Rod Parsley - Repairers of the Breach

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we're gonna rebuild the bridge not only are we gonna rebuild it we're gonna keep watch over it this is our bridge this is our gospel and I've had enough of the devil steel in its power out of the midst of the church [Music] but I've got news for you in every generation God has had a remnant a Holy Ghost fire baptized remnant and he's got one in this generation we come to the kingdom for such a time as this and we have sat by and let the power of the gospel the power of speaking in other tongues the power of laying hands on the sick we have let the devil come along and steal it out of the myths of even Pentecostal churches and in the name of Jesus there is a group of people that are gonna raise their hand and take it back [Applause] [Music] all right let's give a big hand come on let's stand to our feet and welcome pastor rod parsley one more time [Applause] would you thank God for one of the greatest visionaries in the world today Pastor Brian bulb and miss Natalie and the entire the entire City Harvest team would you do it come on I mean embarrassing it just embarrassing does it bear us God preserved you for a reason and you have not yet begun to see the fulfillment of even what it has for you this is only a portion says the Lord this is a cupful this is putting your toe in the water but get ready says God because you're about to jump in an ocean you're about to be overflowed with the anointing and the glory of God and everything you set your hand to shall prosper and a new house for you just because I am says the Lord is on its way if as you add show [Applause] run up here and clean my glasses for them we'll need it if you have a Bible turn it to Isaiah chapter 50 Isaiah chapter 58 I I have been in the presence of God in an unusual way to stand before you tonight I I need the help of God I need the grace of God I need His mercy I need him to order words in heaven and out of them over lips of clay I need the anointing of the Holy Spirit I need the power of God to be released so that every word finds its mark God would you help me tonight it preach like a dying man to dying men would you help us to preach tonight with eternity in view may you heal us of our myopathy may it cause us to see beyond ourselves resurrect yourself bare your right arm flex your mighty muscle be God all by yourself in the name of your Christ who purchased it all we pray and we give you the things somebody shout hallelujah Isaiah chapter 58 are you there Isaiah chapter 58 he would go first one cry loud okay I have to fix you I'm an audience participation preacher what does that mean I'm the only preacher you know that not only allows you to but won't preach unless you do talk back to me now the only reason to have a body how many of you got a body clap your hands let me know you got about hey stand up let me know you got about it keep clapping somebody wave and let me know you got about it somebody's shout let me know you got a voice it's been a year and a half unable to say a word where the enemy had attacked my life two years ago with vocal cord cancer and so folks wonder why I talk so loud why I shout I shout cuz I can cuz every time I shout the adversary understands can't touch this shove your neighbor and say you can't touch this lift your hands up in the air and let God know the adversary can't touch you somebody's about to get a passing through anointing right now somebody's about to find out that every adversary every principality every power the rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places demon spirits every sickness disease pain malady malfunction the overriding influence of your past into your present denying you the destiny of your future is bound in the name of Jesus Christ and you are loosed somebody shout tonight I'm free the only reason to have a body is to express the life in it if I cut my hand off and put it back there at my product table and put it in a shoe box laying on cotton how many of you would want to come shake my hand nobody you wouldn't want to shake that dead bloody hand laying in a shoe box why because you only have significance hear me city reach you only have significance by what you are connected to our unity does not make you less it makes us more I'm preaching before you even know it sit I'm hitting you right now the only reason now religion will tell you to be quiet religion will tell you it doesn't have to be loud but I just gave you a command from God Isaiah the prophet down through the quarters of time with prophetic voice speaks loudly to you right now and tells you cry loud no he said make some he said make some noise whether you're a Pittsburgh where the Europe Pittsburgh Steeler fan or Europe see how quick they shout it maybe you're a Dallas Cowboy fan in Dallas fans I'm gonna zekiel elephant but anyway anybody a Philadelphia Eagles fan Oh got a grouping y'all I see how many you Jesus fans no no don't panic cake this is not the Opera and this iddin in some dead cold dried up by the roots church we are the born-again elect of God and we are finding our voice and it's not a whimper it's a shout the only reason to have a body is what is to express the life in it say it with me the only reason to have a body to express the life in it so you wouldn't shake my hand if it was severed from my body because it's absent life but when I came in this building everybody sticking out their hand I had to wash the handshake off because I don't know what kind of germs you might be carrying I keep me one of those little what squirted on your hands things you know so I've washed a hand shake off amen so here's a question that I have for you if the same spirit that's what your Bible said the same spirit not a different spirit not a third cousin removed twice by marriage the same spirit that invaded the borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea and raised to life again the three day dead body of the Prince of God if that spirit dwells in you right now then why don't you give expression to the light that's injured get out of your seat and go tell eight people I'm full of the Spirit of God