inherit a great hold free from Grobe and therapy with a familiar flame burning in his eyes king Bela gar was resolute that he would see this done with a future to fight for the dwarves serving the heir of lund tackled their efforts to reclaim the hold with renewed vigor ironhammer himself personally led numerous excavations to clear out small portions of the deeps and scout out enemy lairs this was made a fair bit easier by the noted reduction of scheming found at the lowest depths it seemed that for whatever reason the head taker and his legions had marched out to fight elsewhere not one to pass up an opportunity the dwarfs quickly began scouting the former thagard rocky territory for anything useful it was during this time however that an unfortunate piece of news arrived for the king three shipments full of precious gold bound for cata eight Peaks from Cossack Eric had never arrived a message sent by the High King soon arrived afterwards inquiring about the very same convoy Bela gar could feel a creeping concern as he sent his own message detailing that the wagons had not been seen with how dangerous death pass was becoming as of late he wouldn't dare send Rangers after those responsible right now he needed every available warrior here when Thor grooms response arrived it was delivered by a reckoner named Derek grim Lander he had been sent to collect reparations for the oxen tongue clan who had been delivering the gold when they had been ambushed only one survivor had escaped with much of the gold and told what had happened to the high King before venturing north to take the Slayer oath according to his tale the ambush occurred on the southern portion of the past and therefore Kerik eight peaks was responsible Bela gar was indignant at this accusation and with barely contained anger gave his response to the glorified debt collector he would not be held responsible for the convoy in any way as according to his Scouts the ambush had occurred instead on the northern side of the pass not a single coin would part Kerik eight peaks for this unjust debt while the other eight peak tower grumbled in ascent the reckoners face reddened at the boldness of this declaration it did not take long afterwards for all a being sent to valid role on goal to be cut off though Bela guard did not tell anyone why only those sworn to secrecy in his personal retinue knew otherwise but rations began to grow thin as trade from the south dried up as well word arrived that some series of events had finally caused King cazador of Caracas ooh to launch an all-out assault on black crag fully committed to this new war the iron hold couldn't afford to spare any aid to cut up eight Peaks until the red fang tribe was defeated and gore Fang Rockets slain realizing he had little choice Bela gar ordered his cousin Dora gar hammerfest to immediately enact rationing so that their supplies might last this would hopefully allow them to survive at least until trade routes reopened for 15 long months the dahle of valla as the real uncle struggled not to starve even as news trickled in from all over that ominous signs were appearing promising another age of warfare on the horizon these portents of doom meant little to Bella gar focused as he was on expanding his realm with those efforts being rewarded when some mercenaries exploring the depths found an untapped seam of silver iron hammer quickly negotiated a settlement with the wandering dwarves and not only compensated them for their find but also bought their silence on the discovery saddled with a fair amount of riches the adventurers quickly departed and fled north as word had arrived about how death past was becoming incredibly crowded with earth drawn by the siege of black crag despite this the king could not have been more elated by a substantial silver vein being discovered at long last in his hold although they attempted to mine it quietly at first the pace was so agonizingly slow that Bella Gard decided to risk drawing scarce Knicks attention and ordered a full operation be set up to speed things along unfortunately before he could begin to enjoy the fruit of his new silver mine word arrived that the reckoner dal'rok grim Lander had returned dreading another meeting with the envoy Bella car slowly made his way out of cat Augmon are arriving on the slopes that led into the new silver mine he quickly found the surface city in disarray instead of celebrating Remembrance Day as it should have been iron hammer was briefed by his hammer errs who had been standing guard that scavenges ales had opened fire on the festivities but were already being hunted down by gyrocopters before he could consider whether to join the chase a piercing dwarf horn cried out from the east gate the series of notes indicated a call for arms and Bella gar quickly Gant's through some binoculars to see the trees of the forest just past the wall shaking cursing incessantly he gathered his guard along with duda gar and immediately began his descent despite the treacherous footing offered when sliding down the scree slopes Bella garden made excellent time joining his gathering throng at the east gate the entire garrison had gathered and moments later followed their king out to some traveling wagons and several fleeing Dwarfs were being pursued by a large force of goblins who were rallied around a few gigantic spiders crawling through the trees ironhammer eagerly charged out the instant the great door opened butchering his way through Grobe with the eastgate garrison and lord Deuter gar behind him that was until he looked up at the wagon and locked eyes with his wife queen Kemah seeing his love surrounded by goblins awoke a deep and terrible fear in Bella gar shortly followed by nothing short of a berserkers rage he lowered his horned helmet barreled through the enemy line without pause until he arrived at the wagons with a line of twitching goblin corpses behind him the king of Quebec a peak struggled to remain calm while arguing with his wife before noticing that the Grobe were fleeing up the trees in mass at first he assumed they had been broken by his bull charge but that notion was quickly put to rest as a massive contingent of hammers came marching into view Bella car turned to face the oncoming tour throng just as the garrison caught up with him to creep the unexpected visitors the doll we just kept coming however an iron hammer grew deeply concerned at the sheer size of the army present this throng was far too massive for anything short of a king no a High King panicked he quickly turned to do to guard and ordered his cousin to prepare the Citadel for guests as banners bearing the sigil of Carazo Carrick came into view just as Lord hammer fists vanished behind the open gate the unmistakable shape of the throne of power emerged from the treeline thorgrim grudge Bearer had come to Carrick eight peaks iron hammer stood resolute as the high king of the dwarf stepped down from his glorious throne carrying the great book of grudges carefully tucked underneath one arm and approached only Bella gar and Kemah did not kneel though the latter due to being physically unable as she was swollen with child the king of Carrick eight peaks welcomed the ruler of ever peak to his hold but quickly felt a sting of thorium stone as the High King remarked how poorly Carrick a Peaks seemed to be handling the earth on its lands Bella gars face tinged red and the two kings immediately began to exchange barbed remarks as if throwing punches grudge bearer eventually revealed he had come to slay Gor Fang rotgut for the squatter King had apparently left character oz to rally more troops he expected to use connect eight Peaks as a base of operations for his forces to which Peleg are swiftly remarked that he would not be a humbled quartermaster if there was going to be a war on his lands then iron hammer would be at its centre to this the High King remark that perhaps if Carrick eight Peaks would not properly offer itself to assist then he should reclaim what was owed from the supposedly secret silver mines Bella gars raged swelled as thorgrim revealed he had happened across the adventurers who had discovered the silver veins in the first place for he had been interrogating those from vallah either on gold and suspicion of how casually iron hammer had allowed and practically forced the Secession of trade ignoring his wife who was furious at the reveals Bella gar stomped forwards until he was practically beard to beard with thorgrim accusations and grudges were exchanged between them in an escalating fashion until grudge Bearer warned the air of London of having his name inscribed in the Damas Quran yet again he once again demanded this time that Bella gar allow them into the hold but iron hammer simply grinded his teeth and crossed his arms this was a matter of pride now he would not allow anyone to belittle or command him in his own hold finally the two kings settled on having Adam Asuka a trial of grudges although tempted to leave the dolly of ever peek outside even Bella gar