Rod Parsley - Overcoming when overwhelmed

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grab your bible grab your bible first of all ephesians chapter 3 young be seated ephesians chapter three thank you michelle for that wonderful anointing the feast in street 20 ephesians 3 20. now are you there okay ephesians 3 20. got it when you've got it say i've got it the devil is a liar ephesians 3 20. when you've got it shout i've got it all right i'm still waiting on us to get it there we go shout the first word please unto him who is able okay i got four people in the whole building that believe god is able now let me help you if we don't believe god is able in here that nobody believes he's able i thought i was with holy ghost-filled pentecostal tongue-talking unashamed full of the power the gifts the fruit of the spirit people so shout again now when when tomorrow when you got cancer when you're going to have victory when you're gonna be delivered from those headaches when you're gonna get your joy back when you're gonna get your money back [Applause] when you're going to take your neighborhood back when you're going to walk into walmart unafraid when this always happens it always happens you can see it always happens after tragedy since 9 11. now some since 9 11 when first of all you know we got people serving in the united states congress that were 10 and 12 years old at 9 11. now i don't know about you but there's some wisdom that only comes with life [Applause] and people in this generation that are 25 years old brains not even formed yet i'm not being critical the male brain does not come to the fullness of its cognitions until you're 21 years old 21 to 22 years old and and we got babies trying to run things then live none they've got no experience they haven't been through anything i want to go to battle with somebody whose sword's bloody [Applause] [Music] i want to go to battle with somebody that's been there and not only won but learned how to deal with defeat [Applause] i'm just talking now i'm just talking be seated do you see that now right now now at this time at this moment in this season okay now know where you are know where you are so 9 11 the sunday after 9 11 we had to put chairs out in the main foyers because of people running to god in the midst of tragedy now because they are so faithless they are fearful [Applause] she already worshipped enough for you today and i already preached enough for you if you are fearful you are faithless and if you are faithless you are fearful now your bible said in the last day two things are going to happen there will come a great distinction a great separation you can see it because for the last two decades backslidden preachers and backslidden churches have put forth this soupy ecumenical mixture where everything is a preacher and everything is a church everybody is a preacher everything is a church long as they got some kind of cross on the building and say christian you drink the soup let me tell you what i believe for you to stand in this hour and i'm not i'm talking about right now this hour and i'm also talking about the age for you to survive and thrive in this moment and in this age this dispensation this kingdom you will not survive unless you are born again and holy ghost filled fire baptized tongue talking you're not going to survive [Music] now if you don't believe that you don't believe the bible those are the two pillars of your absolute faith and trust in god there are no others everything else is periphery and it's astonishing to me what people will trade that for for pottage eternal for temporal is anybody in the building with me so there becomes produced a spirit of fear the spirit of fear is the birth child of the spirit of death america has been in a love affair with the spirit of death for the last 30 years now you're real quiet we're in a love affair with the spirit of death it's in our movies it's in our culture the bloodier the more gory the more frightening do you know over the past 20 years the number one genre of movies that have been produced in hollywood california do you know the genre huh horror i tried to find the movie to watch the other day i got off i got off john wayne movies because that's what i like i mean it's just a rooster cockburn fill your hand you i like rooster you looking sharp today elder you're going to preach this wednesday night [Music] [Applause] [Music] a man up here with some fire in him wednesday night you will you you will elder wendello going to preach wednesday night tell everybody you know tell them to come out of hiding horror horror but then when we see it take place outside the abortuary because we tuck that away we took that away there there are there is reason i should say there is reason watch me there is reason for the current response my question is where is the same outrage every day no no you're not going to shout me down that's okay where is the outrage 4 200 lives are taken every day in this nation and we walk down the street with the ashes of aborted fetuses falling on our shoulders and there's no outrage cnn's not running the story fox news didn't say anything about it while we perpetuate a culture of death a culture of the devaluing of human life no i'm not really preaching i just want to talk to you because i'm just i'm just amazed at what has happened since 9 11 because after 9 11 folks still had enough faith belief