go do it learn to talk I feel something up in the other night [Music] the others accountants some of you only got three I said eh I said eh be nice to notice them introduce yourself to him complement them excuse yourself and move on bow then straight up in here I'm full of the life of God come on I'm full of the life of God I'm not gonna be I am full of the life of God I'm a Holy Ghost terrorist the devil gets nervous when I wake up in the morning runs to his phone booth and dials 9-1-1 saying my got the help again you can be seated I got all that out of cry loud don't ever let anybody tell you to shut up don't ever let anybody tell you to back down don't ever let anybody tell you it's too loud in church in a media proximity to the throne of God there are 400 billion cherubim within eyesight 400 billion cherubim and the Bible says that one of them that whispers makes the foundations of heaven shake but the Bible says they're not whispering and they're 400 billion of them the Bible says they are screaming with a loud voice Hosanna hallelujah to the lamb somebody join them here we go cry loud spare not lift up your voice like a piccolo lift up your voice like a triangle lift up your voice like the loudest instrument known the shofar lift up your voice like a trumpet I want to preach there all night lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sin now the minute I get to that everybody's like who everybody wants to start backing up why because they interpret it from a fallen nature negative perspective God's not telling his prophets to point out people's sin cuz he's mad at him God is telling his prophets to point out people's sin so they can get forgiven of it and set free from it I thought I had a half a church in anyway so preachers stop pointing out people's sin they stop preaching about sin they tell you in all the church grow seminars not to talk about sin they tell you to counsel about it in home meetings are in the office sometime when everything's nice and quiet the problem with that is it's not in the Bible [Applause] what's in the Bible is these signs shall follow those who believe in my name number one they cast out Devils number two they speak with other tongues number three they take up serpents there's the devil twice in five words they take up serpents if they drink any deadly things shall not harm them and they lay hands on the sick and they recover so when we talk about sin we don't do it for the purpose of beating the people over the head but rather of pointing out to them that if they continue in that kind of a lifestyle it's gonna kill their body it's going to destroy their mind and when the wholeness is over they're going to spend eternity in hell so it is not a negative statement it is a positive statement and preacher hear me tonight cry loud spare not and show people their sin unashamedly I don't know if you're gonna shout in the dominant let key without sin remain silent [Applause] let he that has been forgiven sin shout unto God with a voice it's all right not to my text my Texas voice verse 12 drop down there I'll skip 11 verses just because I can verse 12 they that shall be of you look at your neighbor look at your neighbor size them up okay look look at y'all have a neighbor size them up look at him till they get nervous and start giggling look at him cuz cuz what he just pointed out to you is he ain't talking about everybody they that shall be of you he's not talking to everybody he's talking to people watch me of a certain DNA every preachers not your DNA every pastor is not your DNA every music director is not your DNA we could say it this way they're not your cup of tea but there are those who are of you and it doesn't take long to recognize them when I walked in this room tonight I turned to my daughter and I said these are folks [Applause] I don't want I'm sorry I don't want to hang out with men what's up in 30 minutes a day filing a fingernails I don't want to hang out with that I don't want to hang out with people that when we're singing worship sit down and play on the phone I don't want I want somebody to get in a foxhole with that I know has been in a foxhole before and came out on the victory oh sit down sit down sit down I wanna I wanna hang with some buddies what's got some scars I want to hang out with somebody that knows they don't have it all right yet I wanna hang out with folks that still need the blood I wanna hang out with folks that still need a touch of God on their life I wanna hang out with some desperate people who that are said desperate for God that they can't take it [Applause] so he says they there shall be of the okay what are they going to do they are going to build the old waste places the devil is a liar they shall build the old waste places they shall do you know where you came from is a direct indicator of where you're anointed to go do you know that your leader that you're connected to is a direct picture of your future you want to be broke hangout around a broke leader you want to have no power with God hang around those that don't have any power with God you want you don't want you don't want to walk on the high places you don't want to soar like an eagle to hang out with turkeys come on now I promise Brian I say come on now come on your leader your leaders are an exact picture of your future or you shouldn't be Leah following them because they can only take you where they've been I'm not preaching to you something I don't know about I'm preaching to you something I've walked out for 40 years and I can tell you this I have no need for Pentecostal religion any more than I do a Shinto shrine or a Hindu cow you didn't hear what I just said to you I pray God deliver us from religion because through the traditions of men that Bible says you make void the word of the Living God I got a whole lot of preaching to do tonight and I got a short time today by the way that's not a sermon I'm pre sermons give me that little green book right yonder I thought I told him to leave it up here give this little green book and you know you're like this little green book you don't know you don't know what's in it one of our valor Christian college students