wouldn't allow da Wei to be slain by this skittering tree grow be due to his sheer stubbornness he gestured for the throng of Kedah saccadic to enter and preparations for the dhamma Zook were made immediately the dwarves of both holds gathered upon the flagstones of vel Devore where earlier that day the celebration for Remembrance Day had been held until scape and Gunners had opened fire dried blood was still on the ground and many of the Eastgate garrison disheveled from the recent battle as the High Priestess of Valaya magda fray daughter arrived to oversee the trial of grudges Queen Kemah retired from the scene irritated at the stubbornness of both sides while Lord Durge are reunited with many of his clan Akron kin who had arrived from ever peak marched off to defend the east gate shortly afterwards the dhamma Zook began as the dow a of Kedah saccadic and Kerick eight Peaks began hashing out grudges and angry debates Bella Garr paced impatiently by the well thats entered the courtyard glaring daggers at the High King upon the throne of power with the High Priestess of Alea present to ensure they were telling the absolute truth the two kings sternly stared one another down never known for his patience Bella Garr couldn't remain silent for long and laid into thorgrim with his grudges before the High King could respond with his own however the king of Quebec eight Peaks found his eyes drawn to a glowing Boulder hurtling towards the east wall iron hammers jog gaped as he watched the trajectory of the massive flaming rock arc towards the recently rebuilt part of the wall although it had been repaired since Bella guard destroyed it years ago the dwarfs of Bella azarel on goal hadn't possessed the skill or time to repair it properly instead the engineers and stonemasons had done the best they could and disguised the weaker portion or so they had hoped the projectile was a perfect shot and slammed directly into the eastern walls weakest link smashing open a gaping wound in an explosion of flame and rock as Bella gar stared in disbelief thousands of green skins roared from atop a hill and charged towards the breach his hold was under attack the king of Quebec eight Peaks grabbed the hammer of Englund and prepared for battle but found himself prevented from joining by the sage counsel of thorgrim grudge Bearer knew an attack had been coming he revealed that Gor Fang himself was likely behind the attack the High King declared that they should wait here allow Lord Deuter gar and his kin to hold the walls and funnel the greenskins into the city past the wall where the Dobby of both armies could easily crush the squatter Kings forces although it pained Bella gar to infinite Thor drums plan made a fair amount of sense and so all he could do was pace as the fighting began minutes pass with no word from the front and each second proved to be agony on ironhammer soul he should be on the front line leading his warriors in combat against the enemy the only thing that brought him solace was that Queen Gemma should have been safe and given we're by then as she had departed before the dama Zook began he continued to argue with thorgrim about holding back though the High King remained unmoved finally an exhausted messenger arrived and explained the situation the irk had used magic to breach the wall in several places and were attempting to pore through the holes do lugar hammer fists forces for containing those that entered the city proper but Bella guard noted that it seemed an unusual amount of fighting was taking place at the walls someone had rallied much of the Eastgate garrison there so from not his cousin then who was in command the clans dwarf meekly hung his head and asked if they noticed the war cry coming from the gate feeling an icy concern creep into his heart iron hammer carefully listened and heard one word faintly in the distance vallah they were shouting vallah Queen without a moment's hesitation Bella gar ripped the chunk of silver ore from his pocket and hurled it directly at Thor Graham's head not waiting for a response he tore the hammer of angren from his thigh and charged from the square towards the battle Kemah was in danger the king of Carrick eight Peaks ran with haste only those gripped by mortal fear can manage tearing his way towards the east gate until he arrived upon the edge of the battle despite the dwarf line falling back with broken shields and spent Quivers they were still fighting hard for every inch of Earth the orcs attempted to claim casting his gaze across the bloody conflict for any sign of his wife iron hammer plunged into the maelstrom of violence and tore ruin through his enemies he hardly noticed the greenskins he slew as his desperate search for the Queen continued until he finally spied her crown she was surrounded by heavily armored brutes only a thin line of brave dahui remaining between her and the enemy Bella gar surged towards her butchering anything in his path but realized he would be too late as a colossal orc came charging towards those remaining dwarves Gor Fang rotgut had arrived at last Bella gars heart stiffened with fear as he saw the orc war boss collide with the dwarfs like a cannonball hurling bearded corpses in all directions although they put up a desperate last stand all the warriors defending Kemah were swiftly cut down or tossed aside with casual effort by the troll eater she stood alone peleg are felt fury swell within him his muscles hardened his blood turning hot until his skin blistered a long wordless roar of a challenge rush through his ears and without realizing it he was charging it was if a crimson wave had crashed over his shoulders and flung him through the full Kirk standing in the path of the iron hammer through the red mist he saw Gore Fang turn leer lower his sword and raise one massively gauntleted fist to gesture come on summoning the wrath of all his ancestors Bela gar left for the giant earth unleashing a frenzy of blows to savage for any creature of flesh to counter the iron hammer left a string of craters across Gore fangs breastplate the brute himself was left staggered but unhurt and swinging an arm that Bella garde duct then sprung up behind to attack again the iron hammer glowed brighter and hotter the rune weapon dragging his arm to strike ever faster it was like fighting with a lightning bolt rather than a hammer Gore Fang fell back the Corrine well and truly beaten from his face and Bella gar exploited every inch he took a diagonal swipe crushed a pauldron a thrust stamped the rune of anger and into Gore fangs breastplate and then a blistering uppercut forced the orc into a parry taking the blow on his fist flinging the irks arm back and spinning the two fighters apart in a hail of sparks Bela gar shook his head and stood in time to meet the fist coming the other way instinctively he raised his shield the blow cracking the steel rim against his cheekbone and throwing him back it was like being hit by a tree he hit the stones and rolled coming up swinging the iron hammer dashing aside red fangs thrust but the irk was quicker than he looked taking another dent to his thick plate as he spun and whacked his sword across the side of Bela gars hell the Quran rule craft of the Ancients spared Bella gar the worst but his head rang like the barrel of a fired cannon he stumbled back head filled with deep laughter until he could fumble out the straps and tear the helm from his face fresh air bit his bare cheeks as he blinked to clear his vision of stars and the irk was still chuckling Bela gar felt the ancestral rage that had driven him seep away he had felt as though he was revenge incarnate but now he was just one Dorf alone faced with an irk who took his hammers bruises as though they were wrapped knuckles this is the last time you cross the heirs of eight Peaks Kor Fang and I am NOT my cousin I will not settle merely for an eye Bela gar said Gor Fang laughed jumping through another hammer-blow with a downward sweep of his sword the RIP through a layer of chain dis and iron ringlets raining before Bella gar could get out of the way he came on a dead boar lay in his path he kicked it lifting the huge body off the ground and towards Bella gar Gor Fang thumped his dented breastplate and roared with laughter as Bella gar stumbled clear of the rolling corpse he rubbed his iron eye patch I remember that Zog and cheat it took him and all his boys to get this off me what have you got stun t Bella gar felt wall at his back he had been driven right back to the homes of care and vard he gripped his hammer with fresh resolve there could be no more retreating and then like a force of nature Gor Fang dropped his shoulder and charged the impact was like being caught in an avalanche Bella gar was ripped from the ground and driven through the wall with the great Kirk following right behind when did Bella garm Aldon oath threw a punch at gor fangs iron eyepatch and one last act of defiance before he was flung to the ground and booted across the room he was weightless for a moment