Rod Parsley and Antonio Burruoughs - The Apostle and the Prophet

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hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the holy name of God forever who are you ready are you ready so you put your watch in your pocket hallelujah we're not bound by time we get bound by time God's bound by it he may do everything he wants to do in the next 10 minutes it may take him the next three hours I don't know and I don't particularly care all I care about is seeing you become the believer God intends you to be not some weak need milk soft milk toast evangelical doesn't understand the moving of the Spirit of God not one time in all those things prophet Burroughs I went to everyone not one time did I ever see them talk about knowing how to be sensitive in the Holy Spirit I've had people move from Sweden moved from the England moved from the islands of the sea move in here to do nothing but sit and watch me move in the spirit because they don't know how they had to preach their little sermon and that's all they can do they haven't learned the moving of the Holy Spirit and if somebody on the front row wasn't children their notes they'd lose that too but there's a new way of coming I thought I heard some valid preachers all right I love him so much we talk either on social media or text or something virtually every day I watch him everywhere he goes and the anointing is just snowballing it's just getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger let me teach you young men something let me teach you something you only have significance as a result of that to which you are connected I reach out my hand to shake hands with you most of you would shake my hand you take my name but if I cut my hand off and just flopped it over there to you you wouldn't grab that why it's only significant because of what it's attached to why it's cut off from the heart it's cut off from the bay anyway you know him you love him and you are gonna get blessed tonight our prophet and Antonio Perot [Applause] [Music] come on give the Lord a mighty hand of praise come on you can do better than that give him a mighty mighty mighty head to praise hallelujah revival is happening right now I said revival is happening right now talk to Pastor few hours in the back and he said something that I'm never gonna forget as long as I live he said too many of us are looking for a revival he said but if you really want to know what revival is he said you can sum it up in one word Jesus if you get Jesus wherever you take Jesus souls will be saved bodies will be healed the lame can walk the black can see the dump get tall come on you can get Jesus people could be passed out just family or put back together if you can just Jesus's revival we messing around two-million folks that don't have Jesus and would Normandy came in and that's why it was [Applause] [Applause] you thought it was coming through your favorite preacher but God will use the believers I shall follow them that believe are they any believers in here tonight tell you back to give about a pound of down the shouted get a knife we don't normally just turn this they are Columbus upside down and upside down we'll take a thousand estate that they should love the world [Applause] my heart my heart my respect tonight amen is for is to and his with pastor rod parsley I honor this man of God I respect him amen I thank God for his life for his ministry for his family because everything that he's attached to praise God it bears the kingdom and I want my life I want my ministry I want my family to be just like what I'm seeing in him come on is there anybody else here besides me that got good sense [Applause] and we're so honored tonight praise God to be here at world Harvest Church certainly to lady Joni parsley tonight we thank God for her and to praise God their offspring and the seed tonight we thank God for Ashton Ashton tonight amen Ashton Blair and we certainly want to thank God tonight every time I get ready to talk about his son I might this listening Austin Ashton and Austin that's what happened you name everybody with the same letters like I did only Levitt of my children name start with a so I sometimes I just say hey you come here my oldest son is here with me tonight y'all give him a great big god bless Jesus influenced by the ministry he's not looking for a wife he got one amen I'm gonna bill granddad and not too many more months from now I'm just prophesied that's all I'm just promised I don't want to scare him I just promise that even I do want to thank dr. light right you're standing I'm gonna get into this word but I do want to thank God tonight for one of my best friends on the planet tonight who flew in and just want to be a part of the services tonight I won't pastor Larry Stacey Murray to come down just one moment and I put your hands together let's thank God tonight this man of God so good to have you tonight this man of God if you pastor rod parsley Google or asked his girlfriend Siri about the word righteousness I got that from you then his picture is beside the word righteousness this is a holy man of God a man a praying man he prays all the time praise God he pastors to churches amen in in Hinesville Georgia and Savannah Georgia and I love him with my whole heart and I want the world to know tonight praise God that I love me some Larry Stacy Murray amen and if honor tonight praise God calls his wife his wife and I have great camaraderie and great relationship and his wife and my wife and our families but he's here tonight pastor Murray I know I'm putting you on the spot but can you take about 60 seconds and though it's gonna be hard cuz you a Church of God in Christ preacher but can you take about 60 seconds and whatever the Lord put on your heart can you just kind of share that Amen what's the Lord been talking to you about well first of all I'm so glad that I'm here and I'm glad to be connected because I see who you are connected to that's the parsley I really believe in my heart that it's divine for me to be here and this is this is the reason why I was sharing this with prophet today there are some people that you know that love you dearly and they're friends of mine one pastor Katrina Deason in Hinesville and I was having a conversation with her and she began to talk with me and share with me her experiences with pastor rod and and she said to me your mother she was doing a revival in California and she acts past a decent to come to California to pray and she said these were as pastor decent I don't know how so decent said to her mother I don't know if I can make it and she said to pass the decent and I would never forget this if your faith does not allow you to go to California or to come to California shut that church down that's what mother parsley said I'll never forget it and then I was talking with Bishop Donald battle I visited his church and outside of his church there's a little monument there dedicated to pastor rod parsley and shortly out for then prophet Burroughs called me an extended invitation for me to come here I said this is divine and then after being here tonight and hearing the boldness I've always watched you on television but to hear you talk about jelly back preachers because some of these preachers that are pastoring these churches they're in sin they are not safe they don't have the Holy Ghost they're sleeping around they got kids in the pulpit kids on the Buell's they're married and secretaries and God is not pleased so when I came here and just been here only a few minutes my life has changed my life has changed I'm not leaving here tonight without getting what I came here for I did come all the way from Georgia just to be here but I came to get something and I'm going back to Georgia with it or without it my god I knew I was in trouble when I gave him the mic launcher grab somebody tell them don't you dare leave without it tonight come on put some grip in your boys tell them don't you dare leave tonight without it thank you so much dr. burr we thank you so much tonight [Applause] I feel it upon me tonight my personal in I feel it right now and now that I got my knife you ready to help you get yours [Applause] [Music] dr. Marie thank you once again that was the dr. Murray's fly in this morning but profit Steven chestnut from North Carolina flew in this morning waved a hand profit chestnut a man this young man's preaching and traveling all over the nations and he said I just want to be where you are I want to be in that service because I'm trusting God and I just want to be there well he flew in this morning praise God and got hotel and Tracy said I won't rest before service and I'm gonna come tonight so I can dance he's here tonight praise God from North Carolina evangelist John Tavia Bellamy from Lakeland Florida is in the house tonight flew in this morning got a room he's here tonight this young man is sought after literally sought after all over the world praise God he has a great book that's out amen god is blessing him he's a businessman he is the farmer just the immediate farmer pastor executive for pastor Paul of white a man he's here with us tonight give him a great big God bless you it's some great young men praise God in the land they ain't neither one of them married I'm just trying to see that's awful just trying to see and both of a rich praise God a man take your seat let me help you my wife sends her regards she's watching I know she's been screaming ever since pastor parsley is up now that I'm up she's probably sleeping but I honor my wife tonight all of my children that are watching from Boston all the way to Miami Florida thank God for them tonight I'm not gonna hold you don't worry but I feel in anointing there's a deposit here I feel my personal anointing rising very very strongly tonight I told you when I was here last if you keep your eyes on me just for the next few moments I told you the last time that I was here that when you see me coming one of two things or both things are going to happen number one I'm gonna have an anointing that is uniquely designed from God to turn people's heart back to God and leadership that's my anointing number two that's gonna happen the anointing of number one's gonna happen or if that don't happen or rip that anointing I also have an anointing of Supernatural debt cancellation it's on my life and when God made me debt-free in 2009 I said God why'd you do that he said I did it because I'm gonna send you around the world with this supernatural anointing on your life and when you release it the yokes are gonna be destroyed of death and so tonight there's about 40 of you in this room that while I'm preaching God's gonna unction you to sow an uncommon seed and I want you while I'm preaching whenever you feel the unction grab that envelope out of that seat pocket in front of you or text to give or give online that significant seed that God's gonna talk to you about when I put my hands on you tonight something is going to happen that transfer is going to be so strong that hell doesn't have a stopper big enough to stop it and you're gonna find yourself in the next few days you're gonna find yourself in this new year that we just entered into Rosh Hashanah it's a new year now headed towards Yom Kippur something so significant God said this is the year take over that means you're not just gonna go to look into some stuff you're gonna take over that mean you're not just gonna go inquire you get ready to own it don't go lick it in the red look for God to give it to you whenever God unction you there's about 40 of you he already spoke to me and told me tonight is the night you need to wrap your faith around that significant seat so some of you is going to be $1,000 