in god to run to god to god's house to god's people now the news reports some tragedy and half the church stay home yes they do half the church stay home fear the only counteract into fear is faith and faith cannot be lived where the will of god is unknown now let me tell you another thing not only have we perpetuated a culture of death how come nobody talking about how come nobody talking about the number of people murdered in detroit last week oh see it's quiet because you know you don't know how to respond y'all are drinking the kool-aid nobody said anything about that not only last week in the weekend before that and the weekend before that and the weekend before that because you know what we've done we've written it off as hopeless we are abandoning and living in our wake a culture of death when you devalue human life you should read my book silent no more in fact you ought to read several of my books i don't know what you read in world war ii it took them six months of hard training to get more than 10 percent of our soldiers to be willing to look at another human being and pull the trigger in war why life had value everybody's life not just your little neat clean fake suburban life not you living in a house you can't afford not you live in a a car that you don't have the faith to provide so you get in cahoots with the bank to do it and i'm not receiving an offering we've got to come to the point that we understand we're in the kingdom we don't have a right to direction [Music] we're in the kingdom i'm coming we're in the kingdom and we have a king and he is sovereign and we are not here's what we have the right to do obey current believers are eaten up with the spirit with the spirit of i know better i mean is there in black and white it's there in black and white the fearful will find their place in the lake of fire don't say that preacher how come ain't nobody preaching that the fearful some so-called believers respond to 90 of what they do out of fear so we try to cloister ourselves i'll hide out at my house today i mean world harvest a big church no telling what will happen it's real quiet and it quietly it's quiet now you're not fearful you're here [Applause] okay this group right here there here maybe it's where i look maybe that's it [Applause] you need to ask yourself right now the decisions you're making are they fear-based or faith-based fear-based or faith-based fear-based faith-based because the fearful are unbelieving believers have been delivered watch this from the fear of what i had the privilege of going the the let me say the the sad privilege of as far as i know being the only preacher allowed to go to the ground floor that's what the nypd and the new york fire department told me to go to the very bottom ground level i believe was eight stories underground of the world trade centers in new york city before they started any of the work as far as i know i'm the only one that went to columbine as far as i know i'm the only one that saw that library that looked like you've taken a paintbrush a paintbrush dipped it in red paint and threw it on the walls of the blood of innocent children there was one hole big enough to step through in the wall from explosions explosives i i talked to cassie bernal's daddy in fact i interviewed him for breakthrough she's a beautiful girl i mean she was something else she was sitting just outside the door of her school and uh having her lunch when dylan klebold and the other person walked up to her in the long black trench coats she was the first person they contacted they looked at her and they said with a shotgun so you're one of those jesus people right what would your response be see as i've shared with you before i don't think when i stand before god he's going to look at me and say you took this thing too seriously i think he's going to look at a whole lot of folks and say you weren't serious about anything but your own self-preservation who you are and what you drive and what your appearances are you one of those jesus people see yes i am now you can do one of two things you stick your head in the proverbial sand and act like things are getting better out there and then run away and cower in fear every time something happens or you can be a person of immovable faith because let me tell you this let me tell you this if you have been delivered from the fear of death there is no fear that can hold you because a dead person can't be depressed you didn't hear a word i said [Music] the great apostle paul said it pastor fiance he said the life that i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me do you see that half of the people that fill these stayed alone today i promise you they didn't stay home in pakistan because they take their lives in their hands every time they go to church they're saved they're delivered from the fear of death they're not living a life a peaceful stagnation and self-preservation my god tweet that let the whole world know i said it compromise will take the pressure off but it will result in a life of peaceful stagnation and nothing can live in stagnation if it's not already dead the process has begun and we got a church where's my phone we've got a church with preachers that god says ezekiel let me show you a thing and it takes him out to a valley of dead bones bible said a mountain heaping up out of the valley and the book said there were very many and they