came up to me I'd like to say I was having a salad at Panera Bread but I was having chicken and dumplings at Cracker Barrel and from that coca-cola pie okay coca-cola cake your never had nerman you never had no coca-cola cake somebody called Cracker Barrel telling them bringing a thousand people over there night this anyway this Bible college student walked up to me in the Cracker Barrel and he started weeping and he said I've got to go to my car I'm on my way to Africa to preach which he was held a Great Crusade there he said what's wrong Oh PIM he said he must not be God he said I got something in my car that I want to I want to give you before I go to Africa I said all right run out there and get it and he came back with this book now this book was published in 1899 how many of you were born then you know 1899 this book was published now before I read it to you I want to I want to share a scripture with you it crazy ass T's chapter 1 verse 9 what has been will be again what has been done will be done again there is nothing new Under the Sun we've got a whole breed of church planters pastors churchmen church women who want to run around and act like and tell everybody they got a new thing I knew it get quiet right now you want me to get back to the Spirit of God and you know that's different okay because what is new is a sales gimmick you're being quiet new and improved Tide laundry detergent gets new and improved every 30 days why because they know it attracts people to buy it just like fresh on a menu it's the same old salad but they can't say salad they got us a fresh salad cuz they don't want to put on their stabl salad they don't want to put on their old turkey right they don't want to put on their cheap ground beef are they trying to sell you something and preachers sometimes the easiest folk in the world to sell a bill of goods to you know why cuz they have such a desire for God they want to do what's right they want to be successful they want to be pleasing to God they want the people to come they want the people to get saved at least some of them right so new is really a fictitious term in regard to what God's called you to do because the book said and the book says and they are right the book says and the book is right and they are wrong not this book the Bible the Bible says there's nothing new Under the Sun we get very very confused because watch watch me we want to be relevant quiet up in here in this backslidden Presbyterian Church listen just having fun because what I intend to do I intend to build that gospel bridge back that's what I intended I've been doing it for 40 years and I'm not about to turn around now and here's what I know there's much to be gained by a return to the discarded values of the past here's what I need to tell you if it worked for a a alan it'll probably work for you if it worked for Paul it'll probably work for you so wear your handkerchiefs and aprons oh I know you think that's offensive you think nobody would come to your church if you started passing out of handkerchiefs I'm talking to somebody right now but we got to be quiet and we can only have church for 45 minutes no timeout Paul could not attend your church because he preached so long that a cat fell off the roof and broke his neck well yeah but they won't come oh don't tell me that don't tell me that I can show you crowds of millions where they're holding church for 15 hours and people just keep circulating in I'm not saying your Sunday morning service ought to be 15 hours but what I am Telling You is you should not schedule out the Holy Spirit [Applause] then I did I did for Sunday serves that everybody already have multiple surfaces we are new we're cutting edge they have in five services and ain't one of them full so seems to me like they doing it for convenience to me people schedule you're not shouting it down now I don't care if you have fifteen services I'm just what I'm telling you is it's not new I had four Sunday services in nineteen hundred and eighty two eighty two yeah by running around now where we're cutting edge because we have multiple services then I just need to tell them I was doing multiple services when your mama was just a gleam and your dad is I do you understand me see I'm not I'm not being negative I just don't want us to get sold a bill of goods cuz what's gonna happen when the Holy Ghost falls in service number two and blind eyes go to pop and open and limbs start straightening out and the whole place gets baptized in the Holy Ghost and then we're gonna say oh sorry crowd number three got to get in [Applause] [Music] amen are you listening to me hallelujah I said hallelujah where's my book say there's nothing new Under the Sun I'm gonna prove it to you say build that bridge and you really want me to say build that bridge so this cat first of all he would not get invited to most churches because the title of his book is sinners of the Bible and we'll try again sinners of the Bible now how many want that Illustrated sermon sinners of the Bible it's 300 pages and what he starts talking about in it he's saying now the Sunday night service across America is as has historically been right historically that the evangelistic night you know that don't you brother how long you been in the in the in the kingdom of God at age 15 since age 15 and you're 65 65 that's a long time and he started shaking his head cuz he knows what I'm talking about everybody used to have a Sunday night service for one reason the lost that was it the lost now listen to me because this is good stuff man I can't tell this to most people but they my people damn they're not of me I got a feeling you of me whether you know it or not watch this he said now one of the great problems of the Christian Church in every denomination and in all parts of the country has been how to draw and keep a large congregation on Sunday nights most folk gave up on Sunday night long ago they gave up on midweek now they're just about to give up on Sunday morning am i boring you okay so so wait man this book was written in 1899 that is how many years ago a whole lot we do have a math class at valor but I didn't take it so yeah I just want you