matter of fact the Lord is already talking to somebody you need to go ahead and get that envelope and fill it out write that check walk yourself right on down here let me touch you because something is gonna happen I was in my office the other day and I get a phone call from a gentleman from the Bahamas who had just finished watching great through cotton and I'm on CI he's I'm oh ho SIA yes Lord oh Jesus hey hey yes Lord every distraction just got moved and God said i just opened the way now for the free flowing of wealth there's another dimension of wealth that the lord is bringing oh my god that happens even during the offering that's amazing I feel something in here tonight feel something here tonight he called me and said I just finished watching breakthrough I was in my office phone rang I just picked it up cause it rang and the gentleman on the other end said I've just finished watching you and past the parts that I'm in the Bahamas he said I can't believe it's you he said but I'm glad as you because I'm in trouble and I need to get a seed in the ground he said God told me to show a thousand dollars into your ministry I probably should have brought pastor parts in the half of it because it was on breakthrough where he saw me he said I need to sort into your ministry he said because in four days if I don't get a move of God my family my business is in jeopardy well he sold the seed I touched the spirit because it was a spirit I crushed the spirit over his finance curse the spirit that was trying to divide his family and break his business and in four days seventy thousand dollars showed up he calls me back he says I got the money I got the money he said but profit God spoke to me he said he's a gospel to be said sir now be wise because if you sold a thousand and got seventy you need there so five thousand dollars this time and watch when I get ready to give you he put the five thousand dollar seed in the ground and God opened the door one hundred and seventy thousand dollars you gonna feel an unction don't fight the unction God says just work with me and I'm gonna work with you listen to me it's amazing to me that when God hears our prayers he hears your prayers and when God hears your prayers he begins to orchestrate a wave of deliverance for you and many of you sitting in here tonight your way of deliverance God sent it wrapped in flesh with an anointing down on the inside that when you respond to the instruction your miracle has found on the other side of your obedience to the instruction that God gives you he's going to break that thing tonight something significant happen with the Lord functions you whatever he tells you to show you take that envelope out of that seat you text to give if you text it still come down let me touch you are you here being here tonight he tell you - Shaun thousand and there's 39 of you that need to do it you do what God tell you to do and it's gonna be well at any point while I'm preaching if he tell you to come you get out and you come because that's God dealing with you I don't want you to miss a moment but I want everybody in here to hear me tonight I want you to hear me very carefully I want you to hear me very carefully don't touch what you don't want that's the word of the Lord if you put your hand on it it's yours look at somebody up don't touch what you don't want I want you to hear this but you did that - eeeh I want you to hear me cuz God's been deal with me for two weeks now about this message tonight and he said son I wanna do for my people everything that they want me to do but I need them to align themselves I want the body of Christ to hear me tonight because you're so close to a breakthrough you're so close to a significant your significant thing from your God you are so close praise God to the fulfillment of many things in your life this is what hell is upset and why hell is after you and while Satan is trying to bring the spirit of frustration and anxiety and doubt in your life cuz you are about to take hold of everything that God has promised you but you gotta walk with God if I shall work with God because the best results you gotta follow instructions and God begin to talk to me about two weeks ago for this particular service and he said to me he said son I want you to read into their hearing Galatians chapter number three verse number 13 and 14 I want you to show them what real revival entails real revival not just praise God where we gather together and we got good singing and y'all got the best in the country where you got good musicians praise God is where you got praise God a great man of God woman of God standing in your midst that's decree and declare in the counsel of God God says real revival here come on saw oh yeah real rebel hosiah real revival real revival now real revival now I heard the Lord said things of the past that have plagued you so tell my son that I have forgiven and I have broken it and stopped revisiting it the enemy want to keep your mind go around the circle but I heard the Lord said tell him after tonight he's not evil to be able to regurgitate a tone of the past even past failures past mistakes he's there tell him tonight I wipe the slate clean of his mind and I live here for supernatural manifestation man if you don't want it don't you touch it Oh Almighty they're tired of our soul lift your hands I feel real revival everybody shout real revival come on your plan with me shout real revival spear the Lord is upon you for he has anointed you the spirit of a breaker is upon you yeah it's on you now and I heard the Lord said tell him if he touch it I got to give it to him under this anointing there's some things that are so heavy on your heart things that have come to try to frustrate the grace of God that's on your life but God told me to tell you tonight if you got faith enough to ask me my god and I got power enough to do it and I need you to ask this one last time step the Lord under this adorning I'm gonna show your great and mighty things that you know that of if you don't want it you better not touch it come on somebody open your mouth yeah I'm gonna tell you what real revival in Terry my god I give you praise fear not set the Lord for I shall do great and mighty things in your midst I should do greater and greater and greater until that has wax greater and greater and greater see I the Lord your God have led you all this way these years to the wilderness to prove thee to humble deeds to see if you will keep my Commandments or not even in the midst of great burden but this is the seasons at the Lord of the payback I shall reward you down daughter I shall reward you now even my son the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and add no sorrow be a portion in the name the topic is done in the name of you lift your hands both of you my god [Applause] God says tell my daughter I was honored her and answered her even before she came to the altar my fire be upon you tonight and as my fire go with you it shall burn up everything that's better hinder it shall destroy the works and the plots and the plans of your adversary for 2018 is deal your year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and if the Lord took a cat ojos ever get your hands here it comes fire hey I just said old fire around you and this fire around you just ran off the Buzzard the Buzzard can't eat too something died cuz they eat dead things but the Lord just spoke to me and said that that is in chocolate and in case in your life waiting on you to check out I just destroyed it said the Lord your God for not lies oh my god rise now saith the Lord your God every trick of the enemy is being sit back to the cinder in the name of Jesus oh you're seething and a fire be upon you my god somebody open your mouth and give God praise you know I've been trusting God for a Rolex but God told me if I give you my avato he get ready to give me a Rolex it's your time snap the Lord it's your time everybody [Applause] it's like I saw elder Murphy I saw you striking the match look like nothing was happening here it burned on the stand but by the time you got ready to put it it would go out and you grabbed another match and you strike it and it would burn out before you could set the fire the Lord says son what I'm doing tonight I'm pouring accelerant on your plan when you strike the match the fire gonna leap off the steel and it's gonna just be a great explosion there's coming a great fire I'm telling you man of God God has raised you up for such a time as this he's put his vision down on the inside of you he strengthens you tonight the very core of you to fulfill the vision at hand hold on so I've called yourself the Lord to my young men telling you is get ready to happen so fast is to make your head spin [Music] you're sold you ready for this the Lord told me to tell you sir he said tell him no more disappointment no more disappointment for oh my god saints of God open your mouth in here come on open your mouth I hear something there is an angel in this place tonight [Applause] that God told me to tell you you're not gonna need to fight this year I'm in the Jewish calendar you not gonna have to fight this year this angel is get ready to fight for you and the Lord says Reese get ready for the spoil what the age of God sweetheart listen open your hands you turn up outside everything is better hinder tonight it goes in the name of Jesus the age of the hand of the Lord encompasses you roundabout I think I'm up my god pick him up pick him up pick him up [Music] there's an awning coming on you sir like I keep hearing the Lord say I'm doubling it and I look over there and instead again I'm doublin I said God you double it on the double he says I sure have he said tonight Reese whatever you can handle you're right there sir whoa Kyah is done so the seat sir is they come sir you know I heard what do you do I'm ordained I am licensed I'm a business executive and I'm ready to preach the gospel throughout the world and you know what you're going to the world because I just want Jeb [Applause] you read it you really ready lift your hands you ready I'm telling you what sir it's your best and when you give God your best he can't do anything but give you his best shot top oh my god I feel fire in here I know we gotta get the offering but I just heard from heaven I won't everybody love a special touch from God as it relates to your ministry as relates to your family and relate to your business I want you to lift your hands now it's over it's over it's over we declare it's over in the name of Jesus oh it's off there's a breakthrough right there there's a be a there's a breaking say to take in the name of Jesus y'all ready here it comes father I stand in my authority tonight as your prophet I spend in my office that you have put me in and I decree and declare tonight no weapon that have been formed against your people it have not been able to prosper but it has been a distraction it has been a decoy a decoy it has been a delay but you told me just a moment ago that if I would speak the word for people that are ready for people to have faith that this varies our God that that battle would be over you told me that the station would begin to happen tonight I give you praise for miracles tonight I give you praise for emails phone calls text messages however you gotta prove yourself I think you that is done in that I hope shared us and I love share us and that I've shared us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] come on come on tonight Hey [Music] we want [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's a preacher in you that the world is going to know in their mind so Hoshi come on outside don't you think for one moment that everything you've been through was