then he crashed into an interior wall and fell flat on his face onto bed of rubble there was blood in his mouth with the last of his stamina Bela gar rolled onto his back at least he'd see death coming and that was something more at least than scarce neck or the head taker had ever offered a king is gonna die today stunt II and I think you've got it coming Bela gar set his jaw and met Gor fangs one eye he didn't know who was the more surprised when a hammer swung from nowhere and near decapitated the urk with a blow to the side of the head that threw him sideways and face-first into the wall had his neck not been as thick as an iron stanchion the strength of the blow would have almost certainly tore his head off Bela gar prayed to Grim nur that Gore feint felt it enough to stay down for at least a few minutes chemists took where the irk had been her weapons squashed beyond repair following its encounter with Gore fangs skull the king and queen exchanged loving though curt words as they prepared to move on with the three other surviving dahui around them before they could so much as turn however Gore Fang awoke and like a drunken giant stumbled back to his feet the heir of lund stepped in front of keema and raised his hammer for one last battle as the king of black crags stomped towards them however Bela gar spied something glinting behind the ORAC and smiled seconds later a loud twang rang out and wrought guts taunting was interrupted as a bull thrower spear punched through his chest the troll eater glared down at it before collapsing the floor buckling under his immense weight and the earth vanished from sight into the darkness below although the king of black crag had been defeated there was still an entire waa bearing down on Katoch eight peaks and the five dwarfs couldn't afford to stay put Bela gar quickly led them to the nearest intact shop by the wall and they barricaded the door just as swarms of crooked moon night goblins swarmed up from all over to join the battle it seemed that scar snik had finally taken a notice of things ironhammer knew that did a gar and thorgrim could handle themselves however and quickly did what he could to comfort his wife while clutching her hand it was quite apparent that his son had decided he would be born now regardless of the danger at hand by the time morning arrived Bela gar held his beautiful baby boy in his arms alongside his wife the battle had ended and thargrim army had put the green-skinned filth to rout not to mention the High King had personally slain Gor Fang in a duel all da way across the Karazhan Corps had caused to celebrate for the squatter king was dead and Vala as the rollin goal had her Prince hope at long last had returned to the Dwarven realms although hard times laid ahead Bela gar took comfort in knowing his line was secure and the clans of Quetta gate peaks could fight all the harder to secure a glorious realm for their future king thorgrim ironhammer of Clan Englund with the death of Gor Fang the greenskin army was in complete disarray and the da we intended to take full advantage of it now was their chance to end the siege of corrugate Peaks and deal a serious blow to their foes the High King commenced the attack by forcing passage through the katakana or gates while King Bela gar drove out of the fortified citadel the fighting was fierce with ax and Hammer pitted against stabbing Spears and squeak teeth the fire of the dwarves anger was hotter however and the presence of the High King turned the tide the dwarves cleared the first two levels of karaage peaks their forces advancing towards the Great Hall but scarce snik the leader of the crooked moon tribe emptied his reserves sending forth wave after wave of attackers amidst the forest of shattered pillars the fighting raged for three blood-soaked days through sheer determination the dwarves won the Great Hall captured the crooked moon standard and cast down the idol the green skins summoned to aid them if the dwarves did not have the numbers to hold their gains although it grieved to them the dwarves burnt their dead behind them and forced marched back to their starting positions before the greens kids could recover or the Skaven join the fray after the Battle of Carrick eight peaks thorgrim and his army left to finish off the forces defending black crag the two kings parted on joyous terms and both agreed to resume trade immediately with rumours of quick head takers return and his son to defend now on his mind the heir of lund wished the High King luck but remained home to continue fighting he had much to do to fulfill his oath of reclaiming his realm before thorgrim came of age a few months later an unexpected visitor arrived at the gates of Carrick eight Peaks to assist in this fighting with the siege of collect rosna over thorak iron brow had returned at the head of a mighty throng to assist in the recapturing of Vala Asura on goals many hidden relics not to mention check in upon the young prince who had been born in the same battle in which gore fang rotgut had been slain delag are gladly welcomed in his old ally and advisor joining the room Lord in various expeditions into the deepest and darkest parts of carrack eight peaks for battle against their eternal foes with the mightiest living room Lord reaping a terrible toll with his anvil of doom and forging new arms and armor iron hammer knew it was only a matter of time before he would at last defeat scarce neck and the head taker no one could deny that a new age was upon the dwarves an age of hope [Music] now that the history of Bela gar has been told it's time to focus on the equipment that he bears into battle of the thousands if not millions of shields created over the eons by the dwarves there are few that measure up to the shield of defiance it has a relatively mysterious background but seems to be a gift that was given to Bela guard during his time as a ward of Kedah sekonic based on the level of craftsmanship used to make this piece either it's an ancient relic of an elder age or perhaps was forged by the oldest living room Lord crag the grim bearing three runes of warding in a rare master rune of preservation this runic item has proven to be legendary it has turned aside the blows of giants stemmed streams of acidic troll vomit and even allowed Bela gar to twice escape from inside of gobblers maw these are truly insane feats when considered individually let alone together there doesn't seem to be any substance or creature that can overwhelm the runic magic guarding whomever holds the shield of defiance possessed by a warrior is skilled and tenacious his iron hammer it quite literally makes him invulnerable against anything so long as he can raise his shield in time the next item of note is without a doubt the air of Lunz most iconic the hammer of anger and also known as the iron hammer this weapon has been passed down the anger in line for generations ever since their clan claimed kingship over Kerik eight peaks for thousands of years it has been a symbol of valla as literal angles true master and with peleg our success does so once more however this is no mere trophy but a masterfully crafted and deadly weapon the hammer of anger and has been struck with a master rune of swiftness and some unique variant of the rune of might this granted the ability to strike at truly blinding speed while also supernaturally Sundering apart flesh with ease augmented by Bela gars own formidable strength and skill this runic weapon has ended many foes in the name of Kattegat peaks with his ancestral hammer in hand the heir of lund has earned quite the reputation in lakatos encore as the greatest living warrior among the dahle second perhaps only to the Slayer King on grim iron fist beyond the runic items wielded by the king of Carrick eight Peaks he also possesses a full set of grammar Oh plate armor the strongest natural material used by the dwarves of the caravan core more durable than any metal found across the world Graham rule is designed to hold out against even the deadliest of attacks when properly forged into armor by the Smiths found in the forges of the everlasting realm there exists no equal with this to aid in his defense alongside the shield of defiance only the strongest of monsters or the most powerful magic items can even hope to harm the error of lung in a realm as dangerous as Kara Cait Peaks this is a necessary trait for any who would hope to be king the final piece of equipment that is important to Bella gar is the slab of rock he takes into battle this inscribed Boulder is a physical representation of iron hammers resolve to claim victory and never back down from a fight known to the Dowie as an oath stone when placed upon the ground it marks where the bearer will make his stand no matter the odds the king of Bala Ozma roll on goal claimed his from the darkness of the vaults beneath his hold within the eighth deep the original stone was a rune struck chunk from the shattered remains of his ancestors tomb and when deployed serves as a reminder to never