to get the comparison so he's saying he say look we're having problems getting folk to come to church he says a great many experiments have been tried think about today think about the church today a great many experiments have been tried sometimes it has been thought that people listen were prejudiced to the actual church building that's true today that's true today the number the number one place to plant a church is in a high school auditorium the number two place to plan the church is in a theater the number in an existing church building is like number eight why because we're in the midst of a generation that has a negative connotation to church and folk think that's new this is 1899 men they not only not a cell phone Dana phone it not only not an Internet they ain't got basketball yet listen listen pastor they're nothing new 1899 how are we gonna get a crowd well hell I'll tell you what we're gonna do they said well we'll try to instead of having Church in the church will rent out a theater I'm not telling if there's anything wrong with renting the theater I'm written free right now that's not my point my point is there's nothing new so what did I say oh yeah yeah prejudice even in a hall a theater or an opera house such experiments usually succeed for a time but have been without exception only of a temporary game in other places the service has been secularized secularized huh wonder what he means I think he tells us let's see to appear as little like a church service as possible okay so what else it said expensive musicians have been hired to catch the ear of the worldly multitude 1899 they built that bridge sometimes a popular entertainer is hired as the main attraction for the service you know actors actresses sports figures if I do this I can't see 1899 the discourse of the preacher is no longer called a sermon but a lecture or an address and is upon some popular worldly interest or sociology these experiments lasted sometimes a little longer but they also run their course in a very short while others have simply given up and despair and closed the church at night for many years I have been a pastor of a downtown of many downtown churches in large cities and during those years I have never failed to have the house overflowing on Sunday night the publishers of this volume have asked me to furnish them with a series of sunday night sermons running through autumn and winter this book is the result the sermons included in it were preached during the autumn and winter of 1898 and 1899 in the First Methodist Church Cleveland Ohio they were delivered to audiences that constantly overflow the seating capacity of the largest churches would you like to know his secret it wasn't entertainment it wasn't a light show the building didn't matter it was one thing he preached to sinners he preached dissenters he preached to the broken to the hurting to the desperate and when you read on you'll find out he didn't sugarcoat it he came right at them and all I want to encourage you to do tonight under God is stop don't let your church become an adoption agency from other churches because you're the new thing it's not about being new it's about getting the highways getting the hedges compel men and women to come in lay hands on the sick raise the dead cast out Devils and build God's kingdom somebody's stand up and give Him glory [Applause] [Music] are you having a good time are you having a good time [Applause] cry aloud spare not be seated do you understand I'm not against Elijah what I'm against is you feeling that you have to have one to build a church some folks won't start their church till they got 14 staff people come on till they got a light show - let me tell you what I had I had me myself and I and a Bible and a heart for God and a passion for lost people and at my first service we had 17 people show up in my backyard I didn't have a light show I didn't have a piano I didn't have an offering container or an offering to put in it but what I did have was the fire of God and an anointing and a call of God on my life and the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit have a light show but don't think it'll build your church go on television I'm on 14,000 stations for 30 years seven days a week that's not what built our ministry is this what you came for let let him know it's okay that he asked me to preach to make let him know so what I want to do is to go back and I'm gonna give you a year of sermon outlines in the next 15 minutes are you ready and if you preach them let me tell you what's gonna happen you're gonna have to build bigger altars what does that mean a place for people to get saved let me tell you what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to have somebody massage your left hand because the anointing of God does concern stood in such power that you're not gonna be able to pick up a pencil the next day let me tell you what's gonna happen you're about to have dreams and visions don't think it's all going to be wonderful people come to me all the time pastor rod lay your hands on me I want you unknowing so I say okay so I say okay stand up here okay I'm gonna give you my anointing you ready I pray that you have vocal cord cancer I pray that they hand you your three-year-old child and tell you that he will never know you're his father oh wait wait a minute you don't you don't want that I pray that seven times they call you into a room and tell you that you are never going to be able to get out of the financial crisis that you are in right now they're not only gonna take your church they're gonna take your home they're gonna take your parents home they're gonna take your car and you're not gonna have a penny left to your name [Music] how come you're not lining up I had already bound those words before I put my hand on you don't want my anointing you want what you see what you don't see is what produced it what you don't see is that I'm still married to the same woman for 31 years what you don't see is I don't have any little boys what you don't see as I pay my bills what you don't see is I refuse to lie what you don't see is the integrity what you don't see is me praying two hours