about you don't believe that you're still paying for or going through a process so you can be blessed your personal process ended five years ago what you've been going through the last five years has to do with those millions of people you're gonna reach profit profit this young this young man is one of our church planners he was planning a church in Maine in Maine and the Spirit of God spoke to him to come here and get in school so he shut everything down and he's in our church planning classes with pastor Tim and he's gonna plan a great church yeah get up get up is that your wife is that your wife anybody else in your family here huh of our student yes your daughter's about a student this your daughter [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on lift your hands and give it a salad here [Applause] ciao come the Lord says tell him son you didn't think I was going to leave you in that forever did you the natural body of Jesus only suffered from the sixth to the ninth hour the Lord told me to tell you in your ninth hour you're getting ready to come out and when you prepare for it now when you come out this time you're never gonna have to go back again I'm telling you sir the years that the locusts the cankerworm the Palmer worm in the caterpillar of Eden God says I'm giving it back to you in one month [Applause] [Applause] Oh hear me now Ethel oh my god paper paper paper paper paper paper paper paper paper paper paper now paper favor favor grip your hand sir I know you're not down here giving write this one but you're helping but I saw the Lord's hand on you and I saw it sitting like this but your heart was in the hand of the Lord and I said quickly God what's that he said tell him son that I just put him a new blood pumper in [Applause] you know the Lord says these nagging things that come to play with your mind things that have been manifested in your body the Lord told me to tell you you're never going to have those symptoms ever again somebody open your mouth and give God breaker that's here coming up [Applause] oh by rapid acaba god I give you break you know the Lord says for the last 30 days I've had you on the Holy Ghost arrests and you didn't even know it I've started a process of eliminating waste from your body that keep causing symptom on Carribean side that keep causing stuff to happen but a lot told me to tell you in this next 30 days he's gonna give you the manifestation of the work that he started 30 days ago [Music] somebody open your mouth to say hey [Applause] I just saw the Lord blow in little flesh and open vessels in hearts God doing something for hearts tonight so I might just open your mouth sweetheart show your seat it's already done it's already done fear not so you see see Cotto dream and see a time so you see precious woman of God it's done you hear me God said I don't even want y'all praying and considering these things anymore he said I want you to thank me for it now you ain't gotta ask no more he said just go to thank him I'm telling you sir you're under an open heaven and when the heaven over you is open you don't have to ask you just take it and it just manifests [Applause] I said God why you putting it on our feet kiss out put it on your feet cause this time too techie territory y'all better shout like a Papa just go to you [Applause] chuckle Taliban soap somebody open your mouth and give him praise so you'll see [Applause] whoa [Applause] [Music] almost there now give me that I got to give you these principles there's a functioning and God said obey the unction yeah but I want you to hear me don't sow the seed don't give and then leave before you hear these principles just because you get the icing on the cake first don't mean the cake ain't the best part hang out with me for a few minutes let me give you these principles gonna bless your life the rest of your life so Cody answer come on aha Shima robot can't see aim yay yes Lord I give you praise no more fear not I'm doing a quick work now and in this quick work your whole life get ready to shift stop being so brutal to yourself when I'm trying to bless you I'm trying to bless you I'm trying to bless you I don't want to California king-size bed and then gotta sleep in it by myself I'm trying to bless you with the best save the Lord let me bless you who lift your hands here it comes yeah there's another dimension of it right there fire yes Shekhar time I know ho SIA mmm let me bless you come when I bless you this time hell is not gonna be able to tell you what I can or cannot do I may be your host Sheba somebody open your mouth and just say anything you won't do God go ahead just say anything you won't do it Galatians 3:13 come and show your seat I heard the Lord said go put your hands on it and watch me work I'm all into papers I just need you to get something that says symbolic of the work you won't done and put your hands on it I heard the Lord said tell my daughter I'm more concerned about the finished result than she is and I'm bringing you out Victoria I just saw several lawsuits just get loose you not gonna have to wait I will tell to scream in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's what I heard the Lord said he said tell my son and my daughter that I've been waiting on this seed this particular sea I heard the Lord say just brought you out of the land of Egypt and just established you in your own promised land it's a good let me silverback [Applause] [Music] listen I said God you mean to tell me that the giant was only there for me to go in and show the giant and his other relatives that there is a God that is all-powerful he said son that's what this service is about tonight I'm annoying too as as many as will receive the anointing I'm an awning them to take out that last giant somebody open your mouth and give top raises over I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes sir hey Tony eyes I'm looking at something in the Holy Ghost pastor Murray and Tony up my son pastor parsley I used to walk in the churches and nothing for me to walk in a church place I've never been before and just grab people pull them out God would give me their names and and he was doing that to get their attention for the last three years I totally stopped I don't care what I saw I don't care because I was here I don't care what I don't care what I heard I would not demonstrate that type and that level of the prophetic because I watch prophets make a mockery and a mess out of the word of knowledge and so for over three years I wouldn't do it my son is here pastor Mary you know I just completely stopped it because I didn't want to be labeled among those that were so messy and tonight the Lord spoke to me and said son I release you now to begin the flow into that anointing again here's what he told me that meant the most to me he said because you have honored me and did not want a bad taste in the people's mouth and you were guarding the ministry and the anointing the gifting of word of knowledge he says I'm now honoring you I received that word I just prophesied to my own self and I wouldn't do it three and a half years almost I would not do it and I'm a seer I sit at home and people would show up I'd watch things and I tell my family but I wouldn't tell nobody else but the Lord said that sees that is passed now and he needs somebody to reestablish the word of knowledge with integrity [Applause] I wouldn't do it especially when it came down to giving offerings I wouldn't do it if I got a call your name for you to give an offering you didn't give it out of your free will so the gifts are not to be meant to manipulate people are y'all hearing me in here the gifts are good they are from God but you don't use the gift of God for filthy lucre you don't use the gifts of God full of Sevilla sness or y'all hearing me in here tonight I heard the Lord said tell my daughter I'm turning it around I saw it so plain I saw it I saw it so plain I saw it so plain and spirit will look you if possible gifts work the same with me if I ever make eye contact with someone it's like I can see their whole life and when our eyes connected I saw your life and I heard the Lord said tell her I'm turning it all around and if I didn't have to go through all that to tell that whole story to reestablish this gift and this world of knowledge I want to saw your whole name but what I did see was an E and an Ian but here's how I saw it I saw the E and the end but then I saw it flipped and I saw the Ian first in the e and the Lord said to me in that moment I just turned it I just reversed it watch how easy it is now no more toil are you hearing me no more toy I speak to your very hands no more toil come in so come on no more target that's a word over this house come on come on all of you come come come come come come come so your seat so your seat god bless you Bishop Jeremy Thompson god bless you good to see you tonight Cleveland Ohio just showed up Cincinnati Ohio just showed up god bless you so Cody answer mind if it came through you it's already blessed God said stop worrying me about your offspring because I just took them in a whole nother level no more I don't care what it looked like God just said I broke every chain god I got drunk right there want you to take a drink of that hey Osaka my man so oh yeah don't you touch it if you don't want it did you hear that man look I owe you Shabba it's an animal seal you haven't stepped in something here oh my god yay oh my god I give you praise hey pop it time I see Ava now you know what favor is favors when somebody show up it turned out - oh oh and they use their influence and their resources on your behalf funding your vision in my seat up I give you praise for that Lord the Lord just told me to tell you if you touch it is yours somebody give him praise in here so the see fear not and go and repossess the land repossess it it's yours and I'm not talking about just what you lost and what was stolen from you I'm talking about going all the way back to what your father Abraham had and get your stuff [Applause] so you see so your seed so your see and the whole ship I also hope [Music] all right god bless you let me help you C Mon Soho yeah okay let me give you this what time is it no time I don't know either but I ain't gonna hold you too much longer look your hands your hands I'm gonna give you your heart's desire saith the Lord because I have need of you and I love you so much there is an angel here I want y'all to hear me and I ain't tryin to be spooky or deep it's just the truth how did they all come and see I saw the angel when he came up out of the floor and he kept unbolting himself and I said to myself my God look how big that angel is and when I looked his shoes were as tall as these lights and he kept standing and standing and standing and standing prophet chestnut I looked in his hand as if it were no ceiling and he had a sword and I saw that angel in an instant [Music] [Applause] I said God what are you showing me in an instant what are you showing me he said son the enemy have had numbers of my people on strings like puppets doing things that I've never designed for them to have to do he said but son the revival tonight and the praise and the worship that have come up out of this place he said you tell my people that I released my angel to cut every one of them from the puppets train no y'all not here but y'all not hear me I feel fire I feel tired now I feel tired I feel tired I feel tired like it yes ha ha ha take it all you're young man take it all you [Applause] take young man lift your hands all over here take it yes ha ha somebody open your mouth I get young lady take it on you [Applause] hey-oh pyah pyah pyah he I gotta marry somebody Oh [Music] [Music] my son because you've given me a