Rod Parsley - It's time to get serious

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you all may be seated I have in my hand if someone would take this please I have in my hand a book my precious mother on January the 30th of this year went to her eternal reward in the natural I miss her terribly although she left such a residue of faith and power and trust in God that her presence is still known among us that's an amazing thing you know that you can live in such a way that you in effect and the infect people for years and sometimes for generations to come if you followed me on social media and you have seen which I've asked for at least 300 of you to make sure that you do that so that you pray for me at this point I'm actually supposed to only be preaching one time a week for 40 minutes and in seven days last week I preached seven times in five states so I need your prayers because there's something burning on the inside of me if you were privileged to be with me you would have seen extraordinary things happening preachers in altars becoming born-again [Applause] [Music] in one church two-thirds of the choir at an altar weeping giving their lives to Jesus Christ completely you see what has happened in America let me say it this way our nation today is at a strategic inflection point I'm only 6 to 1 years old but I have never witnessed and I witnessed the turbulence of Kent State in the 60s I witnessed automobiles being set on fire on North High Street on the Ohio State University campus I saw it with my own eyes I remember what it was like to see men clubbed with clubs and chased with dogs and teargas flying everywhere it seemed like the wheels had come off of everything the difference was in the 1960s there was still a solid triumphant unwavering uncompromising church of Jesus Christ that held the nation together black preachers and white breeches with Bibles in their hands called America back to her moral and spiritual senses and refocused that compass today is much different this doctor is what your Bible calls perilous times being interpreted times for which there is no obvious correction there is no easy answer the reason I submit to you this morning that there is no answer can be found in the words of the late great Andre Crouch my dear friend who in the late sixties and early seventies sang a song it wasn't a complicated song it simply said Jesus is the end for the world today above him there's no other Jesus is the way Oprah Jesus is the wing backslidden preacher Jesus is the way not your prowess not your politics not your Supreme Court not your accusations not your lies not showing your windows not your struggle for we struggle not with flesh and blood but with powers and principalities and the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places if you believe there is still only one answer give him praise and give him going you get Jesus stand up elder Brunson stand up Ken VIN stand up elder Murphy turn round faces congregation these are my sons [Applause] is there any question in your mind that I love this great young men is any question in your mind that he loves me how about this one he's single now he's blushing and he wants me to say that Ohio State won yesterday and that Notre Dame won yesterday and that Ohio State and Notre Dame are currently in the top four teams in the United States and what the and he wants me to talk to you about a tide that are currently ranked number one he wants me to tell you that they won yesterday two against the Alabama nursing school this is dr. Murphy [Music] dr. Murphy a proud graduate of the Ohio State University is that where your PhD came from as well Ohio University so he's spreading it out and elder Murphy prey played he probably prayed for you for the great Woody Hayes and elder Murphy and his beautiful wife have been attending this church how long 32 33 34 years so like I was in my early 30s late twenties when he started coming is there any question that I love him about that he loves me okay but wait be seated elder did I have a take you with me to the racial reconciliation seminar did we ever go through training so that I would learn how to treat you no sir do you know why do you know why because Jesus lives in us now listen to me this very important I don't have to try to love him he does not have to try to forgive me for the sins of my ancestors he doesn't have to try to do that now the old man that he was possibly would have to try to do that but when he became a new creature and God through Jesus Christ came alive on the inside of him then it's not him living but Christ living according to your Bible in him and through him and in me and through me how could we not love each other for God is love see you're so kind thank you see even me see that see see really all I should have to do is walk out here on any given Sunday morning and come to this pulpit and open my Bible and say six words from my Bible God is love what are the other three words they would be my admonition to every one of you love love love love your enemies love those who persecute you for blessed are you Bible said when men persecute you and revile you and say oh manner of evil against you falsely for my sake because when they do these things it increases your reward from me Bible I have this announcement God is not mad at you God is not angry with you God is not a tyrant right ready to smite you down to hell however right now you're faced with a choice because God is not a tyrant because God will not enforce his will on you what Jesus died to do was to give you the opportunity to choose as our nation today is at a strategic inflection point that is think of it as a tea crossroads where the road you've been traveling is coming to an intersection and the intersection does not go through the way you're traveling you are now faced with a choice right or left because this morning dear friend that I love with all my heart from the front to the back of this great auditorium in Elkhart Indiana watching online by the tens of thousands you this morning must make a choice you can no longer go on as you have been going because today you've heard truth and you must make a choice here it is Bible says God declares to you you choose today who you will serve if God be God then serve him if this world is God then servant