in the morning and two hours at night would you don't see be seated you're not gonna leave here tonight thinking if I can just get an organist like elder Wendell play form the window [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you good boy if I had an organist like that whoo I could build it no no you couldn't no you couldn't if you think that's what you gotta have we give you plans city reach Network city harvest network will give you structure will give you covering will will pray for you will build you up will give you every tool known to man and you will fail unless you get the Holy Ghost and the Word of God for yourself some of the shop so I'm gonna give you what to preach you're ready get your notepad Oh hurry I only got 15 minutes how are you ready you ready we're gonna rebuild the bridge right we're gonna take lost hurting dying desperate deprave hurting hopeless hordes of humanity and we're going to get them from where they are we're going to get them across this thing called the gospel and we're gonna get them out the other side and then they're gonna turn around and do exactly the same thing that's the kingdom you ready so plank number one kindergarten PhD here's what to preach the bee ible [Music] did you get it the Bible from job to malechy not psychology not sociology not physics the Bible the Bible from Genesis to Revelation the Bible the oak of God planted in a force of eternity then it wines its roots around the Rock of Ages the Bible the Bible his word that is forever settled in heaven the Bible shall - Bible his word that cannot return to Him void but will accomplish everything that he sends it into the earth to do his word Psalm 107 verse 20 that he sent to heal us and deliver us from all our destruction the word forever settled in heaven the word that he holds above his name his word you can cast out devils with a big gasp if you just say him with a heart full of faith the Bible give me one of those professors up there here's what's leading the modern church give me a professor oh yeah Harry Emerson Fosdick just leave that up there he is the father of one full third of the current church movement this cat know who your daddy is know who your grandfather is would you read somebody's book find out who their pastor is and then find out who his pastor was and then find out who his pastor was a full third of the church is following the teachings of this man I'm not telling you which one I'm just telling you modern church movement here's what Professor Harry Emerson Fosdick talked to us there Harry I am a liberal in theology of course I do not believe in the virgin birth nor in the old fashioned doctrine of substitutionary atonement said he nor do I know any intelligent Christian minister who does a third of you been to people that follow his teaching seminars the other third of you watched and preached on TV and read their books you just don't know it but I know it and I wrote six books to counteract it still silent no more culturally incorrect living on our heads the cross one man one tree one Friday gone one man one tomb one Sunday the finale all six books to counteract his teaching that has infiltrated the modern church do you notice how little preaching there is on the blood in many circles how little preaching there is on the cross in many circles he has a buddy let me see his buddy Theodore Parker this guy this guy and kind of tell it in his eyes this guy you ready look what he says though he's the idea of sacrifice and atonement our barbarous and inhuman now if you really think you can identify pastors with twenty thirty forty thousand people in attendance that many in our ranks emulate look at the teaching the ideas of sacrifice and atonement our barbers and inhuman why do we speak of the death of Jesus of Nazareth he is not the central theme of our religion why do we not rather speak of Emerson or Immanuel Kant or Socrates one might just as well said he speak of the wool of the lamb as the blood I can put 15 books in front of you right now that echo that same sentiment that are in 70% of evangelical pastors bookshelves if God killed his own son how can we say he is love a bloodless gospel is a Christ less gospel and a Christ less gospel is a God less gospel and a gossip godless gospel is not a gospel at all I think I'm gonna stick with the word how about this get out of somebody's book and get in the 66 books he left you preach the book because the book is right and they are wrong if you're gonna put the word back in your preaching I mean you're gonna preach in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten Son of God if that's the gospel you're gonna preach stand up and scream for me to put that plank back can I give you another one can I give you another one they're telling me I got five minutes can I have 10 can I have 10 are you okay are you sure what time we have to be back in the morning okay okay if you if you're taking medicine at 9:00 you got five minutes in order to impact our society God is calling the body of Christ to rise far above the status quo of church normalcy we have lived in a culture where right has been wrong for so long that righteousness has now become the abnormal thing oh you too holy look I don't have to drink with you to get you free from oh it got quiet I don't have to get one toke over the line with you to cast that addictive spirit out of you I don't have to sit and watch some filth on a screen so you'll be my friend so I can put you up in front of the people and they all think I'm cool cuz I'm hanging with you [Applause] tell you who I'm hanging with the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost commended the remnant church at Thyatira because they had not experienced lene own not coming to the depths of Satan the devil has that inner circle in Church of darkened hearts to whom he is imparted the mysteries of iniquity in the depths of degradation and over a period of time these doctors of damnation have permeated the mindset of the church to the point that we now call evil good and good evil I say Shh ow it's just a it's just a world Harvest think [Applause] over a period of time these the stuffs permeated our minds we