Count It All Up - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] hey everybody i'm excited to have this opportunity to share the word of the lord with you i believe that god is going to say some things do some things move some things fix some things most importantly change our perspective on some things as we delve into the word of god i want you to peel off your church mass your church face your spiritual disposition and i want to get right down to the core of your reflective moments your moments of uncertainty your moments of wrestling and gruppling within yourself trying to figure out what in the world is going on because these are the times that will make you ask god some questions get your bible right quick and run to romans 8 16-19 and there you will find my meditation for today as we open up the word of god to better understand what the spirit is saying to the churches again it's romans 8 16-19 you will not want to miss this and so says the word of god the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god stop right there the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of god we don't need the prophet to bear witness we don't need the other saints to bear witness we don't need the neighbors to bear witness the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are in fact the children of god and if children then the heirs heirs of god and joint heirs with christ if so be that we suffer with him if we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed unless i want to read that again for i reckon for i reckon for i reckon i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed oh something is coming shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of god somebody say man somebody say man again i'm excited to have this opportunity to share the word with you let us pray together as i begin to preach from the subject count it all up somebody say count it all up don't just count some of it don't just count a part of it count it all up we're going into the word of god together spirit of the living god fall afresh on us now as we embark upon the mission of expounding upon that which you've placed inside of me extrapolate out of these lips of clay that which is divine that which is more than myself that which supersedes anything that my intellectual capacity might allow afford me to be able to emanate through my flesh and allow the holy spirit direct access so that you might feed the flock of god these are your children they are the sheep of your pasture though they're scattered here and there and in houses and living rooms and cars and kitchen tables and at work and everywhere they're still your children as we gather and galvanize around your word today we expect a miracle have your way great god that you are thank you for what you're about to do in this place spirit of the living god falls fresh on me in jesus name amen on your way to your seat just say count it all up recently we watched the three-day celebration of the life of congressman john robert lewis we watched his body carried back across the edmond pettis bridge in a horse-drawn carriage in some alabama we reflected on the merciless beatings of the then younger john lewis being mercilessly beaten for the nonviolent protests for injustice we we wondered how could a peaceful protest reap a violent beating with trained attack dogs in the force of relentless high-pressure water hoses knocking women and youngsters to the ground and then john lewis himself and others sustaining blow after blow after blow of lead field billy clubs to his cranium there there they are laying on the ground where he nearly died covered in his own blood for the simple right to vote and we wondered why this gandhian method could be met with the hitler-like response we said why why why why why how could jesus for that matter who never destroyed a living soul be tied to a roman whipping post to have his 33 year old body lacerated with the ripping of his tender flesh after healing the sick and raising of the dead and feeding the hungry with the tender compassion of a mother teresa reaped strong military torture so visceral that the whip wasn't enough but his flesh suffered from whiplashes accompanied with brutal accessories of sharp jagged edges of a cat of nine tails the kind of nine tails was designed knotted throngs of cotton that were contorted into two and a half feet long strips designed to lacerate the skin and cause the intense pain as if beating was not enough it traditionally has nine throngs as a result of the manner in which the rope is planted he who opened the blinded eyes lay scarge to the point of death until his entrails were hanging out and completely exposed isaiah said there was no beauty about him that we should desire him this young 33 year old boy's flesh has been ripped open to the point that it has become a grotesque picture of entrails hanging out of his wounded size and yet he refused to die on the whipping post because he knew that if he died on the whipping post he would never redeem us from the curse of the law and from sin and death how could the apostle paul who gifted us with the powerful homily of love noted in the book of corinthians be met with the hailing stones of an angry mob at lystra the man who spoke in five languages was laughed at for his beliefs why was he allowed to face shipwrecks that threatened to bury him at only the sea swallowing him up in a cold cave in a cold cave-like environment how could paul be in prison in rome how could how could how could how could the apostle who raised the dead had been left for dead himself he faced anguish in asia so severe that he wished for death he had been shipwrecked had to survive off the fragments of a ship while on his way to the greatest mission trip of his life he survived that and landed in malata only to be bitten by a poisonous snake and they thought he was going to die we wonder why a nation so rich is ours so advanced that we put the first man on the moon we possess the greatest and most diverse military in the world we are the country that launched the radio the television the automobile the airplane the steam engine the atomic bomb developed open heart surgery we offered robotic surgery responsible for the apple phone google and so much more and yet we turned our heads and yawned while nearly 160 000 people are dead of covey at 19 leaving children without their parents