you choose heaven hell God sends no one to hell hell is real it is a place where men know their tongues for pain where the fire is never quenched where your veins become nothing more than the highways for the hot feet of pain to travel where your nerves become nothing more than strings upon which Satan himself will play the diabolical tune of hell's unalterable lament not for a moment or a decade or a millennium but for the endless ages of eternity the other choice heaven a place where we leap like a heart of the everlasting Hills of God's glory to suffice I cried die no more but for the endless ages of all eternity live in the overwhelming presence of God in his love that's the choice not really much of a choice for who would choose Satan and his lies his deceit his pain his slavery his bondage over God and his love and His mercy and His grace now what if you're right and I'm wrong what if there really is no hell what if there really is no heaven well I think you can see from what you've experienced today if all we have is what we've had today for the rest of our life and then we die we've had a time [Applause] no better way to live but what if I'm right and the Bible's right and all of these witnesses are right and what if you're wrong what if hell is real what if heaven is real I have got one more thing to say my mother had two things by her bed on her nightstand number one King James Version Thompson chain reference Bible so warned that the pages were half gone where she would turn them and her own perspiration and body oils had eaten through the pages that'll happen to you when you're 29 years of age recorded in the medical binders in the state of Ohio was the youngest woman to ever suffer the massive heart attack that she had and live I remember for over a year no one was allowed to speak in our home above a whisper I remember that we had to take our shoes off and walk with just our socks on I remember that we had to take the carpet out because the noise of the sweeper could not be heard the other thing that she had by her bed was this very book she bought it in 1961 it was first published in 1959 it's a book by one of my great great mentors the late Leonard Ravenhill it's called why revival terrace in this book dr. Ravenhill makes a startling statement you can see in this book that my mother read it to us over and over on that page right there she allowed me to color the preacher do you know what he said in this book dear church member I doubt said he that even 5% of the people in the pews are truly born again that people that have heard a lot about God but they don't know him they're not new creatures they're still fighting with racism they still struggle with lust they cannot control their appetites they have no passion for prayer they have no inward desire and thirst that cannot be quenched for God's word going to church at times to them this burden does it have to be so long why is it so loud I don't feel like shouting you have no victory it was a startling thing to me last night they could barely broadcast the Ohio State Penn State game do you know why the crowd noise over 110,000 people all dressed in white try to get that to happen for a church service well I don't know why we need to wear light I just don't particularly came to watch that picture perspire who ever heard of them put preaching in a sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off I wanted to show me [Applause] critical miserable ugly mean go on social media and rip people to shreds hide in the nether world of the internet lusting all the way through have to go find their Bible for Sunday morning having cracked it open since last week unless they job forced them to no passion Wednesday night I'm type the divorce rate in the church is equal to that outside of the church and yet the Bible says what God was joined together let no man put asunder can quote more television programs than Scripture take the preachers time compelled of the Holy Spirit teach the people for two nights on healing take your time your anointing pour the Word of God into them on a Sunday night which is God's day day not hour and a half God's day oh thank you popcorn brains returning those are probably the saved ones no you look at you I'm not I'm not playing I did not come back from the dead to play [Applause] so my team had to come to me I preached in every one of those services over two hours and 15 minutes till I couldn't stand up because the people were so hungry they refused to let me stop what a prophet is not without honor except in his own church so don't go preach to them take two nights pour your word into their hearts God so they can not only be healed but whole and so they can spread the healing power of God through their family and their wherever they go you know what my team had to tell me you know my team had to tell me I came home I could barely stand up you know what they said we had less people sign up for those two nights of ministry then just the combined number of elders and their wives oh but we're a hungry pastor we thirst for righteousness as the deer Penta for the water brook so our soul longs after you Oh God Leonard Ravenhill said and I have been agreeing with him as I have transversed this continent back and forth for the last six weeks pouring my soul out like a dying man to dying people for the church to awaken well I was saved when when when were you saved Leonard Ravenhill said I doubt that 5% of the people sitting in pews listening to preaching and Avenged churches are even saved well I was saved in 1957 no you weren't are you in 1957 do you know when you are saved now no no but I don't know that you are well I was what does that have to do with now the word saved is a progressive present tense verb do you know what that means you are continually being saved and if you're not continually walking as a new creature you lost what you thought you had and since then you're just religious going through the motions and that's why you're miserable and that's why you have no zeal and that's why you don't weep over the loss and that's why your family's going to hell and you don't even care that's why we stand up here and sing for an hour and the pastor has to get up and bring the anointing I'm not talking about them I'm talking about us you didn't demand it the problem