were very dry and god said man of god can these bones live and ezekiel said i don't know he you have a bible right he said man of god can these bones live lord you know what we would have done today is we would have stood just outside that mountainous valley of dry bones like this no way i think i i didn't get more of them if i go over here and i look skinnier if i hold it way up and i can flex my body [Music] and we count dry bones as an army so god said prophesy to him now the good thing about spirits is spirits respond to the authority of god's man and his word [Applause] spirits do flesh does it flesh always rebels against the word of truth always that's why paul said when i know what i ought to do which is good i don't do it because evil is always present who shall deliver me from this body watch me of death so god said prophesy to him and flesh came on them bones came to bones connection was made don't have time let's all connect so we think that's getting on here and preachers by names so they can look like they have more followers what wake up y'all so we think we're connected i got 20 000 friends you don't know them and they don't know you i've got a hundred thousand followers no you don't if they're following you tell them something they don't want to hear and see if they still obey you do that with your children but you won't do it with your spiritual authority so then then flesh came on them their light show their music program to worship their worship so they take a picture of that look at this man and then god said what do you think ezekiel well they stood up they came together they got a lot of flesh they just full of flesh it's everywhere what do you do with no flesh shall glory in his sight what do you do with that anyone can say yes your character is proved when you're told no so god said prophesy again i like again i said i like again because there are two definite works of grace being born again and being filled with the spirit that's why god said prophesy again and notice who he said prophesied to the wind because wind represents spirit he said don't try to deal with these people after their flesh they're crazy but if they will yield their spirit to the word you speak they'll live [Applause] it's it's almost offensive to even say in the pulpit anymore i used to preach it all the time when i was in my 20s and 30s we got too many myriams you know what a miriam is no so you don't even know a miriam is someone who says i'll go as long as that's the direction i choose but when moses said no no we're going this way miriam said does not god speak to us also whether we like it or not god arranged this thing that there are some things you can't enter into without the voice of god god god needed a man so he got moses and it had a word that was his but god didn't give it to them he gave it to him for him to give to them we want to cut out the middle man we don't need the apostle we don't need the prophet we don't need the evangelist we don't need the pastor we don't need the teacher well i don't i'm not going to do that because i know their faults what does that have to do with anything god could use balaam's ass if he needed to to get his word to you because it's not about that it's about your ability to show your surrender to the word and the will of god [Music] [Applause] be seated please so ephesians 3 20 right how you doing good to see you i started early so i could take a lot of time you do you got ephesians 3 20 there preaching you know he's got his fingers all over the place he got like professor fiona's got like fingers like this in different passages you got it you i was there then i went there then i was over there and now i'm back here are you with me i changed everything i was going to do today i preached in northern ohio yesterday some of our elders came and and visited me cared enough to look up my calendar and look at my schedule and see if the man of god is going to be an hour from here i'm going to go i preached i came home i went straight to my study and i came out of there at 1 30 this morning with a word that i thought god had for me and when i woke up this morning and my phone and my phone was going don't don't pastors from dayton people from dayton people from texas filling up my phone 20 people went to walmart yesterday how many of you been in walmart in the last week well nothing to be ashamed of you got good deals man shoot shoot you tithe more you shop at walmart oh i don't chop it walmart well it didn't just be silly right 20 people stand up one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. i'm still counting 16 17 18 19 20. y'all come up here stand on these steps right in here how many of you been in walmart in the last week yesterday a lot of yesterday saturday big big shopping day right okay if you've been in walmart in the last are you listening elkhart because i love you elkhart they love preaching like this i'm telling you they do all right on three stand up get 20 people up there pastor manny all right when i say three if you've been in walmart in the last week stand up one two three stay standing lay down on the floor lay down on the floor lay down on the floor lay down on the floor lay down on the steps just lay down what makes you different than them you went to walmart 20 of them went to walmart they didn't go home you see uh let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine if i