life I've been able to have compassion because you've given me a body I've been able to be a father to the fatherless because you've given me a heart I've been able to show my love now son ask me what you will there is nothing that earth and the heavens have that I'll not do for you in this time no man that have sacrifice what you've sacrificed with your life unto God will not be rewarded with no less than one hundred fold in this life and in the world to come eternal life be very specific now stay at the Lord because I'm touching men and women and the forces of the Gentiles are gonna be brought unto your beck and call we fire fire fire who fire there's a fire burning all around you but I saw it I said god what is this fire the father said to me son this fire is my covenant no evil cannot even come to your dwelling I saw that angel and as I was walking back across the floor I saw you and God said to me if I ever heard him he said to me that's the same angel you just saw he said he's an angel what do you want from God what would you ask for if you knew you could have it God said I want you to ask me now and watch me work for you [Applause] my god I want everyone to sow your seed come quickly there's an anointing here of increase y'all have been standing long enough god bless you I'm just gonna give the principal now who I feel fire burden I hope Valor College is ready in the morning I heard the Lord saying tell him the soul tonight watch this and just ask just ask what would you ask for if you knew you couldn't be denied not pre me gusta - I can sow your seeds let me give you this galatians 3:13 can you put it on the screen for me i'm not even gonna try to preach it i'm just gonna give the principal cut there's not an awning in this place My dear dawning in this place now I want you to hit me very carefully because if we're not careful the enemy will still rob us in this service the offering that I have been talking about all night is not your tithe don't let the enemy play with your mind like that that you are soul an offering but neglect your tithe I heard the Lord say I'm giving back to you sir seven times what you lost under this anointing tonight seven times what was stolen in the delay what was supposed to be released and looked like the enemy snatched it the Lord says I won't give you seven times more under this anointing than what you would have gotten if you would've gotten it then I even heard the Lord say something stole from your bloodline that I'm getting ready to cause the enemy to put it back and he's been caught tonight so he gotta pay you with interest somebody open your mouth and give God a high praise [Applause] how long you been married 31 years want you to hear me this gonna be the greatest Christmas you ever had and I'm just gonna leave it like that they anymore married folk in here they wanna have the greatest Christmas you ever had you better shout right now it's gonna be the best Christmas they ever had she said my English is not that good was good enough for me to know your English is not that good [Laughter] are your children here now I tell about Christmas y'all know about Christmas magic Timothy where where are the siblings where are they real quickly okay Elijah anybody else in here speak Russian and English God speak both of them this is the Russian harvest pastors a man no wonder this get ready to be the best Christmas I'll come back when they come in I'll come back y'all just let me know that they're in cuz I see something sister Joanie sister Joanie this is going to be the best Christmas that you ever had [Applause] a Megan a Megan hey Megan this can be the best Christmas Megan what is real revival here it is this is the Sun I feels like you can't be the Sun it could be your brother this is this is the translator you can translate okay I want you to tell her this is gonna be the best Christmas she ever had you understand that thank you so much this is your son Pierce are you all right tell mom again for me cuz she want to hear from you this is going to be the best Christmas that with some illusionary store that you ever had authority me like cutter but ask big but I said well sure [Applause] I see so much money in this place tonight it is all on you it's all of you right now it's payback time because it's time to take over tell him and Satan gotta pay you back with interest somebody open your mouth Oh [Applause] Galatians 3:13 look at it here it is here it is Christ thank you brother fee Oz where is he there's revival right there Christ you get Christ you get salvation you get healing you get deliverance you get blessed Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us verse number 14 says for it is written cursed is every man that hangs upon a tree next verse that the blessing of Abraham did y'all hear that that the blessing of God told Abram if you can count the stars you'll be able to count your blessings he looked up and start counting one two three four five six seven eight nine ten then he blinked he start counting again and get up to a hundred ninety-eight ninety-nine a hunt and he blinked he start counting again and get up to ten thousand he's trying to make himself be able to number the blessing God says if you can Number the Stars you'll be able to number the blessing God's got so many ways to bless you and so many blessings that get to you but you've got to be a child of Abraham he must be called your father that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ now the curse of the law there was no curse alone because in order to understand this you got to go all the way back to Genesis and see when God created the Garden of Eden and put man in the garden he told Adam all you have to do Adam is dress the garden and keep it note that God made the garden first then he put the man that he created that he formed in the garden second or y'all hear me in here so the garden was created for man never was it God's idea for man to be created for the garden it is easy take it from me once I learned this principle I don't want for nothing I want you to get it please hear me tonight once I learned the principle that this earth belongs to my daddy the earth don't belong to the devil his territory is the second heaven but he frequents the earth the earth belongs to God are y'all here me in here and he says I get good pleasure out of what belong to me I get pleasure out of giving that to my children Psalm 24:1 the earth is the Lord's and the food is there of the world and all that dwell therein they belong to God you might say well if it blown to God why did so many corrupt people have it because the church is not in her rightful place when the church kidded her rightful place the church will be able to take over and take that thing don't have time to really do it real justice like I like I really want to do it but I want you to understand that if you are a child of Abraham then God's got so much more in store for you but in order to get it you will have to follow the principle of God's Word you can't shout into it you can't name it and claim it you can't blab it and grab it you can't spin around and get it you gonna have to follow principles everybody say principles now there are those times that God superimposes the miraculous or the supernatural into your life just because he loves you but that's not the norm the norm is God has given us a book of principles and if we will follow the president told John so he said Joshua if you'll just do what I tell you to do stay in the word he says meditate on it day and night Joshua chapter one he says don't go from the left or the right from my word but if you'll observe it and do it he said you'll make your own way prosperous and you shall have good success did y'all catch that we got too many people that won't just the supernatural and they just want a miracle when it was never God's original intent for his people to have to live by miracle I love miracles I love to see miracles but miracles are not God's best for his people oh my god you only need one thing to qualify for a miracle just one I want you to hear me you'll need one thing to qualify for a miracle and it's called a crisis miracles are for crisis situations doctors say they all hope is lost ain't nothing I can do for you you in a crisis you got bill collectors knocking on your door you got more nor more demand than supply you enter crisis y'all follow me you've been there for umpteen years and then your spouse praise God turn around talk about they don't want to be married no more they saw somebody else you in a crisis come on somebody you need a miracle miracles are for crisis miracles are not God's best for his people they are only for crisis now I want you to catch this with everything that's in your spirit catch it well what is God's best if it's not a miracle I just showed it to you in Galatians 3 it is the blessing some of us rather have a miracle of being a crisis every weekend every month so we can see the supernatural rather than obeying principles and walking out the blessing now what is the blessing here's what the blessing is and again I love near because I love to see people gather wheelchairs they in a crisis they need a miracle I love see blinding eyes open they're in a crisis bother blind can't see nothing they need a miracle deaf ears under stop they're in a crisis they need a miracle fact about to lose your house but I lose everything you need a miracle he's something supernatural that happened and only God can do that and so you need a miracle so God will give you a miracle because of your crisis situation but that's not God's best his best is the blessing he told Abram if you'll do what I tell you to do in Jesus's shop number 12 he said you do what I tell you to do and go where I'm telling you to go he says even I'm gonna bless you that word blessed means empowered to prosper I'm gonna empower you that wherever you go even if you go in a famine even if you go in a drought I'll prosper you there because the blessing is on you the story Abram goes out and it takes his nephew lot with him and they get out there and now the herdsmen of Abram and the herdsmen of lot they're arguing over property and over over animals and all kind of stuff and and so they have to depart Abraham because he knew what was on him he tells lot you go get picked up pick whatever land you want to go and I'll go the other way Locke pick the best land and that's what he took Abraham because the blessing was on him went in a land that was scarce oh my god a land that wouldn't produce much but when he put his foot on it that's what I saw tonight I know me see the anointing of the fire fall tonight I begin to see the fire come up from people see I said God what's that he's ever known India that wherever the soul of that won't you tell somebody the blessing is on my seat so so we want to get out of the place of needing a miracle to pay mortgage and a miracle to pay your car note and a miracle for your spouse to come home lord have mercy and a miracle for your children to do right miracle for your grandkids is a miracle for your business we want to get out of the place where we always need a miracle and you're only gonna come out of that place when you recognize that a miracle is not God's best for me come on Saints I mean my god let's just be basic with it who in their right mind want to live by a miracle every month who want to be in a crisis every time you turn around but God says I bless you so much show I put an anointing on your life I put a spirit on your life called the blessing that wherever you go you just multiply that whatever you touch it just turn the gold I'll put a blessing on you and make your enemy bless you [Applause] gets a lot more hacia I just saw supernatural wealth transfer