with the church at Laodicea was not that they were lukewarm it was that they were lukewarm and they didn't care no fire no passion I don't care if you jump up and down and spin like a top I'm not talking about just some outward manifestation but we begged for a month for you to bring one person one that needed Jesus today if that had been the case there'd be this many people standing outside trying to get in no perhaps you tried but I kind of doubt it but maybe you tried we can't be satisfied we're trying that's the problem with religion you keep trying to be better do better talk better walk better act better and you constantly fail because it's you doing it and today I'm offering you an amazing opportunity and that is that this day before you leave this place and go out yonder to bounce and bouncy houses is wonderful too you know eat hot dogs and so wonderful London hallelujah it's all wonderful but before we do that can we make sure that if you died before we got out there you'd go to heaven I'll take you back quickly quickly take you back do you remember when you first believed do you remember the cleansing stream do you remember that the air looked more clear your heart felt joyful and your feet felt light and it felt like the burden of the world was lifted off of you who has bewitched you why do you now carry that burden again are you this day born again are you so full of the life of God you're about to explode that's what jesus promised he didn't promise you to have that for 15 minutes or for 15 days the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases but you have to remember it's new every morning you can't live today on yesterday's fire do you know what keeps people from getting right in a moment like this pride well people will think that I need to get saved yeah and maybe that'll encourage them look Church we got to get serious about this thing first of all we shouldn't have to have a day to try to get folks to bring on the saved people to church not if we really love to God oh send fires to Pakistan why we haven't gone to Pickerington [Applause] we haven't gone next door Jerusalem Judea Samaria the uttermost part of the earth now you love God I believe that I believe you have a heart for God but I know beyond how strongly I know that I'm standing here right now that every devil in hell is fighting you from really getting an update touch from God in your life where you know you're a new creature and he'll better be on notice pride pride says I can just do it in my seat pride wants you to be angry at me right now bride wants you to say I'm just fine are you are you everybody's standing every head bowed every eye closed hold his spirit give us Judgment Day honesty let every person make the choice this morning they will be glad they made when they stand before God how much unction are you praying with right now come on buddy he said he can't take it anymore he said I just can't take it anymore I think there are hundreds of people that just can't take it anymore that today want the burden to be lifted that today what to know you're as up-to-date with God as any living human person on this planet I'm not even gonna count to three except to tell you all three get out of your seat and come on and let's pray one two three come on come on come on hi I need to get up today with Jesus I need to get up to date with Jesus I don't care who likes it I don't care who sees me I have had it I need the joy of my salvation and I want it today [Music] come on come on hesitating and your hesitation should tell you I need to get out of this seat and I need to run to that altar somebody's got to get to Jesus today somebody somebody wants a prayer life that somebody wants a tear down their cheek again somebody wants the presence of God in their home in the wee hours of the morning I'm waiting [Music] I'm waiting [Music] break through God if I had a church that would pray if I had a church that would pray God send your tireless God give us your passion God give us your heart [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on darling come on [Music] every head bowed every eye closed I'm gonna give an altar call in the next 30 seconds that I have never given him 43 years in 43 years I feel it's so strongly Church there's about to be a move of God birthed out of this place it's gonna shake this nation but we have to get right right we have to get right right no more missing Sunday morning no more being knocked out of Wednesday night because the kids got a school lesson how ridiculous that's just plain ridiculous Oh pastor I'm in love with the word okay I'll teach you the word Sunday night Monday night 18 people signed up out of these thousands does that sound like hunger and passion to you when God is so desperately trying to do a thing now perhaps perhaps you believe you're going to heaven you have that witness in your heart but you know that something's missing and you want to touch from God to set you on fire to give you such deep seeded joy and passion about the things of God that nothing in this world has more allure to you than his presence and his people I'm gonna open this altar and this is for the church to say I want to be the church that's all we're gonna sing again I asked Miss Lisa to sing this song I wondered far away from God you know that you can come to church every Sunday morning and be far from God I don't want that for you millions are doing it all across America today they've already had three services while we've had one but nothing changed nobody got free I'm just gonna open this altar to the church that wants to be the church one night we used to call it consecration you want to reconsecrate your life today to the things of God and have him fill you to overflowing with his spirit when we sing this time come we're only singing one time find appealing cup aisle and come on come on oh come on let's pray come on let's pray get it as close as you can to scooty [Music] Elkhart that also should be full every leader should be an animal to come [Music] [Music] come on get in as close as you can the great Leonard Ravenhill said these words well no this wasn't him this was actually me I was preaching the other night in Florida the Holy Spirit said to me they were having a revival meeting and so I simply asked the question what are we