have we live in a nation that preserves nature and murders children that's our culture rights wrong wrongs write-ups down down sub we have the technology and know-how to build solid strong houses and beautiful church edifices but we have weak sick homes and even sicker churches we have the technology and know-how to conquer space but we can't conquer our own habits preacher you can't command somebody else's devil out when you still got some around we're stronger but we're not wiser we're smarter but we know less we go faster but we end up nowhere we preserve the whale and the whooping crane and murder and abuse our own children no this is the culture into which Christ has infused you this is what you're going out there to reach a door for Paris France to Fort Hood from the Arabian Peninsula to Orlando Florida from Las Vegas to some of Southerland Springs Texas from the polish politicians propagating perverted legislation to the street punk with an assault rifle to the so-called church member who shakes his fist at the commandments of a holy God to all the demonically deranged devotees of hardcore Satanism that come to us from the ranks of doctors and lawyers and politicians and schoolteachers [Music] homemakers Western civilization as you and I know it is currently under siege we have children living in our homes populating our schools attending our churches who are driven daily with destructive thoughts inspired by demon spirits and they just submit to you lovingly that they need more than a pinball machine youth group [Music] here's what I believe we gotta give them something better than what they can get out there don't try to be Disney you're never going to be don't try to be a Hollywood actor you're never going to be don't try to compete with the halftime show at the at the Super Bowl you're never going to do it but I want to make an announcement from this whole gospel bridge tonight they've got something that they cannot duplicate we've got something that they cannot counterfeit and we've got something they can never give the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] modern religion calls it a dysfunctional home and sends them to counseling but the Bible calls that a generational curse some of you were bound by them daddy hit the bottle and so did you mama hit the pipe and so did you daddy left mom and so did you daddy beat the children and so did you but I got good news for you are you ready I ready they're still a cross that bleeds there's still a king that redeems there's still a prayer that's heard and answered there is still a triumphant victorious Church of Jesus Christ against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail and don't look now but you're it we didn't come to take sides we came to take over we came we came to incite a riot sit down a minute that's the reason I want to hang out with you that's the reason I like Mark what's your name huh Brian Brian I like you man I like like I could hang out with you I'm not gonna drink a beer with you but I can hang out with you I drink of water with you I can hang out with you man we could talk about the things of God we could talk about what we've been through we could talk about where God brought us from we could talk about everybody gave up on us buddy him we can talk about being so low down we couldn't look up and see the bottom we could talk about being so broke we couldn't find the ends much less make a meet we could talk about when it reached down his hand for me we could talk about Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that's saved a wretch like me I once was lost and now I'm found I was blind and now I see I dare you to shout build that bridge preacher come on I dare you to shout build that bridge preacher I don't know what else we gonna preach about let's preach about let's preach about you know we already got to word we already got to cross how about them how about the blood how about what can wash away my sin what can make me whole again Oh precious ISM that washes white is no other fount I know nothing but them nothing but get on your feet and shout it nothing but the blood of Jesus now give him praise for it we're gonna preach be seasons we're gonna preach about a Roman sword being thrust into that side we're gonna preach about a red Rivlin of blood running down that naked side and dripping off his toes in the bloody pools on the earth we're gonna talk about that fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilt and stains we're gonna preach at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now when I don't have a dollar to change and now when she still says she's walking out and now when they say they're gonna cut the lights off in my new church and now when my donor fell through and I got bills to pay and no money and now when I don't have a light show and now when I don't have a good singer and now when I don't have a piano and now I'm happy all the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's uh let's preach about the one thing we all have in common and nobody wants to talk about the one thing we all have in common and nobody wants to talk about a sin thank you i'ma hang with you sin first month you're in your church preach the best sermon God gives you on sin so you can get all your lead team fixed right right toes down what you compromise to keep you'll lose anyway never never compromise to keep remember this you didn't really do anything to get the people to come you can't do anything to get them to stay your job is to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ without intimidation without fear without regard to men your job is to walk out there and say what God said to say to whoever God said to say it how he said to say it close your Bible walk off the platform and care less what anybody thought about it but God don't even ask did you like my message cuz if they say yes you get in pride if they say no you want to give up so just don't ask man I love to preach the preachers let's preach about sin let's preach about here's your text the wages of sin is death but you preach all day on but because everybody is in sin but they don't get saved because you don't