I just hit this church and I heard the Lord say I will take the wealth of the wicked and put it in your hands okay so now so now we gotta get out of this place of always needing a miracle and get into place to where we live by the blessing you know when you live by the blessing you're able to take care of generations after you now it might hear me carefully it might take you a miracle to get into the blessing but once you get into the blessing you shouldn't need that kind of miracle ever again now y'all can sit there but I believe Alan dated and verified by what apostle parsley said tonight he said the devil is a liar if he think he can come back again the second time you know what keeps the devil from coming back again the second time when the blessing is on you that's why cancer can't come back make up the plastic is on you when the blessing is all you don't have to live in fear of your past experiences when the blessing is on you so I said when I married on my second marriage I'm on my third marriage and and and the enemy already told me he's coming after me well true for the matter is he's coming after all of us but just like I saw that fire all around the man of God tonight there's a fool my god there's a fire wall around your marriage and you gotta let the devil know over here you can't come because somebody once said no evil shall come nigh my dwelling okay so Galatians 3:13 talks about and 14 talks about the blessing now what about you for that blessing is sonship I'm a son of God and because I am saved and I love God I do only those things that please him not from a legalistic mindset of law but I stand in the grace of God that keeps me from being a sin conscious person watch this a worrying about am I gonna mess up true for the matter is you gonna mess up are you hearing me in here as long as you walk around in this clay house they're gonna be sins of commission and or omission that's why you pray every day long for him I walked through the day said life I did anything that they just forgive me because I don't want your glory to depart my life I don't want to lose my relationship with you God I know I thought the wrong thought I think they flicked me God let's go down Interstate 75 and I thought sir my the thought and I did want to run them off the road guys gonna be honest with you I did want to catch it and these just show them the gun I got the guys want to show it to her so so we should just forgive me for that and help me God not to need your grace for this anymore I don't live sin conscious worried about am I gonna mess up the day or not I serve a god that have already factored in my flesh he knows that there's no good thing in the face and I know it and because I know it I don't put no confidence in it I don't be talking about what I can do how strong I am how grand all baby there's no good thing in you stop let the devil in somebody's gospel artist religious folk praise God tell you to look within you and look at yourself there's no good thing in your flash I love the way past a person said that matter if you got on skinny jeans or suit that's still no good thing in your flesh or y'all hear me in here and the moment you learned that simultaneously you experienced the highest level of God's grace grace doesn't give me a license to sin grace is there for me as I learned how not to sin that if I sin I'm covered yeah what qualifies me for the blessing is my sonship are y'all here being here everybody say sonship now the reason God asked us to give is so that ministry can go forth and then he also puts a little perk in there for us that we can ask him for a thing when we give but the greatest result the greatest blessing that's gonna come behind any seed we sow into ministry he specially breakthrough especially world Harvest Church especially praise God the ministries and that come out of this church the greatest blessing are returned and we gonna get back is we go see your sorrow saved that's a good night drop right that's where you drop the mic and walk out cuz if you're not careful you let the devil lock you into a mindset that you got to give a seat for everything then you lock yourself back in the legalism then you lock yourself back into a place that use that you think that it's your works that's getting you bless your sea cause your soul saying oh yeah yeah and when what's it brother to God becomes important to us Goff don't take misery out of my life anyway what's it brought into God Souls I think you can con God you know by giving $1000 or giving $10,000 or giving $100,000 and he's just gonna bless you he will bless you but not so much because you've given like that he's blessing you because you are our son or a daughter I don't ever want a blessing that I think I had to pay for because my return ain't gonna be that much cuz ain't got that much to give I won't a blessing that the blood of Jesus paid for y'all better come get because this is good church right here I'm a priest myself happy I said I want a blessing that Jesus paid for and told me he'd give me because I'm his son there is a blessing in sonship my daughter joined the United States Air Force after going to college and realize that she couldn't handle it couldn't handle that freedom my oldest daughter Andrea she's watching tonight and she went join the airforce and she said daddy hold while I was doing what I was doing and putting you in mama through all this and my brothers and sisters she said I ain't mean to do none of that I said I'm trying I really believe that because I know about the law of sin so I really believe you didn't want to do it I'll love it I said all of it I really believe you didn't mean to go as far as you went but she think about seeing is sinner take you further you want to go ahead and keep it at longer than you want to stay cuz there's never enough so when she join the airforce and winning there was second in the class and and and became we came out of basic and and then with 12 more weeks went to this medical part that she had to go through because she would want to be in aerospace medical and and and and the girl ace that she aced it and when we went to to her Corning ceremony and all that carrying on that they do she looked at my wife and I her mom and she said I just want it you know I just want y'all to be proud of me I said I'm drill you did all of this because you think that you doing is gonna make us proud of you I said sweetheart I'm your daddy whether you mess your life up or whether you ace your life up I said it on drought there's nothing that you will ever be able to do nothing to make me love you more than I love you right now matter of fact if there's nothing you can do to make me love you more than I love you when I found out your mom was pregnant with you cuz I loved you then [Applause] just like god that's what God is saying to us God said quit trying to perform and think that you gonna get on my good side or you can prove something by works no it's not your works he said my son Jesus did the work and and you accepted it he died and you got life and because you accepted that welcome to the family and everything we got belong to you so my god I'm a son I said I'm a son and whether people like me or not they cannot uncertainly I don't wrote a word answered can't uncertain me if I'm on the line son don't you think for one moment that your little sin is more powerful than the blood of Jesus I'm not talking about you that continue in sin I'm talking my daughter view that made a mistake and you letting the devil beat you up want you to think that your mistake is bigger than the blood when listen even before God saved you he already knew what your knucklehead self was gonna do he knew you were gonna mess up any factor that he had before he saved you we're seeing did abound and it didn't allow for you to keep sinning he's closed you gonna have to I'm closing you gonna have to understand that to get this blessing on your life you gonna have to be a born-again believer when you move into the kingdom you give your life to Christ you move into the kingdom you separate yourself from the world system in the world's doing in the world's way of thinking are y'all here being here and you find yourself in places like world Harvey's church that the Lord seats you where the Lord connects you where the Lord locks you in he brought you here because his thought is to duplicate the dominant anointing in the house I'm almost there but you got to get this his desire God's thought is to duplicate the dominant anointing in the house the dominant anointing in the house don't come from the choir [Music] it don't come from the praise they see in America we got this thing messed up we think that the ministry consists primarily number one of the price team no sir none of the musicians none of the dance ministry neither drama ministry but the anointing I saw your posture if I can get that anointing on leaders on my pastor I said if I can get that anointing on me that's all my pastor okay somebody else still sitting and some of y'all stood up because it was just cute the stand up and you don't know why he's standing up you just stood up cos he is cute and stand up but let me tell you something let me know I want you to hear this catch it everything that we see in this cornfield came out of Amanda God the sword God sold the vision the word master Parsons that yes God we can do that then God sent people as provision for the vision or y'all hear me yet and if you're not provision and you're here then you're either provision or division there's no middle ground either one or two you're either contributing are you either here to cause chaos I don't middle ground there's no gray area with that you're either here because you know God sent you here and you have both feet planted in the ministry and you're doing everything you can to make sure this vision come to pass because you know it's not just pass to pass this vision but that it is your vision and that because it's your vision you are provision for the vision you are not division it's only when you do all that you can do to see to it that another man's vision primarily your pastor comes to pass it's only then that God's gonna give me in for your life and your personal dreams are gonna come to pass however you handle the affairs of another determines what God is gonna do with your affairs some of y'all are not blessed yet because you haven't taken responsibility for world Harvest Church for breakthrough you still thinking that it's about you you've been here for 10 years now is this better best bit about somebody else for about two seconds after you got here I was preaching somewhere and the Lord spoke to me I'd go there year after year and all these people at the altar and I'm preaching and the Lord said and he stopped me for pray he said don't pray for nobody else he said look son and see those are the same people you pray for every year when you come he says someday our hindrances to this vision rebuke them see I'm that prophet I'm the Prophet that don't just show up and talk to you about new houses I'm the Prophet that show up saying you are a devil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Lord spoke to me and said you rebuke them and you tell them I can't even get the world in here cuz every time you come they had the altar he said tell them I need them to go ahead and receive that miracle and get out of the way now you got some folks sitting up here at the long face they mad they upset they big mad they make a man won't you get your cape and be super mad just mad cuz you want to stay sick you also might appear to you you want to be at the altar every service you feel good about being sick come out you don't tapped into the world system you didn't got you some