pointed at you come here come up here come up in here lay down that was dayton last night this is chicago virtually every weekend you would have to fill this building nearly to capacity for the human lives slaughtered by the american holocaust of abortion yesterday and every day 365 days a year i just think it's time to get serious [Applause] because let me tell you everybody clap your hands thank you just clap your hands because because because because god spared you he spared your children [Applause] your mama wanted to abort you but she had a praying mama that said no [Applause] you see this this this is america and the only thing i believe i told elder this morning i believe there can be a common sense consensus reached if we would under god stop the hatred and stop the polarization of these conflicting extremes stop it [Applause] stop it well they're not like me you pharisee thank god i'm not like this one praying beside me you are no better and no less than any living human being in fact if you feel you are you are less i don't care what race you are i don't care what socio-economic group you're in i don't care what neighborhood you live in the cross is the equalizer of men i suggest some votes climb up on one deny yourself stop hating and judging people stop it stop it [Applause] it's what leads to this that baby's not as valuable as that one i've actually had people say to me say to me well you know pastor rod when you're talking about the women's clinic uh if you show more white babies that you've saved oh you can't believe the stuff i hear you would curl your toenails as my daddy would say here's the most racist statement ever made if you don't believe it ask any person of color well i have friends that are mexican one of my best friends in college was black well let's pin you a medal stop it and stop your reverse racism too i am a white male and i'm proud of it and if i celebrate you you ought to celebrate me look at it can't even stand up you love it when i pour out everybody else's sin racism is sin bigotry is sin i'm better than you is sin you see or lay down either one stop it joel under god stop it stop it beg god to reach inside your heart and change it oh don't panic cake and don't look at me like you're mad at me i've been doing this 43 years i'm not easily intimidated and god didn't give me a voice for them he gave me a voice for you oh we love pastor rod's voice until he speaks to us you like that didn't you y'all doing all right down there wake up johnny trying to like who is that is that fias see y'alls don't be trying to act like that's a holy ghost you all get up y'all get up resurrection power you know [Applause] somebody left their bible get a preacher glory to god glory to god glory to god oh i was using that for ezekiel wasn't it so ezekiel prophesied to the wind yeah right and the spirit came in uh just because they came together right just because they connected just because they got some flesh doesn't mean they're filled with the spirit and it takes being filled with the spirit to be an effective member of the kingdom of god and of his christ if you don't believe that you don't believe the new testament well in the old testament too you throw ezekiel in there can't you in fact god got over into the new covenant and he gave us two new gifts anybody know what they are oh i i need to teach some more here they are here they are he gave us two new gifts of the spirit in the new testament that did not exist in the old testament tongues and interpretation of tongues all seven of the other gifts were in full operation in the old covenant before jesus died or the holy ghost was given hallelujah and then god comes along and says i'm gonna mark this thing and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire that sat upon each of them and they all began to speak with other tongues as the holy ghost gave them utterance or or or allowed them to express their original selves we would live so much better if we would learn to listen to our spirit as much as our flesh because your flesh is fearful your flesh is fearful we have devalued life it does doesn't matter you're too old you're too old you're a burden on society you have alzheimer's you have dementia you don't even know you're in the world so we might as well just take you out you're too young you're infirm still the greatest nation on earth listen to this see you don't even know how to respond to that uh i i was very interested since there's been so much talk about north korea and i noticed something about all of the news footage and the reporting and so forth for decades and decades because i've gone back through of north korea and what struck me was there was the most precious boy was not a boy's young man in my meeting up in bucyrus yesterday are you okay okay up in bucyrus yesterday he um he had cerebral palsy and he was paralyzed from the base the top of his chest the base of his neck down he's how old was he you had a picture of him oh that's my buddy that's brandon and uh that's pastor jc church both his daughters graduated from valor and uh and that's brandon's daddy right there and of course that's sydney and brandon like paralyzed all all the way from his collar down he's 28 27 29 he's 29 but he can talk and his cognition is just perfect he's just just wonderful so the only thing he has ever watched on television in his 29 years which you might imagine he watches