take a step back and defeat more importantly however when standing upon his oath stone Bella gar acts as a rally point for his throne it elevates him above his guard so that his orders can be easily heard over the din of battle and draws the attention of enemy champions towards him the heir of lund invites any challenge and while his Royal Guard face out in all directions against devious ambushes so long as the king stands upon the oath stone the dwarves of Carrick aid Peaks will never surrender [Music] that concludes the equipment section for Bela gar ironhammer so next up is examining his notable skills the first and most obvious of the attributes belonging to the king of ketika Peaks is his legendary stubbornness it is no exaggeration to say that among the Dwarven kings there are none so tenacious as bela gar for better or worse although there are certainly downsides to this aspect of his nature without his iron will the heir of lund never would have stood a chance against the likes of quick head taker and scarce neck this stubbornness provided him with the ability to hold fast no matter how desperate things became in the war for the eight peaks this further serves him well and the grim battles taking place beneath the Citadel one of the deadliest battlegrounds in the entire Warhammer world it takes an unmatched level of obstinacy to hold a battle line against endless hordes of Skaven with their devastating machines or swarming night goblins intermix with skwiggs and other monstrosity x' yet during the deadliest battles bela gar can be found standing upon his oat stone in the center as a bastion of order against the chaos his booming roar of defiance against the decline of the Karazhan corner rallying his warriors into a shield wall that will hold unto the end of the world the next famous skill possessed by béla gar is his reputation as one of the greatest warriors in the Karazhan Corps his skill with Grund unclad is unmatched by any dwarf mostly due to the runic items he wields the hammer of anger 'end provides the air of London with such swiftness that his attacks are literally a blur countering the typical dwarf weakness of relatively slow strikes combined with his virtually unbreakable defenses this has made Bella gar into a truly gifted warrior and duelist only the mightiest and most skilled challengers can hope to match the king of karacake Peaks as most will have their heads or ribs caved in before even realizing they're under attack to further accent this Bella guard does rely on some rather unconventional tactics like head-butting his foes with his grammar Elle helm which typically stuns if not outright killing most foes with all these factors combined it is little surprise that iron hammer is one of the greatest warriors in karacake Peaks the only notable weakness however that Bella gar suffers from is that he struggles against foes wearing incredibly thick armor this was best demonstrated during his famous duel with Gor Fang rotgut where despite his skill and speed overwhelming the squatter king the hammer of anger and failed to pierce the Brutes armor that being said it does require a truly daunting amount of plate or scales to blunt the king of allah azza role angles assault speaking of absurd armor the next skill to be focused on is Bella gars practically impenetrable defenses between the shield of defiance agora moral plate set and his incredible skill the odds of wounding iron hammer are hilariously low the rune shield alone can stop the crushing blows of giants and help it abominations or deflect deadly warp lightning and troll vomit not even the might or magic possessed by greater demons would be any guarantee of overwhelming Bella gars defenses so long as the shielded defiance's in his hands there is no foe he can't outlast the final skill and without a doubt the most powerful is known as revenge incarnate if a situation is truly dire Bella gar can summon from deep within his own soul the vengeful wrath of his ancestors when unleashed this surge of power essentially allows iron hammer to strike with a fury capable of felling all but the toughest of opponents the hammer of anger and itself glows bright in these desperate moments and swings even faster than before as if Bella gar wields a lightning bolt this skill does need to be used with care however as it requires the air of Lund to unleash absolutely everything he has and a brief series of attacks should he fail to at least [ __ ] his foe the physical toll of revenge incarnate will leave him quite vulnerable with that this concludes the skills section for the famous battle segment we'll be looking at the battle for the Citadel the final climactic conflict bought by Bella gar as he attempted to capture Kara Kate peaks during the fourth expedition the dwarves marched down from the secret path discovered around Category carefully approaching the northern entrance to karacake Peaks as the Sun began to rise their path wound through numerous grotesque totems fashioned from the brutal remains of those who had tried to enter the hold in the past as the dahle passed through the ruin of the north gate the enemy at last came into view hundreds of goblins from the Darklands swarmed around the ruins of Vala ezra uncle's surface city blissfully unaware that the true king of product eight-piece had come enraged at the desecration laid out before him bella gars the wrong descended like a thunderbolt upon the Grobe encampment the air of blunders way across the city as the green-skinned scrambled to organise some type of response crude spear chukkas opened fire from dilapidated towers so the Goblin war machines either misfired or proved far too inaccurate to be useful as iron hammer pressed forward alongside the grim Brotherhood he noted dozens of wolf chariots supported by riders hurtling towards him with a simple gesture from his hammer between strikes the throng of Clan anger and immediately reformed into a colossal shield wall to counter this new while the cavalry may have concerned him somewhat on the open battlefields of the badlands the ruins of Carrick eight Peaks proved terrible terrain for mounted troops the Wolves funneled into narrow channels and hopes of striking at the dwarves so with a signal from Bela gar a deafening boom rang out as scores of Thunderer's open choirs supported by troll hammered torpedoes those few goblins that survived the massacre found themselves isolated against a united front of Grom rail shields and were butchered within seconds the error of lund allowed himself a corrupt laugh as his horses pursued to grow be towards the Citadel standing at the back of the surface city easily in the best condition of the remaining structures Bela gar knew it would make the perfect position from which to begin his reclamation efforts as his army marched closer with a throng of Calaca Zulu close behind he noticed that the mighty doors were sealed shut it caused him a moment's concern as that had not been the case during the second expedition when he had last saw them but there was little time for worry now as his warriors massacred those goblins who were desperately trying to escape past the Citadel ironhammer met briefly with his engineers and gave them a simple order those gates needed to open now much as it pains them the dolly sappers planted black-powder charges and at the King's signal a careful explosion tore open the way to the greenskins fortified position Bella car left forward shouting Kazuki as he led his iron breakers into the Citadel's main hall waiting for them were hundreds upon hundreds of orcs already organized into a greenskins excuse for a shield wall while the Grom rule clad da we were practically invulnerable against their foes crude weaponry the irk had the mountain numbered at least three to one and had more than enough muscle to compensate for their lack in equipment the true king slowly pressed forwards deflecting heavy blade in chiapas the shield of defiance time and again his hammer reaped a mighty tally smashing apart thick orc skulls one by one but there were far too many to make any meaningful progress this way [Music] thankfully the rest of his plan worked out perfectly as the bloodthirsty greenskins were far too preoccupied to notice the room concealed doors opening behind them 40 Rangers who had been sent into the long-forgotten tunnels mapped out by drunken gold gather emerged undetected and set up a firing line with their crossbows Bela gar cried out vengeance for corrugate Peaks and seconds later bolts began siding through the unprepared rear line by the time the orcs realized what was happening the Rangers had already emptied their ammunition into twitching corpses and charged into the exposed flank with axes swinging pin surd between the wrath of King Bella Garth warriors and the ambushing Rangers the confused green skins were slaughtered to an orc when the last one keeled over after having its ribcage crushed by a headbutt from iron hammer he roared orders for the dolly to immediately begin reinforcing their position