legal narcotics you as you stay high all the time and you gotta check you're on your way to a grave why don't you get your miracle and get out the world he said I rebuke the hell out I rebuke them I said all of y'all all of y'all I've been praying for year after year go sit out cuz you don't want no miracle you want a show here's the clothes God wants to duplicate the dominant anointing in the house the down in anointing is on your leader it's never on anybody in the pew stop letting people come in from other churches and form churches within the church they've a one hand here anything that has two heads you know what that is a freak here's what God says about it Romans 10:14 how shall they hear without a preacher jeremiah 3:15 and I will give you postures after my own heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding he didn't say I'll give you a prophet he's not giving you a pastor who may be a prophet or who may be prophetic or who may be an apostille or maybe just apostolic I'll give you a pastor that may have the spirit of an evangelist I'll give you a pastor that may have the Spirit of the teacher cuz he feeds his party Levin says to some he gave apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists watch this why did he give us for the perfecting of the Saints see God's trying to perfect you but you let people in the pew infect you [Applause] you can't have pastor parsley as a pastor and in the pastor at First Baptist as a pastor choose you this day whom you will serve [Applause] some of y'all so confused cuz you go to every driver to come to town you go to everybody's meeting everybody serve and I'm not telling you not to fellowship that's not what I'm saying but please understand that when this type of move of God comes you need to center yourself stabilize your emotion stabilize your spirit and hang out in the place where you know God's trying to give something to you you come here wicket we're talking about atonement but you go to another church they talking about he said that she said drama you want to come out and repent cuz of the atonement yom kippur the new year to take over and on it but then you center yourself around people that god almighty just full of drama I know things women in this church in 2018 is a drama Church what's gonna kill the drama is Apostolic fathers standing up saying cut it out [Applause] what's gonna kill the drama is when real profits come on the scene and tell y'all you gonna die the door keep on fooling with god you're gonna drop daddy the place where you talk about a man to God [Applause] [Music] just drama then we go like this nothingness you know you got all these singers running around here and in they crazy the majority of them are crazy that's why the gums music industry y'all think the devil doing that no God's doing that God is shutting the gospel music quote-unquote gospel music industry that I bring me that camera tighten it up on me let me just go ahead and tell them God it's shutting you guys down cuz you ain't saved no way you enter for a paycheck you ain't game god your life you ain't thinking about the church you're not thinking about the betterment of God's people all you also check and God says I'm shutting it down come on Tyler you infected my people God's rynason revival and there you go which are unknown event get their self creating drama got quiet cuz you said wait a minute prophet rewind that rewind that cuz you said we trying to get a move of God but there they go with their anointed and gift itself called and drama let's kill it once and for all since we got the world watching tonight let's just go ahead and kill it I said let's just go ahead and kill it just because you are gifted don't mean God's with you just because you are not it don't mean God is with you you might be gifted to sing you might be anointed by God to sing but you can be getting an enormous and action of God let's approve that to me okay I'll prove it to you unknowing it means God just puts his ability on you to get a job done that's it that's it that's the anointing in its purest form it is God's ability on your humanity to get a job done gift you know what a gift is singing preaching prophesied you can have all those gifts and your heart not be with God why gifts and callings or anointings they come without repentance I didn't have to repeat to be a prophet I was born a seer you can wake me up in the middle of the night we'll corn in my slop on the pillar and I can tell you how to get a miracle cuz I'm gifted I [Applause] probably the church's we have put gift and an awning over character and integrity we flock the people because they gifted we flock the services and singers because they are not even gifted to sing oh my god I couldn't hardly take it they sung the hair off my hand I fell out the floor the singing was so powerful but if the singer saved because if there is seeing guess what just happened they just transmitted and infectious disease over the congregation let's go stop it when true Apostolic fathers say stand up and say we cut that out they're not coming over here we've been watching them for the last year they can't come over here and sing they can't come over here freeze they can't come over here professor cutter don't have no character and we're not promoting gifts over character that didn't go as well as I thought don't go over but you heard it we now go stop following folk let's just get the denon on it hold a preach appreciate it move the crowd but it still a whole [Applause] I'm sorry come on now come on now you you listen listen a real man of God ain't good I've been there done that a real man of God ain't gonna put himself in a position when he know his weakness when he knows his humanity he ain't gonna put himself in a position to give the devil any room [Applause] I got flesh I ain't puttin my flesh in the wrong place cuz I'm a man I'm not puttin myself around beautiful women oh my god I'm married for 23 years but I ain't puttin myself around a bunch of beautiful women I'm saying I ain't blind the girl is fine [Applause] let me help that well let me give them an early lesson for in the morning I [Applause] want to please God she shaped like a coke bottle she got them big childbearing Hills lord have mercy I put myself in the room that's her name is one tear she's just walking across the church I'm like that's the devil right there see trying to set me up that's the devil I can't believe the prophet just said that let me tell you something one of the one of the weaponry that God gave us watch this brothers and sisters one of the piece of weaponry that got armored that God gave us watch this he says have your loins Girt about with truth your Lords are your reproductive organs have them Girt about with truth the strongest man and woman in this church right now is the man and the woman that know the truth about their reproductive organ I don't mind you're not gonna put me in a place cuz I'm a man that's a woman whoa man but aren't you married yeah and I love my wife but I'm not gonna put myself in a position to be tempted by the devil [Applause] nothing I can't handle it I'm going over here at 3:00 a.m. i'ma pray for [Music] that's how preachers get in trouble I know the truth about my Lawrence do you know the truth about yours I want to be saved I want to please God I want God to be pleased with me and I can't be in and out just because I have grace grace is the best thing that I've ever found but grace has a twin call accountability when God extends His grace the corn of grace on the front side is I forgive you on the back side is now that I've forgiven you do you really love me and I can say you do cuz if you love me like you say you do you will be accountable to my word a fish is not caught because there's a worm on the hook a fish is caught because of his appetite I went fishing before the young boy we go to the pond take the hook line sinker and the bait throw it in there then catch nothing all day come back the next day with the same hook line sinker and now the worm is just crusty cuz we left him out overnight soon as they hit the water the fish start by can just get a bucket full of fish what's something wrong with the pond yesterday no the fish just didn't have an appetite that's why you got to be careful how you judge folk when you see them fall because when you just felt you honor their trial ooh I said when you judge folk you honor their trial now that was I would have never done nothing like that don't ever say what you never would do you you just haven't had an appetite for that but when you judge folk God said okay I'm gonna let them be confronted with the same demon they were confronted with and let him see how they're gonna handle that he told my mind so ho yeah let no man say that when he's tip that he's tempted of God but every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his Oh his own lusts Chaney are you being saved you're not saved yet got real quiet tell you of the neighborhood that one only want to see you no more tell your other neighbor you're being saved you're not saved yet he that endures to the the same shall be saved you're not to the end yet stop putting your mouth on everybody when you see them in situations study to be quiet and do your own business that scripture me shut up tend to your business one reason I don't judge folk like that now I call a spade a spade all day I'll call an apple tree an apple tree I call it a pear tree of pear tree all day but I'm not gonna eternally just focus in on the hell come on somebody cuz I got too many children and I don't want to put my mouth out there on somebody else's child or person period and then my children have to reap it have you ever seen folk that there are Christians they get this end like this in his craziest of the devil they get this indignant spirit and just put their foot down and put their mouth on other folk when they're taking in the phone you better be careful when you do that you better be very careful because that thing will come back on your children something I don't have children yet but you're gonna have them that will come back on yours you wonder why your children so bad and while your children always in something it could be you passed judgment here's a close one last kitchen I've done God's trying to duplicate the dominant anointing as y'all hear that real revival consists of what Christ redeemed us from according to Galatians 3:13 and he redeemed us from the curse of the law in the garden there was nothing sick not only was there nothing in saying was the first thing no sin in the garden but God's original plan for man to live above seeing Adam listen man I've created you a garden put everything in it you can never walk all you gotta do is dress it and keep it he said there's a tree there don't mess with it I called that God's tent I called that the time I ain't got time to mess with it but don't mess with God's tent don't play what God's tired watch this he says and then they went here go miss Adam Eve she she brings the fruit Adam as there Adam you know she's a vessel of influence so she walks up on Adam batting her eye you should probably had a red bottom stilettos on and she shows him the fruit and she says Adam look how good this looks whatever the fruit was he God reminds Adam he's at Aventine I need that fruit well that woman that you gave me see real men take responsibility real men don't be pointing the blame and nobody else they say okay god I did it that didn't go over well at all what's this he said that woman you gave me God said because you disobeyed me now you gonna have to earn your living Adam wish I had time to work with it by the sweat of your bridle it was never God's intention for Adam tutorial dressed the guard