and parents without their children our incarceration rate is the highest of all of the countries in the world combined we have more guns now than we have people yet we can't provide adequate ppe equipment for our first responders or our teachers who risk their lives to teach indeed these are in fact turbulent times these are the kinds of times that that leave you with questions even when you're supposed to be the person who has the answers these are the kinds of questions that make a man's soul contemplate and try to find reasoning and rationale as if life made sense who told you life was fair who told you that life made says who told you that everything always has a happy ending there are moments that are so severe and so overwhelming that even the wisest amongst us has to scratch his head and and copulate with the ideology of of of how how can i survive this moment i know i'm strong i know i'm tough i know i'm resilient i know i'm committed but how can i withstand the turbulence of this moment you must understand that when we delve into the complexities of this text and we dare to hear the apostle paul speak he is not speaking something he saw on instagram he's not picking up a quote from twitter and running with it this is a man who has suffered and been beaten this is a man that's been left for dead this is a man who has wounded in such a way that the lacerations against his skull caused the crowd to think he was dead and after they all walked away thinking he was nothing but a corpse he got his bloody body up off the ground and walked away and then he said for i reckon it is it's not so much the rest of the text that i want to grapple with i want to grapple with the four i reckon and i reckon it's a term that it almost sounds country to me i grew up in west virginia when people would be talking and you wanted to respond to them you say well i reckon i reckon it made you sound country it made you sound hillbilly it made you sound out of sorts and i know that this this king james bible that i'm holding couldn't be it couldn't be written in west virginia or or down in mississippi where my grandparents come from where they say i reckon it's over yonder i reckon it's across the street i reckon it's around the store i reckon where did this term come from that the apostle paul who is intelligent beyond human comprehension would use such a word certainly he's not using it as as my cousins and my friends did playing in a school yard for i reckon what does he mean by record reckon speaks to reasoning it speaks to rationale it speaks to it speaks to trying to understand as marvin gaye would say tell me what's what's going on what's going on i have to admit 2020 has left me scratching what hair i don't have trying to figure out what is going on and i struggle with the word reckon so i had to look it up and it and it says logo so my in the greek where we get logos it means in the sense of an account or reckoning and then i began to understand that reckoning is not a country term frankening is an accounting term an accounting term where we reconcile the books and isn't that what we all want to do with our suffering and with our pain and with our life is find some kind of way to make sense out of it to make purpose out of it if i had to lose my daughter why i have to make this pain make sense there's not one amongst us with a grain of intelligence at all that hasn't spent a moment trying to audit our own lives and try to figure out why did i have to go through that why was i abused at a vulnerable age why did my father and mother leave me why did i move from house to house why did i grow up in foster homes i wonder why i reckon i reckon i reckon means i'm wrestling trying to reconcile what in the world is going on in my life i reckon means i'm trying to figure out why am i dealing with what i'm dealing with like i'm dealing with it when i'm dealing with it this is not the time for me to be going through pain and yet i do not always get to pick the moments that i hurt that i suffer that i cry that i will that i lose i don't get to pick the weapons that are used against me or the rocks that are thrown at me or the ships that fall apart or the dogs that attack me i don't get to pick my own story i i reckon i reckon there have been moments in my own life that i had to sit down get all by myself get quiet make everything shut up for a minute and and just try to reckon it is in this moment of deep reflection that we are allowed by the holy spirit to hear one of the greatest operators and thinkers of our time congratulate with the ideology of how do i make sense out of life this is the apostle paul trying to figure out what's it all about alfred what's going on tell me what's going on i reckon this is the apostle paul who tells us that when he went to asia he was so overwhelmed that he was went into a state of depression and wanted to die this is not some whimsical upstart motivational speaker who's trying to give us a good feeling this is somebody who is acquainted with grief and sorrow and injustice and misunderstanding and pain and terrible of such consequences that when they didn't kill him he thought about killing himself for i reckon how did he find the strength to get up when the stones had knocked him down and how did he find the strength to overcome depression when he felt like caving in and giving up his own life and how did he find the strength to resist the shame of being laughed at by his own fellow scholars because he died to believe in jesus he was an intellect and their laughter was more painful than the stones at lystra how did he find the courage to go on when everybody was talking about him it must be hidden not in his manuscript not in his preaching but the audit that goes on in his head when he says for i i reckon how you reckon about a thing determines how you deal with it how you overcome it how you will stand it how you how you persevere whatever you reckon determines your direction whatever you reckon determines whether you lay there and play dead or get up and fight again whatever you reckon determines whether you forgive or whether you spend the rest of your life hating somebody who went on with their life what what are you reckoning with power how are you reconciling the books so that you can have the peace to go forward a young man who had been with me almost since the inception of my ministry periodically came along