a lot of television is preaching that's all he's ever watched it's all he wants to it's like his parents didn't make him a few months ago brandon was uh in the grocery store with his mom and dad and he said to his mom and daddy he said hey hey i'm talking about the holy spirit now he said hey uh mom dad uh we need to put the apples back we need to pray for mr mrs so and so right now and she said well we'll you know we're in the store we'll get home and then we'll have prayer oh he said we need to pray right now and his dad tried to calm him down and say no no you know we just need we're ready to check no we need to pray now and they wrote the time down and one of the major leaders in pastor jc church's church was at that exact moment in a head-on car crash at that exact moment it was the couple that he said we've got to pray for right now now his flesh may not look like much he may not be your color he may not have your money [Applause] but he's in touch with god i want to be that in touch with god i want god's spirit to live in me every moment of every day i want there to be less of me and more of him every moment of every day of every week of every month of every year i want to be more like him shouldn't even leave it up there because what stunned me is out of all the pictures photographs videos throughout the decades from north korea you never see anybody like brandon you never see anyone never see anyone on crutches do you know why because when you're infirm you're of no value to the state and you're done away with government officials from that horrible regime have escaped and told the stories medical doctors telling the stories and that's horrible but we're doing the same thing every day to unborn children but isn't he a beautiful young man his parents said we we try to come to dominion we and i knew what they were saying you know what it takes to take care of a boy like that no you don't unless you've ever done it and most of you think god never have maybe you should be a little more compassionate he prays for me every day and has since he was old enough to know to pray every day he gets my calendar he said now when you were down in florida i felt the holy ghost was going to use you like this and then when you were in california i saw you doing this and and he said now tell ashton i won't tell you what he said but he said now tell ashton doesn't so and thus and so and thus and so and every bit of it was true every bit of it was true he said now miss joanie miss joni now you let her know i'm praying and fasting for her daddy isn't that something a thing i was so humbled i wanted to watch his little crooked feet how precious is life all life all life white life and black life and latin life and asian life and life is precious if you don't believe it let somebody try to take yours life is precious hallelujah [Music] hallelujah you see i told you i was going to talk to you because i feel that in my heart i don't want you to be fearful of anything now unto him who is able we serve an able god let weakness lie limp on the shoulder of god our god's able let them throw daniel in the lion's den he'll reckon his position turn his face toward jerusalem offer his prayer to god pillow his head in the shaggy man of the lion and sleep like a baby all night long because he had a god who was able and that's what michelle was so beautifully worshiping those beautiful words i'm gonna see my victory hallelujah because the battle belongs to the lord at some point man you come to the end of yourself amen oh so psalm 61. psalm 61. i got glasses under here somewhere psalm 61 everybody look at it everybody look at it because they're a whole lot of folks i had to change my message this morning and i want to put just this in you and i want you to hold on to it i want you to cling to it for dear life it's a song of david he wrote it he wrote it for his favorite stringed instrument he composed the music and the lyric he had now ascended to the throne he was a king you know that from verse six it's a song that begins with a tear-filled prayer and ends with a thankful praise and i just feel like that's where so many folks are today you've tried and you've tried and you're still discouraged you've fought and you've fought and you're tired of fighting you're concerned about your kids you're concerned about your marriage you're concerned about your finances you're concerned about the nation everywhere you look there's turmoil trouble is an unwelcome visitor at your door and at your life so many times that very very recently if in your heart only but probably through the expression of your words as well you have cried out i can't take it anymore i've got a few honest folks i just can't take it how much can god expect one person to bear up under and let me share this with you if you haven't prayed it you need to get to a point and god i assure you will get you to a point where you will be required to michelle said it this morning this is it i'm at the end of myself i can't take one more thing or i'm gonna loot i give i go to church i love my wife i love my kids but i'm about to go afraid to go to the movie anymore my god if we stop going to walmart we never have any clothes dog food nothing right am i talking to anybody i'm going to quit here in a minute i'd like to see the hand of every person in this building that in the last three to six months has made that statement or