to keep it keep the garden up make it look good it's yours but when he's seen now with thorns and thistles the sweat of your bride on the land is going to bring forth so he's out there picking stuff and thorns all in his hands now this was briars in his hands Satan is gonna bruise your heel but you'll bruise his head if because you disobeyed now when you get ready to have a baby you gonna bring forth that baby in pain oh my god ma'am it was never God's original intent for you to have pain during labor and delivery now that's why they call it labor cuz you gotta leave listen let me help you it's a part of the curse of the law he's redeemed us from the curse of the law so you can get it in your mind saying it's gonna save somebody's gonna change somebody's life you can change your mind about delivery and just have a delivery without the labor OOP there it is sometimes a profit where were you when I had all my babies my wife asked me that but I've started teaching this to my wife and the the last baby or the baby for that she believed it so much so - she had no pain giving birth matter of fact I'm in the room with her and big midwives and nurses walked out and and and she's she says I feel something moving I said what you telling me for she said she said I feel like the baby's coming I went down then look I saw the baby hit I run out the room I screamed to the top of my voice the best god I think all the other women in the labor ward they had their baby when the air is green she said that tonio coming I ran back to the bed and I put my hand there and I caught the baby then here come the doctor I say I guess we can have the pain feels right [Applause] then God puts them in he puts them in his calf cadillac escalade okay here's a Lincoln Navigator here's what your Bible says and he drove them out of the garden he drove about he drove him out of the blessed place everything that they could ever want was right there they blew it he put an angel with a flaming sword at the gate and said don't ever let him back in here don't let him back in here don't let him back in here they've been banned from the garden and some time went by I'm done time went by Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God and he's he's looking in the face of his father and he sees how much God loves humanity he says prepare me a body I'll go down and I'll give my life I'll be the sacrifice I'll be the scapegoat I will be the atonement just give me a body he comes down to 42 generations what's this and he saves humanity through the shedding of his blood are y'all hearing me yet I'm done he he saves humanity through the shedding of his blood now let's kill the doctrine of inclusion I'm done because the doctrine of inclusion says everybody is saved and don't know it no you know it if you saved Jesus did die for the sins of the whole world he did but if you don't accept it miss around and died and have not accepted inhale you lift up your eyes true revival is no sin when you see people walking away from their sins and said I ain't going back to that no more they've been in the presence of God they've encountered revival they've encountered Jesus no sickness sickness comes as a result of something that you did or something that someone did in your bloodline yes in the blood go to the doctor doctor don't the doctor don't know what's wrong with you respectfully to all my doctors they don't know they ask you what's in your bloodline you should just tell him instead about us they'll just say sin what's this no sin that's revival no sickness that's revival here's the last one no poverty two weeks ago the Lord said to me expressly for this house especially for this house he said son they're up there coming up on a day cuz I'm gonna burn a revival from world Harvest Church it will burn around the world he says just like I'm saving them and healing them along with this revival would be wealth uncommon now I have a problem and I will give you my discourse and I'm done I'm gonna have a problem and I want you to hear me I want every pastor to hear me especially those of you that keep writing and calling and inviting us to come I want you to hear me the same Jesus that's concerned about you being saved is the same Jesus that's concerned about your healing and the same Jesus that once you saved and healed is also concerned about wealth in your life revival is not just souls being saved and bodies being healed it's also about the wealth transfer oh my god I could stand here and tell you in 45 minutes we're not gonna be telling about the miracle after miracle the blessing that God took me through took me to through a series of miracles in my life he brought me to a blessing a blessed place nothing lacking nothing missing nothing broken in my finances and he wants to do that for you we got to stop calling for revival and one of the preachers to preach about Souls being saved and bodies being healed but then we leave out the part that relates to wealth because God wants us wealthy and he wants us wealthy so that we can fund the kingdom God wants us to properly represent him and improperly representing God is we gotta have Holy Spirit we gotta we will sit to have healed bodies and then we gotta have the wealth because we can't help people and even yourself maybe you think about it you can get saved you can get healed but if your money get cut off it won't be too long you will lose your salvation a real man will do what he got to do to make his meat for his family a real save man will stay within the confines of Scripture and do what he got to do but a sinner man will snatch the 80 year old woman's pocketbook knock her down in the name of I gotta feed my babies God wants the church wealthy so that whatever the needs of the other system the world is that we can fund that need you want to get people saved I tell you how to get them saying do Planned Parenthood give them an alternative to abortion y'all they got happy yet if you want to get the community safe then offer a Christian education a learning environment where Christ is the center if you want to hit the world save I tell you how to get them saved when you graduate valor college and whatever your degree is even in the secular world go in the secular world represent Jesus do what brother Alves and a Shabbat is doing got those degrees and marketing and finance and all those other greens you have in finance and now the world brings him I'm talk about your member your Alvin the world brings him well and said multiply this for us I'm like I've never thought about this deep that you got people that are I mean like mega rich they've got so much money they literally bring you a million dollars or ten million dollars fifty million dollars and say make me money with this and they're really not concerned about if they lose some of it come they got so much more God wants the church wealthy I'm not coming down off of it I've been poor I know what it is to be poor it ain't good I know it is not baby to pay your bills I know what it is to be evicted more than once I know what it is I have to stay in a hotel for about six months but about eight kids I've been there done that I know what welfare is I know what food stamps I know what Social Services is and if you make one dollar more this month that you made last month they start decreasing everything they do for you I've been there [Music] [Music] I went online no more come on somebody god shifted some stuff in my life people that couldn't help me he moved him from my life people that wouldn't help me he moved them from my life and he brought like pastor parts to say it tonight a whole new group of people over the last five six years in my life about seven years in my life and my life has been going up up up ever since so much so to three and a half years ago he put me in this beautiful million dollar home in western Florida gave it to me we outgrew it a month ago God gave us 7,000 square feet fully furnished furnished the house for move-in phoo jacuzzi only thing that's misses the 57 Chevy I saw y'all riding that Chevy it had the top down and pastor had his arm thrown out the window and had his and watch this and had his girlfriend on the other side I hang on line I got so jealous I said that 57 Chevy i wouldnt think of my daughter that 15700 look hot God won't you bless here's my anointing y'all ready I'm done here it is here it is what you gonna do what you don't owe nobody nothin but to love them when all of your bills are paid and the money just don't stop to where you have to start praying prayers like god what do I do with it at this location my last location we had so many cars we couldn't put the cars in the homeowners association fee and homeowners association with the police would come and write us take it up a ticket can little we're parking on the street and park on the street don't like that but where I'm at now I'm gonna go buy some more cars what you're gonna do when all of your bills are paid where when you see something you won't on Monday you don't have to wait too fried to get it [Applause] what you're gonna do when people bring you a legitimate need I see wealth on you in another whole dimension what you're gonna do when they bring your legitimate need and they ask you to pray for them and you say ain't gotta pray you take out your pen and you write them a check [Applause] and you don't write it for the amount that they need you write it beyond so they won't have to go back to that ever again tell somebody I'm about to have so much money okay let me come back over here because I'm trying to find the right sound let's say it again so I'm about to have so much money I'm gonna have to hire people just to manage my money can y'all handle that cause that's the part of your valuable stand up stretch your hands towards the people have got going that side stretch your hands toward the young people over there Valley College you're gonna be here tomorrow oh you'll be here okay good let's just let's just bless them right quick I want every person in here that's young so just stand up real quick every young person okay every young person somebody say but I'm 50 but I'm you know okay stand up that's you okay sorry yeah time don't matter in this we got a good lesson at night y'all ready he just closed the half a million dollar deal on the other day on and I want that anointing in here y'all ready father I stand tonight with profit and evangelist John Tavia Bellamy the same anointing that's on this young man the same anointing that's on me and God that anointing is scattered throughout the world Harvest Church they're people in here that you've already raised up you put your seal of approval on their life they are financial deliver us tonight we serve notice on every principality on every power every Dominion every throne every spiritual wickedness in high place rulers of the darkness of this world as it relates to the economy of God's people and we serve them notice tonight that not only have we except that God's revival as it relates to the soul being saved and bodies being healed but we accept the anointing tonight to excel in the area of the economy of our lives we accept tonight the anointing of too much we accept the anointing tonight where will lenders and not borrows we're we're the head and not the tail where we are barb only and never beneath we receive the anointing tonight know that when you bring us out this time we shall never have to go through this again we received your learning of the kingdom in the name of Jesus we pray now God for brokenness in the area of finances you're not just commend him you're gonna give them back everything the devil stole you can restore it to them the years that the locust and the cankerworm DePalma work the caterpillar have