down through the years as he followed me and he would ask me in a private moment was it worth it and the question that he asked me depending on the time that he asked it enlisted a different type of response most of the time i responded i'd love to tell you i responded oh yes it was worth it but for years and years i said i don't know yet i'm not sure i'm still reckoning if you happen to ask me at a time that i was in great pain or great suffering or great denial was it worth it i didn't know how to answer him because i hadn't finished auditing the books i was still still trying to get everything in the right column and make sense out of it and i was still trying to compute the cost how much it costs to be me i wasn't sure it was worth it i knew he was trying to ask me so he could determine his own life's course and i was supposed to say oh yes it was worth it but i i dropped my head and i said i'm still thinking about it the liability of the stage was it worth it the viciousness of people was it worth it the expectations of those who admire you who put you on pedestals that they could never live up to and then knock you down for fun i wasn't sure it was worth it the inability to be safe amongst your own clergy i wasn't sure it was worth it you're never enough if you if you go down you're not low enough if you go up you're up too high i don't know was it worth it i know don't judge me don't you judge me was it worth it i don't know i didn't know i wasn't sure i wasn't sure like you go into the counter's office and you say am i good to go and they're still in the middle of the audit and i had to tell the young man i am still in the middle of the audit i'm 40 and i'm still in the middle of the heart and i'm i'm 45 and i'm still in the middle of the audit i'm 50 years old and i'm still in the middle of the audit and some of you out there are going through some things in your life in your marriage in your marriage in your marriage and your finances in your company with your children and i know you would never tell anybody what you're reckoning but deep down inside you're wondering what's it worth it you roll over at three o'clock in the morning all the rice is gone the wedding cake is all gone all the memories and all the cards and all the gifts have now gotten old and you look at them while they're sleeping you say was it worth it everybody audits everything a woman a woman makes love to the man she loves a passion and embrace a love a kiss an unforgettable experience it was fantastic it was special it was loving it was kind it was memorable i'm trying to be spiritual it was it was fantastic and then she's pregnant and her body begins to stretch and her skin begins to tear and leave stretch marks as evidence that will stay with her the rest of her life and then her water breaks and she goes into labor and the pain becomes so intense that she sweats and her cheeks fill with air and as she gets into the birthing position she is not thinking about the night of passion in the bed not in the birthing position and if you ask her at that moment what what was what happened over here worth what happened over there she said i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i remember being in the labor room with my wife and i was there and i was right beside her and i was having a good time and i was excited because i was going to see the first birth i had ever seen and i was listening at the machine making telling me when the contractions were coming and i said oh baby here comes another one and she turned around and looked at me like i was adolf hitler and she said i already know and i decided to be quiet because i realized that though i was beside her i was not her and that's why people even close to you cannot understand the metrics of your pain because sometimes they're so enthralled with what they see that they don't understand how you feel and they're having a good time and you're laying there with your legs trapped down in the birthing position saying i don't know if you're that cute i don't know if you're that sexy that i would do this for almost a year to my body for what you did in a few minutes in my bed was it worth it but when she had finally pushed our child out and they cleaned her up and laid her in her arms i saw the smile on her face and then then then we knew and she held the baby and looked at me with tears in her eyes and started praising god and speaking in tongues it was worth it it has to be something that's set before you that justifies it balances the books it can't just be all pain and no gain it can't be all sacrifice and no success there has to be liabilities and assets any accountant will tell you that you can't be in business and not have liabilities if you come to the accountant with your books and all it has is your assets they'll know you're a liar because you cannot have assets without liability show me your liabilities and show me your assets and when i get through counting up the columns and reckoning the columns one against the other i will come up with the prophet i will determine what is left and we serve a god who demands that we always have something left and some of you haven't got to the something left because you're in the liability stage and when you're in the liability stage everything's going out and nothing's coming in and it looks like god is not fair but if you stay where you are and endure hardness as a good soldier after a while the same soldiers the same police officers who hit you in the head will escort your body back because if you hold out long enough you will rise again undaunted and the same people who watch you be crucified will watch you be resurrected and the same people who watch you go down will watch you come back up again it is that that the apostle paul talks oh god i feel the holy ghost it is that that he's talking about for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time he said you caught me at a bad moment this present time is crazy for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time i reckon that the mask on our faces and our inability to meet in our inability to touch the people in our own family i reckon that the pain we endured and the jobs that we lost and the funerals that we had to stand back from the family i couldn't hug my own members i reckoned at the suffering of the people who stood outside the hospital in the parking lot watching