the initial fight had lasted hours and already the sky had turned to dusk soon the Sun would set and with the rise of darkness the true threat within Bala Avril angle would be unleashed fifteen dwars had been slayed during the fighting and over asked or wounded who were being tended to by the healing room magic Arun Smith brushguard but the battle was not yet over the throngs of planning Grande and Kodaka Zul swiftly made their preparations sealing off the side entrances with careful black powder detonations and debris while the war machine trains were prepared at the center of the hall and both forces thorak iron brow prepared his anvil of doom with his assistant craggy as he grumbled out orders falagar stood to the fore of the grim brotherhood eyes narrowing as the last rays of sunlight faded behind karate are as night descended upon karacake peace a shrill war cry came from outside as thousands of dark clothes bodies began to pour into the hall night goblins charged forward without any concern for tactics or strategy among their number marching all sorts of bizarre beasts as the motley horde came into range the air of London waved his hand and the dahui gun lying answers Corrigan guns blasted apart entire swath of Grobe while cannons and fault doors tore through lumbering regiments of trolls plain cannons and iron Drake's incinerated scores of green skins as the horde continued charging forwards the tide of goblins halted for a moment before lines connected and collectively laughed as they shoved out drugged comrades carrying massive chain balls Bela gar shouted for his Kenda brace as the fanatics came whirling towards them and although a handful were felt by king quarrel errs the remainder smashed into the dwarf shield wall the King heard screams from down the line but had to focus on his own troubles as one of the giggling mad Grove became spinning towards him trusting in his ancestors iron hammer carefully waited for the proper moment before stepping forwards and throwing all his weight behind his room shield the iron ball collided with the shield of defiance and stopped dead before falling to the ground with a thud the confused night goblin hardly had time to consider the situation before being subsequently decapitated Bela Garth stepped back into line among his hammers and waited for the full brunt of the green-skinned charge his blood singing a fiery tale of vengeance the night goblins crashed into his throng moments later but for all their wickedness and superior numbers they were no match the dwarves hunkered behind their shields until the assault was spent and then lashed out with hammer and axe to deadly effect the cowardly night goblins would briefly fall back before rallying to charge once more as endless reinforcements continues to pour into the Citadel Bela gar glanced down his battle line shirring all his lords and faints kept a united front and allowed no openings for the Grobe to exploit sure enough to either side he saw nothing but proud shields presented and ready allowing himself a rare smile the King knew no matter what the dolly of Carrack eight Peaks would not fall the battle for the Citadel raged on for hours as the night goblins threw everything available to them against the entrenched dolly rune Lord thorak ominously striking his anvil of doom with mighty blows to either reinforce the runes of the dwarfs equipment or incinerating scores of Grobe with unleashed bolts of runic magic king bella guard himself reaped a terrible toll on the green skins the wrath of his ancestors granting him the endurance to continue fighting while the rest of his warriors rotated out as the moons reached their Zenith in the night sky the night goblins finally broke off their assault and fled thousands upon thousands of green skins had been butchered but as the Sun rose that morning over Cadogan are not a single Grove II drew breath in the surface city Bella gar had one and the true king of Kedah eight peaks had at long last returned alright and now it's time to go into the end-times section of Bella gar I remember story now as for usual I'm going to have a time stamp in the description and hopefully some kind of card here on the video that will allow you to skip the end time section as some people don't like to know about the end times either they don't want it spoiled for some reason or perhaps they just hate it and they don't want to listen to it and if so that's fine don't worry about it you can go ahead and skip it and if this is your first lore video here on my channel you should know that the end time section is always much more ad-libbed just because the end times are very messy and they're very long there's a lot that happens in a short amount of time so it tends to be easier to tell the story from a much more general perspective much more relaxed perspective than how I handle say the history sections of the legendary lore videos so without further ado let's go ahead and get started so what happened with Bella Garr in the end times basically goes like this Bella Garr along with all of the other kings and the Dwarven realms was summoned to cut us a Caracas the dwarves noted that something was wrong and there were a lot of ill omens that a terrible dark new era was about to start so all of the dwarves gathered to paragate peaks including Bela gar for her sorry cossack iraq including Bela gar for whom the danger journey was very dangerous he had to sneak out of his hold and took him three months to get there and they had a big meeting talking about what they wanted to do and the Dwarven Kings were very divided about how they wanted to handle the situation some of the dwarf kings like King cazador of Caracas ool and thorak iron brow of Caracas ool who was of course the most powerful living room Lord not the oldest but the most powerful wanted the dwarves to do what they had always done basically sealed their doors close up shop and wait for the hard times to pass meanwhile Kings like under him iron fist and Thorin grudge Bearer the High King wanted to march out and gather all the dwarves together into one super force and march out to meet their enemies on the battlefields of the world and cut them down and save the world because thorgrim believed that if they stayed in their holds they would become isolated and one by one they would be cut down they needed to change they needed to adapt they needed to march out meet with their allies and fight back to back on to the end of the world and Bela gar was in favor of Thor gramps plan but Bela gar was also in kind of an awkward position that he wanted to also maintain his leadership at Calicut Peaks well after the meeting ended and Bella Garr made the a bit stupid decision caught up in the heat of the moment of promising aid and arms and everything to all of the other Kings saying he would help out where he could even though he realistically couldn't because karacake Peaks had not been going well as of late he essentially was called to stay after class or after the meeting with undermine fist to meet with orgrim and in that meeting thorgrim gave the two of them some personal advice he told undermine fist to temper his hatred and his wrath because um grandson had of course recently died and he didn't want under him to just go out and throw himself away seeking to into Slayer oath and then he turned to Bella gar and he said essentially that again although he knew that it was the last thing Bella Garr wanted to hear and he knew that what he was about to ask would be the hardest thing he had ever asked of Bella Garr thorgrim grudge Bearer begged him to abandon Cara Kate peaks take all of his followers and retainers and warriors and everything he could fight his way out and go to Cara Kazu to help reinforce thorak iron brow and King cazador dragon's lair and unfortunately Bella Garr being the most stubborn and prideful of the dwarf Kings did not take it well he responded mostly due to embarrassment he responded in anger and he yelled at thorgrim and swore profusely and he was enraged and his dignity was wounded and like a fool he basically just was incensed beyond reason and he left and that was the last time he would ever talk to thorgrim or on Grimm or any of the other kings was not on good terms so he made it back to Cara Kate peeks over the course of six months because there were green skins everywhere and there were Skaven everywhere because the Skaven had begun to invade the surface world as part of their great uprising the first wave had already finished so by this point tilia and us Talia and Berto Nia were pretty much gone and in ruins and the board of princes so Bella gar makes it back home and the dwarves start preparing for what they know is gonna be the final battle Bella guard doesn't fully give in to the idea that it's the end of the world but he does notice that the goblins and the scheming have stopped attacking and Bella gar has been around long enough for over 50 years or roughly 50 years at this point in Kedah Kate peeks to know that when everything has gone silent