one similar to it i don't know how much more i can take oh look and i'm not going to tell you that when you get delivered from this present circumstance that you're not going to face it again and the preacher that will tell you that is not being intellectually uh thank you professor mark thank you for coming tomorrow or yesterday and supporting me it was wonderful to see you hallelujah thank you brandon thank you elders yoder and elders christian saw a whole lot of folks it was wonderful and uh let me see your hand again yeah i just i don't know what i'm gonna do right hey it's good to see you guys i haven't seen you for a while give me a hug come on give me a hug i love you i love you amen praise god i love you i imagine a few times in jerry's situation you just said i don't know if i can take it another day yes sir screaming in the car sometimes to the lord and then feeling so bad for saying don't feel bad because like you're not hidden from him he knows it whether you scream it out or not and quite frankly he'd rather you scream it out i'll prove that to you i hate to break this one our father loves it when we can't take it anymore because he's a good good father that's who he is that's who he is and i am loved by him that's who i am that's who i am i said he's a good good father [Applause] and we've got his word on it he will not allow us to be tempted above that which we can bear i got news for you you're going to make it here's how i know because you've proven it over and over and over and over and over if you never thought you'd be here today with a right mind i dare you to shout now shout because it wasn't true [Applause] what is that god something to do just what he said he would do what is that [Music] every problem turn windows might cost i feel like singing don't give up on god because he won't give up on you he's able i dare you to get on your feet lift your hands and declare do you believe it [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] don't give up give up on god cause he won't give up somebody shout come on jesus come on jesus come on come on holy ghost holy holy ghost breathe all right here we go now be seated right quick now whoa whoa whoa [Applause] [Applause] i've seen him do it right quick that's all hallelujah she's fighting the battle spinning is the language of warfare somebody needs to turn and i can't take it [Applause] to take that devil [Music] [Music] come on here listen you know what's happening right now you're taking present faith from past victory because the same god that delivered you from the lion that's right and delivered you from the bear is about to deliver you from the hand of every uncircumcised philistine giant he is able on a minute give me this camera give me this camera whoa i feel a break-in in elkhart i feel a running dancing shouting spinning clapping spirit now some of y'all need to get one of these on you ever see folk they get a look on their face like something smell in church some of y'all need to get a something smelling church look on your face huh stink face just give the devil the snake face you get the shouting he's able come on [Applause] it hadn't happened yet [Applause] i may be broke today but god's able i may be in this wheelchair today but the i may have been thinking wrong thoughts but god's able i may have been going the wrong direction but god's able i may not know what to do but god's able i may not could take it anymore but god's able my baby may be sick but god's evil [Applause] [Music] we worship is who is he he's able jesus who is he she's a comforter yeah mighty god sprinter peace everlasting father children money future family sickness fear panic [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah here it is david david has just been through the rebellion of absalom they always have salons they always have salons trying to usurp the throne trying to usurp authority rebellious self-centered self-interested absalom things have gotten so bad for david that he says here i need the psalm honey i've asked three times i want the song come on [Music] [Music] so look at david now this is the cry of a banished king david has been banished he's separated from his throne he separated from his family he separated from everything that he knew and loved but here's the part that freaks me out that's not why he's praying this prayer he's praying this prayer for one reason and one reason only he's been cut off from the temple of god let me break it down for you he can't get to church and he is in such consternation that he can't be in sunday morning service that his heart is wrenching within him he's weeping and he cries out hear my cry is that a baby okay victory i just need to know if it's a baby make sure it's not a cabbage patch dog or something bring the child to me look look family going to pick up their baby husband and wife in the nursery and the wife like out in the hallway here's i mean ten babies crying it's a nursery but she said wait wait whoa whoa that's victory crying and the husband said what how you know at all these cries of all these one-year-olds that you pick out that one she said hey dude you may be his daddy but they had to cut him out of me do you understand you're born of god do you understand that right now in the middle of your mess he can pick your cry out over every other cry cry out cry out oh god hear my cry i can't get the church god attend oh