their parents down face time the sufferings of this present time this present time is a tough time it's ripping marriages apart it's ripping ministries apart it's ripping businesses apart the sufferings of this present time is the liability stage but you cannot have liabilities and not eventually accrue assets and that's what this text is all about it is crawling through the liabilities till you get to the assets oh my god like the woman with the issue of blood i'm crawling and bleeding i'm crawling and hurting i'm crawling and embarrassed and ashamed and i'm crawling while they're whispering about me and i'm crawling where even the law is against me but i'm crawling on hallelujah because i believe that if i withstand the liability assets if i can but touch if i can just get there if i can just survive the pain of this present time i don't know who i'm preaching to but i am talking to somebody who is in the survival of this present time so as i stand on the stage of this text i'm trying to tell you how to think your way through it i'm trying to show you how to not audit your life over your season i'm trying to show you that you are not defined by any isolated moment in your life for i reckon [Music] that the sufferings of this of this present time are not worthy let me put them in columns let me weigh them out let me put them on a scale so that i can have justice because right now this ain't fair right now this ain't right right now this don't feel good but i gotta put it on the scales and i got to put something on the other side of my liabilities what are the assets i reckon that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared right now your skills are out of balance and when your skills are out of balance your life doesn't feel like it's worth living when your scales out of balance you just want to slam the door and walk away and say i quit when you're scared out of balance you get tired of turning the other cheek with your skills out of balance you get angry at everybody and everything and sometimes every now and then whether you admit it or not you'll get angry at god and sometimes whether you admit it or not you get angry at yourself how can i get myself out here on this edmund pettus bridge how can i get myself on this cross father if it be that i will pass this bitter cup from me how could i get myself on this stage and endure the pain thereof he asked me was it worth it and i knew what i was supposed to say but he asked me wow they were beating me with billy cubs and he asked me why they were nailing me to a tree and he asked me while the rocks were being thrown up against my head and i couldn't think straight so i said i don't know yet somebody i'm talking to right now you don't know yet so i thought i would bring before you this morning somebody who had already been through it and unless you've been stoned half to death and snake bitten and sailed on ships at shipwrecked and you had to float across on broken pieces unless you have spent years locked up in a cold grotto in a cave in a jail cell begging for a coat then whatever else you're suffering with cannot compare to the testimony of the apostle for the man that i bring before you today had him doing all of that and he was still thinking about it before i reckon [Laughter] i reckon i stood over my mother's grave and i reckon i stood in the hospital with her trying to make sure she understood the difference between me and my brother and i reckon i watched my baby girl give birth to a baby boy and i reckon there are moments in your life where you're still counting it all up and i came to tell you don't stop counting because god won't be satisfied until your assets outweigh your liabilities god won't stop until your assets outweigh your liabilities i came to tell you that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed not on us not our jewelry not our watches not our car but the glory in us is a direct result of the sufferings of this present time and that's why i tell hell it was good for me that i was afflicted if i had not been afflicted i wouldn't have the power to stand where i'm standing right now it was good for me that people didn't help me it was good for me that i had to crawl through the crowd to touch the hill it was good for me made me better it made me wiser made me stronger made me tougher made me more resolute that i ain't gonna let no devil just have what god gave me i paid too much to get where i am right now it was good for me that it didn't come easy it was good for me that i had to sweat for it and crawl for it and pray for it and do without to get it because it made me appreciate it my god is a god a prophet my god is a god of profitability he is a god of what you got left why over and over again in the scriptures we see god dealing not just his profits and losses and assets and liability but over and over again we see a god who thinks about profit i won't just give you enough oil to pay off your debts i'll give you enough oil that you can live off of the rest i won't just take your two fish five loaves of bread and feed the five thousand i'll give you such profits you'll have twelve baskets full left and your problem will be how can we get this back home i am not just a god that opens up the windows of heaven but i'll pour you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive i am a god a profitability and every time he ran into one of his servants that were not profitable he cursed them for being an unprofitable servant i came to tell you this sunday morning that god's gonna get something out of your agony and god's gonna get something out of your pain and god's gonna get something out of your loneliness and god's gonna get something out of your distress and god's going to get something out of your despair and god's going to get something out of every tear that you ever shed in your life and god is going to reap something out of your childhood and god is going to bring something out of your pain and your fullness and your depression and your confusion for i reckon i reckon i reckon so i want to challenge you to do an audit on your life and judge nothing before it's time but judge the righteous judgment and the righteous judgment takes time it took me years to answer that question finally as i got older and my hair got white i walked up to him one day and i said it was worth it i didn't answer that the first decade i didn't