that means that more than likely both one or both of his opponents is preparing something big so he basically stands out and is monitoring things to the best of his ability there are green skins all over the place he notices that Care Act's if zip Zilpha n-- which is one of the mountains of count eight peaks has a massive hoard of different kinds of green skins and odors funneling into it so he assumes that's where Skaar snakes preparing his weapons and the dwarves had recently invented seismic detection devices for earthquakes but there were so many Skaven amassing beneath Cara Gate Peaks that they were able to detect their activity using these seismic monitoring devices so he realized that it was about to get really bad before the true battles began though the Skaven wanted to get Skaar sneak out of the way and scarce Nick over the course of when Bella Garr had traveled to and from in very very recent year slash months the the Skaven in their superior numbers had actually managed to push scarce nick out of beneath kara kate peaks and forced him into one of the mountains they forced him into character and so thus cave in an attempt to kill scarce snake and at the very least get him out of the fight exploded four of the mountains with bombs giant doom sphere bombs that were so powerful that cat ignore the sunrise mountain was completely destroyed the mountain exploded outwards and collapsed in on itself and was just gone and the other three mountains on the northern side of cutter cape peaks were all horribly mangled but they still stood because Skaven are not the best when it comes to blowing up things reliably so they only managed to take down one of the mountains but they severely shifted and just marred three the other ones and at this point the doors realized they were in really big trouble because one of the mountains was just dead it was gone and as some of béla gars agents put it if the dwarves and the everlasting realm are supposed to be as enduring and powerful as the mountains then what hope do they stand when the mountains themselves are being killed but in any event belly gar still is too stubborn to try and abandon Cara Gate Peaks to try and fight his way out he says no we'll bury ourselves in will dig down deep we will continue to hold up and shore up and we will survive so at this point they pull back to the first deep and the citadel mainly the citadel and there are 39 entrances leading into the citadel at this point because they've started losing control of the first that they've completely lost the second deep and they've lost a fair amount of control of the first deep unfortunately at this point all of the Slayers essentially come to Bella gar as the scheme and start attacking them from all sides with the usual really crappy slave allegiance but Bella gar very very carefully designed his two so that no matter how many hundreds of thousands of slaves are thrown at them their numbers would be useless and more importantly the slaves were so useless that the dwarves weren't even killing them very quickly they were funneling them into very very narrow places and wiping them out there so the Skaven were just not able to get any effectiveness out of these Skaven slaves which did a great job at dragging out the war and of course the greenskins were busy trying to reorganize after some of the mountains got exploded but like I said the Slayers arrived and asked to leave because they wanted to go seek their doom because the leader of the Slayers who was a priest of grim NER told bela gar right to his face that Bela gar was if Bela guard did not try to leave then he was simply going to die and the Slayers refused to be locked in the cage and slowly hemmed in and bit by bit wiped out by attrition or worse yet captured they were gonna go fight to their death which they thought they told Bela gar if you're willing to fight your way out of the city we'll go with you but otherwise you're on your own so he lets them go and they go fight their way off and at the next wave Bela gar the squeak head tiger gets impatient and stop sending slaves and start sending his real troops and Bela guard realizing this pulls back all of his troops to the largest halt that the dwarfs still have control of which is the Hall of clay and sculpted and this is the biggest battle that happens during the end times for Kara gate peaks and it starts with quick head taker and all the Skaven invading into this giant hall where all the dwarves are standing and they are ready they've got traps they've got a secret plan and they just go at each other with everything they've got and so they're fighting against each other full-on and the Skaven start to get the upper hand when they unleash to help and abominations and a bunch of other nasty stuff even though a lot of their most powerful weaponry is getting taken out by the doors one by one but at the height of the battle quick head taker manages with a really really nicely timed push from all of his clan Mulder troops including the double help hits and a ton of Ratto Gers manages to surround bell Agarn hammer and the iron Brotherhood which are his personal hammer or bodyguard and quick head taker leads the red garden against him and the two of them start to duel and at this point as Bella Garci squeak coming for him he gives a signal and a gate opens up into clan the clan sculpting Hall of clans golf den and gold [ __ ] maneater the ogre the ogre mercenary captain and his entire army of ogres come charging into the hall and slam into the Skaven and thus cave and start getting just absolutely obliterated at this point queek and bella gar start to duel and this is the first time according to every source that I could check where the two have actually fought each other with no holds barred and just like going at each other trying to kill each other so they have a big duel and it's it's a very intense duel Bela gar is much slower than queek but the shield of defiance is impenetrable and bella gars very skilled and after the first two full minutes of them fighting with each other Bela gar has managed to hit quick a couple of times and actually managed to dent his armor and like plant the hammer or the rune of anger and with his hammer into quick shoulder guard because every time he hit squeak he hits him pretty hard the only thing that's keeping quick alive at this point is that quake is of course wearing the warp shard armor so every time Bela gar connects with his armor it explodes out warp stone sparks which basically causes Bela gar to stagger away from him so Bela gar can't just keep swinging he has to take up one hit at a time but at this point quick changes his tactics and quick doesn't how to speak causal aid because he does he likes to speak causally to try and infuriate Bela guard into making a mistake like he has with other dwarf Lords but Bela gars not buying it but at this point tweak talks to Bela gar about killing him and having him join his brother on queex trophy rack and true to form quick did did kill Bella gars brother which we talked about the history section and he does he did actually bring out quick bella gars brothers decapitated head and had had paled it on one of his trophy rack spikes so while the two of them are fighting Bella gar makes them very very brief mistake of just glancing up at his brothers dead her corpse head and the moment he does that quick attacks him and as they're fighting which to this point all quickest managed on Bella guard is scratching the shield defines a few times but when Bella Garr was distracted quick managed to get into a position where he basically faints Bella guard into pushing his shield forwards and queek turns around swinging dwarf counter with both hands and he impales Bella gar in the side with the spike point of dwarf Gaucher he manages to get it to hook he managed to get around the back of Bella Garcia and it pales him in the in the side and Bella guard does punch him in the face with the shield of defiance which makes quico flying and really messes up his helmet but queek is in relatively good condition and now Bella Gard is wounded but before Bella gar can finish squeak off or at least continue fighting him quick Falls retreats because he notices that the ogres are coming right for him and he doesn't want to get killed off so quick runs away and Bella gar at this point although wounded knows he has to keep fighting so he goes with one of the help hits by this point is dead and Bella Garn hammer runs over with his hammers and he helps and he personally along with their help kills the second help in abomination by wielding the hammer of anger and two-handed and Bella Garr is strong enough when he's wielding it with two hands that like each blow he hits basically shatters one of the limbs on the help it and Bella Garr knows through experience that the easiest way to kill a help in abomination is to kill each of its heads which the one they're fighting at this moment had nine because if you kill all of its heads it will lose brain function and die so