eaten you're going to give your people back tonight everything that even generations before them God forfeited oh my god we thank you tonight for breaking the curse for breaking that yoke for destroy the works of the enemy thank you for well untold for those watching tonight and for those God in the sanctuary of world Harvest Church we give you praise and honor and glory now in Jesus as matchless name we pray let everybody say man call out - eh ah ah come on clap your hands and give God praise [Applause] ok I'm done but I want you to hear me I'm done done well every person tonight that haven't given to get your best offering somebody's supposed to give $100 tonight matter of fact matter of fact listen there are those of you that and I don't know if you had a thousand you would've been one of the first people if you if you had 500 you too so did but you gave your best even with your anointing unction Judas oh the Lord just spoke to me and said son tell me if they'll trust me with a hundred dollars I'm gonna show them my great and mighty hand in the midst of strongly having right now if you don't have enough money to pay your bills you're in a storm God get ready to speak to you storm you know we released an anointing tonight but thus saith the Lord he continually says it's a resounding sound that goes throughout listen to me even the universe and what belongs to you it gets brought to you not by might nor by power but that say major that I saw tonight and stand up in this place whose head went way beyond the roof of this building that same angel that cuts you a loose God told me to remind you that because he's cut you loose it's your time for your thing from your God and you gonna have to open your mouth and say it your seed is prompting and the soil is ready but when you name that seed when you said thou shalt decree a thing when you say it the heavens over your opening sir now I just heard the Lord say again I'm doing that I can't go back into this but I heard the Lord say tonight whatever your request is because you've made it known he said I'm going to show you I'm going to show you something about me that you've never seen before in finances sir no more debt cash and favor can y'all stay with me say cash in favor who said you had to pay for it who told you that I have people that even not of the fold that will hear me the King's heart is in my head and I'll turn it where I will and I'll call them to bring it and lay it at your feet friend of mine who's a pastor got a call from Jacksonville man was going out of business have a jet almost brand new that he had bought a couple years and he retired and told Ron Carver to meet me at the airport he flew the jet down there said leave me at the airport Ron's about the preachers I can't meet you at the airport get ready to preach the guy said I got something you want to meet me over the airport his people says the man over there in the jet might want to go over there real quick guys the matter of fact I appreciate you get back he goes over to the airport y'all know Ryan Carpenter right he goes over to the airport this is when he was in Greenville he goes over to the airport which is in his church's backyard and the guy says I'm retiring and I want you to have this jet do you want it man Ida said yes and went back to the church I wouldn't even preach out of just skip around the whole church I'm just scared that's the part thing you need a jet [Applause] and he need the best one out there [Applause] there's no way y'all that whip this man of God schedule and that that is coming that commercial flights gonna take it away you need to go I know that there are a handful of y'all that have been praying but we got to bring the whole body of Christ into alignment the mindset that our pastor needs a jet and we need to start saying it and because when we say it it's conditioning us that when God watch this as God bless us we understand that everything that's coming to me is not mine that there's some things that are coming through me much I can't believe you just stood there in a church and said that pastor need a jet let me tell you something they tried to shut creflo dollar down y'all remember in a man from another country said I'll buy the jet one person said I'll buy the 65 million dollar jet myself if when it get to you you'll get on it and come pray for my loved ones that are in trouble I started walking across the water I start walking across the water empty I start walk across the water there might be somebody sitting in here tonight that can buy the jet there might be somebody watching you know rod parsley has been faithful there's no flaw in his character there's no flaw in his ministry over 40 years he's served the Lord in people and it could be in your power too something significant to see to it that the Gospel through this man of God cause nobody preaches it like rod parsley that the Gospel through this man of God gets around the world where he can go preach take the team and come back and stay out of their ports God's talking to you you need to find this man of God furthermore if he go preach Monday through Friday I need him back on Sunday matter of fact I want him back Friday night knowing that he's resting Saturday father I thank you for your learning tonight now god I've reread your people tonight with much preaching and teaching but I thank you tonight you've given them the grace to handle me I pray now God that as seeds come forth they're those that will be tithing those that dare not rob you those that have heard your word on their life not just tonight but over and over and they won't rob you put their tide in the good ground of this ministry thank you for every $100 seed and yet other thousand dollars seeds that are coming somebody you talk to early in the service goes so that see tonight I thank you and I praise you for it now those watching God around the world somebody you're touching to so sees tonight just just favor them because they're standing with you in soul-winning though the seed leave their hand never let it leave their life give them a point through a significant breakthrough and let souls around the world come to love you because of our giving that Souls around the world be healed because we're able to preach the gospel through television and other means God because of partnership we give you praise and I'll include for miracle for every partner and those partnering in the sanctuary in Jesus's master's name we pray let everybody say ma'am would y'all get your offering and pass it down to the person I don't know if you go pass it to the left or pass it to the right at world Harvest y'all know what to do buckets are coming okay would you put your offering in that bucket would you put it in that offering receptacle now Chapel in the mornings gonna be something else cuz um God gave me a word I will be talking about Generation X I don't care what people say about Millennials God spoke to me and said the next move of God [Applause] that will be noted as the greatest in this time it's coming through our young people I believe y'all ready to something about something about this this world Harvest Church and I'm not just saying to be saying it but there's something about this church that God just likes and I know it's the fragrance of worship and righteousness and that godly character that keeps us all in shape that that word of correction that word of rebuke and reproof they're anointing of healing that that that faith that just allows it to be released and I just know in my Nord that with respect to all churches I just know in mine or that God has something so unique that he's getting ready to do we ain't seen it yet yes but it's gonna get the attention of the nations of the world I don't know if valor college is gonna come through them or it or some of the other outreaches but I do know that God we're on the verge world harvest we're on the verge of one of the greatest demonstrations of the presence and power of God that the world has ever seen watch this from a local church I wonder what y'all gonna do when you know you just tell your family we got church Sunday and they just show up and they get saved and they stay where you're not gonna have to beg nobody to come to church they just gonna come I already know in the next 12 months something's getting ready to hit in America that is going to cause America to come to her knees and you ain't have has nobody to come to church y'all better make sure y'all holding down your assignment because with who I see coming they gonna come so on fire they come into work y'all hear me pastor Marie thank you for coming prophet prophet thank you guys for coming my son I have with me always thank you for coming up my son flew in this morning as well they called you for coming Bishop Jeremy Thompson Cincinnati Ohio lady Thompson god bless you they own and sell aircrafts they dock that big black guy over there he sell Jets they got like Gulfstream stuff this man just showed me this picture of this jet that a man is getting ready to fly in from Africa I prophesied to him tonight the world the Lord came to him and said I'm gonna give you an aircraft I know who was from Adam but the word of knowledge came and God says gonna give him a jet he just said that a man's coming in from Africa to buy the jet for his ministry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whereas the rain cometh from the clouds and cannot return building so shall it be then that the words that goeth forth out of my mouth they shall not return unto me void but they shall accomplish the thing that I send it to accomplish agree with me my dear children from where I'm seated when I release my word I never see it as a word coming to pass I see my word as a word already done something praised me now that it's all ready [Applause] raise B now that it's already done it's settled in the heavenlies pass the parts that I looked in the Spirit of the Lord and I saw help coming from everywhere I saw the body of Christ with a new wind I saw Columbus and Elkhart and partners around the world with a new wind and things nothing was impossible for you I just saw it I just looked into a portal and I saw a wealth transfer into the multiplied billions and the Lord says if they'll trust me and just go ahead and trace me forward there's a blessing that I will give them just because of a praise I know it's late but y'all got to do better than that open your mouth give them a sacrifice of praise [Applause] come on is a sacrifice of praise come out [Applause] come out as a sacrifice approach come on my than gettable sacrifice [Applause] faculty answer man that's how you praise them right there I dare to give another 30 seconds [Applause] haha [Applause] it's generational [Applause] come on church praising crazy come on dance like you looking at the answer tonight dance like you're looking at the provision tonight dance like it already got better come on [Applause] [Music] sea anemone a Navajo cocea Khan Baba Baba sea anemone Oh Navajo cocea kama come on Turks come alive come alive see undateable Halawa host shunda gonna be hey got a see aluminum any other [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] heeey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] have you had a good time tonight well what God did now he's doing forever so every touch you received tonight will never leave you revival is not a point in time it's a continuum so spirit
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 6,922
Rating: 4.7073169 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit
Id: esBLCV_fsj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 16sec (9796 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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