answer in the second decade finally i came along and said it was worth it for the glory that shall be revealed in us is so worth it i'm almost closing here but i want you to understand that paul did not start this text out talking about suffering and he didn't start out talking about this present time and he didn't started out talking about i reckon he started it out telling me that i was a joint heir with christ that i was an heir with christ in god that i had an inheritance laid up for me that there was something that god was going to give me that was so beyond me that i was a joint heir not just an air but a joint heir with jesus can you imagine being a joint heir with jesus christ a joint heir means everything he inherits i inherited two good god already and because he knew that he was an hair of god and a joint heir with jesus christ he had to throw that into the audit he had to throw into the heart that if god before you he's more than the world against you he had to throw it in the audit that there is no sickness in jesus and there is no failure in jesus and there is no pain in jesus and there is no despair in jesus name if i am a joy with jesus then i reckon i should just knock the scale over there's no comparison there is no comparison between what god has for you and what you are going through i'm going to say that again there is no comparison it doesn't even measure out what god has for you in comparison to what you're going through so i want to tell you right where i am today that weeping may endure for night joy [Music] in the morning and i want to challenge you don't count in a vacuum of emotional despair or intellectual complexities don't count it in the vacuum of one season don't count it by the rocks they throw at you don't count it by the snake that bit you don't count it by the marks in your body keep on counting till you come to a prophet if you keep on god will open up the windows of heaven and pull you out of blessing you won't have room enough to receive if you keep hollering after a while he'll make your enemies your footstools if you keep on counting he won't just make you a conqueror he'll make you more than a conqueror if you keep on counting if you keep on counting he'll turn the whole thing around if you keep on counting he'll bring you out on top if you keep on counting the last shall be first the tail will be the head if you keep on counting you'll get up and walk away heal while jesus is trying to figure out who touched me you'll walk away here if you keep hard i got your counter holder i got to count it over i got the counter i got the counter i gotta count it all up double i do count double i'm not through counting i won't stop counting till i get everything god promised me i won't stop counting until i become the head and not the tail i won't stop counting until he baptizes me in wisdom and glory i'll stop counting till i get to the end of my story and i reckon that the sufferings of this present world i'm preaching to every suffering saint watching me right now keep counting this season will pass this moment of inconvenience will pass this season of shame and disgrace will pass this season of mockery will pass the hoses will run out of water and the policemen will run out of blows and the crowd will run out of rocks and you'll still be standing if you count it all up stand there and count it all up until god vindicates you count it all up till you get a crown for everything you went through count it all up until god sets before you an open door count it all up until the child that broke your heart comes back to wipe your head tell it all up until those who said you were nobody want to be mentored by you just keep on counting till you count it all up count it all up till that girl is preaching the gospel count it all up until she's running the company count it all up until that boy goes back to college count it all up and make the enemy pale for every night you like to die [Music] david said the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear it's obvious he's in a battle the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid with the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat of my flesh they stumbled and filled the hosts shouldn't camp against me my heart shall not fear the wash should rise against me and this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life for the time and the time and the time and the time and the time in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion and the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set me upon a rock and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me i will sing yeah i will sing praises unto my god hear oh lord when i cry with my voice when i'm down now lord have my stay all above me and answer me for when thou said is seeking my face my heart said unto thee thy face lord will i seek when my mother my own mother and my own father forsake me then the lord the lord will take me up if you reject me the lord will take me up if you leave me the lord will take me up if you say i'm a nothing and a nobody the lord will take me up if i don't get in your clique or in your club that's all right the lord will take me up when my mother and father forsake me the lord will he's gonna take me up he's gonna vindicate me he's gonna balance my books he's gonna have the last say he's gonna have the last word and then in a human moment of transparency the king says i would have fainted [Music] i would have fainted had not i believed [Music] to see the goodness of the lord not after i get to heaven not when i see saint peter not when i stand around the crystal not when i stand at the sea of glass not when i see the 24 elders but i would have fainted had my life believed to see the goodness of the lord check this out baby in the land of the living and he closes it out encouraging himself saying wait on the lord wait on the line i'm not too thinking about it wait on the line i'm still adding it all up wait on the line i'm about to count it yet wait all the lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say ha won't he do it won't he strengthen you what is stripping you what are they doing wait on the lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say he shall tie up wait don't pull the trigger wait don't slam the door wait don't throw away the business wait don't give up on your child wait don't give up on