they manage it and they bring it down but at this point in the battle there's a big rumbling and a massive series of holes explode in the center of battle field at the battle field with warp technology which looks like the Skaven have burrowed up underneath the battlefield to reinforce queek so quick starts charging back after pretending to run away and at this point Skaven don't come out of the hole but a massive army of swigs and goblins and it's actually scarce nick who comes out of the hole who starts blasting everybody with magic in his typical ambush ii madness so now it's a three-way battle between all the factions and Skaar snake when he shoots off his prada for the first time is a signal to the ogres and gold [ __ ] immediately turns on the dwarves and starts attacking them from the flank when they thought he was their ally so he double-crosses them and so now the dwarves are having to fight so now it's a four-way battle essentially between dwarves Gers greenskins and Skaven and it's just mass chaos and bela gar is furious because he went through a lot of effort to not only pay gold clegg and make sure that he would be a half-decent ally but he doesn't understand how scarce nick could have possibly gotten to the man-eater and convinced them to double-cross them which of course we'll go over that when we do Skaar snakes legendary Lord video very very soon in any event so they keep fighting in the battle and queek as he's retreating decapitates not Riccar who was the standard bearer for the clan anger and standard which allows him to get away but it's also bella gars cousin so he kills bella gars cousin and takes his head with him because he's just a jerk and the dwarves manage to recover the banner but the Skaven get away and at that point everything just starts descending into chaos and it's just super messy and crazy and the help hit abomination that Bella Garr killed comes back to life and starts attacking everybody again to make things worse Bella Garr kills it again and after he kills the bell of the help hit abomination for the second time Bella Garr essentially gives the order for the dwarves to unleash their final secret ploy as they run away so the dwarves fall back out of the Hall of clans Golf den and a but an engineer blows a bunch of charges that causes the ceiling to collapse in killing everybody so quick gets away scarce and gets away gold fad gets away but all of the ogres a very small number of dwarves all the green skins that all the Skaven who are still fighting in the hall get crushed and they all die at least most of them so at this point the doors pull back and there's another lull in the fighting because with the dwarves so deeply wounded and the ogres having gotten the hell out of there the Skaven start focusing their efforts on the green skins and the green skins start focusing their efforts on the Skaven and they have their big thing and during this time a message arrives for Bella Gaara from hiking thorgrim who once again begs him to leave but this time he tells him to come to cut a psychotic because Kodaka Zul is gone he tells him caracas ool has been destroyed and completely wiped out because thorak iron brow and king cazador were killed somewhere else doing something else and without their leadership the hold wasn't able to stand up to the siege of a cat claw and it was destroyed at this point chemic queen kim uh who we've talked about a fair amount in this video and her son Thor takes her son thorgrim and dour grim Lander who is the reckoner from kara cicadas karak helps them to try and escape so they head out onto the slopes of the mountains and they try and flee the Citadel and make four cut us a [ __ ] but unfortunately they're captured and they and this actually happened before the Battle of clients golf des and my bad but important to note and they're captured unfortunately and despite the fact that Queen Gemma is completely right that they're all doomed and they're going to die here Bela gar won't hear of it so he has his wife the Queen imprisoned and a pretty sparse tower that's nice but it is a prison and his son thorgrim is kept with him in the throne room and Bela guard does not talk once to his wife again before the end that's the last time he speaks to her so at that point with the dwarves of carrick azul dead Bela gar does send 200 of his best and healthiest warriors to lead out a force of refugees that try and make their way to kind of Carrick and they basically take a super secret exit like the last secret exit the dwarves have and the dwarves completely seal it shut so that even if it was found it can't be opened even by them after all the refugees flee through it but II but Bela gar refuses to let thorgrim and chem ago with them because he still convinced that he's gonna buckle down and keep fighting at that point the dwarves gather in the Hall of pillared iron which is kind of their most defensive point and 200 dwarves including Lord der gar hammer fist who pulled back from the east gate with the garrison there because they were still holding out fairly well they pull back and they're part of those 200 dwarves they make a last stand and at the last stand a Bela gar and do de gar fight back to back I think they had to Canon's and they and a catapult and they fight against a endless horde of Skaven and the dwarves are slowly but surely killed off one by one even though they take a massive massive amount of scheming down with them as part of the last stand and during our hammer fist is the second-to-last dwarf to die their fighting they were fighting against queex personal red guard because none of the other Skaven could actually get close enough to harm them and Durge our manages to keep fighting until he gets teamed up on by six of the red guards stormed him and Simon simultaneously and while fighting and killing them they managed to impale him from different directions and he dies bela gar at this point is openly weeping because he's just so distraught and also enraged at everything and he's the last dwarf standing because the scheming won't come close enough to a fight him they basically just make a circle around him with halbert's pointing at him to try and keep him there and he just kind of and at this point it's been months after he was wounded by dwarf Goucher and dwarf Gelder of course being with queek and covered in warp stone spikes or warped stone shards is not a natural weapon anymore and bel-airs wound never healed and he's been exhausted by this point so he's tired he's been mortally wounded for months now and is just too stubborn to die and all of his hopes and dreams are dead and it's just him at this point queek finally shows up to finish off Bella Garr once and for all and the two of them have a small exchange conversation but Bella gar because he's kind of given in to the hopelessness of the situation Bella Garr actually starts taunting queek at this point because normally queex always the one that does the taunting and Bella Gard just kind of doesn't say much and kind of takes almost he takes a very silent approach to fighting him or at least just telling him that he's gonna kill him to get revenge for the dwarves but at this point Bella guards just kind of had it and he's tired so he actually starts taunting queek about how only now that he's wounded and he's tired and he's malnourished and he's alone could queek possibly stand a chance against him and he starts talking about that of shirk week is the greatest warrior the skated i've ever produced but that just shows how disgustingly underwhelming and pathetic and weasel like their entire species is which most scapin wouldn't really care but queex actually very arrogant and takes significant offense to this so quick starts going at bella guard with everything he has and the two of them keep dueling and it's not a super long duel because of how wounded Bella Garr is but Bella Garr does make a really really good showing for himself you know they continue fighting but the kind of the defining moment is when queek manages to get dwarf gougère hooked around the shield of devon defiance and he pulls it and Bella Garr isn't strong enough to hold it and it gets ripped out of his hands so the shield of defiance goes flying off which Bella Garr has been fighting against Gavin who were not trying to kill him but sort of were so he's like got scratches all over him the shield defiance was horribly dented and like he's exhausted so the shield of defiance goes spinning off and all he's got left at this point is the hammer of anger and and he keeps dueling again squeak-squeak tries to stab him but Bella Garr sort of manages to dodge aside and steps on it which forces quick sword to go off course on the ground which squeak quick has a very ugly sword it's not magical but it is serrated so it's very known for being a painful and ugly weapon to get stabbed with and finally they keep dueling until at the last quick manages to hit the hammer of anger and after being buffeted a few times he manages to actually hit Bella garze weapon