preach to them we're afraid to say it so they stay bound but they keep coming to church and then God says in the judgement if you failed to warn the wicked man when he was in his wicked way his blood will I require at your hand you don't have to preach mean don't preach mean don't preach a hangry freedom from sin is the most positive message in the world if we bought the lie that it's negative and people won't come that's the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is the soul that sinneth it shall sin when it is finished is like a mouthful of gravel sin when it is finished will edit the tape sin when it is finished is like a mouthful of you think we should preach about sin and freedom from it okay I've got a hurry now how about um okay we'll skip right over this one how about John three you must be born again what you must be what if any man be in Christ he must go to three counseling services and for membership classes If any man be in Christ man some of us know when he reached way down for us because what nobody could get us out of the muck and mire that we were in then what nobody could set us free from what us had us bound there wasn't a doctor's doctor a lawyers law or counselors counselor that could help some of us but I got good news for you his name is Jesus [Applause] [Music] here's what people want dramatic irreversible undeniable unquestionable life change they don't want to act they don't want to join your club they don't want to have their name to your role they want what you got and the way you got it is the way you've got to give it to them and nobody can tell your story like you tell it come out from behind the veil preacher you know I had people I had people preachers like big name preachers like I know like I know all that a listers and I had someone will call me you shouldn't tell people you've got cancer they'll give up if I can't show them that I have to walk through the same hell that they have to walk through if I can't show them that I can hold on to God's Word if I can't show them that the doctors say tracheotomy that the doctors say breathing tube that the doctors say PICC line that the doctors say you may never speak again if I can't come out on the other side of that then they don't know they can shall I got a story shall I got a story okay I got a hurry we're gonna preach him how I don't care if you call it born again excuse me that's what Jesus called it but you can call it something else if you want to number five something that'll do for you what a phone booth did for Clark Kent the mighty baptism and the Holy Ghost to end fire I just want to drop the mic aren't you tired of a weak-kneed spineless milquetoast milksop evangelical Christianity don't you want to see some miracles right over here right over here right over here somebody shop build that bridge right over here Sunday night her lady came up she said I had my breasts removed I believe God two-thirds of the church went yeah right until the thing grew out right in front of them odda girl singing in the front line I had a girl singing in the front line she came up to me and tugged on my coat tell us when I used to wear a suit what I'm telling you is I can be relevant in a three-piece tailored suit where I can be relevant with tennis shoes and cut-up jeans and a blue jean jacket that's not what relevant is relevant is being connected to the issue and the issue is very simple you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself and the Great Commission go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature [Applause] that's relevant baby and I've preached it to presidents and I preached it to the homeless in the street and have never changed the message Jesus Saves heals and delivers [Applause] [Music] okay three of you got it the baptism in the Holy Ghost we could think about preaching about prayer prayer prayer let's try again prayer I don't pray cause I have to I pray cause I can't help it you get full of the Holy Ghost you have to make yourself stop praying be seated Blair how many times have you and your lover come to me and said you got to stop every day every day I got to stop what praying the average evangelical pastor in America prays eight minutes a day pray and watch heaven move pray and watch your church overflow pray and watch the sick be healed pray and watch your children be raised up with a stronger anointing than yours pray and you and your house shall be safe pray and the Spirit of God how many of you want me to build this bridge I'm bout done shall build that bridge all right what we gonna preach about we're gonna preach about prayer we will preach about the baptism in the Holy Ghost we won't preach about how about this one divine healing oh I got quiet you got quiet where the will of God is unknown perfect faith cannot exist where the will of God is known faith begins now he gave you his will and testament one thousand one hundred and sixty six pages of it it's called the Bible here's your first divine healing text beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers if it did heal he does--he he's the same yesterday today and forever carry you a bottle of oil in one pocket and a handkerchief in the other and every person you run into that says when you say how you feeling today rehearse every ache and pain in their body say I've got just the thing for you isaiah 53:5 first Peter 2:24 says he was wounded for your transgressions bruised for your iniquities the chastisement of your peace was laid upon him and with him by His stripes you were in are healed so I got to Isle and I've got a prayer call and I'm giving you seven days to be healed [Music] [Music] pray for the sick pray for the sick I rebuke fear from you right now I see it I see it all hanging over your heads I see it fear you know what you're afraid of you're afraid it won't happen you're afraid that it won't happen good thing Michael Jordan didn't think that way he missed 30 shots to everyone he made it's not your responsibility to heal anybody you can't it's your responsibility to lay hands on the sick and believe for them to be healed and then turn and walk away and don't even look are you listening to me stop