god i want to preach this this is the confidence that we have in him yes yes then if we ask anything according to his will he hears us i dare you to shout i know you hear my cry [Applause] i know you hear my cry i know you hear my cry [Music] attend i just got a revelation god is my attendant he attends my right [Music] look at this 2 from the end of the earth [Music] you can't get any further away than that right david said if i can't get to church on sunday i might as well be at the far end of the earth away from god i've got to get there i've got to get to the tabernacle i've got to get to the temple full of those flawed people full of all those people that don't look like me some of them don't even smell like you but i got to get there because that's the dwelling place of god and i got to get there and worship with his saints and i got to get there and pray and i gotta get there it is present but here's good news you may be at the end of the earth you may be at the end of life you may be at the end of yourself you may be at the end of your wits you may be ready to throw in the towel but there is no distance between you and god when you cry right right right i can't preach it all from the end of the earth i will cry to you weeping cannot quench prayer your distress should not quench your prayer right right right it should quicken your prayer [Music] lord he says it is my heart god it's my heart that's overwhelmed that's where america is that's where the church is that's where you are your heart's overwhelmed this is not something that can be taken care of with some nyquil it's not something that can be cured by a good night's sleep people right now are working at their play harder than they work at their work they're going to come home from their third vacation way more tired than when they left because we work at our play and play in our work [Music] tweet that people say you know why don't you take a vacation what do i want to go work for if that helps you god bless you but my heart's overwhelming within me a good night's sleep won't help me huh you know a walk in the park not going to deal with that because it's not your head your heart your spirit is overwhelmed within you i cried lead me no but we always pass over lead me guess what that means you can't get to the rock you don't know where to find the rock it's too high book said in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple have you seen it [Music] look how high he is you can't get there i know i'll be out hunting and i see a big beautiful elk two mountaintops over and sit there with a map and try to figure out how can i get up there because there's a river down there and there's a rock slide over there and there's an impassable canyon over there that's full of caves how am i going to get there but i've never been in one of those situations past the dawn that i didn't have beside me a guide and the guy that said look here here's what we're about to do we're about to go here and then we're going to jog over here and then i'm going to meet them and they're going to come over there and then we're going to go there we'll be there in about 2 hour and 14 minutes you got a guide yes yes that'll lead you hallelujah to the rock yes he will that is higher than you he's higher than your trouble he's higher than your fear he's higher than your bigotry he's higher than your mass he's higher than your sickness i need somebody to shout i love when you do that man watch this for you have been a shelter for me yes yes faith from past victories if he did it before he'll do it once more god will do it over again i dare you to shout go ahead jesus go ahead jesus just bless me again come on go ahead oh you get tired of me go ahead jesus lift me up out of this pit go ahead jesus we've been here before go ahead jesus i remember the lion god [Music] that has been a strong tower from the enemy i will abide in thy tabernacle forever david said if i ever get back there i'm never leaving again and i'm going to trust i'm going to trust him in the covert of thy wings peace everything's gonna be all right just stay right here just stay right here see i had to take you through what i had to take you through to get you right here for thou god have heard my vows you've given me the heritage of those that fear your name you will prolong my life you will prolong my years and my generations he will abide before god forever oh prepare mercy and truth which may preserve him and so the tearful prayer ends with a thankful praise i'm going to sing praises to thy name forever and i will daily pay my vows remember when you were in that pit the last time and you said god if you ever get him get me out of here i'll lift my hands and praise you forever i can tell you i've walked in the deep dark night i know what it's like to say god if you ever give me a voice back i'll praise you every day when i get up in the morning and i lay my head to rest i'm gonna bless you oh god i'm gonna bless you in the good times i'm gonna bless you in the bad times that's what michelle was singing about what i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna bless you
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 1,883
Rating: 4.5918369 out of 5
Id: M7y88vUZwsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 32sec (5192 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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