with dwarf Gaucher and causes the hammer of anger and to go spinning off so now Bella Garr has nothing and queek brings dwarf gougère around and hits Bella Garr in the knee and it shatters Bella gars knee and bella guard goes down but once again being a badass and more tenacious than anybody Bela gar refuses to go down further than on his good knee so he kneels in front of queek and stares at him and quit taunts a little bit and then goes for the killing blow and he pulls dwarf gougère back and slams it into the side of Bela gars helmet with the spike so the spike goes through Bela guards helmet kills him but Bela gar refuses to break eye contact with queek and because of that queek didn't notice that as he was swinging his weapon Bela gar picks up quick sword and impales quick through his shoulder guard right where his armor is weakest on the arm that he's wielding dwarf coucher so his sword rips into his arm and queek has been impaled by this ugly ugly weapon so Bela guard eyes and at that point a quick rips out the blade which takes a bunch of his muscle and stuff with it and of course plays a significant impact on what happens to queek in his story which you can hear about in the thorgrim grudge Bearer legendary lore video or of course you can just hang tight for the quick video which also is coming out extremely soon so that wraps up the end times ultimately Bela gar represented the greatest and the worst of the dwarfs he was tenacious he was willing to go out there and reclaim their realm but at the end of it all his vanity was the greatest among the Dobby kings and it became his downfall if Bela gar had been willing to put aside his pride and accept thorgrim generous offer - because thorgrim offered to forgive all of his debts and all the grudges against him like no holds barred he would have a clean slate wouldn't owe anyone anything if he would just give up on cara kate peaks and go support cazador and thorak iron brown carroca Zul at least until they could be convinced to march out with orgrim to go support and fight alongside the human realms um that he'd be fully forgiven but Bella Garr was just too stubborn he was so arrogant and so prideful and refused to accept that it was in that it's always been really impossible for him to take back Cara Kate Peaks but the end times of course just dialed it up times a million and that is the end of the end times so without further ado we will go into the closing thoughts section all right everyone so thank you so much for listening or watching or whatever this video was amazing to put together it took a very very long time but I'm really really happy with how it turned out and I want to go ahead and give a massive big shout out to book of Troyer who of course did the famous battle recording for this section he did all the footage for that where I provided him with the audio and he did an amazing amazing job of putting his I guess you could call it cinematography skills to work and recording a battle to recreate the story I was telling and it was so amazing and fun to work with him on that and I really hope that is becomes a staple of the future legendary Lord videos so please be sure to go check out his channel subscribe he's got all sorts of amazing battles and really really cool [ __ ] going on over there and I personally love his channel and of course you'll be able to find just the famous battles on his channel alone as their own videos so be sure to go check that out and let him know how much you loved him participating in this and I hope to have him back for all of the future ones it's it was so great to work with someone who has such an interesting unique skillset and it's passionate about Warhammer lore and then of course a another massive massive thank you to Eric the red who's of course the editor in chief over here and without him these legendary Lord videos would happen but they would be really really terrible compared to what I would be able to do by myself Eric has an amazing skill set and he does such a phenomenal job and he works really really fast and really really hard and I appreciate him so very much for all of the love and consideration he puts into these videos that come out on the channel whether it's these or other little projects that we're doing and I'm so excited to of course keep moving forward with Cara Kate Peaks month which I hope you're looking forward to the rest of the videos that are gonna be coming out bella guard we have decided by the time of recording this final segment which I did near the end which I did quite near the end of as far as it coming out wise she will be have been broken up into multiple parts just because these things are getting so intense and we're adding so many little things and so many crazy details that they don't work super well as single monoliths anymore but I hope you guys appreciate them nonetheless and the way they were broken up and all this other stuff so as far as Bella Garr is concerned I hope you all enjoyed his story I altima talika n-- siddur it a tragedy Bella Garr is actually probably my favorite or second favorite dwarf character he's really really well told as far as a character who has unbelievable tenacity but has the he's kind of the ultimate embodiment of why the Dwarven realms ended up dying out and that his pride and his vanity and his desire to avenge grudges mattered more to him than making a proper future or adapting to match the struggles of the world he now lives in which you know honestly there's things I feel like are humans in our world could learn from that message especially nowadays but in any event Bella Garr is a wonderful character if you haven't already I would definitely say try playing his campaign until the world warhammer it's it's a wonderful story that starts you off at the beginning of the fourth expedition to carat eight peaks except for you start from Kara Keyser and you have to deal of course with scarce Nick being a rising power in the world and you have to deal with Skaven in the far south and all sorts of other madness and it's it's it's so much fun and such a great but difficult campaign and creative assembly did a beautiful job bringing Belgard to life I really don't have any like super critiques on it I think the only thing a lot of us would say is that one thing I hope to do talk on soon is that there's kind of that ultimate discussion of trying to make Foote Lords viable and work and Bella Garr definitely a character who suffers from that particular series of issues but ultimately yeah thanks again so much for watching the next video that will be part of Kara gate Peaks month will be the geography of Kara Kate Peaks where we will be exploring how the hold is designed where a lot of the really really famous sites are and of course looking at the maps that have been created for Kara gay Peaks and maybe even exploring a couple of other little interesting tidbits here and there to help really fill out the experience and then after that we'll be going into the next legendary Lorde video immediately so once again thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please consider of course you know hitting the like button on all the Bela gar videos if this is like the last one and if you like what we do here and you want to support me personally to help make my life possible and help me pay the other people who make this possible then consider going to my patreon which will be down in the description down below and even as little as a dollar a month really helps me out and that's how I pay these guys so if you like the work they do obviously subscribe to their YouTube channel but you know if you're if you're supporting us on patreon you're also supporting everyone I work with so thanks again so much for watching I hope the quality of the legendary Lord videos especially will just keep going up and it's probably gonna be nightmarish when we get into late 2019 or early 2020 and I decide to remaster all the old ones that's going to be a huge pain in the butt but we'll get around to that when the time comes thanks again everyone so much for watching this probably the eighth time I've said that I just I've this video I wanted to do this for so long and of course this is just the first step on the full journey but it was a big step because Bella gars lor is old and messy as [ __ ] and although there were a number of parts I had to fill in manually I hope that you enjoyed them and they felt natural and like they were a good part of the story so yeah thank you all again so much for watching I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Loremaster of Sotek
Views: 396,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Belegar, Belegar Ironhammer, Dwarfs, Karak Eight Peaks, Karak Eight Peaks Week, Karak Eight Peaks Weeks, Lore, Warhammer Lore, Loremaster of Sotek, Sotek, Vala-Azrilungol
Id: T_2FFtF47nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 14sec (11954 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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