doing as a church what are we doing when the apex of all Christian endeavor must become to place the jewel of a soul on the crown of our Savior what are we doing what are we doing and I said the only reason we're here is because they're not and it's our purpose in God to go give them what we've got and then I said we try everything in the world to attract Millennials young people young married couples with children and do you know what one of them said to me I've never become involved with the church because they tell me that they've got something worth dying for but none of them are worth are willing to live for kind of witness do we have to a world out there when we look as depressed as they do that world out there lawfully exclaims why would I ever want to be a part of that bunch they're just as miserable as me he said you Christians live in such contrast to the Christ you claimed he came to give life and life more abundantly why are you depressed he came to give you a burning passion that you live so brightly for God that every single person in your family cannot help but ask if they can come to church with you have you told them about a new a new movie and how great it was do you think they wouldn't go so what's the difference we're not talking we're talking about movies but we're not talking about I saw God heal a man Sunday morning there's a child a young man that goes to that church that was born without a brain and God put a brain in his head never more Tyrone don't get an allergy to this altar get in it it's the place of Prayer it's the place of breakthrough it's the place of presence make it your own I don't know I lost it I lost it in case you can't notice I'm not in a hurry to get to hobb dollars oh yeah in Orlando in Orlando I gave an altar call for salvation and a lady stood up to receive salvation who had scoliosis her back was like an S and the people around her witnessed when she raised her hands and prayed the prayer of salvation God straightened her back as straight as a tear ale and had been that way since she was a child [Music] well are you gonna call all time or not we are that church we are that church we are that church we are that church we are that shirt we're gonna pray we're gonna mean it anyway what they were saying online they were saying blue this blue this folks watching online right now that the tens of thousands online hydia says what this brother said she said I just can't take it anymore I've got to have Jesus the altar is full and overflowing in Elkhart Indiana I want to see it I want to see it look at the altars in Elkhart Indiana God give us a hundred churches like that give us a hundred churches like that give us a love-in churches like that [Applause] [Music] Deborah says I don't have an altar but I'm running to my couch vennett says I'm breaking pride off my life now and forever Debbie says today I choose Jesus come on church there is more rejoicing in heaven over one soul sing it to him it's an old hymn but your words were never spoken open wide thine arms the blood Lord I'm comin home sing one more time so beautiful just telling from your heart coming home holy jesus coming home double order [Music] come on me - from your heart God is setting your heart on fire again your passion [Music] [Applause] in this world don't need the pride of life [Music] Oh she said [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you can put your hand right here thank you pray with me Lord Jesus I come to you today I was born sinner and I've committed sins but you died on the cross to forgive my sins you've just been waiting on me to ask you into my heart to be my lord to be my savior I don't want to go to hell you know I don't want anybody that I never to go to heaven Lord Jesus Christ today I accept you I believe in you and I confess you as my personal Savior I believe you now to give me eternal life and to let me know I'm on my way to heaven Lord Jesus from this minute I'm gonna live for you I'm gonna get a Bible and I'm gonna read it I'm gonna learn to pray I'm gonna come to church every time the doors are open you are my Savior that world didn't save me my job didn't save me literally didn't save me the grocery store didn't save me you saved me and I'm gonna get every person in my family into the kingdom of God so help me Jesus so help me Jesus I'm gonna live for you so big I'm gonna talk about you so much that they can help once you put that fire into today God put that fire in me today God put that passion in me today God revived me again revived me again revived me again in Jesus name Amen [Applause] shouting crazy [Music] [Applause] come on is she good [Music] [Applause] néstor chad has something for us here hey pastor I'm here with Jim okay let's find Jim there yet right here he was the first one to respond yeah he said I just can't take it anymore yes sir 25 years ago or more he was in world Harvest Bible College Jim will Hauer he said prides been in his way he's been back slidden went through drugs alcohol but today he's coming home this is his home [Applause] dancing [Music] [Applause] alright here's what we gonna do I'm a break with the protocol see cuz I want signs following I'm not sure how much we oughta have to follow up on people that became new creatures everybody's holding up signs take em to the prayer room take them to prayer room cuz we want to get your name and we want to pray for you know that stuff how about this how about God gave you new life today and how about that same Jesus is gonna be right back here next Sunday morning and how about you come back to thank him okay you're not clapping and shopping now did he change you did he change you to the Train did it change it did it change you get it change you then panic anything keep you out of here next shut who's gonna do something to bring somebody with you you [Applause]
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 24,350
Rating: 4.8119659 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Revival, Evangelism, Born-again, Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Prayer, Religion, Religious, Repentance, Freedom, Holiness, Santification
Id: 3V54Ktf49JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 33sec (3273 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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