putting the pressure on you you can't produce anything but the greater one lives in you shall build that bridge I [Applause] don't know what do you want you let's preach about uh okay okay I'll skip over this one deliverance I'm gonna give you your first sermon Luke 9 1 behold I give you power over all devils and to cure diseases Luke 10:19 behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means arm you James chapter 4 resist the devil and he will flee from you shall I continue well I don't know about that well Jesus preached three times more on deliverance than he did any other subject there is a devil loose you know maybe I better preach a whole sermon on that there's a devil loose folks what makes a man climb up 36 floors or whatever it was it started opening where are you safe are you safe in the mall no are you safe at a concert no are you safe walking down the street from somebody driving a truck through the crowd no are you safe at church found that out last week doing you know where you're safe under the Ark of safety and telling the devil you can't touch this my life is hidden with God in Christ Jesus you want to build this bridge okay okay here's your first sermon line them all up and shout these two words one two three come out try it again one two three you lyin devil Jew spirit of witchcraft do you addictive spirit your religious spirit you spirit of sickness come [Applause] [Music] shall build this bridge [Applause] [Music] do I have any more uh I got a Bible full uh how about we preach on the rapture oh we don't get into theological things at our church really I've got a tape series out there I buried it under those three crosses I got a tape series and a book I put it in there for all the folk gonna miss the rapture so when they start bombarding in this church there are directions out there this is what to do if you miss the rapture because he's coming well I don't believe that well that's okay I'll just ask God I'll just say God when you split the eastern sky and the Magnificent magnitude of your perfect person sweeps out from north to south and east to west when you come in for meet Jesus and I'm going to meet you in the air just give me about 10 seconds hang time cuz I want to wave goodbye to all the folk what's said there was no rapture [Music] first Thessalonians chapter 4 that's your first sermon 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 hallelujah look it up for yourself he's coming faster than the fleetest stuff ever struck a pavement or a wheel ever turned on an axle he's coming he's coming from north to south and east to west and if your blood bought and blood washed gravity's gonna lose its hold on you you're gonna leave this planet cars and airplanes are gonna veer off course the long whip of his crash of his whips gonna billow out like the crash of a thousand cannons the black hairs on the head of damnation are gonna grow light with horror and I'm gonna go meet him in the air thus says the Word of God you want me to build this bridge perhaps we should preach about heaven a place where we leap like a heart over the everlasting Hills of God's glory to suffer no more sign no more cry no more die no more perhaps we should preach about that other place excuse me while I perspire if I don't I'll explode let's preach about eternity let's preach about a place where your Bible says your nerves become nothing more than strings upon which Satan will play the diabolical tune of hell's unalterable lament let's preach about a place where your veins become nothing more than highways for the hot feet of pain to travel let's talk about a place where your Bible says the smoke of their torment rises up under the nostrils of God forever now for those of you who would say you could never build the church in a ministry that way I might encourage you to just look around hell is real one of those guys that I showed you up there is the father the grandfather of the modern hell is not a real place he's the one that started that lie hell is real this is my closing it will take 120 seconds when I started it was a man named mr. piece oddly enough that was his real name mr. piece he was the most notorious gangster in London infamy he had raped women he had strangled children he had commit a saint committed heinous crimes beyond description mr. piece was tried sentenced to death by hanging a preacher came to lead him out of his cell into the gallows on the way the preacher inadvertently read a scripture that had the word Hill in it mr. piece a huge man reached up and grabbed that preacher by the shoulder and spun him around and said do you believe that preacher will believe what stuttered the preacher do you believe in the reality of a place called Hill the preacher not knowing what to do embarrassed by the crowd said well I suppose I do at which time mr. Pease grabbed him and threw him to the ground and said if I believed in a place like that if I believed in a place of the eternal incarceration of the doomed and Damned hopeless and helpless souls of men for eternity though the road from the north of England to the south be paved with broken and jagged glass upon my hands and knees would I crawl if by chance I might save one man such may we not forget why he called us after all because with all of our homiletics and all of our preaching all of our seminars all of our conferences if we forget about hell we forgotten it Oh father give us men give us women who understand that in order to save the human family from hell you gave your only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ you raised him up from the dead that whosoever would just believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life for you came not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved I thank you for it in Jesus name Amen would somebody just stand and shout we're gonna build that bridge come on somebody
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 3,089
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit
Id: KYqT8RbcAlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 56sec (5396 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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