your dream wait on the lord and build the courage and he shall strengthen that heart wait i say on the lord so as i close my moment with you today my advice my wisdom my experience necessitates that i tell you to count it all up [Music] it might not seem worth it right now you may have to cry a little while longer you may have to downsize you may have to bear the shame of thoughtless people who say mean and cruel things but keep counting [Music] after a while the auditor himself will reconcile what you are reckoning about until then hold your head up even when your blood is streaming down your face [Music] hold your back straight even though they hit you right in the middle of your spine walk like you are somebody even though they spat in your face straighten your clothes on yourself even though they wet from the hoses and the pain you bore hold your head up and walk through the garden like you've never been to the cross walk right amongst people who have never suffered what you've been through and to the point they don't even know that you just came down off a cross hold your head up in a storefront that you can't fill up hold your head up until he gives you beauty for ashes all of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness i feel the holy spirit ruin you wooing you to a place of renewal and refreshing i feel don't be ashamed don't be ashamed get right down on your knees right in front of your computer i don't care what it looks like i don't care what the rest of the family thinks about you i don't care i don't care what it looks like i feel god talking to you right now because you needed this encouragement so bad because of this present time in this present time you're wounded in this present time you're hurting in this present time in this present time you can't pay your bills in this present time you can't see your way clear in this present time your mama is dead in this present time you lost your husband y'all lived together for a lifetime and he's gone he's dead he's left he's quit he's moved at this present time grandma is raising her second set of kids but that god would think enough for you to send you a word of encouragement ought to knock you down to your knees and throw your hands up in the air and tell god yes i will trust you i will follow you in spite of this present time i will count it all up i will count it all joy when i'm falsely accused and they say all matter of evil against me i'll still count it all too because god sent me a word this sunday morning that told me that as bad as this present time is it does not compare to what's coming behind it told my wife the other day i said something amazing must be coming behind this [Music] something so awesome that hell is nervous and demons are trembled some so great something so incredible that satan has opened up the gates of hell to try to attack this whole world leave our run out see what the end school [Music] i'ma count it all up how about you i want to pray for you right now i want to pray for your situation i want to pray for your need i want to pray for your secrets i want to pray for the thing you never told anybody about [Music] i want to pray for what keeps you up at night [Music] and what makes you groan inside of yourself i want to pray for the tears that run across the bridge of your nose at three o'clock in the morning that nobody ever saw and you cover it carefully with makeup in the morning though your eyes are red from crying in the night i want to pray for you for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time [Music] it ain't even worth comparing to the joy that shall be revealed i want to pray that your faith fail you not and that you hold on to god and that you keep on singing and keep on praying i want to pray that you dance again i mean dance in the rain i mean ridiculous dancing i mean dancing in the rain laughing in the wind with your hair all over your head i want to pray that your joy can i pray with you i'm not trying to be your therapist i may not even be your pastor but i'm who god sent today father right now with a bow down head and a broken heart [Music] i lift up your wounded children your stone relation lacerated tattered torn wounded souls of men who have incurred blows they can't even tell anybody about that were thrown at them and they have been hidden in places that they don't even understand why me i bring them to you i bring the sick and the wounded and the hurt and the frightened and the fearful i bring them to you because you're the master physician [Music] and i ask you to test it with the strength that they need to endure this present time i ask you to give them the insight to know that this is just a present time it's not the future it's just this [Music] present time and give them the boldness to get back up again when everybody thought they was dead and wiped the blood off for their face and keep on doing what you told them to do like until all the books are settled [Music] until the account is reconciled until the audit is completed until down to the last penny you have balanced out you said in your word that you caught our tears in a vow you weigh them in a scale you can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities [Music] victory is coming [Music] victory is coming victory is coming in jesus name not mine not john lewis no not paul not apollos not matthew james or john but in the name that has been exalted above every name that at the name of jesus everyday shall bow and every tongue shall confess in the name of jesus [Music] i call it done amen [Music] and amen again i am bishop td jinx i am the same pastor of paul's house and i approve this message [Music] now god bless you now god bless you now god king now god make his face to shine upon you now god comforts you in his grace now god rock you in his arms [Music] now unto him it's able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the coming of his glory to the only wise god our father be glory dominion power world without him throughout all ages all of them the good and the bad amen amen [Music] amen you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 441,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, Count it all up, responding to pain through faith, how to deal with pain through faith
Id: 1EWU_ImYFh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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